• I Ertot- Att Hit By·Rent Strike

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• I Ertot- Att Hit By·Rent Strike University of Edinburgh, Old College South Bridge, Edinburgh EHB 9Yl· Tel: 031-6671011 ext430il 14 October-11 November LidyHoWaer . SCOTTiSH HILLS !"40ii-Sat 10 am-5 pm Admission Free Subsidised Scottish Arts Council . DAILY. - · Glasgo~ "~r~I~ Student;Newspaper thursday 9th. november 1989 25p· ~ . - - . RUGBY· JESUS & MARY Allod CHAIN not hell for leather page 11 .. • I ertot- att hit by·rent strike by Zoe Pagnamenta and able to afford to stay in halls in Steve Martin 1991 at the cost of £31 per week (this excludes meals). HERIOT-WAIT University He added that this was unlikely students are Gurrently staging to attract new students to a college which still does not guarantee a rent-strike in protest at accommodation to first years. plans for a mammoth Mr Reiiiy told Student that he is increase in hall charges over fearful that the increases could the ~ext three years. have a knock-on effect on the price of lodgings. "Coupling this The strike, called last week, fol­ with the impending abilition of lows a University Court decision housing benefit for students could that this year's 13% rent rise will cause the vast majority of students be supplanted by increases of to accept living out of the univer­ 15.5% and 27% in 1990 and 1991 sity," he said. respectively. However, as for those directly Whilst Heriot-Watt Univer­ affected, almost all residents at sity's. move is seen as part of a Lome House in Drumsheugh campaign to make its accommo­ Uardens are takmg part in the dation service break even, the rent strike. They have said that Students' Association have since their hall is scheduled for already collected a fighting "fair rent fund" of £167,000. closure next summer, they hope that a victory for the campaign The Association is outraged could lead to a reappraisal of the · that once the accommodation is situation. complete at the Riccarton Cam­ pus, which is just outside the main The rent rises at Heriot-Watt Protest at Heriot-Watt Union, Grindlay Street. P}toto: Tiddy Maitland-Titterton city, students staying there out of are, it is believed, to be used to term, eg duiing Freshers'. Wt!'ek, subsidise the building of a new Student Accommodation ~ervice declined to comment on the At a meeting ()f the H-W Stu­ will be charged "realistic rents" of luxury hall on the campus. Each (SAS) at Edinburgh, told Student strike, but it is certain that the uni­ dents' Association on Tuesday £20 per night. hall will have an ensuite bathroom and will aim to capture a share of that Edinburgh's policy remains versity has yet to decide what night the decision to continue with According to Paul Reilly, the lucrative conference market. to keep rents at affonfable levels measures to take. However, mea­ the strike was unanimous. The HWSA president, the freezing of Heriot-Watt's plans are not yet and to link price rises as near as sures at their disposal include mood was described by Welfare student grants will mean that shared by Edinburgh University. possible to inflation. eviction, explusion and denial of Rep Gary Young as "cautious but many undergraduates. will not be -Mr A. Stewart, the director ofthe -· At Heriot-Watt, a spokesman permission to graduate. confident". Plain sailing for ·silver medallists I ships held at Le Lavandou, just winners, from Sweden, received The 'Jennau Selection· yacnt weekend for University sport. EIGHT members of the Uni­ was provided by the hosts, the versity Sailing Club returned west of St Tropez. They fought off £25,000 worth of sponsorship , The Shinty Team gained its first money; the Edinburgh sailors · local 'Ecole Polytechnique', but · from the South of France this. the challanges of teams from four­ National League victory for more teen other universities and col­ p,f!id most of their expenses them­ whereas the Swedish had already than a year, the Men's Hockey weekend having set sporting leges, representing countries as selves. practised in the same type of yacht Club climbed off the bottom of standards that few other far afield as Australia and the • at other events, including Cowes their league, their female counter­ sports clubs are likeiy to emu­ USA andas.diverse as Japan and Elated captain John Mackenzie Week, on the Isle of Wight, the parts won the Scottish Univer­ late this year. Poland. had spoken before the event of Edinburgh teamn had no more sities Tournament and the 1st XV ".finishing in the top half as being than a day and a half of practice Rugby Team recovered from last The team, representing Scot- ~ . The achievement of the U niver" our main aim," particularly as the before the competition began. wednesday's humiliation agains1 land, won the silver medal in the sity team is further put into team had "never sailed this type of: The return of the sailing team Heriot-Watt to defeat Alloa. World Student Sailing Champion- perspective ·by the fact that the boat before." . was the highlight of an excellent student 2 thursday, november 9, 1989 news Apartheid speakers Pornographic education by Tristan Brittain for cars or alcohol. Hence, rather than basing the and absent at rally Lorraine Eccleston week's campaign purely on the ------------- contentious tenet that "Porn kills EDINBURGH Women women", although this is clearly a At the meeting in Edinburgh, purpose of her association was to by Julie Dalzell central fear: the organisers wish which was jointly organised by the protect African students from a Against Pornography t? Scottish Committee on anti-apar­ different kind of racism and apar­ (EWAP), in conjunction ale~t to the msult of, and subor~I­ A NATIONAL Union of theid, Mr MacKinnon said that theid in British society. She with Edinburgh University's nat~on caused by, pornography m. Students (NUS)-organised "supposedly liberalising mea­ appealed to the sixty-five, mainly , G .h h d society. • W ome~ s. roup, a~ a an. On Thursaay 9th at 7.30 pm in rally against apartheid turned sures" - such as the recent student audience,to be aware of the enormous need for a neutral enthusiastiC start to Its week 'the David Hume Tower, there sour last Thursday evening release of Waiter Sisulu · - of action which began on the ·will be a panel discussion on Por- demonstrated "not a change of education system in order to "em­ when two major speakers power the powerless." 6th of November. nography and Sexual Violence". failed to turn up. attitude but tactics" by the new South African president, FW de Afterwards, the floor was open The organisation hopes its cam- Entry will be free, but there will The rally, which was held at Klerk. for comments or questions. The paign, consisting of lectures, films be a £1 charge for the speech and Moray House College Union in He went on to accuse the media extent of Britain's investment - and talks, will put the issue of sex- slide show by the feminist writer Edinburgh, was to have been of making Nelson Mandela into "more than all other European ual violence to the forefront of Sheila Jeffreys on Friday lOth at 8 addressed by speakers from the the central issue behind apar­ countries put together" - was "serious discussion", and will gen- pm in the D HT. Arrican National Congress theid, thus earning de Klerk "a discussed, and an eloquent speech erate positive responses to the EWAP's campaign culminates (ANC), SWAPO and the clap on the back" when Mandela made by an African student on.the problem of the "terrorisation of· with a "Reclaim the Night March" Association of South African Stu­ is released. concept of violence. women." at 7.30pm on Saturday 11th, start~ dents. Concluding his speech at the The speaker indicated that it Two members of EW AP, Edin- ing at the top of the Middle Instead, a substitute speaker rally, the NUS speaker was criti­ was the false racial and tribal divi­ burgh University students Moia Meadow Walk in the Meadows and .representative of the NUS, cal of the lack of external cam­ sion of black African society, and Burns and Paula Glassman, spoke Men are excluded from all these John MacKinnon, apologised for paign in the colleges of Britain the detention/murder of hundreds to Student about the origins and events as there is a belief that the absence of the SWAPO and against "the one European gov­ of innocent children by the South aims of the week-long campaign. women could feel embarrassed, ANC speakers. He stated that the ernment propping up the apar­ African government, that fed this "It is aimed," Ms Glassman and reticent if forced to talk about meeting, in conjunction with a theid system." concept. said, "at raising the level of aware- sexual violence in the presence of. rally in Glasgow, had not been Ntombi Hodeba of the South Concluding, Rachel Wood, tre­ ness-especially amongst women men. falsely advertised. African Students' Association asurer of the EU Anti-Apartheid - about the problem of sexual However, the major reason for Mr MacKinnon declared that echoed MacKinnon when she Society, commented that despite violence and pornography." this strategy, Ms Glassman stres- he had only heard "recently" that quoted Archbishop Desmond the absence of the two main The group hopes to dispel the sed, was the wish to "organise and the SWAPO representative had Tutu's reference to the transitory speakers, it had been a "good idea that pornography is simply educate women" concerned about returned to Namihia to vote in the nature of the South African meeting", although she was sur­ the domain of the "dirty old pornography, and then from this forthcoming elections, whilst the regime: "only the initials of the prised at John MacKinnon's criti­ man", but also includes multi- position of strength and know­ absence of the ANC speaker was leaders have changed," she said.
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