H- /Mffish « Fc' - Sliiilbh " ¦ ¦ ' '" ¦ ; ' ¦"' "" ' ' Y ¦ X ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦¦ * " ' ' ' "' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦• - ¦ ¦ - ¦= -¦ »• -- ¦ ' '*' ¦ - ¦? ?• ' 7 F> 5 'I -;- •" • •

H- /Mffish « Fc' - Sliiilbh " ¦ ¦ ' '" ¦ ; ' ¦"' "" ' ' Y ¦ X ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦¦ * " ' ' ' "' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦• - ¦ ¦ - ¦= -¦ »• -- ¦ ' '*' ¦ - ¦? ?• ' 7 F> 5 'I -;- •" • •

' .^HE^' . ^ Tm ^ (11p %ar AND Gener al iSccotb of 25c4ti ^ ant i forei gn literatu re CONTAINI NG A COM PLETE ALPHABETIC AL LIST OP ALL NEW WORK S PUBLI SHED IN GRE AT BRIT AIN A17D EVERY WORK OF INTERE ST PUBLI SHED ABRO AD [Issued on the 1st and 15th. of each Month] Para 3d. September I , 1 882 |S; HI ££? OOZbTTZE IfcTX' S I __^. ^b-^^^^»^^^^_- .k^k ^^_ _— . _ - - — H LITERARY^M ^H^tM^^^^A ^^^k A ^^^b ^^MH>^ INTEL^k ^^ LIGENCE~^^^ , 782—796 PUBLISHERS' NOTICES OP BOOKS JUST ISSUED 790, 791 TRADEXnAUEi CHANGEUJtt Ai >«lSO S , • . 791tVL LAW INTELL IGEN CE 791 OBITUARY 791—793 BOOKS RECEIVED 793—796 INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAI N BETWEEN AUGUST 16 AND 31 797 BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN FROM AUGUS T 16 TO 31 798—800 AMERI CAN NEW BOOKS 800, 801 BOOKS NOW FIRST ADVERTISE D AS PUBLISHED 801, 804, 805, 814—828 NEW EDITI ONS AND BOOK S LATELY PUBLISHED 801- 823 BOOKS IN THE PRESS 801, 805, 8U9, 814—821 MIS CELLANE OUS 826—835 -^_ —..- v -_ ^ — -_ BUSmESSES— — FOR^^^^ ^^^ ' m ^^ SALE*^^^ ^"^™ ^^^'^^^^^w ^^^^^^ ^v V ^p V ^9 ^P ^P ^B V ^P ^^ ^V ^r ^V ^P ^P V V ^H ^V V V V ^V V ^r V ^P V ^v ^V ^P> V ^V V V ^P ^B V ^P S ^B ^P ^P ^P ^ ^r V V ^p ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ - 929^^ ,^ 830 ASSISTANTS WANTED 831 WANT SITUATI ONS 831 BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE 832—835 ^¦r I 35TX>E! 2C TO ADVERTISE RS Black (A. & C), Edinburgh) 808 Holden (A.) 830 Paul /C. K.), Trench , & Co 88fi Bone & Son 828 Holmes & Son 829 Religious Tract Society 811 I Bushes (A. M.) 829 Hurst & Blackett 8JI Ridgways 830 Cannon & Co 824 Johnson & Aubert 826 Simpkin , Marshal l, & Co 813 CatBell&CotatBell&Co 807807., 824 Juta ,. Heelifl.Heelifl, & Co 823 SpaldinSpaldlng g & ModgoHodge 827ox/ Cor nish (J. E.>, Manch ester 823 Lelghton , Son, & Hoclge 828 Stevena(W.) 828 Barton (James), Edinbur gh 813 I (T. Gates) & Co. 826 Longmans <fc Co 830 Thin Pennell (J. H.) 830 Low (S.) & Co 802, 810, 812-822 TrUbn er & Co 813 ^irmtnFtrm in.Didot .Didot ctat Cie.f!i«. 803Rfta MacmillanifapmiliAn &At Cono 805 Ward.Ward , LookLook., «& CoCo 80»»U» J owler (L. N.) 813 Murra y (J.) 806 Warren (J.), Royston 830 J rick (W.) 830 Newman (G.) 831 Westleys & CoCo 820 Glaisher (W.) 8^6 Newton & Son 813 Whittakor & 830 wywooa (J.) 824 Olyett - ouu wyman a* ouu» o^« The ' PUBLISHERS ' CIRCULAR ' f or OCTOBER 1 will conta in as FUL L and COMPL ETE LISTS of FORTHCOMING BOOKS as can be obta ined . Pu blishers will greatl y oblige and assis t us by sendin g in their A dvert isem ents and Lists of I An nounc em en ts as early as possi ble , so that they may be I duly mentioned in the Lit eraryj fttel ligence. H- /MffiSh « fc' - SliiilBH " ¦ ¦ ' '" ¦ ; ' ¦"' "" ' ' Y ¦ x ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦¦ * " ' ' ' "' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦• - ¦ ¦ - ¦= -¦ »• -- ¦ ' '*' ¦ - ¦? ?• ' 7 F> 5 'i -;- •" • • . v.. , ~ - • . ^ • - -. > ;.:> X- . ; • -. - ¦ . : ,-? .?.' .v . ^Mv !?S «9 " " ¦ ' ¦ ¦' "• • ' ¦ " •'•-~ • -•• . - . ' ' - ' " ' - • "» . ' - ." » , ' .- • ' " * " 'w'3»m| llx ^ " \ . r ^ * The Pu blishers* Circular H^82 • ¦ Sept , ¦ ¦ i I : _._ __ ______ - " . .. i^ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ^ » 1,0 — —" 1^b__p li 188 Fleet Street : September 1882 W TITHE issue by Messrs . Macm illan & Co. of the memoirs of Barrel Macmillan , by Mr. Thomas ; JL Hu ghes, Q. C., has not only given the reading public a volume of considerabl e inter est, but Vi llas afforded all who are connected with the wor ld of books a record which shows how success tin publishing may be deserved and attained. The friends of Mr. ' Macmilla n have been for- tunate in their selection . -of a biograph er. Mr. Hughes has also enjoyed the exceptional privilege of wr itin g the life of one whose career was eminentl y worth y d£a perman ent record. ^^< '^f^a»^Bva_p mm » ^p ^ ^p>^___p aj r ^mr r *r -^— p> »^- ^ mp*__p » » _ -— ^» ^- -—- ^— ^» ¦ ^^ ' ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^ — ^ — »—^ "— ^^ ^ w ^™ » — ^|aw aap> r& | II I Jk ' T^J ^ Jhe ^^ ___p ^^ _F " resultJm9 ^bbf V^F ^*»^^V » ish ^ ,m that we^ * have** before^^ us fc fc a thoro^ u» gw9w hly^mW * attractive book ,y pleasant ^ tb-^ rea^^ V^V^«V» d .A and [ what is bett er , telling of nobl e thoug hts and noble/deeds. It is a memoir which may be! look ed at from many points of view ; for , while it is the , chronicle of what may Emph atical ly be described as a good man 's life, it sets forth the intellectual pr ogress of one who was, in the b"hafihest seflftnspnse of thei/h fi wordwnrrL, a seekeaeftlrprr afte r truth , and it also illillustratesustrates the powerDower of steastead dyv perrwwa*v se- verance in the formation of a business which was literall y begun without cap ital, or per haps it would be more accurate to .say on a small borr owed capital , and . is, now tine q£ the leading houses in. London . * It is as Mr. Hughes justl y remarks in his prefac e pu blishing ^ , a rare ¦ ¦ ^_ — -^ ¦ — — — — - ^i— r — v V a i^b^M^M ** Vi^k ^^fc ~ — ^^^ v^^p h ^^^ ^^rf^b^B*^^ «^^k W *i^ ^ ¦ ^ ¦¦ ^.r ^^r ^^^^^ ^^ ^mm^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ V ™^^» ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^~ ^^ ^^ ^^^ | ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ T ^~^ ^ ^ ^~ ^"^ ^~^ — ^^ ^^*^—— ~— * —w — w v — ^ ^ ^— » ^^ ^ ^~ ^^ ~^^ w^v ^r ^b^^^ ^^r ^^ p thing for a young Scotchman , born in a peasan t h ome, with no^ schooling^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ but what he coul^^^ ^wl^fc d^b^L get in a small provincial town , before he was twelve , an d in spite of want of means and wretcwrfttnhftd oed healthh ealth , tato win his waywav to tnethe trontfront ranJiran k in a dimcultdifficult businessbusin ess , anaand to become,become, ataf. - an earl y age, the head of a well-known firm of publishers . But rare as such a career is, it would ii\j \j \. *x iiocii ucu j . J.\JM. <*ii o^cvj lc*x vuiuincinv -' i aitiu ii chiva m %> jihitv uiivivivi v/ v\j x^v^av xumu ci 1{JI not of itself call for anyj special commemorat ion ^, and we have therefore to look furth er for the justification of this book , and .we find it, in Mr. Hughes >s opinion , in ' the touch of the ^B» B/ wv ¦ ^^v ^^^— ^ ™ ¦ - ^^^^» ^^^^» ^^^ ^^ i —^ ^*— —*— ™ ^^ ^ i ¦ » i ^ — -^ ™ ¦ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ™ ^^ ^^ i ^^ ^^ ^ ^— »~^r — ^^^— ^^ ^^— ™ ^^ ^^^ v rare^^V ^B^^^^^^B ^. p^ q^^^^V ualit^B^^Bf ^**^B^ ^BBl ^b y^B which» ^B> ^^^ ^Bl^ ^B" ^^^ weW ^ ^U^' call^BB^ ^¦^^B'^"^" ^B* heroism^^^ ^ I^. ^BB" ^BB* ^^^ ^^. .^^^ ^^" ^^^ ^** ' to^B^ ^.^^ be" ^^^ ^^^ seen^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ in Mac millan' s life. To this assertion we^ ^.JB" are^^B V^Hb ^^p' quite prepared to assent , for there must be much of the true hero in one who, from boyhood , *^J B>^^F p» ¦ ^gp 1 ¦" ¦ -^^» ¦ v ^ ^^ —^^ '—^ ^— -^ ¦ — » ^ ^ — ™- ^ ¦ ^ ^^^ • — -*—' ^— '^ — -¦- ^pi^H "— ' - —— -¦ ^ p.^K — - ^— T isBBiB^ conscious^ ^"^ ^B*^^ W*& ^>B* *•* ' ^ that^B^ ^^ ^^ ^^^BT ^i^ he^^ ^BB i ^^ bearsr*^ ^b^B^ ^"^ W^^ about^r^W W^^ ^^ ^ ^B*^ » ^B" with^ ^ ^^ ^B^ ^^ ^^B him^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^— the"^ ^^ ^^ '^^ seeds^^ v of a disease which is growing with^r ^^ ^Bt BBh^Bi^BB^p !¦& BBh his ^_ i^ ^m a ^K ^ ^Bl ^ — A ^ ^BI A ^M 4Bl a ^Bh ^ ^Bl ^H growth , and must ultimatel y prevai l against him , and yet who is able to build up a great trading house with no other foundation than his own mental power and energy of charact er , W^^ ~ | |~ ^ . ~ ~ ¦ ¦ —m~^^ —w ^ -^^ — ¦ ~^^ —~ -^ -^^ — w -^"— »»¦ -^» -— ™ ^ —' ~ — -» —^^ -¦ — blessed^^ m ^BBF B^^ r^B' ^BB^ ^^^BJ b^^^ r yW a^V^W Providence^^^** ^BBi ^ ^ ^^^B* ^B|^ ^^ ^B^ ^V ^iB^ whose^ • ™" ^^ 11 .^B* ^B^B' hand^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ he^PB ^^ "^^^ never^ ^m ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^h fails^^ ^^ ^ ^-^^^— ^ to^^ ^*^ recogni^^— ^^.^ ^p^ ^p ^p ^ se ; but while this is true^^ v it^^ ^^ does^v^ ^^' ^BW^BF _ , not seem to us to be^m~ the^_ whole^» ^h truth^ . If¦^ ¦^P^ ^K we were to- subtractA > _ from^Bk the. ^B factors^Bfe a which^K tt ^Bk madea. up Macmillan ' s life and shaped his career the ever-present physical weakness in the strugg le A ^_ ~k > ». A ^h ^h A ^a .^ i^^ n* ^^ . ^ ^ ^a ^^ 4B ^k — A ^BB ak .^Bh > 4Bh > against which his heroism showed itself , there would still be left in his fine mental perceptio n r r v^H. 1 - ^^ - ^^ L ¦. BH ^ i K' »^^ —w -.^ ^^ ^T V^T^ p. ^pjp * " ^^ ^.^^ h ^h^^"^k ^k ^* ~^ V^tB* ^ ^#" ^» ^ P> ^"*»^P «B* ^Bl^^ ^~ ^ ^ p'^Br ^.V ^ pV ^ B' ^^ ^ H ^^ ^ ^w *^ ^ pjpK ^^^^ -^^ ¦ ^ ^ ^ ^^^" ^^ ' » BT ^B'^^^^ ^ » ^B ^ BJBK ^—^^^^^^ ^" ^^ ^ ^^^ ^"^ ^—^^ ¦¦ » ^^P ^ ^B" ^^ ^^P~ • '^^ ^^ f "^ "^^ '^ ^^ ^—— ^ ^ p ^^-— — ^ -^ ^w ^— -^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ him to master¦ ¦ every^^ technical detail of of the good and tru e his innate thoroug hness leading BB , BBk A , B0A BBB ^BK BK his^Bk ^h craft^h , and^H his^b ^ almost^H _ perfect^K — realisation^^ . ^ of^^ the^ ^Bl ideal^ ^K husban d, brother^Bl _ , and friend^BB ^ , eno, ugh to lift his life so far above the reg ion not only of the commonplace but of average elevation , , ^ ^B»-Wi .1 - *rr BV ¦ ¦ r .* ^» »~^ ^h hhh ^h ^^i B r ^^^ » ^«» ^pr ^h ¦* —— -w as to-^ make^m ^B> ^" 'mf ^^-*^ Ipr it^^ ^^ worthBf • ^T ^^ ^^ •* ^» yW of^^ ^^ descri** B. ^F ^ ^.^ ^^B l ^»^ ption.'¦*' ^» ^^ ^" ^^ ^ His^^^^^^^ hi^^ gh^^ qualities^ B. ^ ^ ^Bh tfBP ^^ ^» ^ . ^* ,^g weW V ^BT' doV« ^^ not^.^ deny,I ~ ^^ ^m ^^- V M wereV V -^^ ^^ made^^ ^^ v ^^^ ^^ v all^ ^- the— —' bri ghter , just as they w ere inevitabl y strengthened , by the constant presence of bodily suffering very thorn in the flesh—which seldom left him and which caused him to * live most —a bb pb ¦_ ¦ _ Ak , .bi bbj ^B . BA ^Ba m a ^m • constantl- ^ y an d^ conscio& usl^ y eye to.

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