OPEN MINDS 2 October 2004 Jocelyn Dodd Eilean Hooper-Greenhill Ceri Jones Helen O’Riain Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) Department of Museums Studies University of Leicester 105 Princess Road East Leicester LE1 7LG 0116 252 3995
[email protected] OPEN MINDS 3 Contents Summary 4 Introduction 11 Section 1 Context 12 Section 2 Approach to the evaluation 18 Section 3 Description of Open minds 24 Section 4 Open minds- evidence from teachers and students 28 Section 5 What did the students learn? The workshops in 2003 58 Section 6 Open minds- extending the audience 77 Section 7 Discussion of findings from Open minds in relation to a national evaluation Renaissance in the Regions 93 Section 8 Conclusion and recommendations 99 Appendices Appendix 1 Background to education at Harewood House 106 Appendix 2 List of documents used in the evaluation 108 Appendix 3 Other references 112 Appendix 4 Harewood House Freelance team 113 Appendix 5 Schools attending Open minds workshops & visits 2001-2003 115 OPEN MINDS 4 Summary Open minds education programme 2000-2003 Open minds at Harewood House Trust, a Heritage Lottery funded Education Programme, ran from 2000-2003. The aims were to develop Harewood as a rich learning resource – a place for inspiration and creativity - to change the public perception of Harewood as a place of infinite educational possibility and to develop Harewood as a vital educational resource for the region. The Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) was approached in November 2002 to evaluate this three-year programme. The evaluation of the Open minds programme is a requirement of the Heritage Lottery Fund and is critical to inform future education and learning developments at Harewood House Trust.