
Issues in Physics & Board on Physics and Astronomy · The National Academies · Washington, D.C. · 202-334-3520 · national-academies.org/bpa · Winter 2009 Decadal Survey of Astronomy and Astrophysics Begins Michael McElwain, NRC Mirzayan Fellow & Michael H. Moloney, Astro2010 Study Director

he NRC’s Astronomy and Astro tronomy and Astrophysics decadal re- energy astrophysics and cosmology and physics decadal survey— views have played a vital role in the he brings to the survey an extensive TAstro2010—is moving ahead selection of major astronomical activities knowledge about both ground- and space- under the umbrella of the BPA and our and subsequent scientific discoveries. based astronomy. Dr. Blandford is a sister board the Space Studies Board Some decadal survey prioritization high- member of the National Academy of (SSB). NASA, NSF, and DOE are the lights include the development of adaptive Sciences, a fellow of the Royal Society, a sponsors of the survey that has been optics systems, the Very Long Baseline fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, asked to evaluate the field of space- Array, the Hubble Space Telescope, the and a member of the American Academy and ground-based astronomy and James Webb Space Telescope, and the of Arts and Sciences. He was chair of the astrophysics, recommending priorities Spitzer Space Telescope. panel on High-Energy Astrophysics from for the most important scientific and In early September 2008, NAS Presi- Space during the Astronomy and Astro- technical activities of the decade 2010- dent and NRC Chair Dr. Ralph Cicerone physics in the New Millennium survey. He 2020. The principal goals of the study appointed Dr. to chair the is also a former co-chair of the NRC’s will be to carry out an assessment of survey. Dr. Blandford is the Luke C. Committee on Astronomy and Astrophys- activities in astronomy and astrophys- Blossom Professor of Physics and Pehong ics (CAA) and has served two terms on ics, including both new and previously and Adele Chen Director of the Institute the SSB. identified concepts, and to prepare a for Astrophysics and Cosmology at Between September and November concise report that will be addressed to . He is a distinguished 2008, Dr. Blandford worked with the NRC the agencies supporting the field, the theorist with broad expertise in high- See “Astro2010 Begins” on page 8 Congressional committees with jurisdic- tion over those agencies, the scientific community, and the public. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences Committee Over the past 40 years, the As- Reestablished After AMO Decadal Survey Stephen Pratt, Chair, Committee on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical In this issue: Physics he Committee on Atomic, Mo- means for dialog with federal agencies on lecular, and Optical Sciences • Astro2010 Begins. Page 1 AMO science and related fields, to exam- T(CAMOS) is a standing activity of ine emerging topics in AMO science, and • CAMOS Returns. Page 1 the BPA. Committee membership repre- to explore multidisciplinary connections sents the breadth of the atomic, molecular, with other fields of science and technol- • BPA Fall Meeting. Page 2 and optical (AMO) sciences, forming a ogy. We will also provide a venue for • Astro2010 Panels. Page 4 multidisciplinary group of experts from discussion among AMO scientists across universities, government laboratories, and this diverse field. • Astro2010 Survey industry. After a period of dormancy CAMOS will have its first meeting this Committee Meets. Page 5 during the writing of Controlling the Spring, and will also hold a town hall • Committee on Radio Quantum World: The Science of Atoms, meeting at the annual meeting of the Frequencies Meeting. P.6 Molecules, and Photons, the AMO vol- American Physical Society Division of ume of the Physics 2010 Decadal Survey, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences, • Solid State Sciences CAMOS has been reestablished, and I which will be held in Charlottesville, Committee Meeting. Page 6 have the pleasure of accepting appoint- Virginia in late May. We look forward to ment as its chair. receiving input from the AMO community • Astro2010 Input. Page 7 With my colleagues drawn from across on our future plans. • Free-electron Laser the AMO community, CAMOS plans to Our current outlook is now focused on Assessment Study. Page 10 provide active stewardship of the agenda the science opportunities identified in the laid out in the Controlling the Quantum report Controlling the Quantum World: World report. Our goals are to provide a See “CAMOS” on page 9 2 BPA News · Winter 2009

Highlights of the Fall Meeting of the Board on Board on Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy Marc A. Kastner, Chair James C. Lancaster, Robert L. Riemer, & David B. Lang, BPA Staff Massachusetts Institute of Technology Adam S. Burrows, Vice Chair he Board on Physics and As- The third status report discussed with Princeton University tronomy held its annual Fall meet the Board was the materials synthesis Joanna Aizenberg ing on November 1-2, 2008 at the study, presented by Paul Peercy. The Harvard University T James E. Brau Beckman Center of the National Acad- committee conducting that study exam- University of Oregon emies in Irvine, California. After warmly ined the state of research in the United Philip H. Bucksbaum greeting all in attendance, vice-chair States whose primary focus is discovering Stanford University Adam Burrows, Princeton University, novel materials and growing single crys- Patrick L. Colestock welcomed new members and briefly out- tals of known materials. The principal Los Alamos National Laboratory lined the meeting’s agenda; chair Marc charge of the study is to develop recom- Ronald C. Davidson Kastner, MIT, was unable to attend the mendations on how the United States Princeton University meeting because of illness. should respond to a significant drop-off in Andrea M. Ghez The Board first heard status reports on industry-funded basic research and to University of California at Los Angeles several BPA-sponsored studies that increases in international support for Peter F. Green either have been completed or are nearing these areas. The report has been com- University of Michigan completion. Bill Colson discussed the pleted and is in review, with an expected Laura H. Greene results of a recent study assessing the dissemination time in spring 2009. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign feasibility of free-electron laser technol- The Board then heard from a number Martha P. Haynes Cornell University ogy for naval applications. The study’s of speakers on studies conducted by the Joseph Hezir purpose was to evaluate what scientific National Research Council (NRC) and EOP Group, Inc. limitations exist that might prohibit devel- elsewhere that pertain to energy, and Mark Ketchen oping a free-electron laser system for specifically to the role that science can IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center deployment at sea. The committee found and should play in addressing the Allan H. MacDonald that while there are significant technologi- nation’s energy needs. Lawrence Papay University of Texas at Austin cal and scientific advances that must take spoke first and discussed the NRC’s Pierre Meystre place before such a system can be built, Energy Futures Initiative (AEFI) and the University of Arizona there did not appear to be insurmountable findings of the panel on which he served, Homer A. Neal scientific barriers to the development of the Renewable Electrical Power Panel. University of Michigan such a system. The concept of the AEFI arose in early Jose N. Onuchic University of California at San Diego Ron Davidson, Princeton Plasma 2007 in the National Academies Committee Lisa J. Randall Physics Laboratory and BPA member, on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy Harvard University next gave a summary of the outcome of (COSEPUP) and the NAE Program Com- Charles V. Shank the NRC Review of the Plan for U.S. mittee. AEFI was also inspired by the Janelia Farm, HHMI Fusion Community Participation in the NRC report Rising Above the Gathering Michael S. Turner ITER Project, which was completed in July Storm and the Energy Independence Act University of Chicago 2008. The committee that conducted the of 2007. The volatility of the oil market, the Michael C.F. Wiescher review, chaired by Patrick Colestock, Los public acceptance of the reality of global University of Notre Dame Alamos National Laboratory, concluded warming, and national energy security in its report that U.S. participation in needs provided further motivations for the BPA Staff planning for ITER had been strong rela- AEFI and related projects. AEFI is being Donald C. Shapero, Director Michael H. Moloney, Associate Director tive to its level of contribution to the conducted in two phases: Foundations Robert L. Riemer, Sr. Program Officer project of about 9%. It also found that and Policy. The study is now in phase 1 James C. Lancaster, Program Officer the U.S. fusion program was threatened with the goal of setting up a consistent David B. Lang, Program Officer Caryn J. Knutsen, Program Associate by the unstable commitment to the project set of assumptions and understandings LaVita Coates-Fogle, Sr. Program Assistant embodied in the decision to not fund the upon which policy and other long-term Beth Dolan, Financial Associate first installment of U.S. support to ITER in planned can be based. Under the auspices § FY2008. The committee’s report also of the AEFI, a summit on America’s The Board on Physics and Astronomy is a continuing interdisciplinary body with expertise spanning the various subfields of physics, recommended several goals and metrics to Energy Future was held March 13-14, astronomy, and astrophysics. It serves as a focal point in the National Research Council for issues connected with these fields. The activities be considered in the future development 2008. The plan for the AEFI is to complete of the Board are supported by funds from the National Science of the plan for U.S. participation in ITER. Foundation, the Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and See “BPA Meeting” on page 3 Space Administration, and private and other sources. BPA News · Winter 2009 3

BPA Meeting Division Director, delivered a presentation tronomy and Astrophysics 2010 Decadal on the status of the Joint Dark Energy Survey (Astro2010). He discussed the (continued from page 2) Mission (JDEM), a proposed joint NASA- general structure that the study will take DOE satellite. As part of NASA’s Beyond and the timelines by which it will take the foundational part of its efforts in early Einstein Program, JDEM would investigate place. More information on Astro2010 2009 for use in the transition to a new the nature of dark energy by studying may be found elsewhere in this issue. administration [Ed. note: AEFI is yet to be how the expansion rate of the universe On the second day of the meeting, the released as of this writing]. In addition to changes over time by measuring Type Ia Board heard from BPA staff on the status the incoming Obama administration, there supernovae. NASA stated that a Commu- of projects in progress and possible new is interest in Congress, especially the nity Announcement of Future Solicitation BPA studies. Jim Lancaster began by Senate, and in industry. would be released soon that would an- discussing the Helium Reserve Study, a Graham Fleming then discussed five nounce the future issue of a Announce- study commissioned by the Bureau of grand challenges to energy sciences ment of Opportunity for proposals from Land Management to assess whether developed by DOE’s Basic Energy Sci- PI-led science investigations using the selling down the Federal Helium Reserve ences Advisory Committee (BESAC), as JDEM observatory. NASA also indicated in compliance with federal law is having set forth in the report, Directing Energy that the agency and DOE would soon sign adverse effects on critical users of helium, and Matter: Five Challenges for Science a Memorandum of Understanding for the including U.S. science communities. The and the Imagination. (A summary can be JDEM mission. Collaboration with Europe committee has been formed and contains found in Physics Today, July 2008.) Ac- is now under discussion. economists and natural resource experts, cording to Professor Graham, an integral Adam Burrows began a discussion of as well as scientists. Three meetings have part of these challenges is that we are benchmarking in physics, and explained taken place and the committee hopes to going from observation to control of that the Physics Survey Overview vol- have its report available for dissemination nature, and that manipulation of quantum umes have not conducted benchmarking by the summer of 2009. states will become increasingly important in the past. There was some talk about Jim Lancaster also briefed the commit- in energy sciences. possible metrics, and general agreement tee on the status of a proposal on Under- Burton Richter then discussed the that portraying physics as a unified field graduate Physics Education (Physics American Physical Society’s Energy with influence on other fields could be Education 2010). The study is intended to Future Report. The APS began the study helpful if done properly. survey the status of research on physics in summer 2007, in order to have it ready Marshall Cohen, Caltech, and Co-Chair education and then to develop recommen- for the next administration’s transition of the NRC’s Spectrum Survey Committee, dations on how to more broadly dissemi- team. The report assessed energy uses in spoke about his committee’s progress. nate best practices for teaching physics at the United States, focusing on opportuni- The Spectrum Survey Committee met four the undergraduate level. In preliminary ties for improving efficiency and increas- times, most recently in March 2008, and discussions, funding agencies have ing conservation. Among their conclu- put the finishing touches on its report at expressed general enthusiasm for the sions is that research in the social sci- that time before submitting it into the NRC study, particularly those portions that ences can be important in energy effi- review process. The report will discuss focus on how to improve the teaching of ciency studies and should be included in the importance of protecting the radio, physics. The proposal will be reworked in any energy research and development millimeter, and microwave spectrum for light of comments received. portfolio. They also concluded that long- scientific studies by the radio astronomy Adam Burrows then discussed a pos- term applied research is an often neglected and Earth remote sensing communities. sible Physics Overview Survey, with the area in technology and science program- As wireless technologies continue to goal of assessing the relative position of the ming, and needs to be better managed and proliferate, a forward-looking strategy to United States in particular fields and then funded. safeguard access by these sciences to extrapolating those findings into the future. BPA member Peter Green led discus- quiet regions of the spectrum is essential. The BPA decided to continue discussion of sion on a proposed study developed by Peter Wolynes presented a progress this topic at its next meeting in Spring 2009. the BPA’s Solid State Sciences Committee. report on the study, “Research at the Finally, Michael Wiescher led a brief The focus of this study is the long-term Interface of the Life and Physical Sci- discussion on the last of the subdisciplinary basic and applied research needs of the ences.” The study looks at the issues decadal studies to be initiated for the 2010 energy sector. The central challenges are facing those working at that interface and cycle – Nuclear Physics 2010. Dr. Wiescher seen in the areas of energy conversion Professor Wolynes went over, in closed highlighted some of the many, outstanding processes, energy storage capability and session, the preliminary recommendations issues that will be covered by the study, efficiency, and a principal goal of the developed by the committee to address including the need for international collabo- study is how to best develop a those issues. ration in developing future projects. The multidisciplinary approach to tackling To conclude the day’s discussions, proposal was submitted to NSF and DOE in these problems. Roger Blandford, Stanford University, Jon Morse, NASA Astrophysics addressed the BPA as Chair of the As- See “BPA Meeting” on page 8 4 BPA News · Winter 2009

Astro2010 Panels Begin Work Science Frontier Panels Planetary Systems and Star Formation Michael McElwain, NRC Mirzayan Fellow & Michael H. Moloney (PSF). PSF will consider science opportunities he committee carrying out the conclusions, each panel will draw on several and themes surrounding planetary systems and Astro2010 decadal survey is being sources of information: (1) the science star formation, including solar system bodies (other than the Sun) and extrasolar planets, assisted in its task by five Science forefronts identified by the SFPs, (2) input T debris disks, exobiology, the formation of Frontiers Panels (SFPs) and four Program from the proponents of research activities, individual stars, protostellar and protoplanet- Prioritization Panels (PPPs). Appointed as and (3) independent cost and technical ary disks, molecular clouds and the cold ISM, independent NRC committees, each panel readiness assessments. The panels’ recom- dust, and astrochemistry. has a specific science or programmatic mendations will be integrated into a program Stars and Stellar Evolution (SSE). SSE charge, all in the context of the overarching for all of astronomy and astrophysics by the will consider stars and stellar evolution, includ- charge to the decadal survey. survey committee. ing the Sun as a star, stellar astrophysics, the Each SFP will prepare a report that will The PPPs are also receiving input in the structure and evolution of single and multiple identify the scientific drivers of the field and form of a series of calls for information and stars, compact objects, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, solar neutrinos, and extreme physics on the most promising opportunities for white papers from the community, such as stellar scales. progress in research in the next decade, papers on technology development, theory, The Galactic Neighborhood (GAN). taking into consideration those areas where computation, and laboratory astrophysics. GAN will consider the galactic neighborhood, the technical means and the theoretical The panels are expected to be ap- including the structure and properties of the foundations are in place for major steps pointed in April 2009 and meet for the first Milky Way and nearby galaxies, and their forward. The panels will clearly identify the time in May 2009. They will also hold four stellar populations and evolution, as well as advances in observation and theory neces- parallel meetings on the margins of the interstellar media and star clusters. sary to realize the scientific opportunities AAS meeting in Pasadena in June 2009 Galaxies across Cosmic Time (GCT). they report. The Subcommittee on Science where proponents of activities will be GCT will consider galaxies across cosmic time, including the formation, evolution, and global received formal community input in the form invited to present their plans to the rel- properties of galaxies and galaxy clusters, as of over 320 science white papers that were evant panel. The PPPs will provide the well as active galactic nuclei and QSOs, targeted to one or more of the SFPs (see the survey committee with an interim internal mergers, star formation rate, gas accretion, and article “Astro2010 Begins Receiving Commu- and confidential summary preliminary supermassive black holes. nity Input” on p.7 in this issue). Each panel report of its recommended program and Cosmology and Fundamental Physics will draw from these white papers and their rankings by the fall of 2009 and complete (CFP). CFP will consider cosmology and own expertise to identify up to four central its panel report thereafter. Each PPP report fundamental physics, including the early questions that are ripe for answering and will be published in a panel reports vol- universe, the microwave background, the one general area where there is unusual ume in mid 2010. A short description of reionization and galaxy formation up to virialization of protogalaxies, large scale struc- discovery potential. The questions and area the PPP categories and focus are listed in ture, the intergalactic medium, the determinat- together define the scientific forefronts of the box. ion of cosmological parameters, dark matter, the next decade in the SFP's sub-field of In addition to the work of the panels, dark energy, tests of gravity, astronomically astronomy and astrophysics. the survey committee has assembled six determined physical constants, and high energy The SFPs were appointed in February Infrastructure Study Groups (ISGs) to physics using astronomical messengers. 2009 and started to meet later that month. A assist the Subcommittee on State of the major input to the panels’ work has been the Profession by gathering current informa- Program Prioritization Panels Radio, Millimeter and Submillimeter community’s response to the call for Science tion on infrastructure, broadly defined. from the Ground (RMS). Observatories and White Papers. An initial internal report on The ISGs are comprised of community telescopes that primarily observe in these the science forefronts is due in spring 2009 consultants and they have been charged wavebands. to the survey committee and the program to gather information and data on ques- Optical and Infrared Astronomy from prioritization panels just as the second phase tions posed by the survey’s Subcommit- the Ground (OIR). Observatories and tele- of the survey is getting underway. Each SFP tee on the State of the Profession on the scopes that primarily observe in these report will publish its own panel report issues of Computation, Simulation, and wavebands. volume in mid-2010. Short descriptions of Data Handling; Demographics; Facilities, Electromagnetic Observations from the SFPs are in the box. Funding and Programs; International and Space (EOS). This will include all space-based astronomical projects observing the electromag- The second phase of the survey will Private Partnership; Education and Public netic spectrum. focus on the prioritization process. Four Outreach; and Astronomy and Public Particle Astrophysics and Gravitation Program Prioritization Panels (PPPs) will Policy. The study groups will aggregate (PAG). This will include all projects exploring identify and recommend a prioritized pro- the data and information and describe areas at the interface of physics and astronomy gram of federal investment in research recent trends and the past quantifiable such as gravitational radiation, TeV gamma-ray activities in their respective area of as- impacts on research programs in as- astronomy, and free-flying space missions tronomy and astrophysics. In formulating its tronomy and astrophysics. „ testing fundamental gravitational physics. BPA News · Winter 2009 5 Astro2010 Survey Committee Meets Michael McElwain, NRC Mirzayan Fellow & Michael H. Moloney, Astro2010 Study Director

he Committee on Astro2010, known mandated Astronomy and Astrophysics Astro2010 Survey as the survey committee, met for the Advisory Committee (AAAC), NASA Committee Membership first time on December 5th and 6th in Advisory Council (NAC) Science Commit- T Roger Blandford, Chair Washington D.C at the National Academies tee, NAC’s Astrophysics Subcommittee, Stanford University Keck Center. In addition to deciding on the DOE and NSF’s High Energy Physics Lynne Hillenbrand, Executive Officer overarching structure and timeline for the Advisory Panel (HEPAP), and NSF’s Math- California Institute of Technology study, the committee also met with the ematics and Physical Sciences Advisory sponsoring agencies for the study: National Committee. These committees were repre- Subcommittee on Science Aeronautics and Space Administration, sented by Dr. Rocky Kolb, Dr. Jack Burns, Martha P. Haynes, Vice Chair National Science Foundation, and Depart- Dr. Craig Hogan, Dr. Patricia Burchat, and Cornell University ment of Energy (DOE). This is DOE’s first Dr. Joel Tohline, respectively. Lars Bildsten time as a sponsor of the survey. The panel session started with each University of California, Santa Barbara The agencies outlined each of their representative reporting on the role of their John E. Carlstrom programs in astronomy and astrophysics advisory committee and their recent activity The University of Chicago and discussed their expectations for the where relevant to the survey. Each advisory Fiona A. Harrison Astro2010 survey. It was clear from the committee emphasized the eminent impor- California Institute of Technology presentations that there remained a consid- tance of previous decadal surveys to their Timothy M. Heckman erable uncertainty in what the budget trends operations over the course of a decade. The Johns Hopkins University for the coming decade might look like. The panelists presented contemporary issues to Jonathan I. Lunine agencies also stressed the importance of the be considered by the Astro2010 survey University of Arizona survey in their decision making process and committee, such as the creation of new Juri Toomre of the independent cost and risk analysis programs, the impact of short- and long-term University of Colorado at Boulder the survey has been asked to conduct. The budget variability, unexpected cost growth Scott D. Tremaine committee and agency representatives in programs, technology development Institute for Advanced Study discussed the scientific and programmatic strategies, international partnerships, and Subcommittee on State of the Profession scope of the survey—discussions which underrepresented groups in astronomy. John P. Huchra, Vice Chair informed the later decisions of the survey on The panelists also called special attention to Harvard-University the structure and focus of the panels estab- relevant studies and reports that were Debra M. Elmegreen lished to assist the committee in conducting conducted under their auspices. A question Vassar College the survey. and answer session ensued afterwards, Joshua Frieman The Astro2010 survey committee held which clarified points and the road ahead. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory its second meeting on January 9th and 10th The beneficial nature of future interactions Robert C. Kennicutt, Jr. at the National Academies Beckman Center between the advisory and the Astro2010 University of Cambridge in Irvine, CA. The committee invited repre- survey committee were clear, and the advi- Dan McCammon sentatives from the sponsoring agencies’ sory committee representatives were en- University of Wisconsin-Madison advisory committees to an open session couraged to maintain contact throughout Neil de Grasse Tyson panel discussion. The participating advisory the decadal survey process. American Museum of Natural History committees were the Congressionally Since these early meetings the survey Subcommittee on Programs committee has been meeting by telephone Future Meetings of Astro2010 Marcia J. Rieke, Vice Chair on a biweekly schedule, with the subcom- University of Arizona mittees meeting more frequently by tele- • May 4/5, 2009. Astro2010 town meeting and Steven J. Battel invited sessions at APS Meeting (Denver, CO) phone in the interim. The science frontiers Battel Engineering • May 11, 2009. Closed summit meeting of panels have also begun to meet to begin the Claire E. Max Survey Committee, SFP chairs, ISG chairs, and process of identifying the scientific fore- University of California, Santa Cruz all PPP members (Irvine, CA) fronts of astronomy and astrophysics in the Steven M. Ritz • May 12/13, 2009. First meeting of the 4 PPPs next decade. In May the survey committee NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Irvine, CA) will meet, along with the program Michael S. Turner • May/Jun/Jul, 2009. Final SFP meetings prioritization panels (PPP), to hear an interim The University of Chicago • June 8-11, 2009. Second PPP meetings reporting of those forefronts. The PPPs will (Pasadena, CA) Paul Adrian Vanden Bout then start the prioritization phase of the • Jul/Aug/Sep, 2009 [TBC]. Final PPP meetings National Radio Astronomy Observatory • Sept-Dec, 2009 [TBC]. Fourth and Fifth survey in earnest. The remaining schedule A. Thomas Young

Survey Committee meetings for 2009 is given below. „ Lockheed Martin Corporation [Retired] 6 BPA News · Winter 2009

Alan Rogers, a CORF member and Committee on Radio Frequencies Meets senior research scientist at MIT’s Hay- David B. Lang, BPA Staff stack Observatory, delivered a presenta- tion on instruments for studying the he Committee on Radio Frequen- cussed directions in communications Epoch of Reionization (EOR), the period of cies held its Fall 2008 meeting at research at high frequencies. His time in the early universe during which Tthe Beckman Center of the Na- laboratory’s focus has been to target matter was slowly reionized. Most instru- tional Academies on November 19, 2008. highly-integrated transceivers with a ments being built are looking for spatial The meeting was opened with a welcome minimal number of external components structure of the redshifted 21 cm emission/ to the members and guests present by and to attain higher frequency, wider absorption hydrogen line at z~8.5. Dr. CORF Chair, Jeff Piepmeier, NASA- bandwidth, and lower power consumption. Rogers noted that the powerful Orbcomm Goddard Space Flight Center. Interest in millimeter waves has grown in satellite downlink signal at 137-138 MHz is Werner Wiesbeck from Universität the communications community: 57-64 near the redshifted 21cm H-line. He then Karlsruhe delivered a presentation on the GHz offers the possibility of high data rate spoke about four current EOR experi- application of ultrawide-band technology communications, 60-77 GHz could be ments: the Murchison Widefield Array, to automotive anticollision radars. Dr. useful for vehicular radars, of frequencies the Precision Array to Probe Epoch of Weisbeck commented that radar signals greater than 100 GHz enable advanced Reionization, the Cosmological Re-Ioniza- only include information on time, fre- imaging for security purposes. Dr. Razavi tion Experiment, and the Experiment to quency, and phase. To use radar for also discussed “cognitive radio,” a tech- Detect Global EOR Step. The committee communication between numerous ve- nology in development used to detect and considered hearing more about these hicle-mounted devices in traffic, the then use unoccupied bands. For a device experiments and the science of the EOR at signals need to be enhanced with coding. to be able to sense unused spectrum, a its next meeting in Spring 2009. Dr. Wiesbeck noted that the concept has signal-to-noise ratio of about -20dB must CORF also discussed the potential been proven and showed a simulation of be achieved. Since the passive radio impact of future dynamic spectrum multiple vehicle-mounted devices suc- sciences use low-noise spectrum, there is usage, and how the passive science cessfully communicating their positions concern among these communities that service should prepare to respond. The and velocities to one another with ad- future cognitive radios would transmit in committee also reviewed slides devel- equate precision and resolution. He their bands. Many issues still need to be oped by CORF chair Jeffrey Piepmeier to concluded by stating that the devices can resolved for these technologies to become be used during an upcoming presenta- use the available spectrum simultaneously widespread, and the committee found it tion at the Federal Communications for both radar and communication, so important to make sure its concerns are Commission. Finally, the committee additional spectrum would not be needed. known and understood to the cognitive discussed numerous possibilities for Behzad Razavi from UCLA next dis- radio research community. future outreach activities. „ Highlights of the Fall Meeting of the Solid State Sciences Committee James C. Lancaster, BPA Staff he Solid State Sciences Committee current state of molecular dynamics and future education needs in materials held its Fall meeting at the Beckman simulation, and some of the needs of that science and materials engineering. TCenter of the National Academies community in further developing simula- Finally, Paul Peercy, chair of the SSSC- in Irvine, California on October 23-24, tion models. initiated study on New Materials Syn- 2008. The committee heard from several The committee also heard from two thesis and Crystal Growth, reported in speakers on current topics of interest to of its own members, Chair Barbara closed session about the preliminary communities within the solid state sci- Jones, of IBM Almaden Research Cen- findings, conclusions and recommenda- ences. Paul Canfield, Senior Physicist at ter, and Art Ramirez, from LGS, a subsid- tions that will appear in their soon-to-be Ames Laboratory and Professor at Iowa iary of Alcatel-Lucent. They provided released report. State University, spoke of recent develop- industry-perspectives on what advances On the meeting’s second day, the ments involving iron-arsenic-based super- are needed in basic scientific under- committee spent time discussing future conductors. These are newly-discovered standing to meet next-generational plans, including developing ideas for materials that expand superconductivity challenges in the computational world. possible studies. These include evaluat- beyond oxides and offer opportunities for Ian Robertson from the University of ing what new materials and phenomena significant advancements in understand- Illinois followed that discussion by will be needed to extend information ing the fundamental nature of supercon- reporting the results from a recent technology to the next levels, and what ductivity. Mark Stevens, from Sandia National Science Foundation-sponsored are the computational and modeling needs National Laboratories, discussed the conference on public outreach efforts of solid state science communities. „ BPA News · Winter 2009 7 Astro2010 Begins Receiving Community Input Michael McElwain, NRC Mirzayan Fellow & Michael H. Moloney, Astro2010 Study Director

s explained in “Decadal Survey of (RFI) on Activities, with response due by decade 2010-2020. Over 320 papers were Astronomy & Astrophysics April 1, 2009. Activities (missions, tele- received across all the science areas of the ABegins” in this issue, the Commit- scopes, laboratories, specific technology survey’s purview. The science frontiers tee on Astro2010 has been tasked to development programs, etc.) were asked panels are now using these papers as part “survey the field of space- and ground- to submit the following information to the of their consideration of where the science based astronomy and astrophysics, committee for its consideration: key forefronts will lie in the next decade. The recommending priorities for the most science goals, a technical overview, papers are available online at http:// important scientific and technical activi- technology drivers, activity organization, www8.nationalacademies.org/astro2010/ ties of the decade 2010-2020.” These partnerships, current status, activity publicview.aspx. activities are extremely broad in scope, schedule, and cost estimates. The re- In addition, the survey committee has from gravitational wave detectors to sponses to this RFI will be used by the invited the broad community to submit ground- and space-based instrumentation PPPs to make a preliminary evaluation of white papers in the areas of technology that will observe astrophysical processes the maturity and scale of each proposed development, theory, laboratory astro- covering the entire electromagnetic spec- activity, which will help guide the selec- physics, and computation. The technol- trum and non-photonic astrophysics. As tion of activities invited to present to the ogy development white papers should part of the process of completing their PPP at their meetings in June 2009. Activ- describe how developing a specific tech- tasks, the survey committee, panels, and ity teams selected to participate in the nology in the upcoming decade will infrastructure study groups have solicited committee's independent cost estimation enable advances in astronomy in the various inputs from the broad astronomy process will be asked to submit a re- future. If the idea involves proposing a and astrophysics research community. sponse to a second, more technically large, focused initiative or center, then In order to gauge the scope of the detailed RFI later in the process (Summer this is the sort of proposed activity the prioritization task and, thereby, assist the 2009). Activity teams not selected to survey committee expects to respond to survey committee in its planning, the participate in the June meeting or the cost the Program Subcommittee’s current Astro2010 survey committee solicited estimation process will continue to be Request for Information (see below). preliminary Notices of Interest (NOIs) considered throughout the entire survey These white papers will help the survey from the proponents of any activity that process on the basis of this first submis- committee and the survey’s panels under- might be presented to the Astro2010 sion. A major feature of these second stand and communicate the appropriate survey. Activities include both projects round submissions will be the assessment balance between focused initiatives and such as NASA missions and ground- of the costs of construction and full general technology development. White based telescopes, but also initiatives such operations, including the support of the papers will be of most use to the survey if as development of a major astrophysics science, and the identification of risk. The they identify specific critical observations laboratory. Leaders of teams that are panels and committee will be assisted by and opportunities to be addressed by the planning on advocating for an activity in independent contractors and consultants suggested technology development. A the decadal survey's prioritization process in this assessment process. discussion of current state of the art and were asked to submit a notice of interest Input was also requested on the how new technology will improve the field on or before January 14th, 2009. Over 170 science track of the survey. The will be helpful as well as an indication of NOIs were submitted. These were sorted Astro2010 Science Frontier Panels (SFPs) the level of effort required and the time by Program Prioritization Panel (PPP) and invited interested parties from the broad scale for the realization of the new tech- included 21 to the panel on Radio, Milli- community to submit white papers focus- nology. An indication of intermediate meter and Submillimeter from the Ground ing on how our understanding of the outputs or milestones along the way to (RMS), 23 to the panel on Optical and scientific frontiers in astronomy may be achieving the final technology goals Infrared Astronomy from the Ground advanced in the future. White papers were should be included if relevant. (OIR), 97 to the panel Electromagnetic submitted to one or more of the five In the areas of theory, computation, Observations from Space (EOS), and 20 to thematic SFPs and the call suggested the and laboratory astrophysics, white papers the panel on Particle Astrophysics and papers should specifically and succinctly will identify areas or research problems in Gravitation (PAG). The full NOI informa- address the panels’ charges to identify these areas that would benefit from tar- tion can be viewed on the Astro2010 at new science opportunities and compelling geted investments, including investments http://www7.nationalacademies.org/bpa/ science themes, to place those in the on scales larger than normally possible Astro2010_NOI_Input.html. broader scientific context, and to describe through existing grants programs. White The NOI call was followed up in the key advances in observation, experi- papers will identify what resources are February by the Subcommittee on Pro- ment and theory necessary to realize likely to be required and why the scientific grams issuing a Request for Information those scientific opportunities within the See “Astro2010 Input” on page 9 8 BPA News · Winter 2009

tronomy and astrophysics. Each of the panels will continue to rely on the partici- Astro2010 Begins nine panels and six study groups will pation and enthusiasm of the astronomy (continued from page 1) communicate directly with the survey and astrophysics community as a whole, committee to share the results of their and recognizes the amount of work the staff to assemble a slate of nominees for the studies and deliberations. All the panels community has already contributed to this Committee on Astro2010 which will oversee and study groups are now formed and critical process. „ the operation of the survey and author the their respective memberships can be survey’s report, which is due for release in viewed on the Astro2010 website located BPA Meeting the summer of 2010. Most of the nominees at www.nationalacademies.org/astro2010. (continued from page 3) considered came from a community-wide More information on the work of the process that started long before the chair’s panels can be found in “Astro2010 Panels August 2008 but final approval has not been appointment and that involved the as- Begin Work” on p.4 in this issue. received. tronomy and physics sections of the NAS, The survey will take place over eigh- Following lunch, the meeting continued the members of the BPA and SSB, a number teen months and occur in two overlapping with a roundtable discussion on what of town meetings at professional societies, phases. In the first phase the science research universities will look like in a and a general call to the members of the frontiers panels and the infrastructure decade. Several members saw the increas- astronomy and astrophysics research study groups will identify the science ingly interdisciplinary nature of research and community to email the Academies with forefronts of the field and carry out fact- budgetary constraints pushing universities suggested names. In addition, Dr. finding on the state of the profession. to weaken, if not totally eliminate the cur- Blandford and the NRC staff, in consultation Outputs from these bodies will feed into rent, separate-departmental structure used with the BPA and SSB membership, devel- the second phase that will concentrate on by most universities. Others noted that oped a set of criteria to be applied to those program prioritization. This phase will be some research areas are more vulnerable to being considered to nomination for the carried out in part by the program unstable support than others and significant committee and its panels. prioritization panels and then by the scaling back in the amount of faculty and The survey committee was appointed survey committee itself. The Survey resources devoted them might occur. The by NRC Chair Ralph Cicerone in late committee will ultimately create a priori- committee also discussed an intriguing November 2008, and on December 5-6 the tized, balanced, and executable program of approach being considered by some univer- committee met for the first time and orga- research activities that will define the sities, in which different functional compo- nized itself into an executive committee forefront of astronomy and astrophysics nents of the university, such as develop- and three subcommittees on science, for the decade 2010-2020. ment, marketing and traditional research, programs, and the state of the profession. The strength and success of the work together in more long-term, cohesive At its first meeting the survey committee decadal surveys is due to the widespread units. heard from the sponsors of the study (see participation and buy-in throughout the Tom Cech made the final presentation to Committee on Astro2010 Meets in this entire astronomical community. The the Board, discussing a recently-completed issue). organization of Astro2010 was designed American Academy of Arts and Science The executive committee includes the to encourage community input for each of study he chaired. The study, Advancing survey chair and the survey vice chairs on the panels and study groups. Calls for Research in Science and Engineering science, the state of the profession, and notices of interest for activities and for (ARISE), evaluated current mechanisms programs. The executive committee is science white papers have already been used by federal agencies to fund science responsible for the management and issued and concluded (see “Astro2010 and engineering research and put forward coordination of the subcommittees, sur- Receives Community Input” on p.7 in this specific recommendations on how those vey panels, and study groups. Each issue). Current and future formal invita- mechanisms can be improved. The commit- survey vice chair coordinates the work of tions for community input include a call tee focused on two areas that it felt have not a subcommittee as shown in the box. for technology development white papers, received sufficient attention–supporting At its December 2008 meeting, the a call for state of the profession position early-career faculty and encouraging high- committee decided that it would be as- papers, a request for information from risk but potentially transformative research. sisted in its task by creating five science activities (to inform the work of the pro- The report sets out several specific recom- frontiers panels and four program gram prioritization panels), and a call for mendations for addressing issues in these prioritization panels. In addition, the white papers on theory, laboratory astro- areas and Professor Cech reported that the committee decided that its Subcommittee physics, and computation. In addition, study has been very well received by on the State of the Profession would the survey committee has encouraged support agencies and Congressional staff organize the work of six infrastructure astronomers and astrophysicists around members. study groups comprised of consultants to the country to organize town hall discus- This discussion brought the meeting to the survey committee who are charged to sions in order to receive informal commu- a close. After thanking everyone for attend- gather data and information on the U.S. nity input. ing, vice-chair Adam Burrows adjourned the infrastructure, broadly defined, for as- The Astro2010 committee and its meeting. „ BPA News · Winter 2009 9

Astro2010 Input process from the research community. He materials research, chemistry, said that while the calls for white papers medicine, and defense-related (continued from page 7) are targeted, the intent is not to exclude science. input from any part of our community on • Ultrafast quantum control will areas identified are ripe for development. any topic relevant to the committee’s unveil the internal motion of atoms White papers that argue for broad support charge. He noted that if researchers have within molecules, and of electrons for theory, computation, or laboratory an idea or proposal that does not fall within atoms, to a degree thought astrophysics were submitted through the obviously into one of the white paper impossible only a decade ago. This call for State of the Profession Position calls, then email the survey at is sparking a revolution in the Papers. If the idea involves proposing a [email protected] describing the kind of imaging and coherent control of large, focused initiative or center with a white paper she/he would like to submit quantum processes and will be well developed plan including costs, then and the survey will reply with a sugges- among the most fruitful new areas of the author should instead respond to the tion about where such a paper should be AMO science in the next 10 years. Program Subcommittee’s current Request sent. He stressed that all submissions will • Quantum engineering on the for Information on activities. be reviewed by relevant committee or nanoscale of tens to hundreds of Finally, the State of the Profession panel members. „ atomic diameters has led to new Subcommittee of the Astro2010 Committee opportunities for atom-by-atom has been charged with assessing the CAMOS control of quantum structures using health, infrastructure, and impact of (continued from page 1) the techniques of AMO science. Astronomy and Astrophysics broadly There are compelling opportunities defined. To this end, the subcommittee The Science of Atoms, Molecules, and in both molecular science and has set up six Infrastructure Study Groups photon science that are expected to that have been charged with providing Photons [available at http://www.nap.edu/ catalog.php?record_id=11705]. This have far-reaching societal applica- information and assessments on different tions. aspects of the state of Astronomy and report concludes that research in AMO science and technology is thriving. It • Quantum information is a rapidly Astrophysics. To assist the work of these growing research area in AMO groups, position papers were solicited identifies, from among the many important and relevant issues in AMO science, six science and one that faces special from the broad community focusing on challenges owing to its potential the state of the field of astronomy and broad grand challenges that succinctly describe key scientific opportunities in application in data security and astrophysics. The call encouraged sub- encryption. Multiple approaches to missions on broad general themes related AMO science: • Revolutionary new methods to quantum computing and communica- to the state of the profession. Examples of tion are likely to be fruitful in the such themes might include data and measure the nature of space and time with extremely high precision have coming decade, and open interna- information on the need for broad support tional exchange of people. for theory, for laboratory astrophysics, for emerged within the last decade from a convergence of technologies in the AMO Science provides a clear illus- generic technology development (with tration of the powerful impact of funda- advice or input concerning specific tech- control of the coherence of ultrafast lasers and ultracold atoms. This new mental physics on modern society. Its nologies more appropriately addressed to very name reflects three of 20th century the separate Astro2010 call for Technol- capability creates unprecedented new research opportunities. physics’ greatest advances: the estab- ogy Development White Papers), for lishment of the atom as a building block training of observers and instrument • Ultracold AMO physics was the most spectacularly successful new of matter; the development of quantum builders, the relevance of public outreach mechanics, which made it possible to and astronomy education to the national AMO research area of the past decade and led to the development understand the inner workings of atoms well-being, diversity, the need to support and molecules; and the invention of the both general and specific areas in as- of coherent quantum gases. This new field is poised to make major laser. The overarching emerging theme tronomy and astrophysics, national in AMO science is control of the quan- facilities, and any other topic covered in contributions to resolving important fundamental problems in condensed- tum world. The six grand challenges the six broad areas above, including those outlined above each represent varia- not specifically mentioned. The papers matter science and in plasma phys- ics, bringing with it new interdiscipli- tions on this theme, and will provide were asked to provide the data and infor- exciting scientific opportunities in the mation on assessments made by the nary opportunities. • High-intensity and short-wave- coming decade. CAMOS will explore this authors. discovery space to determine how the In a recent Astro 2010 Chair’s bulletin length sources such as new x-ray free-electron lasers promise signifi- National Academies can best work to to the community, Dr. Roger Blandford ensure the realization of these opportu- noted that the purpose of this call and cant advances in AMO science, condensed-matter physics and nities at the forefront of this fast-mov- others is to provide input to the survey ing discipline. „ 10 BPA News · Winter 2009 Scientific Assessment of High-power Free-electron Laser Technology Cy Butner, LAB Staff & Caryn Knutsen, BPA Staff Ed. Note: This article is largely inspired by the lasers, which rely on transitions between mately 20 megawatts. Executive Summary of the report. bound atomic or molecular states, free- To properly understand and interpret he National Research Council was electron lasers use a relativistic electron the meaning and applicability of the results asked by the U.S. Navy’s Office of beam as the lasing medium, hence the term of this study, it is critical to identify the TNaval Research (ONR) to assess the “free electron.” factors that it did not address. The present current capabilities of free-electron lasers Today, a free-electron laser requires the study did not address whether a megawatt- (FELs) to deliver large amounts of energy; use of an electron accelerator with its class free-electron laser will be an effective assess the prospects for developing such associated ionizing-radiation shielding and weapon in a naval context, nor did it address devices with megawatt-level average power other support systems. The electron beam operational lethality factors, such as dura- capabilities; identify the key technical must be maintained in a vacuum, which tion of the beam pulse on target or the problems that must be solved to achieve requires the use of numerous pumps along repetition rate. More specifically, the study such performance; and evaluate the feasibil- the beam path. Free electron lasers can did not address the effectiveness of the ity of achieving power, energy, and other achieve extremely high peak powers without device to perform Navy missions of interest technical parameters specified by the Office damage to the laser medium. The Navy has or the physics associated with atmospheric of Naval Research. The request did not chosen to pursue the free-electron-laser propagation of the laser beam (thermal include a charge to make a determination of route to a directed-energy weapon, in part blooming, aerosols, weather effects, etc.). In the requirements for effective directed- because free-electron lasers offer the advan- addition, the study did not address the energy weapons. tage of being design-wavelength-selectable, realistic constraints of shipboard operation The Board on Physics and Astronomy allowing them to be designed to operate at and installation, such as sizing the beam formed a committee chaired by Thomas wavelengths that are optimal for maritime generation system or engineering it to Katsouleas (University of Southern Califor- environments. The free-electron laser’s operate in a shipboard environment. These nia) to undertake Phase 1 of the study which relatively efficient conversion of “wall-plug specific issues are not insignificant and may consisted of a technology assessment of power” to “beam power” would make it be addressed in a follow-on Phase 2 study. the state of the art across the free-electron attractive for use on a mobile platform such The present study identifies the highest- laser community in order to evaluate the as a ship. However, there are still problems priority scientific and technical issues that feasibility of achieving power and other that need to be resolved. must be resolved along the development technical parameters specified by the Office The committee’s report, released on path to achieve a megawatt-class free- of Naval Research and to identify the December 23, presents a scientific assess- electron laser. In this regard, the report technical gaps that must be overcome to ment of free-electron-laser technology for identifies the development of a scalable 100 achieve such performance. naval applications. The charge from the kilowatt device as an important interim step. Directed-energy weapons have been Office of Naval Research was to assess In accordance with the charge, the commit- pursued by the U.S. military for decades; whether the desired performance capabili- tee considered (and briefly describes) trade- these weapons use very-high-power beams ties are achievable or whether fundamental offs between free-electron lasers and other to disable or destroy targets. They typically limitations will prevent them from being types of lasers and weapon systems to use a single optical system both to track a realized. The statement of task for Phase 1 show the advantages free-electron lasers target and focus the beam on the target. The was as follows: offer over other types of systems for naval Air Force has sponsored research using • Review the current state of the art and applications as well as their drawbacks. The chemically powered lasers, the Army has anticipated advances for high-average- characteristics of different types of free- researched the use of solid-state laser power free-electron lasers (FELs). electron lasers are discussed and compared technologies, and the Navy has developed • Using performance characteristics defined in detail throughout the report. free-electron lasers through programs at the by the Navy for directed-energy applica- Following a description of the state of Office of Naval Research. A free-electron tions, analyze the capabilities, constraints, the art of free-electron laser technology laser is an accelerator-based device that and trade-offs for FELs. (Chapter 2), particularly as it relates to Navy causes stimulated emission of radiation to The Navy provided the following perfor- interests and applications, this report pre- occur from an electron beam. It generates mance characteristics and considerations sents a detailed assessment of the scientific tunable, coherent, highly collimated, high- for the study: and technological challenges that must be power radiation, currently ranging in wave- • Output power. Approximately 1 megawatt addressed before the current state of the art length from microwaves to x-rays. While a class at the aperture (also address the 100 (14 kilowatt output power) can advance to free-electron-laser beam shares to some kilowatt step); the 100 kilowatt and 1 megawatt-class degree the same optical properties as opti- • Wavelength. Three atmospheric windows output power levels (Chapter 3). cally or chemically pumped lasers (such as (reduced absorption) at 1.04, 1.62, and 2 The principal findings of the present coherence), the operation of a free-electron micrometers (1-2 micrometers); and study are: laser is quite different. Unlike gas or diode • Power to the free-electron laser. Approxi- See “FEL Study” on page 11 BPA News · Winter 2009 11

FEL Study BPA Update: News & Emerging Projects (continued from page 10) • Dr. Michael McElwain joined the BPA as a Christine Mirzayan Policy Fellow in • There have been significant engineering January. Dr. McElwain is a Henry Norris Russell postdoctoral fellow in the department and technological advances in the 30 years of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University, and earned his Ph.D. in astronomy since free-electron lasers were first consid- and astrophysics from the University of California at Los Angeles in 2007, after complet- ered for directed-energy applications. ing an undergraduate degree in physics at the University of Pennsylvania in 2001. He • The combination of classification and played a key role in the development of a facility-class infrared integral field spec- subsequent funding reductions has also led trograph that operates behind the adaptive optics system at the W. M. Keck Observa- to the loss of high-average-power free- tory. Dr. McElwain is actively researching science and technology issues related to electron-laser development capabilities in extrasolar planets, and he is simulating the effects of an anti-satellite weapons conflict certain critical areas. on the near earth space debris environment. During his Mirzayan Fellowship, Michael • The primary advantages of free-electron is eager to learn about the decision making process used to make a wide variety of lasers are associated with their energy astrophysics policy recommendations, ranging from ground-based telescopes to NASA delivery at the speed of light, selectable proposal cost estimates. He has been working on the Astro2010 decadal survey, and he wavelength, and all-electric nature, while the hopes his fellowship experience will initiate a long-term career as conscientious scientist trade-offs for free electron lasers are their who contributes to the challenging policy decisions facing our country. In his spare size, complexity, and relative robustness. time, Michael enjoys playing soccer, building stuff, eating French food, listening to • Despite the significant technical progress National Public Radio, and experiencing new cultures. made in the development of high-average- power free-electron lasers, difficult technical • Physics Education 2010. Future success in physics research depends on the challenges remain to be addressed in order ability of the physics community to continue to recruit, retain, and prepare talented to advance from present capability to physics students. The BPA is currently working on a proposal for a decadal study on megawatt-class power levels. In particular, in undergraduate physics education. This study would help the physics and science the committee’s opinion, the two “tall poles” education communities understand both the challenges and opportunities the nation in the free-electron-laser development “tent” faces at this time and would help ensure that intellectual and financial resources are are these: An ampere-class cathode-injector deployed so as to optimize their impact. The study would also identify the grand chal- combination and radiation damage to optical lenges facing undergraduate physics education research and examine issues underpin- components of the device. ning the field. „ • Drive-laser-switched photocathodes are the likely electron source for megawatt-class free-electron lasers. Photocathodes have been used in accelerator applications for over two decades; however, they have not Upcoming Meetings in 2009 reached the level of performance in terms of quantum efficiency and robustness that will likely be required for a reliable megawatt- March 2009 class free-electron laser. 3/27-28 Plasma Science Committee, Washington, D.C. • High-performance optical resonators and 3/28-29 Astro2010 Panel on the Galactic Neighborhood, Washington, D.C. coatings that operate successfully with 3/30-31 Astro2010 Panel on the Cosmology & Fundamental Physics, megawatt-class lasers have existed for 2 Washington, D.C. decades. However, free-electron lasers uniquely generate harmonic radiation in the April 2009 ultraviolet region, which has been shown to 4/1-2 Solid State Sciences Committee, Irvine, CA fatally damage many of the existing high- 4/2-3 Astro2010 Panel on Galaxies Across Cosmic Time, Washington, D.C. performance coatings. 4/9-10 Astro2010 Panel on Planetary Systems and Star Formation, Irvine, CA • There are a number of components for 4/17-18 Astro2010 Panel on Stars and Stellar Evolution, Irvine, CA which the extrapolation to megawatt-class 4/24-25 Board on Physics & Astronomy, Washington, D.C. power levels represents an experience/ predictive gap rather than a physics or May 2009 technology gap. 5/15-16 Committee on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences, • There are other potential, difficult techni- Washington, D.C. cal challenges (“tall poles”) not addressed in 5/27-28 Committee on Radio Frequencies, Washington, D.C. the present phase of the free-electron-laser study that may be important to future realization of naval applications. „

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Inspired by Biology: From Molecules to Materials to Machines to Materials to Molecules From Biology: by Inspired

Scientific Assessment of High-power Free-electron Laser Technology Laser Free-electron High-power of Assessment Scientific Recent Reports: Recent


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