A N N U a L R E P O
2015 ANNUAL REPORT Editorial The year 2015 was marked by the The fight against racism, anti-Semitism tragic events of January and November, and intolerance, which the Prime tighter security and a temporary ban Minister declared a major national on school outings. It emerged as a year cause in 2015, has become a Shoah when fighting anti-Semitism by Memorial priority in the past 10 years. educating young people was more relevant than ever. In Paris, Drancy, Toulouse and abroad, the Memorial raises awareness of The Memorial quickly adjusted to this Holocaust history as a way to promote new context by taking proactive steps. living together in harmony and fight Responding to requests from teachers intolerance. Our open-minded Éric de Rothschild. as well as students, our education teams comparison between the Holocaust © DR. travelled to schools to conduct and other genocides shows, if it were workshops. needed, the universal nature of our teaching, which echoes loudly and Samuel Pisar, who died in July 2015, durably. talked about his trust in youth at the inauguration of the expanded Memorial In the 70 years since its creation, in 2005. “What I find so striking,” he the Memorial has become a place of EDITORIAL said, “is that young people in particular remembrance, a documentation and now want to understand what really transmission centre, and a so important happened in those grim places and unique place of education and training. times. They want to better understand This could not have happened without and measure the grave dangers our permanent staff’s steadfast threatening our conflict-torn world dedication, the commitment of the again.” Ten years on, his words still survivors, former Resistance members ring true.
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