Recognition and Guarantees for the Protection And

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Recognition and Guarantees for the Protection And RECONITION AND UARANTEES FOR THE PROTECTION AND PARTICIPATION OF ETHNIC PEOPLES IN PEACEUILDIN Special Report on the Monitoring of the Ethnic Perspective in the Implementation of the Colombian Final Peace Accord Reporting period: November 2016 to May 2020 1 Supported by European Union Suggested citation Barometer Initiative, Peace Accords Matrix, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. “Special Report on the monitoring of the Ethnic Perspective in the implementation of the Colombian Final Peace Accord,” (University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN and Bogotá, Colombia, 2020). The National Secretariat of Pastoral Social - Cáritas Colombia is the principal partner of the Barometer Initiative. This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Barometer Initiative of the Peace Accords Matrix (PAM) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. e eace ccr atrix i a uiue urce uaitative a uatitative ituia ata te imemetati cmreeive eace areemet etiate rie ice i eai ivati i eace rce reearc a ctemraeu mitri eace areemet imemetati e cetra eature i te armeter itiative i mia ic i etrute it te reiiity r reatime tecica urt a ctemraeu mitri te imemetati te mia Peace reemet ie i etee te atia vermet a te Revutiary rme Frce miaee rmy ARCE e maate rvii tecica urt r mitri a veriyi imemetati i icue i te at art te ia reemet The Kroc Institutes mandate as granted by the signatory parties of the Final Agreement to End the Armed Conflict and uild a Stable and Lasting Peace miti te veriicati mecaim a it ucti Technical support a e rvie y te rc titute uect t te criteria a ie acti eie y te mitri cmmii ic a uertae iter aia te i activitie a. t a ei te mety r ietiyi te rre te areemet b. t a ctriute ractice a exeriece r te eective followu t te imemetati te areemet c t a rvie tecica urt r te followu veriicati a mitri te imemetati te areemet d. t i ra u it metica tricte a me r evauati a u ic i eae uimet te areemet t e meaure it uiciet accuracy a ic i a ecii t e tae a autmet mae i rea time a iti te ramer a ic ctiuu imrvemet te errmace caaiitie i te uii eace e. t tecica r ert may e uemete it te ractice a exeriece ter itituti a ititute ic are aree y te teratia eriicati met a arve y te mmii r itri Prmti a Veriyi te memetati te ia reemet S i cmiace it te cietiaity criteria etaie tere f. e rert matrice a ruct eerate y te rc titute a e itee r t te a te S i cmiace it te cietiaity criteria etaie tere g.e iteratia accmaimet activitie a te rert te uect area cm- et a e tae it cierati a a iut t eure ective u t te uimet te imemetati te areemet 4 Executive Summary Peace Accords Matrix Team Director Associate Director of Operations Josefina Echavarría Alvarez Laurel Quinn Representative in Colombia Research Associates Gerard Martin Elise Ditta, Patrick McQuestion Associate Director and Research Program Coordinator Associate Professor Caitlyn Paulsen Madhav Joshi Research Associate Professor Jason Quinn arometer Initiative in Colombia Team Manager Administrative Team Ángela María Ramírez Rincón Yudi Marcela Albarracín Núñez, Luz Dary Hernández Calderón, Specialists Jeimy Paola Losada Abello, Luis Felipe Botero Atehortúa, Elendy Xiomara Mateus Escobar, Miyerlandy Cabanzo Valencia, Mauren Yurany Sánchez Ochoa Rebecca Gindele, Enrique Gutiérrez Pulido, Natalia Restrepo Ortiz, Felipe Roa Report Coordination and Editing Clavijo, Ana María Rodríguez Contreras, Ivonne Maritza Zúñiga García, Brenda Ivonne Maritza Zúñiga García Forero Linares, Laurel Quinn, Santiago Hoyos Aguirre Research Assistants María Camila Carvajal Oquendo, Cover photo Jaime Márquez Díaz Mateo Leguizamón Russi Coordination Team Design Mariana Balen Giancola, Daniel Alejandro Qüid Diseño Esencial / Cano Insuasty, Carolina Hidalgo García, Mateo Gómez Vásquez 5 Table of Contents Acronyms and abbreviations................................................................. 7 Executive summary ............................................................................... 8 Introduction ......................................................................................... 12 Methodology for monitoring the ethnic perspective ............................ 14 Status of the implementation of the ethnic perspective ...................... 18 The effective participation of communities and prior consultation ...................22 Territorial transformation with an ethnic perspective: Land Fund, PDET, and PNIS .............................................................................................26 Land Fund .............................................................................................26 Development Programs with a Territorial Focus (PDET) ..........................27 National Comprehensive Program for the Substitution of Crops Used for Illicit Purposes (PNIS) ...................................................30 Social and economic reincorporation with an ethnic perspective .....................31 Security and protection guarantees with a collective approach for ethnic peoples ...............................................................................................35 Guarantee of victims’ rights in the Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Non-Recurrence (SIVJRNR) .....................................39 Opportunities to support the implementation of the ethnic perspective............................................................................... 43 Conclusions ........................................................................................ 46 Endnotes ............................................................................................. 47 Acronyms and abbreviations ANT National Land Agency MPC Permanent Dialogue Group for CIV International Verification Component Indigenous Peoples and Organizations CMES Municipal Council for Evaluation and OCAD Paz Joint Body for Administration and Monitoring Decision-Making - Peace CMPP Municipal Commission for OIM International Organization for Participatory Planning Migration CND National Dialogue Commission OIT International Labor Organization CNPRC National Council for Peace, ONU United Nations Reconciliation, and Coexistence PAM Peace Accords Matrix COCOMACIA Community Council of the Integral PATR Action Plans for Regional Campesino Association of Atrato Transformation CPEC Office of the Presidential Councilor for PDET Development Programs with a Stabilization and Consolidation Territorial Focus CSIVI Commission for Monitoring, PDETE Development Programs with an Promoting, and Verifying the Ethnic Territorial Focus Implementation of the Final PISDA Comprehensive Community Plans for Agreement Substitution of Crops and Alternative CTEP Special Transitory Peace Voting Development Districts PMI Framework Plan for Implementation CTPRC Territorial Councils for Peace, PNIS National Comprehensive Program for Reconciliation, and Coexistence the Substitution of Crops Used for DAE Directorate of Ethnic Affairs Illicit Purposes DNP National Planning Department RRI Comprehensive Rural Reform ENCP National Dialogue Space for Prior SCE Ethnic Collective Subjects Consultation on Black, Afro- SIIPO Integrated Information System for Colombian, Raizal, and Palenquera Post-Conflict Affairs SISEP Comprehensive Security System for ETCR Territorial Spaces for Training and the Exercise of Politics Reincorporation SIVJRNR Comprehensive System for Truth, FISCH Inter-Ethnic Solidarity Forum of Chocó Justice, Reparation, and Non- IEANPE Special High-Level Forum with Ethnic Recurrence Peoples SNARIV National System for the Attention and Kroc Institute Kroc Institute for International Peace Comprehensive Reparation of Victims Studies UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and MEC Special Consultation Mechanisms Crime MEE Special Electoral Mission UNP National Protection Unit 7 Executive summary Colombia’s Final Peace Accord is one of the most complex and innovative comprehensive peace agreements in history. One explanation for its pioneering character is the inclusion of an Ethnic Chapter, which contains essential considerations on the historical, structural, and disproportionate victimization that ethnic peoples suffered in the context of the Colombian armed conflict. This chapter in the peace agreement also includes principles, safeguards, and measures that seek to ensure non-regression of enjoyment of ethnic people’s rights, such as territorial rights, legal recognition and protection over resources, and prior, free, and informed consultation. This is the first report on the state of implementation of the transversal ethnic perspective conducted by the Kroc Institute’s Barometer Initiative, and it covers the period between November 2016 and May 2020. This report describes both the quantitative analysis designed by the Kroc Institute’s Peace Accords Matrix (PAM) program as well as the qualitative analysis of the prioritized areas for implementation of the ethnic approach. The quantitative analysis is based on an ethnic matrix that is part of PAM’s methodology for the Barometer Initiative in Colombia. This ethnic matrix is composed of 80 commitments including 13 derived from the Ethnic Chapter in the Agreement. Although the transversal ethnic approach can be analyzed through the 578 commitments of the general matrix, these 80 were prioritized following a series of criteria: • the commitments explicitly state that their implementation must include a “differential” or “ethnic” perspective; • the commitments
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