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Council Meeting: 9th January 2017

You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Council to be held in the SLDC Council Chamber, the Town Hall, Kendal, commencing at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 9th January 2017, for the purpose of transacting the business specified in the following agenda.


Rollcall and Apologies


Any member of the public who wishes to ask a question, make representations or present a deputation or petition at this meeting should apply to do so before the commencement of the meeting. Information on how to make the application is available on the Council’s Website - www/ Information/General/ Guidance on Public Participation at Kendal Town Council Meetings or by contacting the Town Clerk on 01539 793490.


To receive declarations by Members and/or co-optees of interests in respect of items on this Agenda [In accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, Members are required to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) or Other Registrable interests (ORIs) which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members are reminded that it is a criminal offence not to declare a DPI, either in the Register or at the meeting. In the interests of clarity and transparency, Members may wish to declare any DPI which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any ORI.]

3. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 21ST NOVEMBER 2016 (BUDGET) AND 5TH DECEMBER 2016 AND MATTERS ARISING To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 21st November and 5th December 2016 (see attached).


5. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 28th November and 19th December 2016 (see attached)

5.1 Community Emergency Plan – Arrangements for Management (Ref Meeting 19.12.16 Minute 712/16/17) That KTC will be the accountable body for the Community Emergency Plan group when it is formally constituted.

6. PLANNING COMMITTEE To receive the minutes of the meetings held on 5th December and 19th December 2016 (see attached)

7. OUTSIDE BODIES – REPORTS FROM COUNCILLORS • Lakes Line Rail User Group (LLRUG) – Cllr S Coleman (see attached) Page 2 of 88 8. SLDC PARISH REMUNERATION PANEL REPORT 2017/18 – ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDATIONS (see attached)


10. FINANCIAL MATTERS (a) Proposed Budget 2017/18 (see attached) (b) Bank Payments Schedule: November 2016 (see attached) (c) Invoices over £3,000

11. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider whether members of the press and public should be excluded from the next item, which contains exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972

Part II (Excluded Items) In accordance with Section 100(B)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following report is excluded from inspection by members of the press and public as it contains exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as follows:

- Information relating to any individual [Paragraph 1]

12. STAFFING MATTERS [Paragraph 1] • Town Treasurer’s Review & Working Hours (Ref Management Committee meeting 28.11.16 Minute 657/16/17)


Liz Richardson, Town Clerk Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend the meeting. Page 3 of 88


Minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of Kendal Town Council held on Monday, 21st November 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in the SLDC Council Chamber, the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT The Mayor (Councillor S Coleman) in the Chair; Councillors A Robinson, T Clare, G Cook, P Bramham, J Brook, C Feeney-Johnson, S Emmott, D Evans, S Evans, M Severn, L Oldham, A Blackman, K Bracey, J Robinson, R Sutton, K Teasdale and J Owen.

APOLOGIES Councillors G Vincent, J Veevers, G Archibald, C Hardy, C Hogg, R Hogg

OFFICERS Liz Richardson (Town Clerk), Jack Jones (Town Treasurer) and Nicky King (Council Secretary)





628/16/17 INVOICES OVER £3,000

The Treasurer presented one invoice over £3,000 for Council approval as follows:

• Cumbria County Council for footpath improvements from Dean Gibson School to Collin Road - £10,000.00 (no VAT).

It was proposed by Councillor A Robinson and seconded by Councillor Bracey that payment of the invoice be approved. This was carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That payment of the invoice over £3,000 be approved.


At the Council meeting held on 7th November 2016 Councillor Feeney- Johnson had queried a petty cash item of £2.50 for cleaning materials from Poundland. The Treasurer presented a revised schedule and explained that he had omitted the VAT column showing VAT at £0.50, making a total payment of £3.00 for this item.

It was proposed by Councillor Clare and seconded by Councillor Brook that the revised petty cash schedule be approved. This was carried unanimously. Page 4 of 88

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RESOLVED That the revised Petty Cash Payments Schedule for July to September 2016 be approved.


The Treasurer presented Members with the External Auditor’s Report on the audit of the Council’s Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2016. There were no matters arising to report to Councillors.

Councillor Severn proposed that the report be received. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the External Auditor’s Report for year ended 31st March 2016 be received.


The Treasurer presented the Budgetary Control Statement for six months ended 30th September 2016, being half way through the financial year. He reported an underspending of approximately £23,500 across all budget headings, which was normal at this time of year. A trend for overspending on staff salaries was highlighted which was expected to continue. The Treasurer anticipated that he expected that the overall underspend would decrease as the year progressed, leaving a smaller underspend at year end. He added that the Statement confirmed that the Town Council was in a sound financial position.

The Mayor commented that it would be useful to see a column for commitments to date and asked the Treasurer for an explanation. The Treasurer explained that the Budgetary Control Statement differed to Committee statements as it did not address future projections. The budget is split and apportioned for 6 months expectations, showing the 6 months budget and 6 months actual income and expenditure; the latter figures included known commitments relating to that 6 month period.

Councillor Severn proposed that Council approve the Budgetary Control Statement. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

Councillor Severn expressed his concern regarding significant underspendings, particularly in respect of the Flooding Recovery budget.

RESOLVED That the Budgetary Control Statement for six months ended 30th September 2016 be approved.


The Treasurer presented a draft Investment Policy 2017/18 which had been considered by the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee at their meeting on 31st October 2016.

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One amendment was suggested by the Treasurer which was highlighted red on the draft document. The amendment addressed non-specified investments. It was recommended that KTC did not use non-specified investments as they are generally considered to be of higher risk and would require specialist advice.

The Treasurer advised that the draft Investment Policy was reviewed annually.

Councillor Clare proposed that the draft Investment Policy be approved. This was seconded by Councillor J Robinson and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the draft Investment Policy 2017/18 be approved.


The Treasurer explained that KTC is a member of the Cumbria Pension Fund and offers membership to its employees. Every three years, Cumbria County Council is required to value each segment of the overall County Fund to ascertain whether its assets and income are sufficient to meet its potential liabilities. Ongoing employer’s contribution rates for the coming three years are then recommended. A further lump sum adjustment is made for the historical deficit or surplus in the Fund.

It was noted that the next valuation had been completed and was due to take effect from 1st April 2017. The Treasurer advised that the employer’s contribution rate currently being paid by KTC was 17.7% of salaries. This would increase to 18.3%. The effect of this increase on the Council’s budget was an extra cost of £650 in 2017/18. However the Treasurer observed that this would be more than compensated by a £1,300 increase in the surplus adjustment, from £800 to £2,100.

RESOLVED Members noted the results of the Pension Fund valuation.


The minutes of the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee meeting held on 31st October 2016 were presented by Councillor Severn who proposed that they be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Blackman and carried with 2 abstentions.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee meeting held on 31st October 2016 be approved as a correct record of the meeting.

Councillor Severn then presented recommendations of the Committee as follows:

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635/16/17 Grant Applications 2016/17

Minute 535/16/17 (b) That a grant of £400 be awarded to Natland and Preschool.

Minute 536/16/17 (c) That, in view of the demands on the Council’s grants budget, no grant be awarded to K Shoes Male Voice Choir.

Minute 537/16/17 (d) That, in view of the demands on the Council’s grants budget, no grant be awarded to Cumbria Victims Charitable Trust.

Councillor Severn proposed that the recommendations be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Bramham.

Councillor Emmott referred to Minute 564/16/17 and was concerned to note the recommendation that no grant be awarded to Kendal Concert Band in view of the demands on the Council’s grants budget. She commented that in her experience Kendal Concert Band had always been very helpful to KTC.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson agreed with Councillor Emmott. She also raised her concern regarding a recommendation that no grant be awarded to Kendal College towards re-using a doorway at Castle Dairy (Minute 555/16/17). She further observed the recommendation to grant £400 to Natland & Oxenholme Pre-school (Minute 535/16/17 and questioned the decision, given that the Pre-School was outside the Kendal parish boundary.

Councillor Severn explained that, in the case of Kendal Concert Band, the recommendation had been based on the policy of not awarding grants to groups that primarily consisted of wage earning adults. He also advised that whilst Natland & Oxenholme Pre-school was located in Natland, 85% of the pupils in attendance came from the Kendal parish area. He pointed out that the Pre-school was a Registered Charity and although a contribution of £1,000 had been requested, the Committee had proposed a grant of £300.

A detailed discussion then ensued regarding the concerns raised. There was strong support amongst Members for Kendal Concert Band to receive an award. Several Members also expressed their support for the application by Kendal College for works at Castle Diary, given the historical importance of the building. The Treasurer advised that the College had substantial resources of approximately £600,000 showing in their accounts. Councillor Emmott commented that this was money to be spent on the education of the young people of the town and it would be wrong to use this information to determine a decision on the application by the College for work at Castle Diary.

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There was also a general consensus of opinion that Natland & Oxenholme Pre-school should not receive an award due to their location being outside the Kendal parish. There was concern that this may set a precedent for other schools/nurseries etc outside the boundary and KTC did not have the resources to support them all. The Treasurer clarified that the grants criteria referred to grants being awarded to organisations that benefit the residents of Kendal, not restricted by geographical area.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson made a counter proposal to reduce the allocation to Natland & Oxenholme Pre-school to zero. This was seconded by Councillor Clare. Members voted with 3 against and 1 abstention.

There was a subsequent vote on the three recommendations originally put forward by Councillor Severn. Members voted unanimously that Minute 535/16/17 (b) be amended to a nil grant and minutes 536/16/17 (c) and 537/16/17 (d) remain.

RESOLVED 1. That no grant be awarded to Natland and Oxenholme Pre-school. 2. That no grant be awarded to K Shoes Male Voice Choir. 3. That no grant be awarded to Cumbria Victims Charitable Trust.

636/16/17 Grant Applications 2017/18 – Brewery Arts Centre (Minute 540/16/17)

(a) That a grant of £10,000 be awarded. (b) That the concept of a multi-year agreement not be pursued.

Councillor Severn explained that the Brewery Arts Centre had applied to the Committee for a grant of £5,000 and would also be making a separate application for a festival grant of £5,000. They had also requested that Committee considered entering into a three-year funding agreement, which would assist them in seeking substantial funding from Arts Council England. Councillor Severn proposed that Council approved the recommendations made by the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee. This was seconded by Councillor A Robinson.

Councillor Emmott expressed her disappointment that the concept of a multi-year funding agreement was not being pursued as it would help the Brewery Arts Centre to secure future funding. A general discussion then ensued regarding multi-year agreements with differing opinions raised by Members.

Councillor J Robinson and Cook did not consider multi-year agreements appropriate.

Councillor Brook observed that significant sums are awarded by KTC and suggested that consideration should be given to awarding multi-year agreements to certain key organisations that KTC support.

Councillor Bracey suggested that Council considered the concept for the next financial year in the case of the Brewery Arts Centre only. This was

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seconded by Councillor Emmott.

Councillor Bracey made the point that, it would not be appropriate for current Councillors with their remaining terms of office to commit a future Council to such an agreement. Council were unable to guarantee funding beyond 2018. He proposed that Council supported the Brewery for the next two years. Members voted with 5 against and 2 abstentions.

Members then voted on the two recommendations originally put forward by Councillor Severn. Members voted unanimously that The Brewery Arts Centre be granted an award of £10,000 for the next two years and that the conditions of a two year funding agreement should be considered by the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee for the Brewery Arts Centre.

RESOLVED That the Brewery Arts Centre be granted an award of £10,000 for the next two years and that the conditions of a two year funding agreement be consider by the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee.

637/16/17 General Grant Applications 2017/18 (Minutes 543/16/17 to 566/16/17) Recommendations from the Committee for grants to organisations in 2017/18.

Councillor Severn proposed that the recommendations made by the Committee be approved and this was seconded by Councillor Bramham.

Councillor Emmott proposed that, following earlier discussions, a grant of £400 be awarded to Kendal Concert Band (Minute 564/16/17). This was seconded by Councillor Clare and carried with 1 Member against.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson proposed that, following earlier discussions, a grant of £500 be awarded to Kendal College towards works at Castle Dairy (Minute 555//16/17). This was seconded by Councillor Emmott and carried with 7 Members against and 1 abstention. It was further proposed that no award be granted to Natland & Oxenholme Pre-school towards resurfacing the outdoor safety surface (Minute 562/16/17).

The Treasurer advised that the amendments proposed would leave £4,762 available for future applications received for the 2017/18 financial year. In view of concerns expressed earlier in the meeting about the adequacy of the budget, he suggested using the unallocated funds in the current financial year’s budget (approximately £3,000) to make advance payments of 2017/18 grants. , which would release funds in that year.

Members then voted on the full amended recommendations for grants which was proposed by Councillor Severn and seconded by Councillor Bracey. This was carried unanimously.

Councillor D Evans commented that it would be useful if the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee were provided with clarification in respect of the policy of awarding grants to organisations outside of the Kendal

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parish boundary.

RESOLVED That the recommendations made by the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee at its meeting on 31st October 2016 for grants to be awarded to organisations in 2017/18 (Minutes 543/16/17 to 566/16/17) be approved, subject to the amendments agreed.

638/16/17 SCHOOLS OF SCIENCE AND ART CHARITY (Minute 567/16/17) That a grant of £500 be awarded to Springfield (Westmorland Association for Social and Moral Welfare).

Councillor Severn reported that the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee had considered a request from Springfield (Westmorland Association for Social and Moral Welfare) for a grant of £500 from the Schools of Science and Art Charity. The Committee had recommended that Council approve the grant.

Councillor Severn proposed that the grant be awarded. This was seconded by Councillor S Evans and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the grant of £500 be awarded to Springfield (Westmorland Association for Social and Moral Welfare) from the Schools of Science and Art Charity.

639/16/17 DRAFT BUDGET 2017/18

The Treasurer presented the draft budget for 2017/18 which had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting. He explained that the budget could not be finalised until key information, principally the Council Taxbase and related grant, were notified by SLDC in late December. The draft budget assumed current committed levels of service, known or expected inflation and a precept based on a nil increase in Council Tax. A separate summary showed proposals for new revenue items (“growth bids”) and Development Fund bids.

It was noted that the current Council Tax rate for a Band D property was £34.24 (the average home in Kendal is Band C). By way as a guide for Councillors the Treasurer advised that a 1% increase (34p) in Council Tax would raise approximately £3,500 in extra income. Alternatively a £1.00 increase would raise an additional £10,000 income. These amounts were calculated on the current Taxbase and would alter once the 2017/18 figure was known.

Members discussed the Growth Bids and Development Fund Bids (Appendix E in the Draft Budget 2017/18). The Treasurer advised that submitted bids for 2017/18 totalled £71,500, with an amount of £34,150 available in base budget. Measures that were available to fund some/all of the bids were discussed.

The Treasurer explained that the Council’s Reserves Policy sets a target level of £25,000 to £50,000 for the General Fund working balance. It

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was considered prudent to hold more than the minimum £25,000 in the working balance, therefore the 2017/18 Draft Budget assumed that the balance would be £30,000.

A separate document entitled “2017/18 Budget Proposals – Financing Summary” had been produced by the Treasurer based on information provided by Councillor Brook and this was circulated at the meeting. The summary proposed reductions to growth items relating to Kendal Futures Projects, Restoration of Assets and Twinning – Rinteln 25th Anniversary. The overall effect of these adjustments would see a reduction in proposed growth items from £71,500 to £67,300. An increase in precept equivalent to £1 increase in Band D Council Tax was also proposed to provide additional funding.

Members discussed Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The Treasurer advised that, to date, Council had received £646 income from SLDC for the period October 2015 to September 2016. It was recommended that a reserve be established to account for expenditure using CIL monies. Councillor D Evans referred to the fact that the Draft Budget 2017/18 assumed no further income from this source due to its unpredictability. He asked whether SLDC would provide any indication of what the income from CIL was likely to be. Councillor A Robinson commented that CIL income should be treated separately. The Treasurer agreed with Councillor A Robinson and said that he could make enquiries with SLDC.

Councillor D Evans noted that it had been proposed to use unspent monies from the Flooding Recovery budget to fund, or part fund, some flooding related items from the 2017/18 growth list (Appendix E). He queried the underspend from that budget and asked the Treasurer whether the Flooding Recovery Fund had achieved its objectives. The Treasurer replied that Council increased the Council Tax in 2016/17 in order to create a Flooding Recovery budget of £20,000. This was subsequently reduced to £18,400 by the transfer of £1,600 to help fund the costs of the initial Strategic Transport Infrastructure study. A further £7,200 had been committed from the budget for projects including £1,000 for Kendal BID’s city dressing project as part of the ‘Open for Business’ campaign, £4,000 for new planters along Shap Road, £200 for an event at IBIS club, £1,500 for promotional leaflets and £500 for the Pots of Joy project. The draft budget assumed that a specific Flooding Recovery budget would not be required in 2017/18 on the basis that appropriate proposals are now absorbed into projects which appear in the main list of growth proposals. This left £11,200 unspent 2016/17 allocation which could be used to fund growth items for 2017/18.

Councillor A Robinson questioned whether the £1 increase in Band D Council Tax would be sufficient to cover any unforeseen needs. Councillor Brook confirmed that he considered that to be the appropriate amount. The Treasurer considered that the proposed budget provided for all foreseen expenditure and also contained some contingencies which could be used for unforeseen items.

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Councillor Brook proposed approval of the Draft Budget 2017/18 and the Budget Proposals as outlined in the financing summary. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

Councillor Cook commented that the Draft Budget was not set in stone and there would be further opportunity in January to amend the decisions made once the Taxbase figure had been confirmed by SLDC.

RESOLVED 1. That the 2016/17 Forecast and 2017/18 Draft Base Budget be approved. 2. That a Community Infrastructure Levy Reserve be created. 3. That the General Fund working balance be set at a minimum of £30,000 for 2017/18. 4. That the precept for 2017/18 be increased by an amount equivalent to an increase of £1.00 in the Band D Council Tax. 5. That the growth and financing proposals summarised in the “2017/18 Budget Proposals – Financing Summary” document, as appended, be agreed.

The meeting ended at 9.55 p.m.

Signature ......

Date ......

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Resources: £

Available Monies in Base Budget 34,150


Reduction in existing Development Fund Allocations:

Defer 20 mph Speed Limit Study to 2018/19 10,000

Remove "Dressing the Town" - unspent allocation 1,800

Increase in Precept equivalent to £1 increase in Band D Council Tax 10,150

Use of Flooding Recovery/Resilience Budget 11,200 (unspent 2016/17 allocation)

Proposed Growth Items (as below) 67,300

Growth Items:

Ref Item £

1 Replacement Van 20,000

2 Development Fund (£36,500 in Base) nil

3 Pollinator project 5,500

4 Newsletter 700

5 Towpath Trail 10,000

6 Strategic Transport Infrastructure Study 10,000

7 Community Emergency Planning 5,000

8 Kendal Futures Co-ordinator incl in 2 Reduced by 9 Kendal Futures Projects 8,800 £1,200 10 Town Twinning - International Links 1,000 Reduced by 11 Restoration of Assets 2,000 £2,000 Reduced by 12 Twinning - Rinteln 25th Anniversary 500 £1,000 13 Allotments Site Maintenance 800

14 Street Name Signs 3,000

15 "Kendal is Open for Business" Support eg walking guide nil (new item from 2016/17 Budget) 67,300 Page 13 of 88


Minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of Kendal Town Council held on Monday, 5th December 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in the SLDC Council Chamber, the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT The Mayor (Councillor S Coleman) in the Chair; Councillors T Clare, G Cook, P Bramham, J Brook, C Feeney-Johnson, G Archibald, S Emmott, S Evans, A Finch, L Oldham, P Walker, A Blackman, K Bracey, C Hogg, R Hogg, R Sutton, K Teasdale and J Owen.

APOLOGIES Councillors A Robinson, G Vincent, J Veevers, D Evans, M Severn, G Tirvengadum, C Hardy, J Robinson and Liz Richardson (Town Clerk).

OFFICERS Jack Jones (Town Treasurer) and Nicky King (Council Secretary)




Councillor Brook declared an other registrable interest in item 12 on the agenda (Draft SLDC Development Management Policies Plan Document (DPD) Consultation) as the relevant portfolio holder at SLDC.


Members considered the minutes of the meeting of full Council held on 7th November 2016.

Councillor Emmott proposed that the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. This was seconded by Councillor Bramham and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7th November 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Mayor passed on his condolences to Councillor Veevers whose father had recently passed away. He also wished Councillor Bramham a speedy recovery following his recent stay in hospital.

It was confirmed that the Friendship Charter Agreement with Nanshan, China had now been signed. The Mayor commented that he was looking forward to seeing that friendship develop and grow.

The mayor advised that he had hosted a meal for some visitors from the Page 14 of 88

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twin town of Kilarney during the Kendal Mountain Festival. He said that some good friendships were being made and positive ideas had resulted for the future.

The Mayor had recently returned from visiting the twin town of Rinteln, along with the Deputy Mayor and Councillors C Hogg and R Hogg. He commented that lots had been learned and good friendships formed. A full report of the visit would follow via the Mayoralty & Arts Committee.

The Mayor observed that the new additions to this year’s Christmas lights looked very good and thanked the Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee for their work. He added that he had received lots of positive comments regarding the Christmas tree in the Market Place.

The following forthcoming events were highlighted:

• Saturday 17th December – Christmas Coffee Morning. • Wednesday 8th February – Mayor’s Charity Dinner.

Councillor Walker asked Councillors to spare a thought for the situation Kendal faced 12 months ago with the flooding and remember the work carried out by the emergency services and the difficulty faced by residents.


The minutes of the Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee meeting held on 24th October 2016 were presented by Councillor Feeney-Johnson who proposed that they be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor C Hogg and carried unanimously.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson referred to Minute 501/16/17 regarding Kendal fireworks display. She advised that, since the Minutes had been published, the Committee had been contacted by a company in Cartmel who were looking to extend their fireworks display. They had requested a meeting to discuss matters further and this had been arranged.

Councillor S Evans commented that the ‘Merry Christmas from Kendal’ sign looked much better at the start of the Christmas lights and was a good improvement.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee meeting held on 24th October 2016 be approved as a correct record of the meeting.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson then presented the following recommendations of the Committee and proposed approval:

674/16/17 Review of Spend Against Budget (Minute 506/16/17) That the flags for the war memorial are supported through the dressing the town budget line.

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Grant Applications 2017/18 (Minutes 508/16/17 to 517/16/17) Recommendations from the Committee for festival grants to organisations in 2017/18.

The proposals were seconded by Councillor C Hogg and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED 1. That the flags for the war memorial are supported through the dressing the town budget line. 2. That recommendations from the Committee for festival grants to organisations in 2017/18 be approved.


The minutes of the Mayoralty & Arts Committee meeting held on 14th November 2016 were presented by Councillor Coleman who proposed that they be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Blackman and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Mayoralty & Arts Committee meeting held on 14th November 2016 be approved as a correct record of the meeting.

Councillor Coleman then presented the following recommendation of the Committee and proposed approval:

676/16/17 Mayor’s Parlour Visitor’s Book (Minute 611/16/17) That a replacement Visitors Book be purchased in green leather with the gold emboss on the front cover at a cost of £522, to be funded from the general contingency budget.

Councillor Bramham seconded the proposal and this was carried unanimously.


The minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 7th and 21st November 2016 were presented by Councillor Teasdale who asked Council to receive these minutes.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 7th and 21st November 2016 be received.


Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC) Meeting – Cllr Sutton

Members noted a report from Councillor Sutton following the CALC meeting held on 24th November 2016 which had previously been circulated to Members. There were no questions raised.

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On behalf of the Kendal in Bloom Committee, Councillor Oldham proposed approval from Council to participate in the 2017 Britain in Bloom competition. This was seconded by Councillor Walker and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That Council grant approval to the Kendal in Bloom Committee to participate in the 2017 Britain in Bloom competition.


The Treasurer presented a document entitled ‘Information available from Kendal Town Council under the model publication scheme’. He advised that the document was based on a model therefore some items would not be applicable to KTC. Attention was drawn to alterations which were underlined, in italics and shown in bold. The Treasurer commented that KTC were being encouraged to use the website wherever possible and the document reflected that approach.

Councillor Clare proposed that the draft document be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Bracey and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the draft Freedom of Information Publication Scheme document be approved.


Councillor Clare reported that the Management Committee had resolved, at a meeting held on 19th September 2016, that a small sub-committee of Councillors be formed to look at governance issues surrounding CIL monies and that members be sought at Council. He explained that the Project Manager had compiled a draft CIL Priorities List outlining and prioritising potential projects which CIL monies may help to fund. It was proposed that the sub-committee would fine tune that list and consider timescales. An invitation was extended to single-hatted Councillors to form the working group. Councillor Clare advised that the majority of work would be undertaken by the Project Manager and anticipated that the working group would be required to meet a couple of times. He thanked the Project Manager for her work on this matter to date.

Councillors Owen, Sutton, Bracey, Clare and Blackman volunteered to form the working group.

RESOLVED That Councillors Owen, Sutton, Bracey, Clare and Blackman form a working group to address governance issues surrounding CIL monies.

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In the absence of Councillor J Robinson this matter was deferred to the next meeting.


683/16/17 (a) Bank Payments Schedule: October 2016

The Town Treasurer presented the Bank Payments Schedule for October 2016.

Councillor Cook queried payments for rail travel in connection with the Britain in Bloom awards. The Treasurer advised that three tickets had been purchased in total. Two tickets were for Councillors Oldham and Feeney-Johnson and the third was for Deborah Clarke from SLDC.

Councillor S Evans asked why there were two payments made to Castle Alarms which appeared to be for the same item. The Treasurer advised that Castle Alarms had been required to attend to a fault on the office door entry system. The first attempt to fix the problem had failed, therefore they had to make a second visit to replace the system. Councillor Emmott queried whether, as landlord, SLDC should have been responsible for the cost of the repairs. The Treasurer advised that the security lock which had failed was an improvement carried out by KTC (with the approval of SLDC) therefore KTC were responsible for the repairs.

Councillor Archibald proposed that the Bank Payments Schedule be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Finch and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Bank Payments Schedule for October 2016 be approved.

684/16/17 (b) Invoices over £3,000

The Treasurer reported that there was one invoice over £3,000 which required approval as follows:

• Christmas Plus Limited – installation of Christmas Lights - £7,938.20 plus £1,587.64 VAT, totalling £9,525.84.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson proposed that the invoice be paid. This was seconded by Councillor Emmott and carried with 1 abstention.

RESOLVED That payment of the invoice over £3,000 be approved.

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In the absence of the Town Clerk it was agreed to defer matters under Part II (Excluded Items) to the January Council meeting.

The meeting ended at 7.56 p.m.

Signature ......

Date ......

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MAYORAL ENGAGEMENTS FROM 1 JANUARY 2016 2014-15 CRM NEW/STILL for CONFIRMATION Items highlighted in RED indicate PETER to attend/Provide transport Items Yellow- Still to notify DATE TIME EVENT VENUE ATTENDEES TRANSPORT 2016 DECEMBER MAYORAL ENGAGEMENTS - DEC 2016 & JAN 2017

Dementia Awareness Event - Welcome Deputy Mayor & Thurs 01/12/2016 1.15pm afternoon Dunmail Suite Westmorland General Hospital Sue attending Fri Cumbria Chamber of Commerce Christmas Deputy Mayor 02/12/2016 11.30am Lunch Function Suite Carus green Golf club attending Sat Old Curry's shop 03/12/2016 12.30pm Shopmobility (One Voice) 20 year Anniversary Westmorland Shopping Centre Mayor attending Sat Mayor & son 03/12/2016 For 7pm Amabile Choir Annual Christmas Concert St Thomas' Church attending

Mon Dance Atikk Christmas Care Homes Deputy Mayor & 05/12/2016 4pm Performance Heron Hill Care Home Sue attending

Thurs Radley Room St George's Church Cllr Richard 08/12/2016 2pm South Lakeland Carers AGM Castle Street Kendal Sutton attending

Fri Cedars group Senior members Christmas meal Deputy Mayor & 09/12/2016 12 Noon & entertainment St Thomas' Church Sue attending Fri Kendal Concert Band 09/12/2016 7.30pm Christmas Spectacular Concert Kendal Town Hall Mayor attending Mayor & Anna Sat 10/12/2011am Dance Atikk Christmas Care Homes Performance Edgecombe Court Waterside attending Mayor & Mr & Mrs John Whittaker Sun 11/12/207.30pm Kendal Choral Society Christmas Concert Kendal Parish Church attending

Deputy Mayor & Mon 12/12/206.30pm Eden District Council Chairman's Carol Concert St Andrew's Church Penrith Sue attending Page 20 of 88

Mon Staveley Choral Society Christmas in the Cllr Richard 12/12/2016 7.30pm Garden Concert Staveley Village Hall Sutton attending Cllr Lynne Tues Brewery Arts Centre Secret Santa Oldham 13/12/2016 9.45am performance Brewery Arts Centre attending

Tues 6pm for Deputy Mayor & 13/12/2016 6.30pm Riversiders Carol Concert Unitarian Chapel Market Place Sue attending

Thurs Deputy Mayor & 15/12/2016 2.30pm Kendal Dementia Action Alliance Carol Service Kendal Parish Church Sue attending Mayor of Kendal's Charity Coffee Morning Sat Cllr's serve coffee etc assisted by Boys Brigade 17/12/2016 8.45am W Gazette photoshoot Assembly Room Kendal Town Hall Mayor attending Sun 18/12/2016 3pm- 5pm Annual Children's Christmas Party Hallgarth Community Centre Mayor attending 6.15pm Sun for 18/12/2016 6.30pm Nine Lessons & Carols Service Reading Kendal Parish Church Mayor attending

JANUARY Lakeland Arts Private View George Shaw- My Dep'y Mayor & Thurs 12/01/2017 6pm - 8 Back to Nature Abbot Hall Art Gallery Sue attending Kendal Army Cadet Force Presentation of Wed 25/01/2017 7pm-8pm certificates and cap badges TA Centre Queen Katherine Street Mayor attending SU aware & 10.30am- Various venues - Birdcage & Mayor's Parlour Cllr Richard reminder Fri 27/01/2017 12.30 TBC Holocaust Memorial Day Event or Geogian Room - depends on numbers Sutton attending 9/12

Sat 28/01/2017 2pm Kendal Model Railway Club Exhibition Lakes Leisure Mayor attending Page 21 of 88 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL

Management Committee

Monday 28th November 2016 at 7.00 pm in The Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Tom Clare (Chair), Clare Feeney-Johnson, Lynne Oldham, Jon Robinson, Geoff Cook and Sylvia Emmott

APOLOGIES Councillors Austen Robinson (Vice Chair), Andy Blackman, Stephen Coleman, John Veevers and Jonathan Brook.

OFFICERS Liz Richardson (Town Clerk), Nicky King (Council Secretary)






The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting held on 17th October 2016, which had been approved by full Council on 7th November 2016.

Councillor Clare proposed that the minutes be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Emmott and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17th October 2016 be accepted as a correct record.


643/16/17 None.




Councillor Emmott referred to plans for the Market Place and reported that the situation remained much the same as at the last meeting.

There had been discussions regarding the possible need to remove two trees. It was pointed out that the existing trees were not good species for the absorption of pollution and if they were removed they would be replaced with a more suitable variety.


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Councillor Cook suggested that the appropriate body prepare a statement/press release regarding the removal of the trees to ensure KTC were in a position to respond to any queries from the general public.

Councillor Emmott advised that a further meeting was scheduled for early December.


The Town Clerk presented her report on project progress for November 2016 and this was noted by Members.

Councillor Emmott advised that the application for a projector for Town Hall displays had been passed unanimously by SLDC Planning Department.

Councillor Cook asked for an update on the Chinese Friendship Charter Agreement. The Town Clerk confirmed that this had been signed. She was in the process of getting a copy framed for display in the foyer.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson advised that she had been informed by the police that between 5,000-7,000 people had attended the Christmas Lights switch-on event. She thanked everybody involved in both the planning stage and on the day itself.

The Town Clerk informed Members that approval for entry into Britain in Bloom 2017 would be an agenda item for December Council.

The Project Manager’s work was reported to be progressing well. The Kendal Castle project had commenced and the second phase of the removal of redundant signage had been completed, with 32 posts having been removed.


The Committee had previously requested that the Project Manager prepared a Draft CIL Priorities List to outline and prioritise potential projects which CIL monies may help to fund. The Town Clerk presented the list for Members’ consideration.

Councillor Emmott highlighted the multiuse cycle trail along Lancaster Canal towpath and informed Members that SLDC Cabinet had recently agreed a significant sum of money for this project.

Councillor Cook commented that there was a danger larger projects would not be progressed because smaller, more affordable projects were selected as priority as and when CIL monies were available to fund them. He remarked that it would be good to highlight to the residents of Kendal the benefits that new housing developments could bring by way of the generation of CIL, which KTC could spend on improvements around the town.


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Councillor Feeney-Johnson commented that the health and wellbeing agenda was important.

The Town Clerk commented that KTC had 5 years in which to spend CIL monies. The Chair asked that the Town Clerk seek clarification on whether it was 5 years to spend or commit to spend the monies.

The formation of a working group was discussed to consider the Draft CIL Priorities List in detail and also to consider manpower needs. Councillor Emmott proposed a recommendation to Council that a working group be formed comprising of 5 Councillors (excluding Officers). Volunteers to be sought at Council. This was seconded by Councillor Oldham and carried unanimously.

RECOMMENDATION That a working group comprising of 5 Councillors (excluding Officers) be formed to consider the Draft CIL Priorities List in detail. Volunteers to be sought at Council.

648/16/17 20MPH PROJECT

At the request of the Management Committee, the Project Manager had contacted Karen Johnson to ask the following questions:

1. Is the Kendal Transport Infrastructure consultant aware of KTC’s position regarding 20mph in Kendal? 2. Is it included as part of the Transport Infrastructure Study?

The Town Clerk advised that the response received did not clearly address the questions raised. She advised that there was to be a further meeting with the consultants, Mott McDonald, early in December and requested Members to raise the matter at that meeting. She informed Members that a decision was required regarding next steps to be taken and pointed out that Council budget proposals had in principle deferred funding of the project until 2018.

Councillor Clare advised that there was a meeting scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday 7th December in respect of the interim report on highways infrastructure. Councillor Clare to raise the matter with Karen Johnson at that meeting. It was noted that the Town Clerk had not been invited to the meeting and agreed that this oversight should be highlighted.

Councillor Emmott asked whether the Section 19 Report would affect matters. It was noted that the report had still not been made available and the Chair remarked that the appropriate authorities need to be reminded.

Members considered the report included in the papers circulated prior to the meeting. The report contained 4 bullet points outlining what the Kendal Strategic Transport Infrastructure Study was looking to address. Members agreed that the brief had since expanded beyond those bullet points and needed to be re-stated.

The 20mph project was discussed in general. Councillor Cook commented that there were gaps that needed identifying. Collinfield


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and Bellingham Road were two areas that were highlighted. Councillor Feeney-Johnson referred to the community speed guns project and other schemes and said that data collected made it quite clear that the problem related to people’s perception of speed. During her recent involvement with speed training it had been proved that speed devices had a positive effect in bringing speed down. She commented that it would be worthwhile purchasing a speed gun to be kept by KTC. She intended to suggest to Councillor Owen that he brought the matter to the attention of the Environment and Highways Committee to pursue.

The Chair asked Members whether they supported deferring the 20mph project to 2018.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson proposed that there be no change to the budget proposal to defer the 20mph project to 2018. KTC to wait until the outputs and outcomes of both the Transport Infrastructure and Masterplan studies are known before carrying out any further work. This was seconded by Councillor Emmott and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That there be no change to the budget proposal to defer the 20mph project to 2018. KTC to wait until the outputs and outcomes of both the Transport Infrastructure and Masterplan studies are known before carrying out any further work


The Town Clerk advised that, in the absence of Councillor A Robinson who was leading the project, she was deferring the matter until the next meeting.

The Chair suggested that the Environment Agency be invited to attend a future meeting at a later stage once reports had been published and matters were clearer.

RESOLVED That the matter be deferred to the next meeting.


Councillor Cook declined to participate in the discussion of this item as CCC Councillor.

The Town Clerk drew Members’ attention to papers which outlined proposals by the National Grid for the construction of new electricity transmission connections from Moorside (near Sellafield) and substations at Harker, Cumbria and Middleton, Lancashire. The purpose of the project was to connect the proposed Moorside Power Station to the national electricity transmission system.

The Town Clerk informed Members that Councillor Sutton had advised the proposals had been discussed at a recent meeting of the Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC) and it had been requested that Councils respond.


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A general discussion ensued. Councillor Emmott was concerned that the proposed pylons across the Duddon Valley would be visible from within the National Park. She proposed that KTC oppose this element and write a letter to the National Grid supporting the locally affected Parish Councils. This was seconded by Councillor Oldham and agreed unanimously.

RESOLVED That KTC oppose the overhead line across the Duddon Valley, proposed as part of the North West Coast Connections project, and in doing so support the locally affected Parish Councils.


Members considered the Project Update Report prepared by Kendal Futures Board.

Councillor Cook commented that he was pleased to note new signage is expected to be installed in March 2017 within the New Shambles.


The Town Clerk presented a draft document entitled “Information available from Kendal Town Council under the model publication scheme”. She highlighted alterations on pages 2, 5 and 6 which were underlined and shown in bold. The document is reviewed annually.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson recommended that the document be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Emmott and agreed unanimously.

RECOMMENDATION That the draft Freedom of Information Publication Scheme document be approved, subject to alterations highlighted.


The Chair highlighted that the Flooding Recovery budget had been discussed at the Budget Council meeting on 21st November 2016. KTC recognised that there were still issues remaining as a consequence of the floods, however whilst there was still an opportunity for small schemes to be put forward for consideration, it was not proposed to fund any further major projects from the Recovery Fund.

The Chair also commented that he had been struck that the Almshouses on Aynam Road still remained empty. Many residents of these properties would not be back in their homes for Christmas. He said that a significant number of residents were still disadvantaged and KTC would need to think about when/how to acknowledge and recognise this fact. He was under the impression that SLDC would be stopping the 12 month Council Tax rebate on 5th December for properties affected by the flooding, unless they were notified that a particular property remained vacant. Councillor Emmott agreed to seek clarification on this.


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The Town Clerk advised that she had been in discussions with the Environment Agency regarding the Community Emergency Plan and the request by the Kendal Community Emergency Plan Group (KCEPG) for support for the cost of a part-time support worker post. She informed Members that they were looking to KTC to accommodate such an officer if they were appointed. It was agreed that further discussions were necessary, along with consideration of other possibilities, such as SLDC accommodating the new post. The Town Clerk to report further at the next meeting.

It was agreed that the Agenda item be re-worded “Flooding December 2015 – Issues Relating to Response to the Flooding”.

RESOLVED 1. The Town Clerk to report further on the Community Emergency Plan and the appointment of a part-time support worker post at the next meeting. 2. That the Agenda item be re-worded “Flooding December 2015 – Issues Relating to Response to the Flooding”.


It was noted that the deadline for items for inclusion in the next KTC newsletter was the end of January.

Councillor Emmott referred to lighting columns that it was hoped to install in the Market Place. It had been requested that the columns be suitable for the hanging of banners and hanging baskets. It was agreed that Councillor Emmott would advise further in due course and that an article on the lighting columns be included when the timescale was right.


It was proposed by Councillor Emmott and seconded by Councillor Feeney-Johnson to move to Part II, this was carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the press and public be excluded for the following items of business.

Part II In accordance with Section 100(B)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following reports were excluded from inspection by members of the public as they contain exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as follows:-

Information relating to any individual [Paragraph 1]


656/16/17 Temporary Maternity Cover for Council Secretary


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The Town Clerk advised that the closing date for applications was Wednesday 30th November 2016. Two applications had been received to date and applicants would be interviewed on Thursday 8th December 2016. It was hoped that the successful applicant would commence at the beginning of January to allow a handover period.

657/16/17 Town Treasurer

The Town Clerk reported that the annual review for the Town Treasurer had been undertaken and informed members that, following satisfactory performance, he was entitled to move up one spinal point on the pay scale. Councillor Emmott recommended that the pay award be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Oldham and carried unanimously.

The Town Clerk further informed Members that the Treasurer had been working extra hours per week and this situation was likely to continue. The Town Clerk asked Members to consider increasing the Treasurer’s contract to 16 hours per week (2 x 8 hour days). Councillor Emmott recommended that the Treasurer’s contract be increased from 14 hours per week to 16 hours per week. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

Members noted their thanks for the work carried out by the Treasurer.

As a result, Councillor Emmott proposed that the Treasurer needed to reassess the staffing budget for the following financial year and the contingency element. This was seconded by Councillor Feeney- Johnson and carried unanimously.

A general discussion then ensued regarding staffing in general. Councillor Cook commented that KTC were only likely to take on more and more projects and the question of whether another body was required would have to be addressed. The Town Clerk commented that all staff were currently working to maximum. Councillor Cook pointed out that cost implications needed to be taken into consideration when agreeing to new projects and asked how the Committee could ensure Councillors recognised the importance of this. Councillor Emmott replied that it needed to be factored into the budget. Councillor Feeney-Johnson suggested that ‘risks’ such as manpower needed to be identified when a report was put forward for a new project. The Chair suggested that this be a future agenda item.

RECOMMENDATION 1. That a salary increase of one spinal point be awarded to the Town Treasurer following a satisfactory annual appraisal. 2. That the Town Treasurer’s contract be increased from 14 hours per week to 16 hours per week. 3. That the Treasurer consider the staffing budget and contingency element for the following year.


It was proposed by Councillor Emmott to re-admit the press and public. This was seconded by Councillor Feeney-Johnson and carried unanimously.


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RESOLVED that the press and public be re-admitted for the remainder of the meeting (none were present).


The Town Clerk raised the following items:

1. Regarding the organ donor plaque at Waterside, it was understood that the Organ Donor Group were proposing to engrave directly onto stone rather than providing a replacement plaque. An engraver had offered to carry out this work free of charge.

2. The Town Clerk had written to SLDC regarding the Kendal Governance Review which would look at the boundaries of Kendal. They had yet to schedule this into their timetable, but had commented that it would involve a number of districts, not just Kendal.

3. The Town Clerk had issued an email to Members regarding the NHS Integrated Care Communities project. She encouraged Councillors to attend the meeting scheduled for Wednesday 30th November 2016. She advised that she was proposing to invite a representative from CCC and the NHS to attend a future meeting in order to provide further information. Members agreed that this was an important matter that would need to be referred to Council.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm.


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Summary of Information, Resolutions and Recommendations to Council

Min Subject Information/Resolution/Recommendation to Council

647 CIL Priorities REC That a working group comprising of 5 Councillors (excluding Officers) be formed to consider the Draft CIL Priorities List in detail. Volunteers to be sought at Council. 648 20mph Project RES That there be no change to the budget proposal to defer the 20mph project to 2018. KTC to wait until the outputs and outcomes of both the Transport Infrastructure and Masterplan studies are known before carrying out any further work 649 Kendal Flood Investigation RES That the matter be deferred to the next Report – Response from meeting. Agencies to KTC Letter Update 650 NW Connections Project RES That KTC oppose the overhead line across the Duddon Valley, proposed as part of the North West Coast Connections project, and in doing so support the locally affected Parish Councils. 652 Freedom of Information REC That the draft Freedom of Information Publication Scheme – Draft Publication Scheme document be approved, subject to alterations highlighted. 653 Flooding December 2015 – RES 1. The Town Clerk to report further on the Spending Ideas Relating to Community Emergency Plan and the Response to the Flooding appointment of a part-time support worker post at the next meeting. 2. That the Agenda item be re-worded “Flooding December 2015 – Issues Relating to Response to the Flooding”. 657 Staffing Matters – Town REC 1. That a salary increase of one spinal Treasurer point be awarded to the Town Treasurer following a satisfactory annual appraisal. 2. That the Town Treasurer’s contract be increased from 14 hours per week to 16 hours per week. 3. That the Treasurer consider the staffing budget and contingency element for the following year.



Management Committee

Monday 19th December 2016 at 7.00 pm in The Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Tom Clare (Chair), Andy Blackman, Stephen Coleman, Clare Feeney-Johnson, Lynne Oldham, Jon Robinson, Jonathan Brook and Geoff Cook.

APOLOGIES Councillors Austen Robinson (Vice Chair), John Veevers and Sylvia Emmott.

OFFICERS Liz Richardson (Town Clerk), Rose Tideswell (Temporary Council Secretary)






The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting held on 28th November 2016, which had not yet been approved by full Council.

The minutes were accepted as a correct record.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 28th November 2016 be accepted as a correct record.

707/16/17 MATTERS ARISING (Not on Agenda)



708/16/17 Repairs to the front facade of KTC rented garage on Dowker Lane.

The Town Clerk asked for approval to pay for urgent repairs to the wood panelling frontage of the rented garage on Dowker Lane. The lower sections were rotten and could present a security issue. It had been checked that the Council were responsible for the repairs needed. Councillor Coleman proposed approval to spend up to £500 for repairs. This was seconded by Councillor Feeney-Johnson and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Town Clerk be authorised to proceed with the repairs to the KTC garage on Dowker Lane up to an amount of £500.


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709/16/17 Kendal Food Festival.

The Town Clerk reported that the Kendal Food Festival may not go ahead due to a shortfall in funding. Councillor Feeney-Johnson advised members that the organisers of the festival have been talking to the Wool Gathering festival committee to perhaps combine with them to run a local food festival in 2017.

Councillor Blackman was saddened by the situation and wanted to thank them for their contribution to Kendal. He would encourage the Kendal Food Festival committee to make plans for 2018. He proposed that emergency funding not be given for 2017 but that KTC is supportive of a Food Festival in 2018. An application for funding should be completed for submission to the Christmas Lights and Festivals Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Feeney- Johnson and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED The Town Clerk writes to the Kendal Food Festival committee thanking them for their contribution to Kendal and advising them to complete a submission for a grant in 2018.


As Councillor Emmott was unable to be present, the Town Clerk updated on the lighting element of the scheme.

Councillor Brook suggested that some written information on the progress should have been available as it was an agenda item. It was proposed that the Town Clerk asks Councillor Emmott to email a briefing note with details of the scheme and the timetable to members.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson reported that two traders from Market Place had approached her about the lack of information on the public consultation for Market Place. It was agreed that this lay with SLDC and the Town Clerk would pass this on to them and Councillor Emmott. It was suggested that a letter should be issued to Market Place traders to keep them abreast of progress.

RESOLVED That Councillor Emmott provides members with a briefing note.


The Town Clerk presented her report on project progress for December 2016.

Councillor Cook enquired if the KTC chairs and desks had been sold. The Town Clerk confirmed that they were still in storage until the new lease had been agreed with SLDC for the Council Chamber.

The Town Clerk commented that there were still issues with the projector for the external Christmas Town Hall light display.

Councillor J Robinson asked if the mapping project for allotments


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was progressing and the Town Clerk confirmed that it was moving ahead.

The Town Clerk advised members that phase 2 of the Kendal Castle Project work was possibly to be brought forward as CCC had identified some potential underspend.

RESOLVED That the report be noted.


Councillor J Robinson advised the meeting that the community emergency plan was still a work in progress, with Councillor Clare stating that arrangements for the Kendal emergency plan would be based on the Keswick model. The plan would address not just flooding but any emergency such as motorway accidents and train incidents like the derailment. The Emergency Plan group would be managing the warning and informing stages and co- ordinating other groups.

Councillor J Robinson proposed that KTC act as the accountable body and this was seconded by Councillor Cook. Councillor Feeney-Johnson proposed an amendment that KTC would only do this provided there was a proper constitution. This was seconded by Councillor Backman and carried unanimously.

RECOMMENDATION That KTC will be the accountable body for the Community Emergency Plan group when it is formally constituted.


The Town Clerk advised that she has asked for a presentation on Integrated Care Communities (ICC) from Dr. Russell the Kendal ICC lead GP and Mr. Conefrey an officer from CCC to Council in February.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson asked that KTC engage with this work as the requirements of Kendal communities needs to be discussed and identified.

The Town Clerk advised members that the Kentmere Ward would be remaining open following the news that the NHS Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group public consultation had been delayed until after April 2017. Councillor Clare stated that this is also something KTC will want to be engaged in and they will continue to watch the progress.

RESOLVED That the Town Clerk endeavours to get Dr. Russell and Mr Conefrey to make a presentation on Integrated Care to Council in February.


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The Town Clerk advised members that she had received an email from Mr. B. Swindle with regard to the current location of the Tourist Information Office and asking that monies from the Town Newsletter be diverted to reinstate the Tourist Information Centre in the Town Hall.

Councillor Cook stated that it is a misunderstanding of the public that KTC is responsible for the Tourist Information Centre.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson stated that the newsletter is good value for money. It allows KTC to advertise events and grants that we would otherwise have to pay the local paper for and to report on how we spend our money. Historically the Committee have discussed this in detail several times. KTC have supported the TIC, directional signage and the new Kendal website under construction. For tourists it is important they know where the TIC is. The TIC has also been discussed previously and it has been agreed that KTC cannot run it and that the current arrangement is workable and supported financially by KTC.

Councillor Blackman proposed that the Town Clerk replies to Mr Swindle as discussed in consultation with the Chair. This was seconded by Councillor Feeney-Johnson and carried unanimously

A general discussion the ensued about the Kendal Tourist Information Centre report that was a requirement of funding support. The Town Clerk reported that a short report had been received but was lacking in certain details. The Committee requested that the Treasurer follow this up and stress the importance of the report. The Treasurer to make a recommendation to January Council.

RESOLVED 1. That the Town Clerk replies to Mr.Swindle regarding the Tourist Information Centre.

2. That the Treasurer discuss the report required for funding support with the TIC and make a recommendation to January Council.


Councillor Blackman advised members that he was mindful in his Mayoral year to organise a Kendal Walking Festival with a suggested date of the 1st to 4th June 2017. He had approached local groups such as the Ramblers, U3A, Cumbria Wildlife Trust, the Wainwright Society and Kendal Mountain Festival, the National Trust and LDNPA. Walking groups would be invited to organise and put on a walk and the Wainwright Society has already offered to put on a walk through the yards. There was however work to do in organising a website and cross referencing this to the Ramblers & KTC websites and how payment could be taken. It was thought that The Brewery may be set up to act an intermediate through which online payment could be made.


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Councillor Feeney-Johnson thought that there should be a specific walk completed by The Mayor to start the festival.

Councillor Coleman said that KTC could facilitate the start up of the Festival and Councillor Clare stated that there were grants available from the Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee.

It was proposed by Councillor Blackman Management Committee support the idea of a Kendal Walking Festival. This was seconded by Councillor Coleman and carried unanimously. It was agreed that an item be put on the agenda of the next Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee.

RESOLVED That the idea for a Kendal Walking Festival is supported and that Councillor Blackman requests funding from the Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee.


Councillor Cook declared an Other Registrable Interest in this item as a CCC Councillor.

The Town Clerk presented a letter from CCC about an order to modify the Definitive Map by adding a length of public footpath that has been walked from 12 to 40 years without challenge.

A general discussion ensued with Councillor Feeney-Johnson proposing that KTC supports the modification. This was seconded by Councillor J Robinson and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Town Clerk advises CCC that KTC supports the modification to add a length of footpath at Lumley Road/Stonecross Road to the Definitive Map.


The Chair advised that Councillor A Robinson was leading on this issue. Councillor Cook believed that the Environment Agency next steps in terms of proposals and timescales were now important. Councillor Clare stated that the proposals to reduce flooding where long and short term and that KTC needed to continue to press for progress. Councillor Clare proposed that Councillor A Robinson provides a draft letter for the January meeting. This was seconded by Councillor Coleman and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That Councillor A Robinson provides the Committee with a draft letter to the Environment Agency at the January meeting.


It was noted that the deadline for items to be included in the next KTC newsletter was the end of January and the newsletter would


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be circulated in March 2017.

The Chair advised members that some of the articles to be covered would be Britain in Bloom, 25th Rinteln Twinning anniversary and proposals for flooding resilience.

Councillor Feeney-Johnson suggested articles on the 10th anniversary of the Moonfest festival and the Kendal Rugby Club move to their new venue.


It was proposed by Councillor Brook and seconded by Councillor Cook to move to Part II. This was carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the press and public be excluded for the following items of business.

Part II In accordance with Section 100(B)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following reports were excluded from inspection by members of the public as they contain exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as follows:-

Information relating to any individual [Paragraph 1]


720/16/17 Temporary Maternity Cover for Council Secretary

The Town Clerk advised members that interviews had been held for the position and that an offer had been made to an applicant to which a reply was awaited. It was hoped that the successful applicant would commence at the beginning of January to allow a handover period.


It was proposed by Councillor Brook to re-admit the press and public. This was seconded by Councillor J Robinson and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the press and public be re-admitted for the remainder of the meeting (none were present).



The meeting closed at 9.05pm.


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Summary of Information, Resolutions and Recommendations to Council

Min Subject Information/Resolution/Recommendation to Council

708 Repairs to front façade of RES That the Town Clerk be authorised to KTC rented garage on proceed with the repairs to the KTC garage Dowker Lane on Dowker Lane up to an amount of £500.

709 Kendal Food Festival RES The Town Clerk writes to the Kendal Food Festival committee thanking them for their contribution to Kendal and advising them to complete a submission for a grant in 2018. 710 Action Plan for Kendal RES That Councillor Emmott provides members Progress Update with a briefing note.

711 Report on Work Programme RES That the report be noted. 712 Community Emergency Plan REC That KTC will be the accountable body for – Arrangements for the Community Emergency Plan group Management when it is formally constituted.

713 NHS – Integrated Care and RES That the Town Clerk endeavours to get Dr. Kentmere Ward Updates Russell and Mr Conefrey to make a presentation on Integrated Care to Council in February. 714 Kendal Tourist Info Centre – RES 1. That the Town Clerk replies to Correspondence from Mr Mr.Swindle regarding the Tourist Swindle Information Centre.

2. That the Treasurer discuss the report required for funding support with the TIC and make a recommendation to January Council. 715 Walking Festival 2017 RES That the idea for a Kendal Walking Festival is supported and that Councillor Blackman requests funding from the Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee. 716 Claimed Rights of Way – RES That the Town Clerk advises CCC that KTC Lumley Rd/Stonecross Rd supports the modification to add a length of footpath at Lumley Road/Stonecross Road to the Definitive Map. 717 Flooding Dec 2016 – Issues RES That Councillor A Robinson provides the Relating to Response to the Committee with a draft letter to the Flooding Environment Agency at the January meeting.



Planning Committee

Monday 5th December 2016 at 6.00 p.m. in the SLDC Chairman’s Room, the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Jon Robinson (Chair), Alvin Finch, Lynne Oldham, Kath Teasdale and Graham Vincent

APOLOGIES Councillor Austen Robinson (Vice Chair)

OFFICERS Nicky King (Council Secretary)




Councillor J Robinson declared a pecuniary interest in item 2 on Appendix I (The Old Post Office, 10 Greenside, Kendal).


Members considered the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 21st November 2016.

Councillor Oldham proposed that the minutes be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Vincent and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2016 be accepted as a correct record, and signed by the Chair.




Councillors Oldham, Teasdale and A Robinson had attended the consultation event held by SLDC on 1st December 2016. Councillor Oldham advised that they had requested information booklets and were waiting for these to be delivered to the office. It was agreed to defer the matter for further discussion at a future meeting.


Members noted the new street name for proposed development off Underbarrow Road. The first part of the development is to be developed by Russell Armer Ltd who wished to name it ‘The Grove’.

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Members of the Committee noted the Planning appeal against refusal of a householder application in respect of the above property.


667/16/17 Kendal Wastewater Treatment Works, Wattsfield Road, Kendal

Councillor J Robinson advised that United Utilities Water Ltd had submitted a Planning application to Cumbria County Council for a large scheme, including the erection of two control kiosk buildings. The two kiosks did not fall within permitted development, however the rest of the scheme did. There would be a subsequent consulting exercise on the permitted development element of the proposals as part of the normal consultation process, but those works would not form part of the planning application. The proposed works would improve the treatment processes at the existing Kendal Wastewater Treatment Works to accommodate future growth in the catchment and improve the quality of effluent to the River Kent. Councillor J Robinson had discussed the application with Edward Page, Planning Officer at Cumbria County Council, who had no concerns regarding the proposals.

Members of the Committee had no objections or concerns regarding the application.


Members considered Planning Applications submitted for consultation purposes by the local planning authority, South Lakeland District Council.

RESOLVED That having considered the applications outlined in the schedule, the recommendations in Appendix I attached to these minutes be made to South Lakeland District Council.

The meeting ended at 7.05pm.

Signed ………………………………………………………………

Dated ………………………………………………………………


Page 39 of 88 05/12/2016 Planning Appendix 1

No. App No./ Address/ Comments Observations/ Type Proposed Development To SLDC Recommendations 1 FPA 53 Aynam Road, Kendal 08.12.2016 Approve 1018 Replacement cellar window Provided the window profile remains the same or similar 2 FPA The Old Post Office, 10 08.12.2016 Refuse 0983 Greenside, Kendal Inappropriate materials in Replacement door a Conservation Area 3 FPA 27 Kirkbie Green, Kendal 09.12.2016 Approve 1033 Conversion of attached garage into kitchen and dining room, erection of single storey rear extension and installation of replacement upvc window frames 4 Advertis 11 New Road, Kendal 09.12.2016 Approve Provided all signs ement Installation of internally illuminated are externally illuminated 1057 1 fascia sign, 1 tile logo sign & 1 as per the plan. projecting sign 5 FPA 27 Serpentine Road, Kendal 09.12.2016 Approve 1043 Replace metal railings on existing roof terrace with glass and stainless steel balustrade 6 FPA Land to the West of Oxenholme 14.12.2016 Refuse 0398 Road, Kendal • We are anxious that Erection of 69 dwellings (Phase 2) major developments should not take place until cognisance has been made of the Section 19 Report and its possible recommendations • Concern re low cost housing: (1) majority of affordable housing is in phase 2 – not distributed throughout the entire site. (2) not addressed KTC concern re grouping affordable housing together – low cost housing is concentrated at the back of the site.


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7 Advertis New Shambles Entrances, 12.12.2016 Approve ement Kendal 1051 & Replacement projecting signs and 1050 directory boards 8 Advertis 22 Highgate, Kendal 13.12.2016 Approve ement 1 No. externally illuminated fascia 1067 sign 9 FPA 8 Kirkbie Green, Kendal 15.12.2016 Approve 1068 Installation of replacement UPVC window frames 10 FPA Scout Hut, Little Aynam, Kendal 15.12.2016 Approve 1081 Demolition and replacement of Provided doors are enclosed link between garage & painted to match scout hut, re-roofing garage and replacement windows & doors 11 FPA Castle Green Hotel, Castle 16.12.2016 Approve 1083 Green Lane, Kendal Erection of covered, glazed external walkway and additional roof pitch to existing roof scheme, new entrance lobby doors to the function room, new wall and enlargement of kitchen store, remodelling of external stairs and chair store, reposition of fire escape door to function room and change of window to fire escape door in the business centre 12 FPA 20 Hayfell Avenue, Kendal 19.12.2016 Approve 1092 Replacement garage and alterations to driveway



Planning Committee

Monday 19th December 2016 at 6.00 p.m. in the Georgian Room, Town Hall, Kendal.

PRESENT Councillors Jon Robinson (Chair), Lynne Oldham, Kath Teasdale and Graham Vincent

APOLOGIES Councillors Austen Robinson (Vice Chair) and Alvin Finch

OFFICERS Rose Tideswell (Temporary Council Secretary)


There was a public presentation by Mr. Andrew Thomas on planning application ref SL/2016/1090 – Natland Mill Beck Lane.


Councillor G. Vincent declared an interest in agenda item 9 planning application SL/2016/1090 – Natland Mill Beck Lane. The application is in the ward next to his and he knew many of the members of the public who were attending the meeting. This however would not affect his decision when deliberating the application.


Members considered the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 5th December 2016.

Councillor Teasdale proposed that the minutes be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Vincent and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2016 be accepted as a correct record, and signed by the Chair.




Councillor Robinson asked that any comments on the draft be made to him as soon as possible so that he could collate the notes and make recommendations for the next planning meeting in January.


That the report be noted.

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WHP Telecoms Ltd notification of permitted development under part 16 – installing 3 no. new VF antennae.

That the report be noted.

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – planning appeal against refusal of a householders planning application.

That the appeal be noted.


Members considered Planning Applications submitted for consultation purposes by the local planning authority, South Lakeland District Council.

RESOLVED That having considered the applications outlined in the schedule, the recommendations in Appendix I attached to these minutes be made to South Lakeland District Council.

The meeting ended at 7.30pm.

Signed ………………………………………………………………

Dated ………………………………………………………………


Page 43 of 88 19/12/2016 Planning Appendix 1

No. App No./ Address/ Comments Observations/ Type Proposed Development To SLDC Recommendations 1 FPA 34 Westwood Avenue, Kendal 20.12.2016 Approve 1974 Replacement cellar window 2 FPA 59 Shap Road, Kendal 20.12.2016 Approve 1040 Formation of off-road parking space 3 FPA 21 Queen Katherine Street, 21.12.2016 Refuse 1091 Kendal Inappropriate material in Replacement upvc sliding sash a conservation area. window 4 FPA Land adjacent to north side of 28.12.2016 Refuse

1090 Natland Mill Beck Lane, Kendal See below for reasons. Erection of up to 26 dwellings

including vehicular and pedestrian access 5 FPA 82 Milnthorpe Road, Kendal 26.12.2016 Approve 1100 Single storey side and rear extension 6 FPA Marks & Spencer plc, Library 27.12.2016 Approve 1104 Road, Kendal Installation of 2 temporary refrigerated (20ft) containers between 1st Nov & 31st January annually 7 FPA 44 Castle Grove, Kendal 03.01.2017 Approve 1122 Single storey side extension 8 FPA 65 Helmside Road, Oxenholme, 03.01.2017 Approve 1123 Kendal Garage conversion 9 FPA 24 Silver Howe Close, Kendal 03.01.2017 Approve 1120 Single storey extension Provided adequate visibility is maintained at the junction.

FPA SL/2016/1090 - Land adjacent to north side of Natland Mill Beck Lane, Kendal


Committee considered that comments made relating to application SL/2016/0249 still apply - it was not considered that they had been adequately addressed in this application, in particular:


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o The proposed altered access arrangements in this application could cause more damage to historic assets than the earlier proposal and could result in even more loss of amenity land and would cause greater damage to the landscape than the earlier proposal. o Although there was additional information on the impact on historic assets the Committee did not agree that the damage would not be significant, potentially to the structures, but also to their setting. o The land is not allocated for housing in the Local Plan and the applicant has not provided sufficient evidence that there is not an adequate supply of readily available housing to meet the requirements of the next five years. o The applicant suggested that depending on infrastructure and other costs it might not be viable to provide the normal 35% affordable housing element, that is not acceptable. o It was not considered that there was sufficient information in the application to address potential on-site and off-site flooding issues exacerbated by the proposed development. o Potential damage to ecological assets such as the white-clawed crayfish during construction and if flooding is increased on the site.



To: Full Council 9th January 2017

From: The Mayor Agenda Item No. 7

LAKES LINE RAIL USER GROUP (LLRUG) This is my report from the Lakes Line Rail User Group (LLRUG).

The attached Winter Bulletin provides a good overview of key areas of activity this year.

Members will see that I attended the group’s AGM, where I opened the evening and took an active part in discussions. Both Northern Rail and attended, to answer questions from the floor. Members will be interested to learn that the old trains that have arrived on the line were scheduled, regardless of the actual train operator.

Electrification of the Lakes Line is mentioned on Page 3. More should be known about the potential installation date in March 2017.

Please drop me a line if you have any comments or question that you would like raised with LLRUG.

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Lakes Line Bulletin Winter 2016-17

AGM Report Electrification – when? Tickets and Fares

Issue No 125

£1 1

Page 47 of 88 News from Oxenholme Station and the Oxenholme to WindThe Lakes Line Rail User Group is the User Group for Oxenholme Station and the Oxenholme - Windermere Line

Chairman Robert Talbot, 10 Sunnyside, KENDAL, LA9 7DJ (01539 729817) e-mail: [email protected] Vice Chairman Phil Wearing, 9 Thornleigh Road, KENDAL, LA9 5HQ (01539 724767) Secretary & Malcolm Conway, 58 Greengate Lane, KENDAL, LA9 5LL Railfuture Rep. (01539 725995) e-mail: [email protected] Assistant Dick Smith, 191 Windermere Road, KENDAL, LA9 5EY Secretary (01539 730590) email: [email protected] Treasurer Ian Conway, 30 Chambers Close, KENDAL, LA9 5JE (01539 733844) e-mail: [email protected] Membership Phil Bell, 9 Vicars Hill, KENDAL, LA9 5DA Secretary Passenger Malcolm Thompson, 7 Landsdown Close, KENDAL, Numbers LA9 7SB (01539 727896) survey Windermere Jenny Borer, Wynbeck, Rayrigg Rd., WINDERMERE Contact LA23 1EY (015394 44995) Bulletin Dick Smith, Robert Talbot Corporate Members and Partners: Bowness & Windermere Chamber of Trade Burneside Parish Council Cumbria Association of Voluntary Organisations Cumbria County Council Friends of the Lake District Kendal Town Council Kirkby Lonsdale Town Council Lakes Parish Council South Lakeland District Council Staveley with Ings Parish Council Windermere Lake Cruises Windermere Town Council

Individual Membership costs £5 per year, Family membership £7, and Corporate membership £13. Payment by standing order is available.

The Lakes Line Bulletin is published quarterly by the Lakes Line Rail User Group, but views expressed in it are those of contributors and not necessarily representative of the Group as a whole. Information provided is published in good faith but the Group can accept no responsibility for any loss or damage arising therefrom. 2

Page 48 of 88 Editorial: Is it all about two little words? In recent weeks there have been news items about the electrification of the Lakes Line. It’s made depressing reading or hearing. The date for this major development, which promises the reconnection of Windermere to our regional capital and its International Airport, has receded with each announcement. The last scare was that the scheme would not be finished till 2024 – eight years later than the first estimate. To sum up what is definitely known at the time of going to press:  Electrification to Windermere has slipped from ’s Control Period (CP) 5 to CP6. CP6 runs from April 2019 to March 2024.  A statement is promised in March 2017 from Network Rail about when in CP6 the project will go ahead.  Given the length of CP6, we could see electrification at the earliest ready for the December 2019 timetable change, or at any December timetable change up to 2024. It could be that the ‘up to’ 2024 have been missed out in some of the reports. The Rail User Group is following the story, using all means at its disposal to find out what is happening, and will publish the information when we have it.

Annual General Meeting This year’s AGM was held in a venue new to us, the South Lakes Foyer. Around 40 people, mainly members along with our guest speakers and several non-members, gathered for the event. After an introduction from our member, mayor of Kendal Stephen Coleman, our Chairman Robert Talbot got the formal business of the evening under way. Reports had been circulated, and all were accepted after a brief discussion and clarifications where appropriate. The officers and committee members were all re-elected, though Robert pointed out that there is a need for new faces in the running of the Group. Treasurer Ian Conway recommended subscriptions remain the same for a further year, a suggestions which was naturally welcomed. We then moved to the more interesting part of the evening, a presentation by our guest speakers from Northern, Sharon Keith, the Regional Director, and Craig Harrop, the Stakeholder Manager. Jane Murray, our Station Manager, was there to note any concerns about the stations. Sharon began by assuring the audience she would be honest about the recent problems as well as talk about the plans for the future. She was as good as her word, covering important recent questions:


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 Cancellations due to crew shortage: recent agreements with the unions about covering vacancies should help reduce this cause of cancellations  Bus substitution during service disruptions: experience had shown that arranging cover from HQ in York was not efficient, so the western Regional office would take this on.  Cleaning: problems in transferring competency certificates from the old contractor to the new had meant staff were not able to do all the jobs they should owing to safety regulations. Craig then took over with the good news, as he outlined the new franchisee’s plans. By the time the £500 million or so earmarked for new trains have been spent, the Northern fleet will be 15% bigger than now, even after getting rid of all the Pacers. The bigger fleet will be a major factor in the plans to run more services, especially on Sundays. Some of the new trains will be dedicated to the ‘Northern Connect’ services, which will offer high quality inter-urban services across the network. Windermere, classed as a Northern “The Bums Of Northern Customers Have Spoken!” runs Connect station, will see the press release from Northern. Sample seats for the new trains were tried out by passengers, including improved facilities, and some LLRUG members, at main stations. other stations will also see upgrades. The Rail User Group would like to see Kendal added to the Northern Connect network, as it is a significant town in the terms of this secondary lines plan. The Group would also like to see Kendal station staffed, at least at peak times, to offer a better service to passengers and reduce ticketless travel on the Lakes Line. Naturally there were lots of questions, including:  As there’s no 1st class on Lakes Line trains, you can’t book a ticket from Kendal including 1st class on the main line. Craig would investigate. Update: an LLRUG member has now tried booking a through 1st class ticket from Kendal, and found it works. Thanks, Craig.


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 Delays causing missed connections at Oxenholme: among other reasons, Network Rail’s signallers in the North West do not have such clear priority rules as desirable, so a delay to one train can be made worse than needed. Northern is pressing for clearer rules.  Why are rail services to the Lake District so often disrupted at Bank Holidays? This is a problem which Northern would like to see sorted out, but is a nation- wide problem.  Northern will try to have the announcements on the TransPennine trains used on the Lakes Line changed so it says they are Northern services.  Members urged Northern to make sure the new Northern Connect trains have better luggage space than present trains. We must expect visitors to bring luggage such as walking gear with them.

An artists’ impression of the new Northern electric trains ordered from CAF in Spain.

After the Q&A session John Owen, a Director of TravelWatch NorthWest, spoke about political developments. A new organisation, Transport for the North (TfN), will take over responsibility for transport policy across the north of England from central government, during 2017. TfN will be based in Manchester, and work closely with Rail North, based in Leeds. At present it doesn’t seem that TfN considers tourism as an economic driver in the region, nor does it appreciate that most rail travel north of Preston is for leisure and social reasons. As TfN is still being developed, we are not clear where its responsibilities for rail travel finish and those of Rail North start. More on the roles of these two organisations as we learn it.


Page 51 of 88 Tickets and fares With the annual announcement of fare rises there is a lot of comment on Britain’s rail fares and ticket types again. To give us an insider’s view of selling, we are very pleased to include an article by Henry Richardson, who did an apprenticeship with the independent ticket seller Chester-le-Track (, and now works in their booking office at Eaglescliffe.

Eaglescliffe station with Middlesbrough Football Club supporters waiting for their train to the match.

“Working in a ticket office has proved to be the job I never thought it would be. It’s different everyday which is great as the job never gets predictable. In this article I am going to tell you about the general goings on in my ticket office and what ways we try and save our customers money. Eaglescliffe train station is in the North East of England, we are just an independent ticket office so we try our best to keep the customers happy as they're all we have. The day usually starts with getting the commuters to work by making sure they don't miss their trains and letting them know of other travel arrangements if their train’s cancelled. The most important thing is to make sure they pay for their ticket before travelling otherwise they may get charged more on the train. Usually around mid morning we then get the leisure travellers who are going on day trips to local cities such as York or Newcastle, which are both just an hour away. After we have the groups of leisure travellers then we start to get the people who come to buy advanced tickets and this is when we get to do what we enjoy the most.


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We have customers who go all over the country so we always look forward to selling a ticket to somewhere new, because it makes us have to think about the best way to get them to their destination and also the best way for us to get their price down to save them money. We had two customers on their way to Kidderminster, the ticket should have cost them £97 each. We knew that price was much too high so we split the ticket down into four separate tickets and saved them just over £35 each, which they were very pleased with! We split a ticket nearly every day as it is a great way for us to help our customers out by saving them money whilst also keeping them coming back to us which helps us out as they spread the word to their friends and family. We have lots of customers who use the trains to go on their holidays and I had one customer who was going on a tour of Scotland by train. This was a good booking as I was able to organise her holiday with her and make sure she had good seats on all of the trains so that she could enjoy the views of Scotland. It’s a great experience when you get to make a customer happy and I was pleased to hear that her trip went perfectly without any slip ups. We have sold tickets all over the UK ranging from Penzance all the way up to Thurso, a total of 571 stations all over the UK. Each time we serve a different station we mark it off on a map. Even though all our geography is pretty good in the station we still get surprised with stations that we haven't heard of and we have to Google them to find them on our map.” Editor’s note: ‘splitting’ a ticket involves separating the journey into different parts, to see if this reduces the price. As an example, a search using the TPE website on 4th December for travel on Tuesday 13th from Kendal to Leeds, leaving at mid-day, showed the through single fare as £36. Splitting the journey to two legs, to Manchester Piccadilly, and from there to Leeds, showed the same journey as costing £22 using two advance purchase tickets. Given the complicated structure of tickets and conditions, this is not a straight comparison. The advance purchase tickets are for designated trains only, and you will be charged extra if you use a different train. If your first train is delayed and you miss the connection, the operator of the second one is not obliged to allow you to use the ticket on a different train. Advance ticket prices also vary according to the train you want to travel on and when you actually book. Datablog’s spreadsheet of stations on the Network Rail system shows a total of 2533 stations from Abbey Wood to Ystrad Rhondda, so Eaglescliffe booking office list has plenty of new stations to add! 7

Page 53 of 88 Fares for 2017 The Rail Delivery Group issued a press release on 2nd December: ‘Train fares will go up on average by 2.3% next year, rail industry leaders have confirmed.  2.3 per cent average increase next year  97p in every £1 from fares pays to run and improve services  Money from fares supports £50bn-plus Railway Upgrade Plan  More than 5,500 new train carriages by end of 2020 The average overall increase covers all national rail fares with effect from 2 January 2017. Paul Plummer, chief executive of the Rail Delivery Group which represents train operators and Network Rail, said: “We understand how passengers feel when fares go up, and we know that in some places they haven’t always got the service they pay for. Around 97p in every pound passengers pay goes back into running and improving services.

"Fares are influenced by government policy, either through government-regulated fares such as Season tickets or as a result of the payments train companies make to government. This money helps government to support the biggest investment in our railway since Victorian times." Train companies are working with government to bring about regulatory reforms that will make fares simpler in future. Rail companies are working together to deliver more than £50 billion of improvements, including £11.6 billion being spent on more than 5,500 new train carriages by the end of 2020. To find out more about the work to upgrade Britain's railway and why the investment is needed go to’ ‘Fare rises are paying for improvements’ is difficult for local users to accept as we have seen the quality of our trains go down this year, and the prospect of electrification is receding. Sadly, we must also point out that the promise to simplify the fare structure has been trotted out regularly with little obvious change seen. Nor


Page 54 of 88 do any press releases remind passengers it is government policy to increase the share of the railways’ costs which they pay. As ever the headline figure covers much variation between different operators. The Guardian reported that VT West Coast fares would rise by 2.4%, just above the average. Northern’s press release showed a just-below-average change, and as there is little good news about at the moment, concentrated on the future: “From January 2017 customers using Northern’s trains will see an average fare increase of just 2.2%. We understand any fare increase is likely to be unpopular, though overall fares will remain low. Money raised as a result of the fares increase will go towards delivering better journeys and improving customer service.” TransPennine Express is reported as freezing its advance fares, so its overall increase comes in at the low 1.4%. Transport Focus, the government-funded official watchdog, commented: “Passengers will be disappointed that fares will rise by 2.3 per cent – higher than the last two years. Passengers will now want to see the industry’s investment deliver a more reliable day-to-day railway. The Government should consider setting rail fare rises around the Consumer Prices Index instead to bring rail fares into line with other recognised measures of inflation.” The Campaign for Better Transport, a voluntary body which carries out research into all forms of public transport, released this comment: “Lianna Etkind, Public Transport Campaigner, Campaign for Better Transport said: “With next year’s regulated rail fares rising by nearly 2%, with some unregulated, walk-on fares rising even further, people are now finding themselves priced off the railways. The train operating companies and the Government need to work closely together to provide fairer, simpler and cheaper fares making sure people are always sold the cheapest ticket available. Between 1995 and 2016 passengers have seen average fares increase by 23.5% and much more needs to be done by train operators and the Government to give them a truly affordable railway.” Lianna continued: “It is also time the Government stopped dragging its feet and introduce flexible season tickets with fair discounts for the eight million part-time workers across the UK as promised. It is not right that part-time workers have to buy expensive one-off tickets, or season tickets which they then waste on the days they don't work.“ Our surveys of passengers back this up. We know there are local people who do not travel to work by the Lakes Line as often as they would like to, as their part-time work makes it not worth getting a weekly or monthly season ticket.


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Sales Stand Ian Conway writes: We went to the Ambleside Lights switch on Saturday 19 November. Phil Wearing and myself ran the stall with Malcolm Conway helping to put it up. Sales were very brisk even though we had a couple of showers. We talked to a few people about the lack of through trains and electrification. We were doing well with the sales and by mid- afternoon I looked at what we had taken and was surprised by how much we had. By the end of the day we had taken over £140 which 10

Page 56 of 88 is more than double what we normally take. This was due to getting some soft toys; between them the toys and Thomas items made up two thirds of the sales. So we had a very good day. Our stand is out next at the Kendal Model Railway Exhibition on the 28/29 Jan at the Leisure Centre in Kendal. If anybody wants to come and help on the stall please contact me on 01539 733844, times are from 9-30 till 5-00 Sat and 9-30 till 4-30 Sunday and packing up afterwards. If you could only manage a few hours that would be o.k. Advance notice: our coffee morning in Staveley will be on 17 June next year. Department for Transport announcements On 6th December the Secretary of State for Transport, Chris Grayling, announced a new ‘initiative’ to improve the working performance of our railways. He said: “We want to see closer working across the industry, to resolve problems more quickly – putting the needs of the passenger first. When things go wrong, a lack of a joined up approach can make things much worse for the passenger. “I intend to start bringing back together the operation of track and train on our railways. Our railway is much better run by one joined up team of people. They don’t have to work for the same company. They do have to work in the same team.” The DfT plan is “to have integrated operating teams between train services and infrastructure” by having the train operator work closely with Network Rail. It sounds very good, but as Robert Talbot points out: “I have lost count as to the number of previous attempts to achieve this. Locally, we have already been promised better co-operation between Network Rail signallers and the train operators on a day- to-day basis to improve punctuality at Oxenholme of TPE’s northbound Scottish service and Virgin Trains’ services via Birmingham. We still do not have the level of punctuality we need to ensure the connections to Windermere are really reliable. Network Rail disrupting access to tracks to and through tourist areas at bank holidays and peak holiday periods is another ongoing issue. What difference, if any, the proposals will make to our fragmented privatised railway is anyone’s guess, but we live in hope. Passengers deserve better, especially with year on year fare rises.” Annual Station Usage Statistics The annual station usage statistics from the ORR (Office of Rail and Road) now come out a little earlier, at the beginning of December, hence we are able to report on them in the calendar year to which they refer. The current figures refer to the year to 31st March 2016.


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The year recorded coincides with the change of franchisee for the Lakes Line, and so in 12 months’ time will give a clear indication of how Arriva Rail North has fared. Year ending 2014/5 2015/6 and (change) % Change Burneside 14,258 16,066 (+1808) +12.66% Kendal 224,580 215,398 (-9182) -4.9% Staveley 47,492 44,660 (-2832) -6% Windermere 418,456 419,710 (+1254) +0.3% Lakes Line total 704,786 695,834 (-8952) -1.3% Oxenholme * 489,158 521,768 (+277,031) +6.6% (+244,503 (+8.9% including interchange) interchange) *Includes as well as Windermere Branch passengers. These are the final statistics whilst FTPE operated our services, and provide a perfect baseline for Northern. In 12 months’ time it will be interesting to see what impact, if any, the poorer rolling stock and fewer through services with Manchester have had. Against the national backdrop of 5% growth, the four stations on our line saw a slight decrease of 1.3% in ‘total’ usage. The decline is largely attributable to Kendal’s loss in traffic. This is probably due to the continuing reduction in through services and the unreliability of connections. Together these make it sensible for Kendal-based passengers to access direct through trains at the town’s other station. I Interchange! Passengers hurry from a late-arriving can’t begin to explain the slight Lakes Line train to platform 1 for their connection switch in fortunes of Burneside and south. Staveley. Is it due to changes in the collection of fares? ORR only records actual ticket sales. Over all, has the continuing growing trend in visitors been offset by a corresponding decline in local usage at the terminus?


Page 58 of 88 December 2016 timetable Few changes to report this time. The West Coast Main Line (WCML) schedules at Oxenholme may well see some adjustment in the future, but the new Inter City West Coast franchise has been put back a further year (or more – see below) in order to accommodate HS2 services at the southern end. Therefore, any changes affecting us have been delayed, so I still have to report those unacceptable 3-hour gaps in ‘service’ to Crewe and Birmingham to access Cross Country services, and from Euston to Oxenholme. Nobody at Virgin Trains, the Department for Transport or Rail North seems to appreciate the problem or our concern. Virgin Trains won the race to have the first copies to my house five weeks before they were due to start, and Northern were just two days later. RT We must, with sadness, report the loss of the last surviving through train from Windermere to Manchester and its Airport. In the old (to December 10th) timetable, at 11:51 the 10:56 from Windermere ran into platform 5 at Preston, where it was eventually joined by another Northern service, from Blackpool North, and together they left for the Airport at 12:09. From 12th December, the times remain the same, though the two trains run into platform 6. However, according to Real Time Trains, which is usually reliable, it does not appear that the Windermere train will link up with the Blackpool train and continue to the Airport. It has taken just a few years for us to go from five return weekday through trains to none. Let’s hope Northern’s plans for restoring four daily return trips aren’t delayed for long. New Intercity West Coast Partnership This is the grand name for the next franchise to run services on the WCML – and also the first trains to run on HS2. Since constructing HS2 will affect WCML services, especially in the Euston area, it makes sense for one operator to supervise the whole process. In addition, HS2 Ltd has been set up as a construction company, whereas a rail franchisee knows about actually running trains, and in most cases, taking on new trains and getting them into service. Rail Minister Paul Maynard said in the press release on November 4th that the aim was “to ensure excellent passenger services in the run up to HS2 introduction, and a smooth transition to the next generation of rail franchising as HS2 becomes the new backbone of Britain’s railways”. The new West Coast franchise was to have started in April 2018, but the curse of delay has struck again, and the Department is now to negotiate a one year extension (or two, depending on which DfT announcement you read) to the Virgin Trains contract, to take it up to April 2019 or 2020.


Page 59 of 88 Car Parking Question: should we feel sorry for Virgin Trains about the car parking at Oxenholme? They have managed to re-open the west (town) side car park, and there still isn’t enough space on a weekday. On the other hand, the price of £9 per day (not per 24 hrs) is about to go up to £12. This is apparently to bring it into line with local shoppers’ car parks. There should be a prize for anyone who can find a local, paying, shoppers’ car park, let alone one charging £9 or £12 a day. Cynicism aside, there is clearly a problem. We know that Oxenholme draws passengers from a very wide area, as the last survey showed. Passengers then had driven from area bounded by Hawes, Carnforth, Barrow, Seascale and Clifton, so there is bound to be pressure on space. The unreliability of connections with the Lakes Line may well persuade more passengers to drive to Oxenholme rather than use the train from Windermere, adding to the pressure. Three (at least) local entrepreneurs have set up their own parks, which seem to be full too, and lots of unofficial, free spaces near the station are being used. There’s no obvious solution, but something does need to be done. Meeting the Rail Minister Westmorland & Lonsdale Conservatives invited Robert Talbot and Dick Smith, along with Nigel Wilkinson (Windermere Lake Cruises) and Jim Trotman (CRP Officer) to meet Transport Minister Paul Maynard MP (left) when he visited Kendal in November. Mike Nicholson, who suggested the meeting, also took part. In a good natured exchange, we asked the Minister about electrification – his answers helped write the editorial on p3 – and reminded him about the vital role the Lakes Line plays in the local economy, which is so heavily reliant on buoyant tourism. As he represents Blackpool, Paul Maynard is well aware of tourism as a provider of jobs, and also understands our point about not disrupting rail access to this area at bank holidays and summer weekends, when more people actually want to travel. We also pointed out that the railway is important for local residents for journeys for work and leisure, both along the line and for travelling out of the district. In a meeting like this no minister can promise to sort everything out as if by magic, but he left with much more knowledge of the situation of the Lakes Line.

Cover photos: Front: the 11:20 from Oxenholme crosses the Kent on 12th November 2015. Rear cover: Santa (above), and another kind of seasonal regular (below).


Page 60 of 88 Great Western Electrification Why write about this, when we are miles away? We’ll explain. Under the scheme, as a route was electrified, older trains replaced by shiny new electric ones would be ‘cascaded’ to other parts of the network, including the North of England. The original timetable for this has been rewritten, and so improved services planned for the North for 2017 will now be phased in, in other words they can’t all happen as planned because the trains to run the services will still be needed elsewhere. It’s still not clear how this will affect the Lakes Line. Taken with the delay to our electrification, it’s another blow to our hopes of early improvements in services. Windermere Christmas Market. ‘Santa was asked if could he go to Windermere Station to help as part of the Windermere Christmas Market on the 10th and 11th of December. He did but could not use his normal mode of transport as the reindeer were having a health check and his sleigh was having its annual MOT, which this year was being done at Newton Heath so he had to use Northern Trains. He was met at Windermere Station by Jane Murray (Northern’s Station Manager for Cumbria) who was handing out Hot Ribena and Children’s drinks with mince pies and goodies for all and was assisted by other members of staff and officers of the User Group. The station was well decorated and there was festive music playing. Northern gave Santa a couple of free rides on the train but did not let him drive it.’ Santa (MC) All sorts of publicity At the recent Community Rail conference in Manchester various railway organisations had stalls at the ‘market place’. Here are two of the freebies they offered to get their message across.

Left: a beer mat from the police, and right, a notepad with safety message.


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We wish all our readers compliments of the


Above: Santa on his way to the Windermere German Christmas Market. Below: Big diesels on the Lakes Line. The regular night-time rail head treatment train at Burneside at 23:30 on Sunday 4th December.


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To the Clerks to the Parish and Town Councils within South Lakeland District

On behalf of the Parish Remuneration Panel, I present the report and recommendations for the year from 1 April 2017 until 31 March 2018.


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Recommendations  The Parish Remuneration Panel (PRP) recommends that for Parish and Town Councils which choose to pay a Parish Basic Allowance the level of such allowance should be set at £30.00 per annum and the Chairman’s allowance be set at £60.00 per annum.  For all Parish and Town Councils within South Lakeland District it is recommended that Travel and Subsistence Expenses be in accordance with the Schedule attached to this report. Background

1. The membership of the PRP consists of:-

Michael Duff Former senior manager in high tech and communications companies and former Parish Councillor. Appointed to the IRP with effect from 1 August 2013 until 31 March 2020;

Sally Parnaby Former NHS Board Director and director on various NHS Boards. Appointed to the IRP with effect from 1 July 2015 until 30 June 2019;

David Holden (Chairman) Retired Solicitor who was a senior partner in private practice for over 25 years and former Parish Councillor. Appointed to the IRP with effect from 1 September 2011 and his current term of office runs until 30 June 2019;

Adrian Buckle Retired Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service. Appointed to the IRP with effect from 1 June 2016 until 31 March 2020;

The above members also comprise the South Lakeland District Council Independent Remuneration Panel.

2. This report is made in respect of the period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 and has been produced in relation to the Members of the Parish and Town Councils within the District of South Lakeland. The PRP is to make recommendations in accordance with The Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (“the Regulations”): -

(a) As to the amount of Parish Basic Allowances payable to members of Parish and Town Councils; (b) Whether Parish Basic Allowance should be payable only to the Chairman of any such authority or to all of its members; (c) Whether, if Parish Basic Allowance is payable to both the Chairman and the other members of any such authority, the allowance payable

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to the Chairman should be set at a level higher than that payable to the other members and, if so, the higher amount so payable; and (d) The responsibilities or duties in respect of which members should receive Travelling and Subsistence Allowance.

Scope of Report

3. The PRP sought the views of Parish and Town Councils on the issue of remuneration.

4. The PRP received a representation from Kendal Town Council indicating that they did not wish to submit any issues for the PRP to consider.

5. Helsington Parish Council submitted a representation, requesting clarification of the Parish Basic Allowance and the Travel and Subsistence allowances.

6. No Parish Council or Town Council made a request for a recommendation in relation to Parish Basic Allowances or Chairman's Allowance or Travel and Subsistence Allowances.


The Parish Basic Allowance

7. The PRP remains of the view that the work of a parish councillor is largely voluntary and that any payment which is made by way of a Parish Basic Allowance should be nominal.

8. The Regulations provide that where a Parish or Town Council proposes to pay a Parish Basic Allowance it must have regard to the recommendations made in respect of it by the PRP.

9. The PRP is aware that the majority of members of Town and Parish Councils are not in favour of receiving an allowance and in many cases would not wish to draw legitimate out of pocket expenses. However the PRP is aware that from time to time members may wish to be reimbursed for such expenses. A travel and subsistence allowance may be paid without the need to make payment of a basic allowance. It should be noted that whilst the Regulations do permit reimbursement of Travel and Subsistence costs they do not permit reimbursement of Child Care or Carer costs.

10. It should be noted that those Parish and Town Councils who already make payment to their Chairmen under the provisions of section 15(5) of the Local Government Act 1972 may continue to do so. That section provides that:

‘A parish council may pay the Chairman for the purpose of enabling him to meet the expenses of his office such allowance as the Council think reasonable’

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Recommended Parish Basic Allowances and Chairman’s Allowances

11. In the absence of any representations the PRP recommends the following allowances for the year 2017/18 only for those Parish and Town Councils who choose to pay a Parish Basic Allowance;

a. The Parish Basic Allowance for Parish and Town Councils which wish to pay such an allowance be set at £30.00 per annum; b. The allowance for the Chairmen of Parish and Town Councils be set at £60.00 per annum. The PRP considers that this allowance should be payable in addition to any existing payment of expenses to the Chairman that the Parish or Town Council may wish to make under the continuing provisions of the Local Government Act. c. The PRP did not consider that there was a case for varying the current scheme. d. The Parish Basic Allowance for a Parish or Town Council and the Chairman’s allowance would be 0.75% and 1.50% respectively of the Basic Allowance recommended for South Lakeland District Councillors.

Travel and Subsistence

12. For all Parishes within the District of South Lakeland, the PRP’s recommendations regarding Travel and Subsistence Expenses are that they should be in accordance with the attached Schedule.

13. The PRP recommends that a Parish or Town Council may pay to its members allowances in respect of travel and subsistence (Parish Travel and Subsistence Allowance), including an allowance in respect of travel by bicycle or by other non-motorised form of transport undertaken or incurred in connection with the performance of any duty within one or more of the following categories: (a) the attendance at a meeting of the authority or of any committee or sub-committee of the authority or of any other body to which the authority makes appointments or nominations or of any committee or sub-committee of such a body; (b) the attendance at a meeting of any association of authorities of which the authority is a member; (c) the performance of any duty in pursuance of any standing order made under Section 135 of the Local Government Act 1972 requiring a member or members to be present while tender documents are opened; (d) the performance of any duty in connection with the discharge of any function of the authority conferred by or under any enactment and empowering or requiring the authority to inspect or authorise the inspection of premises; (e) the carrying out of any other duty approved by the authority, or any duty of a class so approved, for the purpose of, or in connection with, the discharge of the functions of the authority or of any of its committees or sub-committees;

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(f) duties undertaken in connection with the discharge of any function of the authority conferred by or under any enactment and empowering or requiring the authority to inspect or authorise the inspection of premises; (g) any other duty approved by the authority, or any duty of a class so approved, for the purpose of, or in connection with, the discharge of the functions of the authority, or of any of its committees or sub- committees.

Acknowledgements 14. The IRP would like to express its gratitude to Anthea Lowe (Solicitor to the Council), Nicola Hartley (Senior Solicitor), Paul Rogers and Una Bell (Assistant Committee Services Officers) for their assistance in providing guidance regarding the relevant regulations, the collection of comparative data, collection of associated information regarding Council services, operational issues and arrangement of accommodation and hospitality for meetings.


30 November 2016

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Schedule - Travel and Subsistence for Parishes within the South Lakeland District

Public Transport will be paid at ordinary fare, Standard Class or cheapest fare for the journey whichever is the least amount.

The mileage rate for travel by car within a 50 mile radius of the Parish will be the maximum permissible by HMRC without giving rise to an element of profit (currently 45p per mile). Travel by car outside of this area will be reimbursed at the cheapest rail fare available for the journey or at a public transport rate of 50% of the car mileage allowance, giving a current rate of 22.5p per mile, whichever is the least amount.

Where the use of a taxi is unavoidable, the Parish or Town Council will reimburse the actual cost.

If because of a disability Members are driven to a meeting by their spouse/partner it is appropriate for them to claim for double journeys in cases of long meetings. This will avoid the need for their spouse/partner to wait for the duration of the meeting.

HMRC permit an increase to the mileage allowance of 5p per mile per person (maximum of 4 passengers) where members and officers ‘car share’ to an approved duty. The PRP recommends that this increased allowance be incorporated into the Travel Allowances

The mileage rate for travel by bicycle and motorcycle to be in accordance with the maximum rates set by HMRC without attracting a tax charge (currently 20p and 24p per mile respectively).

Appropriate incidental expenses, e.g. car parking charges, will be reimbursed on the production of receipts.

Subsistence The Parish Council will reimburse actual expenses incurred by Members on subsistence on the production of receipts, subject to a maximum of:

Period of Absence Maximum Allowance

4 to 8 Hours £8.92

Over 8 but less than 12 Hours £12.76

Over 12 but less than 24 Hours £24.05

Overnight Stay Reasonable Actual Expenses

Bed & Breakfast Reasonable Actual Expenses

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Note – the rates for travel expenses may be reviewed and amended by the Parish Council from 1 April 2017, in accordance with the rates issued by HMRC and subsistence in line with the increase in the Retail Price Index for the period from April 2017 to March 2018.

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SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL PARISH REMUNERATION PANEL Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003

Notice is hereby given by Kendal Town Council (the Council) that it has received recommendations from the South Lakeland District Council Parish Remuneration Panel (“PRP”) in respect of Members’ Allowances. The Parish/Town Council will consider these recommendations at its meeting to be held on 9th January 2017.

The main features of the PRP’s recommendations are:

• The Parish Basic Allowance for Parish and Town Councils which wish to pay such an allowance be set at £30.00 per annum; • The allowance for the Chairmen of Parish and Town Councils which wish to pay such an allowance be set at £60.00 per annum. The PRP considers that this allowance should be payable in addition to any existing payment of expenses to the Chairman that the Parish or Town Council may wish to make under section 15(5) of the Local Government Act 1972; • Mileage rates for travel by car within a 50 mile radius of the Parish to be in accordance with the maximum rates set by HMRC without attracting a tax charge (currently 45p per mile); • Travel by car outside of this area to be reimbursed at the cheapest rail fare available for the journey or at a public transport rate of 50% of the car mileage allowance, giving a current rate of 22.5p per mile, whichever is the least amount; • The mileage rate for travel by bicycle and motorcycle to be in accordance with the maximum rates set by HMRC without attracting a tax charge (currently 20p and 24p per mile respectively); • Subsistence expenses may increase by RPI as at 1st April 2017.

Details of the recommended Subsistence and Travel Expenses are set out below.

Subsistence Expenses:-

Period of Absence 4 – 8 hours £8.92 Over 8 but less than 12 hours £12.76 Over 12 but less than 24 hours £24.05 Overnight stay Reasonable actual expense Bed & Breakfast Reasonable actual expense Travel Expenses:- Public Transport Least amount of either the ordinary fare, standard class or cheapest fare for the journey. Page 72 of 88

Car mileage Mileage rates for travel by car within a 50 mile radius of the Parish to be in accordance with the maximum rates set by HMRC without attracting a tax charge (currently 45p per mile). Travel by car outside of this area to be reimbursed at the cheapest rail fare available for the journey or at a public transport rate of 50% of the car mileage allowance, giving a current rate of 22.5p per mile, whichever is the least amount.

Taxi If unavoidable, full reimbursement of cost.

Bicycle and Motorcycle Maximum rate set by HMRC without attracting a tax charge (currently £0.20 and £0.24 per mile respectively)

Incidental expenses e.g. car park Reimbursed on production of receipt. charges

Note – the rates for travel expenses may be reviewed and amended by the Town Council from 1 April 2017, in accordance with the rates issued by HMRC and subsistence in line with the increase in the Retail Price Index for the period from April 2017 to March 2018.

Copies of the Parish Remuneration Panel’s report dated 30 November 2016 are available for inspection by members of the public at the Town Council office, Kendal Town Hall or may be viewed on

Copies of the report may be purchased at a charge of £2 per copy.

5th December 2016

Liz Richardson Town Clerk Kendal Town Council Town Hall Kendal. LA9 4DQ


Monday 9 January 2017

Proposed Budget 2017/18

1. Introduction

The 2017/18 Council Taxbase and parish grant figures have now been received from South Lakeland DC, which will enable the Town Council to finalise its budget for the coming financial year. This report summarises key features of the draft budget agreed by Council on 21 November 2016, describes the effect of subsequent changes and provides a basis for determining a budget based on the proposed Council Tax increase of £1.00 for a Band D property.

2. Proposed Budget (Appendix A)

The budget statement at Appendix A shows the following information:

i) The Approved Budget for 2016/17;

ii) The Forecast Outturn position for the current year, based on actual expenditure to date and known trends; and

iii) The Proposed Budget for 2017/18, based on current committed levels of service, known or expected inflation and agreed growth items.

The following sections describe key changes made to the draft budget which was reported to your 21 November 2016 meeting.

a) Forecast Outturn 2016/17

• Several of the financing decisions agreed at the 21 November meeting affect the 2016/17 Forecast; these are summarised in the next section. A further change has been made to reduce Development Fund expenditure by £500, as described in section 3. There is a contingency budget of £1,000 to meet any unforeseen costs in the remainder of the current financial year.

b) Agreed Growth Items and Financing Decisions:

• The 21 November meeting agreed to add growth items totalling £67,300 into the 2017/18 Budget. Analysis of this amount shows that £62,300 of this sum will be accounted for in the Development Fund and £5,000 in the day to day budget.

• The November draft budget made £34,150 available for growth. In order to accommodate the agreed growth, Council agreed to supplement this figure by reducing existing Development Fund allocations by £11,800 and the Flooding Recovery/Resilience budget by £11,200; these adjustments have been made to the 2016/17 Forecast. Council further agreed to raise £10,150 additional income from a £1.00 increase in Band D Council Tax.

1 Page 74 of 88 • A growth item of £5,500 was agreed as part of a £9,000 contribution towards the estimated cost of the pollinator project initiated by South Lakeland Action on Climate Change (SLACC). The Kendal in Bloom Committee has agreed to supplement the growth item by £1,500 from its 2016/17 Community Projects budget together with any outturn underspending. It is assumed that £1,000 will be available from the latter source in 2016/17 and a further £1,000 in 2017/18. The budget assumes that these amounts are transferred to the Development Fund.

• Council also agreed a new provision of £1,000 for “Kendal is Open for Business” support, eg a walking festival, but did not identify a source of funding. The 2016/17 Forecast assumes that this amount can be met by a transfer from the Contingency budget to the Development Fund to enable the initiative to be progressed in 2017/18. c) Changes to 2017/18 Expenditure Budgets:

• The proposed budget includes provision for the decision of Management Committee on 28 November 2016 regarding a staffing issue to be implemented, if Minute 657/16/17 is confirmed by this meeting. 2016/17 costs will be absorbed within existing budgets.

• The information provided by SLDC confirms that the actual cost of the 2016 by- election was £1,455, which will be charged to the Town Council in 2017/18; this replaces the provisional budget of £1,000 for the item.

• SLDC has also notified the recharge of lighting running costs to be £2,587, which has replaced the earlier estimate of £2,206. d) Contributions to Reserves:

• As a result of the agreed growth and financing decisions, contributions to the Development Fund now total £79,705 for 2016/17 and £80,309 for 2017/18.

• The Draft Budget presented to your meeting of 21 November assumed a contribution of £500 to the Election Reserve. The Proposed Budget allows this to be increased to £650, however the actual costs for 2017/18 will deplete the Reserve below its expected level of £7,500 at 31 March 2018. As compensation, it is recommended that £310 of any 2016/17 outturn underspending is transferred to the Reserve during the closure of the accounts for the year. e) Use of Reserves:

• The Development Fund will now meet estimated expenditure of £72,392 in 2016/17 and £183,300 in 2017/18.

• The 2017/18 contribution from the Election Reserve has been increased to £1,455 to meet the actual costs chargeable by SLDC.

f) Council Tax Grant:

• This grant, also referred to as parish grant, is paid by SLDC to compensate for the reduction in the Town Council’s Council Taxbase as a result of the changes 2 Page 75 of 88 which were made nationally to the council tax benefit scheme in 2013/14. We have been informed by SLDC that the Town Council’s share of the District grant has increased to £29,880, an extra £925.

g) Council Taxbase:

• SLDC has calculated the 2017/18 Council Taxbase as 10,208.78, which is a 0.5% increase from the 2016/17 figure of 10,161.94. Councillors will recall Officers’ concern that the taxbase would be adversely affected by empty properties resulting from the December 2015 floods. It appears that this occurred to an extent, as an increase just over 1.0% would normally be expected, however the Council’s budget will not be materially affected. h) Council Tax:

• The Town Council on 21 November 2016 agreed a draft budget based on a £1.00 increase in the Band D Council Tax, from £34.24 to £35.24, in order to accommodate selected growth items. The rise represents an increase of 2.9% in the Tax.

• The £1.00 tax increase has been incorporated into the Proposed Budget; the increased Council Taxbase results in an extra £1,650 income from the Tax compared to the November draft estimate.

• Councillors will recall that the Government consulted on a proposal which would require local councils with a Band D Council Tax over £75.46 and a precept over £500,000 to hold a referendum if they planned to increase the tax by more than the higher of 2% or £5.00. This proposal would not have affected the Town Council, however the consultation stated that the Government was “prepared to consider extending referendums to all parishes”.

• The Government has made the welcome announcement that the proposal will be deferred and that no parish councils will be required to hold a referendum in order to implement a 2017/18 council tax rise which it (the Government) considers to be excessive. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government stated that “last year we saw a worrying 6.1% rise in precepts in town and parish councils” and that “we will defer our proposals this year, while keeping the level of precepts set by councils under close review. I expect all town and parish councils to clearly demonstrate restraint when setting increases that are not a direct result of taking on additional responsibilities.”

i) General Fund Working Balance:

• The November draft budget assumed a decrease of £40,757 in the Working Balance to fund 2016/17 expenditure. This figure has been reduced to £30,257 as a result of agreed changes, mainly the deferral of expenditure.

• The proposed budget for 2017/18 shows a corresponding change by requiring a transfer of £25,920 from the working balance, which will stand at £30,000 at 31 March 2018. This represents the planned minimum of £25,000 plus a prudent allowance of £5,000 for possible unforeseen costs.

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3. Development Fund (Appendix B)

• Appendix B shows a provisional Development Fund programme, consistent with the 2016/17 Forecast and the Proposed Budget for 2017/18. Councillors should note that a full review will be presented to your February meeting, in preparation for the coming financial year.

• The programme includes the growth items and financing decisions made at November Council. The programme is fully funded for 2017/18, however no resources have yet been identified to meet its indicative expenditure of £37,500 for 2018/19.

• The programme has a sum of £500 reserved as a contribution to the Woodland Trust’s scheme for a handrail at Sedbergh Road. This work was completed almost two years ago but the Trust has not requested the money and has not responded to several attempts by Officers to progress the contribution. It has therefore been assumed that the money can be returned to the revenue budget.

• The Council has reserved an amount of £5,000 in each of three financial years for a grant to the Cumbria Chamber of Commerce towards the running costs of the Tourist Information Centre in its Made in Cumbria shop. Release of the grant was made dependent on the submission of a business plan for the operation. The first year’s grant, in 2015/16, was paid on the basis of some financial information, however no formal business plan has yet been produced.

In recent months, Officers have requested a business plan or at least firm figures for the TIC from the Chamber. Several deadlines have been passed and to date we have been provided with only a narrative description of the Centre’s operation. Given that the financial year is three-quarters complete and the TIC has operated without our assistance up to now, it is recommended that release of the 2016/17 grant is deferred until after 31 March 2017 and is again dependent of a formal business plan from the Chamber.

4. Reserves (Appendices C & D)

• The Reserves Statement at Appendix C reflects the transactions included in the proposed 2017/18 budget. Councillors will note that the Development Fund is effectively fully committed and that the Working Balance holds the recommended minimum level of £30,000 for the year. The Election Reserve is slightly below the required £7,500 balance and it is recommended that this is topped-up from any 2016/17 underspending on closing the accounts.

• The Council’s Reserves Policy is to be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. Appendix D presents a draft policy for the Council’s approval: no changes have been made to the text of the principles, however the monetary amounts in the Annex have been revised to take account of the proposed budget.

5. Robustness of Estimates and Adequacy of Reserves

The Reserves Policy requires the Town Council to take advice from the Treasurer on the adequacy and appropriateness of its reserves; this is coupled with advice on the robustness of the annual estimates. 4 Page 77 of 88

The Treasurer’s advice is that the Council’s estimates contained in the Proposed 2017/18 Budget are sufficiently robust to enable the Council to set its budget for the year. In particular: • The estimates provide for existing committed levels of service, based on known expenditure and trends, and for agreed growth items; • Appropriate allowance has been made for potential future inflation and pay awards; • Contingency provisions have been made for unforeseen expenditure; • Operational risks are identified, assessed and managed, with appropriate insurance cover obtained where required; and • The Council has a good record of sound budget and financial management.

Similarly, the Treasurer advises that the Council’s budgeted reserves, being consistent with the Reserves Policy, are adequate for the 2017/18 financial year and as the basis for subsequent years. It should be noted, however, that a net contribution from reserves of around £127,000 is budgeted in 2017/18 to fund non-recurring expenditure. At present, it appears that this level of resource is unlikely to be available in later years and that future non-recurring programmes will be reduced. This is discussed in more detail in the next section.

6. Prospects for Future Years (Appendix E)

The 2017/18 Proposed Budget contains significant one-off expenditure. Although some of this will be financed by the use of reserves, which will not be available in subsequent years, it indicates that the Town Council will have uncommitted budget in future years which can be used to fund new initiatives. This section provides a broad indicative forecast of the resources which might possibly be available in the future, based on the proposed budget.

• The forecast at Appendix E assumes that 2017/18 expenditure will be adjusted for the effects of one-off items in 2017/18, a 1% pay award, low price inflation and known variations, to arrive at forecast expenditure for 2018/19 and 2019/20. No increase in Council Tax income or allotment rents is assumed for those two years.

• As shown in Appendix B, the Council has indicated that it wishes to fund a continuation of existing Development Fund schemes totalling £37,500 into 2018/19. This expenditure is not funded and so can be expected to be the first call on any unallocated monies in 2018/19. The Development Fund programme does not extend to 2019/20 so no similar proviso applies.

• Taking these assumptions into account, the prospects for future years are as follows:

2018/19 2019/20 £ £

Possible available resources 52,522 45,474 Less: Development Fund programme (37,500) n/a Possible unallocated resources 15,022 45,474

5 Page 78 of 88 • In November, the Council was able to accommodate around £100,000 of one-off expenditure within its draft budget for 2017/18. The above figures suggest that similar levels of expenditure are unlikely to be available in 2018/19 and 2019/20, even if supplemented by an increase in Council Tax each year. Because of this, it is recommended that the Council applies the Financial Regulation relating to outturn underspendings this year and not allow Committees to carry forward unspent budgets, so that these are available for allocation corporately in subsequent years.

• Up to 31 December 2016, the Town Council has received £646 in Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) income from SLDC. This amount has been included in the 2016/17 Forecast Outturn but no future CIL monies have been assumed in either the Proposed Budget or the Future Years Prospects. Councillors should, however, be aware that there is a potential for very significant income from this source. SLDC estimates that a modest £2,443 should be payable to the Town Council within the next year, but that income over the period to 2025 could total £675,000 if development takes place at the scale envisaged in the Local Plan. We have been advised to treat this figure with “extreme caution”: CIL rates may change, development may not follow the Local Plan and the Government is currently reviewing CIL.

Officers maintain the view that CIL income should not be anticipated and only brought into expenditure plans once confirmed. The income has to be spent, within five years of receipt, on infrastructure or addressing the demands created by development. As such, the money will be ideal to implement projects which would normally be financed by the Development Fund.

7. Recommendations

The Town Council is recommended to:

a) approve the 2016/17 Forecast Outturn (Appendix A);

b) consider and approve, with any amendments, the 2017/18 Proposed Budget, representing a £1.00 increase in the Band D Council Tax (Appendices A - C);

c) agree the budgeted transfers to and from reserves (Appendix C);

d) approve the revised Reserves Policy (Appendix D);

e) defer the release of the £5,000 grant allocated in 2016/17 to the Cumbria Chamber of Commerce for its Tourist Information Centre operation until after 31 March 2017, dependent on the submission of a formal business plan;

f) transfer £310 of any overall underspending identified during closure of the 2016/17 Accounts to the Election Reserve;

g) have regard to the advice of the Town Treasurer in relation to the robustness of estimates and the adequacy of balances;

h) note the prospects for future years (Appendix E);

i) confirm that Financial Regulation 4.6 be applied strictly in the closure of the 2016/17 Accounts so that all underspendings at year-end (apart from those 6 Page 79 of 88 already specifically identified within one of the Town Council’s earmarked Funds) will automatically be transferred to the General Fund working balance; and j) subject to any amendments, request South Lakeland District Council to pay the sum of £359,526.01 as Kendal Town Council’s precept for the year 2017/18.


PRECEPT: Council Tax Levy (incl. lighting & elections) 347,681 347,681 359,526

Council Tax Grant - SLDC 28,955 28,955 29,880 29,880

OTHER INCOME: Interest 3,330 3,070 2,710 Allotment Rents 21,020 20,000 20,580 Community Infrastructure Levy 0 646 0 Miscellaneous 100 200 150 Sub-Total 24,450 23,916 23,440

TOTAL INCOME 401,086 400,552 412,846


MANAGEMENT: Staff Salaries & Expenses (including travel) 137,500 146,350 154,100 Staff Recharges to Services (63,890) (63,890) (71,450) Premises 16,270 16,120 16,230 Supplies & Services 7,000 7,000 7,000 Audit, Subscriptions & Insurances 13,090 8,970 9,080 Elections 0 0 1,455 Newsletter 7,050 7,610 7,920 IT & Website 5,160 5,160 4,160 Miscellaneous 2,015 2,020 2,020 Sub-Total 124,195 129,340 130,515

MAYORALTY & CEREMONIES: Staffing 16,900 16,900 12,150 Mayor & Deputy Mayor's Allowance 5,280 5,150 5,150 Mayor's Travel 1,200 800 800 Functions 5,605 5,510 5,690 Twinning Expenses 1,000 1,000 2,500 Sub-Total 29,985 29,360 26,290

ARTS & HERITAGE: Exhibitions & Restoration 3,000 4,210 1,000 Kendal Museum 2,000 2,000 2,000 Sub-Total 5,000 6,210 3,000

ALLOTMENTS: Staffing 15,480 15,480 16,720 General Expenses 11,250 11,250 12,050 Improvements & Developments 0 0 0 Sub-Total 26,730 26,730 28,770

BLOOM: Staffing 14,390 14,390 17,960 Floral Displays 29,220 29,268 19,050 Bloom Competitions 3,500 1,000 2,500 Sub-Total 47,110 44,658 39,510

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS & FESTIVALS: Staffing 5,700 5,700 6,410 Displays (incl. power) 21,880 30,839 16,070 Switch - On 2,515 2,515 2,590 Festival Grants 35,000 35,000 35,000 Sub-Total 65,095 74,054 60,070

ENVIRONMENT: Staffing 11,420 11,420 18,210 Somervell Garden 500 500 500 Parks & Open Spaces Programme 5,500 5,625 0 Sub-Total 17,420 17,545 18,710

HIGHWAYS & INFRASTRUCTURE: Infrastructure Maintenance 4,000 2,700 2,700 Litter Bin Emptying 2,000 850 1,250 New Infrastructure 3,500 3,500 3,500 Lighting - running costs 2,206 2,206 2,587 Sub-Total 11,706 9,256 10,037

GRANTS 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000

DEVELOPMENT FUND: Allocated Schemes 107,505 72,392 183,300 External Income 0 (28,000) 0 Sub-Total 107,505 44,392 183,300

FLOODING RECOVERY & RESILIENCE 20,000 7,200 7,200 0 0

CONTINGENCY 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000

WAINWRIGHT AWARD: 320 320 320 320 320 320

DIRECT EXPENDITURE 494,066 426,065 539,522 APPENDIX A Page 81 of 88 BUDGET FORECAST PROPOSED BUDGET HEADING 2016/17 2016/17 2017/18

CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESERVES: Development Fund 37,505 30,505 80,309 Development Fund from Unallocated/Flooding 0 21,200 0 Development Fund: External Income 0 28,000 0 Allotments Reserve 1,220 1,240 1,170 Arts & Heritage Reserve 0 0 2,000 Election Reserve 2,500 2,500 650 Community Infrastructure Levy 0 646 0 Wainwright Fund 220 200 190 41,445 84,291 84,319

USE OF RESERVES: Development Fund: Allocated Schemes (107,505) (72,392) (183,300) Arts & Heritage Reserve 0 (1,210) 0 Environment Reserve (5,500) (5,625) 0 Election Reserve 0 0 (1,455) Wainwright Fund (320) (320) (320) (113,325) (79,547) (185,075)

Increase/(Decrease) in General Fund Balance (29,500) (30,257) (25,920)



As at 1 Confirmed Indicative Total PROJECT EXPENDITURE: April Forecast 2017/18 2018/19 Programme 2016 2016/17

£ £ £ £ £ Action Plan for Kendal: Signage, Interpretation and Public Realm Improvements 15,000 15,000 15,000 45,000 Marketing Kendal's Attractions 2,500 2,500 Dementia Action Alliance Newsletter 1,100 1,100 Strategic Transport Infrastructure Study 10,000 10,000 20,000 Improvement of Kendal Street Name Signs 3,000 3,000

Kendal Futures Funding: Support for Co-ordinator 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 30,000 Visit Kendal Destination Website 6,000 6,000 Delivering the Action Plan - Kendal Futures allocation 10,000 10,000 Support for Projects 8,800 8,800

Tourism Support in Kendal: Cumbria Chamber of Commerce - Kendal TIC 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000

Green Spaces Improvement Projects: Oxenholme Play Area Development Group - Play Area, Bolefoot 5,000 5,000 Rinkfield Residents Association - Play Area 5,000 5,000 Maude's Meadow 15,000 15,000 Heron Hill School Wildlife Area 2,000 2,000 Footpath, Birk Hagg to Parkside Road, project costings 500 500 Footpath, Dean Gibson to Collin Road 10,000 10,000 Kendal Castle Environmental Improvements 18,000 18,000 SLACC Pollinator Project 0 9,000 9,000

Public Realm Improvement Projects: 'Dressing the Town' 1,128 282 1,410 Christmas Lights, Market Place 1,000 1,000 2,000 Market Place Enhancement 4,371 32,629 37,000 (incls £10,000 LIP and £12,000 from SLDC) Repainting Railings 1,540 3,040 4,580 Building Flag & Tree holder maintenance and replacement 2,000 2,000 Police Yard Lighting Scheme, Civic Society Project 2,000 2,000 Gritting Supplies 641 641 20 mph Speed Limit - Production of Project Estimate 0 10,000 10,000

Other Schemes: South Lakeland Credit Union 3,000 3,000 3,000 9,000 Lancaster Canal Northern Reaches (reserved allocation) 700 700 Kendal to Lancaster Canal Towpath Trail 0 10,000 10,000 Purchase of Replacement Van 0 20,000 20,000 Community Emergency Planning 0 5,000 5,000 10,000 "Kendal is Open for Business" Walking Festival 0 1,000 1,000 Return of allocation for Woodland Trust (500) (500)

Total Project Expenditure 22,539 152,392 103,300 37,500 315,731

Anticipated Slippage (80,000) 80,000 0

Budgeted Expenditure in year 22,539 72,392 183,300 37,500 315,731

Confirmed Indicative RESOURCES: Forecast 2017/18 2018/19 2016/17 £ £ £

Balance brought forward 95,678 102,991 0

Budgeted Contribution: Approved or Committed 51,705 80,309 Required to fund indicative Programme 37,500

External Income: Footpath, Dean Gibson to Collin Road: LIP Funding 9,000 Cllr Emmott SLDC Allowance 1,000 Kendal Castle, Environmental Improvements: LIP Funding 8,000 SLDC Partnerships Budget 10,000

Total Available Funding 175,383 183,300 37,500

Less: Used to fund projects (as above) (72,392) (183,300) (37,500)

Unallocated balance 102,991 0 0 PageAPPENDIX 83 of 88 C


2016/17 FORECAST 2017/18 PROPOSED BUDGET Balance Balance Balance Planned Planned Planned Planned 1 April 2016 1 April 2017 31 March 2018 Contribution Use Contribution Use £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Development Fund 95,678.41 79,705.00 (72,392.00) 102,991.41 80,309.00 (183,300.00) 0.41

Allotments 69,762.79 1,240.00 0.00 71,002.79 1,170.00 0.00 72,172.79

Arts & Heritage 4,006.04 0.00 (1,210.00) 2,796.04 2,000.00 0.00 4,796.04

Environment 18,303.96 0.00 (5,625.00) 12,678.96 0.00 0.00 12,678.96

Election 5,495.18 2,500.00 0.00 7,995.18 650.00 (1,455.00) 7,190.18

Community Infrastructure Levy - 646.00 0.00 646.00 0.00 0.00 646.00

Wainwright 11,893.31 200.00 (320.00) 11,773.31 190.00 (320.00) 11,643.31

TOTAL FUNDS 205,139.69 84,291.00 (79,547.00) 209,883.69 84,319.00 (185,075.00) 109,127.69

GENERAL FUND WORKING 86,176.59 0.00 (30,257.00) 55,919.59 0.00 (25,919.59) 30,000.00 BALANCE

TOTAL RESERVES 291,316.28 84,291.00 (109,804.00) 265,803.28 84,319.00 (210,994.59) 139,127.69 APPENDIXPage 84 of 88D




The Town Council maintains two types of reserves, for differing reasons:  a general reserve, represented by the General Fund working balance, which provides working capital and a buffer against financial risks; and  earmarked reserves to meet known, planned or predicted spending requirements which have been identified specifically.

The Council acknowledges that there is a balance to be struck between holding excessive reserves raised from public monies and retaining a prudent level of funds. It will therefore take advice from the Town Treasurer on the adequacy and appropriateness of its reserves, primarily when setting its revenue budget.

General Fund Working Balance

This reserve represents the balance on the Council’s revenue account, ie the account which records all its financial transactions. Unless allocated for a specific purpose, revenue budget underspendings and windfalls are added to the working balance, while overspendings are taken from the balance.

The balance provides working capital to assist the Council’s cash flow and acts as a buffer against unexpected events or expenditure. The optimum level for the working balance is determined by an assessment of the Council’s potential exposure to financial risks, together with a judgement of the extent to which earmarked reserves can support its cash flow on a temporary basis.

Earmarked Reserves

Other than funds governed by legal conditions, the earmarking of reserves is at the discretion of the Council and monies can be moved from one to another if required. Reserves do not generally accrue interest on the investment of their funds; exceptions to this rule are the subject of specific decision by Council, eg Allotments and Wainwright Funds.

In order to avoid future over-commitment, the day to day operational costs of running the Council are to be met from the revenue budget and reserves should not be used to fund recurring expenditure;.

Establishment and Use of Reserves

The Annex to this policy provides further details of the Council’s current reserves with a target range for each one.

The establishment or closing of an earmarked reserve requires a formal decision of Council. Similarly the approval of Council is required for all contributions and transfers to reserves, and all use of reserves to fund expenditure.


This policy will be subject to annual review. Page 85 of 88 Annex Reserves Policy

Current Reserves

Reserve Purpose Target level

General Reserves

 Provision of working capital Assessed on the basis of financial risks to General Fund  Buffer against uneven cash flows, inflationary pressures, sharp the Council. Working Balance budgetary changes, unexpected events or emergencies Range: £25,000 to £60,000

Earmarked Reserves

Based on an assessment of the financial  Provision of funds for non-recurring initiatives which further the requirements of specifically identified and Development Fund Council’s objectives approved schemes.  Mechanism to accumulate funds for major multi-year projects Typical Range: £nil to £120,000

The Fund was established with a major contribution; other than interest, it is not  To fund the acquisition of land as required for the provision of anticipated that regular contributions will Allotments Fund new allotment sites be made until the Fund falls to an  To fund major repair and improvement schemes for allotments unacceptable level. Range: £10,000 to £75,000

It is not anticipated that regular substantial contributions will be made to the Fund, in  The Fund is credited with the proceeds of the sale of heritage which case it will gradually be depleted, Arts and Heritage assets after which time relevant expenditure Fund  To meet the costs of cleaning, repairing, renovating and valuing would be met from the revenue account or the Council’s heritage assets its working balance. Range: £nil to £5,000 Page 86 of 88 Annex Reserves Policy

Reserve Purpose Target level

 To fund significant environmental improvements to benefit the There are no plans to maintain this local community reserve, which will be gradually depleted Environment Reserve  Initially established to fund a set programme of work totalling as projects are delivered. £90,000 over a three year period Range £nil to £13,000

Regular annual contributions will seek to  To smooth the impact on the revenue budget of periodic full accumulate sufficient funds in advance to Election Reserve Council elections by accumulating the anticipated expenditure meet the cost of full and by-elections. over the intervening period Range £2,500 to £12,000

 To retain CIL income from developments within the Kendal area pending its use for projects to deliver: o the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or Funding from this source is expected to Community maintenance of infrastructure; or increase from a small base to a significant Infrastructure Levy o anything else that is concerned with addressing the amount in future years. (CIL) Reserve demands that development places on an area. Range £nil to £10,000  The monies have to spent within five years of receipt and the reserve allows funds to be accumulated to enable projects to be delivered.  Established by a legacy contribution of £10,000 which cannot In the absence of further windfall be eroded, supplemented by windfall income of a charitable contributions, the Fund will gradually nature reduce from its current level to that of the Wainwright Fund  Income is used to fund the award of an annual grant to persons original legacy. The Fund would have to or organisations which has done most to promote the prestige be replenished if its balance inadvertently of Kendal or contributed significantly to the betterment of its fell below £10,000. inhabitants. Range £10,000 to £12,000

Date of Approval: 9 January 2017 PageAPPENDIX 87 of 88 E


2018/19 2019/20 Prospects Prospects £ £

Previous Year's Expenditure brought forward 412,846 359,624

Pay awards & Incremental progression 2,717 2,048

Allowance for inescapable inflation 2,000 2,000

Removal of one-off items in 2017/18 Budget: Maternity Leave cover (4,400) Rinteln Twinning 25th Anniversary (500) Britain in Bloom competition costs (1,500)

Re-instatement of Bloom Committee's Community Project budget 1,000

Provision for Christmas Lights anchor testing 3,000

Increase in contribution to Election Reserve to £2,500 1,850

Add: Use of General Fund balance in 2017/18 25,920

Less: Contribution to Development Fund in 2017/18 (80,309)

Forecast Expenditure carried forward 359,624 366,672

Previous Year's Income brought forward 412,846 412,146

Reduction in Investment Income (700) 0

Forecast Income 412,146 412,146

Available Resources 52,522 45,474

Less: Indicative Development Fund requirement (37,500) not yet formulated

Possible unallocated resources 15,022 45,474

Assumptions: 1% pa pay awards No outturn underspending in 2016/17 Static Council Taxbase No increase in Council Tax Page 88 of 88


November 2016 - Bank Payments

Date Ref Details Net VAT Total £ £ £

08/11/2016 OL 11844 Cllr A Blackman - Hotel accommodation, Britain in Bloom reps 283.33 56.67 340.00 10/11/2016 OL 11852 Cumberland Building Society - Investment 75,000.00 - 75,000.00 17/11/2016 OL 11845 Absolute Digital Print - Christmas Lights banner 236.00 47.20 283.20 17/11/2016 OL 11846 Absolute Digital Print - Newsletter 1,284.00 - 1,284.00 17/11/2016 OL 11847 R F Miller - Payroll services 73.00 14.60 87.60 17/11/2016 OL 11850 Kendal Civic Society - Contribution, Old Police Yard 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 17/11/2016 OL 11851 Homebase - Bloom award vouchers 466.66 93.34 560.00 17/11/2016 OL 11854 R Mathews - Remembrance Sunday, Civic duties 45.00 - 45.00 17/11/2016 OL 11856 A Sinker - Remembrance Sunday, Civic duties 35.00 - 35.00 17/11/2016 OL 11857 C Sinker - Remembrance Sunday , Civic duties 35.00 - 35.00 17/11/2016 OL 11858 C Nicholson - Remembrance Sunday, Civic duties 35.00 - 35.00 17/11/2016 OL 11859 J Nicholson - Remembrance Sunday, Civic duties 35.00 - 35.00 17/11/2016 OL 11860 Kendal Sea Cadets - Remembrance Sunday, Band 50.00 - 50.00 18/11/2016 OL 11853 Net Pay - November 2016 7,892.25 - 7,892.25 23/11/2016 OL 11848 The Sign Man, Comic Art and Wool Gathering signs 40.00 - 40.00 23/11/2016 OL 11849 The Knack - Signage 2,490.00 498.00 2,988.00 23/11/2016 OL 11855 C Mason - Rembrance Sunday, Civic duties 35.00 - 35.00 23/11/2016 OL 11861 Kendal Boys Brigade - Remembrance Sunday, Civic duties 50.00 - 50.00 23/11/2016 OL 11862 Cairngorm Reindeer - Christmas Lights Switch On 2,850.00 570.00 3,420.00 23/11/2016 OL 11863 Braille Services - Transcribing Newsletter 44.18 - 44.18 23/11/2016 OL 11864 E-on - Electricity, Council garage 55.87 - 55.87 23/11/2016 OL 11865 United Utilities - Water charges, Windermere Road Allotments 17.94 - 17.94 23/11/2016 OL 11866 E L Richardson - Mileage, Training course, Bowness 11.00 - 11.00 23/11/2016 OL 11867 MTP Media - Christmas Cards 102.00 20.40 122.40 23/11/2016 OL 11868 MTP Media - Leaflets, Christmas Lights Switch On 347.00 - 347.00 23/11/2016 OL 11869 Horton Landscaping - Winter planting 3,459.16 691.83 4,150.99 23/11/2016 OL 11870 Kendal Office Equipment - Stationery 306.75 61.35 368.10 23/11/2016 OL 11871 iTek - New mailbox and anti-virus, Mayor's Attendant 197.98 39.60 237.58 23/11/2016 OL 11872 iTek - Mailboxes and backup service 936.00 187.20 1,123.20 23/11/2016 OL 11873 M D Hanafin - Timber for Allotments 21.40 4.27 25.67 28/11/2016 OL 11874 The Sign Man - Event Signs 60.00 - 60.00 28/11/2016 OL 11875 Lound Road Garage - Fuel for van 57.90 11.58 69.48 28/11/2016 OL 11876 SLDC - Road closure, Christmas Lights 50.00 10.00 60.00 28/11/2016 OL 11877 SLDC - Printing Kendal in Bloom leaflets 274.00 - 274.00 28/11/2016 OL 11878 SLDC - Britain in Bloom work, Abbot Hall Park 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 30/11/2016 OL 11879 C T Hayton - Allotment materials 91.07 18.22 109.29 30/11/2016 OL 11880 Tech4 - Printer charges 130.37 26.07 156.44 30/11/2016 OL 11881 South Cumbria Rivers Trust - Control, Heron Hill Nature Are 300.00 - 300.00 30/11/2016 OL 11882 Cumbria CC - Winter planting 450.00 90.00 540.00 30/11/2016 OL 11883 Cumbria CC - Footpath, Dean Gibson to Collinfield 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 30/11/2016 OL 11884 Cumbria Pension Fund - Superannuation, November 2016 2,103.95 - 2,103.95 30/11/2016 OL 11885 HMRC - Tax & NI, November 2016 2,066.12 - 2,066.12 03/11/2016 DD/STO Hampton by Hilton Hotel via Barclaycard - Accommodation, BiB 85.00 - 85.00 04/11/2016 DD/STO Barclays Bank - Commission charges (net) 16.41 - 16.41 05/11/2016 DD/STO TalkTalk Business - Broadband 13.91 2.78 16.69 20/11/2016 DD/STO Busy Bees - Childcare Vouchers 243.00 - 243.00 20/11/2016 DD/STO Busy Bees - Charges for Childcare Vouchers 8.51 1.70 10.21 02/11/2016 9474 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal - Wreaths 125.00 - 125.00

Total 119,509.76 2,444.81 121,954.57