Krab Membership

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Krab Membership Four times a year, KRAB takes to the airwaves and asks you to make a small invesment in non­ INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY commercial public access radio. And, it's that time in: CORE STAFF: Jim Anderson, Julie Harris, Sharon Maeda, l' 't FESTIVAL de CANGREJO 'f', <t; ; n ~ 'I' '\ 1',. "t Ma rch 14-17 ''I' r r ~,. 't Asaphy Murphin, and Stu Witmer This year on March 8, we celebrate the 70th ann versary of International Women's Day. It is Listen to the sounds of music rooted in Africa SPECIAL PROJECT PRODUCERS: Phil Andrus, Kathy Bottoms, a day that commemorates a demonstration in 1857 Nancy Keith and Adam Woog and Latin America ..... dance to the samba, by New York women garment-textile workers who rhumba, and salsa rhythms •.... and dance on over BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Phil Andrus, Kathy Cain, Margaret marched in protest against their deplorable to your phones and make that pledge! Your mem­ working conditions and to demand shorter hours berships in KRAB are the sole ongoing support Ceis, Ben Dawson, Nancy Keith,Jim Lobe,Ga"ry Margason, and legislation against child labor. They further of the station. Without you, KRAB could not Ernie Nash, Chuck Reinsch, Lorraine Sakata, Libby demanded the right to vote. These demonstrations exist. Seven cents a day is a small price to Sinclair, Allen Swensson and Mayumi Tsutakawa foreshadowed the massive labor protests and pay to hear the finest daily public affairs and strikes of 1909 and 1910 and were the events news, spoken .arts, jazz, medieval, gospel, R&B, GUIDE PRODUCTION:Jim Christie, Dorothy Grupp, Helene that moved the 1910 International Socialist reggae, as well as ethnic music from throughout Silverman and Neil Strassman Congress in Denmark to proclaim March 8 as In­ the world. KRAB is the only station in Washing­ ternational Women's Day. Although for many years ton that is dedicated to free speech and locally VOLUNTEERCOUNCIL:Mike Acker,Carla Becker,Bob Bradac, the day went unrecognized in this country, since produced public access programming. Save those Betsy Dennis, Susan Howlett and Scott Wilson 1970 it has gained prominence as a day of cele­ pennies you drop into the gum machine and keep bration of the women's movement~ a celebration Community Radio KRAB going strong. Let us know NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TEAM: Bob Crawford, Julie of our successes, our progress and our hopes, as it's worth $25/year to keep KRAB commercial­ Creahan, Keith Dublanica and Andy Willis well as a day to take stock of our failures, our free. The weekend goal is: $ 15,000. our setbacks and our mistakes. So as we cele­ VOLUNTEERS brate the 70th anniversary of the day, we also Read on about the music and people of Festival Rob Ablott Dorothy Grupp Marilyn Rasmussen celebrate the 10th anniversary of our awareness de Congrejo. Mike Acker Michael Hall Lee Rees of its importance. Perry Adams Betty Hanson Paul Roepke For the past several years, KRAB has cele­ P.S. All Boeing employees' or spouses' pledges Phil Andrus Jim Harper Helena Rogers brated International Women's Day by bringing the will be matched by the company! Tell us if you Sue Andrus Toby Harris George Romansic listeners special programming produced entirely work at the Lazy-B. Tom Allen Greg Harrop Chaim Rosemarin by women and directed especially towards women's Luis Aviado Walter Hatch Ken Ross concerns and issues. This year we continue that .,. If r.,.1'rrr1''I T'fi\ ''1'1'''\'1' ~"i 1t''I' ~ LeRoy Backus Stan Henry Roswell tradition and from the beginning of Saturday, Captain Baltic Jamie Hix John Saltzgiver March 8, until 8:30 am on Sunday, March 9, we The history of the Caribbean is complex. It is Thomas Bannister Steve Hodes Allen Sarno will present a diverse and eclectic selection of beyond recounting in the short space here, so Phil Bannon Matt Holmes Spi ro Savvi des women's programming designed to entertain and what follows may serve as a brief sketch, espe­ Bob Baron Doug Honig Bill Scott inform all of KRAB's listeners. cially regarding musical development. One impor­ Py Bateman Karl HOrne Seattle Chinese One highlight of the day's programming is tant aspect of this history and one of the causes Norman Batley Susan Howlett Broadcast of complexity is the interweaving of many dif­ Bear Kay Hutchins Laura Seivert the live music, which is scheduled several times ferent cultures. Basically, those cultures of Ray Serebrin during the day and features a wide cross-section the indigenous population, those of many dif­ Carla Becker Sarah Jacobus of cultural and ethnic origins, including contem­ Shantha Benegal Clement Jiminez Charles Sharp ferent African peoples, and those of Europe have Hal Sherlock porary women's music, traditional American folk become homogenized over the centuries. Artemia Benitez Brad Johnson and country, Swedish fiddling, classical music Judy Bierman Renekee Johnson Helene Silverman Walter Simon from India, and . music from the Balkan states, Onol Bilkur Gretchen Johnston the Ukraine, and Latvia. Women's contributions Within fifty years or 90 after the arrival of Len Blumenthal Charles Karpuk Libby Sinclair the Spanish discoverers and early colonists, Stanford Smith to the musical arts are further explored in pro­ Vivia Boe Fred Katz grams on jazz, the blues, gospel, Caribbean most of the indigenous population died from Doris Brevoort Lloyd Kautz Margaret Spi ers imported disease and warfare. Not very much Stacey music and the works of women composers. Other Evelyn Brom Karl Kotas creative arts are represented in poetry readings, of this Caribbean Indian culture survived, how­ Mae Campbell KRABETTES Paul Stanbery ever the nature of the geography: the tropical Rob Stitt radio theater, women's comedy and readings from climate and myriad islands, remained and of Paul Carlson Mike Kranda science fiction. Sharon Carson Frank Krasnowsky Neil Strassman course affected the future of the area. The Cornell Cebrian Henry Lai Kathryn Taylor Much of the day's programming particularly climate lent itself to the ideal zone for sugar Art Ceniza Dennis Lam Ollie Taylor addresses the concerns of women in the 1980s. cane cultivation. 8ecause of the wide-ranging Tom Cherry Leslie Larson Loi s Thetford Programs are featured which deal with women's physical geography containing many islands, Chinese Media Molly Lawless Karen Thomas working conditions, health care, alcoholism, there was a lack of political unity, which ~Q~{tt~~ Kay Lee Choy Tok sexuality, the anti-nuclear movement in rela­ created management problems for the European Geraldine Cole Herb Levy John Townes tion to feminism, feminism on an international landlords and ultimately led to the dividing up Jeff Cole Alan Lindquist Traff scale, violence against women and the struggle of the area by the Spanish, French, Portuguese, Steve Coleman Jeff Lowery Randle Victor of Mormon women who support the ERA. Speeches Dutch and English. So it was this colon1al John Comstock Rosendo Luna Harry Vye will be broadcast by technologist Judy Smith, process that went on for well over 300 years Joanne Craig Molly Maeda Judith Walcutt writer Kate Millett and artist Judy Chicago. that was responsible for the cultural inter- Frank Davidson Judy Malmgren Arnold Waldstein And this still represents only part of the pro­ weaving. ' Daye Donna Manders t1ary Waoner gramming for International Women's Day. Peggy Deleers Michael Marti Peter Weismiller Please refer to the March 8 program notes Most of the African people who were shipped Bill Dempsey Sonny Masso Bob West over to the New World during this dark period for more detailed information on the day's pro­ of human history came from the western regions Betsy Dennis Daryl Matson Gregg Whitcomb gramming. It is brought to you with care and Jim Dorenkott John McCarthy Dave Whi t;e of the African continent. The variation of both concern for a future in which the enmities that language and culture between these West African Tom Eckels Dennis McWilliams Art Wi cks divide the races and sexes and classes will be Doug Ekblade Kristen Means Denni s Wil bert regions was remarkably complex. The enslavement overcome and people will unite to make a world process mixed these people, their languages and Judy Ellison Jonathan Miller Stua rt 1~i1l i ams more fit for alL Happy Internati ona 1 ~Iomen' s Vilma Fernandez Diane Milliken Scott Wilson cultures, in a way that makes tracing them his­ Dennis Flannigan Thane Mitchell Adam Woog Day! by Kathy Bottoms ' torically quite arduous. Suffice it to say that Jay Follette Robert Mittenthal Hanna Wu the African people, then, who were brought to the Jeff Follette Margo Murphy New World, to Cuba, to Hispaniola, to Jamaica, Vicki Fontanini Tom Nast KRAB Klassified to Brazil were almost totally isolated from their Paul Frandsen Bob Newman (Helene: pls do not previous familiar existence. Dave Gardner John Ochs play jokes with names 04 WANTED Robert Garfias Shan Ottey on volunteer list!) In a way, and here it must be oversimplified, Lyn Givler Patch there was one cultural aspect of the West Afri­ PENS & PENCILS Business people: Do you have a can regions which tied them together: religion. Fred Gleason Halina Pawl case of leftover 25th anniversary pens or Dean Goodell Pam Pi~ring Even though each group worshipped different Kim Goodman Kimson Plaut pencils???? Please deliver to 2212 S. Jackson, sets of gods and ancestral spirits, the method Leile Gorbman Steve Rabow weekdays 10 am-4 pm. of worship had many similarities. Most worship Kelly Grobecker John Ram included drumming, dancing, or singing, usually TABLE SAW for one-two month loan. Call Ksi th, with all three occurring at once.
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