Page 1 of 48 1 IMPACT OF HATCH-DATE ON EARLY LIFE GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF 2 MUELLER’S PEARLSIDE ( MAUROLICUS MUELLERI ) LARVAE, AND LIFE-HISTORY 3 CONSEQUENCES 4 5 Arild Folkvord 1* 6 Geir Gundersen 2 7 Jon Albretsen 3 8 Lars Asplin 4 5, 6 9 Stein Kaartvedt 1 10 Jarl Giske 11 12 1 Department of Biology, University of Bergen and Hjort Centre for Marine Ecosystem 13 Dynamics, 5020 Bergen, Norway 14 2 Department of Biology, University of Bergen, 5020 Bergen, Norway 15 3 Institute of Marine Research, 5817 Bergen, Norway 4 16 Institute of Marine Research and Hjort Center of Marine Ecosystem Dynamics, 5817 17 Bergen, Norway 18 5 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia 19 6 Current address: Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, 0316 Oslo, Norway 20 21 *corresponding author 22 email:
[email protected] Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Downloaded from by STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET on 08/20/15 23 phone: +47 55584456 24 fax: +47 55584450 25 For personal use only. This Just-IN manuscript is the accepted prior to copy editing and page composition. It may differ from final official version of record. Page 2 of 48 26 Abstract 27 Growth and survival of Maurolicus muelleri larvae in Herdlefjorden, Norway were 28 investigated by daily otolith increment analysis. While high egg densities were generally 29 observed throughout the spawning season, three cohorts each with a narrow window of 30 hatching dates were identified. The first of these cohorts was characterized by low growth and 31 poor morphometric condition and disappeared from the fjord during autumn.