III (fig. S1). Although previous bacterial RNase III crystal structures revealed a single catalytic metal ion in each RNase III domain (21), sub- Structural Basis for Double-Stranded sequent studies implicated two metal ions in the hydrolysis of each strand of the dsRNA (22). During our biochemical characterization RNA Processing by of Giardia Dicer, we noticed that the enzyme is potently inhibited by trivalent lanthanide Ian J. MacRae,1,3 Kaihong Zhou,1,3 Fei Li,1 Adrian Repic,1 Angela N. Brooks,1 cations such as Er3þ (19). Lanthanides often W. Zacheus Cande,1 Paul D. Adams,4 Jennifer A. Doudna1,2,3,4* bind more tightly to cation binding sites than divalent cations do, a property previously used The specialized Dicer initiates RNA interference by cleaving double-stranded RNA to identify transient Mn2þ binding sites in (dsRNA) substrates into small fragments about 25 nucleotides in length. In the crystal structure proteins (23). Inspection of the anomalous of an intact Dicer enzyme, the PAZ domain, a module that binds the end of dsRNA, is separated difference electron density map from a crystal from the two catalytic ribonuclease III (RNase III) domains by a flat, positively charged surface. derivatized with ErCl revealed a pair of Er3þ The 65 angstrom distance between the PAZ and RNase III domains matches the length spanned 3 cations in the active site of each RNase III by 25 base pairs of RNA. Thus, Dicer itself is a molecular ruler that recognizes dsRNA and cleaves domain of Giardia Dicer (Fig. 2B). The a specified distance from the helical end. prominent Er3þ metal (M1) in each domain resides between four strictly conserved acidic NA interference (RNAi) is an ancient stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD), and residues, which make up the previously iden- gene-silencing process that plays a extended interdomain regions associated with tified Mn2þ binding site of bacterial RNase III Rfundamental role in diverse eukaryotic Dicer in higher eukaryotes (Fig. 1A). A recom- (21). The second Er3þ binding site (M2) lies functions including viral defense (1), chro- binant form of this protein possesses robust adjacent to the first, outside of the acidic matin remodeling (2), genome rearrangement dicing activity in vitro (Fig. 1B). The RNA residue cluster. The distances between the (3), developmental timing (4), brain morpho- fragments produced by Giardia Dicer are 25 to two Er3þ metals in the RNase IIIa and IIIb genesis (5), and stem cell maintenance (6). 27 nucleotides long, which is similar to a class domains are È4.2 A˚ and È5.5 A˚ , respectively. All RNAi pathways require the multidomain of small associated with RNAi-mediated These distances are similar to those previously ribonuclease Dicer (7). Dicer first processes DNA elimination in Tetrahymena (17)andRNA- observed in the active site of RNase H (4.1 A˚ ) input dsRNA into small fragments called short directed DNA methylation in plants (18). dsRNA (24), avian sarcoma virus (ASV) integrase (3.6 A˚ ) interfering RNAs (siRNAs) (8), or cleavage by Giardia Dicer is magnesium- (25), the EcoRV(4.2A˚ )(26), (miRNA) (9), which are the hallmark of RNAi. dependent, although several other divalent cations and the group I intron (3.9 A˚ )(27), all of which Dicer then helps load its small RNA products including Mn2þ,Ni2þ,andCo2þ also support are thought to use a two–metal-ion mechanism into large multiprotein complexes termed RNA- catalytic activity (19). The presence of dis- of catalysis. The 17.5 A˚ distance between the induced silencing complexes (RISC) (10). RISC crete dicing intermediates separated by inter- and RISC-like complexes use the small RNAs vals of È25 nucleotides indicates that Giardia as guides for the sequence-specific silencing of Dicer processes dsRNA from the helical end in a cognate genes through mRNA degradation (11), fashion similar to human Dicer (20). However, translational inhibition (12), and heterochro- in contrast to human Dicer, Giardia Dicer has a matin formation (13). low affinity for its small RNA product (È1 mM) Dicer products are typically 21 to 25 nu- (19) and displays multiple turnover kinetics (20). cleotides long, which is the ideal size for a Structural overview. We determined the gene silencing guide, because it is long enough crystal structure of the full-length Giardia to provide the sequence complexity required to Dicer at 3.3 A˚ resolution (table S1). The struc- uniquely specify a single gene in a eukaryotic ture reveals an elongated molecule that, when genome. Several models have been proposed viewed from the front, takes on a shape re- for how Dicer generates RNA fragments of this sembling a hatchet; the RNase III domains specificsize(14–16), but structural information form the blade and the PAZ domain makes is lacking. In an effort to deepen our under- up the base of the handle (Fig. 2A). The PAZ standing of the initiation step of RNAi, we domain is directly connected to the RNase IIIa determined the crystal structure of an intact and domain by a long a helix that runs through the fully active Dicer enzyme. handle of the molecule. This ‘‘connector’’ helix Conservation of a highly active Dicer in is encircled by the N-terminal residues of the Giardia intestinalis. We identified an open protein, which form a platform domain com- reading frame in Giardia intestinalis that en- posed of an antiparallel b sheet and three a codes the PAZ and tandem RNase III domains helices. A large helical domain bridges the two characteristic of Dicer (7), but lacks the N- RNase III domains and forms the back end of Fig. 1. Giardia encodes an active Dicer enzyme. terminal DExD/H helicase, C-terminal double- the blade. Viewing Dicer from the side reveals (A) Schematic representation of the primary se- a contiguous flat surface that extends along one quence of human and Giardia Dicers. (B) Time 1Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, 2Department face of the molecule. 3 course of in vitro Giardia Dicer dsRNA cleavage of Chemistry, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University Two–metal-ion mechanism of dsRNA cleav- of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 4Physical Bio- assay. RNA product sizes were determined by sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, age. The two RNase III domains of Dicer sit comparison with RNase T1 and alkaline hydrol- Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. adjacent to each other in the blade region and ysis (OH) sequencing ladders (lanes 1 and 2). 2 *To whom correspondence should be addressed: E-mail: form an internal heterodimer that is similar to Dicing requires the protein (Dcr) and Mg þ (lanes [email protected] the homodimeric structure of bacterial RNase 3and4). SCIENCE VOL 311 13 JANUARY 2006 195 RESEARCH ARTICLE

Fig. 2. Crystal struc- ture of Giardia Dicer. (A) Front and side view ribbon representations of Dicer showing the N-terminal platform do- main (blue), the PAZ domain (orange), the connector helix (red), the RNase IIIa domain (yellow), the RNase IIIb domain (green) and the RNase-bridging domain (gray). Disordered loops are drawn as dotted lines. (B) Close-up view of the Dicer catalytic sites; conserved acidic residues (sticks); erbi- um metal ions (purple); and erbium anomalous difference electron density map, contoured at 20s (blue wire mesh). Dashed lines indicate distances described in the text.

Fig. 3. Structural fea- tures of the Dicer PAZ domain. (A) Superposition

of the Ca atoms of PAZ domains from Giardia Dicer (orange) and hu- man Argonaute1 (white). Amino acids forming the 3¶ overhang-binding pocket are shown as sticks. (B) Electrostatic surface representation of the PAZ domains of Giar- dia Dicer and Argonaute1 (hAGO1). Asterisks de- note 3¶ overhang-binding pockets. The RNA in Argonaute1 PAZ structure is drawn as green sticks.

metal-ion pairs closely matches the width of the fold that specifically recognizes dsRNA ends suring from the active site of the RNase IIIa dsRNA major groove. We also observed Mn2þ containing a 3¶ two-base overhang (28–31). domain to the 3¶ overhang-binding pocket in inallM1andsomeM2sitesincrystalsgrown Superposition of the PAZ domains of Giardia the PAZ domain gives a distance of È65 A˚

in high concentrations of MnCl2. Therefore, we Dicer and human Argonaute1 reveals that the (Fig.4),whichmatchesthelengthof25dsRNA propose that the Er3þ metals seen in Giardia two domains share the same overall fold and 3¶ base pairs. To produce a likely model of a Dicer denote true catalytic metal-ion binding two-nucleotide RNA binding pocket (Fig. 3A). Dicer-dsRNA complex, the positions of the sites and that Giardia Dicer uses a two–metal- The Dicer PAZ domain contains a large metal-ion pairs bound in each RNase III domain ion mechanism of catalysis. Given the high extended loop that is conserved among Dicer were used to anchor the two scissile phosphates level of sequence conservation throughout the sequences and absent in Argonaute (fig. S1). of an ideal A-form dsRNA helix into the RNase RNase III family, it is likely that all RNase III The Dicer-specific loop dramatically changes III active sites. This placement positions the enzymes, including bacterial RNase III and the electrostatic potential and molecular twofold symmetry element of the dsRNA co- , contain similar catalytic metal-ion bind- surface surrounding the 3¶ overhang-binding incident with the pseudo twofold symmetry axis ing sites. pocket relative to the Argonaute PAZ domain relating the two RNase III domains, which is Structural features of the Dicer PAZ domain. (Fig. 3B). The presence of many basic amino analogous to how restriction enzymes typically The PAZ domain is an RNA binding module acid residues in the extra loop could substan- bind dsDNA substrates (32). Bacterial RNase III found in Dicers and in the Argonaute family tially affect the way the RNA is recognized has been proposed to bind dsRNA in a similar of proteins that are core components of RISC and perhaps handed off to other complexes by fashion (16, 33). Outside of the RNase III re- and other siRNA- and miRNA-containing com- each family of proteins. gion, the modeled dsRNA extends along a flat plexes. Previous studies of PAZ domains from A model for siRNA formation. The struc- surface formed by the platform domain. This several Argonaute proteins revealed a degener- ture of Giardia Dicer immediately suggests surface contains a large positively charged re- ate oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB) how Dicer enzymes specify siRNA length. Mea- gion that could interact directly with the nega-


Fig. 5. Giardia Dicer supports RNAi in vivo. (A) Overexpression (OE) of Giardia Dicer rescues the TBZ sensitivity of the S. pombe Dicer delete (dcrD). Growth was assayed by spotting 10-fold serial dilutions of cultures indicated. (B) Over- expression of Giardia Dicer restores transcrip- Fig. 4. A model for dsRNA processing by Dicer. Front and side views of a surface representation of tional silencing at centromeres (cen). Transcript Giardia Dicer with modeled dsRNA. Red and blue represent acidic and basic protein surface charge, levels were determined by semiquantitative respectively. Electrostatic surface potentials do not include contributions from bound metal ions. reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain re- Putative catalytic metal ions are shown as green spheres. White arrows point to scissile phosphates. action. Actin (act) served as an internal control. Asterisk denotes PAZ domain 3¶ overhang-binding pocket. bp, base pair. tively charged phosphodiester backbone of the of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe helix. In the crystal structure of Giardia Dicer, modeled dsRNA helix. The 3¶ end of the RNA that contains a deletion of its endogenous Dicer this proline induces a distinct kink that aids duplex falls directly into the 3¶ overhang- (dcrD). in directing the helix toward the RNase IIIa binding pocket of the PAZ domain, and the 5¶ Like most Dicer proteins, the S. pombe Dicer domain. end lies adjacent to the Dicer-specific PAZ do- contains an N-terminal helicase domain and a Most Dicer proteins contain a conserved main loop. There are exactly 25 nucleotides C-terminal dsRBD. The S. pombe dcrD strain is region of È100 amino acids termed ‘‘domain between the 3¶ end of the helix bound to the defective in RNAi and is hypersensitive to of unknown function 283’’ (DUF283), which PAZ domain and the scissile phosphate in the the microtubule-destabilizing drug thiobendazole lies between the helicase and PAZ domains in RNase IIIa domain. (TBZ) because of chromosome missegregation the primary sequence. Low but consistent se- Thus, Dicer is a molecular ruler that mea- (36). Plasmid expression of S. pombe dcr1þ fully quence homology between the N-terminal do- sures and cleaves È25 nucleotides from the rescued TBZ sensitivity of the dcrD cells. A main of Giardia Dicer and DUF283 (fig. S3) end of a dsRNA. The length of the small partial functional rescue of TBZ sensitivity was suggests that in the Dicers of higher eukaryotes, RNAs produced by Dicer is set by the distance also achieved by episomal expression of Giardia DUF283 forms a platform structure similar to between the PAZ and RNase III domains, Dicer, indicating that Giardia Dicer can suppress that of Giardia Dicer. which is largely a function of the length of the chromosome segregation defect (Fig. 5A). The conserved Dicer architecture, together the connector helix. This model of dsRNA pro- Furthermore, Giardia Dicer restores silencing with the demonstration that Giardia Dicer can cessing is consistent with the proposed archi- of centromeric regions that are aberrantly tran- substitute for S. pombe Dicer in vivo, argues tecture of human Dicer based on biochemical scribedinthedcrD mutant(Fig.5B).These that the mechanism of Dicer-catalyzed dsRNA studies in which the RNase IIIa and IIIb do- results demonstrate that Giardia Dicer is suf- processing is conserved. Moreover, these re- mains were shown to produce the siRNA 5¶ and ficient to function as an intact Dicer in vivo. sults indicate that all Dicers evolved from a 3¶ ends, respectively (16). Furthermore, closing A conserved architecture in Dicer enzymes. common ancestral enzyme. Because Giardia is the ends of a dsRNA substrate by hybridization Considering the structural role played by the one of the most anciently diverged members of or ligation greatly diminished dicing activity connector helix that links the PAZ and RNase the eukaryotic kingdom, we may consider that (20, 34), which may explain why circular viral III domains (Fig. 2), we wondered whether the earliest eukaryotic organisms had a similar dsRNA is resistant to RNAi (35). larger Dicer proteins found in higher eukary- Dicer enzyme and therefore were capable of Giardia Dicer can support RNAi in fission otes contain an analogous helix. Sequence RNAi-like processes. It will be of evolutionary yeast. Given that Giardia Dicer lacks some of alignment of the region directly following the interest to determine the cellular function of the domains commonly associated with Dicer PAZ domain of several evolutionarily diverse Dicer and RNAi in Giardia. enzymes, most notably the N-terminal helicase, Dicer enzymes reveals a conserved pattern of The structure of Giardia Dicer also pro- we wondered if the structure represents an hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids that vides new insight into eukaryotic RNase III intact Dicer or merely the catalytic subunit of a is predicted to form a long a helix by second- enzymes in general. This family of enzymes larger complex required for complete Dicer ary structural analysis (fig. S2). All Dicers con- performs a range of specific cellular functions function in vivo. To address this question, we tain a conserved proline about 11 amino acid involving the cleavage of dsRNA [reviewed introduced the Giardia Dicer gene into a strain residues from the predicted N terminus of the in (37)]. The structure of Dicer illustrates SCIENCE VOL 311 13 JANUARY 2006 197 RESEARCH ARTICLE

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named PdP (or SdS), where d is the depth of The Nature of the 660-Kilometer the discontinuity, thus P660P (or S660S)are the underside reflections of the 660-km dis- continuity. These data are unusual in probing Discontinuity in Earth’s Mantle from Global the mantle discontinuities with good global coverage, beneath both continents and oceans, Seismic Observations of PP Precursors and they can be used to draw inferences in many different regions. Arwen Deuss,1* Simon A. T. Redfern,1 Kit Chambers,2 John H. Woodhouse2 Studies of the 660-km discontinuity have been hampered because, although it is easily The 660-kilometer discontinuity, which separates Earth’s upper and lower mantle, has been observed in long-period SS precursors on a detected routinely on a global scale in underside reflections of precursors to SS shear waves. global scale, it has not been seen before using Here, we report observations of this discontinuity in many different regions, using precursors to long-period PP precursors (10). This was in- compressional PP waves. The apparent absence of such precursors in previous studies had posed terpreted to mean that the bulk modulus is major problems for models of mantle composition. We find a complicated structure, showing single continuous across the boundary (11), placing and double reflections ranging in depth from 640 to 720 kilometers, that requires the existence major constraints on the mineral physics of the of multiple phase transitions at the base of the transition zone. The results are consistent with post-spinel phase transition and on average a pyrolite mantle composition. mantle composition. In particular, these obser- vations cannot be reconciled with a pyrolite he characteristics of the 660-km dis- sought in seismology by studying the detailed mantle composition and are not consistent with continuity determine the convective style seismic characteristics of this discontinuity and the widely used Preliminary Reference Earth Tof the mantle, distinguishing potentially comparing them with predictions from mineral Model (PREM) (12); both models predict large between whole-mantle and layered-mantle con- physical models of the mantle. Most seismic reflection amplitudes in both PP and SS for the vection (1, 2). The key question is whether this studies (6–8) find evidence in favor of the post- 660-km discontinuity (Fig. 1). It also implied a discontinuity is caused by a phase transition spinel phase transition in olivine from ring- rather small density jump at the base of the (3, 4) or by a change in chemical composition woodite to perovskite and magnesiowu¨stite (9). transition zone, which would favor whole- (5). The latter would favor two-layer mantle Precursors to the SS and PP waves have mantle convection. Matters are further compli- convection, whereas the former would allow been used extensively to study the global cated by short-period observations of P¶P¶ whole-mantle convection. Answers have been seismic characteristics of the transition-zone precursors (13), which show that the 660-km discontinuities, in particular the 660-km dis- discontinuity is sharp and prominent in a few

1 continuity. These precursors arrive before the isolated places in the Southern Hemisphere Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, ¶ ¶ Cambridge CB3 0EZ, UK. 2Department of Earth Sciences, major PP (or SS) wave because they are not (14). Although P P has a different ray path, it University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK. reflected from Earth_s surface but from a dis- has been difficult to reconcile sharp short- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: continuity below the surface bounce point of period reflections with the absence of long- [email protected]. the PP (or SS) wave (fig. S1). Precursors are period reflections for the same discontinuity.

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