Organized Crime in California 2005
100 95 75 25 5 0 Organized Crime in California Annual Report to the California Legislature 2005 BILL LOCKYER, Attorney General CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Division of Law Enforcement Rick Oules, Director Wilfredo Cid, Assistant Director Criminal Intelligence Bureau Craig Buehler, Chief Allen Benitez, Assistant Chief Message from the Attorney General The 2005 Annual Report to the Legislature summarizes major criminal activities of street gangs, international terrorists, organized crime groups, and criminal extremists operating in or otherwise affecting this state. Each portion of the report also provides an analysis, then examines and evaluates patterns and trends associated with the crimes listed. During the past year, the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) has remained committed to helping protect the citizens of California. CIB consists of four intelligence sections -- the Gang Analysis Unit, the Organized Crime Analysis Unit, the State Terrorism Threat Assessment Center, and the Los Angeles County Regional Criminal Information Clearinghouse. Staff in these units identifies and track criminal suspects and groups, conduct assessments, and offer real-time tactical support in response to threats presented to the citizens of California by these entities. The information that follows highlights some of the projects undertaken by CIB in 2005. During this calendar year, CIB Task Forces assisted law enforcement agencies around the state with investigations of explosive devices at government facilities, gang sweeps involving a variety of arrests including: narcotics violations, warrants, prior deportation, probation violations, and violation of court orders. Some gang members were identified as suspects in homicides, assaults, sales of narcotics investigations, and auto theft investigations. Task Force agents also assisted the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in their investigation of four of members of Jamiyyat Ul-Islam Is Saheeh, a radical prison gang, for their alleged roles in a conspiracy to levy war against the U.S.
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