GUILFORD COUNTY GANG ASSESSMENT OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Assessment September 30, 2010 W ritten By: K elly N. G raves, PhD, Amanda Ireland, M A, Jessica Benson, M A, K risten DiLuca, M A, Korinne Chiu, M A, K ristin Johnston, M A, Lindsey Dunn, BS, Shuntay McCoy, MS, Stacy Sechrist, PhD Guilford County OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Assessment, 2010 Page 1 Acknowledgements Funding for this assessment was provided by Guilford County and the North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. We gratefully acknowledge Guilford County and the local steering committee, which included Youth Focus, Inc., One Step Further, Inc., and Guilford County Court Alternatives, who selected us to conduct this assessment and guided us through the process. We also express our appreciation to all of the individuals and agencies who assisted with data collection and review, including (but not limited to) the following: Alcohol & Drug Services High Point Community Against Violence Brothers Organized to Serve Others High Point Parks and Recreation (B.O.T.S.O.) High Point Police Department Calvary Christian Center JobLinks Community Program Representatives Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. Latino Family Center of High Point Greensboro Child Response Initiative Lee St. Merchants Greensboro Parks and Recreation NC 211 Greensboro Police Department One Step Further, Inc. Greensboro Safe Communities Coalition Piedmont Triad Partnerships Guilford CARES Reclaiming Futures ± Guilford County Guilford Center Social Policy Research Associates Guilford County Court Alternatives Successfully Overcoming the Odds Guilford County Health Department ± Smart TRIADWorks Girls® Life Skills Training TYINetz Guilford County Juvenile Court Counselors United Way of Greater Greensboro Guilford County Pretrial Services United Way of High Point Guilford County Schools Washington Terrace Park Recreation Center *XLOIRUG&RXQW\6KHULII¶V2IILFH Win-Win Resolutions, Inc.
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