General hint: To see all and cheap possibilities use search-engines, depending on your country: kiwi, megaflieger, opodo, whichbudget, jetcost, momondo, greitai. It’s advised to use such search-engines only to get the information, NOT for booking, because you have to book your bicycle too and that can cause problems using the search engines. Book directly at the website of the founded ! At some simply with a “click”, at others by phone. Typical price for a bike is about 30 Euro inside Europe, and ~100-150 USD to South America. To get knowledge which airlines fly to one or another airport it is advisable also to visit websites of corresponding airports.

A Guide to the Most Accessible Airports in Patagonia gives a concise information about the flight options.

At first, you have to find a flight to de or . There are many different possibilities. , , , , Latam, Aerolineas Argentinas, and some other airlines operate the direct flights from Europe.

If you plan to join the ride at the beginning, it is more convenient to take a flight to Santiago de Chile, and then to the . Local flights inside Chile and Argentina are rather cheap, but much more expensive between the two countries.

If you have not enough time for the whole ride, we would recommend combining the following sections of the route:

 February 23 – March 09. Flights from (40 km from ).  March 09 – March 26. Flights from El Calafate.  March 27 – till the end. Flights from .

You can finish the ride at the other points as well. For example, after 21 days of cycling you can take a ferry from Caleta Tortel and finish your trip in .

You can use also a bus network to reach some places in Patagonia. Check the following sites for the bus schedules in Chile and Argentina:

 

On the you can find different options for all types of transportation between two locations.

If you will join us only for some part of the ride the following table of airports located at (or near) our route can be useful when planning arrival or departure:


Puerto Montt Chile , Latam, Jet Smart Santiago de Chile, Punta Arenas, Balmaceda

El Calafate Argentina Aerolineas Argentinas, Latam Buenos Aires, Carlos de Bariloche, Ushuaia

Puerto Natales Chile Latam Santiago de Chile, Punta Arenas Sky Airline, Latam, Aerovias Santiago de Chile, Puerto Montt, Punta Arenas, Balmaceda Chile DAP Puerto Williams Santiago de Chile, Puerto Montt, Balmaceda, Aerovias DAP, Sky Airline, Punta Arenas Chile El Calafate, Porvenir, Puerto Natales, Puerto Latam, Jet Smart Williams, Ushuaia Puerto Williams Chile Aerovias DAP, Danube Wings Punta Arenas, Balmaceda, Ushuaia

Ushuia Argentina Aerolineas Argentinas, Latam Buenos Aires, El Calafate, Puerto Williams