[Egen address här]

Günther Steiner Team Principal, Haas F1 Team Haas F1, Haas Way Kannapolis NC 28081 of America [Datum här] Dear Mr Steiner,

We are writing to you as a leader of a Formula One team to ask you to be willing to speak up politely but publicly on any concerns you may feel about human rights in and other countries where your team competes in Grand Prix races.

Our Amnesty group is one of several who have been studying and campaigning for the rights of the Bahrain Thirteen, a variety of peaceful activists supporting human rights and democratisation in Bahrain who were imprisoned at about the same time the Bahrain Grand Prix was cancelled ten years ago.

We are not asking you to get involved in politics. The eleven remaining Bahrain Thirteen prisoners are from various different groups who only have in common that they are believed to have supported the Bahrain Spring protests ten years ago and they have neither used nor advocated violence, which is why they have been adopted as prisoners of conscience by .

We are particularly concerned that these prisoners, many quite elderly, were gruesomely tortured and have been denied medical care resulting in a great deal of pain, suffering and fear. The only hope they have for release is to be pardoned by the King of Bahrain.

While our letters and appeals to the King have gone unanswered and unacknowledged, we believe public support from Formula One teams who contribute so much to Bahrain’s international profile by participating in the Bahrain Grand Prix would be highly effective. We believe appreciation of your hosts can also extend to affection for all the people of Bahrain and their human rights.

We would highly appreciate it if you could send and acknowledgement of this letter with your own thoughts about how Haas F1 and other Formula One Teams can be supportive of universal human rights, so that the prestige, tourism and public attention brought to countries hosting F1 races is accompanied by commitment and respect for basic human rights.

Yours sincerely

[Allas namn]

[Amnesty grupp nummer]