[email protected] 2 GENERAL INFORMATION ST. PETERSBURG VELIKY Total area: NOVGOROD 24,7 thousand PSKOV square km Economically active population: 775 800 people VITEBSK MOSCOW TULA The largest towns: MINSK KALUGA 330-350 Orel 318 100 people km Livny 49 300 people OREL BRYANSK Mtsensk GOMEL 40 700 people LIPETSK KURSK Climate: Moderate-continental KIEV VORONEZH BELGOROD KHARKOV DNEPROPETROVSK DONETSK ©
[email protected] 3 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE REGION Profitable logistics. Proximity to the largest sales markets Qualified human resources Wide range of preferences for investors Investment sites – industrial parks provided with all the necessary engineering infrastructure ©
[email protected] 4 PROFITABLE LOGISTICS. PROXIMITY TO THE LARGEST SALES MARKETS Within a radius of 500 km more than 45 million people live; CONVENIENT 1 The region is located at the crossing of the main geographical position highways and railways «North - South» (Moscow- Kharkov-Crimea- Caucasus) and «West - FAVORABLE 2 East» - Riga-Voronezh- climatic conditions Saratov; Soft climate lets develop a lot of sorts of agricultural DEVELOPED 3 production; transport infrastructure The stations: Oryol, Livny, Mtsensk, Verkhovie, Luzhki are large railway junctions. On the territory SIGNIFICANT of the region there are 1 4 oil and 3 gas international sales market mains of important strategic significance. ©
[email protected] 5 ПОЛЕЗНЫЕ ИСКОПАЕМЫЕ Refractory clay Drillrex Ironstone Sand for silicate products Cement raw materials, Loam chalk