Hall's? Oak Card Tables
Leader WATCHES. Eric-a-Bra- c. CLOCKS. WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS, UPKHA ULAHKKH, .TKWKIjKY, SILVERWARE FAN. :: :: AT . VEBT . LOW . rEICES. :: :: Of all kinds done promptly and at reasonable prices by our lintore Repairing It will pay you well to iiiMpevt stock buying. RIDER, BRYANT & CO., RLMn.:BUYANT:&I:CO., JEWELERS. WATCHMAKERS, -- D do. Aiii 259 Miia strait ,- - ANBURY. Newtown Bee oiitiiLi, ujiinuni, wan. j VOLUME XVII. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1894. EIGHT-- PAGES. NUMBEE 14 E. A. Bevans la the artist who does the Talk of the Town. work. C0E5EE-BUCKLEN'- SPRING OPENING. THE PEOPLE'S S A TEEAT 13 STORE. GRAND Rev Charles H. ABXICA Smith, pastor of the 8ALVE. Windsor avenue Congregational chorcb. The best salve in the world for cuts. of Hartford, will give a lecture in the bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Congregational church the last of April, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, the proceeds to go toward the Sunday 9 corns and all skin eruptions, and posi- school library. Mr Smith is a pleasing tively cures piles or no pay required. It speaker, and bis many fi iends in town is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction will be glad of another opportunity to or money refunded. Price 23c per box. bear him. - Tor sale -- ENGLAND COMBINATION CLOTHIERS,-- "J by E. F. Hawley, Newtown, NEW and S. C. Bull, Sandy Hook. One of Baker's prize balloons landed in the back yard of William Luck, two A POINTER. miles southwest of Waterbury, on the C. II. Bennett;. RrlrT Middle bury road. Mr Luck says it "done feared his out Desrse to announce to the of Newtown and vicinity that their new, stylish ness push, business growth and business dog of two years people integrity has pushed him to the front as growth when it landed." the leader in bargains and low prices, never deviates from his to The Xew York and Xew England pas- .
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