Ti:. ^ •> r'V-»•"!' x'. tfUt ! NOR WALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1878* .i-fiJ-JV" v>; .;n .,-•.?' j VOL. LXL«OTMBEE 38 WHOLE NUMBER 1602 a/.'.t r .i«o A Lesson to Milk Dealers. • i.. !v r "And why should she not dato from Fleet room, but was scared by the sounds be ' : From the Journal and Courier. THE PRIVATE SECRETARY. NORWALK GAZETTE, ':•< itJia .'fllft <: » (to.- • Tlie Silent Melody. street, sir?" r t j heard, and contrived to escape to FVance. Yellow Fever—Its Nature ami Surgeon General Woodwork, dr^tfii ,Uni­ 2 » vJl•- •««> it1 < ,4> V'nication in cipher was naturally very preva­ respondencecontinued long?" ties off their guard, and probably to inter­ Work. a medical officer of health in Clifton, Eng­ Tile Second Oldest Paper In tbe State. j-'.-: > t i. fcl !,• VtlfBI, Thoqgli a^ its pinging tones liave, fled, tj. lent ; and ingenuity was taxed to the utmo»t "Oh yes—a couple of years or so, but not change the key the cipher, was a Parisian WESTVILLK, Sept. 4, 1878, land, to a farmer whose pump had become EfceSr, echoes linger round it:still 5 on one hand to invent, and on the other to nearly so regularly as lately." . < ^ (- celebrity who both before and'afterwards In view of the fearful eqidemic now deso­ the source of a typhoid fever epidemic. The OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING.' Pianos, Organs] It had some golden strings, I knov^«." v.? But that was long IV (i 1 i detect the medium used in secret correspond- "For bow long regularly?" " ' was renowned for her daring in political in­ lating the South, I think a sketch of the farmer was warned that if he allowed any it?!* -c.j h'txtts ie.ii rtii; • ••• • J»"> -how long I—ago,'..... i ence. As a rule, the decipherer had beaten "About two months." trigue.-"ify-asier'* Magazine, Kf characteristics of the dread scourge may in­ member of his family to use the contaminated 7 A. H. BYINGTON & CO. j ; •Tcahttot 8fefe4ts:taniished gold,' ; the cipher, and no known method was secure "That is, about the time when you first ' terest some of your readers, though it be an pump water and disease (ending fatally) A. H. BIINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELI.B. " I cannot'ljear it's, .vanished tone, " , 0f detection, If conventional signs merely suspected the betrayal of confidence ?" WHO ABK THE BONDHOLDERS.—Over 80 unprofessional one. 4 arose from it, or ifj he sold any milk and Scarce cap my, tfeipbling fingers hold I were used, the recurrence of the different "Really, my friend, if you can't see far­ . K, . . ' j . per cent, of the public debt is now held at The subject is neither a pleasant nor a del disease arose from it, he would be charged s ; The pillared* frame so long their own symbols gave a key easy followed out. ther into a millstone than that, you may*give homeland tbe quality of the subscriptions to icate one, but one which appeals to all. Yel­ with manslaughter. Where fatal diseases Subscription $2.00 per year, in advance. We both are wrecks—awhile ago, ! Some ingenious spirits corresponded by up the profession," said my uncle. ."Take the 4 per cent, shows that the breadth and low fever is epidemic, and emphatically not can be traced to a source like this—contami­ Single Copies 5 Cents. , Nore than 1,000,000 bottles of the now celebrat­ It had some silver string^ I know. reference to the pages, and lines of particu­ my word for it, the Beaumpnts bave nothing depth of the appreciation of this form of in­ endemic, and therefore not attributable to nated pump water—it is doubtless a "whole­ Melodeons, Sheet Music, &c., ed Centaur Liniments were sold last year, lar editions of particular books—others by to do with it. Rubbish." vestment. The bulk of the subscriptions is We assert without fear of contradiction that no "But on them Time too long has played lack of cleanliness, proper drainage, etc., some lesson" to serve such a warning upon man, women or child will say that they did not an agreed vocabulary. But these test methods, "Hum I" And with that the man of skill for bonds of denominations of $50,1C0 and though, of course, like any oilier sickness the owner,but such lessons should be extend­ Advertising Kates:' WALL STREET NORWALK, CONN. perform according to the advertisement. We do The solemn strain that knows no change, although they might preserve the secrct, took his hat and departed, saying be would $500, showing that they are the savings; of its victims bave fewer chances of recoveay not pretend that the Centaur Liniments will And where of,old.my. fingers strayed ed to the health authorities themselves when Fourlinee oi less, 1insertion 50 cte.; Stimct 81 Ofl NEXT DOOS to SAVINGS BANK. disclosed what was often quite as dangerous return in two days. The two days however, people in moderate circumstances. Another in an unwholesome atmosphere. It is both they fail to compcl the cleaning of streets or OneSqtiare,one insertion, ------100 mend a broken leg or perform impossibilities, The chords they find are new and strange— that there was p. secrct. I am about to were five before he came back, and was large class consists of women whose income Per week, forcontinuance, *------50 but we do say and mean that these Liniments Yes, iron strings—I know—I know— infectious and contagious, admitting the allow the sewers to become breeders of I keep a large stock of instruments on hand, will come nearer working miracles than anything tell you of a plan which for a long time was again closeted with uncle and Parked with is sufficient and who prefer the sacrifice of a One Square, Six Months, - - .- .- .- 7 00 and sell them on Monthly Instalments Every­ We both are wrecks of long ago. unquestionable distinction of those terms. diseases which cause death. There are ono year— with paper -15 00 ever before discovered. Wc have thousands*of not only undetected, but unsuspected. whom he had fallen into grebt disfavor.2 low rate of interest to the risk of any. other The premonitory symptons are generally body can have a Piano or Organ. certificates showing how remarkable cures of:ob­ good many ills that flesh -is heir to only Two •• '' " •' •' «' - - - 2E.00 "We both are wrecks—a shattered pair- It was-at that time when the first Napoleon , Wants to make a job, said the latter—"a investment. Probably the largest subscrip chill, followed by an Intolerable aching of Three4• ^ •• « •. . . . 3000 SOLE AGENT FOR TI1E CELEUUATKl) stinate cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, because the heirs are surrounded by the Strange to ourselves in Time's disguise had assembled his fleets and transports at regular humbug." Lions come from financial institutions and the the bones jnst like old-fashioned c'oue fever Quarter ol a Column, one time, ..... 5 0o' Caked Breasts, Poisonons Bites, Scaliis and Burns same conditions arising from neglected and Swelled Legs and Stiff Joints. &c., have been' ei- What say ye to the lovesick air Brest, with the ostensible, and as is generally "Sir George," said the regulai humbug, administrators of trust funds. It! is pretty or " dang-ue." Indeed, the first cases arc One (uartercolumn, one year, - - - - - 50 00 WEBER'S, STANLEY & SONS, GKOV- dirty streets and gutters that- caused the Onehall Column, one time, - - - - - 10 00 l'ccted by it. The certificates all read ono Way, That brought the tears from Marian's eye s ? believed the real view of making a descent "has Mr. Beaumont a locked desk in Ms difficult in these times to rouse much feeling often taken for that painful but harmless illness and death of tbeir forefathers. One half Column, one ye!.r, ------8000 ESTEEN & FULLER'S. HAINES and the sale is constantly increasing. We Will Ay! trust me—under breasts of snow on England. The greatest precautions were room?" against "the bloated bondholder." This is one disease, till further developed. Fever super send these certificates gratis. Some of them may FullColumn, one time, ------20 00 Hearts could be melted long ago! observed by the English government in re­ '•Yes, sir," said Mr. Parker, "he has." of the weakest and most.dishonest of General FullColnmn, one year, - - -'1 ... . , BROTHER'S, VASE & SON'S, ;r. be found around each bottle of Liniment.. The venes, and then the signs are unmislakeable. How A ST.*"-—VCOLLAB WON A Sum- 15100 Liniments are quick, they are reliable, they; arc gard to correspondence from France, and '•Have you a key which will open it ?" Butler's pleas for public confidence. We do The skin turns gradually very yellow and 1 "Or will ye hear the storm-song's crash All things are fai.y so it is' generally thought, PIANOS, safe and they are cheap. Among the ingredients an amount of espoiriage was practiced at the "I have—and what of that ?" not know why a man who lends to the gov­ the whites of- the eyes turn fearfully yellow in war, in a horse trade, or in a law case. It used'are Witch Hazel, Carbolic, Naptha^ Kock That from his dreanu the soldier woke post-office which left Sir James Graham's '•I wish to have that desk open ed without ernment at 4 per cent, is not serving the Special Notices 25 percent, advance out he Oil; Mentha and Arnica. There is lio flesh, bone And bade him face the lightning flash and become bloodshot. In this stage it sends is probably on that bad rule that the late above. • and will furnish at short notice. Call and subsequent performances in that lino far be- his knowledge, niid the contents brought to public with his capital just as faithfully as its "avant courier" to all who tire near the i ?V, <-JseeTOC themuwui. [ 01 muscle ailment which tlicy will not relieve and When battle's cloud in thunder broke ? President Lincoln acted when he defeated an I ] ' ^ benefit. The IVbite Centaur Liniment Is • hind. The national excitement was adminis­ tne." if he had it invested in some manufacturing room where the patient lies. This is a dead­ antagonist before a jury. The anecdote is Local iVotlce* in Beading Columns, 25 !n; r,* « 4 i for the hnman frame; while the Yellow Lini­ Wrecks—nought,but,wrecks .'—the time was per line. - tered with iron sway. "And on what pretense," said my nncle, enterprise which pays 10 or 15 per cent. One ly odor, and onae met never to be forgotten, thus told by Dr. Bateman: Cents OLD INSTRUMENTS ment is adapted to the tough muscles and fibres when "do you propose to put this insult on a man Jtfy uncle, Sir George Trevor, was, as all form of investment is just as necessary to It is unlike anp other. The only thing to He was often pitted against eminent law­ Tearly advertiners restricted to the business of horses and animals. For stiff Joints, Lame­ We two were wortlf a thousand men!" against whom there is no reasonable ground contemplated at the time of contract, batareper- the world knew, high in the admiralty ; and the public good as the other, and consider­ which it can be even remotely compared is yers during trials in the ^ Sangamon County Taken in Exchange for New. '.i'i; ness, Spavin. Ring-bone, Sweeny, Galls, Poll- of suspicion, and who has not been allowed ing the difference in the profit, just as com­ mittcd tojnakc monthly chmges of. their adver­ # evil,etc., the Yellow Centanr Liniment is And so the broken harp they bring as it was from him that I heard this ancc- the venemous scent of the rattlesnake. Circuit Court. On Que*- occasion he was op­ tisements. worth its weight in gold to every farmer, livery­ to speak for himself With pitying smiles that none could blame; dote, its veracity may be depended upon. mendable.—Springfield Republican. i In the first stage, hot baths, steaming, cal-' posed by a very able advocate, who made a Tuning & Repairing man, teamster and owner of animals, A single "There need be no insult, for he will know Marriages and deaths inserted gratuitously. Alas! there's not a single string The dispatches to. and from the 'admiralty omel and quinine, arc resorted to. No other powerful, eloquent andiconvincing .speech to Obituary or Funeral Notices15 cts. per line. bottle has put a disabled horee in the harnessjand nothing of it; neither will any one else." , ,v. Done at short notice, -""f-" j ' a few bottles have rendered a useless spavined Of all lhat filled the tarnished fratrc ? . were the subject of the greatest vigilance, Internal Revenue Commissioner Raum has medicine is given, generally, through the the jury, and Mr. Lincoln saw that it had All unusual cuts and dovices 25 per cent, extra. "I will not permit it, sir." furnished a statement of the collection of the Tlio Weber Flacio. ; horse worth two hundred dollars. There is no Bnt see! like children overjoyed, Mid the most stringent f regulation. The whole course of the sickness—at least, that been very effective on the minds of the jury. mistake about these Liniments. They are simply "Hum tTheri I can do no more In the bus­ 1 His fingers rambling through the void! clerks were not permitted to send or receive internal revenue for the last fiscal year, as was one treatment a few years ago. Careful The gentleman, moreover, was a man who wonderful, and they are naturally finding their iness." A few extracts from the great number re. ; letters which were not submitted to the chief compared with two preceding years, which nursing is now the requisite. was very precise in his dress, as well as Hurlbutt, Relyea & Seymour, ceived by the most eminent musicians in the way into the nttermost parts of the earth, j No 'I clasp thee 1 Ay . . '. mine ancient "But," said Parker, whose official notions family should be without them, They are handy f clerk, and it was believed that letters ad­ shows the gratifying result that $223,712,622 The fever stage, as well as those succeed­ mannerand oratory, j,., ? United States may not be inappropriate: lyre . . made him unwilling to break off the ne­ r; as well as certain. dressed even to their private residences have been collected practically without tbe ing, lasts, strangely enough, cither twelve, But Mr. Lincoln had been observing him, Attorneys Counsellors at Lav, I have never seen a Piano which equals the Nay, guide my wandering fingers . . . gotiations in this manner, "what pretense Weber Pianoforte. Geo. F. Bristow J. B. ROSE & CO., 46 Duv ST., NEW YORK. were frequently opened at. the post-office. „ loss of a cent. An apparent loss of $11,000 twenty-four or thirty-six hours, increasing in and saw a flaw yi his usually faultless attire. There! have you for doing this to Mr. Beaumont, Boom No. 4, [np italri,] The "Weber Piano occupies justly the first At the time I speak of, the chief clerk was is shown in three districts, but the govern­ intensity, until it becomes the most fearfully "Gentlemen of the jury," said "Old Abe," They love to dally with the wire and not to the other clerks ?" rank amoDgst the Best Pianos. J.N.Pattison Ml elderly man of the name of Parker—a ment is amply secured by the sureties. It is scorching, pungent fever known. Sooner or when he arose to speak, "the gentleman who GAZETTE BUILDING. As Isaac played with Esau's hair ... "Shall I tell you? There Is no such person considered doubtful whether a similar sum ' The Weber Pianos cannot possibly be snr- . wizened, wiry, dapper in«Hviduly,so imbued later during this stage the patient goes into a lias just spoken has made a strong argument. • |;. Hush! ye shall hear the famous tune as Elinor Beaumont, and the address in >assed. S. B. Mills. ,jjwith the official tincture' of Whitehall, that was ever collected by any government or by raging delirium, tries to get up, is determined He bas quoted the law and evidence, and it ALEX, S. GIBSON, That Marian called The Breath of June !" Fleet Street is a notorious haunt of suspected I used the Weber Grand Piano because I -U it had become a second nature to him. -He any commercial organization without any to get to the window and jump out, is driven is not for me to-say that he is wrong. He Organist of the First Congregational Church. consider it the best in the world. i . "foreigners." And so they softly gather round; WM a genial and kindly soul, keen and en­ las?- There could be no better testimonial to by one vagary after another, and often has to maybe correct in all he has said. But I Teaoherof Harry Sanderson. "Good gracious!" said my uncle, changing the efficiency of the revenue service. be kept by main force from injuring himself. The Weber Piano possesses everything that V, ttlZ.D- "Si ii Rapt in his tuneful trance he seems; ergetic in tbs Affairs of this office, and in all want to get a good look at him. Look espec­ Piano-Forte, Organ and Klnslea.) color, "you1 don't say that ?" This is followed by the "sinking stage." The can be wished for in a Piano. Dress Suits, $25 to $35. Business ach Complaints, nothing is so effective. It is as Scored on life's, latest, starlit page— fofc his jnanneCBL were easy, and indicated "Iam sure there is some mistake aboiit all rally every twenty minutes. Suits $18 to $25. pleasant to take as honey, costs bnt 35 cents, and York Dispatch. . A can be had of any druggist. The voiceless melody of age. good breeding. He was a native of Jersey, this, which Beaumont can elear up. Let us The tetrible condition of affairs in Mem­ Pity*the nurse now, as well as the patient, Corner Wall and Water Sts., Norwalk, Conn. 24 THE ESTT COTTAGE ORGAN send for him," "C ORNWALL, LEBANON CO., PA., March 17, '74. end-had been introduced to the notice of the phis is painfully illustrated in a reeent issue as her responsibility is very great. The pitiful Every miner that drops his pick and takes "Dear Sir:—I have used your CASTOHIA in my Sweet are the lips of all that sing, "If you do, the game is up. I trust in Beautifully finished in black walnut and rose­ practice lor some time. 1 take great pleasure in admiralty authorities by some influential of a newspaper printed In that city. Wo nurse may bave been with the patient up a hoe, every idle man that turns himself recommending it to the profession as a safe, relia­ When nature's music breathes unsought, fact, he doed not know of my visits. We 6. S. COMSTOCK, M. D. wood, combining more perfections than any ble and agreeable medicine. It is particularly But never yet could .voice or string members of parliament. He was much liked quote the opening paragraph: through-out the whole sickness; may have into an earner of wage3, every person that cannot be too cautious in these matters." ' ? • other in the world. Has taken more than ONE adapted to children where the repugnant taste of in the office, and discharged his duties to We are doomed. It is bard, as we write been five, yes, five days and nights without picks up some loose thread of employment^ Homoeopathic Physician. HUNDRED AND FIFTY GOLD MEDALS AND Castor Oil renders it so difficult to administer. So truly shape our tenderest thought "Pedantic ass," muttered my uncle, "but ... ! , : .i ii E. A. ENDEKS.M.D." perfection. in this dark, .dismal night of death, not to re­ sleep, for nurses are very few in comparison every capitalist that takes advantage'of stag­ 'FLITST PREMIUMS, at Fairs and Exhibitions As when by life's decaying fire I suppose we bad better give him bis own alize the full meaning of that brief sentence. ,Office and Residence, Cor. MAIN STREET and throughout ttie United States. Tliey are en­ Our fingers sweep the stringless lyre! One morning Parker presented himself be­ with the sick, and it often happens that one nating industry and cheap material to build a UNION A VEN U E. Office hours 7 to 9 a. m., IS Mothers who try CASTORIA will find that they way. If you meet Parker and me here at It is bard for any man of Hie few left in this to 1, anJ 5 to 7. Slate at Glover's Groccry Store dorsed by the highest musical authorities. fore my uncle with a visage pale with woe, person bas to care, at times, for a whole house or beautify or improve a country seat- can sleep nights and that tlicir baties will be —O. W. Holmes in September Atlantic. Seven to-night, we shall bave this wonderful city of sorrows not to take the sentence to All orders will be promptly attended. llm20 Certainly the best I ever heard. ' wild trembling with excitement. \ j< himself with a painfully personal application family, going from bed to bed, than that or set on foot some new process of manufac­ health}'. J. B. ROSE & Co., New York. desk opened, and your'great discoveries shall • Geo. W. Morgan. "Why, what is the matter, Parker"? Has as the sentence of death. Scarcely any are there are two to relieve each other. Oh! it ture, does something toward working out tbe A Peculiar Movement of Herring: bo made." left but those who are crowding down per­ CHARLES W. MANY, It is vocal, which is the highest praise that Bonaparte come ?" is terrible beyond expression, to be crazy for problem which is puzzling the economist. can bebestQwed on any instrument.—Geo.B. They met again that evening. This desk sonal care in the noble purpose of other's A fact of very great biological importance "He may have, for ought I know," said ijood. * * * sleep, and yet to know that one lapse, one In good time the surplus iron and coal will be Seymour, Musical Critic, N. Y. Times. REAL ESTATE. was opened by Parker, and a bundle of let­ Surgeon Dentist, has occurred this year in the return of the Parker. "Things are all wrong, Sir George!" i Seventy dead, and at least one hundred and single neglect in administering the stimur sold; new populations willwant new railroads; • They are the best reed instruments we have ters, carefully packed up, all from Elinor met with.—C. & J. H. Odell, Organ Builders above-named fish to the coast of Sweden af­ "What are wrong ?" twenty-five new oases. God help us I lant, will, probably, result in death. Some recuperated capital will gather confidence NORWALK, CONN. QTORE TO LET.—No. 51 Main Street. En- Beaumont, and a quantity of circulars, play­ times during this stage, the black vomit ap­ N. Y. D . quire of HAitVEY FITCH, or E. K. LOCK- ter a long interval of absence. A hundred i "The letters are wrong. There is a spy and take hold of new enterprises, and tbe Office corner ot Slain and Wall Streets. Nitrons- WOOD. 88 bills and shop receipts were handed to the Carlotta Patti is coming to her native land It is the ne plus ultra of reed instruments. years ago no industry of that country was so among us. I have known it for long ; now pears, and hope departs. On the other hand, whole nation will move forward again to Oxide Gas administered. —Prof. E. L. Baker. I am quite sure; but I cannot find him out." expert. once more. the^patient may wake, a shattered being, with prominent as that connected with the fisher­ That gentleman read through the letters, The cost of the common wiuc of Cyprus is more assured prosperity and to vaster under­ It contains sweetness and power in an un­ For Sale Cheap. ies more than 1,000,000 barrels of herring Parker went on tp explain that he had for no sense of taste, in fact with all'the senses C. B. CO OLID GE, usual degree.—Res. Bishop Simpson, M. E. only two cents a bottle. taking.—Philadelphia Record. A VALUABLE manufacturing property. Fonn- being preserved annually, involving the em­ some time suspected that some one in the of­ and seemed much struck by the last, blunted. Then the utmost vigilance is need DEJNTIST, Church. dry and Machine shop, lor Marine and Sta­ "Bead that," said be, handing it to my k rural inventor bas patented a padded gate tionary Engine work or general Machinery. Sit­ ployment of a large portion of the population fice communicated their, private information ed, Tbe convalescent person must guard , ; ( : Successor to Language fails in adequacy to convey a uncle. As the letter is important, I give it top to facilitate courtship. The fastest trotting time, for which a few uated on Wliarf. Has also Rail Road connections. in their capture and preparation. Enormous and dispatches outside^~-He bad redoubled against to much exercise, and be very abste­ years ago 2:40 was the synonym, has been fair idea of the perfect enchanting power of Terms reasonable. E. HILL, Trustee. Spiders ought to be good correspondents; DP. Asa Hill, ^ * this instrument.—Independent. 27 South Norwalk, Conn. establishments scattered along the coast, and his precautions; but, -more than ever con­ entire:— they certainly drop aline by every post. mious, for any time within twenty-one days gradually getting down, until Raru3' 2:13^, 120 FLEET STEET. Sept. 241803. at Charter Oak Park this season. Everybody f Gae administered for extracting teeth with­ Vastly, superior to anything ofthe kind I on which a vast amount of eapital had been firmed in his suspicions, was entirely baffled A young lady being asked by a rich bach­ after tbe first attack a relapse may occur. •My Dear Charles—Although we bad an knows there must be an impossible limit out pain. have overplayed upon.— Win. A. King.. For Rent Ycry Low. j ^ invested, have long been abandoned and are fnhis endeavors to detect the culpit. adverse wind all the way,we TOftde without elor, "If not yourself, who would you rather Walking across a room, eating an egg, drink­ somewhere, and we believe that limit is be ?" replied, sweetly and modestly, '^Yonrs, The Esty Organs are without a superior.— NEATLY and Newly Furnished lC-BoomCot- in ruins. Shouldlhe promise of this year be "But Parker," said my uncle, "how do difficulty the port we were bound for. My ing a oup of coffee, eaoh has been known almost if not quite reached now.— Advocate. Geo. Jardine, Organ Builder, N. Y. tage, with all modern improvements eligibly truly." A continued, the probability is that the former you come to be sure that your secrets have aunt, in spite of the weight of her fifty years to cause a relapse and death. But we can­ Oh, no, the horsemen promise to "produce a No tremulo has yet been invented lhat will situated in the Borough of Norwalk, wonid be enjoyed the trip much, and is ready to sail The Man-who-i8-not-afrald-of-yellow-fever I AT HARD TIMES PRICES, rented for balance of season, for (SO per month. prosperity will be fully restored. Scientific transpired ?" has urgent business north, which will keep not enumerate all the peculiarities of this trotter yet who shall get down to two minutes, in any way compare with this for beauty of Trees, ample grounds, and well ol best water, Ac. again. I hope you will think of sending the I"or Oasb.-I7o Credit! effect.— Wm. A. Johnson, Organ Builder. Inquire at oflice of N on WALK GAZETTE. 3t28 men are at a lots to account for this appar­ •'By the funds, Sir George. They answer line you promised on tbe 25th, and come him at the springs until lra&.—Neuj[Orkam destroyer, Eaoh epidemic presents some one although this gait won't quite bear mathemati­ Ai I work excQted in the Best Manner, at my office It is not merely the but it is the ently capricious change in the course of the to ihiB news as surely as the bell down stairs yourself> as our party is now much smaller, Time», on two entirely new features. One year the cal calculation. Corner ot Main and Washington Streets, best, only and we should enjoy the Visit." mechanical reproduction of the hnman voice fish. Our readers are doubtless aware that does to the bell-rope. I find them going up There was a meeting of the Hay Fever As­ sick may have the black vomit and still re­ SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. which has ever satisfied me.—Ben. H. Biggs, To Rent. i : "When I was in London last week I saw sociation, at Bethlehm, N. H., the other day. cover. Another year the case of relapse Ye American Oyster si T. E. SWIFT, IX D. S. it breeds in incalculable numbers, and that, and down as if they were sitting in the of­ our cousin Harry, . fresh from Windsor. President of Northern New- York Musical This association now numbers two hundred Our American oyster surpasses in size and . The First Floor of a Dwelling Ilouse. with when on its periodical migrations, it moves fice," said Parker, personifying the stock ex­ There is little change to be observed in him members. may live. This year the negroes, usually Association. * fatness all other oysters of tbe world. He is in shoals of countless myriads, extending fre­ change for the moment. —not as much as you would expect. Come The New York Elevated Railroad are using exempt, are exempt no longer, and during The Norwalk Fire Insurance Co., kitchen, basement, etc Apply to to us on Friday." found all along our seashore, from Maine to Has now completed its J. M. POTTER, Iforwalk. quently for miles in each direction. Useful "Have all the letters to the clerks been ex­ second-hand engines, at least sixteen were on tbe first attack the fever may recur. Who It. L. ELLS. "Yours, ycry affectionally. tbe Oonn. Western before they were used in can tell in what shape this enemy , will come. Blexico, but in greatest abundance and most 18tli Successful Business Tear, as it has been .found as an article of food for amined strictly ?" "ELINOB B." Aad has not outstanding a Dollar of unpaid IOBBCS New York. next? Who can learn bow to prevent Its generous growth from Long Island Sound to man, it is equally appreciated by the denizens "Yes I read them all myself." My uncle read this out loud, from begin or ol claims for losses. • For Sale. It is said, by those who know, that there visits ? Chesapeake Bay. On the Pacific coast the Ho 8311 .ID COMPANY INSURES AT LOWER RATES. Superior Shoeing! of the deep and many sea birds. Each shoal • ); "Find nothing in them?" ning to end, and then stud: "Do you see are more private equipages and a finer display The Southern cities, some of them at least, oysters is not nearly so large as on the Atlan. W)I. C.STHEET, Pres., S. E. OLMSTEAD, Treas., cosy comfortable Cottage 011 one oftliepleas- is followed by crowds of larger fish and "Mighty little. Some are from home anything suspicious In that ? It 'seems to me in horseflesh at Saratoga than ever before GEO. B. COWI.ES,Sec'y. Sore-Footed, Interfering, and II- A antest streets in town, within live minutes are very stringent in enforcing sanitary meas­ tic, although the little oysters of California walk of the Bridge of C'hnrchc8. will be EOld at flight of birds; which continually prey on the some from friends, and some of them from very innocent." knOwn there, Conditioned Horses cost price. A portion ol the purchase,money can ures. Inspectors are sent around at stated are much esteemed for their flavor. In Eng­ helplessanimal. Man discovers the shoal and sweet-hearts," stud Parker, twisting his face "Hum! It may be. Was there anything The Scovlll Manufacturing company of QHAKLES S. LOOKWOOD, remain on bond and mortgage. Price Sti.OOU. En­ Waterbury, have presented Brigadier Gener­ periods, during the summer, to visit every land oysters are both small and scarce. It is Perfectly Sliod! quire at this Oflice. comes with his nets and captures millions. into a grim smile, "and rum things they say else in tbe desk ? said he addressing Parker. al Smith with a set of solid gold buttons for part of the city, to see that the disinfectants not mere size that makes the oysters desira­ T is notorious that more than half of the ruined But those combined enemies are incapable of in them." "You may go and look," growled that his new uniform. Fashionable Draper and Tailor and desirable horses are rendered so by the Wanted. —the kind and quality and measure of which ble. Some very large oysters arc flabby and I making more than a slight impression on the "And the young men's '.letters., Are they potentate; and he led the way, tbe expert A farmer, speaking of the thinness of bis ienorance or carelessness of smiths in shoeing. HREE SMALL FARMS IN THE VICINITY watery, and make poor eating. Until com­ AND • ; . The subscriber makes a specialty of immense numbers. Then what could have rum too?" ; I;' bay ciop, said, "The grasshoppers have all are regulated by the Sanitary Commission— OF NORWALK. following' TThree Residences for sale cheap. induced the herring to change its course ? • f, 1'hs& are more careful like, as they know got lame trying to jump from one blade of are thoroughly used. paratively recent improvements in rapid tran- GENTS' FURNISHING LMPORIU3I. HORSE SHOEING The desk was quite empty, with the ex­ For particulars enquire of This is a question which seems unanswerable, ! grass to another." Another peculiarity of this strange disease _portation the luxury of fresh oysters was and will guarantee to give satisfaction to all who J. S. RANDALL, P.O. Box CS, . I am to see them; but, Lord save you, sir, ception of two or three scraps of waste paper. Slain Street,Norwalk, Conn. may entrust him with their work, whether the 18 Norwalk, Conn. Somebody has discovered that whenever is that a person may stay'every day in the a rarity to dwellers in the inland parts of the as the disturbing causes indicating above ap­ • they are all stuff; not a ha'porthr of harm in On one of these the expert pounced, and animals' hools arc in a sound or unsound condi­ the grain is cut and hauled in; the tramp city, with perfect impunity, while it rages; United States. Even as far East as Pitts­ pDWAKDP.WEED, tion, Shop near Hnree Kailway Depot, Norwalk. pear insufficient to account for it, more es­ them." returned with an air of elation to the other makes his appearance on the stubble and de­ Slf CHARLES K. MILLBK. A Desirable Homestead for Sale. pecially as they would exist in any new di­ ' "This matter must be seen to," said my mands work or bread. but let him not venture to stay while the burg "shell oysters" were so far from com­ DRTTGOIST room. He then .unfolded this scrap of paper, Wall Street,opposite Norwalk Opera House, HE valuable cesidencc of the subscriber, rection taken by the fish. A special commis­ uncle; "I have had my own misgivings on dew falls. It is customary, in my home, mon as to the subject of special signs in res­ pleasantly located on high ground on East and disclosed a half sheet exactly the size of Orville Grant, the General's brother, has . A large and well selected stock ot 18 7 8. TAve., in tbe JUorouph of Norwalk, is offered for sion, Consisting of Frofs. Sars and^Smitt, has the same subject. .Bring me all the. letters been taken to an insane retreat in New Jer. for gentlemen to take the cars or steamboat taurant windows. The general public who the paper, on which Elinor Beaumont's let> - { }' sale. The situation is pleasant and healthy, com­ been appointed by the King of Sweden to which come to, and are sent by, the clerks sey. It bas been evident for some time that every morning, visit the city, open their of- ate oysters partook of the canncd article. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, manding line views of Long Island Sound and the ters were written, in which oblong holes at be was not of sound mind. Perfumery, Patent.llcdicines, all kinds Mineral surrounding country. Distance one mile from consider the whole subject. The change of for the next week. There is no reason why ;s, &c., but at 3 or 4 o'clock they start Twenty years ago people in Illinois advertised EVERYTHIN G | Norwalk Bridge, and the same lrom Sooth Nor­ intervals had been cut. I'll tell you What we arc doing in Maine. Waters, foilet and Medicated Soaps, Flavoring walk depot. House 54x50; two stories and attic, location seems to have taken place at the ex­ you should have all the rum things to your­ on the return trip to some watering place, or as a special attraction at churcTi fairs and and Handkerchief Extracss, HairlSrushes,Combs, He then placed this half sheet over tbe We are forgetting everything save that we Sponges,ChamoisSkins, Stationery, Omars, &c„ tilled ia with brick, and substantially built, pense of th$ coast; of Norway, which, for the are republicans, moving against a common "plney-woods" retreat This lasts until the other festivals such canned oysters as we of and is constantly adding to his stock aU the new DOWN TO HARD PAN. ttooms IS, with all modern improvements, bath self." letter, and handed both, thus placed, to my room, laundry, stationary tubs, lieebce's cooking first time in many yejars^ has not been this So my uncle had the. letters for a week, enemy.—Jame* G. Blaine. disease reaches such a pitch that there is no the seaboard would consider hardly fit to and popular medicines ofthe day. range, hot and cold water, gas throughout the uncle, whose astonished eyes read the fol­ house. The cellar is dry, having stationary furn year visited by the herring.—GaUnmnCs and found them very much such as Parker When an artist climbs over a fence to get a one with whom to transact business. Then offer to dogs. Since that time great improve­ lowing words, which the holes left visible s a7*TNA INSURANCE Co. Of HARTFORD. GROCERIES, ace, which heats the whole house. The attic is bad described them.- The suspicious symp- nearer view of a handsome bull dog, he must the city is deserted, grass growB in the un­ ments havebeen made in canning oysters spacious, and roof tinned. The house isin excel­ "Fleet wind-bound. Fifty sails of the take the chances of his sketching the dog or UHt Incorporated 1812. Charter Perpetual. lent order being comfortable for both a summer or • toms had increased, the Stock Exchange re­ trodden streets, the preternatural silence is may now be quoted as really fit to eat when winter residence. Suitable for any gentleman do-' line, 2& smaller. Should the wisd change, the dog's ketching him.—Puck. Capital and Asset*, $G,716)893.77 ing business in New York and returning thesame New Haven carriage manufacturers are only broken by the rumbling of the death- freshly opening ones cannot be procured. VEGETABLES, sponded more sensitively than ever; but not expect us on Friday."* Secretary Evart's youngest daughter, Miss I nauresagains t loss and damageby Fire,on terms day. Land about three-qnarters of an aore,, laid shipping considerable numbers of their pre. cart ;—the "abomination of desolation," en­ An immense canned business is done in Phil­ adopted to thehazard andconsistent with tlie lawt out in lawn, fruit trees, and garden spot. Apply the slij^iteiBt ground for suspecting.any one "The devil!" said my unclc; and Nelson Louisa Evarts, is said to be an expert oars- ot compensation. COW1.ES & MERRILL, to JAM.KS MITCHELL, Real Estate Agent, Nor­ ducts to foreign countries. One of them, woman, and can handle a boat with the skill adelphia, as well as in Baltimore and New Sole Agents!or Norwalk and vicinity. transpired. My uncle was bewildered, and ordered off to the West Indies." wraps the fated place. FRESH FISH, walk, or to the subscriber, Mr. Weir, is filling an order from South and firmness of a masculine band. York.—Philadelphia Times.— < .. .; •« , ^ . . A. S. HAMERSLEY, j , Parker was rapidly verging to insanity. Then was there, as you may suppose, hur« The scenes of woe are harrowing; but, I 26tf* *' Ui • 1 255 Fonrth Avenne, Ki Y Africa. Tbe Howe Band serenaded Mayor Hanford will not venture on that ground. There is GEORGE H. RAYMOND, "It is certainly not the clerks," said my rying and scurrying, and running and chas­ of South Norwalk, Thursday morning While An excursionist on board one of the steam­ FRUITS, &C., uncle. 'There is no treason there," said ing, and dispatching of government couriers, on their way to Danbury and were well one bright feature in the dismal picture. The Furnishing Undertaker, For Sale. Judging from the number of persons who treated by that gentleman.—Standard. noble men and women who give their .lives ers that ply among the Hebrides, annoyed daily take the cars for Norwalk to go to New he pushing back the letters of the day. "By and semphore telegraphs, and carrier pigeons No. 53 MAIN STREET,(UpStairs.) ^ AT TIIE ! '' A Rare Chance. the way, how does young Beaumont get on ? for others. The loyal physicians, the volun­ bis fellow passengers, not without amusing House, Barn, good Mill-rite and fifty acres York on the Adelphi, the Norwalk Steam­ and all the old world jneans of communica­ "Do not marry a widower," said the old of land well proportioned in Meadow, Pasture boat Company would do well to run an an­ teer nurses not only know every detail of the them, by his remarks oa every object that A She seems a nice creature, that sister of his, tion then in fashion. The key, thus obtained lady. "A ready made family is like a plate B* S. BLASCER, Very lowest Market Bates. and Woodland; also,twenty-two acres of wood­ nex boat from Stamford to meet the Adelphi to judge by her letters?" of cold potatoes." "Oh, I'll soon Warm danger to which they are exposed, but also presented itself to view. Having obtained land all situated at the head of; the Borongh off Shippan Point. At present, people from disclosed the whole correspondence, which them over," replied the damsel, and she At his store in A fu'l assortmen t constantly on hand, freshly re- Reservoir in the town of New Canaan, tor sale "He is the best hand in the office, a long that in all probability, if they are attacked, from the captain the information that a UO.IIIIOZTT>B BXiOCK, atahargain. Inquire of Dimoni Finch, George­ Stamford have to take the 6:35 a. in. train to turned out to be a connected Series of letters did. i , plenished every day, with town, Ct., James Mitchell or J. iiolden llurlbutt, it will be when they have spent their strength mountain in sight was about fifty miles off, has constantly on hnnd,a general assortmenlo connect with the Steamer: this hour is incon­ right; and his sister is a very sweet, ladylike from the French government, smuggled into A correspondent at a summer resort says Norwalk, Ct. 25tt veniently early.—Stamford Herald, v . _ for others, and that they, in their weakness, he rushed about the deck exclaiming to one Norwalk, 10th day of June li>78. creature. They are orphans, poor things, Jersey. The result history knows; the in­ there are "no pretty young girls here." We Groceries, Crockery, Glass, Choicest Froits, Best Vegetables) m «• ' ' " -V must succumb. I saw in a recent issue of the after another. "Look at that mountain! Look and he supports her -out of his salary. She tended invasion was abandoned, and Napol­ bet there are Borne pretty old girls there who Sin and Wooden Ware, Etc. „ , „i and Sea Food. . • h Rasper, being told he looked seedy and try to make themselves look pretty young.— Courier that a deputation from Mobile had at that mountain 1 What do you think ? It is asked what business he was in, replied^ "The called at the office two months ago, and I eon went elsewhere. By devotinghis constantperaonjil attention to the To Rent. - ^ Exchange. reached Memphis, headed by Major M. T, fifty mites off. Only think, sir—we see an business he hopesto merit public patronage Goods delivered in any partof town. Leave your hardware badness; look at my wardrobe." gave*him leave to see her'Tqf a few minutes "But what put you on the scent ?" asked "What is so rare as an honest man?" Walthata. I think there was a mistake in the object fifty miles off 1 "Man," said a quiet . orders freely with The sdlond floor of a house on the east side ot itt iny room. But"h6 knetf it was against my uncle afterward, with many apologies to asks thie Christian InteUigeneer. Alas! yes; A new Duluth (Minn.)city ordinance gives -Wittytadhasnot seen terhere again." name. It must be Major W. T. Walthall, a Scotchman whom he thus addressed, and Dr. C. H. Kendall & Son, West Avenue, near the 2dM.E. Church,to a small the expert. there are but few of us left now, and some­ Demmoti & New comb, tbe awful warning that "any cow, of either times a feeling of loneliness—but let it pass. gentleman prominent in all good wor ks a who had been not a little pestered by him , 'fcftit'wbat ariewe fodo?" said my uncle; "I suspected the trick from tbe first, al­ DENTISTS. family. Borough water, Apply at the GAZETTE sex, hereafter found sporting a bell or ringing <*Ithii^Kwi]i^eak to theFirst Lord." —Advocate. veritable "Great-heart,"—just the one to lead already, "did ye ever see the mune ?' < • Hidir, f Are now prcpar- 53 Main Street, Norwalk. J the same within said limits, shall, upon con­ though it was a very good specimen of it. jr... b ... ed to r e ce 1 v e Sohe^apoke tothef'irst Lord, who thought Mrs. Judge Jackson, who has led the Vir­ a "forlorn hope." The Howards of Mobile, their patrons at OFFICE. viction thereof, be subject to fine or impris­ The letters were too innocent, and bad too ginia reel with Henry Clay and every other Peter G-uigue's^ onment or both, at the discretion of the are called "The Can't Get-Away Club," and a Dr. Ladd, the greenbacker, who has been either Norwalk thi affair serio^enough. little point in them. But they were done eminent beau of tbe older and better times, Bridge or Sonth court." "It-miiat be iti the lettere," said he. noble band tbey are. This city, generally a elected to Congress in the fourth Maine dis< Norwalk. The with admirable skill. The grammar was still dances at the White Sulphur to the in­ senior partner BEAUTIFUL BOUQUETS FAliMS FOB SALE. "]& cannot be in -this' letters," said my un­ spiring strain of " Zip Coon." favorite haunt of the fever, has had but few trick, said in a recent speech:—"You see two has taken rooms It is reported, that among the stocks turn- - complete; and the little dots or marks which """ forEnlc by ; Ei- m keep them well at $3 a year each, provid­ During an epidemic, social distinction, party style by W M. McCOltMACK. None nish'cd, will be rented to parties without children cipherer in London was summoned into take, one half-sheet, and, when a letter is to the rich man who sits in bis luxurious parlor. but hand made used. Work done on most onlv. Both centrally located,aud will be rented The name of Benedict is as well known ing they call for advice at his office. If differences, are annihilated. Everything else W. E. QUI NTA RD, reasonable terms, arid particular attention paid to to ileMiable parliee at a low rent. Enquire at the council and to him the letters of the day be written, the writer so arranges the words he visits them be charges half the usual Inierterinif and Over-reaching Horses at the old GAZETTE OFFICE. throughout the Country in connection with were secretly submitted. fees. This arrangement has existed two is lost sight of, among those who remain, in MRS. SooviLLEj a young Chicago widow stand of WM. AHEKN,Main Street, Norwalk. the Watch and Jewelry business tis that of that those intended to l>e read shall appear advertised for correspondence "with a view General Farishiiii Dndertaier, He read them all very carefully, looked at in the holes when the half-sheets is placed years. the effort to care for the sick and'dying and For Sale Cheap, ? A. T. Stewart, & Co., in Dry GOIKIS. The to matrimony." TOM MOORE^ a waiter in a OPPOSITE HORSE R. R.DEPOT ' them in tbe light, and looked at the:light over the paper, which' is the same size. The Sunday Newt say Editor Dana of tbe in burying the dead. Colored women used Look and See old house of A. C. Benedict, Co., having Dead wood Hotel, wrote to her. Mauy letters •0>Ordcrcattended todayor night. Residenc Or Exchange for other property, through them. At last he put them all aside, When bis correspondent receives the letter, Sun declined accepting the so-called working- to reap a bountiful harvest, doing thelicccs- passed between them, they exchanged photo­ HERE yon can get your work done: Any been established at 2S Bowery, N.Y., over 60 men's nomination for mayor of New York on Main Street,3 doors from Union Avenue. W thing in the line ot" ; 1 43'w v One of the neatest, and cosiest little Cottages in excepting one from Elinor Beaumont. be places his.half-Bheet.over it, and reads sary housework, washing, &c. $20 per day graphs, and at length agreed to marry. The the Borough. Willsellto a good tenant fer little years ago. New life has recently been added ascertaining that the chairman of the work- has been given gladly for such help. widow spent all her money in the purchase of BLACKSMITHINC or n<> money down. Enquire at GAZETTE OF­ "Who is the lady that writes this?" said off the words, as you did. The difficulty, ingmen's committee lived on the top floor of at short notice and as reasonable as any where in to the firm by the admission of Messrs. U. S. I have said but little of the treatment of a railroad ticket to Deadwood; but Tom had FICE. the taciturn man of skill at last. which was so well Conquered in this case, a tenement house in two rooms, that he did told her that lie wa3 a prosperous landlord, NOW FOR YOUR WATER PIPES. town. Horse and Ox Shoeing a specially. Wheel - Tarbell, and R. S. Ferguson who have grown no work but read political newspapers, while yellow fever, but this article is altogether too wnghtinc and Painting done by an experienced "A very sweet young woman," said Park­ is to make the sense run fluently, and to pre' and so she felt easy as to financial matters. VVin. Olover &, Sow, workman. At the old stand £Xpp up in the house and promise to maintain- the er, smartly; "sister of my private secretary." his wife and'daughter struggled with a sew long. In closing, permit me, one Southerner, On her arrival in Deadwood, he confessed Desirable Property foi salie. vent any visible break in the writing. With ing machine day and night to earn bread for Are ready to putin your WATER,STEAM 6r GAS high reputation and standing so long held by "Does she write often ?" to proffer my heartful gratitude to those who that he was only a waiter. She broke off the PIPHi, at very short notice and at as low a rate at Very desirable placc on Kast Avenue. out the half-sheet with the holes in it no one them and this "workingman." engagement instantly, and some generous anyone. WROUGHT AND CAST IRON, TIN- Also, a tew choice Building LoUeituatea on the old firm. The regular department will "Yes she is his only correspondent, and we giving so bountifully their aid and sym­ LIKED, LEAD PIPES, &c., of every size and de­ - -HOME AGAIN! A be conducted as heretofore by the.jnost skill­ can have tbe slightest clue to the real mean- This is accounted a small year for peaches, persons gave her money with which to get scription. PLUMBING in all its branches' : Ottbovn Avenue,for*ale cheap. writes about twice a week." S | pathy to the stricken South. May blessings HE iindersignel having bought ont James Also* »i nicely Icjutuil llooso una Lot oil M6T* 5nS- yet the total yield in Delaware alone will home. Dougherty, at Capt. Lamb's old staud. Main win street near West Avenne, for sale at a bar ful watch workers. "My suspicions, once aroused, were con T f. «Where does she live?" ' - v. reach 1,000,000 baskets. The total shipments be multiplied to them a thousand fold, and W. & D. Ml Street, is'prepared to continue the gain. Emiuireol^ k 03K0RN< Eagt from that state is reckoned at 700,000 bask­ "She lives in Jersey, Beaumont told me. finned by the inquiries which I made. The may the yellow fever never visit their Queen Elizabeth claimed Cyprus as a part tn 1 or to D.W. FITC H. West A venue. iST Bill Heads, Note Heads, Blanks, &c., whole story about the sister was fabrication. ets, on which, there will be a profit of $575,- L. of her dominions. History rocords that she BLACKSMITH ABD REPAIRING Their father was in business there." j 000, besides what are consumed at home. threshold! contested the usurpation of the Turks when put tip with Patent Blotter Tablets, the mer­ "And does she always write about the The letters did come from Jersey, tbe ans­ We read of aMaryland farmer who is going to they took the island from the Venetians BUSINESS. For Sale. its of which are concedcd by nil. The GA­ fmmn kind of things—aunt's rheumatism, pic­ wers went to Fleet street, to the charge of sell 11,000 baskets offof 10000 peach trees this The quarantine at Mobile is as effective as in the war of 1570-1573, and her claim was i-Ss! • All work warranted llrst-class. Horse Shoeing a ZETTE Office has jlte exclusive riirlit to manu­ a military guard. All persons caught trying — TP ?S specialty. 32 K.C.LLOYD. A House and Lot, In a healthy location on nics, squire's tea parties and the like." very notorious foreign agents. But if your season. The crop generally runs light, which probably based on the ground that Richard o fa ct Fair Street, iibovc Cirtharine. The ilouse is facture and sell the same in the Town of is the better for those that have the fruit. to pass1 the.lines from infected points are Coeur de Lion had conquered it. On Eliz- nearly new, well built.convenientlyarrang- "Much the same, excepting when she friend had not been fool enough to leave his sent for fifteen days to the. pest-house. Only aberth'8 tomb in Westminister Abb« y it has cd.M and will make a comfortable anil pleasant Norwalk. ' "• ' tf home for a family ot average si*e. The lot runs speads of Beaumont himself," ^ . . half-sheet in his desk we might have groped "Massachusetts democracy," says the two cases of the fever bad occurred in the Washington Posit, is of the finest grain, but been discovered that the arms of Cyprus are back to the river. There is a well ol excellent tSTBill Heads, Note Heads, Bl inks, &c., "Hum 1" said the expert. 5^1 {• in vain for the mystery." city up to.Sunday. incorporated with the Queen's. It also appear water on the place, and Borongh watcr.lnthe sometimes it is just- as necessary to stoop for An ingenious Meriden Workman, named Street. L'ricc low, and part of the money can re­ put up with Patent Blotter Tabids, the mer­ "Well, sir," said my uncle who was rather Beaumont disappeared that night, and was one's country as it is to die for it or live for that the College of Heralds of that day re­ main on mortgage. A line change to secure a Buck, has made a perfect 6team engine which cognized and legalized the claim. home. Apply alGAZETTbOFklGE. 3tt its of which are conceded by all. The GA­ impatient of the man of skill's pomposity, never heard of again at the admirality. It it Eh 1 Mr. Boston PoatY' It's all very weighs only fifteen grains. The works are transpired afterwards that some accomplice well, coy and giddy trifler, to stand off five mi-J ZETTE office has the exclusive right to manu­ and what may "Hum !" mean? Have the of silver and gold, and three drops of water u FOR- SALE. had warned him of the expert's visit to tbe hundred miles with the wind blowing from under'the application of. heat.will furnish The scarcity of young men at some of our alUlioaanctatyieEoaiibehadaUha facture and sell the same in the Town of Nor­ young woman and her aunt's . rheumatism you and hint Butlerism to us, but come watering places this season has given the stu MACHINISTS METALafthfe1 *rE tnwo verydesirahleBuildingljOtson WcetMain admiralty, and bis inquirie3 in Jersey. He motive power for running the midline twenty T Street. Apply at the GAZETTE OFFICE. walk. tf £one the mischief?" where you smell it, and then talk.—Boston minutes.;-, H-, ; .„! .V dent waiters some excellent opportunities, • OAZIXTBORKJCR. Gazette Job Prlntlnfc Offle, "Hum! She dates from Fleet Etreet i" hai made an attempt to get admittance to his Post. u HI:,,.: j . i • ... - - ' FW .V 7' The Fair. f - 1 act of going th'r ough his clothes. He seized 4 Special Borough Meeting.. PERSONAL. > ;NEWCANAAN.'-". Obituary. XTorwalk Gazette. the rascal, and after shaking him up pretty A Special meeting of the voter* of the Mrs. Mary Uble, and daughter of Hack* Early on Sunday morning Joseph Kline­ Deacon George Mather departed this life The Eand Tournament with which the Fair lively had him sent to the "guard house." Borough is called for next Friday afternoon, ettstown, N. J., are visiting friends in town. felter lighted his oil stove in his office, and on the morning of September 2d, in the FINNEY! & BENEDICT, opened, was a most enjoyable success so far The Howe Band Concert, at the Fair, to approve a vote recently passed by the Rev. Wm. C. Curtis, of Richmond. placed on it a kettle of water to boil for seventy-fourth year of his age. He was •3 Tuesday, September 17tli, 1878. as the multitude of visitors were concerned. Wednesday evening, was fairly attended,and Court of Burgesses ordering the construction Maine, has been visiting his father Stiles coffee, and then went to the stable to take born in Darien, October 11th, 1804, and here An experienced showman would have divid­ passed off to the general delight of all lovers of a sewer in Elm street. Read the official Curtis, Esq.. care of his horse. Shortly afterward, Lou's he has spent tbe most of life life. He was i P ed the entertainment,giving one class tlie first Rev. Mr. Williams took his daughter to - ;"r The (MZETTE is tlie OSLY of good music. call of meeting for full particulars. Benedict in passing, discovered smoke puff­ son Of the late' Moses Mather, grandson of 0 newspaper PRINTED In tlie Bor­ day and second class the next and so on,and by Hackettstown, New Jersey, where she has ing out through the blinds of Klinefelter's Deacon Joseph Mather, and great-grandson dint of liberal advertising made it much more Bridgeport was very largely represented at ough of Norwalk. /V the Fair—Gate keepers, policemen and super­ Additional to the items of temperance in­ entered College. office windows. He immediately gave the of the venerable Dr. Mather who was for 9 WEEKLY QUOTATIONS? 1 remunerative. There were present in First Miss Helen E. Sanford, of Redding Ridge, j,— —~ numeraries generally were imported from terest already noticed, we call attention to alarm. T. B. Weed, Wm.'Patterson, S. E. sixty yeurs pastor of the Congregational JtEPmiilOJlN STATU CONVENTION Class—Wheeler & Wilson and Howe, of the following for next week. A series of expects to spend the winter in Europe, sailing Eeeler, Jr., John Wassing, and some otheis church of Darien. FLOUR, Bridgeport. Third Class—Westport Cornet that enterprising city to give character to the SUGARS, 1:: TheRepublicanStateConventionwlH.be held Fair, and pickpockets followed in their temperance addresses will be given by the in October. Bon voyage, were soon on hand, and by lively work ex­ The artist knows that Athe expression Best Granulated, 10 lbs. for $1 00 at Allyn Hall lu tbe city of Hartford, onTuesday, Band, St. Augustine Band, of Bridgeport; The very best New IVocess, per libl., .$8 50 wake. clergymen of Norwalk, at Lockwood's Hall, Henry M. Jennings and J. H. Brown of tinguished the flames. Damage twenty-five of an interesting face cannot be portrayed; " A. loj " ,18*3 1 00 Fine Netf Process, Ivj, " 7 75 ef September 24,1878, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Curtis Band,of Woodbury; Plantsville Band, as follows: Monday, 23d inst, at 8 p. m., Barnum's advance brigade, have returned or thirty dollars. Had the fire been left it is equally difficult to delineate char­ " White ex. C. 11 "^ 2^ 100 " Graliain, per lb., r- ' 04 Tlie Republican elector* of the several towns In Portchester Cornet Band, Bristol Band, Mr. Wm. Hoyt's gardener, William Ilerr- " Cut Loaf,- 0 •' . 1 00 the state aro rcquoatod to lend the usual number subject, "What has been accomplished for home, the show season being about ended. alone flvo or ten minutes longer, the business acter; both will be deficient in the " Powdered UA " " ' 1 00 "Rye, " 04 gen, of Stamford, made about the best ex­ .YellowMeal, per lb, Lin ^; 2* of delegates. Plainville Band. Committee acting as Judges Temperance in Norwalk duiiog the year Col. S. L. Talcott, wife and mother, of portion of the village would have been " Extra C. 12 •« l 00 hibit of any one person. He had a large table in naturalness and reality that life imparts. g ttiie meeting lor the appointment ol' a commit­ on the Banti performances consisting of Profa past ?" Wednesday, 25th inst., subject "Re­ Brooklyn, N. Y., who have been spending ashes. Look well to your stoves. iiM' full of vegetables; a large quantity of frnits, Deacon Mather was a man positive in his tee on credential*, will beheld In the lecture roem Dodsworth; of New York; Gibson, of Nor­ lations of Temperance to Capital and Labor." the summer in Norwalk with friends, return­ On Saturday forenoon Jfmes E. Deforest, convictions and uncompromising in his posi­ under Allyn llafl', on Monday, September 23, at comprising peaches, pears, apples, and a few walk, and Kawlingtson,of Willimantic—gave Friday, 27th inst., subject, "The legal and ed home this morning. while gunning, met with a serious accident. tions. He could not agree with every one Tie Best of HOME-MADE BREAD, RUSK, CAKES, PIES, k, t 3 o'clocki. p. m. ' the first award to the Wheeler & Wilson, choice grapes; also' a pyramid and boquets Under the rules for the organization of State moral aspects of the Temperance question." In setting down his gun, it slipped about a on great moral questions. For many years which seemed a surprise to the less critically of flowers. On vegetables ho justly carried OF OUR OWN MAKE, FRESH EVERY DAY. A Conventions all primary meetings for the appoint­ Monday, 30th inst., subject, "What is the Conductor Hermancc is convalescent. foot from the place he intended it to rest, he was prominently before the public both as 7 V-.ri?, 0 educated crowd, which, after listening to the iff the first premium, and we notice received ment of delegates must be held on or before Thurs­ duty of Norwalk relative to Temperance tho The gypsies were in town last Saturday. and-in some way was discharged, the con­ merchant and justice of the peace. For over V) day, September 19, at which time town commit- Howe Band's second piece, seemed unani­ quite a number on other articles. He is de­ coming year ?" It is believed that the above tents passing through his left arm below the fifty years he was a member of the Congre­ •• 'i'-'-.i ucrf TEAS, COFFEES, 0 tocs't'or the ensuing year must be appointed, and mous in the belief that their playing had de­ serving of it, as he is a liberal, whole-souled A new roof is being put upon St. Paul's the names of delegates with that oi the Chairman mentioned subjects will be fairly and ably elbow. Dr. Brownson was immediately gational chnrch in Darien; twenty years he The very best Young Hyson, $100 per lb. ef cidedly excelled their rivals. There were no man, taking without growling the awards of church. Very good 50 The very best O. G. Java, 38c. per lb. - of tlie committee must bo sent to the Secretary of discussed, aud that citizens of Norwalk by called and dressed the wound. Hopes are was superintendent of tbe Sunday school, tlio State Committeo on or before Septembor 21. entries in the 2d class, and the first award in the committees whether for or against him­ There was a white frost in town again early The very best Gunpowder, ). 90 " " " Mocha, ' 40C. attending these meetings will be aided to see entertained that the arm may be saved. and for nearly twenty-four years he held the " " Oolong, ; ,v 00 " £ Per order Committeo. the 3d class was made to the Bristol Band, self. We trust he will long be a large ex­ Monday morning. i : v " " Maracaibo, 82c. "f-; OIUBLE8 J. COLE, chairman. and d6 their duty in respect to the important A meeting for sanitary purposes will be office of deacon; yet after a long life no one Very good " ' 50 " M as was clearly their due, as their Band was hibitor. I. O. O. F.—The R. W. Grand Lodge is Th® very best Eng. Breakfast, 1 00 " Extra fine ground Coffee, E. B. BENNETT, Secretary. „ cause brought under consideration. All arc held at the Town House on Friday evening, can say ought that reflects upon his manhood 85c. ^ 0 composed of several members of the old and now in session in Baltimore. " " New Season Japan, 90 " r Hartford, August24,18'8. "Have you heard the news from invited to be present. Sept. 20th. Drs. Parker, Thompson, Lam­ as a man of business or as a Christian. In his Very good " " " CO " Peep O'Day Coffee, 25c. " IS » ' once celebrated Colt's Band, of Hartford- Secretary W.' D. Gregory, of Wilton, had bert, Brownson, and others will probably Maine?" • church reltftionship he was a pattern of con­ Good " " •'40c., 3 lbs. $1. Eight Clocks given away with every Box. There were nine Bands present, and the play­ Republican Caucus. the misfortune to lose an ox, last Friday. have something to say that will be worth Republican Caucus. " ing of all in concert was an event long to be The election in Maine is a surpriso to Re­ sistency. He was always in his place in all P listening to. The Republicans of the Town of Nprwalfc The Republican Electors of the town are The Democratic Congressional Convention the meetings of the church for business, for Our Teas and Coffees are selected with" great remembered by all fortunate enough to have publicans and a terror to democrats all over Bishop Williams will make an official arj requested to meet at the-GAZETTE OFFICE listened to the grand volume of finely played the country. The former had no idea the to meet at the GAZETTE office Thursday eve­ is to be held in Bridgeport, October 5th. social or public Worship. He never shrank on Thursday Evening, Sept 19th, "at 7:30 visit to St. Mark's Church on Saturday, Setp. from any duty or position to which his u care, and are of the very Best Quality, P music. Greenback element was powerful enough to ning to select Delegates to the several Con­ Last week's storm seems to have been o'clock, for the purpose of appointing dele­ ventions and elect Town Committees for the 21st, at 3 o'clock, p. m. brethren callcd him. He contributed gener­ 0 gates to the various Republican Conventions, The cattle exhibit was creditable, sheep defeat two of their Congressmen and obtain unprecedently severe North and West and ,/ and Finest Flavor.^^0.^3^i-.< I* and for the transaction of all other business and swine quite superior, but horses, as a a balance of power in the Legislature,' as year ensuing. Let there be a full attend­ far out at sea. A collection was taken in the Congrega­ ously of his means for all departments of tional church, Sunday, for the Southern suf- mb fair 4 deemed advisable. Per order whole, inferior to what this section of the they have done. The latter are astounded ance. "M." Norwalk, Conn., sent $50 to the Christian work. His faith in God and loyalty Best Carolina Rice, 10c. per lb., Ginger Snaps, .,... 15c. TOWH COMMITTEB. ^crcrfl to truth were prominent traits of his religious country is capable of showing, if interest to find the democracy nowhere or the Memphis sufferers, through New York Jour­ Mr. S. S. Brinkerlioff has gone to Nebraska, " Oat Meal, Gc. " The very Best Pork, ? 10c. per lb., IS Norwalk, Sept. 10th, 1878. For the Sufferers. life. He accepted the Bible as a revelation Salt, 3 and 5 cts. per quart, were taken. The trotting was spirited but "third" or "scattering" party, in the State! nal oj Commerce. accompanying his sister, Mrs. Canfield, to " " New Haven Hams, 14c. " 0 A collection was taken up in the First from God with the confidencc of a child; BrinckerliotTb Milk Crackcrs, 13 cts., p no remarkable speed shown. The running In trying to gain a partizan advantage over her home. " Soda " 10 its., " Lard, 12c. " For Sweet Mercy'# Sake. Congregational church, Sunday a. m., for the An express driver was robbed of a 'pack­ Bishop Williams will -visit St. Mark's from its pages God spoke to him personally. races greatly pleased the crowd, and if it the republicans, the democratic party has '" Oyster " 10 cts. " Butter, 20c., 25c. and 28c. " s fever sufferers. age containing $14,000 at Lasalle, 111., on church, next Saturday afternoon. Rev. Mr. As truth unfolded to his mind more clearly Moved by that "touch of nature which could have been advertised that the poor allowed itself to be swallowed up and is Selleck, of Norwalk, and Rev. Mr. Finch, of " Hand-Made Butter Crackers, 15c. " very best Cheese, loc. " 0 A Collection is to be taken up in all the Saturday by three men. he trustingly followed its light. He was " A. B. C. Crackers, 20c. Georgia Bank Cod, 5c. " makes the whole world kin," the members devil of a rider would be thrown and half behind everything. Eugene Hale, who for Daricn have been invited to accompany bim. Sunday schools next Sunday for the same The democratic State Convention assem­ " Scotch CaVaway Crackers, 20c. Mackerel, 10c. and 15c. " & of the "Ladies' Own Sociable" have gener­ lriiw, still greater interest would have been ten years has been an able and active Con­ Tbe Quinn -farm was sold at auction, progressive and in full sympathy with the object. bled in New Haven to-day to nominate Wednesday, for $4,900.» ously and thoughtfully prepared an enter­ centered in this branch of the Agricultural gressman, is beaten by an ignorant blather­ age; he did not look upon the world as re- A collection was taken up in the 2d M. E. State officers, build a platform, &c. F. W. Lock wood, hnng purchased the tainment for this Tuesday evening, the entire skite without education or good common trogading in morals, nor did he think the Store Second Door cast of Post Office, Norwalk, Conn. Show. - Church on the previous Sabbath. Caleb Benedict place, win tear the old house proceeds of which are to bo sent to aid the The show inside the Building was really sense, it is claimed. This result increases President Hanford had his door-yard flag down and build a new one for himself, a young more given to vanity than when he doomed fever sufferers in the southern por­ half-masted on receipt of the news of the house for his gardener, barn, carriage house, was a boy. Deacon Mather had the happy R. G. NOLAN, M. D., excellent and much in advance of many pre­ the hopes and exultations of old Ben Butler &c. tions of "our own native land." Such a vious years. The exhibit of rare potted and his supporters, and correspondingly Paris Awards. death of Col. Fairchild last Friday. art of retaining the affection and confidence Republican caucus this (Tuesday) evening, of his children as he grew in years. He had Surgeon and Physician, movement,so commendable for its humanity, plants by Peter Guigue and John H. Smith, augments the "scare" now pervading the E. W. Mower, of the Roxbury Quarry, on Twelve thousand dollars of,the Bethel 6 at Town House. the great joy of seeing them all members of OFFICE : Cor. MAIN AND WALL STREETS. ought of itself to secure the sale of every with the boqucts and floral show by others, ranks of his adversaries. It is a singular and the Shepaug Road, sent a block of Connecti­ per cent. Water Bonds havo been awarded Delegates to Democratic convention:— State, Thomas Raymond,. S. M. Lock wood; the church and occupying useful and honor­ Office hours: 8 to 9 a.m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. possible sitting place in the Opera House; would have done credit to our State Fair,and not particularly hopeful augury of the times cut Stone to the Paris Exposition, at the re­ to the Fairfield County' Savings Bank. but in addition to the work of mercy involv­ Congressional, William E. Raymond, Gilbert able places in the world. Until the time of Aid tbe Suffering! Can be found at ofllce nights. was far in excess of this year's State Fair to thoughtful men of either party, when such quest of the State Geologist, which has re' The American Institute Fair, in New Birdsall; Senatorial, Theodore Hawley, Jo­ BRANCH OFFICE at Hoyt's Pharmacy, South ed, the entertainment provided will be fully his death his family had remained an unbro­ show. The Stamford Hoyts made remarka­ things happen in such a State as Maine. ceivcd the special notice of an "honorable York, opened last week. Tne Prenident, N. seph Lambert; Prolate, Joseph Crawford, Norwalk. worth the price of admission charged. We ken circle. An Amateur Dramatic Entertainment will be ble exhibits of garden vegetables, and John mantion." The block was cut as a cube and C. Ely, Esq., made the opening address. B. D. Purdy. given lir the bcncQt of the « hazzard nothing in saying that our amateur His last illness was brief,and though great­ Ryan's case of hot house grapes were exqui­ one side^polished. It is to be returned at the DARIEN. ' State Fair. The Adelphihad a rough time going down ly prostrated and at times suffering severely, performers will succeed in interesting, amus­ site. There was an encouraging show of close of the Paris Exhibition to the "Con­ The State Fair was not a remarkable sue in the storm, Friday, and many were sea­ Sally Ann Ferris, daughter of tbe late hfe reposed calmly in faith and looked forward ing and delighting an audience as no pro­ peaches, but true to the present year's fatality cess this year, if we except a very fine show necticut Museum of Industrial Art" at New "WE MEAN BUSINESS." sick, l>ut she came up on time at evening. Stephen Ferris, died Friday afternoon after with the assurance of hope to that rest that YELLOW FEVER fessional troupe ever visiting us could do. nearly all rotted before the Fair ceased. of cattle. Mr. Star, of "Echo Farm," Litch­ Haven, and remain there as an exhibit of the $8,000 worth of Mr. Mark Stevens has purchased Mrs. a brief illness, and was buried on Sunday, remaineth for the people of God. No man Then, too, every cent of the receipts is to be Bridgeport merchants seemed to out-do our field, and Mrs. Samuel Colt, of Hartford, ex­ building stones of this State. 'fc'ij Clarissa Stevens' place on the Winnipauk She was widely known and had tho Empa­ could be more missed, especially by the transmitted. Mr( Lynes donates the use of Norwalk tradesmen in their efforts to adv«r~ hibited several exceedingly fine Alderneys; BY MEMBERS OF TilE , the Hall, Mayor Morison pays for the gas road, near tbe Fair Grounds. Price $28.25, thy of all because of her incurable malady. church. The memory of the past is precious. & Shoes,"T Use their attractive commodities. But W.H. extra beautiful red Devons also prevailed.but New Book. A man.named Barton was hurt one night bill and the very few complimentary tickets The following lines by a member of the JUST GOME IN Smith, successor to Wm. O. Street had a a kennel of SU Bernard's (a mother and her Orange Judd & Co. have just issued a very The Greenbackers have nominated John given out. The advertising is all gratuitous­ last week at the depot. It seems that he family is a just tribute to his memory and most creditable exhibition of everything in the family of five pups) attracted more curious practical and common sense book of House Shelden a Philadelphia Tailor to run against LADIES'OWN SOCIABLE Good Goods, Low Prices. ly contributed. The services of the West- had gone to sleep while sitting on the depot worth: First-Class Hardware trade line; A.H.Hoyt & attention than anything else. Plans for City, Town and Country, by S. B. Speaker Sam Randall, and may the tailor port Band are generously volunteered. The platform and when the night express up v AND OTHERS. At the 11 Co.a very attractive show of Boots and Shoes, Reed, Architect. It comprises dosigns of win. • Another ripened sheaf is gathered home: ii BOUND TO WIN." labors of ticket venders and ushers are freely came along the steps struck his legs and And laid triumphant at the Masters fect.; while Mrs. Fawcett fairly out-did herself in houses of all sorts costing from $250 to There is a man in town who has never OPERA HOUSE, NORWALK, 1,000 Ladies', .25 given. All, moved by one common impulse Contribution Box. fortunately knocked him around endways, So suddenly the Reaper came and wept, - her show .of bewitching ladies' hats. Fred' $8,000, and its line of front elevation illus- known the blessings of teeth. He has never Best Heavy Calf, tap sole, you of pity for the sufferers, have vied in gener­ Mayor Morison has caused a cash box to instead of drawing him in under the cars. We only heard the echoes of his feet, TiTand and DeKlyne had portions of their can­ strations are very choice and ample. The had any, and, in fact, was born without Bearing his burden down the desolate street. Tuesday Evening Sept. 17tli. ever saw for the money, 3.00 ous rivalry to make the entertainment and be put up in the Post Office, where all dis­ He was quite badly but not seriously hurt. Thick Boots, good and chcap, 1.75 to 3.50 dy apparatus put up and not only satisfied Book costs but $1.50, sent by mail, and teeth. But all is welL :, the amount of its receipts worthy the people posed may deposit their contributions for tho Robert I. Tolles {went over to the Nor when wl'I be presented Wybert KCCVCH Comedy the curiosity of the crowd as to how their should be in the hands of every carpenter Their own stock oflce having given out, : Don't forget your Friends. of Norwalk. yellow fever sufferers, and where any sum walk Fair, heavily laden with his finest God's time is never ours. We tbink we keep. ^ l)ram:i, entitled"*' sweet things were made, but sold pounds and builder or person contemplating or inter Messrs. R. Ells & Son have been importing Our hearts submissive to our father's will; Another entertainment is to follow at from a penny to a thousand dollars will be pippins and came back thoroughly cleaned upon pounds of their confectionery to those ested in tasteful building. ' - ice from out-of-town for the supply of their out. Some say he fell among] the Philis But it could never be that we should say: Music Hall, City, on Wednesday evening, faithfully transmitted. "We're ready now; take thou our staff away; A. H. HOYT K Co. "PA R T ED!" : whoso appetites as well as curiosities were customers. • having the same noble' ends in view* This tines who always hang around the Fair Put us into thy furnace fires of pain; ' thus excited. Mead made up into candy and A. H. HOYT. . VV.'T/RTSTIIIIC J. F. 1T0SCO. is to be more specially a musical treat under Samuel Boerum, of Five Mile River, was At a meeting of the Board of School Adams Brothers had their "fixings" in the Building for a free bite of anything laying And purge us free from selfish, earthly stain." DRAMATIC RECITATION sold two barrels of Stewart's A sugar. Youle So it is welL the direction of Prof. Stephen Hatch, and is drowned off Black Rock, near Bridgeport, Visitors, on the 13th of September, 1878, the Lock Co.'s Building and were busy forming around loose, while others say he attempted exhibited a gorgeous hearse similar to that following vote was passed: no less worthy of hearty support and crowd­ Tuesday morning. He was on an oyster boat, and sizing hats the 2d day after their fire. to grease his apples with taltow, so the com' Years laden with thy mercies, fair and sweet TUe Madman, which took the first prize at the Centennial. setting some buoys on the grounds between "VOTED, that in the opinion of this Board, That is what we call business enterprise. mittee would slip a premium on them and Have come and gone o'er our unbroken band ; BY H. H. BARBOUR, ESQ. ed attendance than our own entertainment Raymond Brothers, city, made a magnifi­ no school is kept according to law, which is of this Tuesday evening at Lynes Opera Seaside Park and Black Rock, when the boat The Burnside Guards turned out yester when this was discovered, all bis friends But now the rod has fallen, sharp with pain ; AN UHPARALLED SUCCESS! cent show of paints and oils, and P. H. attended by children residing out of the Dis­ We shrink, and yet we cling to Thee again, To conclude with Morton's laughable farce House. Go one, go all, even if the outlay suddenly "jibed," and the boom swinging trict in which such school is kept, unless the day to attend the funeral of the late la- were called about and proceded to devour Dwyer exhibited his harness wares and stable That so the stroke may lighter fall. ' i - ; TWO OP THE BEST cause you a little self-denial. The price of around struck him on the bead and knocked consent of the District Committee and School menied Col Fairchild. The entire regiment all his apples. furniture. Harlem made a fine exhibit of his Widowed and fatherless to-day we stand; one ticket may save a human life, and it will him overboard. His body was recovered on. Visitors is first obtained as is required by was expected to join in the funeral proces­ Rose Eytinge is to give an entertainment Yet written so by an unerring hand. A Regular Fix. superior Gent's Clothing, etc. law". surely assuage an untold amount of human Saturday. The unfortunate roan was about sion. at Fitch's Home, Friday evening. And so'tis well. BASE BURNER STOVES The peaches looked very delicious the first 45 years of ago and leaves a family of 13 A true copy of Record, Attest, Treasurer, T. H. MORISON. anguish. No such dire and distressful appeal That the North lias no grudge against the And when thy chastening fires have done two or three days of the Fair, but dreadfully children. Louis J. BLAKE. BRIDGEPORT. Doors open at 7;30, entertainment will com­ t M IN THE WORLD J for aid has touched the pity of the world. '<• Secrctaiy Board of School Visitors. South is shown by tbe manner in which Rev. C. R. Palmer's residence was enter­ their work mence at 8. Admission SO Ucnts. Reserved seats discouraged after that. And thou canst sec the silver 'midst the dross, can be procured without extra tchar«e at L. Let all who can, know and feel how much The Yale Lock Co. exhibited Weston's de­ Out of Money. contributons of money is now being so freely ed by thieves, during his absence, and rob­ Weed's Jewelry Store Norwalk and lloyt's Drui; more blessed it is to give than to receive, by bed of many things. With thine own image clear reflected there, Store Sooth Norwalk. ferential pulleys for lifting heavy weights. The Washington Star says Senator Barnum During the running races, at the Fair, on and lavishly raised for the assistance of the Then shall we count as giun, this heavy loss; aiding in this well-devised opportunity. Judge Culver has decided that B. K. Mills Horse Oars will be ran at the close of the en­ They are of use all about the farm and manu­ was last week summoned to the capitol be­ Thursday, Andrew McCarty, a New Haven sufferers.. is the legally elected Collector for the Town Yea, kiss tbe hand that laid on us tho cross, tertainment. Kach person from SontK Norwalk The &ARLAND, The following persons' have volunteered And own that all is well. purchasing a ticket will be turnished two Horse cause bis democratic committee were in a jockey, was thrown from his horse and quite Rev John A. Hamilton preached a very of Bridgeport. Car Tickets. their services for the South Norwalk Concert: factory. IPArtois was in clover up to his eyes feed­ state of financial collapse. They could get badly hurt. His horse was stepped on by earnest and powerful, discourse, laat Sun­ Mr. Wm. G. Lioeburgh has resigned the Mr. Lynes kindly donates the use of the Opera '".'.'i (Improved for 1878.) -* Mrs. Charles 3. Boyington.of Brooklyn,Miss position of Eirst Vice President of the Peo­ •ST-Don't fail to stop and look at Van Hoo­ Honse. - , ...... J'-n i ing the hungry with his "unrivaled"luxuries. no more printing done or move a peg in their another and stumbled, making a complete day morning, which. seemed to make an Tbe Westport Cornet Band volunteer to lnr- Libbie F. Selleck, Alex. 8. Gibson, Pianists; ple's Savings Bank to accept the Presidency sear & Ambler's White Dress Shirts, finished, J IXI ;•£>(J J AND ^ The booth and saloon men seemed to have campaign work, and finally our Senator snmmersault, it is said, before regaining his unusually deep impression upon the .large of the Farmers and Mechanic's Saving Bank. nish the Music. Hiss Maria S. Brainerd, of New York, Mrs. at Fifty cents each. Mr. William Lockwood gratuitously furnishes it all their own way and sold "bar'ls" of feet. McCarty was taken to the house audience. Mr. Wm. E. Seeley has been elected First T. H. Morison, Miss Nettle 8. Wooc^ of New had to advance $5000 "for the cause," out of the Stage. temperance Schenck, and yet there was com­ of Mr. Johrison, near the grounds, and cared Vice president. iSTI am not so round shouldered after all, Mr. John F. Buxton kindly oifers ;his services Haven, Mrs. Rufus E. Raymond, Jr.,. So­ his own pockct so as to keep the pot boiling, The testimony tlius far taken in the Mary The steamier Grand Republic carried 3,000 WESTMINSTER, paratively little visible intoxication. for by Dr. Nolan. It was at first feared that his exclaimed a young man, the other day, after as Bill Poster. pranos ; Wm. C. Baird, Brooklyn, Baritone &c. ( Stannard murder casij. yery seriously im­ persons to Rockaway, last week Monday The Local Press have generously aided us by (BNTISELT NEW.) APPLES AND PEARS. injuries were fatal, but he was out again, on half of whom came clown the Shepaug and dressing himself up in a suit of clothes made James Cousins^ Jr., Violinist; and a chorus plicates the Rev. Mr. Hayden. The case free advertising. Capt. Stephen Hoyt & Sons swept the field Gypsies. Saturday. Housatonic Railroads. by our stylish Tailor, Mr. B. COHN. Messrs. Hoyt and Weed by sale of tickets. of local singers. The use of the Hall is do­ was adjurned on Saturday till to-morrow, The following persons sentenced at the Admired by all I on apples and pears, as usual. Every known A long caravan of Gypsies passed through The Norwalk Gas Co.,by famishing light. nated by Messrs. Knapp and Woodward; Wednesday. present term of the September Court were Gent's, Ladies' and Children's Knit variety worth growing was exhibited by them, town on Saturday morning westward. The The Hyers Sisters entertainment was taken to State Prison last week. Albert gas light by L. C. Hanford; a Chickering Sec. Sherman has "yielded to pressure" Underwear, in great variety, and very cheap, Music Hall, - So. Norwalk A REAL SENSATION! together with samples of the trees upon children were fat and rosy, but the horses quite largely attended, at Music Hall, last Parks, Danbuiy, burglary, five years; H. piano by Messrs. Chandler Bros, Montague and revoked his order practically resuming ONE NIGHT ONLY! which his sample fruits are grown. looked travel worn, as if the summer cam­ F. (Remington, horse stealing, three years; at Van noosear & Ambler's. Street,; Brooklyn, The expense therefore Friday night. "Urlina" is a light and spark­ on the 16tb. The law advisers were in doubt William Fitzroy, Westport, burglary nine Havo POULTRY. paign had been a bard one. Friday Evening, Sept. 20th. will be little or nothing. The horse cars will ling extravaganza of the modern style, the as to its legality, while no one doubted its months. Personal. Thero was a very creditable exhibit of the Hyers Sisters were handsomely costumed The Howe Band has challenged the Ito-appearance ot the celebrated original positively wait until after the entertainment entire feasability. HBNBY M. STANLEY, the justly famous ex­ feathery tribe, and the chicks were greeted by Rev. Mr. Williams preached an able dis­ and their singing was simply charming, Wheeler & Wilson band to another contest BERGER FAMILY! Tlie Burnside Guards were out last plorer of Africa, was weighed a few days eloses. hosts of admirers, as usual. * course to a large audience Sunday evening, Billy Eersands was funny in the exftcme, each band to play twenty men and perform and their Wednesday, for their annual parade and drill. the same selections they did at the Fair. sincc at the World's Exposition in Paris IMMENSE MELONS. on the history of "Communism," taking for but we missed the peculiar features which Clam Bake. < They marched up town in the afternoon, and The reunion of the old - 6th C. V. was held upon a Fairbanks! standard scale. His Great Company of Musical Stars John Ryan had a half dozen monster water his text, "Man shall not live by bread alone, made such a remarkable success of "Out last Wednesday. About 75 veterans were R The Republican Clam Bake at Stony Creek spent an hour or two drilling, on the Gr«jen. weight was found to be 163} pounds, or 33 'AND melons on exhibition, weighing from thirty j (but by every word that precedcth out of of Bondage." present. pounds more than when he left the Dark SOL SMITH RUSSELL, proved a very pleasant social affair. The to fifty pounds apiece. His exhibit of mel­ the mouth of God." Mat. IV-4. Next They made a very presentable appearance. The funeral of the late Col. Fairchild took sea-food was abundant and cooked in true place Monday afternoon. Continent. Tbe three years of exposure and TheCreateatComle Artist In the Hut' Equal. ons could not have been beaten in a Georgia Sunday evening he will deliver a discourse BUSINESS CHANGE—.Mr. H. M. Prowitt Phosphorus soap for rose bush insects:— verae. clam bake style. The guests were "congen­ A man named Turney was caught in a suffering he has experienced are manifest in MISS ANNA TERESA BERGER, the most accom­ or Carolina Fair. the subject being "The Working Man's Dol­ has retired from the firm of H. M. & J T. One table-spoon full^dissolved in one gallon belt at Howe's factory, and broke his arm in ial" and landlord Frink, a prince of good his appearance. He is very gray, and has plished Comet Soloist in America. YE POTTBB1E. lar." This will be the third discourse in his Prowitt, hardware dealers, Main street, of water, applied with syringe or watering three places. MISS KTTA MORO AN, Saxaphone Soloibt. fellows ; his Indian Point House one of the a wan and almost haggard look, but is now MISS LOUISE KEMLO,Contralto. James Lycctt had his clay wheel, and the scries to workincjmen. pot, will completely clear the plants of in­ At the Norwalk Fair. Thursday, officer MISS FIDELIA DESSMOKE, Soprano. " most romantic and charming liostleries long leaving the business entirely in the hands of Anderson recognized a Stamford man who rapidly recovering his usual health and vigor. Nickel neat and unique jugs with handles, and with­ his son, J. Thornton Prowitt, who has been sects—also a valuable fertilizer for flowers. Mlt. JULES G. LUMBARD,New York's favor­ shore. There were no "slates" made and had escaped from the jail in this city and ite Basso: and out handles and handled muchly, and his Burglary. the active partner and manager for years. The Centennial Temple of Honor will arrested him. •SaTHodder's Patent Blotter Tablets for SOIi. 81HITH KVSSKIali) tlie moat rnar- very little politics talked. i About two o'clock Wednesday morning, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Blanks, &c , are vlloii ofllvlBtartlMs lu comedy, will "family jars," all attracted as much attention The business will be continued at the old celebrate their anniversary, this evening, at STAMFORD. appear in conjunction wich the entire company, as anything about the Fair. two bungling sort of amateur burglars inef­ stand, as heretofore. Mr. J T. Prowitt's Lockwood's Hall. The programme embraces convenient and economical. Manufactured numbering At Sayvcrville, N. J., Saturday night, in a fectually tried to enter the house of Charles non. Oliver Hoyt declines to be a candi­ Eighteen Talented Artists. Panels Uiclt Butter. many friends will wish him abundant pros­ quartette singing, speeches by prominent date for Governor.^-The Stamford National and sold at the GAZETTE 'office. tf row, a man was murdered. Rum. Sherwood, corner of Belden and Union Ave­ Reserved Scats, 75c.; General Admission 50 and The first premium upon Butter was taken' perity. members of the order and by local ministers. Bank has declared a.six percent, dividend.— 35 cctnta. Seats secured at Hoyt's Drug Store city, nues, and made a similar attempt at the house Ilea I lb Is Inestimable jewel, Tlie eongli In Brooklyn, a woman was thrown out of by a daughter of Capt. Stephen Hoyt, whose «->• «. In the case of G. W. Smith vs City of J. Biimosheis little girl was run over and tbat deprives you ot it may take your lile to. One and-Spencer's Jevelry Store Norwalk. adjoining on Union Avenue. At the latter seriously injured. bottle of Hale's Honey of Hoarhound and Tax a window by her husband, and killed. Bum! triumph was due in great measure to her SOOOOL TAX.—At the meeting of the house they were seen and had a narrow' es­ South Norwalk, tried before Justice Stuart, will avert the evil, and save you from consump­ Saturday night, at Babylon, L. I, a man using the "Cooly system" of raising cream. Center School District, last week Monday GREENWICn. tion. Will yon weigh Lile against a half-dollar ? Notice. cape from carrying off the contents of a a decision has been rendered in favor of the Sold by all lirugfrists. shot at his wife and two neighbors, and then F. E. Chichester had their refrigerating evening, a tax of one and one-half Mills II. M. Bailey's handsome barn,' near' Put's Fike'd Toothache Drops euro in 1 minute. It37 iloublc barreled shot gun and three revolvers. plaintiff. Tbe city is to refund to Mr. Special Uorougli Meeting'. killed himself. Rum. machines on exhibition, and they attracted was laid. Hill, was destroyed by fire, 8ept.'7th. They next seemed to have visited the houses Smith the sum of $'15, amount overpaid on HE legal voters of the Boronsh of Norwalk. A fight occurred in New Rochclle early much attention, lie raised cream six inches arc hereby notified and warned that a Special of Dr. Lynes and Sylvester VanHoosear, on Mrs. Tilt mas Peck, of Riverside, aged assessment. The city appeals. Jesse Banks of Redding lias raised ninety- TMeeting of said legal voters of the Borough will Kings. Sunday morning, in which' one man was thick in his smallest can, from milk only ninety-five years, died Thursday. Her death, two bushels of onions on a piece of ground MARRIED. be held at the Town Hall, [House.] in said Bor­ West Avenue, Thursday night, with similar \ /\A r\ /% n. /• ough, on Friday, the 20th day of September, A. D. killed, and another so badly wounded that three hours from the cow. • : resulted from a fracture of the thigh bone, A gravel train on the Shepaug road jumped six rods square, marketed the onions and has 1878, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for tbe follow­ results. Thence they passed up Arch street caused by a fail. from the track Sadurday and killed Patrick a fine crop of hard turnips growing on the la Brooklyn, E. D., Charles Kellogff, Jr. to ing purposes, to wit:—To approve, if said meet- Graceful Proportions, be is not expected to live. Cause—rum. New Seedling Potato. to the residence of Dr. Coolidge. Here, by Galligan of Litchfield Patrick McGralh of same ground. Mias Fanny Simpson, of the lormer place. ing:thai! deem bset, of the following vote passed «-<••—» by the Court of Bnrgesses of said Borough, at an The " Beauty of Hebron,'' the new seed­ cutting out a pane of glass, they effected an Washington, two trackmen, aud broke W. At tlie residence of tbe Bride's mother, in t; Artistic Ornamentation, Accounts from the yellow fever districts A collection amounting to $176 was taken O'Brien's leg. GST Van Hoosear & Ambler arc now man­ Brooklyn, B. D., Sept. tth, by the Bev. Marsh adjourned meeting, thereof duly held on the 13th ling potato of which we mentioned last entrancs and stole 4wo dozen plated knives, a up iu the Fairfield Congregational Church Staple, Daniel A. Henderson,o( Hempstead. L.. 1., day ot September, instant, viz, Novel Features, - ufacturing White Dress Shirts for thOir own to Grace, daughter of tbe late llenry u. Uicbard- ••Voted—[Provided this vote shall be approved are more favorable, this week. Frost has Spring in our Washington Correspondence, solid butter knife, some plated spoons^ an of Fairfield, for the fever sufferers in the son of Brooklyn, Hi. 1>. as required by law. at a special meeting of the set in, in some places, and there seems to be that the Commissioner of Agriculture had south. CHICAGO, September 13.—An Inter Ocean trade, and sell a shirt made of Wamsutta legal voters of the Borough,] that"a sewer with Faultless Construction. overcoat aud shawl belonging to Mr.and Mrs. dispatch (from a trustworthy correspondent necessary man-holes and catch-basins, DO con­ a general feeling that the worst is over. purchased all he could get of them, of the Dr. Coolidge. The value of the property ta­ with General Miles, dated Mammoth Spring, Muslin, 1200 Richardson's Linen Bosom, 3 structed and laid, ot eighteen inch cement pipe, They Captivate at First Sight, The number of deaths so far reported is In New York ballot boxes have been jfly, made in the very best manner and finish­ in aod through the highway in tbe Borough called Messrs. Thorburn, & Co.,—was shown at ken would not exceed $25 or $30. It is sup- National Park, September 9, reports fighting DIED. Elm Street from Franklin Avenue, so called, to 5,305. The amount raised at the North for the our Fair by ex-Senator Bruggerhof, and placed in different parts of tbe city for the with the Bannock Indians on the morning ed for 75cents. What do you think of that ? the sewer in West Avenne, and connecting there­ And Stand Unrivalled, posed they were intending to pass up the benefit of the poor who desire to contribute of the 4th, in whieh General Miles with with, at a cost not exceeding one thousand dol­ relief of the sufferers, is very large. The attracted much attention. They were cer­ back stairs and in so doing overturned a their mile in aid of the yellow fever sufferers. In South Norwalk, Sept. 16tb, Mrs. Sally Wll- lars. said sewer not to be nseu for other purposes A ttracting the favorable atten- amount known to have been already sent by twenty-seven men of the Fifth infantry and The largest and finest stock of suitings mot, aged 92 years. than carrying off surface and waste water, unless tainly very much superior in appearance, clothes horse, which not only scared them thirty-five friendly Crows, surprised the jrmission shall first be obtained of the Comt of New '.York City is about $840,000; Phila­ at B. Cobn's. 7* Funeral at the residence of her grand-son, urgesses lor a different use thereof: it being un­ ; i ^ tion of all. - , (as we know them to be in cooking proper- away, but aroused the doctor, who got up Letter from General Grant. / Bannocks at daybreak and after a battle of James. II. Nash, Tuesday Sept. 17th, at 2 o'clock, S delphia $75,000; Chicago, $65,000 Contri­ two hours duration thirteen of the Bannocks derstood that the Court of Burgesses shall, as erties,) to any other of the varieties now and perambulated his house, derringer in The following letter from ex-President CiT Buttcrick's Patterns at Van Hoosear & p. m. provided by law^usess so much as said Court may butions continue to bo raised in every city being grown. Mr. B's. house received an were killed and thirty-four of their men, In Darien, Leviza Scofleld,aged 86 years, 3 mos. deem reasonable of the cost of the construction S^Witti or Without Ovens. hand, but discerning nothing went back to Grant, addressed to an Army officer who was women and children taken prisoners and Ambler's. Call and get a Catalogue. or such sewer upon the property specially benefit­ and hamlet of the North for thn relief of the order from London last week by Cable, for bed and slept soundly till morning, when the formerly attached to his staff, is Abde public sent to Fort Kcogh. Of General Miles force ted or improved thereby,'la proportion to such suffering people in the Southern cities. W White and colored printing paper can benefits, and shall appraise and apportioa any three hundred barrels of them for seed true state of affairs were revealed. Their in the San Francisco Pott of Aug. 21. Captain Bennet of Company C. Fifth infan­ and all damages which may accrue from Friends in need are friends indeed, and the try, of Little Rock, a French scout and one be obtained at the GAZETTE OFFICE, in any Notice. the construction of such sewer." in England. They are teii days earlier than entire performances indicate rather poor local BEBUN, (Germany,) July 1 1878. This Borough Meeting is called by direction of noble response of the Northern people to the the earliest Early Rose and being so beauti­ Crow Indian were killed. Twenty-two In­ desired quantity. , : AVING been requested to aet as Treasurer to tbe Court of Burgesses, and the time of holding talent rather than expert cracksmen. MY DEAR MAJOR:—The several letters dian horses were killed and 200 captured. H receive money for the relief of tbe Yellow STOVES & RANGES South in its dire necessity should go for ful and smooth to look at, and so white and Fever Suffers of tho Sonth. I sbould be very hap- the same designated by said Court. • you havo written mc, with all their inclos- It is believed that General Miles has thus NEW DRESS GOODS y to receive any donations Chat tbe people ot Warden's OlBce. Borough ot Norwalk, Septem­ restoring confidence and harmony between floury when cooked, withal;-, that they may closed the Bannock war. orwalkmay choose to contribute lor that pur­ ber, 10th,A. D., 1878. E. U. Durand, Esq., of Irvington, N. J., ure have^come regularly to hand and have NEW SHAWLS, pose- Said contributions may be latt at tbe lien- T. n. MORISON, the two sections be put down as the most valuable vegeta­ been received with great pleasure. I have NEW , ;ral National Bank. 1133 Warden ol Borongh ot Norwalk. the great strawberry propigator, who has- The claims of many American families to 3d T. II. MORISON. ble acquisition we have had of*We years. spent thirty years of his life in producing new been very negligent about answering, but New Fall Goods of every kind, at Death of Colonel* Fairchild. Mr. B. also exhibited a hair bushel of estates in England and Wales will loose even and superior varieties, has just put out, in ad­ you must forgive that. *We are now on our their present slim chanceof realizing anything R VAN HOOSEAB & AMBLEU'S. Wanted Immediately.i; j A Rare Chance. Thursday morning the colors or the two "Acme" Tomatoes, a variety superior to the Furnished Parlor with Bed-room adjoining, dition to his mammoth "Great American,"—a way north through Denmark, Norway, by a new property limitation act which goes 40 Bushels of Green Tomatoes. -i : to let, either with or without board. En­ into operation there with the advent of 1879. GST Have your Bill Heads, Statements 10 " small White Onions. Call or address A »regiments at Niantio were flying at half-mast, Perfected. j new variety which lie calls "Beauiy." This, Sweden and Russia. In the fall we expect quire at this office 33 and the bands played Hartman's Funeral The act debars all claims older then a dozen Headings, Blanks, &c., put up with PATENT Uazutte Office staling lowest cash price. Fine Vegetables, &e. with his "Glassy Cone," should bo in every to visit Spain and Portugal, and then settle years, by confirming tenants in the possession •Sir March and the Dead March in Saul. Robert BLOTTER TAB LETS. Blotters always handy, OST.—Atthe Valr or vicinity on Friday, a For Sale. Probably no one made so creditable an ex­ amateur's garden, for besides being most down for the winter at some pleasant place, of Innd which they have uninterruptedly oc­ dark blue Waterproof Uluak, with cape, G. Fairchild, colonel of the Fourth regiment, paper always in good shape and loose sheets Good strong Pbxton built to order, in line hibit at the Fair, when the difficulties io be prolific and delicious, they are the handsom­ probably the south of Italy. In the spring cupied for that length of time, without pay­ marked Arnold A Constable, ti reward will be condition. Inquire ot Mlt. WHITTLKSY, ing rent or otherwise acknowledging the titb never wasted. The GAZETTE office has -the Lpaid if lett at GAZKTTE OFFICK. Itp38 A bad died in Stratford at 7 a. m. He had been overcome are to be taken into account, as I shall go back to theJUnited States and set­ at Airs. Ferry's Place. !itp3S est berries yet grown. " ] of any person. exclusive right for the town of Norwalk. tf ill almost almost all tho time since April 19, Thomas Clune. He took the 2d sweepstake tle down for life, where, it is not yet determ­ ANTED.—By a person of experience a when he was attacked by pleurisy. He began • • situation as Housekeeper or seamstress. Notice. premium on largest collection of garden veg­ James Mitchell has a new enterprise on ined. My whole trip abroad has been ex­ Ayply lor one week to MKS. v.WILLIAMS, Win­ to recover in June, but incautious exposure Hardee's "concussion" theory in the treat­ Better than whisky and quinine for Chills, W HEREAS my wife, MARY F. PILLOW, has etables, and. biB show of plants and flowero foot in the purchase of the Wilson Point ceedingly pleasant. As yet not a single un­ ment of yellow fever is just now attracting SANFOKD'S JAMAICA GINGKB. * I L 1 nipauk road opposite the residence of Martin S. left my bed and board without Just cause At Greatly ReducedlPrices. . caused a relapse and he died of consumption. Uraw.Ksq. Itp38 orW provocation, this Is to forbid all persona trust­ was both large and excellent in varieties, and Homestead property for a cemetery. | This pleasant incident has occurred. Every much attention. The idea is to dissipate the epidemic by cannonading. A correspondent BLOOD, KBBVB, DRAIN, ing or harboring her on my account as 1 will pay 'He was born in Pennsylvania in 1836, but he yet he raises all on a garden plot not more could easily be wrought into amostbeatitiful place, in every nation, and by all classes of no bills of her contracting. riling to Newtown when a small boy. He writing to the Boston Journal on this subject These all must have, and all want the Blood To Rent. BENJ AMIN F. BILLOW. than 75 by 80 feet. ,| and attractive spot for the purpose, and the society, from rulers to the working people, says: "There is no doubt as regards the truth rich, the Nerves strong, and the Brain active. ILL rent cheap, ftom October 1st, rooms on Westport, Sept. 16th. 1<)78. fi. K. Lockwwd served in the Twenty-third C.V. with credit. of his statements, for when the fever broke Wect Main St., to one or two families. Ad­ A "Worker. great need of our town and especially of the greatest civility has been shown me, and There is only one way to accomplish all this dress ttUFUS K. ltAl'MOSD, He had been for some years a partner in the Ouc of the most indefatigable workers the profoundest respect expressed for our out in vieinity of the Waverly House, Jack­ at the same time—use the Blanchard Blood W3j Stain lord, Conn. S MIth Norwalk, for better burial facilities sonville, in 1877, the experiment was tried by and Nerve food; it is honestly prepared by a Notice. clothing firm- of Sammis & Fairchild, of at the Fair was our Mayor, Thomas H. Mor­ would greatly aid Mitchell's enterprise. > country and countrymen. As pleasant as Bridgeport. He joined the Bridgeport City the use of heavy cannon for two or three well-known Physician in New York City, HE Partnership of H.M. $ J T. PROWITT ison. He ought to be its next President. everything has been, however, I long for evenings, after which no deaths occurred in and is accomplishing wonders in strengthen For Sale or Exchange. Fall art filter Sffles Guard in 18G1. In 1866 he was captain of T is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe A Good Symptom. ' THE BURGER FAMILY, who, as many of the time to come when I am to return home. that vicinity. ing people. OR small Farm (3 or more acres) with stock Xow Ready. business will be carried on by J. T. Prowitt. all the Sedgwick Guard, in 1870 major of the m .0, AcorHouse and lot must be free ol'incnm- • IF YOU WANT persons indebted to the late ilrm oi If. M. A J. They say the demand for cold water was our readers doubtless remember, gave a most I would go back, after visiting Spain and Fbrance, an established Bakery and Confectionery T, PROWITT will please call and pay said i nilebt- Fourth regiment, in 1873 lieutenant colonel, An honest Hibernian, in company who EXTENSIVE ABT-GALLKRY.—Next to the edness to J. T. Prowitt, who is authorized to set­ enjoyable entertainment at the Opera House, Portugal, in the fall, (I will have visited 'Bible, no book is more useful then Webster's doing a profitable business. Fine opportunity. Reliable Paper Pattens, and in 1877 was elected colonel. He was a so great about the President's new and at­ blamed the clergy for taking a tenth part of Address, 1*. O. BOX, SUit tle the accounts ot tho late Arm. tractive marquee, that a new water pipe had last Spring, are to appear at Music Hall next every country in Europe, Egypt in Africa, the people's property, exclaimed: "An, they Dictionary. The Unabridged is an extensive StStl Tarrytown, N. T. H. M. PROWITT, thorough tactician, a strict disciplinarian, and art-gallery, containing over three thousand Buy only Frank Leslie's. J. T. PBOWITT. Friday evening, the 21st inst., and once Syria and Asia Minor in Asia.) only that I would take a twentieth if they could." Norwalk, Sept. 12th, 1S7S. in all respects a model commandant. He was to be run into tho grounds from the Main engravings, representing almost every animal more give our music loving citiezns an op­ have no place to go. By waiting until Governor Hubbard has reappointed Dr. HUTCataloffucs Free..® prominently connected with the Washington street main before a sufficient supply could insect, reptiles, implement, plants, etc., Business Chance. AT -.f^l portunity of witnessing their delightful and spring I can go to my Long Branch home, William M. Hudson of Hartfonl fish com- which we know anything about. It is a vast ISTRICT OP NORWALK, SS. Probate Court, be obtained. S I shall remove my principal office from So. September 1Mb, 1878. Park M. E. Church and for many years su­ and have the summer for preparing a winter misioner for the term of four years, com­ library, giving information on almost eveiy DEstate of MARTHA WHITE, late of Wilton, in Fine Aldcrncys. novel entertainment. The great comic ar­ mencing August 27. A Norwalk to Darien, I offer the good will ot perintendent of its Sunday school. home. . Truly yours, mentionable subject. It indeed has been iny South Norwalk office at a bargain 11 purchas • E K. Lockwood's. said District, deceased. John B. Morris, of Saugatuck, exhibited a tist Sol Smith Russell has joined forces with A Chicago dame who wanted a pannier well remarked that it is the most remarkable eu Immediately. Also office Furniture. Speak OKDEBED.—That tho Executor exhibit his Ad­ tho Bergers this year and our readers will U.S. GRANT. asked for "one of them bay window frocks." compendium of human knowledge in our lan­ quick. MELVILLE K. MKAD, ISTRICT OF NORWALK, ss., Probate Court, ministration account to this court for adjustment, Tlie Temperance Union. very beautiful yearling Bull of the Jersey ltpSS South Norwalk, Conn. September 16th, A. 1)., 1878. at the Probate Office in NorWalk,on the 27th day of now have a chance of seeing,this greatest of The man who is always bragging that his guage .—Hous h>!d Advocate. D September, 1878, at 9 o'clock, forenoon; and that The Women's Temperance Union of this persuasion, and S. M. Burnham a 3 year old Estate of ANDREW K. COMSTOCK.'an insol­ all persons interested in said Estate may be notified comic geniuses for the first time. This gen-, . London Court Journal!—"Next year we wife-is worth her weight in gold, always lets vent debtor of New uanaan,in saicfdistrict assign­ State will hold their annual convention at heifer, which for fine points was not equaled The President's speech in Chicago was to Let&'s;.;; ed in trust .for the benefit ot his creditors. thereof- the Executor will cause this order to tleman has a world wide reputation and la shall have not only cheap bread, but also her get up in the night for medicine for the The voluntary assignment, in writing, by tho be published in a newspaper printed in Fairfield .the Baptist church in this place, commenc­ by any animal shown at the State Fair.' cheap cheese. Tbe Americans who send us children.—JV. T. Herald. veined with good sense. His plea to the Furnished Cottage on West Ave. said Andrew K. Comstock, dated September, 16th County,and.post a copy thereof on the sign-post pronounced to be a humorist and come­ practical business men of the West was sim­ in said Wilton, nearest the place where the de­ ing on Wednesday morning and continuing There was also an extra large yearling out of far finer cattle than .we can breed at home, Among the Chacago bankrupts is tho name Neat and commodious Uonse, Well and com- 187$, of his estate for the benefit of his creditors, ceased last dwelt,at least ten days before said 27th dian without*a peer. . Miss Teresa Berger the and who are still improving their herds by ply ihis: "Let well enough alone." He pletely tarnished, will be rented to a Ihmily pursuant to the Laws of the State of Connecticut, day of September, 1S78. through Thursday. On Wednesday evening "Flora 8d" by McCready's Thoroughbass. of a individual, who is put down as a "capi­ withoutA small children, upon reasonable terms. relating to assigned, insolvent estates, having great Cornet Soloist; Miss Etta Morgan, buying, at almost any price, the finest of argued that the country bad got to the bot­ lu been this day loosed tor record in the office of this ItSep ASA B. WOODW\RD, Jadge. Miss Willard. of Chicago, will deliver the The show of Alderneys was small, but talist, liabilities, $1,425,000; assets practically tom of whatever evils the Resumption Act Apply at the GAZETTE Otrrtc*. ° Saxaphone Solist; and the Misses Densmore our breeding stock, discover that they can Court, and WILLIAM L. WAKING, of said New annual address in thfe Congregational church. unusually good. make cheese for the world, and they promise nothing." It takes a vast numbers of such might have wrought and bad come to the Canaan, being in said assignment nominated and ISTRICT OP NORWALK. ss. Probate Court, and Kembo, Soprano and Contatlo Vocalists; us a prime quality of Gruyere for threepence "capitalists" as that to make a community point where coin and paper were fairly PKOBATE SALE. proposed as trustee oi said estate; therefore D September 16th, A. D., 1878. Collections at noon on both days. TDK OFFICERS, '••••• : wealthy. OBDNIP, That the matter ol the appointment, Ebiate of FRANCIS BRADY, late of Wilton, * _ • '1 .f are also with tho company, as is also Mr. a pound. They will beat Cheddar with bet­ abreast of each other.. He urged that Secre­ URSUANT to an order trom the Court ci Pro­ in said district, deceased. * • —. I . . ' one and all, seemed intent on pleasing their bate for the Distnct of Norwalk, will be sold approval and acceptance, of the said Wil- Jules G. Lombard the celebrated Basso. The ter Cheddar; and as to Cheshire,the American Beecher told a Western reporter that he tary Sherman had no secrets, but was frank atP Public Auction, to the highest Udder, on the lam L. Waring, or some other suitable per- OBDEBED—That the Administrator exhibit his The following are the delegates from this visitors, and the secretaries, ticket sellers and Cheshire will have no rival They have not, loved to steal awhile away and enjoy a soul ana fair wi>h tbe public, and that the time 1st day of October.1878,at two o'clock in the alter- on, as trustee of said assigned estate, be heard Administration account to this Court tor adjust­ gate keepers, as usual, were worked about company number ten ladies and eight gen­ bath in solitude. An account of the interview noon.tunless previously disposed of at private and determined at the Probate Office, in Norwalk, ment at the Probate Office, in Norwalk, on the itown to the various Democratic Conven- however, so far as I understand, produced bad come when it was true wisdom for leg­ nn the 25th day of September, 18T8, at 9 o'clock, SSth day ot September, 1878, at9 o'clock, forenoon; half to death, yet they had a civil answer for tlemen, and the entertainment promises to an "old Stilton," but that is a work of time; was published under the heading, "A Bad islators to let the business of the country sale?) so much of the Beal Estate ot JAMES GOR­ and that all persons interested in said estate may ' tions:—State, James W. Hvatt, H. H. Bar- MAN. late of Norwalk, deceased, as will raise the forenoon, and that notice-of the matters alorc- be notified thereof, the said Administrator will every question, and never seemed to tire of be one of the best that our citizens are nor are they trying fancy cheese like Gam- Case of Psychological Sand and Scrubbing alone. sam ot Fifteen Uundred and FUty G5-100 llollais, said be given to ail persons interested therein, by Jjour, C. Swartz, Richard Golden ; Congres- embart and*Rocquefort. These we shall Brush.» < '»! « with incidental charges ot sale. Sale to take posting a copy ot this order, on the public sign canse this order to bo published in a newspaper answering unanswerable conundrums from likely to be treated to during the present Nobody in Boston could be found willing place on the premises in said Norwalk. Terms post in said New Canaan,nearest tbe place where printed in Fairfield County, and post a copy there­ •sional, Charles Adams, Piatt Price, Nelson have when the plain English cheese have all Said an old friend: "I don't like a man who made known at time of sale. saiadebtor dwells,and also by printing a like copy of on the sign post in said Wilton, nearest the Taylor, Nelson J. CrawSenatorial, and all sorts of people. aommn A full house will doubtless be in' been beaten of out market. Good American is intimate on short acquaintance, because he to guarantee the necessary funds to carry out P. H. DWYBK, 1 Acting in a newspaper published in said District, at least place where tbe deceased last dwelt, at 16ast ten a project to invite Francis Murphy to labor JEREMIAH TIERNEY, (Executors. days before said 28th day of September, 1878. Probate, William Hands, • Edward Merrill, Pickpocket. attendance. Reserved seat tickcts are on cheese at threepence a pound, and more of is almost sure to be short on intimate ac­ five days bolero said SSth day of September, 1878.' 1138 ASA B. WOODWARD, Judge. it »b"n wc want, is a fine prospect." quaintance." there this spring. Dated at Norwalk, this 7th day ot Sept., 1878. e ASA B. WOODWARD, Judge, William O. Merritt, J- Blako. Mayor Morison caught a pickpocket in the saleat Spencer's Jewelry store. -3=rr ABBS CLASS 6-BREAD, DAIRY, HONEY, CLASS 10—DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE 2d do Philip Jones, Huntington, , :.j 4 00 Greenwood kas but few equals and scarcely AND CLOTHING. Best J? do John Keena, Norwalk,.. f> 5 00 any superiors as a lecturer. The public is The BLA1SJCHARD •Norwalk Gazette. PRESERVED FRUITS AND PICKLES. 2d do Philip Jones, Huntington, 3 00 n a Fine display ct Carriages, n. S. incited to attend. •For Best^Wteat'Bread, "M«s~J« ni • Best 2 do Frederick Bronson, Green­ J 1 w Gates,Bridgeport, Brenaed Mlbdal Republican Caucu3 for the nomination of W»keman, Westport, k > w For Bedroom Set of Furniture field, 4 00 3irsSES ST. JOHN ST, 2nd Best, do, do, Mrs. Isaac12. Wars--'' delegates to the several conventions, will Blood and Nerve Food I Old Time Bitters, Tuesday, Sop«ember 17tli, 1878. 50 Wm Lookwood, Norwalk, Diploma 2d do George Seeley, New Canaan, If 00 R dell, New Canaan, ^ Best 1 do John Feltham, Wilton, 3 00 1 ' PIR3T-CLAS3 . IT&MIQ.* Beat 'fiye Bread, Mrs. Alice 1| fe Beat Sowing Machine,the Howe Sew­ be held at the Town House this evening. 25 conts per Pint Bottle? 1 00 ing Machine Co., Bridgeport, Bronzed Med 2d do Alfred S Weed, New Canaan, 2 00 Rev. L. W. Abbott will s.ipply the pulp't Is a Pure Concentrated .LIQUID FwA prepared dlrcctly from the 'IIio GAZETTE is Hie OSL.Y Underbill, Norwalk, - -* BGst Brooding Mare, witfc Foal by for sale by i JS#1!, MltLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Best Corn Bread, do, do, NorwalU, 1 00 To the Davis Sowing Machine, Mr in the M. E. Church, in No .v Canaan for newspaper PAINTED in the 15or- 1 00 B W Wheeler, Norwalk, Diploma her side, Noah W Bradley, Saug­ - WHEAT KERNEL, ; 7 Best Graham Bread, do, do, Norwalk, atuck, " 8 00 the remainder of the month. ongli of Norwalk. Beat Loirf of Raised Cake, Miss Jen... F-or boat five rolls of Rag Carpet, L without Fermentation, anA retal^oi; all of its H.M. &C. S. PROWITT. vances. Also, a 1ine Stock of Ladies' UmirrweA nic Wakoman, Westport, 1 00 It June, & Bro, Norwalk, $2 00 2d do E II Woodwqrd, So Norw'k. 5 00 W. O. Seymour, Esq., is able to attend and Boys' Shirts and WaUts. We wUh Ml i^cal Second bos.t five rolls of Rag Carpet, &LOOD, NHRVJfl A.ZTX> BRAIN and examine ourselections of New Uoods. Eest Crul!o:s, Mrs Alice E. Tndjv- - CLASS 22^iTALL£>NS. : \ to his duties again, after an illness of eight hill, Norwalk, ,100 Hyatt Gregory, Norwalk, 1 00 weeks. v rest or lug elements in a natural state of vltalizntioii. o staurant f Fairfield County For display of Cloths, Custom Mado " * Best Stallion, 5 years old ant' to­ Largest and Beat Colleetion of Pro- The first installment of the History of OB SALE.—The Restaurant nr.dcr Connecti­ Bjived Fruits, raised and prepared Clothing and Gents' Furnishing' wards, Theodoro Prico, Norwalk, F cut Hotel, lately occnpicd by I. B. Fease. Important! by exhibito.', Mrs. Rufus Morgan, Goods, J L Harlom, Norwalk, Silver Mod for "E A Woodward," ijslo 00 Ridgefield. by Rev. D. W T -ller, has at NERVOUS DEBILITY, f ; s For terms enquire at etoreol tiELLECK BROS. 31 TO THOSE ABOUT PUBCHASIXG; 2d do Frederick Bronson, Greenfield Wilton, 4 00 For display of Harness and Horso last made its appearance. lis publication Which underlies all forms oi Chronic Discaie, U apfedUty er^reoaa by tlie use t.f tills Food. MHCDITDIH S061ITY 2d do, Miss E P Wheeler, Westport, 2 00 Furniture, Sheldon & Lyon, Hill,for " Killarney," 10 00 MILLINERY GOODS' Best Stallion, 4 years old, to Arthur has been unavoidably delayed. RGAN FOR SALE.— A good Cabinet Best jar of Peaclies, Mrs J LFillow, Bridgeport, Bronzed Medal "For ttic yoar paac I have constantly prescribod Tkg tilbitbaid Blood and Nerve Food Organ wilt Iw (Old cheap: U. M. JACKSON, GO TO] For display of Harness and Horso Sherwood, Green's Farms, "Abdal- WESTPORT. • O • S do, 100 lah Duroc," 10 00 to my patients ot all ages, from eighteen months tostgh^ikre* y«ar«. In every ease tho result has I at Jackson Brotbcrn. s J No. 4, JAMES' BLOCK, Premium List. 2d do, Miss E P Wheeler, do, 80 Fi* tares, P H Dwyer,Norw'k, Bronzed Med There was shipped, Thursday, from the been exactly that claimed by yon. It is by far tM vaBaaJ»)c una rtUnble tonic I have ever met t WlIBRg For Ladies' Saddle, do do do with • Upwakb BUTTON SMITH. M. 1):, Best jar of Pears, Mrs J L Filfonr, CLASS 23—FAMILY HORSES. foandry of Meneely & Kimberly, Troy, N. • - . 38 Irving Place, Now York. I 8 7 8 • do, 100 For case of Boots and Shoes, A U Mrsi Fawoett 2d do, Miss E P Wheeler, do, 00 Hoyt & Co., Norwalk, Silvor Medal Pair of matchod Family Hftses, Y., a bell weighing 1,000 pounds and eost- ^11 findfiMor. to suit herpntronfl with nrice owned and used by exhibitor, >Vm AT LAST according to the times. ' neP stock Is^arire CLASS 2—GRA.IW AND GRASS SEEDS. Best colloction of Pickles, Mrs M W For display of Horso Blankets', ing about $250, designed for the t'owcr-'of the and carefully solected, comprising everything iii • tfislton & Lyon, Bridgeport, $1 00 E Dann, Norwalk, $4 00 Beat Bushel White Wheat, II. B. - Wilson, do, " 2 00 Congregational church of this placc. It will WOOD MltLINERY & STIIAW GOODS. For display of Ice Tools, Georgo B Best Single Horse, Sherman Moie- Wakoman, Groona Farms, $1 50 2d do, do,Mrs RufuS Morgan, Wilten, 1,00 CARRIAGE; Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Crapes, Laces and Flow- 1 00 Grumman,agent,Branchville, Brosaed Med hose, Jr, Wilton, C 00 be put in position this week. The bell 2J do Austin Jennings, do. Best Butter, not loss than six 3d do Allen Betts, Norwalk, 4 00 ers. Feuthera. Ornaments, Hats of all kinds. Trim­ Best bu Eye,Samuel M. Ct»ley,West- pounds, Miss Emily Hoyt, New For Branchville Spring |Beds, W which, by its familiar tones has called wor­ med Hats, Mourning goods a specialty. Hats Bennett, Branchville, 50 A SUBS1I1UTE FOR DRUGS cleaned and pressed irom 10 cents up. We will 1 50 Canaan, \ 2 00 CLASS 24—WORK HORSES. shippers together during the pas^forty years give >ou moic value for your moiicy than can be 2i do 'llenry Davis, Norwalk, 100 2d do, Mrs M Duckley, Weafcn, 1 00 was heard Sunday, probably for the last FOOD is made a curative agent by concentration and arlUlMttl digaittioa, and it is so simple jn its had elsewhere. They all say It-bnt we d« it-. Cheese, not leas than ton pounds, CLASS 11—FARMING UTENSILS. Best pair Work Horses, owned and application the Tbe A dvice of Physicians Is a.at rteULrffl, Call and sec for yourselves. Best bu Oats, W J Jennings, Greens used by exhibitor, Rnfus Butter/, time. Thousands of recoveries from chronic diseases ara reportef, Kjuda the best medical tkill has failed. Wood Work Farms, 1 50 Mrs M Buckley, Weston, 2 00 Best Threshing Maoliino, with horse Many of tho best physicians throughout the country are .lllMardllur Drugs and using tho 2d do Daniel Connolly, "Westport, 1 00 Beststen pounds of Honey, Perry p*wcr,Isaac K VYardcll, New Canaan, $5 03 New Canaan, " $0 00 A collection for the benefit of the yellow Dlanchard Blood and Nerve Food with Uiajtaest sfkMfymg ratullITpermanently relieving all ''i Y'-' ue K! 1 50 Boers, New Canaan, 2 00 Beet Mowing Machine, Oscar Ray­ 2d do Raymond Bros, So Norfolk, 4 00 fever sufferers was taken Sunday morning formsot Physical and Mental Debility. The pyspopija »e< sioMsfimpu ve I'aliciit, sufferers FllOilTII K !'j>« rm Best bu Buckwheat, H H Coley, do, Irom malarial or lllood Polionlnj, together wUU Uia list aFeainpIaints peculiar to the 2d do Daniel Connelly, do, 1 00 2d do, do, Mrs T B Wakeman, mond, Norwalk, Walter A Wood Machine, Silver Medal CLASS 25—ROAD HOR8SH at Memorial church. The collection taken Female Sex llnd in the use of< this Food sure and spMAf 'I mi Best bu Barley, Isaac E Wardoll, Green's Farms, ( 1 00 at Christ church, Sunday, 8th, amounted to New Canaan. 1 50 Best sample Baeswax, Mrs Samuel ' Best Harrow, Randalls & Earners Best pair Road Horses, owned by ui;, Novcmbor 2(1,1S77. Wheel anil Wooi Beiiiii Co., 1 00 Jterwin, Fairfiold, 1 00 Pulverizer, Gregory T Osborne, exhibitor, Hyatt Gregory, Norw'fc $H) 00 $71,00. Dit. V. W. BLAXCIIAKD During the past year I W»ri tdtoiir various preparations of Food 2d do William W Gregory, Wilton, 24 do D C Wood, Stratford, 8 00 Cure, and leel happy to say they have met my moat iMlatleBS, giving to patients long t-n- For 16 varieties of Indian COM, 10 2d do. Perry Beers, Now Canaan. 50 Redding, , _ 2 00 The first formal meeting of the Westport tccbled by blood poison, chronic disease, or over drag ,. t£«uafl nwmUon iinil nerve force. OF BIUimiiPOIlT »v *1: t-; Best Cultivator, Georgo B Jennings, Best Singlo Road Horse, D A New- r ; 3,5 00 ears of each, Wm Herrgen, Gard- Chess club after the Summer recess, was .«l!Iut>N6ST. LOZEU, M. 1>.. i 2 00 CLASS 7—LADIEs"INDUSTRIAL. Groona' Farms 2 00 comb, Norwalk, 6 00 Dean ol. Horn. Mod. Caljpgc SQpfiMil for Women, Nfiw York City. A Full and Complete Assortment ol ; F YAKIJ3- OF NEW FALL • ener to William Hoy t, Stamford, 2d do Wm E Daun, do, 4 00 held Saturday evening at the house of Mr. Best bu Clover Seed, N J Jennings, For Be^t skill and taste displayed Best Corn Shellor, J AlvoivV, Greens' n rop$tted enred. For Ncural- Greens Farms, 3 00 in Patch Work Quilt, Mrs Rufus Farms, 1 C-0 Trcadwcll. aad JMAtal Debility Irom the use For Churn, Jonathan Banks, ' DISCRETIONARY. •aJfUi Ithis Food a natural and The Committee would recommend Morgan, Wilton, .1200 The funeral of Captain Edward Stetson, potent remedy. WHEELS, SPOKES, a discretionary Premium to John 2d do, do, 1 00 Groonficld, 50 Ten pieccs Scroll Sawing, Edward PRINTS Best Washing Machine, nails Force < G Aik.n, Norwalk, Silvdf Medal who died at Williamsburgh, N. Y., Thurs­ W Lounsbury of Wilton, for % Best Flannel Quilt, Mrs D L Bur- day, in the 53d year of his age took place FOR THE INTELMOmAL WORKER doz hoads of German Millett. 1 00 banks, South Norwalk, 2 00 Pump, Stephen Olinstoad, New Miniature Yacht, J P Crosstnan., AT 5 CENTS A YARD. • 2d do, Miss Mary A Burbanks, do, 1 00 Cutaaati 50 Norwalk, EHploma Saturday from the residence of Mrs. Amzi Tiro Hubs, Bands, : CLASS 3—VEGETABLES. Beat Knit Talma or Shawl, Miss F(* Horse Fork, J Alvord, G*eens' Full rigged Clipper Ship, E C Lam­ Lockwood, sister of deceased. Rev. Z. /I BALE OF For the best quality and greatest va­ Theodore Allen, Westport, 2 00 m Farms, 1 00 bert, New Canaan, JMplema Davenport officiated. Messrs. J. L. G. Blood and riety of Garden. Vegetables, raised 24 do, Mrs T B Wakeman,Westport, 1 00 Tho Committee reoommend a discretionary Mounument, made with pen knifs. Food premium to A B Cohn. of New York, for a William II Reed,New Cannaa, S$|*er Mod Cannon, George Tultle, C. A. Taylor, Chas. affords a certain and natural means ot supplying UV4 ifftgta itlng from labor that will Felloes, by one person, William Herrgen, Best Knit Counterpane, A Craft, enable bim to do better and more work than ever beftare, jrftf •tal strain.str; Gardener to William iloyt, Stam­ Norwalk, 3 00 very fine Ilorso Power and Threshing Cottago and Grounds,Mrs. B Browb, Gorliijin, Daniel Andrews and W: C. Stap­ An a remedy lor tho loss of Appetite and Iraqi >1 and mental, in children STANDARD SHE£TIN6> Norwalk, j^tploma ford, $15 00 Best Afghan, Mrs. Sylvanus Seeley, Macliino $3, also for a Churn $1, also for les acted as pall bearers. The remains were, this Food has no rival. 113 00 New Canaan, 8 00 Straw Cutter $l,and also for Iloro Rako $1. Samples of Tobacco, L D Keeler, buried in the old cemetery near the church CARRIAGE BOWS, AT 7 .CUNTS A TARD. 2d do Thomas Clune, Norwalk, Wilton, MBPoma 1.00 per Bottle, Q top $5.10. Best bu Red Onions, Freudentliall 2d do, Hanford Smith, do, 2 00 : CLASS 13-WORKINa OXEN AND Ten Mink Skins, Charles J at Green's Farm's. Deceased was born and • m And all kinds ol •----W t i j Bros, Norwalk, 1 00 Best Worsted Tidy, Mrs Theodore toy all A:BALI:BOF 2d do Austin Jennings, Greens Farms 50 Allen, Westport, 1 00 STEERS. Norwalk, Hfrlnma reared in this placc, and early formed a Best Bushel White Onions, Freuden- 24 do, -Miss Mary A Burbanks, For Best p«ir Working Oxen, C years Samples of Averill Paints, Ra; love for the sea, upon which nearly his OR Si:\T BY EXPRESS 0tf 1UMUOCV OF PRICB. 100 & Bros, South Norwalk, £^>LOIRA MeacM Fine Slieeiiop, thall Bros, Norwalk, South Norwalk, 50 old, Wm Meeker, Westport, $8 00 whole life was passed. He had, to nse a „ „ ,, „ ANDOVEU TIIKOLOO^ICAA!aa(t^Y iJmd»*er, Mass.,March29,1878. Dest Bushel Yellow Onions, Austin Best Cotton Tidy, Miss Annie Best pair 5 years old, John W Ferris, Exhibition of Confectionery,Fred'ick }otir LifeFood is an excellentt thing.-thing.-I I have no Uwfl . . 2d do William Herrgen, Gardener Nathan Perry, Westport, for patch 2d da, F B Pa l>w, do, 4 00 Samples of Slate, Mantels and Fire­ THE BLANCHAR9 F0A9 6WI C0MPAHY, 1 00 work quilt, - 100 3d do, Andrew Smith, Norwalk, 3 00 places, W 11 Fox, Bridgeport, thM Medal the lato Captain Ed. Wakeman, also a West- • JIT Square, New York. to William Iloyt, Stamford, 17 pieces of Scroll Sawiug, George Best bu Rose Potatoes, Mrs M Buck­ For patch work quilt to Mrs Smith Best pair 3 rmt old Steers, Hiram port boy? will ever be associated with things Smith, Norwalk, Silver Medal Carriage Hardware, Unusual Bargain ley, Weston, 1 00 Mills, of South Norwalk, _ 50 Barlow, Iwvtown, . 5 00 characteristic of the true sailors. 50 Bost pair 2 year old do, Isaac Tho Committee award the Yalo iMk Co., 2d do Peter Butterfield,New Canaan, For basket quilt, Mrs Smith Mills Rev. Mr. Brooks preached Sunday at the Choice White Seed Wheat Best bu Snowflakes, Freudenthall South: Norwalk, 50 Bouton, Darien, 5 00 of Stamford, for exhibition of {cSnprential Can now be found at Bros, Norwalk, . 50 To Mrs Theodore Allen, of Westport, 2d do, Hiram Barlow, Newtown, 2 §0 Pully Blocks, Silver Medal Congregational church. For Sale. Inquire oi JOHN OSltORN. 4137 Handkerchiefs, do do Early Vermont Potatoes, Aus­ worsted tidy, 36 x SPECIAL PURSE. CLASS 26-FOURTEAR OLD COLTS. A yield of more than two bushels of larae Bentt,H§SM i 00 All Linen, Hemmed, 5,6,8,10 and tin Jennings, Greens Farms, To Andrew Burke of Bridgeport, For BestpairDraft Cattle, Benjamin size peaches from a three year's old tree 50 Samples of applique work, 2 00 1st, Daniel Connelly, Westport, grf ILTON ACADEMY. —Tbe next term Have just op,Med a full line of 12 j cents. 2d do Oliver Hoyt, Stamford, Betta, Wilton, 13 00 "Maid of the Valley," is what Mr. Frank Elwood can brag of. W will open on Tuesday, Sept. 17tli, and con­ J. T. Best bu Brownells Beauty, Peter Best pair hand knit Wool or 24 do, Rufus Buttery, New Canaan, tinue « weeks. KDWAltD OLMSTEAH. 100 , Miss L B Wukeniun, 2d, W T Gray, do, gr m "Kitty Qraf." The Bridgeport Farmer says the city of Wilton, Sept. Cth, 1878. 2t37 All Linen, Hemstitched, at 15, 20, Butterfield, New Canaan, (Horses), 8 00 Time 3:25; 3;23. 47 Main Street. fffti and 25 cents. •< do do New Seodling Potatoos, F W Westport, 100 SB do, John M Ferris, Stam&>rJ, G 00 New Haven lias a claim of $19.70, against Bruggerlioff, Darien, 100 Best pair Cotton Stockings, Mrs Westport for the support of paupers, which RS. JHEGKER, LAVIBS> NURSE, 50 4jih do, Frederiok Sherwood, Green­ THREE MINUTE HORSES. M BRTTS' LANE., SOBWALK, CONN. 2d do John W Lounsbury, Wilton, R H Fillow, Norwalk, 1 00 field, 4 00 has been standing since 1867. If the "Elm Uood.relerences given, lias had 1G years ^xpe* All kinds of 1 doz Beets,CharlesWakeman, West- One Knit Hood-, Miss Theodore 1st, Fred Ridabock, Stamford, b ni "ITAImi" ftan rlence. THE BEST PLACE port, 1 00 Allen, Westport, _ 50 CLASS 15—MILCII COWS AND City" folks charge 6 per cent, interest on DRY GOODS Eejfc doa Parsnips, Oliver Hoyt, One pair hand knit Woolen Mittens, HEIFERS. 2d, M II Whipple, Tarrf town, NY the claim, which they arc in law entitled to TO GET ot all kinds at the 1 00 Miss Theodore Allen, Westport, 50 ch m "Julia Sweopatako," - 40 Notice to the Public. SHEH5NGS ADD SHIRTINGS, Stamford-, For Best Miloh Cow, Thomas 3d, [Peto Manee, West Side Park, do, Westport might as well get ready to pay Lowest Frlccs, 2d do William Herrgen, Gardner to Bead Hanging Basket, Miss Annie Clune, Norwalk, $5 00 milK Cemetery Association has appointed David A* the Lowest Prices. :—at— William Hoyt, Stamford, 50 L Vine, Winnipauk, 50 br g "O U A." - >20 its little $32.68. X E. Godfrey as Sexton. All applications far PHOTOGRAPHS ait TINTYPES, 2d do, John Keena, do, 3 00 Time 2:44: 2:3S>i 2:42; 2:48$; 9:30. : burial will be made or addressed to him. Best % doz Heads of Cabbage, Mrs Crochet Bag, Child 11 years old, Messrs. J. E. Wbeeler and E. M. Griffith Th»y have the 100 Best Heifer 3 years old, Dennis, Norwalk, Sept. 4th, 1878. (and the cheapest) is M Buckley, Weston, Emma Underhill, Winnipauk, 25 Ronayne, Westport, * 4 00 2:50 HORSES. will represent Westport in the democratic 2t37 S. E.OLMSTEAD, President. 2d do Oliver Hoyt, Stamford, 50 Samples Hand Stitching, Miss 2d do, John Keeua, Norwalk, 3 00 state convention in New Haven to-day 3 heads of Cauliflower, William Theodoro Allen, Westport, 50 lat, Ered Ridabock, b m "Helen," $00 00 Best Corstit, at 50c, 75c,& $11 READMAN BROTHERS' i. Dttermi & Si's. Heifer 2 years old, Thomas Clune,do, 2 00 2d, J H Lewis Stratforl, br m (Tuesday). A caucus for nominating dele­ 2 Washington Street, Herrgan, Gardener to William Crochet Yoke and Sleeves, do, 00 Bost Yearling Heifer, James Pan- Hoyt, Stamford, 50 Samples of Hair Work, Mrs E "Mary D," 40 00 gates to the republican state, and other con­ Fof mohaj, In tlic World. 13 Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. ' ton, do, 2 00 3d, "Harry Brown," 20 00 20,000 Choice Strawberry Plants Best doz Carrots, do, do, 100 Holmes, Wilton, 50 24 do, Frank Mather, Westport. 1 00 ventions, and for the appointment of a town South Norwalk, Conn. One Case, Mrs B Brown, Timo 2:38; 2:40; £40}; 2:40; 2:37 ; 8,40^. lor Fall Setting. Now ready. Set now will yield 2d do William Herrgen, Gardener to Best Heifer Calf, Edgar Smith, committee, will be held Thursday evening, a good crop next season. Ik BEST 509. LADY'S VEST William Hoyt,' Stamford, • ' • 50 Norwalk, 25 Norwalk, 2 00 2:14 HORSES. 19 th, Sturges Hall. Best doz Roots Salsify, do do, do, 100 Fancy Article, Miss Mabel LaDue, r Snir (Werefl at the Price. 2d do, Dennis Roanyne, \J estport, _ 1 00 The anniversary of the battle of Winches-. All First Banners. 2d do Oliver Hoyt, Stamford, 50 Norwalk, 25 Tho Committoo would recommend a Discre­ 1st, J II Swan, White Plain, N Y PRICES 6REATLY ! 100 Scrap Bag, Mrs Rufus Morgan, br m "Rosebud," $120 00 ter oceurs Thursday, Sept 19th. On that Address GEO. C. COMSTOCIi, Box 335. Carriage Painting! Best 2 Watermelons, do, ,do, tionary Premium of $1 00, to Samuel Coley, 3t37 Norwalk P. O., Conn. 2d do Thos Clune, Norwalk, 50 Wilton, 25 2d, W Peckham, Hartford' dun g occasion, at the 1L E. church, the first HE subsoribor, a practical and experienced 1 00 of Westport, for a pair of twin calves; also a C&Ws aiil Cents' Merwear. workman, has taken rooms over N ELSON'S do specimens of other Melons, do, Pair Pillow Skims, Mrs J Brun- Discretionary Premium of $1 00, to Edgar "Poltaire," 50 00 meeting of the "Lyceum" will be held when rAliltlA'TE SIIOI' near loot of Hill Hill, where 2d do William Herrgan, do, 5* dage, Norwalk, 50 3d, M II Whipple, Tarrytown, N Y Girl Wanted. lie is prepared to Smith, of Norwalk, for a pair of twin steer an ..illustrated description of the great con­ .Linen Mid TaVl* Linen, Flannels U doz Celery Plants, the same j i 50 Turkish Rug, Mrs R n Fillow, do, 50 salves, 5 months old. "Mary," 30 00 10 do Gencnl Housework. REDUCED! Best Yellow Pumpkins, II H Coley, Lamberquin, Mrs D L Burbanks, Time 2:43 ;2:39J; 2:37. test will be given by. one whojparticipated T J. B. ELLS, Camp Street. • 30 G&nW^ Flanaels, Prints and Pant Coaches, Carrages or Wagons Westport, 100 South Norwalk,, 75 CLASS 10—BLOODED STOCK. in it. . " #intgl^U5, all sorts of Hos­ at short notice, in the best manner, and at Rea­ Sample of Squashes, William Herr- Samples Leather Work, Mrs E 2:37 HO|jpES. sonable Prices. English or Valentine's Varnish For Best Blooded Durham Bull 2 Mr. Foster Lyon is dangerously ill from To Rent. ier/ atvd Gloves. AT THE used, according to' desire of parties having work an, Gardener to William Hoyt, Holmes, Wilton, 50 years old, F A Staples, Norwalk 1st, Peter Manee, "Addio E C," $120 00 ALF of a House, four rooms, righi :,n the cen­ done. Special attention paid to tamford, 50 2d, J HSwan, "Rosebud," .50 00 bill ious colic. ' ter of the village. Enquire at this Oi'i'icB. f CLASS 8—LADIES INDUSTRIAL; Bronze Medal H Best 3 Egg Plants, the same 1 00 Best Blooded Devon Bull, H N 3d, J F Moore, Waterbury, "Batche? A 250 ton schooner from Calais, Me., Tke B&t 9-fiotton Kid Glove Re-Painting Children's Carriages, Best % bu" Tomatoes, F W Brug- Best Hand Made Shirt, Miss E P Weed, Stamford, Silver Medal Boy." 30 00 with over 200,000 feet of .lumber for H. OST—A Norwalk Savings Society's Bank and to Plain and Tancv Lettering. A share o gerhoff,Darieo. 1 00 Wheeler, Westport, $3 00 Time 2:41; 2:43; 2:iOJ. L Book No. 1,372. Tho inder will be suitably Best do, do, Cow, H N Weed, do, do Staples, was discharged here, Thursday. rewarded... b; .leaving . It at the store. of Geo. F. Bel-.._j. Sr«r auld for #1.00. NORWALK public patronage solicited. 2d do, Miss E H Fillow, Norwalk, 1 00 U£0. WILlilAM BELDEN; CLASS4—FRUIT. 2d do, do, do, $4 00 2:30 HORSES- John W. Hurlbutt says, "I find not keep- den. R. E. WHITCOMB. Machine made Shirt, Mrs B L Best Durham Heifer 2 years old, G Norwalk, April 15th, 1878. * 16 Best exhibition of Apples, not less Fillow, Norwalk, 50 1st L H Ilurd. Carmcl, N Y"M R," $130 00 in' hens is more profitablouthan kcepin' Caahmere6 very Cheap. Birdsall, New Canaan, 4 00 MESSBS. EDITORS than 6 of each kind, grown by ex­ Boat Embroidered Chair Seat, Mrs Best Ayrshire Bull 2 years old, John 2d, John McApdrews, Jersey Cfty, 'em, Two winters- ago somebody stole hibitor, names of variety attaohed Sarah H Randoff, Norwalk, 200 •'C Bedell," 50 00 All Notions, Fancy Soaps, W Weed,' Darien, Bronzo Medal my roost, not leavin' even' a feather, and I Stephen Hoyt & Sons, New Canaan, $0 00 Sofa Pillow, Miss EHa Disbrow, Last Summer I put an advertisement ia 1 STORE. C. T. Leonard & Son, 3 00 Best do, Cow, Silver Medal made more money off On 'etb ' tban off any and Perfumery. . 2d do John W Bates, Darien, ' , 500 Fairfield, 2d do, do, 4 00 RUNNING RACE. 3d do James D Keeler,! Wiltons- 4 Of Best specimen Silk Embroidery, roost l ever fifore owned." Best do, Heifer, 1 year old, 4 00 1st, D Daly, "Lizzie D" . $60 00 ; yb'nr papcr edllitig attdntioii to one of tlie-flif- A&SO, In view of reducing our large stock, el' Spring and Best 15 varieties, 6 of each variety, Miss H Lizzie'Lund, Stratford, 1 00 Blooded Alderney Bull, John B 2d, James Haley, "Fusilade," 25 00 Two Genttenien on tie East Sidc^startcd with the name of variety attached, 24 'do, do, dp, 100 Snmincr Goods, we hove made the following de­ GOAL, WOOD, Morris, Westport, 4 00 3d, J F Ailing, "Simon P," 15 00 Sunday, 8th, for an after dinner waik. ductions ai prices. Jfoto espceially the Bargains S Hoyt & Sons, New Canaan, 400 Sample frame Silk Embroidery, Miss do, do, Heifer, 2 years old Time 1:51^; 1:53. erent brands of Sliingles that I keep in stock Carpets & Oil Cloths we.otferin Masons' Materials, 24 do John W Bates, Darien, . * 3 00 Jennie Burbanks, South Norwalk, 50 T M Bornham, Saugatuck, Bronzo Medal Strolling into a field-"near,the 'residence of Best % bu Bald wins,Robert I Tolles, Best Embroidered illuminatad Text, 1st SPECIAL PURSE. the late O. M. Bennett, they were confronted A l tMt) T«ry XioWest Prices. 100 2d do, Joseph Drisool, 3 00 and' stated therein that I would sell tbe do, 100 Miss E P Wheeler, Westport, Best Bull of any size, John B Morris, 1st, Peter Manee,. "Addie E C" ' $15 CO by a ferocious bull who seemed to know Iks apaeial attention of tlic public I CISMENT PIPE 2d do James D Keeler, Wilton, 50 2d do, Miss Alice. L Arnold, Nor­ Westport, Gold Medal 2d, J II Lewis, ' Mary D" 10 00 t* off iihjli of ttoodg. It will pay you to [ Best bu R I Greenings, James D walk, 50 what they might and might not have known,* For Brains, Sewers, 'Wells, &c., Best Cow, do, do, T M Rurnham, Tftne 2:46;.2,45; 2:42£. "Oscar Fenn Plained Parallel Shingles," and byy yesr of Keeler, do, 1 CO Best Cotton Embroidery, Mi^ E P Saugutuck, Silver ^edal viz: that a tree loaded with fine apples 's tood 2d do Robert I Tolles, Darien, 50 Wheeler, Westport, 100 in a remote corner of the field.' Instinctively Old Keduced At Lowest Cash Prices. Belt Herd do, do, II N Weed 2d SPECIAL PURSE. warrant them pcrftct in allrcupects and witJt^ Best M bu Roxbnry Russetti, James,' 2d do, Mrs Daniel Hanford Npr- Stamford, Gold Medal the bull assumed a threatening attitude, , NASH & STREET, l'ricc. to D Keeler,-Wilton, 1 00 walk, 50 1st, J F Ailing, blk m »M P" 15 00 ! Drains and Wells Dag and Piped. eo 3d do, do, do, John W Weed 2d, O Decker. "Emma K" 10 00 thinking his visitors were thieves. An eye 19 Maixi Street. 2d do Robert I Tolles, Darien, Linen Embroidery, Miaa E P Darien, Silver Medal out taper, being manufactured upon a ' Gang Women's Serge Fox Button, ' $2 00 $1 C5 Best % bu Northern Spy, James D Wihecler, Westport, 1 00 Time 3!5CJ; 3:04}. witness says he never before saw such vault­ ' f Also Sole Agent for Keeler, Wilton, .100 Silk Embroidery on Flannel, Misa CLASS 17—FATTED CATTLE. ing and high running jumps to scale fences « . " " " -i 175 150 2d do William Herrgen, Gardener Ella Hanford, Norwalk, 1 00 SPECIAL RUNNING RACBP Edger or double saw jointer. I have had of. Patent Tinder Wood, For Best pair of Fat Oxen, John M as proceeded the track of that bull. The 14 to William IJpyt, Stamford, ; 50 Watch Case, Mrs E Holmes, Wilton, 50 Fusilado, 11: ' "Wm. H. SMITH, ' «• " " good, '^""l 25 Ferris. Stamford, $10 00 Tom Collins, 2 2 apples are still on the tree. The Cheapest and Best Kindling out. Try it. Best X bu H Nonesuch, James D Specimen of Braiding, Miss E A 2d do, Noah W Bradley, Westport. 6 00 this brand of shingles since then One Million Keeler, Wilton, 100 Grumman, Georgetown, 1 00 Kellar, 3 3 P. P. G. Sanford and boy made an excur­ '« " Button, very fine, 2 50' 150 do do Fall Pippins, Daniel Con­ Specimen of Tatting, Miss Ida Green, CLASS 18—SHEEP. Lizzie D 4 4 sion Saturday night in a small sail boat. fiH«e«#Bor to •ST Branch Office at Spencer's Jewelry Store. 1 00 and Twenty Thousand, and haze yet to hatt Fox Polish, 2 00 1 50 nelly Westport, 100 Norwalik, For Oxford Buck Lamb, Isaac E Timo 1:49—1:58. Moonlight and good breeze favored them.. 2d do Henry B Wakeman, GFarms, ; 50 2d do, Miss Georgia A Weed, Wardell, New Canaan, $2 00 Mr. Charles R. Fosdick, of N. Y., a guest Best % bu Winter Apples ; of any Wilton, 50 WALKING MATCH. W*. C. ttTHfEET & CO., 175 125 JOHN H. SMITH, Liecester Ewe, do, do, 3 00 the first shingle returned to mc, so that my - \ • other variety, Henry B Wakeman One Shell Basket, W Arthur Mitch­ Southdown Buck, J W Dates, , In tlio ton mile walking match, tyi three of Mr. James R. Jessup called with that Greens Farms, 100 ell, Darien, 1 00 prizes were won as follows: gentleman, Saturday, on Mr. George Jelliffe 1 00 85 50 1 00 Darien, 4 00 warrant has been fully sustained. I shall con­ N®*, If aH9 l^jWater Street, 2d do James D Keeler, Wilton, Wax Work, Mrs H F Davis, do, do, Ewo, J W Bales, do, 3 00 Georgo Laws, time, 100 min. 5 seq., prize and examined the clay model from which FLORIST, Best Yi bu Fall Apples of ajiy other Worsted Embroidery, Miss Jenaie J " Congress 100, 85 Two do, Ewes, Isaac Wardell, New $25. Mr. J. executed a fine marble bust of Major EAST SIDE OP MAIN STREET, SOUTH variety, same, 1 00 Burbank, South Norwalk, 50 Samuel Merritt, thne, 106 mh». 4 see., tinue to sell them warranted as heretofore un­ Qiyrs.fcr sale, 50 Canaan, 2 00 " Am. Kid, Newport 2d do J L Pillow, Westport, Bead Cushion, Miss Jennio Foot, Flock of Sheep, do, do, 0 00 prize $15. Morris Ketchum. Mr. Fosdick was so OF RAILROAD, Largest doz Apples of any variety, Wilton, 50 John Carter, time, 106 min. 4^ Sfcay, prize pleased with the naturalness of the .bust that The Committee would recommend a Dis-; til further notice. Every bunch ia marked Button, . 2 25 1 90 James D Keeler, Wilton, 100 One Pair Woolen Stockings, liisi cretionary Premiutn to Isaac E Wardell, $5. he promptly left his order with the artist fcr AT BfSTTQM PRICES, City of Sonth Norwalk, Conn. 2d do John W Bates, Darien, — ' - 50 Deborah Johnson, Norwalk, 50 Now Cajiaan, for a flock of native Sheep. 4 00 J. C.Moore, of Bridgeport,' la tbe fefci mile a bust in marble of himself and wife. Mr. " 1 75 1 50 Best and largest exhibition of Pear*, Silk Stockings, Miss Hulda Reed, walk against time, walked it i# 9£| ptfai, 49 "OscUr Fenn, Warranted Parallel." eiffc«r .11, a lull assortment of 1 5 of each variety grown by exhib­ Norwalk, 1 00 CLASS 19—SWINE. sec,, winning the prize, $25. J. will begin his task at once. e following dencmina- Plants and Flowers at all seasons. 50 ii*»l to this market; " 1 25 110 itor, name of variety attachod, S Cotton, do, do, do, Best Boar, Joseph O Sturges, Wes­ In the five milo walk againist. Doe Two citizens, one of financial prominence, Hoyt & Sons, New Canaan, COO One Pair Pillow Shams, Miss Ida Sanford, ol Bridgeport, was the one I shall always have in stock a full variety Flowers for Funerals furnltbcd and 400 1 00 ton, 00 were returning from the band tournament tasteful!; arraus;ed to order at slaort 2d do T B Wakeman, Westport, Green, do, 2d do, Stephen Iloyt & Sons, New who entered, 'and he made the abitMice in And a grc'iit many other Bargains . Sd do William Herrgen, Gardener to last Tuesday. The two reins with which the notice. The Committee would recommend Canaan, 4 00- 47 minutes, 30 see., and won the silver of shingles both rived and sawed, of first and HARDWARE, too numerous to mention. William Hoyt, Stamford, 2 00 a Discretionary Premium to Miss Bost Boar under 2 years old F L pitcher. span was held were one each in the hands of Best 10 varieties of Pears grown by D L Burbanks, of South Norwalk, the citizens. Approaching the brook back of Staples, Easton, _ 3 00 Wow 'Is tlio tixrxo to Buy Free Reading Room. exhibitor, 5 of each variety, name I for Patch work Quilt, 50 St. Paul's church there was danger of over­ second quality and would request an examin­ Cariitgft Ps of variety attached, T B Wakeman Best BreedingSow and Pigs, Stephen Fairfield County Items. *rt29, Iron, Agricul To Mrs James Lycett, of Norwalk, Hoyt & Sons, New Canaan, 5 00 turning. To avoid this each pulled a rein, HIS is a comfortable- room fitted- tip for the Westport, 400 for Ancient Vases, 50 2d do, do, do, 4 00 ASD THIS i 7 T benelit of thepablic generally, situated en Sd do S Hoyt & Sons, New Canaan, 3 00 vs and the left hand man being the strongest ation of the same by any cn# contemplating Impleuients, Doors, east side of Sonth Main Street, over Hood's Jew­ To Miss Bertha J Ells, of Norwalk, Bost Litter of Pigs, not less than C, ; WINNIPAUK. elry Store, Clark and .Lane's Block, nearly oppo­ Best doz* Fall Pears, OliVer Hoyt, for Scone at the Cross, 25 brought the team abruptly to the roadside, site Railroad Depot, South Norwalk, Ct. It is Stamford, 1 00 under 4 months old, Nathan A Temperance dieetiDg was held in the Stwtfi, Blinds, Cnt- open from 9 a. m., to 9:45 p.m. The room is well To Miss Emma Green, of Glcnvillc, Seeley, Bethel; > 6 00 and threw their vehicle plump against a fence purchasing. I intend to keep at least aa good Norwalk Shoe Store the Plac^e. . 2d do, the same, 50 school house on Tuesday evening last, under I lighted, warm and comfortable. It is supplied Ct for Log Cabin Quilt, 50 Pen of Spring Pigs, Dennis Roanyno owned by one Lockwood, who must look to with four dailies, two weeklies,-and several Best and greatest variety of Peaches For Samples of Applique work, to AVestpert. , 4 00 the auspices of Old Oaken Buckct Lodge, I. monthly papers and journals, beside- a number grown under glass, William Herr­ Westport fqr two or three broken pickets. an assortment as any one in this section of '• • •• \«y, of instructive and interesting books. - Miss Georgia A Weed, of Wilton, 75 The Committe would reccommend O. of G. T. Rev. Otis J, Range, G. W. C. gen, Gardener to William Iloyt, To H L Sheffield, of Norwalk, tx a Discretionary Priemum to Nathan It is still enigmatical as to where the gentle­ Stamford, 5 00 1 00 T., of this State delivered one of bis earnest To«ls, Guns & Pis- samples of Painting on Satin,^ Seeley, of Bethel, for a fine Berk­ men got their lager. PALL. Connecticut, of all kinds of wood required' Norwalk Shoe Store, . COFFEE ROOM. Best and greatest variety of Peaches, To Miss E A Grumman, of George-^ shire Sow and Pigs. and stirring lectures, to a small but appre­ mien, culture, T B Wakeman, town, for Perforated work, 100 ciative audience. tak, Fertilisers, Painters ; I V," There is a Coffee Boom on the same floor and a Westport, 300 . .- WESTON. for building or manufacturing purposes, and lady in attendance Irom 9a, m., to 9:45 p. m., to To Miss Annie D Heusted, New CLASS 20—POULTRY. '? ; Nest Friday evening the Reverends Wil­ serve HOME MADE articles mentioned bvlow, 2d do William Herrgan, Gardener to Canaan, for Embroidered Motto, 100 Rev. Mr, Dudley, of Easton, exchanged , t No. 7 Main Street. I -- >00 For Bost Trio Brahma Chicks, G H liams, Hamilton and Bently of the Borough and Artists' Colors, at the following prices: William Hoyt, Stamford, To yisB Bertha J Ells, of Norwalk, Bright, Bridgeport, $2 00 pulpits with Rev..Mr. Lubkert, of the Con- to keep it in good order. Lumber delivered 1 Cup of Coffee, with crackers, - 5 cents Best collection of Grapes grown_ un­ for Crystalfced Grasses, 50 churches, will talk with the citizeds of this 1 Cup ol Tea, with crackers, •> " 2d do, Sherman Morehouse, 2d, gcegational church. Cocoa, - - - • 5 " der glass not less than 10 varities, To Mrs Wilinot Fawcett, of Norwalk, district on the question of HCCQBC, at the J^wett's and John Ryan, Gardener to Oliver Wilton, 100 by Tail or teams at the shortest notice and Brown Bread and Butter, - — 5 " for two Cases Ladies Hats and For Trio Dark Brahmas, Wm Quin- school house, commencing at 7£ o'clock. Our town was largely represented at the Sandwich. - - - 5 " Hoyt, Stamford, 1000 Millinery Goods, 5 00 fair last week. Among others we saw pass m IA/ other Cake, - - - - - 5 " 2d do, 2 bunches of Grapes, same, 1 00 tard, Norwalk, _ 100 Come out citizens and heat what these apos­ Doughnuts, - - - - s To Miss Bertha J Ells, of Norwalk, Best Trio Partridge Cochins, L B by our sanctum, the handsome turnout of the best rates. ' Piece of X'ie, - - - - !i " Largest and lest collection of Grapes, for Samples of Peth work frames, 50 PhUlips, do, 2 00 tles of No License have to say. Crnllcrs, - - - - • 5 " • open culture, T B Wakoman, Hon. J. R, Nichols. Finely indeed looked brands Ham, - - 10 " 2d do, Charles Lockwood, do, 1 00 Old Oaktn Bucket Lodge proposes to : "Westport, 500 CLASS 0—FINE ARTS, MUSICAL IN honest Tom the coachman in all the glory of E. J. MEL, v Pork and Beans, witli bread and bo{f< r, 10 " 3 00 Best Plymouth Rock, Sherman again change their quarters, this time from White Lead, Stewed Oysters, - 15 " 24 do Henry B Wakeman, do, ' STRUMENTS. his livery, big cockade hat and white gloves. 5), ,i: " ' *>• ' ' : -*i Morehouse Jr Wilton, 2 00 the Bishop placc, to a more central location. Norwalk, Conn., June 8th. 1878. O Largest bunch of Grapes, open cul­ For colloction of Oil and Water 2d do, Theodoro Mead, Branchville, 1 00 We ston Military Institute opened accord­ ture, the same, 1 00 A sign wasdisp'nyed o i a ft nee during Fair Paintings and Elevations, not Best Houdans, James Lycett, Nor- > ing to catalogue last Thursday. . There vycre IU Faints, and Lubri- ! 24 do T B Wakoman, Westport, ; 50 before exhibited, not less than six, week, which for orthography and the con­ Sample of Plumbs, Jolin W Louns­ walk, 2 00 many new scholars and more to come. : Miss Mary F Piatt, South Nor- 2d do, Francis II El wood, Weatpoit, 1 00 struction of the letters, would put to shame oatiiig- Oik^ Valentine's BU fiaiit M Boarfl bury, Wilton, 100 Mr. Parsons, a lawyer of New York, and \. We challengtjnyng«^: person to protlucc a Will It 95 00 Best Golden Poland, Charlos S Car- ' Frank Crewvell's best effort, aod would i'li Miss Mary E Coley, of Westpfcrt, penter, Norwalk, ; > ••• m 8 00 Mr. C. Weeks of same city, were guests at tl.e CLASS 5—FLORICULTURE. make a roiHy flue ornament for West Psutott'ji and ptlier Varnishes. for 3 Oil Painting*, 2 00 2d do, do, do, » _ J 00 General's. For.BeBt variety of Potted Exotic Best single Oil Painting, painted For - Silver Poland, Francis H _ Avenue. Plants, John H Smith, South We are informed that the Middle District , WvrXtaUt, Sept, lOtli, 1878. Carmine and Blue foi Fancy Work by exhibitor, not before exhibited, El wood, Westport, I W Mr. John Beecroft and Charles Randle of Norwalk, $1<5 00 500 held a school meeting lately which was 24 do, Peter'L Guigue, Norwalk, , " Mrs E J Mitchell, Darien,- . • \ Best Whito Crested Polands, Thoo* Cincinnati, were visiting friends here daring 10 00 2d do, do, - ! * 3 00 dore Mead, Branchville, 2 00 quite numerously attended. Hr. John Lock- 3d do, E W Lambert, New Canaan, 6 00 Fair week, and as a matter of course, "took A H. BYIKGTON & CQ. Best variety Ciit Garden Flowers, Painting Water Colors, Miss Bell Black Spanish. L B Phillips, Nor­ wood was appointed Committee' with power Dr. S. W. FISKE, Godfrey, Westport, 2 00 walk, 8 00 ia" the attractions of the Fair. Of Co Rip., (lie Celebrated raised by one person, Peter L to engage a male teacher for the ensuing Largest collection of Photographs, Bost Whito Leghcrns, Charles Car­ The bridgo builders arc again at v»ork on CfcAJUSVOYA.|JV I'll YSIG'IAN, cquul in quality iiiwl price to tlio Guigue, Norwalk, 5 00 year. Best variety of Dahlias, John II L W Wilson, Bronzo Medal penter, Norwalk, . 2 00 tho railroad bridge near the Felt Kill put­ Fcr Portland ^Martha's Vineyard, Piano Forte exhibited .by S T 2d do, James Lyeett, do, 1 00 Most sorry are we to announce that our 27 Y E AltS PRACT1CK JTASS.^BIRECT. Smith, South Norwalk, 3 00 ting it in substantial fepair. Best 12 varieties of Dahlias, do, do, 2 00 Pomcroy, of Bridgeport, being the Best Brown Leghorns, Theodora honored and universally beloved townsman, persons of education and prominenco irom all A>»j.i*VSl,KKSiS And TfcjJiT MKI>lUtl first and onlr instrument manufac­ Mead, Branchville, _ 2 00 The Norwalk Mills shut down on Thurs­ parts ol tho country attesting to the wondeilui '. W\U TtW Jt«avalk, oi.; three days in every mmi STEAMSHIP LSNE. Best Mixed Boquet of Garden Dcacon D. L. Coley, was suddenly taken curative pioperties of this great medicine, INO niantli, iv.-ttfc Hotel, where he pan be tured in Fairfield, County; the Black Leghorns, L B Phillips, j day, for tho purpose of giving their employ­ other preparation has ever been discovered uias Steamship FRAN'C'ONIA on Mondays; Stc.-inisliip Flowers, Mrs M B Trea^woll, commit'eo desire to express the < very ill, and at the time of writing this is in cutMcil Svtdoeaduy and Thursday, £i-pt. 2Jth iVERILL 3 03 Norwalk, jl 00 ees an opportunity to visit the Fata r would effectually cure Dyspepsia and na M.nureu. ai» atlUf, filiJUj-.llio Z7lh,unul 12 u'clo''k, Ki-ihANOKA on Thursdays, at 4 o'clock, troiu Weston, ovils, and restore the paiientto a perfectly.healthy I'icr :ki, East ltiver, New York. 2d do, Miss Ella Wakeman Green's favorable opinion" they entertain Silver Spangled Haihburgs, Wm J B ( a very critical condition. Two physicians of this instrument, as possessing Warner, do, 1 00 The regular monthly concert of Zions condition of body and mind. The rapidly increas­ ODle*£»oui 9 toO p. m. Fare reduced: Cabin Passage to l'ortiniul.S-I.CO. Farms, 2 00.' attend him. May a kind providence rc*orc ing demand for the medicine and our large aales Dk»w#i'lliM v-feiiatTN orwnlk regularly cvefy Cabin Passage to Martha's Vineyard,3J.u-i,iiicluil- extraordinary morit, Silver Medal Best Black Breasted Red Game, Sunday School, wlva held at the school house in consequence, la indeed sufficient evidence in it­ 3d do,William Uerrgon, Gardener to Best.Cabinet Organ, B Shonninger, him to health. monljk m>* OT«. Dr. also has the power to 2 M. E Church. It was an extrenu-ly Interest­ l'^iidyetar past, pr«>unt ami future destiny, ami lias given entire satisfaction. We can, fur- .... ct iy.v Norwalk, for a table of Potted Exotic Plants, The Committee would me&tlon 2d do, Jonathan Banks, Greenfield, d 00 day in a social manner at their rooms. There. Pierce, J.-Kdgar Thompson, Hon. is. Hill; Hon. i» wi• I'-i sa*ers ot the Vrwwnt' ago for his truthfulness in nitli a long list jf buildings that was painted $4 00. China Geese, J W Bates, Darien, 2 00 Hiram Warner, Chlct Justice of Oa ; Lewia Wuu- i ! nji Also to Mrs. Rufus Morgan, of Wilton-, for Sheffield, of Norwalk, as being i; >* Bremen Geose, do, do, do, •' 3 00 feel proud of his school. N. ment, and a good time generally. der, Assist. 11, M., l'liila., and many others rrom ruailmg th« maat ijaip'»V"it events in one's llle. with our paint I rom. live to eight ycais sinoe creditable to the Artist, also, Diploma The tax gatherer was busy last Friday and whom wc.havo letters commenting upon IhU nitni. UfegivvsinM utr;iitalars of absent fricuds, ami a Boquet of cut flowers, $1 00. 24 do, do, do, do, , !3 00 auio gi'res Aihriok in ^lurriage, Losses, Lawsuits and are in good condition to-day. j Also to Mr?. Jasper Pryor, of Norfolk, Specimen of Pencil Drawing, indica­ Common Geese, do, do, |2 00 - i RIDGEFIELD.: Saturday* collecting at different places, thoso icine ami most valuable household remedy. Qufl tboroughly explains business 1 sums that are raised for the necessary town PDBGI.Y VEGETABLE. -avoirs of cvw.V desu-ipHSli,greatly to their bene Ji II L i T*'l for a pyramid of flowers, $1 00. ting a rising Artist, Mbs " Bell Committee would recommend tho follow­ —AT I Also to E. W. Lambert of New Canaan, Godfrey Westport, Diploma ing Discretionary Promiums. A long spell of unpleasant wMtkeri has expenses. Its low pricp places it within the reach of all be fit and.s-iifeSu tVm. Ulanvoyant sittings SI. Coin The weather is very clear and bracing. they rich or poor. it you are suffering and can­ mupieanm'S )«tler Upon business or health for a pyramid of flowers, f 1 00. For eight Crayon Drawings, by Misa For the best collection of Ourrior Pigeons, been succeeded by flns days. j not And relief, procure atonne Irom your Drug­ nn«r if-jiiLiit) ^t^ge,«ex,a lock of J- . ' . w : «.uti i Also to Mr. Herrgen, Gardener to Wm Etiiilie F Gilbert, of Fairfield, G H Bright, Bridgeport, $1 #0. Many of the summer boarders h^ve left, We had a most' charming Sabbath day. gist a bottle of lteguUMor. Give it a lair trial and Norwich,Conn. Quite a number of strangers in town. it will uot only afford relict,but permanently cure TUB psrhjipp, a compa Hoyt, Stamford, $1-00. showing study of the objects, and For the best oollBotion of Powters Pigoons, but others have taken their placesk, sojthat to rnauy sjfK) T.iirtv ukp.mie to read tnis nnuvu. ne ClIEAPEir\THir EVER, caro in details qf treatment, Diploma G II Bright, Bridgeport, $1 00. Cider mills are quite busy notwithstanding you. It is without a single exception The Cheap­ To Mrs Rufus Morgan, ef W4ton, for Ridgefield is fuller of strangers that at-any est, Pur est dnd best family Medicinetn the World. wishes til. stiui/"to Sifcli tliat he aoidially in vifps Jii ii feiL'?" ir3is '. ' boquet of Dried Flowers, f>Qo For four Oil Paintings, to Mfea • Bost collection Fan Tales, G H Bright, the two temperance lodges. uri£iiint and Genuine. yon to i'iill oBSi.iin and consult him, if y6u wistj, RAYMOND BROTHERS Bella Godfrey, of 'Westport, Bridgeport,$1 00; best Tumblers, $1 00; boat other time this year. j A drive through the Plains, Bradley ville, MANUFAOTUKBDONLY BY o«nUnrn. «wr that which i* Of the most iaMWrianre : =;•:. ? • : ATTUE: '< To Mrs Hyatt Gregory, of h or walk, for Valley Forge and Upper Parish, showed (o yoivaiul t iiun von wiM be able to Jinye roryoqr- Caotus Plant, 50o. worthy of a place in a parlor, _ Diploma Puaeobina, G H Bright, Bridgeport, |1 00 The event of the week will be the Ter»- J. n.ZEILIN&Co.,Philadelphia. selveu whether he can be of service to or some * ^jtoitrNorwalfc, Conn.;:g ztii \.f; a k? - 'i' To John H Smith, of South Norwalk, for For three Paintings in Oil, by Miss us that those parts of the town are having PriceJl.OO. Sold byall Druggists . i,A 'V'< -j\ ii.:V' \ ' $' & 'i'i 3 * '• • aj/.* six to ten. It don't pay to buy labor on the force at his command, let it be the toty of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CON^AI^ES USEFUL INFORMATION. the governor and his subordinates ^rigor­ GAZETTE CALENDAR FOR 1878. "Every tree is a feather in the earth's Norwalk Gazette. farm, .for. the simple reason that it is too iYABD'TAYLOR says: "I take great high; it is above the market price. Farmers ously enforce the firat and second proposi­ pleasure In recommending to pareutst the DANBURY * KORWALHR. R cap, a piumc in her bonnet, a tress AMuififcSt Xr.S. o. Shortiidge." Hon. Fer- SUMMER ARB.A N,G B|M £N T. upon her forehead: llici'cforo plant tell me that it dora hot pay to ship fruit to. tions. That the third jjropositiou may beiac-Bnfeadtf-Waod,a patron,bays:"!cheerfully con. FEBRUARY. trees." Tuesday, September 17th, 1878. sent to the use of my name asreference." 8W1TII- 'JANUARY. MARCH. 3ss? Commencing June 3d,1878. our cities, because freight is to high. There complished, let political economy be taught IN C. SHOBTIiIDGE, (Harvard A. AI.) Media, ' OA1LTTBAIN8 ^ s. are acres of grass in this neighborhood that in our public schools. In a country like Penna. Boy* Academy. s M T w T F s s M f W T F 8 M T W T F s LtavtNorwalkBridgtforDanbury„T' RADICAL CURE Six pecks of plump seed that hon Tli© GAZETTE is the ONLY this it is of vastly more importance than At987,a. m.; 227p. m„ 435p.m., C34p. m. not been broken in thrashing, aud will not be cut, because it will not pay to , W. H. BABCOCK. •••• •••• •••• •••• .... 1 2 .••• • ••• •••• ...... 1 2 8 4 5 1 2 The 9 37 a. m.,aiMl^lSS p. m., connecting with that ia free from weeds, is better than newspaper PRINTED In tlic Bor- ship it, because freight is to high. This is either history or geography, and it should oc­ . ATTORNEY AT LAW j 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 theShepaug10 3h — "Ki "It. for •Litchfield, K Also on Sat- cugh ofNorwalk. urday the 6 32]!p.ni. For two bushels taken at random from not the fault of capital, because there is cupy a very important, if not the most im­ AND 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 the bin. .. ^ . * ———• hardly iTrtulroad intfie country thanipay­ portant, place in our system of public educa­ TN8TAXTLY relieves and permanently cures thta 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 aa 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Leavt Norwalk Bridgifor South If orwalk . A loathsome disease in all Its varying »jags« I'JP?*" From Caiman's Rural World, ing expenses. The companies cannot afford tion. The public press also, should spare no 24 .... # 24 29 At 7 33,a. m.,1023, *>. m.,108 p.m.,5 54 p.m. sesses the soothing and heallnir >rop«tles of.plants, ' Lime cartnot be spread' tin it come3 o 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 30 Making close connection with trains Kust and herbs and barks In their essential ftr^ flreefirom every 'A&EEAT tBOBLEHTOSOLYE, to reduce the rates, because they pay so pains to.educate the people in a matter of SOLICITORS PATENTS ...... 31 ...... Weston N. Y., N. I1..& H..K.U. fibrous contamination, and In this rewect differs from from the kiln, it must first be slacked. £13 Seventli Street, "T every other known remedy. In one short yew It hss Then the easiest and cheapest method much for labor. Labor on our railroads is such vital importance. P.O. BOX 920 WASHINGTON, D.O. Leave D inburyfortforwalk* ' found iu way from the Atlantic to> the Faelfie cM* 1 and wherever known has become the standard remedy is to spresd it with long handled Ebrron BUBAL Woito Theteis a great therefore too high, it is above the market Now, Mr. Editor, if I have told the truth, Formerly Examiner in U. S. Patent Office. 635,a.m.,920a.m.; titoom.; 45v,p~.m', for the treatment of Catarrh. The proprietors have Freight Train at C19 p.m. been waited aponby gentlemen of national reputation shovels either, direct from the heaps, , sociafproblem thttt must be solved speedily, rates. There would be a strong demand for publish it, and especially ask the daily press APRIL. MAY. JUNE. - - L.W.SANDIFOKTU,Supt, who have been cored by this remedy,- and who have, S(W at oonslderable expense and personal trouble. Spread or from the box of a low sled. or the result willbe ;ruin ous to the country. the products of our cotton and woolen fac­ of your city to publish it. Let this question MET the flood news throughout the circles in which they s M T w T F s s M T w T F S g M T w T F s •iwr IRK JIEW HAVER A.1AITF0RD RAILRIAB move. Wten yon bear a wealthy gentleman of Intelli­ There 1B to-day in. the United States a great tories, at a slight reduction, but the manu­ be fully and freely discussed until that false Trainslcave South Norwalk for Sew York at gence and refinement say, "I owe my Hfe to sanford's ' When frost has arrived, pasture is army of uneufplSyed'men. They acd their and dangerous opinion, namely, that the in­ 4 ...... 1 125, (Washington Exp.,via. Harlem RLv«r).347, Sadlcai Cure," yon may feel assured thatltla an article no longer sufficient for horses. Frost­ facturer says "I am making nothing now, Awtrdtd htghat prim it Centennial .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 (Exp.),432,(Exp.)G00.* 634,• 7 34, 746*, (Kip.) of great value, and worthy to be classed among tbe iM dinting qualities »nd extxUtnaand 8 stsadard medical specifics of the day. ed grass has bnt little nourishment. ; families either fre, or soon ^rill.be, reduced I am compelled to pay a fixed price for la­ troduction of labor saving machinery .is in adtr of and Jlavoring.Th* beet tobjcco 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 926,* 1036, (Exp.) A.M., 123*, 256,* (Kxp.) 430, anyway connected with our present difficul­ •rtr made, As our MM strip trademark U «JoieIy lfc 10 12 13 14 15 (Bxp.)5 03,6 24,tExp.)6 55,9 05,(Exp.)l'.M,*\>r New Fresh corn stalks cnt and mixed with , to the necessity of begging, stealing or starr­ bor, and I cannot bring that labor into the f—"Mtll as Inferior (noda, m that JaaamU 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 U 15 1617 9 11 UB benefit I derlvo from its daily use is to mo meal, or chopped oats and corn will on avasr pluff. Sold By all doalara. 8atid for Hants, 04 25 19 20 21 22 valuable. ing. This is truly a terrible condition of market and sell it for what I gave for it." ties is thoroughly eradicated from the minds of 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 T HENBY TOIX3, or "WILLs, FASGO 4b Co. make excellent fodder, ana be greatly . things; Jtfany . and various are the opin­ If the manufacturer attempts to reduce the all,till the people are aroused to the necessity 28 29 30 ...... 26 27 28 29 30J31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Springfield,6 49 9 28,(Exp.) A.M., 1211,(Exp.) relished...... 145,4 18, (Exp.) 6 46 10 36, (Exp.) P. M. Express 1T has caret me after twelve years of uninterrupted ions given as to its cause, but the majority, price of libor, a strike is the result, and of doing something immediately, till they are 30 iBfferln for Boston, via.Springfield, 9 28, A. M., 1311,418, &0. TV. HOUGHTON, WALTOAV, MASS. I believe, agree that it is over production though there are those among the operators ma^eto comprehend the gravity of the situa­ and 10 36,P.M.,via.New London; 218andll25. Trotting horses that can make a P. M., via. Air Line R.K.,133, A.M., anili I8.P.M. FOLLOWED the directions to the letter and amhap­ •' of labor saving machinery. A little thought- who are willing to Work at the reduced rate, tion. 8. E. BUCKNELL, A. M., M. D. py to say I have had a permanent cure. mile in 3 minutes are so plentiful now Organs,Ost"!'*.$57-5 Church •Connectat Now Itochcllc with llarlem River I D. w. GRAY, M. D., MUBCATlirr, IOWA. that their yalue is determined more i fill consideration will prove' both of these yet they are in every instance forcibly pre­ Shipman, III., June 26th, 1878. 1G stopi>.price $390.only #11 JULY. AUGUST• SEPTEMBER. Branch. cant 8375 Mirror top Organs only 81U5. Beuu- HAVE recommended it to quite a number of my by their color than by" their speed. assertions to bo absolutely false and absuird. vented from doing so. The operators thus Ciful Parlor Organ,priec 9340 only $06. FriwiU (Mends, all of whom have expressed to me their s M T W T F s r, M T w T F s s M T w T F s IUgh estimate of Its valne and good effects with them. Single horses able to make a mile in The idea of there being an overproduction say, practically, to the capitalist, "You must Exposed, $SUO reward Kea'l"Ti«p3 lor the Un- WM. BO WEN, 225 rial ST., ST. Lotus. 3 minutes are frequently sold for wary"and NewspHperabout costol Plaaoaand , of breadstuff^, when there are thousands buy our labor at our price, and sell it at a Orzan*. SENT I'll EH- Please address UJIN- .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A FTER using twobottles I find myself permanently $250; well-matchcd horses are more jjcliools. IBL y. BKATTV, Washington, N. J. J\. enred. I have since recommended over one starving; of manufactured materials, when loss to yourself." This, capital very natur­ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 hundred bottles with thegreatest success. valuable. A PAY to Agents canvassing Tor tlic Flrc- 16 WM. W. ARMSTRONG, there are so many destitute! ally declines to do, and cither remains idle 91 aide Vlaitor. Terms and Outfit Free ad­ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 159 HABBISOX Ave., BOSTOX. dress P. O. VICKKHY, Augusta, Maine. 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 For New York A horn that has%been knocked off There never can be an over-production or seeks other channels of investment. La­ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 T*TB have sold SAiroBD'a Bxnicit. Ctma for nearly from a young calf will grow again. Misses Bracliay's Select Sclool nrfilCK CARD Si Snowfla'ko, Damask, &c., no 29 30 31 ...... 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 .... TV one till the want* of all are supplied- I' re­ bor without capital is helpless. Men there­ /J} two alike,with name,10c. Nassau Card Co., 28 And Brooklyn. sold a sim The part lost is merely the extremity .A.roll St., Nor •wall*, Ct, Nassau. N. Y. .... satisfaction. quires no argument to prove this assertion, fore are idle and starving. Our country plaint * of the horn. All that is necessary to HE Tenth Year opens Monday, September 9th. (Tin*. (Mnnn invested In Wall St. Stock* Fare Only 35 Cents. S. D. BALDWIN & CO., WASMSOTOS, ISD. be done i9 to apply a plaster of tar to it being axiomatic in its nature. In regiird remains undeveloped* and we are becoming Regular Course four years. Preparatory, x>. FITCH'S cerous Sores, white income of 1y the Principal that South Norwalk 'onn. received from and delivered at the freight depot nou"ced it an Orarlan Tumor. the blind lead the blind* they both fall into prevented from doing so, and as a conse­ -tk-good foundation may bo laid. For young ladies of tlie Danbnry & Norwalk Railroad. Produco L. A. BISTER. hematosin, escapes into the milk. -a lull four years course is arranged,at the end of I Still hold - my Fortner Assertion Good, that sold as heretoiore. Freight at usual rates. CTXTHUVXA, IM, March20, 1877. .1. Cooling food should bo given, and it the ditch/ ThaV Ihe public press—that quence labor and capital arc both unproduc­ which it is designed to graduate them on an strong dose of epsom salts, (12 to 10 storehouse of kabwl^dge " froth which the tive, and humanity suffers equality with the graduates ol any college , for I BUILD THE BEST WAfiON FOR THE MONEY IN CONNECTICUT. NorwalkHorse RailwayTimeTable. THEY ASE THE BEST. ounccs.) • The udder should be bathed young ladies. The Languages; Music, Drawing, Gentlemen,—Enclosed you will find $2.25, and I wish masses derive their information, and which The most precious liberty, and the dear­ and Painting taught by experienced teaclicrs. A Cash Capital, $200,101.00 ALL WORK WARRANTED. COMMENCING JANUARY 3D, 1878. yon wonld send me another dozen of your COLLINS' in cold water freely several times a exertn such a powerful influence in est right on earth is' tlia. liberty and right limited number of pupils would be received into VOLTAIC PLASTERS. By the above you will see that day. the family as boarders, where they would enjoy LEAVE NOBWALK. I can do somethingto help others In some way even if ' forming public; opinion—should teach and which a man has to sell his labor at his own all the comforts of a refined home. For fail par­ SAMHESL N. BE5ECHER, S o. Koxvji.ii I am not able to be np and around. There are a num­ ticulars regarding the workings ol the school, ber wbo have tried yonr plasters who had giveh out circulate such dangerously false doctrines, price. ' When this right is denied to any' .1,1 > Corner Fairfield Avenue and Water Street, Bridgeport, Conn. 20tf 5 40 a, m. New York Accoramo'n 555 A.M. that all plasters were good for nothing, and now Join A correspondent of ' The London apply for circular to the Principal. 615 S.Y.1N.U, Accom. 6 85 " * with me that they are the best they,have ever tried. I Field relates that a cat belonging to is truly alarming,-and greatly to be deplored. man, the law of supply and demand is MISS. E. M. OABTEK, Box 83, Norwalk,Conn. 635 " 636 " have got alonrtbls winter better than I have before in Agenccs in all the Principal Cities and Towns. 705 «« New York Accommo'n three yean. wished I conld have heard of your plas­ a neighbor having brought forth her All labor-saving machinery, from the spajde 7 25 •' 4 violated, and as this law is Us unalter­ 725 •' N. Y.Ex. & Steamboat 7 46 •• i ters before. £6setta u. CROSS. young within a few yards of a hen's *- and wheelbarrow up to the spinning, jen­ able in its nature as the physical, laws W .S. HANFORDjPreeldenl, 7 45 " 8 03 " ! BAUSXOS 8PATN.Y., March 27,1377.^ nest, the hen occasionally takes pos­ Go to the Gazeltte Office for your - 8 03 " 820 «• ny and steam.engine,, is the greatest bless­ session of tho kittens, driving the that govern the universe, its violation is . NOTICE. H .R .TDRNBB) See'r and Treae. 820 " 8 40 " Seine. 38 Cents. 1 ing (to the laboring classes. And no argu? inevitably followed by the most disastrous 8 40 " New HavenAacom'n 9 02 •» ! A old cat away with" grjeat fury, brood­ 902 •• N.Y.Ae.&N.H.Bx. 9 28 •• Bo careful to call for C0LLIS8' VOLTAIC PLASTER ing the kittens, and making as much ment can be urged in opposition to the spade consequences. The man who forcibly-pre­ GET THE BEST. 928 " 9 50 " lest yon get some worthless imitation. Sold by all 9 60 •' 10 10 .• Wholesale and Retail Druggists throughout the United fuss over them us if they wera her and wheelbarrow. The civilization and ({re­ vents others from disposing of their labor To Delinquent Tax-Payers, lillHeafls.Etc.Etc., 1010 «• New York Express 1038 •« States and Canadas, and By WBBKS«: POTTER, Pro­ own chicks. . gress of any nation! may be accurately at its market value, Commit a most disastrous 1028 •• New Haven Accom. 1048 •• prietors, JJoBton,Mass. 1048 '• 1110 •• •A measured by tike character of the took by crime against society. They are striking at Off LIST OP 187Gi 3000 PRINTED AND PUT UP WITH 1110 » 1130 •< There is nonprofit in feeding stock 1130 «« 11 50 « which its inhabitwts tor^'frbm naturfe a the very'foundation of our social edifice, 1160 «« New HavetExpress 1210 p ,n, that is past its prime. It is Waste of subsistence. This more perfect their tools, and if success crown their efforts to any You-are hereby notified that I am about 1230p.m., 12 55 • Mtts. feed and money. As sOOir as any ani­ the greater will be the ease and facility HODDIR'S PATENT BLOTTER TABLET. 1255 " 'New York Accommo'n 125 •« mal begins to foil it 'Should be dis­ considerable extent, it will end in the im­ closing up the Tax Book for 1870 and 1 think 125 " New Haven Accom'n 145 „ posed of. Old cows^ old oxen, old with which they will accomplish the task poverishment of our country, in anarchy and Webster's Unabridged. 145 " 2 05 « ISTRICT UF NORWALK, SS., Probate court, it will be for your interest to attend to it be­ ADVENT OF THE 155 " N.H. Express. 920 . D September 7th, A. D., 1878. sows, and old hens,' form 'this bulk of Men live by exchanging their, labor. Now the shedding of blood, and ultimately in the 3000 Engravings} 1840 Pacea Quarto. 230 " New York Express 2 56 • Estate of WILLIAM S. JENNINGS, late of the stock upon . many fitrms. The fore you have the extra expenses that will FOUR If ACES COLORED PLATES, 2 86 •• 3 20 •• Norwalk, in said district, deceased. had machinery never been introduced to as- destruction and overthrow of our political 320 •• 3 40 «• The court of Probate lor the District of Norwalk young animals are. sold off. This is sist in the production of .doth or in the man­ come and that quickly. A word to the wise Published by G. tc C. lderrlam, Springfield, Sewing Machine 3 40 « Now Haven Aecom. 410 •• , hath limited and allowed six months from the the reverse of what is wise and prof­ institutions. Mass. 4 00 " New Haven Express 420 " date hereot lor the Creditors of said Estate to ex­ ufacture of flour, it is evident that the Agricultural products represent the labor is sufficient. Warmly indorsed by 410 " New York Express 4 30 •' hibit their claims lor settlement. Those whoneg­ itable. ... farmer would have to labor for several of the fanner, and manufactured products BURR SMITH, WONDER 4 40 '• N. Y .Accommodation. 508 <• lect to present their accounts, properly attested, Bancroft, Prescott. ! DOXT FAIL TO SEE THIS 5 03 " 522 t. within said time, will be debarred a recovery. There are more than one species of months to Supply the weaver with flour, and the labor of the manufacturer. Now when Motley, George P. Marsh, .RQT2 5 22 " 6 40 , All persons indebted to said Estate are requested Collector, List of 1876. Kitz-Greene llalleck, John O. Whitticr, r 5 40 «• 6 00 •' to make Immediate payment to plant known as wild oats. They arc the Weaver would have to labor months in these products are brought into the market, H. P. Willis, John G. Paxet 550 "• N. II. Accom'n 6 10 •' SILAS P.TtUTTLE, .Administrator. all perennial, and can only - be de­ return, to supply the farmer with clothing, Nor walk, May 17th, 1878. Elihu Burritt, , Daniel Webster, Moaarcl Barrel of Perfection! 600 " New YorkExpress 628 •« 3t37 with the will annexda. they are sold, or rather exchanged, for the'r KufusChoate, „ j j H. Coleridge, TAB sraiw 6 28 « N. Y. ft N. H .Accom 648 •• stroyed by killing the roots and pre­ and both would have to Work incessantly market value, and if the farmer or manu­ Smart, * Horace Mann, 638 " 656 " venting seeding. Perseverance in clean More than fifty College Presidents, to procure, the bare necesuties of life. No, Vertical Feed Sewing Machine, 706 " 7 25 « cultivation, eowing smothering crops, facturer buys labor to assist him in this pro­ And the best American and European Scholars. 7 25 " 7 45 •• Furniture -Furniture such as buckwheat or clover, and the the more labor-saving machinery there is, the duction, it is evident that he cannot give Slaughter! Slaughter!! ebster "is the Dictionary used in the Govern­ Manufactured at Watertown. N. Y. Everybody 745 " 8 05 " W ment Printing Office." August 1877. * especially ladies, are cordially Invited to call and 8 05 " 8 25 »' • If you wish j -(#, carefnl gathering of tlie roots that are greater will be the comfort and enjoyment more for it than he receives. Demand and EVERAL Velocity and other Lawn Mowers, very School and Family should have it for con inspect theNew Machine,and seesamplcsof work. 8 25 " 845 •• brought up .by the plow and left on all in tip top condition, which will be sold at slant use and reference. More beautiful and desirable than ever before ac­ 845 " New York Expres 9 05 " of all classes. supply must regulate the price of all labor. S(5 each, il called for immediately. _ Eest FAXILY hel pin traini ag children to become complished, and utterly impossible for any other 9 05 '« 9 25 « Parlor, Library, Dining and Sitting the surface by the harrow are necessary. Labor-saving machinery does not deprive Every "i»" must be free to sell his labor at 2m28 JOI1N COTTER. B intelligent men and women. Machine to duplicate. Tbe Vertical Feed is the 9 25 «• 945 <• everal years later, and has one-flfth more mat­ hinpe upon which swings this unparalleled sue 945 " 10 05 •• ' men of their occupation, but on the contrary, the market price. But then, says fsome cess, combining entirely newfeatures, which make 10 05 •« Room Sets, GeneraUy a car load is ten tons. S ter, than any other Dictionary. the machine the most simply constructed; tbe Saturday nights only. 10 25 «« it creates an additional demand for. latyor. reader, capital would oppress labor. Not he authorized authority in Courts of Justice, Walnut or Cottage Chamber Sets, Specified articles are. taken on most T for the meaning of words. most easily operated; the most durable; and most railroads in tho following quantities There is a larger, and a very much laijger so. There is too much idle capital. The Hnpirefs HneojatMc Specifics. tymologies and definitions fur in advance of reliable, doing away with all llts, spells and bast­ SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. or anything in the Furnitnre Line, of the Latest Hi any other Dictionary. ing. Though the now machine. Style, Best Finish and Make and for the as " car loads" viz:: salt, or lime, 70 number of persons engaged in the manufac moment capital makes[ anything like a fair Particular attention paid to Physicians Prcscr ecommended by U. S. uhiet Justice Waite, as HALE'S POSITIVELY LKADS THE WORLS,' Meeker's Least Money, go to bbls; flour, SO bbls, or 200 sacks; soft turo of cotton and woolen goods, than tWere percentage in a business, more capital is tions R. "the highest authority for definitions." and no living person would purohase any other wood, 6 cords; cattle, 18 to 20 head; after seeing it, yet it will be sold at the recent NORWALK PACKET.* WM. LOCKWOOD'S, was before the invention and application of ready to enter the same field, and thus create AT THE BEST HONEY OF HOUND AND popularly hogs, 50 to 60; sheep, 80 to 100; lum­ or Schools,—recommended by Stato Supt's of _ For the accommodation of the public, the Sloop No. 36Main Street, NORWALK,CONN. ber, 9,000 ft, dry, or 7,000 ft, of green; labor-saving machinery to this branch' of an additional demand for labor. To make my 35 different States and by 50CollegePiea'ta. FOR THE CURE OF Reduced Scale of Prices. LADY JACKSON, Capt. Joseph S.Byxbee, will Also, H. M. & C. S. Prowitt's F All come and inspect its merits. hereafter make regular weekly trips between Nor­ 17,000 feet of dry siding; 18^000 feet industry. The same is true in watches, and meaning more plain, let me illustrate. If a bont 32,000 have been placed in Public Gonghs, Coldi, Inflaenza, Hovianesi,. Difficult walk and New York, leaving .Meeker Brothers' A Schools by law or by School Officers. R. I. TOIiLES, Agent. General Furnishing Undertaker. of dry flooring, dressed; 40,000 shin­ we find that this principle holds good' in mau builds a factory to make cotton cloth, ontains 3000 Illustrations, nearly three times Breathing, and all Affection! of the Throaty Wharf, Norwalk, every Saturday morning. Be Orders attended to promptly day or night. Resi gles; wheat 340, corn 300, oats 680, and New Firm at the Old Stand. as many as any other Dictionary. Bronchial Tubes, and LungSf leading Principal office at H. S. Rood's Jewelry Store turning leave Pier 41 E.K.,every We'dnesdaym nearly every instance in which labor-saving and buys labor at such a price that he is able C South Norwalk. Machines and sample to be seen ing. Freight taken on board in New Yorl dence with Mr.G. T. Cornwall,France St. barley 400 bushels. Potatoes, bran, feed, flthree pictures of a ship, on page 1751, illustrate to Consumption. Mondays and Tuesdays. machinery has been introduced to assist in to nuke anything like a fair profit oh his in­ i the meaning ot more than 100 words. at Harlem's Clothing Store, Norwalk. and other produce is taken by weight. Messrs MULLIMGS BROTHERS ale ol Webster is 20 times as great as that of This infallible remedy is composed of the Produce sold and returns made in old packet production. How can we explain this fact ? vestment, more capital will seek the' same style. Freight at old Packet rates. Farmers in ould lespectlully iniorm the public) that they S any other series ol Dictionaries IIONEY of the plant Horehound, in chemical adjoining towns are invited to send their produce Any person, does wrong to allow The explanation is very' simple. The cost investment. Another factory will be built, W have taaen the business lately conducted ALSO union with TAR-BALM, extracted from the by tb is Boat. A. J. MEEKER & BBO by MULL1NGS *TILLY, an(J with the old ex­ LIFE PRINCIPLE of the forest tree ABEIS Spectaclesto suit all kinds of Eyes • Norwalk, May 6lb, 1878. pldws to become: So rusty that great of production being, greatly reduced, the de­ and the demand for labor increased. Capi­ perienced Workmen, hitherto employed by the Webster's Nat'l Pictorial Dictionary AGENT FOB C. W. BURRITT labor is required to scour them. late flrin, are prepared to manufacture all kinds of BALSAMEA, or Balm of Gilead. Has removed to mand to the articles produced has increased talists are men who buy and sell labor, and 1040 Paees Octavo. 600 Engravlng:*- The Honey of Horehound SOOTHES ANB LAZARUS & MORRIS'S There is no help for it in that case, is it not rightly claimed that WEBSTER is Allen & Price's Building, l'oot of in'corresponding ratio. The nearer nothing the competition among them is so great that CARRIAGES & WAGONS SCATTERS all irritations and inflammations, and OELEBBATED PERFECTED but to scour with a piece of brick ana THE NATIONAL STANDARD. the Tar-balm CLEANSES AND HEALS the throat PENNSYLVANIA Mill Hill, sand and water, until the mould- anything costs, the greater will be the num­ they are willing to buy and sell on very TO OBDER ItAIZs] opposite his old stand, where he is fully prepared and air passages leading to the lungs. FIVE to do board is bright. But if, when the ber of those who will enjoy it, and anything small margins, hence the market price of Repairing in all its Branches. additional ingredients keep the organs cool, SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES GREAT THROUGH LINE 111 plow is done with, the mould-board that can be obtained without labor, will be labor is all it is worth. moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre* PLUMBING ALL ITS .IRMCHEII MACHINE FORGING. DISCOUNT Notice. Also, a large asaorment of GENUINE PABA AND • l-UI»IDIIiU Special attention given to is covered with thick lime-wash, or a free to all, because it will have no value. Capitalist are men who help men to exchange judice keep you from trying this great medi­ BOLD or PEBBLE SPECTACLES the only kind • AUOWGD VOit CASH. LL persons indebted to the subscriber will ever yet produced that do not tire the eye, that Tin Roofing, Tin and Sheet Iron Work and good coating of tallow, and put away The price of everything is not money, but please settle before September 15th, as after cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou­ UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE their labor. For example, the operator in a C. A. MULLINGS, J. S. MULLIXGS. A sands of lives by it in his large private practice. gives a clear and distinct vision, and makes weak Jobbing. Oas Fixtures of all kinds kept in a dry place under cover, there will labor. Mr. A. worksjfor Mr. B., and receives cotten factory wants to exchange his labor South Norwalk, April 15,1878. that date, all bills will be put into the hands of an eyes strong; Warranted lor five years without on hand. * v" '• L" be no need to spend a whole day in Attorney for collection. _ N.B.—The Tar-Balm has no BAD TASTE ot oflense. Special attention given to flttingnear The attention of the traveling public is respect­ Norwalk, June, 1878. , one dollar ;tMr. C. works] for Mr. A., and with the farmer, that is, the operator wants J. W. McLEAN, M. D, smell. sightedpeople . A largeassortmcnto 1 fully invited to some ot the merits of this great scouring it when it is wanted lor use Norwalk, Aug. 8:h, 1878. 33 highway, in the confident assertion and beliel that again. ' * receives one dollar, and then Mr. B. works bread, and the farmer wants clothing. Now AFTER THE FIRE! FRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE, i OPERA and FIELD GLASSES no other line can offer equal inducements as for C., and receives his original dollar back the capitalist steps in and furnishes the ma­ Everything Fresh and Sweet! Great saving to buy large tiie. route of travel. In For Sale. WATCHES. . AT NE New Lumber Box Wagon, with pole and There are times, and places' in which again. It is evident that had each worked chinery by which the operator is able to AVING completely refitted and renovated the "Pike's Toothache Drops" Cur® Construction and Equipment O •stialts. • sowing winter wheat upon an un> H old and well-known PEOPLE'S MAItKET, in 1 Minute. Weed's Jewelry Store One Good Second-Hand Top Buggy. ; '!i for fifty cents, or . only one. cent, it would change the raw cotten into cloth, and by lately damaged by ilre. I am prepared to serve the A. 0. BENEDICT & CO., THE One Light Jump-Seat Rockaway. plowed corn stubble may be not only have made ho difference. The labor of A., which the wheat is made into flour, and then public with the Best the Market affords in choice Sold by all Druggists. UNDEB THE OPERA HOUSE. One Four Passenger Concord Buggy. permissible, but proper^ as the best cuts or roasts of No. 28 Bowery, N. Y. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Apply to MULT.INUS BROTHERS. ! B. and C. respectively, was valued by each capital carries the flour to the operator and C. N. OEITTENTON, Prop., r £>1 thing that coin be done. Tho solid Beef. Veal, Mutton, Lamb, Fork, (fee. ESTABLISHED SIXTY TEARS, stands confessedly at the head of American rail­ Carriage Makers, South Norwalk. bed thus gained for the seed is often one dollar, but things equal to the same thing the cloth to the farmer,but the operator wants Offer a large assortment of FOREIGN & AMERICAS ways. The track is double the entire length of tbe Als» Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES in their line,of steel rails laid on heavy oak ties,which are an advantage, as is also the time are equal to each other; therefore, they ex­ so much flour for his labor in making the sc:ias-<. Every effort will be nmile to p ease and Old Pictures to Copy. satisiy patrons. JAMES K. W1XSOV, Watches in Gold and Silver Gases, 1 X033 S ; 11' embedded in a tonndation of rockballast eighteen saved. But where the chinch-bug changed equal all round. If a farmer sells cloth, and the farmer wants SJ much cloth inches in depth. Ail bridges are of iron or stone, HE Agent is a success. Thecopiesare coming People's Market, 19 Main Street. BOLD CHAINS, IEWILRY, STERLIH SILVER (ARB and built upon the moBt approved plans. Its pas­ T in fast. The greatest care taken ot originals prevails, all the loose corn stubs wheat for one dollar per bushel, and buys for his labor in raising the wheat that capital SILVER PLATED WARE, ETC.,I PLYMOUTH ROCK ICE ! senger cars, while eminently safe and substantial, and returned with the pictures. Give him your should bo gathered up and burned, as At extremely low prices. All goods marked In il AN KING onr customers for past patronage, are at the same time models of comfort and ele­ old Dsgucrrotvpcs, Tintypes,or Card Pictures,and it is in these and other rubbish that muslin for ten cents a yard, he receives ten gets nothing for its trouble, or perhaps ia an , S T 13 A IMC*. plain llgtires, ami warranted as represented. T we give notice that we are prepared, with Ice - gance. get something to hang on the Wall. yards of muslin for one bushel of wheat. If actual loser by the operation, consequently Watches carefully iepaire. 9 Main Street, C. A. FRANKE'S PREPARED FOR IMMEDIATE USE. utit on her third toe. because she had no ferent protducs may be detensihed, in order one else take his place who will—and just I have on hand tools for 150 patterns of Mcnld- AND 207 PEARL ST., NEW YORK FIVE CENTS PER GLASS, Cainds. * that an exchange may take place. We can hereis the secret of all our trouble. Prevent ings, and will, when desired, make tools lor new -a choice and fine assortmentof THE WESTINOHOVSE AIR-BRAKE, styles. Constantly in stock From the thousands o/purcftajerjol onr PRE' forming in. conjunction with a perfect'double • at best demonstrate the value, perhaps, of labor* strikes and intimidation. Let all men be free Pickets, planed and pointed, Fence Sbarii ani Hair Cottiic Saloon! PARED PAINTS, we have yet to hear the first track and road-bed a combination ol safeguards Hard times in Tennessee now, when a saving machinery by a simple illustration.. to sell their labor at the market price, if they Ball* and Trlnmtne*. Groceries, FOR A Complaint. The reason is apparent. Our paints against accidents which have rendered them man has to make his wife take in wash­ BRACKETS of all descriptions, and WINDOW J have stood the test of years, where all other practically impossible. H. Iff. £ C. S. Prowitt's Drug Store. ing in order that he may save up money HuppoSe, for example; ninety men are en­ so desire, and business will revive, and pros­ FRAMES made to order at short notice. INSIDE Pleasant Shave, f paints have failed in durability. Their covering capacity, being greater than any other paint, pre­ enough to buy a pistol to argue with. gaged' in the manufacture of shoes. Now perity will again dawn on our land. A man TRIMMINGS got oat ready to put up, from plans Provisions, Artlatle Hair Cat, or; and specifications. W A LNUT and ASH WAIN- » sents a practicalitem of economy. Our paints are Pullman Palace Cars AT suppose by the introduction of machinery who is unwilling to take the market price for SOOTING and FLOORING. TURNING of all Thorough Shampoo guaranteed in every particular.— the consumer Are ran on all Express Trains The standing walnut trees on a half descriptions. Flour, assuming no risk whatever, as we will re-paint section of land In Miami, Ind., sold for thirty men can produce .the same number his labor is unfair, because he demands more CALL AT any building. on which our paints do not prove From New York, Philadelphia, Balti­ $17,000. Twenty years ago these trees Kindling Wood Split and ready for use, put 8ntisfar.tory; allowing a choice of English B.B. more andWaihlngton, Quintard's Furniture Rooms of shoes at one-third the cost. • Does this than he gives, since he obtains the labor of up in Barrels. Mr. Fraiike's Hair Cutting Saloon, White Lead, or any other paint in use. For sale were the greatest incumbrance tho settler* mean that the other sixty men must: re­ others at this price. A general reduction in Frwit, &c.9 by W.C. STREET ft CO., Norwalk. 21tl To Clilearo, Cincinnati, Louisville, In­ will betounda completeassortmectof had. No. 1 GAZETTE BUILDING. dianapolis, and St. Iionls, •m man idle? Not at all. It means that the the price of labor must take place, for just as BURR KNAPP, To which he would Invite the attentionofft who S9~Particularattention given to Ladles and Child- •j) i wish to purchase first-class goods at | Wltbout Obanse, FURNITURE, AO., Harry, after looking da while his new ninety men will produce with the help of long as it is held above the market, there will 33 Foot of Marshal Street, South Norwalk, Ct, real's .Hair. (Jutting and 8hampooning.*GR little sister cried at' being washed aud be no demand for it. But after all, this re­ Reasonable Prices. AT JHOME TO EVERYBODY• and to all principal points in the far West and ncludingeverythingusuallyfonnd in a Urst-elass machinery, three times as many shoes as DRTlfn BEEF. SLICED, A 8PECIALIY, South with bnt one change of ears. Connections establishment, at Prices to suit the Times. Also, dressed, turned away, saving; "Jf she before. The cost of production having been duction will only be a seeming reduction, for BEST of HAMS EITHER WHOLE OS H. H. 1C. S. Piwilt's Plarmacf are made in Union Depots, and arc assured to all alargeassortmentof screamed like that up in heaven, I don't BERNARD COHN, Hot and Cold Water Baths Corner Main and "Wall Sts., important points. wonder that they sentlier off." reduced to one-third of the former amount, if the operator's wages were only half what SLICED. Drop hi and see him at his new store . _ ' Can be obtained / THE SCENERY GHB0M0S, PICTURE FBAMES, the demand will increase in a corresponding they were before, if he can buy as much LOOKING GLASSES, See. An ingenious young schoblma'am in Vo. 9 MAIN STREET. Drugs, all of the Popular Patent Medicines; Of the Pennsylvania Route ratio. Experience has proven this to be bread and meat for half a dollar, as he bought MERCHANT TAILOR is admitted to be unsurpassed in the world lor Glass Plates cmtto any size. Bepairingdonein the Polk County, Oregon, has' invented an so. But let us look a little further. If the before for a dollar,h^in reality receives just Draper. ToBusmess Men! Fancy. Goods; Perfumes; Flavoring Ex­ grandeur, beauty and variety. Superior refresh­ best manner, at short notice. Also, old Hair Mat- effectual process to Subdue, refractory WEEK'S BUKUDING, Will ST. An Old Established Business tracts*; Pure Cream Tartar; Soffit; ment facilities are provided, employees are trassesmadeover as good as new. urchins. She stands them on their heads cost of shoes before the introduction of ma­ as much, since he works for the bread and Is now ready to cut and make up Gents and Boys We have secured the exclusive right for Jamaica Ginger; Cloves; Al* courteous and attentive, and it is an itevitable and pours water down their trousers legs. chinery was six dollars per pair, and labor meat, and not the half dollar. If the farmer suits in best manner and fair prices. Foa Si spice; Nutmegs; Toilet result that a trip by the Pennsylvania Railroad E. QUINTARD'S SON. Satisfaction gnarabteed Incut,material and work. nB subscriber wishing to change his business must form was a dollar per day, then every laboring can buy as much cloth for a bushel of wheat Latest fashions and best ot goods al ways. 3m33 Soips; Hair Prepara­ A plethoric Teuton militia man, who Twill sell his Stock In Trade, Tools,Good Will, The Town of Norwalk, tions ; Carriage, A PLEASIIB jClD MEMORABLE EXPERIEICL tumbled head over heels on the Bull Bun man had to work six days for a pair of shoes, to-day as he did a year ago, why it makes no - Bath and Slate Tickets for sale at the lowest rates at theTicket retreat in 1861, now talks like a fathei but after the introduction of machinery, he difference to .him if the nominal value has de­ ! to manufacture and sell the HODDEB : Sponges. Offices of the Company in all the principal Cities WM- B. SWAN, about it, and teils his friends' that he lost For Sale. Norwalk, Feb. 25th, 1878. and Towns. Manufacturer of ; ! only baa to work two days. He, therefore, clined nearly one-half. But he can't for the GEO. F. BKLDBN. FRANK THOMSON, L. P. FABMEB, all his "poise" by that terrlble disaster. simple reason that while he is obliged to take TWO-SEATED CARRIAGE, finitable fflr Oeneral.Manager, Gen. Passenger Agt. FINE AND COMMON j can remain idle the other four days, and A One or Two Horses. Inquire at A backwoodsman, describing a steam­ still be as well off; but if he continues to the market price for his labor, the operator 3t31 MRS. 1)R. BROWN'S, Main Street. JoJin i. Monnecker, Pat Blotter Tablet. THE SILENT TEACHER- C. S. HALDEMAN, New England Agent, Annexed are a lew testimonials from eome ol 103 and 205 Washington St., Boston, Mass. boat, said: "It has "a sawmill on one work, he will not !, OB »«A. S.T. CO.» moving the blotter; REV. C. M.SELLECK, in Bangor about 10:30 next morning. tance. Prln. Selleck's Boarding School, Norwalk, Conn. Returning, leaves Bangor every Monday, SiippiaE aij Merctaiise Tajs, of a hackman taking one in a clean, com­ shoes with less labor to themselves, while at 1 believe that this question may be satisfac­ It kleeps your Stationery as if in a I am much pleased with tbe Silent Teacher. It Wednesday and Fridav mornings at 6 o'clock, ar­ fortable carriage through tbe length of the same time it stimulates business in other BLAOE. cannot fail to become a most efficient educator, a* riving in Portland at B p. m.,connecting with 5:30 the city, with baggage, for fifty cents, torily answered by the accomplishment of well as a constant source of amusement. and fi:30 p. m.. Express trains arriving- tn Boston Printed, oar Plain branches of industry. The laboring class, 6m37 UPON THEM. 'Jp' - Case, ,• Dr. J. C. FITCfl, at 9:30 and 1030, and Portland * Boston Steamers and no bargain made beforehand I" three things: Prln. HillsideSeminary, Norwalk, Conn. without the introduction of labor-saving 1st. The government must guarantee to saving soiled sheets, and the sheets are always By the Dozen or Thousand, at Manufacturers That was good advice which Bishop Protect your cash receipts from THIEVES by.using straight and right side up. and none will get lost. Tbe finest thing in the market. No family where MT. DESERT AND MACHIAS. machinery, would be mere beasts of burden. every man the right to sell his labor at the there are children should be without it. •$p I10 Wiley gave to some young men just ad­ UfI.ES> AliABM TILL CO.»Sv W.H.BOOLE, Summer Arrangement. 1/., • Prices, c.t thq. mitted to a New Jersey Conference of 2iot receive any benefit 1 Why they owe market price, and it must grant to him the ALWAYS A PAD FOR YOU TO WRITE Pastor 1st M. B. Church,'South Norwalk, Conn. r Methodist ministers. He said, " Do not their civilization to it* influence, But, fac­ fullest protection in the exercise of this con­ , -I;* A capital combination of amusement and in­ i ON struction for young and old. TWO TRIPS PER -WEEK;. , t'-t mix up real estate^ cranberry patches and tories are closed. Capital is idle, and men stitutional privilege. Patent Safety ; ; 1 and the whole in one compact piece; ' HOMER N. DUNNING, The Steamer LEWISTON, Capt. Charles Deer-, GAZETTE OFFICE. life insurance with the salvation of men." are unemployed and starving, becausc there 2d. It must give absolute protection to Pastor Cong'l Church, South Norwalk, Conn. ing, will leave Railroad Wharl, loot of 8tate St., The Calendar always under your The Silent Teaeher, or method of teaching Ge­ even Tuesday ft Friday evenings, at 11:15 o'clock, A Milwaukee genius has invented a is no demand? There must be a remedy. property. < Money Drawer. C A 1M ESjS^. ography by blocks, I heartily recommend as the for Rockland.Oastine, Deer Isle, Sedgewick.South . SOLD AT Eye, best tn the World. It combines pleasure with West Harbor, Bar Harbor. (Mt. Dessert.] Mill- AGENTS WANTED FOR THE fountain pen. The pressure of your, There is hardly an acre of land in this state 3d. That the masses must be educated to profit. S. B. DUTTON, bridge, Jameeport and Machmsport. thumb on a small rubber ball projects a but could be made to produce three times understand much more thoroughly than.they Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses. 1 \ i. FOE SAI<,K ALS0' ' No extra steps or twist of thAeck to catenate the Prln. High School, Sodth Norwalk, Conn. Returning will leave Macbiasport every Mon­ stream of ink. through the holder into the date and days. day and Thursday morning, at 4:30 o'clock, touch­ eye of the fellow who is looking over, •what Lit docs now, by ugder-draining, fer­ do now the relation existing between capital 211 BBOADWAY, NEW YORK. I have examined The Silent Teacher and fully ing as above, arriving in Portland same night, endorse its method of teaching. L.J. BL AK E. usually connecting with Pullman train and early your shoulder while you are writing. tilizing and more thorough culturt. This and labor- And by leading Hardware Dealers. j3t37 Patent Alarm Honer Dravers, Applied, it desired, on any or all I heartily approve of this common-sense meth­ morning trains lor Boston and the west. PHISTORY""* WORLD means more labor is wanted on the farm, Coffee Mills, Spice Hills, and Store od of teaching Geography. S. T. DUTTON, The steamer Lewiston has a largo capacity for Embracing full and authentic accounts of every In. order that the first and second of these Prof. Scbem's Illustrated History of NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, Prin. Eaton School, New Haven, Conn. freight and passengers,has also 75 largo airy state nation of ancient and modern times, and includ­ At High Falls, N. Y., a young lady, why, then, do not farmers buy more labor ? Fixtures Generally, *; , ing a history ol the rise and fall of .the Greek and -while crossing a field was knocked down •afire propositions may be carried out let every BILL HEADS, RECEIPTS, I heartily concur in the above endorsements of rooms, including 10 family roofna. Koman Empires, the growth ot the nations of by a ram, and the next time the damaged .• «-•' The reason is very plait*. The farmer takes state organize an effective state militia. Let Tito Improved Type Writer.' the SUentTeacher. U S. WILLIAMS, For further particulars inquire of modern Europe, the middlo ages, the-crusades, The War in the East „ . . NOTES, BLANKS, Pastor 2d M. E. Chnrch, Norwalk, Conn. OEO. L. PAY, Gen. Ticket Agt, Railroad Wlwrt. damsel saw her lover she informed that iiia labor to market, and sells it at market all men between the ages of twenty-one and Oscillating Pump Co's Pumps E. GUSHING, Assistant Manager. 28 the feudal system, the reformation, the discovery Or the conflict between Bussia and Turkey, is the And anythingintended to be written on, printed Tbe Silent Teacher costs but 81.00 each and ir and settlement of the New World, etc., etc. astonished youth he might go about his price. If he buys labor, he buys it to sell forty-five be required to serve as members of only Buccesa of the year. Agents everywhere do SEND FOR CIRCPI.AHS. sold only by agents. The agent tor this place It contains 672 line historical engravings, and business, as she was disgusted with the well; one sold 300. ' No other complete work. at this office. Call and see samples. will begin tbe canvas here about the 25th inst. 1200 large double column pages, and is the most nTnin The farmer has to pay from fifteen this force. . Let them drill regularly and at Contains fall statement of the Eastern question One good agent wanted in.every county.. For POPE LEO 13th. complete History of the World e\er published. SeX. to twenty dollars per month for labor, but and complications, lias 7SO pages and 125 en­ FAIRBANKS & CO., terms, Ac;, address W.B.Price & Co., Manufac- NE HtNDBBD CABINET SIZED It sells at sight. Send'for specimen page* and stated intervals, and let mutiny and disobedi­ gravings. Price only S3. Best terms ever heard Gazette Steam Printing Office turers. Mount Kisro, Westchester Co., N. Y „ or O PHOTOGRAPHS, just received, and for extra terms to Agents, and see why it sellsfaster &T De&nison's Merchandise Tags can be when he it to market in the shape of ence to a superior officer be punisbed' ju3t as of. (Address II. S. GOODSPEED & CO., 311 Broadway, New York. W. R. PRICE, South Norwalk, Conn., for sale. Price 22 cents each, at than any other bookt Address 6m37 New York or Cincinnati, O, six weeks only. ; NATIONAL PUBLISHINOCO., Philadelphia,Pa. had at the GAZKTT*OFHCI ; also,Denmson's his products* be finds be has to sell it from For Sale 1»y leading Hardware Dealer* NOKWAXiK. I 21tf E. T. WHITNEY'S, Gazette Building severely as in the regular army. With this Stfppipg Tfrsh plata or printed* «