Dr. C. H. Kendall & Son
Ti:. ^ •> r'V-»•"!' x'. tfUt ! NOR WALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1878* .i-fiJ-JV" v>; .;n .,-•.?' j VOL. LXL«OTMBEE 38 WHOLE NUMBER 1602 a/.'.t r .i«o A Lesson to Milk Dealers. • i.. !v r "And why should she not dato from Fleet room, but was scared by the sounds be ' : From the Journal and Courier. THE PRIVATE SECRETARY. NORWALK GAZETTE, ':•< itJia .'fllft <: » (to.- • Tlie Silent Melody. street, sir?" r t j heard, and contrived to escape to FVance. Yellow Fever—Its Nature ami Surgeon General Woodwork, dr^tfii ,Uni 2 » vJl•- •««> it1 < ,4><J "I should be sorry to prevent her," said The lady who acted the sister, and who Vis PIILIINEBEVERVTIESBAT M0IIIIB. ff '• t About the beginning of this century, while Bavages-A Graphic Description ted States Marine and Hospiul scjr^cifcilli J. M. POTTER, "BriDg me niy broketf harp,^ he said ? ;the revolutionary wars 'were raging comma- the unmoved philosopher. "Has thisis bor- ited the admirality, partly to put the authori by one Who Has Seen it at , e,& CT. "We both are wrecks—but ais ye will—, attention to a "wholesome lesson" ,given by , DEALER IN '•> V'nication in cipher was naturally very preva respondencecontinued long?" ties off their guard, and probably to inter Work. a medical officer of health in Clifton, Eng Tile Second Oldest Paper In tbe State. j-'.-: > t i. fcl !,• VtlfBI, Thoqgli a^ its pinging tones liave, fled, tj. lent ; and ingenuity was taxed to the utmo»t "Oh yes—a couple of years or so, but not change the key the cipher, was a Parisian WESTVILLK, Sept.
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