Technlc an

North Carolina State University'5 Student Newspaper Since 1920

Wednesday, November 7, 1979 Volume LX, Number 31

No decision reached Students dislike

in snack bar squabble grade standards by Andrea Cele recommending that the SSS snack Features Editor bar remain open and be incor system has a more rational basis and is porated under University Food Ser- by Margaret Britt sounder pedagogically than a GPA About 25 students and ‘several VIces . , Staff Writer system." members of the administratiqn A resolution previously introduc- Academic standards at State have Provost Nash Winstead upheld the gathered in the Students' Supply ed by Gordon to extend the closing been questioned recently by a group of present system in an interview with Store snack bar Monday at 5 pm. to hours of the SSS snack bar was students in a letter to Chancellor Joab the Technician. ”We haven't. discuss issues concerning the snack passed by the Student Senate Oct. Thomas on Sept. 28. In the letter the deteriorated in quality by averaging bar and its closing. 31, '79. group requested a 2.0 minimum grade Us with B's. he said. Director of Auxiliary Services Schlitzkus declined to discuss in point average be required for gradua- Winstead said the present system Sam Schlit'zkus answered students' depth the‘Issue ’of the permanent tion. They also asked that the present came out of a long study with “heavy. questions which focused mainly on closing of the snack bar as a closed suspension/retention policy. which student and faculty involvement." why the snack bar must close on or administrative meeting was plann- counts a maximum of 12 hours of D “We continue to study people who , before July '80. ed for Tuesday at 9:30 am. in the of- grades as passing. be eliminated. graduated with less than a 2.0." he add Student Senator Joe Gordon, pre- fice of Vice Chancellor of Business The letter written by the ll-memhcr ed. These are people who had early sent at the Monday evening Affairs Bill Jenkins to address the group says that the low standards now difficulties. switched fields or transfer- meeting stated that he will in- closing of the snack bar issue. Student Development Director Larry Gracie (far rightl was one of several in effect at State diminish the quality red from other schools.‘ troduce into the Student Senate at Results from this meeting have university administrators who met with students Monday night at the and value of their diplomas to industry 'Wc find it more important that a the next meeting a resolution not yet been obtained. Students Supply Store Snack bar. (Staff photo by lMlliam Proctor) and graduate schools. student learns C-level capability. The “As students. we=are concerned with present system requires the student to the lenient academic standards at attain this ability in order to NCSU. particularly the graduation re- graduate.“ quirements and the suspension/reten- tion policy." the students' letter said. Concerned about quality ”We value our degrees too much to allow the same degrees to be awarded ‘ Winstead said the administrationsia Computer difficulties not forseen to unqualified students." always happy for people to raise ques- Thomas answered the letter on Oct. tions about quality. “We want to keep ll explaining how' the system was watching. it would be a horrible The problem with the mid-semester The ihachine has been working cor- developed and why-he thinks academic mistake to end up with an inferior by Dana Craig reports occurred when the program rectly all semester in processing forms standards at State are not lenient. degree." Staff Writer . mers that were rewriting the translate such as drop-adds. According to “Since 1976-77 we have been looking ”The transcript shows everything." The error in the mid-semester program got the information shifted Lanier. emphasis wasn't placed on very carefully at the academic records he said.We‘re not fooling anyone. academic difficulty reports was when feeding the‘ machine. testing the machine at mid-semester of all students who graduate with a Student Body President J.D. created by a mistake in the programm- “In the changeover from the old because of its good working order and GPA of less than 2.0. and we shall con- Hayworth said the suggestion is a good ing of the reports and not by a flaw in forms to the new forms, the program any errors occurring would have no ef— tinue to do so." the chancellor's letter idea on the surface. Registration and Records new OpScan wasn't written correctly." Assistant fect on student records. said. “Except for the 12 hours of D "But an overall GPA is quite machine. department officials report. RegiStrar Kenneth Hammond said. Both Lanier and Hammond agree which most departments choose to ac- misleading. Sometimes students who Regisgation officials anticipate no “The problems occurred in the students should not be concerned cept in free elective courses or courses find themselves in a curriculum that is problem will arise with preregistra- changeover of the use of one type of about the error. The Department of unrelated to the major. all of these too hard for them do so poorly that it tion since the Op-Scan machine was not form to the use of another type of Registration and Records will correct students have made grades of C or bet- won't average out. To institute an at fault. form." Lanier said. the information concerning grades and ter on all required courses taken since overall GPA would be advocating The machine. an optical mark sense Programmers‘prepare the forms and absences before recording it. the 1974 Fall Semester." penalizing these students even fur- reader. is in good working order. of- feed them into the OpScan machine. Registration officials admitted they "This is in sharp-contrast to a GPA ther." ficials report. The machine then reads the forms and were very surprised at the error in system in which a student might make. Hayworth said he has no qualms “It’s not the machine that's the pro- puts the information on computer midsemester reports. for example. a D in mathematics and about the system. and he hasn't heard blem.” Assistant Registrar David tapes. In this case, the machine read "We were surprised when we found match it with a B in some unrelated any complaints from those outside the mahnepaid.“Thereisno fault with the the Maniacs”that it was free elective in orikr to maintain a C .t mac giveh. "" (See ”No. " page 2) Kenneth Hammond average or 2.0 GPA. Our present (See ”Grading." page fl

Controversial fence blocks emergency phone

luminated by the lighting now in that and the possibility of injuries on the by Denise Manning area. Because of this, the fence construction site. officials felt it best to Staff Writer becomes almost invisible at night. leave the phone in place according to The fence surrounding the Court of students report. Cunningham. the Carolina's has created a potentially A student could run toward the blue A hole was cut in the fence. at the re hazardous situation by partially block- light phone. not seeing the fence. and quest of Public Safety so that construc- ing access to a blue light emergency be trapped along the fence. Students tion workers could reach the phone in phone, Public Safety Director James say this is further complicated by the case of an emergency situation. Cunn- Cunningham said. irregular pattern the fence follows. ingham said. The blue light phone on Primrose The fence follows a straight line in An informed source told the Techni- Ave. in front of Tompkins Hall is no some places while jutting out in others. cian that the reason the fence was in- longer accessahle from the Winston In one spot a “V" is formed with only dented was not to leave the blue light Hall side of campus. It remains ac- one side being open. phone accessable on at least one side cessable only from within the fence or but to keep the tree near it out of the from the side facing Primrose Ave. Phone not removed construction area. Several students have expressed "I'm not happy with the inac concern that this situation could be Public Safety had considered cessability of the blue light phone but I dangerous because at night the fence is dismantling the blue light phone. don't see what else can be done." Cunn- hard to see because it is not il- However because of its accessahility ingham said. James Cunningham

Sought by grad students

Administrators study optional health fee

Stafford agreed to look into the mat- Athletic Department to inquire into use of all facilities and activities on by Timothy Slaughter ter. their feelings on the matter.” campus except for Clark Infirmary and Staff Writer The proposed optional fee would According to Stafford. the reason intercollegiate athletic games requir- An optional fee to provide health allow part-time students to pay for use the Athletic Department is being ing a ticket. services and infirmary use to part—time of the infirmary. They would pay. in ad- brought into the matter is due to the Stafford said that as a result of the students was proposed Oct. 24 by dition to their required non-academic manner in which part-time students exclusion of the infirmary and the Graduate Student Association Presi- fee. the same amount which is taken pay their non-academic fees. athletic events from part—time dent Joe Doolan at the Chancellor's out of full-time students' fees for infir- As of this semester. students taking ‘students' fees. it was necessary to con- Liason Committee Meeting. mary services. less than eight hours of credit have sider both when discussing any plans Volleyba According to Doolan. Vice As of Monday of this week Stafford been paying non-academic fees on a concerning the health service fee op State's women's volleyball team will compete in the MAW Chancellor for Student Affairs Banks had held one meeting at which ideas prorated scale. Students taking no tion. He said he was afraid it would be State Tourney starting Friday in Carmichael Gym. The lady Talley accepted the proposal and turn- concerning the proposal were discuss- credit hours pay 810. one to four credit said. “If we did it (fee option) for Health splkers are defending state champs. See story on page 7. ed it over to Assistant Vice Chancellor ed. After Monday's meeting, Stafford hours pay $20. and five to seven credit (Staff photo by Steve Wilson) for Student Affairs Thomas Stafford. said he “would have to contact the hours pay 340. These fees provide for (See "Officials, "page 2}

Security, RPD have close relationship inside Theoretically, they could ches of the local law enforce- "We are in the city; they by Denise Manning patrol campus. but they ment agencies (State Patrol. (Durham police) have clear Staff Writer don't." Cunningham said. Raleigh Police Department. jurisdiction in the city." Whatis it? ...... The question of the if a student called the Apex police and others) Duman said. ' degree of city police authori- Raleigh Police Department work together on football Duke and the Durham Mysterybeer ty on a university cmapus is before calling Public Safety. traffic. he said. police have an agreement Thompson Theater g a question frequently raised the RPD would call Public like the one between State by college students. Safety. according to Cunn» Public vs. private and the Raleigh police. ac- International Fair . . E.(- “We have a gentleman's 'ingham. cording to Duman.‘ ifl- agreement." Director of Although Public Safety There is no difference bet ”it is an established prac- A look at Stoney . . 0501an '35 '. Public Safety James Cunn- handles most of its own ween a public institution ticc: we take care of the as 'vumIp-...“-1.v-v-n I..:;k mph“..- mmsLAJ- nnl'n. ..."..l L “ufi— Hifii hi___.. institution such as Duke. ac— said.'However. there is no e n un- us as the campus police if it were a heavy thing.‘ The Iranian situation ...... co mltted the name of Peru "awhile toi force," Cunningham said. Cunningham said. “We are cording to Paul Duman. bar either legally or in how in Monday's Homecoming Court on “We are in the city. and part of a larger authority." director of Public Safety at we feel about the Durham picture. We regret the error. .w. i they fire the city police. Cunningham said. All bran- Duke. police coming on campus." i. as?um~ 1W”" 7, .9... "

at .. . ”Kg? a ADVERTISED \ ITEM POLICY mmmmmnnmn RALEIGH

5426 Six Forks Rd. 3834 Western Blvd. Officials say 4031 Old Wake Forest Rd. Weather forecast 2424 Wycliff Rd.’ Low High Weather Wednesday Near 60 Partly cloudy chances good A659 QUALITY HEA'.‘ ‘r WESTERN GRAIN H T‘ BE U Thursday Mid 30's Low 60’s Fair Friday Around 40 Upper 60's Fair SIRLOIN Pleasant. cool fall weather will persist through the rest of the week. Days will feature lots of sunshine and a few for optional fee cumulus clouds. Nights will be chilly with maximum "STEAKS $2|8* radiative cooling occurring. though they are only part» (Continued from page I) time students. is due to their mmmwm Forecast provided by Mark Shiphanr, Cheryl Kemp and Kevin Eldridge. Services. then should we not involvement in research and mm members of the University Forecasting Service. do it for other programs?" , with writing dissertations." 'r-soNEms'rEAKs Rouuo ROAST -.‘2 I)! “No provision for options Doolan said. This involve- m- e v. in fee payment is usually ment does not allow them to made available." Stafford hold a full-time job as well as said. “It would be a matter go to school. thereby making -~;$238 m $|98 of breaking with traditional use of off-campus health ser‘ G,rading;0pinions differ policy. but there is no rule vices usually too expensive. against such an option." he Doolan would like to see AAPLLJALJY LORNFEU FRESH 1 A N\L’H 'H'MR: Hts said. these oncampus health ser- for the group. maintains student takes a course for Director of Health Ser- vices provided in order to PORK CHOPS BOX- 0- CHICKEN (Continued from page 1) that requiring a 2.0 for' the sixth time. something is vices Carolyn Jessup said. “I alleviate this financial graduation is almost a na- wrong. have no objections to the op- burden on part-time University community con- tional standard. Russell said he had been bletional‘0 fee plan if it is feasi students forced to go off cerning academic standards. Russell charged that the unable to get statistical in- campus for health care. 5'28 “Our present policy is Chancellor neglects the fact formation from the provost’s Stafford said some recom- I 39c commendable as far as I‘m that. due to the latest in- office. Leweeat mendation would be reached concerned. We're not giving crease in the University "I only wanted general this week on the matter and anyone a free ride." population. there is a major figures. like how many Doolan said the reason turned over to 'Vice Kevin Russell. a senior overcrowding problem at students in one school this option is being proposed Chancellor for Student Af- Electrical Engineering ma- State. graduate with less than a is due to the accessibility fairs Banks Talley and Vice jor who composed the letter Russell said that when a 2.0. The Statistical Research and low cost of the infir- Chancellor for Finance and and Planning Office refused mary. The reason the cost Business George Worsley. to release the information. element is so important is or how it may be attained." because “most part-time ...FUNNIEST SNOW EVERI_ No problems seen he said. graduate students are here In response to the (on campus) full time but are WED. LATE chancellor's letter. Russell listed as being part time said “it was very unopen to credit-wise." Doolan said. SHOW discussion. It put the mortar "This amount of time 10:45 PM with compUters to the brick.” spent on campus. even CLOROX LIQUID BLEACH €28¢m§ WW 8 erprereggistration manners Lammmmmnnwm RALEIGH."- 11i;.£!ill.l 4." 5.,{75"te‘f'Ib WYOUT uuu luoae I‘m”q”-in (Ll-w-:-ss—e_—4 fessors to inform students OFOONTROI. (Continued from page I) about the error. sarcoma «n‘ ------1 out the grades in ere revers- “Our concern was to find a ed." Hammon said. "We way as quickly as possible to ”I‘m I think it was a serious inci- notify the students and to I dent. and I realize it caused show that the problems DUNCAN HINES I a great deal of concern to were corrected." Hammond the students because the in- said. . ”CAKE MIXES ‘:5m_; formation'was incorrect.” The machine is being tested before handling the “I think we can appreciate preregistration forms. "I've the impact it had on the run three tests on it and students at mid-semester." tried to think of all the ways Hammon said. Many con- it would be tested to make it cerned students that receiv- fail. So far. it hasn't failed." There ’3 Nothing You Colombia ed grades of “NC" contacted Lanier said. COFFEE the Records Office to ask Even if a problem did Can ’t Wear With about the mistakes. arise with the machine. Inseam” Students that wrongly students would not find out FR YE B00 T3 Immanue-mean-momRALEIGH received a grade of “D" about it. According to Available at: mm—wmaummmamwn-DIM seemed to keep quiet about Lanier. if a problem is en- FOR STUDENTS ANN PAGE IACIAL the situation. officialssaid. countered it will be adjusted MAN-MUR SHOP . ‘ WITH ANN PAGE (‘OLA A memo was sent to all and preregistration will not THIS ADI faculty members asking pro be affected. 2704 Hillsborough St. SOFT DRINKS TISSUE

:é‘i: 68¢? 88¢ NuthCamIinaStateU h'l'hoqsosITheatre

APPLEJUICE —.-.--‘..-. THE. MINER a: 99 [[ARNIRB [XPERIENQK of Y0 u n we:

/.5’ Y5T TO tuna LETTUCE- 38¢


”49¢"wM A Er P DELICATESSEN SIGNUP TODAY! DELICIOUS HOT AND READY TOPGOI mmwmlmewlno WHOLE BARBECUE ,7 one-nets EACH T: ONLY _\\ CHICKEN 8pm Nov 9-10 & 12-11 , Q - - l n. O’NEVEIWESF”138713 ' ‘ ""7““ ”Marlins ' if.“ billifii‘ffifi”"m~~m ICSII Students fm with Lb, ® WA mo. . ”I IIIOIIA'IION: CAI-l- 137 840! WMMIZIWMa.4...“.-.‘w lI, ‘hig..." iw November 7, 1919 / Technician Three Bun Aldrin Mike Turner

M/Tfl33 err/124 hence .ZTa/Is mm may 5%? 77m» M’ M 3454 Yam?! 7329 M40?0/2 TH”? F424 mom/41 comes m 3435?? film/4’ W/F/bjsxe/W 009%! Caz/w 51/52 57/57 mgr saw; I we? few/E 601/! we we.> ‘

quE‘rntLFteebup mqom mm; clam 'CADSE rr's FRIMMDQOO . JUST @0071: We: 4115-3". sorbeaom‘meseason as: m2 (Paula FAVCRI'IE' BEEE’.uru.119112: OUT OF “'30 W m THE WAY GETSIUCK (Drill. THINGS Now

not YOUR Lance. van... As A Hemrrorrur, . my. 113100 no YOU I‘VE BEEN PERKINQR COMIN ATTRAC IONSI

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‘Dixie classified CIaeeiIIeda met 10¢ per word w‘nh a OVERSEAS JOBS: Summedyeer round REWARD (or bicycle wheel lost in Doak's 1r 8:30pm .50 nirtirritimdergeo131.50perireertiortllail Europe. 8. Maria, Australia, be, all; All rage lot. Call Mike. 8510224 Be a check and ed to: Technician fields. W111” montliy. Expenses paid. Claaelfleda Box 5890 lleleigh, Sightseeing Free inle. Write: UC, Box 52-NK. KEYS LOST last Wednesday, has "W‘ Inlllal Fri -* Nov 9 Walnut Room 11.12. 27850. Oeedliie 'e 5 pm on day 01 Bali Bill at 737 6719 prflcationiornextietue Carole Del Mar. Ca. 92625. Technician writer. JOBS AVAILABLE at Unrversrly ioud Servrces ' HAVE mot-writ own More min-o REX HOSPITAL hes the (clawing positions Good pay and working CUIIUIIIOIIS Contact lrorneerdrerletozebreeloroeemtecu open Medical Iechnolooet—permenmem toll Linda Dale, room 4124, am llonr, Student See editors in coflbebousc Merit. 0514164. tirrtepoeitioninbloodbenlt MuetbeASCT Center Enter through room 4119 on Student muttered or registry eliwle Senior liledieel Government Side 01 burldrng UAB ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE NONE IYPING SERVICES. More. eases, Techrtolooist-partnemgl to! time position in -- ”3'3*n. Wren Neet aeolian derrietry be We?A361 we m. r I l; 312.0..Student Mr. WW . The UAB Lectures Comm'ittee . M Pidtup arid'diFeery. -- "ha—g..-“mmm ammo,555‘ “3085111nicerDmngJamiomnvmi pay? leechWWMed Tech senders: fleceptionist—per ,. starts at $3 per hour Call 832 5581 presents. ‘ sxr xtwmron meow. rr.c. STATE so nenent lul time or pentirne position to trip Der. 31Jart 7. Only $174.50. Indies «new room. Rectum typing and public loom trereportetion and rightly entertain cum! Department. Rex rnent. Everybost m1 8d) 0m Hospital 1311 St Mary’s Street Raleigh, NC. Win A Ten Speed Bicycle Tim Dinsdale EOE 85184112. . Become a plasma donor and earn $10.00 each time you Weekly). Each time you donate donate (no more than twice . speaking on his ' IYPIIIG FOR STUDENTS doneto myhome on F011 SALE: Beerlinder 2'2; rear detector. $40 increases your chance to win a bike. oorniuorrehuielllyeen or best aller. Cali Gent. before 11 research . liaeeorelrle rates Cell pm. Drawing November 21,1979 at 4:30pm. Need ride to HidtoryIo‘rAshviid area this in on the legendary GROCERY and Hardware Store reeds pert thy (Nov. 91. leave enytirne Craig, 7816735. Hyland Plasma Center time hub. Six Forks lined eel 787-289. ovum Across from the Bell Tower LOCH NESS . The Technicien (USPS 466-150) is the official etudant newspaper of M'WSWUMMkmmMNMm, 828-1590 MONSTER Wedneaday, and Friday until May except during scheduled Olfloeaarelocetethult. 313-3121 oftheUnIveraity Student CenurWCateeAvenueRaleifliNCMailingaddre-iePO Box 5”, Raleigh, NC 27m. Subacriptionecoattaperyeer. Primed 8:00 byHlntonPreaa,lnc., N..C Secorid-claeapoetagepaidatflelelgh, MC. 27611. POSTMASTER: Sendanyaddre’eechangeetothe MONDAY, NOV 12 Tachrea'en, P..O mmwwucm Stewart Theatre A. aeonrroers UP TO 12114 WEEK or PREGNANCY 1st Annual NCSU . w:1 $175.” Pregnancy teet, birth control and FBISBEE“;‘iA between 9 a.m..5 p.m. weekdays GYN cIII'I'c $15.00 Raleigh Women's Health FESTIVAL Organization 917 Wat Morgan St. Raleigh. N.C. 27603 SUNDAY. NOV 1.1 §:\.\ \ (Nov 18 is raindntai

This Week’s Special 10am-Jiltil - from the .Lower Intramural Field $1.00 entry fee (includes t-shirt)

5 EVENTS ‘ . Recycled rte & Recreation Accuracy, distance « M Maximum time aloft “' r .1141 The Steel Throw, run, Er catch .. its"): Frisbee golf . and a FREE T-Shirta gegiet‘r (NCSU students ONLY) at the Program Office 3114 Student to first 50 people. enter Medium Drink Limit of Go;people per event. SPONSORED BY UAB. BUSCH. 8 NC STATE FRISBEE CLUB.

. ,, SL1- Z- L L 1‘1- ACTIVITIES2‘ BOARD i l panama-oat...naaaaaocaoaonnanCOCQQOOOOOOIOICQOCOCOO...OCCOOCCCCCCOOCCCCOC.00....000C.0-..WWMQ,. ‘wynw~ v...-._;;..m,.~ «v . . v. x- . s mum‘s- November 7, 1979

’YouCan’t Take it With You’ opens ‘

Friday night at Thompson Theatre The University Players of when she falls in love with a vi xylophone. _ N.C. State will open its se- young man in her office and Linette Kossow and Billy cond production of the invites his wealthy. conser- Tucker supply the love in. season at Thompson vative parents to dinner. terest by portraying the Theatre with the presenta- They arrive on the wrong other granddaughter and Entertainment Writer tion of George S. Kaufman day. which happens to coin- her fiance respectively. The and Moss Hart's You Can't cide with an explosion in the fiance's dignified parents. basement and a raid by the who come to dinner on the it’s strange how Take It With You. This wrong evening. will be Call it fate. a universal joke: but sensational comedy of the FBI. who are investigating played by David Warren and “’9’-‘43.,"-w.....,___ these things work out. Who would have thought that 1930's. which won a Pulitzer apparent subversive goings- Laura Fitzpatrick. filma with these titles would have ended up Prize as a stage production on . in the house. Even Actors assuming other together in one week: The'Story of ‘O', The Obscu and an Academy Award as a though everyone is ar- moon-struck characters who Object ofDesire and Pandora's Box? ‘ movie, will run on Friday rested. all matters are hap- wander in and out of Grand- and Saturday. November 9 pily resolved. but not before pa Vanderhof's house in- Pandora's Box and 10. and Monday through playwrights Kaufman and clude Nancy Arrington and Tonight. p.m. Saturday. November 12 Hart make some succinct Richard Bryant as the unor- Theatre through 17. and humerous observations ‘ mainland about the materialistic bent thodox maid and her Admission: Free _ of American life. boyfriend. Walt Turner as a The silent era‘has been well covered this semester. curious tale When the comedy first mad Russian. Laura Arwood and Pandora's Baa fits with the program. This silent opened in 1936. the critics as a defunct Grand Duchess. crime and vengeance. and Kathryn Vohs as a 1928 movie is a moody story of ’You Can’t Take It With applauded along with the au- drunken. over-the—hill ac- Louise Brooks' starring performance is the film's, big- You tells the curious tale of dience. Richard Watts. Jr. tress. ~ gest plus. . a man who has decided to called it “a merry and engag- Rounding out the large adopt a policy of doing-what- ing vaudeville." John Mason cast are Robert Gregory as WestSideStary . , , . one-likes rather than one of Brown agreed by declaring the IRS man who comes to Friday. 7 p.m.?"- ,} _§ doing-what-onemust. and so it "Gorgeously investigate the grandfather. Stewart Theatre ifi for thirty-five years he has goofy...Almost steadily con- and Mark Douglas. Joe Mc- Admission: 75 cents. refused to work or to pay his vulsive." And when the play Coy and Larry Bellis as the music. The list of income tax. In the meantime was presented again on A musics!“ “ ' ,' “My its he accumulated a household, Broadway in 1965. Emory sequently. have-made it the James Wiggins as a friend , -G-men who raid the house. tunes from t .‘f’ieLinclude’s numbers that 'of manic relatives and Lewis found that it most popular comedy in the such activities as hunting who came to deliver ice Charles Martin. Director everyone seems-c ' (“The story is a Romeo and friends who have subscribed dispenses “a disarming history of American theatre. snakes and throwing darts. eight years ago and decided of Thompson Theatre. is‘ Juliet clone. but .. ,, _ “feuding families. there are to his unusual philosophy. tolerance for all kinds of peo Nicola Cheek plays his to stay on. Jacqueline Smith directing the production. warring New-Yorkgangs. Natalie Wood (sans Robert and each pursues his or her ple, an amiability that is per- large cast daughter who has chosen a assumes the role of Essie. a and Louis Shes is stage Wagner) stars in this 1961 classic. 0n Academy ticularly welcome today. in a writing career simply granddaughter who divides managing. Tickets can be own unpredictable because a typewriter was her efforts between can- reserved by calling Award night. they could have used a wheelbarrow to pleasures. tense world wracked by Heading the Thompson 32 and carry off all the‘Oscars. this movie won. One granddaughter. fear, intolerance and Theatre cast will be John delivered to the house. he dymaking and ballet lessons. 737-2405. Adults howsver. ventures outside- is vital for any age." Walker as Grandpa mistake. ' " and William Fleming the' children $1.50. State The Story of '0' , ‘ this madcap sanctuary and Three generations have Vanderhof. the genial old Rick Dunn is cast as her role of her husband who students are admitted free Friday. 9:45 and 11:30 p.m. into the workaday business laughed with You Can’t partiarch who has decided husband who manufactures prints revolutionary pam- with I.D.‘Curtain time is 8 Stewart Theatre world. and problems arise Take It With You and. con- “You can't take, it with you," fireworks in the cellar. and phlets and plays the p.m. Adnmision: 75 cents The films calendar describe this film as “The story of a young woman who, finding herself in bondage. still manages to bring joy to those with whom she ’Life of Brian’ irreverent, not an attack on religion us comes in contact." Yeah . . . and Deep Throat is about Watergate. . . the false prophet and the prophets and charletans. .Weil. if you haven't‘guessed. this is the Films Com- by Bob Byrd human nature. The very not side.” Entertainment Writer nature of the film lends boring prophet who make up But. alas. the people do . mitte'c (of the UAB)’s annual “walk on the wild itself to min the finger of a forum on a city street to listen to his words and cheer Enjoy yourselves. but please. the guy who yelled Monty Python's Life Of comedy at religious give passers-by a variety of him all the more. "Get naked!" as 'soon as the theatre lights dimmed Brian is a very funny satire organizations. which cer- absurdities to choose from. Life OfBrian is not an air for s similar movie a couple of semesters back. try to on human nature. set in “33 tainly have their fair share The serious statement, if tack on Christianity. As the control yourself. A.D.. on a Saturday after ' of flaws. any. made by Life Of Brian director. Terry . Jones, Note This is not, repeat not, an audience par- noon. about teatime." The The absurdity of the is spelled out in the scene said,“. . . we found we really ticipation movie. film is typically outrageous horde of poeple who have where Brian is trying to con- couldn’t do alife of Christ. Note (2): You must be 18 to attend. (Having recent- and irreverent. Irreverent. picked up Brian's and vince the multitudes chasing simply because we had no mind you. not irreligious. ' formed the “Cult of the San- him hither and yon that he is quarrel with Him and it ly been announced as 18, I'm safe. Thanks E.E.W.) Fortunately. Monty Python not the messiah. He tells the “itsmthing that lent .....llsgl?l~tit retirement? isqifendsdirleasesave feels there were. just fll’flmim people to be iii’difiduals'i"nfl Wfifltfi. He'was quite your oney'. ' ’ perhaps. a few laughs from 0 not to be taken in by false a good bloke. actually." Note (4): The rest of you had better buy your to 33 AD. Blood-and-Thunder prophet. tickets early. A sell out or two is expected. The basic story is the life of Brian. called Brian. who King Solomon’s Mines had the misfortune to be Monday, p.m. born on the same night as ErdaMCloyd Theatre Christ in the house next Admission: Free door to the stable. The three Hudson $49K ' ’ post-1960 jungle movie, you wise men. as fallible humans -‘~---- If you have seen any will do.’knock on the wrong have seen part ofKing Solomon's Mines. Cheap pro door. Dialogue ensues bet- ducers have pirated much of the fine footage from ween holy men trying to pay of previous films and revolutionary. this classic story of an African safari looking for for- homage to their lord. and religious instruction. we ex- Another comic contrast is tune. A grand adventure that features the meanest Brian's mother. Mandy. who pect choirs of angels to ac- that of using modern movie elephant you'll want to see. p wonders what in the devil company each "good even- stereotypes against the set- these strange men riding ing.“ In this film such is not ting of Christ. The effect of The Obscure Object ofDesire camels want with her son. the case. The human nature Brian being chased by a Tuesday. 8 p.m. . The story and the comedy comes in various places such horde of people who think he Celebrate Erdahl-Cloyd Theatre go on from there. as the Judean People‘s is the messiah. accompanied Admission: Free The secret of the humor in Front. of which Brian is a by James Bond chase music The foreign film series this week presents a highly- the film is contrast. The con- member. The revolu- is simply hilarious. NCSU Homecoming production. trast is of actual human tionaries include Reg, the A primary tactic of com- "harness-emanate» acclaimed award-winning recent Spanish nature against the setting of leader. and Stan. called edy is to point out the Described as a “surrealist comedy of manners.” this Loretta. a very confused hypocrisy and faults of It's is a love story that should interest everyone. the time of Christ. By virtue #4 with a si/k'mum corsage! I hate to apologize. but feel I must. So to all of you who suffered throuflt: that awful movie, The Maze, last Wednesday here's my apology for recommen- ding it. I consultibooks bytwo noted reviewers on all films. One rated it three stars; the other. two. Per- sonally. I don‘t think either of them has seen it. Still. yours'is note to loss. You’ll be able to laugh whenever scrum ya “a bowl of tomatoes" “a., ....2“.«-mw, or “a bed of seaweed.” But after all, the spirit of that 1'..’ .;. .n ”Ons-"warp. ,..,wan.-’4v‘ I!“ night was “Trick or Treat." Consider yourselves tricked. In!!! Next week: the hilarious Putney Swope. . mmel maxell.s:azr

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International Fair

5,‘ .a 'r.


Staff photos by William Proctor and Steve Wilson

by Patricia Perez-Canto green tea. Colombian coffee. French Entertainment Writer bread. The spring tree of the Japanese. It took more than four hours to put Pre-Cdlombian archeological finds 7 up. but only half an hour to pull the from Ecuador. Arrows and in- 5 booths down at the International Fair struments from Venezuela. Iranian Sunday night. rugs and tea sets. Nigerian dresses. On opening the Fair at 10 am. Fri- Chilean spurs. Turkey and pipes. The day morning. Chancellor Thomas Arab' world with jewelry and garments remarked to some junior high school from every country. Palestine and students that they would not only see. wooden carvings. Sweden with anti- but hear. taste. smell. and feel dif- ques and figurines. Thailand and ferent cultures. jewelry. Egypt and beautiful dresses. And that's what everyone who went Alexander Hall with bits and pieces did. from every country. Music and food. Dancing and singing. A very small portion of all the im Three days of amazing entertainment ages of the fair. Chancellor Thomas by foreign students and Americans remarked Friday that this was a great alike. opportunity for' Americans to learn India with the incense and the‘ about other countries. It is also good beautiful textiles. Mexico with hot for the foreign students for the same sauces for everyone. Philippines with reason. theshells, great food and wooden carv; -ings. Brazil with tanga-clad carnival it...”Mite-”530%?Elli}.}_""_“115;? girls in the magazine. Korea and._the__ every day and knowle ge and fishbone ship. China with the papercut- understanding from everyone is need- 7 tings and paper animals. Japanese ed to live in it.

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Call Cpt. Bob Cofer, Cpt. Mike DiConner, or Cpt. Keith Troutman (737-2428 or 737-2429) or stop by Room 154 Reynolds. Coliseum. ‘*‘;;::.z.z'.:: ‘ “' "2': ' ‘ ' wumum... -n .w-- a,-uv.g..A. >u-m 'm4.. ,... a .L: 4,... ;. ~w" . 1.7 x~u . .2." 1!2w{MW—-"Hf::2':‘rr‘":c‘:‘‘fi-xml‘no’ ‘ er~~‘ "‘ '“' \/ Sports . ‘Six / Technician November 7, 1979

He learned fast—football’s not friendl by Andrea Cele awhile before getting mar- tiiiiiti.iittwttfitittifiifiiitfittitififiiifiti Features Editor ried and plans to return to school after her husband Calm. cool.collected. graduates. And he agrees with this Stone likes to talk about description. But he does his son. who's 10 months old. “I yelled, ‘How you’ doing, have a frustration outlet. Although Chris has been He pummels. collides. . walking since he was eight and he killed me. strikes. smacks. thwacks. and a half months old. he Stan?’ whacks', butts and bumps. hasn’t yet mastered the art And it's legal. of communication. Ever since then I’ve always The Wolfpack's left “He stands around and guard. 612. 261-pound senior says ‘da-da-da-da' all night. tried to take the attitude Chuck Stone. isn't rated He said ‘byebye' once. and among the top 10 guards in we triéd to get him to say it that I don’t have any the country by TheSporting again.” Stone said. “He Senior guard Chuck Stone Newsfor nothing. stood around doing this friends out there. ”‘ “I guess football's a way (waving his hand) and said of relieving frustrations. a he has a cue stick in his Halfway through the sum- ’bye.‘ But I think it was hand. mer (during the off-season). I mistake." “I'm trying to teach this A start getting edgy." Stone Likes to boogie guy (fellow starting senior itititwifitiitititiiiiiittiiiti*iiiitiiiifi said. guard Chris Dieterich) how On the field. he’s like a ' The Stones take Chris to to play pool." Stone said. to work for it. Stone said. He has been discouraged thoroughbred at the star- church on Sundays at the chalking the cue stick. “He When he was in high school. with football before. But so ting gate on the first day of Church of Christ in Cary. starts talking junk so I've he bailed hay for four years has everyone. Stone said. the season. He works up a Chris likes Sunday School got to lay one on' him. That‘s during the summer from There have been times when sweat immediately. his or- because they let him play the art. You've got to talk to three in the afternoon until he felt like quitting. dinarily fair skin assuming a with cars and trucks. Stone the ball." about 10 or 12 at night. The ”Everybody has ex- red hue. He's got his mind on said. And “he (Chris) likes to But playing pool's just for first year he worked. he was perienced that frustration football and “knocking the" . boogie and be roughhoused." relaxation—if he wins, that paid $2 an hour and and fatigue." he said. “But I hell out of somebody. You'vg This father isn't going to is. He has wanted to play whatever he could eat. figured if I quit football. got to like to bit if you play‘ plan his son‘s future. He football since he was a kid. It And his boss's mother everything else would be so football. If not. you’re in the doesn't care what profession was one of those childhood “used to make a mean batch much easier to quit. wrong game." Stone said. his son chooses when he dreams. he said. And he of cookies." Stone said. "It “Life is like a football grows up. as long as he's hopes to play pro when he (bailing hay) kept me out of game. You've got your No friends allowed good at whatever he does. graduates from State. trouble." family— the home team. and Stone said. preferably with the Dallas If he hadn't gotten a foot- you've got op- “Going into a ball game. Cowboys. ball scholarship at State he ponents-everybody else in you can’t have any friends. I When Stone was in high would have gone into the the world. In life you go out kill anybody who gets in the school. his dad taught him to Marines. he said. there and meet Chuck Stone stalks his way toward his assignment in last Saturday's game against shoot pool. now ‘a favorite Works with wood all my challenges—like an All- way." he said. “That's the South Carolina. (Staff photo by Lynn McNeill) escape-from the pressures of “I've had to work way it is out on the football football. They used to go up If the pros don't work out life. I wanted to do America tackle. field—survival of, the fit- against this guy; I think his He enjoys his teammates. “But not so much on me as to the bars and shoot for for him. he plans to open a something where I had to “You’ve got to work at test." name was Stan. He was a he said. He thinks he‘s about on her (Sandy Stone). She's beers. woodworking shop. work at it. I didn’t want beating the guy across the He hasn‘t always felt this nice guy. Ididn't like hitting the only “crazy" guy on the worked ever since we’ve For now. he‘s put elec- something handed to me." line— like problems." way. He developed the guys. team who likes practice. been down here." he said. Peel‘s a favorite tricity and some tools in a 5 philosophy that the other “I was coming down on ‘He has to spend a lot of friend's old barn in Apex for team is the enemy during the kickoff return. I yelled. He doesn't care time in practice and at the Stone never did get the a workshop. i IT'S TONIGHT! . his second year of playing 'How you doing. Stan?‘ and games. But he said he looks beers. though. All the State He's made a crib for. his varsity football in high he killed me. And ever since He's called “Stony" by forward to the time he can guard got was the 50 cents son. a stereo cabinet for his All you can eat ‘5 school. then I've always tried to some. But mostly he's just spe'nd‘at home. that the beer cost.-he said. apartment. candle holders ‘5 “It was the second game take the attitude that I don't called “melonhead.” " They “I go home and see Sandy He spends about two and Christmas presents spaghetti dinner of the season. The year have any friends out there say I have a big head. I don't and my little boy. That's three hours a week in the fashioned from wood. before. I threw shot put except my teammates." care what people call me as what 'I enjoy." Stone said. Student Center basement At the State Room in the Annex long as they don’t call me “He (son Christopher Scott) polishing up his game and Whatever he decides to late for supper." he said can really brighten up my says he feels at ease when do in the future. he's going Wednesday, November smiling. day after looking at guys from 5 pm to 6:30 pm . Basketball nearing, like these all day." he said 0 0 His teammates are his grinning and pointing to a abortion 0 birth control The menu: 3 football family. But he has teammate. relationship Counseling 'Lee takes grid tltle another family-his wife The Stone's live at King Spaghetti and Meat Sauce 1 and son.-He‘s-heen married. Village. campus married stu- free pregnancy testing . Tossed Salad with Dressing . vv H m ‘f—by DarrellSIP!*3 "5-41 Nuts ...7._1 WWW“ years?“ dent housing. and Mrs. , Rolls and Batter ' Sports Writer 5. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 7-2 Playing football and being Ston'e works at a State Boll 3610 Howorth Drive Call 701-5550 6. Penthouse Owen 51 married has been somewhat Weevil Research Farm. She North Hills Office Center Raleigh. N.C. . Iced Tea Intramural basketball is 7. Rednecks 51 hard. Stone said. attended Ohio State for You’re in good company . . . if you‘re one of the over 0 ‘ nearing as football comes to 8. Becton 72 million women who have chosen to have medically sole t a close. 9. Gold 72 a.‘- abortions in the lost 0 yeas; - c Lee broke open a close 7-2 You're in goodcompany... ortheFlemingCenterwnh0full- a game at the half to take the 10. Tucker SIZZI.ER’S time staffproviding personalized.confidential servicescrowd t residence football title with the issues of pregnancy. binh control and relOllOl'lShlps since I. a 376 victory over Becton. Gold and Becton will be SUPER STUDENT SPECIAL 1974. The winners were led by playing for the residence Monday um. Thursday Univ All you can Matt Troxler and Archie volleyball title. Sigma Phi eat for the t McDaniel. Epsilon. Farm House. Sigma a In games involving the Alpha Mu and Sigma Chi‘re appetizingly AAAAAA---A-‘------A Etop 10. Sigma Phi Epsilon main in the fraternity low price of vv—wvvvvv—vvvvvvv'vv e slipped by Second Hand volleyball playoffs. e News 33-26 to reach the In women‘s action. Carroll ‘ $2.25 ‘5 finals of the campus cham- II captured the badminton ‘ pionship against Lee. title. while Alexander finish- Second Hand News took ed second. Metcalf third and “the independent football ti- and Off Campus fourth. ..tle with a 13-7 victory over The Archery Club will lining this coupon and your student i.d. Nuts. The victors were led have a meeting on Thurs Ground Beef Special 2 forthe price of 1 by Phil5Harris. Becton edg- day. Nov. 8 at 7 pm. in room Salad Bar “ed Turlington 6-0. Gold Beat 211 at Carmichael Gym. includes all you can eat Sullivan 2 25—13 and Tucker Dixie Classic Basketball $2.69 Sunday - Thursday Only won by forfeit over Bagwell. begins Monday. Nov. 12. All Otter good allweek at the Mission Valley location. AA--- The top 10 for the week is as teams entered must have a Clip this coupon and come to our follows: representative present at Sizzler for an excellent value. Mere 1. Sigma Phi Epsilon 10-0 the organizational meeting than one student may use this conpen. Buy one pine, get one FREEl 2. Lee . 8-0 Thursday. Nov. 8 at 5 pm. in 3l00 OLD WAKE FOREST 3. Second Hand News 7-2 room 211. lilll W. PEACE STREET - Coupon good anytime as indicated. “In (offer «expires November 1, 1979) r------*‘-----r1 'L'mII-l Mission Valley 833-2825 5 Present this Coupon for 407 E. Six Forks Rd. 833-1601 ' l 10% off on all Eyeglasses 53318 North Blvd. 876-9420 Phone 832-0“)? ”Complete Eyeglass Service" Our mstomers know the difference. Wa nte d The Optical Shoppe The following courses are being offered by Located THE DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES One Block from N. C. State Bell Tower for Spring 1980 Licensed Optician 20 Enterprise St. UNI 2950 Science. Materials and Technology of Debra Murray Raleigh, N.C. ‘ Music Instrument Making UNI 295H A Short History of the Cinema UNI 295K Environmental Ethics __--___--__-_--_---1 UNI 295N Cultural Geography UNI 295W Men and Women e. I Average$6.00 to $7.00/hour MONEY. Part time or full time. UNI 301 Science and Civilization add Qt Must be at least 18. UNI 302 Contemporary Science and Human Must have own car and insurance. Values NEW LUS’I'RIUM Commissions and tips. UNI 303 Man and His Environment COLLEGE RINGS. Home of the famous .. Apply in person after 4:00 UNI 323 World Population and Food Pro ‘ spects A FINE JEWELERS' ALLOY !!Stuffed Spudsll UNI 326 Technology Assessment AT A PRICE FAR LESS Giant potatoes 207 Oberlin Rd. ' sleigh 821-2330 UNI 401 Contemporary City: Problems and THAN GOLD. with meats and cheeses, sour cream and Prospects butter served piping hot UNI 495C The Environment and the Law ~moderately priced meals in themselves— UNI 4951 Technology and American Culture UNI 495K Technology. Institutions. and Social so huge that few but the heartiest ‘ Change Can finish one. UNI 495U Energy and Equity DOMINOS PIIZA UNI 495x Crime and Punishment: US and Two spuds for the price of one ‘ China ON SPECIAL PROMOTION DAYS with this g—Bringwajiend. UNI 495Y Mass Media and Society Good Mon-Thurs. nights. through Nov. 30. o '07? UNI 4952 Plants and Civilization Last 2 Days—Nov. '7 & 8 - ,nnrrnmorn‘t”- _-_-—_—---—-— . -umassa ,Simulationlfiaming. L “m,.. as UUULU I Uiilayi U111 Li UNI 595H Alternative Futures in Agriculture 7 ' Lunch Mezzanine level. UNI 595N Land Use/Natural Resources 11:30 to 2:30 Highwoods Racquetball Cluh delivery if a Management Dinner Off U.s./n. Nurth' . Please call 737-2479 or come by 145 Harrelson Hall for £30 to 10:00 (Behind Don Murray‘s Burbm'ucl' more information ' persons — {I-7

SWImmers set for another big season

by David Whitehead ( Besides these talented in- Sports Writer dividuals. Easterling men “Top 10 in the nation." tioned a skilled group of in- That is the way State coming freshmen. Highly- swimming coach Don recruited Doreen Kass .Easterling described his swims the 200 freestyle and hopes for his 1979-80 team. the 200 fly. Sue Jenner. a “They are the hardest world-ranked butterfly working team. men or swimmer, Beth Emery. women. that I have had in Dawn Jensen and Susie my 20 years of coaching.” Haugh are expected to add Easterling said. depth. Tracy Malarik is a Easterling. who is enter- freshman standout for the ing his 10th year as coach of divers. the, Wolfpack. said this year's men's team will be Coach fiestas- very young. The majority of our “They won the conference (men's) team is freshmen championship last year and sophomores.” he said. when nobody thought they Paul Lowman Both Harrell Chuck Gaul would," Easterling said. “The Olympians are all Amy London “They don't miss practice. gone. We are starting over“ they come early. stay late. trying to build another era." Lohman. a junior This year. the men will be MacGregor. the YMCA Na- mentioned Tracy Cooper. and they are a delight to The Pack men's team is- ba'ckstroker. and Chuck swimming without the ser- tional Champion in the 100 Amy Lepping. Wendy Pratt. work with." returning only two All- Gaul. a sophomore sprinter. vices of Dan Harrigan. the and 200 breaststroke; and Tricia Woodard and Debbie Easterling Americas this year. the least are the two returning All- 1976 Olympian. also mentioned number in Bobby Hewitt. world-ranked Campbell as other swim- that North Carolina had a many years. Paul Americas. “There will never be in the 400-meter individual mers to look for. He cited good recruiting year. another Dan Harrigan." medley this summer. They Laurie Marglin as one of “The conference meet will lst State Frisbee Festival Essterling said. ”You get are listed by Easterling as the most improved on the be down in Clemson this one in a lifetime. and I have having good potential. Roun- women's team. year." he said. “It doesn't 'had mine." ding out the list of In the diving spectrum. look like we will repeat as to come off Saturday newcomers are Doug Easterling mentioned conference champs this Easterling will'try to fill. Reisenfeld and Brian Allyson Reid and Laurie . year. However. we will be in StaceySchaeflsrpopsonstothsfromagslnstUNc- The first annual State Schedule the void left McManus. Clarkson as standouts. the top Greensboro Monday. (Staff photo by Steve Wllaonl Frisbee Festival will be held 9;!) am. Check in and register at by Harrigan 10 nationally.” 9:45 am. - Meetscor'erat.a table with some promising in- While the men are young. Saturday on the lower and intramuralgolffield)coursefor(upperIn dividuals. including Paul the women's team is looking upper intramural fields. Six- struction and rule reading Sparkes. ranked 14th in the for one of its best's seasons. ty contestants will compete and hole assignment “They are solid. they Spikers prep fOr tourney vyith win in five l0:00 a.m. — Shotgun start NCAA last year. The categories for 12:“)flaw noona.m. —— ReportBreak to lowerIn- distance freestyler was don't hardly have any by Lsrryllomano Hielscher was referring to ”East Carolina has think the kids realize its ‘do trophies and a chance to tramural fiéld chosen the most outstanding weaknesses." Easterling the AIAW state tourna- established compete in the ACU-I MTA individual in the Great Bri- said. “We lost a few people.‘ themselves as a ‘1 or die.' fr also think that it. Regional Frisbee Tourna- Accuracy but so far we have been able State’5 women's ment, which begins Friday third—place team. They have will come down to us and ment. There will be a men‘s Throw.Distancerun and catch tian nationals this summer. volleyball team ended its in Carmichael Gymnasium. continued to improve all Carolina for the state cham- 2:00 pm. - Ultimate demo(Dukevs. Also returning are David ‘to replace them." regular with State as the host team. season long. For sure. they pionship. and women’s overall tourna- N..C.SF.C.I Benjamin. a junior sprinter. season play on a win- Hielscher evaluated the ment winner. and entry is 2:!) p.m. — 2nd round golf and John Grzeszczak. Harrell stands out ning note. The Pack breezed will be coming with high "We are defending state open to all registered State 8:00 p.m. — Double disc court demo retur- by the Spartans from UNC teams competing in Division hopes." champions, and no team has 4:008:!) — K-9 demo ning conference record This year's standout for I ever won the championship students. A 81 entry fee is 4:” pm. --— FrisbeeFreestyleclinicdemo holder for the 100 and 200 Greensboro in three “Carolina is definitely go required. and sign-up sheets Advanced. intermediate. medley. the women's team will be straight games. 15-3. 16-3. State ranked 2nd two years in a row; so the are located in room 3114 of beginners classes ‘Beth Harrell. 1510, Monday night in Car. ing to be the team to beat." pressure is on us. I'm glad the Student Center. 5:15 pm. -— Gather and meet at P.A. “Without a doubt. she is michael gymnasium. she said. “I suspect that Ap we're playing on our home 5:3) p.m. — Awardsand scorer'sand presentationtable tannin-II going to have the best year palachian will be the ‘dark State is listed in the tour- court; that will be a definite Also. the Festival will in- ceremonies State coach Pat Hielscher horse.’ Although they nament as the No. 2 seed individual she has ever had." Easterl- described the games as "the behind North Carolina. and advantage." clude demonstrations of events—trophies Easterling is expecting ing assessed. "Her attitude best home match we have haven't won a Division 1 The various Frisbee sports and Overall champstrophies good performances from the and her working habits. you played all year; the offense match this year. they have a it has been Carolina who has Pack ends its regular games. including ultimate. Note: lot of talent. so there is handed the Pack three of its season with a 28-7 record. It and judges.ResultsPleasewill beturntabulatedin cardsbybyscorerssso freshmen recruits. simply could not ask for was good. and we put seven losses during the has been a bumpy road for freestyle. doubledisc court pm. for all events. Freshmen standouts include more} everything together. This potential for an upset. State, as it has experienced and K-9 demonstrations. If 'ln case of tie. there will be tiebreaker Peter Solomon. a Junior Na- Harrell finished secondtn win should help us build “Duke is a young team season. Nevertheless. enough Frisbee dogs attend events. tionalist 200 Backstroke the nation in the butterfly Hielscher is optimistic about a gamut of pltying perfor- there will be a K-9 contest. following”In useSunday.ofrain will be the momentum for the state and they lack height. At a her team’s chances in the mances ranging from ex- Champion last year; Mitch last year. Easterling also tournament." time when everyone else is tournament. cellent. to fair. to poor. The peaking. injuries have fore Pack must finish first in the ed them to have to regroup. ”Deep down I feel we've state tournament to qualify crier As a result of line-up not played well against for the regionals to be held changes I expect they will UNC. But our team is young, in Lexington. Ky. on Nov. SothatallCrisrs may be runall items must DANCE COMMITTEE Meeting on Wednesday. SMOKING CESSATION Clinic planned Ior Nov IEEE meeting Wednesday, Nov. 7 In Daniels DR FIODLEMAN, Prolessnr 01 Psychology at be hesitant on the court. be Ids lien 30 words. No lost items wil be Nov. 7 at 4:30 pm. In Room 311576 Student 2630, meatrng daily4:005‘30 pm. A precIInIc 327 at 12 noon. Speaker. Mr EG. Baldwin, UNC Chapel Hill, wlll gm a presentation on and we are highly skilled. I 16-17. run No more than three items from a Single Center. Currie and support the yeaI’s ac- sessron will beheld Nov. 20, as pro. dIrector oI patenI licensmg Western Electric "Rape and Other Sexual Ollenses, Nov 7 at orgarization will be run in an Issue and no tIvnIes. ' Preragrstratron necessary. Or. Turnbull. Topic: "Patents- Why Patents?" All members 7:30 pm, 41h lloor. Student Health Servrce. item will appear more than three times The 7372563 and Interested persons Invued. Optional lunch Students are InvrIed , dasdinelorallCriers isb pm the previous UAD ENTERTAINMENT Commmee meeting $1.25 . by of publicationIn:the renameTiny... WNWV. MIN 7 .81 6'30 pm All members, BRAGAW. HOMECOMING PARTY 9 pml PAMS COUNCIL will hold a lloat work my be submittedw’n Suite 3120, Strident 'andirlrbreste'ds dents rite urged to attend.) am. In the Bragaw Snack Bar Live Band. PHI ETA SIGMA members Interested In par meeting on Thurs Nov Ii at 6 p m InOsbney Center. "Lyrics". 19 kegs. $2 without acIIVIIy card; $1 IIpratIng In a beneIIt protect, meet I" the Tutorial Room, number 120. Anyone who _KAZOD BAND Practice IS Thursday, Nov. 8. with actrvrty card. Green Room nl the Student Center, Wednes wants to help IS welcome f rumour cnucrn Society is seeking per 92m pm In the basement ol the Cultural day, Nov 7 at 5 pm sons to train as Smoking Cessation Center. Auditions at 8:30 pm Ior new HOMECOMING PARADE ASSEMBLY RIddIck IMPORTANT HOMECOMING MEETING ladlitators Training to be Tuesday and Thurs members. Must provrde own Itazoo. Lot. Persons wrth cars In this area are re ASME LUNCHEON Nov 7, 12 noon at BR Wednesday, Nov 7 at 5.30 pm In Senate my III-”0 in several weeks. Call Or. Turn quested to remove them by 0:00 am, on 2211 The speaker us Dr John Wthllllld and Cahmebers Each paTlIClllBllllg gr should bull, 737-2563. Saturday, Nov. 10 Will take about minrbaia vehicles $1 send a representative MANDATORY HOMECOMING Meeting members. SI 50 nonmembers, OR. FIDDLEMAN, Professor of Psychology at Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 5:30 pm. In Senate THE LION SAFARI will begm Saturday. Nov OUTING CLUB mceIIng tonight at 730 pm In UNCChapal Hill, will give a pmentatron on Chambers. A represanlauve ol each per 10 at 10 am. Route: Pullen Road, HELP SUPPORT VOIUNTEERISM Short term the Brown Room Idllll Student Center We. ”Rape and Other Sexual Ollanses" Nov, 7 at Iicrpaung group should attend to weave Irn Hillsborough ‘Street Dan Allen, Cares proiecl Flexrble hours Assembling vaII have a IIIm on river running salary or 7:30 pm. 4th floor, Student Health Servrce. portant Instructions. Disassemble aI East Coliseum L01. Everyone volunteerism promnIIonal package. Please rock clImhIng. IoIn In the humll contact Volunteer Services, 3112 Student FREE FILM: Wednesday at 8 pm. In the Center. 737 3193 ImmedIaIe need! TAU BETA Pl. ELECTEES meeting on Erdathond theatre. Silent lilm bulls be sure Wednesday, Nov 7, 7 pm, RD 242, Bring SCABBARO AND BLADE Society will to see Louise Brooks In the classrc"Pandora's INTERESTED IN AVIATION The NCSU Flying RACDUETBALL CLUB wdl meet Thurs, Nov 8, Dents habolding its semiannual Blood Drive Box." Club will have a get together on Miller Field at In room 211 Carmichael Gym lhlS Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 7 E: 8 lrom by the archery range on Friday lrom 3-6 Free meeIIng Is mandatory TAU BETA PI~ MEMBERS banquet tickets Tl~52fll in the Gym. NCSU FLYING CLUB wdl meet Thursday at 7 beer and hotdom. Wear Gym Clothes, now available In chapter ollIce until 5 pm. pm. In Nelson 123 Last meetIng Ul'llll alter FELLOWSHIP DF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES Monthy, Nov 12 ISSI ARCHERY CLUB Meeting Nov. ll, Room 211, Thanksgwmg break Please try to attend. FACULTY ANO FRIDAY NIGHT BASKETBALL. meenng, Thursday, 730 pm, at Case Athletic CMG at pm. Anyone Interested in pro EntrIes accepted through Thursday, January Center US WWW—Anewomnunwcmmwr muting archery, bnwhunters and targerts are TAPPI MEETING Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 7.30 10. SIgn up In Intramural DIlIce. GINIRAL DYNAMICS encouraged to attend. pm. All Pulp and Paper student Invned. "PERSONAL FINANCES: Managing One’s GOLDEN CHAIN: Meetmg 01 all members. Dollars and Cents" IsWednesday’s subtheme Electric Boat Division SAILING CLUB meeting Wednesday, Nov. 7 In PREVVET Club Will meet Wednesday, Nov. 7 at Tuesday, Nov. 13, 7 pm. Blue Room, Student Ior GLCA's 4 night Forum. Ii pm at Communr Grmon Ctm Ha 307 at IT pm. bring your roster and a pen 7:30 pm in GA 2722. All members please at- Center, ty United Church of Christ Wade Ave. and Ii. Sailors‘ Bible available at meeting. land. Dune Trail. Thursday night Will be social hour AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY meeting Tues 8321582 for Info ca“ Electric Boat Division will be inter— day, Nov 13, 7 pm. In the Observation Room, viewing on campus on November 0, 1202 Burlington. Speaker. Dr TS. Elleman; AMATEUR RADIO CLUB meeting cancelled AmericanCan Is one of"It 1979. Informative presentations, SAIUNG CLUB-"Great Slate Professor TAPE DECK Demonstrahon. Mark Nielsen and Tour: The Kemeny Report and the Industh tonIghI due topnation:100wecompaniesare InvolvedIntheInthe questions and answer period to be Reoe”-Sunday Nov. 11. It you know laculry Bill Stewart lrom Audio Buys wdl talk on Response. All Interested persons are to to Raleigh Amateur RadIu sale and manufacture ofcon- held on the evening of November 7. members who IrvIIl run 1.5 mile or 10,000 Tape Decks Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 0:30 pm. welcome. Soctety Auction In Community Room .2 ol sumer products. dlvsralflsd 1 Refreshments will be served. Please meters Call Rich 023m. In the 6th floor lounge, North Hall. Crabtree Valley Mall. VISIT the Mann at 7.30 packaglng, and resource contact the Placement Office for time SMOKING CESSATIDN CLINIC planned lot as ll Is always good recovery. and place. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA SenIor Members can ATTENTION: Desperate need for tutors. Nov 2630, meetIng MIN 45 pm, A precIInIc IF YOU HAVE ALWAYS wanted to get InvoIv OurAmericanTechnical ,; apply lor graduate scholarships by anaInIng Elementary aged chIIdren. Flexible times. Il pm lnstltuts (AT1) program glvss application blank lrom Dr. Doris King. 116 sessmn will be held Nov 20, 4-5 ed to archaeology. here‘s your chance For you "hands-on" projectalps- Hanalson, 7874917 or 7372404. you would like to help, contact Volunteer Set Preregistratinn necessary. Or. Turnbull, more Inlormatron contact Volunteer Servrces, rtencs In dIvarss, practical wees 3112 Student Center, 737-3193. 7372563. 3112 Student Center. 737 3193 thesnglnssrlngopportunityassignmentsto delsrmlnsand 7 whlchbest sultadenolnesrlngto you.Afterarea lscom- careerpletingcanthe progressprogram,toyourmore nsarlngadvancedoraspectsto management.ofangl- I.E.,WeareCh.E.,InterestedE.E.. sspeclsllyIn M.E., If Your Job inner ‘- View you havecoursesIncom- onglnssrlng.puterscienceEnglnesrlngor systems TechnologyIn the abovedegreeareas areappIIcarrta Sponsored by the lnvlted toapply. Platoon Officers We have opportunities for NCSU Society of snglnssrlnggraduatesIn Leaders Candidatr Women Engineers Class Class

tlvaPlanontocampusmeet our. .representa-. orwrite College RsIatIons, ass. Ground Law Orsonwlch.American CanCTCompany.ossso.

. Our representative The Platoon Leaders Class Program (PLCI offers a commission will be at US. Marine Corps after graduatipn from college. Fres’nun throughgrsduatesas a 2nd Lieutenantincludingin thelaw To talk with employers your college students are eligible todol Nov. 15-16, ms Here are a few of the program features available to men who can qualify: at ”Your Job Inner-View." 1. No on cam us requirements (Summer Training-Good Salary). 2. Avis round and Law options available. Drop by the Student Center Ballroom anytime 2. Cmnglnsmoothcareerdurlna'schoolwl year. - 5.0ptlontoto:rep from competitive salary and benefits after college. between 8:30 and 4:3-Opm today and get acquainted with program up to graduation from college. Iain Cook Fluencs Anrsrlean tarvlsw thoseln“wwdbs at the Student Center on the 8th and 9th of November ms to Can “COME AS YOU“.ARE. NO RESUME REQLTHED". “'9'" I Annaval opportunityemployer For additional Information. call Major I tun-I... ~ collect at 7554174. Ml‘i‘sclmicisn/Novembefltm


Opinion *‘

Security inadequate

With the lives of anywhere from 50 to 70 government by the peeple’s consent should Americans in jeopardy at the time of this serve to remind us that if Iranians choose to writing. the government is proceedlhg wisely abide by the fanatical laws set down by THINNEST BOOK by using peaceful diplomacy in its effort to free Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s regime. it is the hostages held in Iran. But once the pre- their prerogative. THE THINNEST BOOK m T»! WoQLb sent crisis has ended—with or without blood- However, we do have every right and shed-we must proceed at once to reevaluate obligation to protect our people on govern- "To pm: is m 59 MM our methods of protecting U.S. citizens on ment missions according to our standards of foreign soil for official business safety. no matter where they are.' East: 2! 334““ are; fl Administration appeals for calm not- Providing such security is. admittedly. withstanding. Americans cannot be blamed easier said than done. Where embassy per- times. THIS Yank for reacting with horror‘and outrage at the bla- sonnel are concerned the job becomes COMPILATION H45 ll Cor.) Covert tant criminal actions of the Iranian students. tougher, as the host nation is relied on for We could justifiably devote today’s entire protection from any sizable attack. The US. newspaper to condemnation of the kidnapp- marines present as guards are discouraged limb £9 (iterates, ing and kidnappers. but as today's Forum-sec- from sparking a bloodbath. through armed @"WGADres ML Risers Restkurb tion indicates. our readers hardly need to be resistance; indeed. those in Iran used tear gas told they have reason to be angry. to keep off the invaders while they burned We are not responsible for the internal classified documents. policies and customs of him. We can officially It would be senseless to advocate trigger- protest what we consider its human rights happiness on the part of the marines. Em- violations and we have. but our’principle of bassies represent peaceful diplomacy and negotiation. not armed confrontation. rammed down my throat every day and do ---—-----—----—- Simultaneously. however. we must serve Iranian actions intolerable not care to read about it in every Exaggeration " i w- 'c notice to governments with which we are on Technician. Whether he realizes it or not. For sheer lunacy I find Lasitter's statement poor terms that we will not tolerate violence Once again we are slapped in the face by his column comes over as “soliciting for that "People today change religions. leaders against our people when their safety is dic- another middleeastern sand pile. The God" and is in violation of the University and forms of government as regularly as Forumpolicy tated by international law. people of Iran have little by little torn away solicitation policy. It has always amused me they change their underwear" hard to beat. In the case of Iran. however. entirely dif- all tolerable indulgence. Ever since the that Christians seem to be the happiest- “His otherwise fairly well argued article is ferent factors must be taken into considera- advent of Khomeini (Allah's own assasin) when they are making everyone else suffer ruined by this ludicrous exaggeration. By the tion. The Khomeini regime's sanction of the and his terrorist cut-throats. we in the (and. believe me. his articles are making a way. surely he means "discrete" values The Technician welcomes forum let- taking of hostages proves that nation does not United States have had to bear insult upon lot of us suffer). rather than “discreet." Print this at your ters Theyshouldbetypedorprinted intend to abide by international law. Hence. insult. time and again. This Weekend our Darrell Hoy discretion! legibly and are likely to be printed if we should refuse to deal further with it until it Iranian “guests" have decided to show us MR ME l limited to 250%. All lettersmust be asSumes a more responsible attitude. just how grateful they are for educating large Mike Chalmer signed and must include the writer's The United States and its Western allies numbers of their people. supporting their GRAD ACCE sddrus and phone number along with should use every.peaceful method at their oil-oriented economy. and striving to give Mike Kern his or her classification and curriculum. disposal to free the captives unharmed. That them every technological advantage we FR AE Poor standards Letters are subject to editing for style, accomplished. they should immediately break could afford. They, believe it or not. burned brevity and taste. The Technician off formal ties with Iran until a guarantee of our flag. defaced the Statue of-Liberty. and reserves the right to reject any letter protection of foreign personnel and property captured our embassy in Tehran. still In reference to the editorial appearing deemed inappropriate for printing. is obtained. holding at leastv59 American hostages. Prayers for Charles 10/31/79 entitled “Present System Best." I Now. it is a fact that many Iranians are would like to offer the following comments: nothing more than “boarders" in our Having read Charles Lasitter's recent Although the editorial is packed .with- country. If someone came to your house. as article. I was puzzled as to how anyone's illogical and irrational reasoning such as the Lee RoZakis a guest. and spray-painted your walls. religious freedom was endangered. with the definition of “qualified" and “unqualified.” L\ defecated onyour living room rug and exception maybe of the British. The Catholic implying that quality is relative. the point to ~ .q.Mi"_‘...—.. locked your grandmother in the' closet Church has condemned it for Catholics. not be made concerns, “We contend that an EE WHAT WOULD YOU DO? for the general populace. The Lutheran student graduating with a 3.5 will have an 1) Ask. politely. for more of the same Council in the USA gave it an extremely excellent chance of finding a good job 2) Ask to visit your grandmother Brice a poor review. Movies get planned everyday. regardless of the number of peers sliding by Iran’s political Woes week .. How does that affect one's religious at 1.8." 3) Kick his ass out and let him know ‘ freedom? For the second time in nine months the the Iranian Marxists as happy as a clam at‘“ exactly what would happen if he ev r came Obviously. the author of the editorial US. embassy in Iran has been overrun and high tide. These are the same Marxists who back. Charles says in the article that most missed the proverbial boat in the _.._.__--.a- its staff taken hostage. Presumably. the Ira- refused to complywith Khomeini's order to So let us as Americans. for the first time religious leaders would “...gladly forbid the interpretation of the letter to Chancellor ' nian authorities either couldn’t or wouldn‘t disarm followingthe Shah‘s overthrow. At in a while. take a stand. Let's not back showing of the movie..." Tell me. Charlie. Thomas. Of course students in EE. of all act to prevent it. This latest violation of that time. Khomeini backed down rather down again to this third-world brat. And. as did you take a poll? How many of the curricula. with a 3.5 will be able to find diplomatic immunity apparently came as a than face civil war. and the Iranian Marxists Americans. let us ‘warn our politicians of a leaders did you contact? Was it hard getting good jobs. Even students in low demand reaction to the Shah's admission to the have remained a volatile and not insignifi— wrong decision. . through to Rome? Charles then goes on to curricula with a 3.5 will probably find jobs United States for chemotherapy treatments cant force in Iran's domestic political af- For right now. though. let's please get say that we “zealots" only believe in the because it reflects one thing: the student for lymph cancer. One can be easily con— fairs. grandma out of the closet. There are 59 right to worship in the same way we do. He understood the material studied and is vinced that there are other reasons for this Problems with socialist workers in the oil American lives in the balance. Make the says. “Our brand of freedom also implies a competent in using that material. The “peers brazen act. fields. which have included threats of right decision! right not to believe..." Charles. our right sliding by at 1.8“ have questionable Personally. I find it difficult to criticize the strikes and oil cutbacks. have also been for- Joseph M. Foster not to believe doesn't come from any competence. if any. Iranian revelution at the popular level The thcoming. In the north. Soviet-armed FR LUP legislative body. it comes from God. Someone. somewhere here at State Iranian revolution was admirable at its con- Kurds have increased their efforts at and 40 others needs to establish a minimum quality so that ception. commendable in its coordination achieving autonomy. Earlier this year. the Anyone who wishes to remain a slave to grades once again regain their relevance. and exhilirating in its victory over the Shah. Iranian army fought a small war with the .sin and Satan and not believe. trustdriand Once the minimum is established. as it is at Since that time. the revolution has well-armed Kurds. and world opinion is Break off ties rely on our Saviour Jesus Christ, has a all other UNC system schools. the floundered because of incompetent becoming more sympathetic to Kurdish God-given right to. They have the ability to competence reflected in grades is more leadership. murky ideology and the demands for autonomy. ' The time has come for the American choose heav'i or eternal damnation. .. .. easily grasped. I ask you this: Do you want political fragmentation of its constituency. The recent death of Ayatollah people to take action against the massive Eternity is a long time. Charlie. to live next door to a nuclear reactor with a The goals and aspirations of the Iranian Teleghani. probably the most respected abuses that they are taking from lesser However. if eternal damnation is not your core containment designed by a nuclear people are beyond reproach. The leader- religious leader in the new government nations In this instance I am referring to the cup of tea. then all you have to do is to engineer who could have graduated with a ship of Ayatollah Khomeini is not. removed a close link between the govern- recent happenings in Iran. invite Jesus Christ into your life. He won't 1.2 average? Do you want your next car Guided (or misguided) as it has been by ment and the people. The Iranians have taken over. and hold come in unless you ask. II. with the utmost designed by a ME who could have the Ayatollah'5 personal and unquestioned The people of Iran have thus been hostages in. the American Embassy in sincerity. you ask Jesus into your life and graduated with a 1.7 having flunked concept of an “Islamic society." the Iranian polarized on a variety of issues. As a result. Tehran; in this country they have occupied ask him to cleanse you of your sins. then machine design three times? And what revolution has. at least for the moment Khomeini's government must .continue to and defaced one of our national you're on the road to heaven. You see. about all those bridges that could have been run aground on reality: " espouse Islamic orthodoxy and vehement monuments. the Statue of Liberty. as well Charles. “For it is by grace you have been designed by a CE with a 1.0? In order to unify “the faithful" and anti-Westemism in order to hold up its as insulted our integrity by burning the US. saved. through faith —and this is not from Someone needs to start worrying about restore the revolution to his control. Kho‘ temple. The Shah‘s current visit to the flag in public. These events are just the yourselves. it is a ‘gift of God—not by works. the academic standings of others before a meini has again opted to take aim at the United States has thus provided thquho- latest in a series of anti-American attacks so that no one can boast." (Ephesians trusting public suffers at the hands of gross meini government with the opportunity to provoked by the Iranian government. 2:8-9) Once you areusaved. you should find incompetence. No. the point is not finding a United States (Aside from generous Although it seems that our leaders lack one of the local churches in the .area where “good" job or fairness. The point is thata amounts of bitter anti-Westernism. Kho- ride a wave of public resentment and. make meini's “revolutionary" achievements to discontent. while feeding the people an in- the strength to do anything other than you feel comfortable worshiping. The University supposedly graduates competent date include the abolition of alcohol. creased diet of anti-Americanism—for verbal protests to these acts of outright important step is accepting Jesus. not on people to do competent work. The modern music broadcasts. the banning of another short-term gain. terrorism. the time has come for these lesser where or particularly how you wership. problems of incompetence degenerate 9 40 journals and newspapers. etc.) Interestingly. the Russians. who have countries to realize that we are not a nation 50. Charlie. if you or anybody else want rapidly from “academics" to the reality of has denounced the Khomeini government in of cowards. The situation in Iran should be to go see the movie. go right ahead. pain and suffering". I have no desire to be Since coming to power. Khomeini used to illustrate this to the rest of the world. Prohibition never solves anything. However. the victim. knowingly or not. of such I exhausted his vocabulary many times over the world press and armed the Kurdish is to free the in his derision of the “demonic Americans" rebels in their fight with the Iranian army. What I propose to be done if you really want the peace and love of the ‘ garbage. However. as one who believes in and their repugnant yet omnipresent dupes have remained relatively unscathed in hostages now held. with force if need be: to Lord. then repent and let Jesus into your individual rights. you should feel free to around the world. It seems that whenever terms of embassy attacks in Iran. Wonder evacuate all United States citizens from Iran; life. I'll be praying for you and anybody else request residence in a special state designed Iranian public support for the Ayatollah why that is? deport all Iranian citizens now abusing their that doesn't know the saving grace of Jesus for low GPA graduates. At least that would privileges in the US; and to cut off all Christ. be a choice. and his disciples starts to sputter. the Ira- Conversely. some Americans feel that it diplomatic and economic relations with Iran. nian religious elite conjure up the spectre of is a sign of the times when a dozen orso. If our present leaders are unwilling to take John H. Jacobson Kimberly S. Mullins American political perversion and subver- US. Marines couldn‘t stand up to a few any action along these lines. in 1980 we SR MY JR E0 sion in order to duly scare everyone back hundred college students. let alone the Ira- should elect leaders with backbone. into place.: 7 nian army. More seriously. the US. strength. and pride in the great nation Iran has had its problems since this past government needs to re-emphaSize to its America once was. January. The elation brought on by the Iranian counterparts that this type of Technician overthrow of the Shah soon gave way to a breach of sanctuary not become a recurring ...... *...... Johnm numerous series of executions that raised trend regardless,of motive Charles Angle Editor...... world concern over the direction the Ira- Agreed the admission of the Shah into . SO. PPT/CHE News Editor...... Jeffrey Jobs Production .1“'‘‘4.,.mwm"i. nian revolution was indeed taking. the United States is a controversial and un— Sports Editor...... Bryan Black Manager...... Cars Flasher Touted by its supporters as being popular move. It is not a case of a servant Bliss blasted Features Editor...... Andrea Cole Layout/Pasteur:...... Suzi Gal-r, “peaceful and non-violent." the Iranian reporting to his masters. as some Iranians Entertainment Editor...... Lucy Procter Mick i-iunnemsnn, Kim Long, revolution under Khomeini and his now in- contend. The Shah is a dead political entity Last year I enjoyed reading the column Photo Editor ...... Steve Wilson Alan Powell, Bil White famous religious courts and revolutionary and not worth straining the United States- written by Larry Bliss very much. Houiever. Business Manager...... Vernon Veglis Typesettsrs. .: ...... Brooks Chesson, soon began to make up. lranian relationship. The decision to admit since he has converted to Christianity and Graphics Editor...... Gene Dees . DianneGuliion, Margaret Haney, “komiteh” councils saw fit to change his column from humor to Copy Editor ...... Karen Barefoot Lon Mclrsvy, JoeRand. ‘lM' for the low death toll. They sought to or not admit the Shah is an American deci- Page Editor ...... Helen Tart . Donnie Robbins, Cami Robins ~aw..~m—..... eliminate the iemnants of the Shah's sion with humanitarian motives. not sub- an attempt to convert the world. I think that Serious political base in Iran —-—from the doorman ject to foreign approval, - his column should be immediately Advertising , Proofreaders.....Julie Haigler. Rick LaRose on up. There executions canted out in The question will be asked. “Would the discontinued. Expressing his joy at becoming Manager. . . -...... Sam Pierce "kangaroo court" fashion now placed» the United States allow Idi Amin the same a Christian in one article is fine—running it Salesman. . .mie Ruby. Martin Ericson. Maintenance Engineer...... John Craven Iranian people under a new kind of “officisi privilege?" No foreign leader or/ex-leader continually is not. In effect. he is using a Bill Hancock terror." has ever been denied access "to medical medium to which students are forced to Design...... Anne-Carole Hertsl. Ma Circulation MI: Needless to say. the recent assault on treatment in this country. This does not contribute. in order to express his biased An 0 MOhf. L PW ‘ I..."...... C American embassy has no doubt made necessarily include asylum. and narrbw-minded views. 90' 001! Assistant...... Mark liockwd the I. for one. am tired of having Christianity \