Seueral Offi,Cial Boards

Seueral Offi,Cial Boards

/'t s TWO HUNDR,DD NINETY-X'IR,ST ANNUAL REPORT OF TI'IE Seueral Offi,cial Boards ori Í'HE TOWI\ OF SUDBT]RY MASSÄCHUSETTS FOR, THE TlryELVE MONTHS ENDING DECEITIBER, 31,. r930 THE NEWS.DNTDIùPRISE IruDsoN, MASS, 1981 Í { i,- ¡ -^, 3 TOII¡N OFFICERS MODERATOR, George H. Clarke .'lerm expiles 1931 TOWN CITEIII( Frank F. Gerry ...Term expires 1932 SEIJECTMEN Harvey N. Fairbank, Chairman ..Term expires 1931 i\ubrey W. Borden, Clerk . .. .Term expires 1932 IIowar.dM. Goodnow .....Term expires 1933 ASSESSORS Fred. I{am Term expires L931 F¡:ank P. Barton .,Term expires 1932 Webster Cutting ..Term expires 1933 PUBIJIC WEI]FAR,E George H. Thompson .. .Telm expires 193J" l{aude M. Clark ..Term expires 1932 Clifford S. W'right .Term expires 1933 TIIEASUII,ER, I{arland H. Rogers .. .Term expires 1"931 COLJITECTOR, O¡'TAXES Hou'arcl C. Burr .. .. :. .Term expires 1931 FENCE VIEWER.S The Selectmett PIJÂNNING BOAIID Charles H. 'Way .. .Term expires 1932 Howard C. Burr ...Term expires 1932 lìatph H. Barton (two years) ..Term expires 1931 paút W. Rhoades (two years) ..Term expires 1931 Stephen M. W. Gray (oire year) . .. .Term expires 1931 By an amendment to the Planning Board by-laws, passed at the last aunual meeting the two tl'o-year members are to be eleeted for three year terms, and the one yeâÌ mernber is to be elected for a two year term at the coming election. 4 Appointments bY the Selectmen DDPUTY CI{IEF OF POI,ICE Seneca W. Hall SPECIÀL POIJICE Charles'W. Ilice Eall J. Boyer Everett W' Borvker Irving I-L Scymout' Oliver Freclelick Iì. Stone Iìicharcl B. Illsct' E. IlaYrtcs Frcclerick J. Jloyal florvarcì C. IJut'r' .¿\. Tallatrt -¡\lbclt Clyde I(eene John S. Tombeno I'larry J. Gotbelg William Taunton Daniel I(. Ingrahant Forrest D. Bradsharv PIIBI.,I O W.lI GI.IIIìRS Ä'-Ames I-.,eonarcl D. Stiles LIar:r¡' Ãff"óà F. Bouazzoli Iìacl)'P. Stilcs I'Irs. Carrie l-rucc- OF WOOI) SUßVDYOIt.S OF I,I]}'TBI'Iì ¡.ND TIEÄSI]RERS I"rank P' I]¿rrtou Francis E. Beut (cleccasecl) NSI'IìCTOR OF -ANIMÄI,'S Clifforct S. Wright SUPEIì'INTENDIINT OF CENIETEIIIES Abel Cutting TO'WN W,¿\TEIì INSPDCTOR OF WÄTEII I\'TDTIIR'S AND APPL¡IÄIrTCES Ilicharcl B' Oliver SEATJI}II OF 1VEIGHTS ÄND MIìASUR,IIS Ilicharcl B' Oliver MEI'IBEIìOFSOLDIERS'I'IDMORIÄITCON{i\'IITTIIE I{arvey N. Fairbauk EI'IICTION OFFICERS "'-" " - - -' Clerks Tellers 't Balìot frarurenãå n- Tighe Charlesll'Richarclsorr ñ;;¡1.ñk n Stb"" Irertnan I-I' Äustin A;il*" R. H"',*e* J' I''eo-Quinn öh;;ñ rM. Ri.. Joh' J' conroY 5 COMMITTEE -Walter FINANCE E. Piper Ralph Stone Àrthur R. Hawes Frank Gooclnow Everett W. Bowker SUPERINTENDENT OF GYPSY AND BR,OWN TAIIJ MOTH WORK , Charles A. TR,EE WAR,DEN William E. Davison TOWN AGENT, INDUSTR,IAIJ ACCIDENT BOAR,D llarvey N. Fairbank I¡IST OF JUITORS Thomas -A.tkinsou Charles E. Bent Charles S. Baldwin tr'r'edericlc E. Blaclçmer Tallant William C. Burnett Albert A. 'Wilson Roland Il. Cutler George H. Calvin E. Eaton I-Ierman H. Austin flarrv J. Gotberg John M. Carson Georgc W. Hemenway Percivaì Dove Henry G. I-Iorton 'WilliamFrank'W. Giles Carleton B.'Walker M. Goulding Basil B. Oliver Harry'W. Ifogan John M. Martin Percival W. Jones I-rouis D. Perry Mahlon A. Palmer Earl J. Stoue Charles E. Richarclson James Tulis l¡eon E. Hawes Joseph B. \Ya¡' James L. Quinn IJICENSES GR,ANTED Victualers-I-.¡eon E. Halves, I-.¡awrence B. Tighe, Margherita S. Galbo, J. Ivar Dahlrorth, H. P. Hoocl & Son, Ilbwlantl Tibbets. Blanclie Glid.d.en, Patrick Davis, Chester A. Hull, I(. Kalilainen, Nelson Howe. Innholders-'Wayside Inn, William E. Hoelsher, The Log Oabin (Francis Barker and lva C. Stewart), Paul H. C. Ecke. Sale of Gasoline-Edmund F. Ândrews. Auctioneer-Ho'lvard C. Burr. Sale of Fire Crackers-I"¡eon E. Harves, James Crowley. TO\X/N WARRANT For the Annual Town Meeting, March 2,lggt CO},IMONWDAI,TII OF I,I.A.SSACIIUS]ìTTS lliclcllesex, ss. 'I'o cither of thc Cortstables of the los'n of Suclbuly, GRDIìTING: fu thc llalnc of the Commonn'ealtlt of Massacìrusetts, ¡'ou arc hcrcb¡' r'eqrtit'ecl to trotify âncl ¡t'artl tìlc inhabitants of the 'I'ol'n of Suclbnr¡', qualifictl to votc irl clcctions ancl tol'n affairs, to rncet at the First Parish Church, ilt saicl tot't'tt, otl Nfoucla¡', tlte seconcl da¡' 6¡ I'Ialeìt, trext, at set'elt o'clock in the foletrooll: thcll ancl there to act on the foììorvirlg alticlcs, namcly: .¿lrticle L. To choose b¡' ofiñciai ballot in accorclatrcc l'ith larv a rnoclerator, a tol'n treasttLcr', a collector of taxes, tltrec constables, a highs'a1' sruveyor, a trce ï'atclen, aìl for one year; one mcrnbcr of thc boarcl of public tl'clfare, one rnernber of the boarcl of health, one rncmbcr of the school committee, one trustee of Uie public librar¡', one assessor, one member of selectmen, ts'o membei's of the planning boartl, all for three years; one member of the planning boarcl, for tn'o years; and. also to choose field ch'ivers, fencc vielvels, a 1:otncl keeper and. any ald. all other necess¿rry tol'n oftìcers for the eusuing year. The polls will bc opetr at sct'en o'cloch in the forctloou ancl may be closecl at foul o'clocì< in the aftcrnoon. Article 2. To hear ancl act on reports. Article 3. 'Io see if thc 'I'orvn tvill graut aucl appropriate money for any ancl all tlccessar)/ tou'n purposes, pass rìn¡r vo¡.* o" take action relative thereto. The Sclectmeu herervith prcsent the estimatecl amounts to cover these items together I'ith the surns grantccl for the year 1930: 7 Estimated Grantett 1931 1930 L. Pavment of interest $3'000.00 $3,000.00 2. Toívn officers, salaries and. expenses.. ?,qq5.90^ 2,550.00 3. Street lightiig q,qgg'qg 6,000.00 4. Roacls (Ctrapter' 90, Maintenance). .. 3,qqq.qq 4,000.00 5. Generai Roáas 200.00 6. Roads (Chapter 81) .. q,?qq.qq 6,100.00 7. Iìoads (New Construction) Chapter 90 q,gQq.qq 8. Snorv ràmoval .. 1,500.00 1,000.00 9. IVlemorial Da¡' s¡ .. 275,00 275.00 10. Torvn cloch .. .. 50.00 50.00 L1. rnciclentals 600'00 600.00 T2, Iìesu"le funcl . 1,000'00 500-00 13. Care of sold.iels' and memolial lots .. 100.00 r_00.00. 74. Prerniunr on tre¿surer's, collector's ancl tory¡ clerlc's boncl 155.00 1"50.00 15. Insru¿nce on to\¡'tt property 100.00 200.00 16. Stateaicl ...... 72.00 72.00 t7. Þolice 1,600.00 1,600.00 18. Fire 2'500'00 700.00 19. Ilcpail of bliclges 200.00 200.00 20. Toivn llall exfense 500.00 500.00 2t. Tos,u reports-... 500.00 500.00 22. Elections ancl registrations 200.00 100.00 23. Olcl cemetcr)' .... 150.00 200.00 24. Torvn cctnetär1' . 100'00 25. Unpaicl bilts .-. 1'qqq'qq 100.00 26. I-,ibrarl' trustecs 500'00 500.00 27. Moth älepartment l, 1,300.00 28. Boarcì of hcalth Soo'oo 300.00 29. T,¡eEal aclvice to Sclectmeì.ì. ' . 200'00 200.00 30. Iníuling tol,n emlllo)'ees . ?50'00 750.00 31, Plannin"gboarcl ...... 100'00 100,00 Article 4. To authorize the Treasurer,'lvith the approval of the selectmen, to bono\\, molley in a[ticipation of Ievellue of tlre culrent fiscal ¡'s¿¡, or ilo or act thereon' Article 5. To see if the Torvn will grant or appropriate the of the amount of bilt approvecl by Board. of Âssessors sum $192.00 Ior fOr lvork On excise taxes and propert¡' taxcs aud -prcsonte(l páV**t t" Boa'cl of Selectme',-pass any votes o' tahe actio* tcla- tive thereto. Articte 6. To see if the Tolvn v'ill grant or appÌopriate the *"- ãf gS-ôó.0-ó for the p'rpose of p.rchasì'g a'd installing a suit- able fire-alarm sigual, ol clo or act thereon' Article ?. To sce if the Town will vote to instruct the select- *.r, lo.t"o clerk ancl Town Treasurer as a eommittee t-o purchase ifr.'.o-ãonud Good¡o'rv or Rice property ât corner of State Roacl *â õoir.o"¿ Road, the balance-to be mergecl.rvith _the Gootlnow I-.,ib"u"y property f'or a public park and athlctic field and to issue 8 bonds or notes to pay for same; pass any votes, or take any action relative thereto. Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to instrrrct the Seleot- men, Town Clerh and Town Treasurer as a committee to procure plans for a Town Hall, the exterior to be a reprocì.uction of tlie old. Town Hall, the interior to have all modern improvements, not seat- ing less than 400 people; make arrangements with the First Parish Committee for the hall to be on approxirnately the same site as the old hall. The cost not to exceed $35,000.00. Issue bonds or notes to cover the cost and. compel the contractor to employ tol'n labor as far as possible; pass any votes, or take any action relative thereto. Ärticle 9. To see if the Town will instruct the Selcctmen, Town Clerk and. Town Treasurer to be a committee to confer l'ith the First Parish Committee, the Town to purchase the First Parish Church property, and.

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