SECRETS of the SAGES Bulk Rate C/O TSR, Inc
A Short (for him) Greeting From Elminster by Ed Greenwood the great trees of the Elven court, or glimpse (from afar, if ye would live long) Tantam!, hello, as ye say the devil-haunted ruins of Myth Dran- it...tantam is what merchants of the nor. To see the welcoming farms of Sha- North say, here in the Realms. dowdale, or half a world away, the The Realms, the Forgotten Realms, many proud spires of great Waterdeep, ocourse, as yeve all forgotten the way the City of Splendors! Ah, tis a grand here, until now, that is. Of all the sages world, I tell thee (and who should know in Faerun, I am the first to walk among better?) and it awaits thee, here and in ye since Myth Drannor fell so it has pagesand other ways, who knows? fallen to me to welcome yeye who to come. When ye have seen a sunrise have discovered the Realms through over the Moonshae Isles, or watched the offices of the good scribes of TSR, the stars glimmering above the beauti- Inc. I bid ye fair welcome to my home, ful city of Silverymoon on a clear deep for tis a fair world, perhaps the fairest night, ye will thank me! Aye, and it of all those Ive walked. And mind ye, makes me glad to know the joy that there have been a few and a few again, awaits and proud, too, for the Realms over the years. are my home, even as ye would be Five hundred-odd winters I have proud to show a wayfarer thy abode, lived in Faerun, most of them in the whateer it be.
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