Cloister Chronicle
THE CLOISTE-R CHRONICLE ST. JOSEPH'S PROVINCE Condolences The Fathers and Brothers of the province extend their sympathy and prayers to Rev. F. H. Scola, O.P., and Rev. C. G. Westwater, O .P., on the death of their mothers ; to Very Rev. J. Soeldner, O.P., Rev. R. J. Gardner, O.P., Rev. A. B. Thomas, O.P., Rev. ]. D. Jordan, O.P., and Very Rev. G. C. Reilly, O.P., on the death of their brothers ; to Rev. P. R. Heasley, O.P., on the death of his sister. Ordinations On the 28th and 29th of September, Most Rev. Philip Hannon, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, conferred tonsure and minor orders on Bros. Jordan Myers, Kieran Fergus, Melchior Markowski, Ferrer Quigley, Thaddeus Arrigo, Jude Powers, Timothy Myers and Andrew Nicolicchia. On October first, His Excellency conferred the order of subdeacon on Bros. Braulio Pena Hernando (Province of the Philippines), Mannes Beissel, Michael Hagan, Cornelius Hahn, Peter Elder, Albert Doshner, Louis Mason, Christopher Lozier, Robert Reyes (Province of the Netherlands), Joachim Haladus, Raymond cOoney, John Rust and Aquinas Farren. His Excellency conferred the order of deacon on the following Brothers on October second: Joseph Payne, Paul Philibert, Humbert Gustina, Urban Sharkey, Vincent Watson and Anthony Breen. Professions On August first, at Sacred Heart Priory, Jersey City, New Jersey, Laybrother Patrick Dunne, O.P., pronounced his solemn vows in the hands of Very Rev. G. B. Tarrier, O.P., Prior. On August sixteenth, at St. Stephen's Priory, Dover, Very Rev. C. W. Burke, O.P., Prior, received the renewal of simple vows for one year of Bro.
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