Rockland Gazette
gtortdaiul (feette. feette ^tinting PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY ESTABLISH M ENT Uaving every facility In I>re».e.7rJne and M aterial to which we are constantly making addittona we are VOSE & PORTER, prepared to execute with promptness and good style No. 5, Custom House Block. every variety of Job Printing, fncluding ‘ ' Town Beporta, Catalogues, By-Laws,’Fost T E It M 8 : ers, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Programme, Il paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2 00 Circulars, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Jl payment is delayed t> months 2,25 Law aud Corporation Blanks, J.1 not paid till the close ol the year, New subscribe expected to make the Beceipts, Bills ol Lading, first payment in advai Business, Address and O ’ No pupur will be discontinued until a l l Alt I Wedding Cards, BE a r a i. es are paid, unless at the option ol the pub Ushers. Tags, Labels, j~r ’Mngle copies five cents—lo r sale a t th e office &o.,&e., and at the bookstores. VOL. 27. ROCKLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MAY 24, 1872. NO. 24. PHINTING IN COLOBS AND BRONZING Z. POl’E VOSE. J. IL POUTER. will receive careflil attention. ure of the garden be heard the cottage tell him the whole truth, //ew asready A HASTY WORD. Dr, Hooper and went right up. There the dearest little mustache. You know “ Do you think so?” and, taking the him, don’t yon? mischievous little face between his hands, SPRING STYLES (o d v n . door open and saw a man—a real live to forgive her and love her all the same, was but a spark of life left, but we suc "No—yes—a little,” stammered Joe, to man, young and very distinguished ‘Harry,’ said I, to our little five-year ceeded at last.’ ho scanned it closely.
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