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PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY ESTABLISH M ENT Uaving every facility In I>re».e.7rJne and M aterial to which we are constantly making addittona we are VOSE & PORTER, prepared to execute with promptness and good style No. 5, Custom House Block. every variety of Job Printing, fncluding ‘ ' Town Beporta, Catalogues, By-Laws,’Fost­ T E It M 8 : ers, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Programme, Il paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2 00 Circulars, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Jl payment is delayed t> months 2,25 Law aud Corporation Blanks, J.1 not paid till the close ol the year, New subscribe expected to make the Beceipts, Bills ol Lading, first payment in advai Business, Address and O ’ No pupur will be discontinued until a l l Alt I Wedding Cards, BE a r a i. es are paid, unless at the option ol the pub Ushers. Tags, Labels, j~r ’Mngle copies five cents—lo r sale a t th e office &o.,&e., and at the bookstores. VOL. 27. ROCKLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MAY 24, 1872. NO. 24. PHINTING IN COLOBS AND BRONZING Z. POl’E VOSE. J. IL POUTER. will receive careflil attention.

ure of the garden be heard the cottage tell him the whole truth, //ew asready A HASTY WORD. Dr, Hooper and went right up. There the dearest little mustache. You know “ Do you think so?” and, taking the him, don’t yon? mischievous little face between his hands, SPRING STYLES (o d v n . door open and saw a man—a real live to forgive her and love her all the same, was but a spark of life left, but we suc­ "No—yes—a little,” stammered Joe, to man, young and very distinguished ‘Harry,’ said I, to our little five-year ceeded at last.’ ho scanned it closely. What he saw no matter how deeply she might have the delight of his listener. “ But what’s there was evidently satisfactory, for he looking—come out aud pause on the erred. Ho arose and returned to the old; ‘will you run aud tell Bridget to ‘How many days ago was it,Harold,’ the trouble about? Won’t your father COURAGE. have warm biscuit for tea.’ kissed it over and over, and Kitty, though porch for a momeur to talk with Violet cottage. Violet looked a little pale— I asked, presently. consent?” aud he looked so utterly site resisted a little at first, Anally sub­ Because I hold it sinful to despond, — bis Violet. lie saw her plainly that was all. She did not even allude He started quickly, and as lie start­ ‘Seven weeks ago yesterday, Ella,’ wretched that Kitty with a faint twinge mitted with avery good grace. SILK IIATS And will not let the bitterness of life laughing and chatting and tossing her to the matter. The night passed— ed his foot caught In a little stand up­ said he with a smile. of remorse, hastened to tell him the true •’Tis well to be off with the old love state of the ease. He brightened dp Blind me with burning tears, but look beyond ringlets, and then the stranger bowed another evening came. on which I had placed a rare Parian ‘Seven weeks ago?’ sa id !, ‘impossi­ before you are on with the new,” whis­ Its tumult and its strife; vase with a rose-bud just unfolding its wonderfully. "Then yon don’t love the pered he, slyly. “ Gilbert’s done for, and himself out, aud left the premises by He dismissed his school at noon, and ble.’ man after all?” he asked. Because I lift my head above the mist, the same path. camo home, concealing himselt in the crimson petals in it. The stand fell ‘You have been very sick with the I’ve stepped into his place.” “ Well, I don’t know,” she answered ‘But be didn’t treat mo in this way,” Where the sun shiues and the broad breezei ‘Don’t fail to come,’ called Violet af­ shrubbery. Hours went by, and at last, over, and the vase (a gilt from my dead brain fever. You were very near dead; F o r I meditatively. “ I never looked into the pouted she. blow, ter him, ‘I shall expect you.’ instead of seeing the stranger comin mother) was shattered. for days we despaired of ever seeing matter much. I suppose he’s as good as But every ray and every rain-drop kissed “ I hope not. ’Twould be worse for Guy Hilliard looked on in amazement. as lie bad expected, lie saw him leaving ‘You naughty boy !’ I cried angrily, you conscious. You would call your­ any one, but I’m not a marrying mood at him if he had. I’d shoot him in a min­ That God’s love doth bestow; ‘you deserve to be whipped. Pick up present.” A Iso,'a variety ol New Style Violet was dressed as he had never the house. Ho had been there the en­ self by all kinds of names; you would ute;” and Joe tried to look belligerent, Think you I find no bitterness at all < seen her before—in a magnificent new tire afternoon, in his cottage with his the pieces instantly, and put them in say, ‘Harold is drowned ; and I made Joe’s countenance fell again. Will yon but failed wofully. No burden to be borne, like Christian’s pack i silk robe, all covered with laces aud the coal hod.’ him drown himself.’ Last night Dr. tell ine just what you want? said he a lit­ Mr. Day was surprised tho next morn­ Think you there are no ready tears to fall wife. His face grew white with anger, tle sternly. roses. W did it mean? Who was amd he cleared the hedge with a bound He stopped, carefully picked up the Hooper said the crisis was at hand; if ing by a call from Kitty’s late suitor. Thu Because 1 keep them back? fragments, carried them away, and was “ Now don’t be cross, Joe; you’re the young man seemed ill at ease, and stam­ that man that she urged to come again He would overtake him—and force him you lived through that night you would only friend I’ve got in the world,” aud mered a good deal in making his errand SOFT Why should I bug life’s ills with cold reserve, so cordially? A sharp, swift pang of to an explanation. But the stianger gone some time. When he returned it get well. Oh, Ella, I am so thankful Kitty raised her soft eyes imploringly. To curse myself and all who love me / Nay I known. jealousy and mistrust wrungbis heart— was too quick for him ; he had crossed was with something clasped tightly in you are spared to ine.’ He was mollified at once. "Why not “ I understand, sir, that insanity is A thousund times more good thau I deserve his hand. break with Gilbert and accept the alter­ God gives me every day. mistrust of the woman be held a thous­ the lawn and was out of sight in the ‘I have been weak and sinful,Harold.’ hereditary in your family,” he began awk­ and times dearer than bis own life, and woods beyond before Guy could over­ Coming to me he placed a rfive cent I said, and then told him all, not keep­ native?” suggested he. “Twon’t bo so, wardly, “and—aud”—he paused and tried And iu each one of these rebellious tears very dull at Aunt Dorothy’s. I’ve a col­ lie hurried on to the cottage, his brew take him. piece iu my hand, saying timidly, ing back anything. to collect his ideas—’that Kitty’s aunt Kept bravely back, lie makes a rainbow shine; ‘Will that anew vase, mam­ lege friend in the neighborhood, and can aud grandmother died in a lunatic asy­ Grateful I take His slightest gift, no fears for the first time since bis mariiage, 7/C turned back, aggravated and dis­ lie heard ine through, stroking my visit you occasionally.” looking lowering snd moody. Violet ma?’ What evil demon possessed me hair in a gentle fashion. When I fin­ lum.” Nor any doubts of mine. appointed, and made his way to the Poor Joe ! The idea of having her all “ All a mistake,” responded Mr. Day. was nowhere to be seen below, so lie house. His head throbbed, and a very to take the coin, his sacredly cherished ished, he said— to himself was delightful, and he waited Just received and lor sale at the Dark skies must clear, aud when the clouds are pompously. “There never was a case of went up to her enamber. The door strange feeling filled tits heart; he had treasure, (a kind neighbor had given ‘It has taught you a lesson, Ella for her answer with subdued eagerness. insanity, either among my own kindred, past, “ Is that the only plan that has occurred One golden day redeems a weary year; was ch sed, but lie beard the babe wail­ never felt so before, or looked so either ; him), aud throw it from me I know dear.’ And that was all. or that of my late wife.” to you?” answered Kitty sarcastically; Patient 1 listen, sure that sweet at lust ing within. not. I soon recovered. For a long time “ But your daughter, sir, has a peculiar for the little servant who chanced to “you haven’t much ingenuity if you can’t LOWEST Will sound His voice of cheer. ‘V iolet!’ he called meet him in the yard, shrieked and ran Harry picked it up with tears run­ I could not bear Harry out of my sight. iisposition, and I find it isn’t suited to ning, aud sat down upon his stool with devise some other way of getting mo out mine at all. We should be miserable to- AT Tlien vex me not with chiding. Let me be. ‘Yes dear,’ came the pleasant an­ out of the way. He was a desperate It seemed as if I could not do half of this dilemma. I’ve no intention of be­ liis hands folded meekly. Presently he gether. I desire, therefore, to withdraw 1 must be glad and grateful to the end. swer, ‘in one moment; as soon as I get man—almost a dangerous one—Guy enough to atone for my wicked conduct. coming an animated fossil. Now listen from the engagement.” I grudge you not your cold aud darkness—me my dress on.’ Hilliard, the good natured, quiet, and said, ‘may I go aud play with Eddie The thought makes me shudder now, if to what I proposed.” The powers of light befriend. “And have you told her this?” thun- T. A. Wentworth’s, He wailed impatiently until she came well-disposed young school-master. Porter?’ it had been that H a r r y had never come Then Kitty disclosed her plot, and Joe lered liis listener, white with rage? For out, and then he scanned her face with ‘I don’t care where you go,’ I said back to me, and that the last words he listened approvingly, and the two heads Mr. Day really had a violent temper, and NO. 5, BERRY BLOCK. rJ?A±I£ C O IS C JE ltT . Truly jealousy is as strong as death, keen, anxious eyes. She looked flur­ crossly, ‘if you will only keep out of heard from his mothers’s lips were so were still bent close together when young lidn’t need to fain its possession, like Such a concert, dear,as I’ve had to-night 1 and cruel as the grave. Gilbert called an hour later. He entered | Nearly opposite Tost Office. Rockland, Me. lltf my sight.* Kitty. Full of sweet sound and deep delight; ried and confused, and ran hack almost Violet looked up quietly from the lit­ unkind. unannounced and Kitty gave such a start Harry went to the closet where his Dear me! the father is worse than (he And yet -‘the house” wus poor; immediately to put the blue robe which tle lroek she was embroidering as he Mothers, bear patiently with these and blush at him, that Joe’s hopes again eoat and hat hung, put them on and daughter,” thought the young man. WENTWi Poor, if you couut by crowded seats; she had thrown on the bed, into the entered. little ones. Are there not many whose sank to zero. But if he’d been sensible he’d Aloud lie answered, “ Oil, no; I came to But judging only by glad heart-beats, chamber. ‘You are early this evening, my dear,’ came and stood by my side. eyes, now resting upon this simple known that her embaarassinent was tile von fust.” (The fact was he didn’t dare ’Twas a splendid house, I’m sure. Have you been out, Violet?’ lie she said pleasantly. ‘Mamina, will you please forgive me? story, fill with bitter tears at the rec­ result of surprise rather than emotion. face Kitty with any such proposition.") IS AGAIN AT HIS First, Baby sang as well as she could asked, making a great effort to appear I’m so sorry !’ and h e put up liis lips ollection of unkind words, and even Site was very arch and winning that Well, sir, all I have to say is that He made her no anwer. Her gentle­ morning until alter Joe left (the little Some sweet notes that I understood; unconcerned. ness seemed to increased his wrath ; she for a kiss. blows, to the little children laid away you’re a mean, contemptible villain, and And wee Kate’s chirp of a laugh broke out. O, God forgive me ! I pushed the witch knew he was on nettles all the f you don’t get out of my office this min­ O L D S T A N D , Out? O, no!’ she replied. ‘Why do was so artful, so cunning and treach­ forever, who would give all their worldly time), then she changed her tactics and ute. I’ll kick yon down stairs,” and before As Willy ran in with a merry siiout; you ask?’ little fellow away. He stood by the possessions, yes, years of their lives, The pussy purred on the rug in state, erous—and he had loved her so. grew cold and distant. “So you had to tlie words were fairly out of Mr. Day’s Nothing, only I saw you putting ‘Violet,’ he said hoarsely, throwing loor a moment looking pitifully at me. to recall their hasty words which made tell papa after all,” she sneered, “ men mouth he started to make his threat NO. 5, BERRY BLOCK, And the good clock ticked, “It’s late ! it’s late I” It is tweuty-flve years ago to-day since While over the fire the kettle sang away your dress, and you have got ba­ himself into a chair; ‘you sec I am al­ their child’s lips quiver pitifully, and can’t keep a secret.” ood with a full S:ock ot by dressed out in her finery.’ lie stood there; but I can see him with the clear eyes dim with tears? Ah! Her lover tried to explain but she Young Gilbert made a hasty retreat, Its cheery song with the least little twang. most insane. I cannot bear this sus­ wouldn’t listen, and gave him such a rat­ Violet blushed and averted her face. pense any longer—I will not hear it. | his blue eoat and red and gray worsted you cannot have them back. They are convinced that not only Kitty, but Mr. That was Part First, you must know, my, ing as would have done credit to ,the Day, also, was partially insane. When only we fi.e weie there to hear. •O, yes,’ she said, catching up the As your husband I demand an explan­ skating and the little red mittens, gone, and your sins remain. as if it were hut yesterday. But I shrillest and noisiest of viragoes. Kitty listened demurely to her father's The fire crackled applause; little mass of embroidery. ‘I've been ation. I saw that mail leaving the “ Is this a specimen of her temper ?’ version of the afl'air, anil the anathemas Spring Styles, The baby’s soft little pat-a-cake fixing the sleeves of her si p, you know ; house a few minutes ago, and lie has looked Jeoldly at him, the door opened KITTY’S STRATAGEM. thought he, escaping into the street as ho hurled against her recreant lover. Made reckless m e.ires for the music’s sake, hut come, let’s go down ami look alter been here for hours. Violet, I want to and shut—the little feet went slowly soon as possible. Once, though, daring that narration, sho And pussy flourished her paws. supper.’ know what it means!’ down the stairs. I heard him go out Such a little witch as she was, this Kit­ "Who’d have thought her soft eyes book so w ith laughter that he looked at Hats, , could flash so, or the lines on Tier face Well, the Second Part ? Ah, that was fine— lie followed her clown with a weary She bent lower over her work, but and unfasten the gate. Looking out of ty Day, of whom I write. She couldn't her suspiciously. But sho put on at once Fine to the heart’s core, lover mine I help flirting if she tried, and it wasn’t sharpen in such a curious way? She step and a heavier heart than had ever made no answer. the window, I saw the little fellow lilt itch an air of wretchedness, that he as­ Uoots, Shoes For over the kettle’s winsome plaint, liis face with a smile as he saw me, her fault, of course, if men were taken really looked dangerous.” cribed it to wounded pride. It was not lain in his bosom before. But be de­ •Violet,’ lie went on, his agitation Had be seen Kitty laugh and clap her Aud the bubj’s breathing, sweet and faint, which gave place to a pitiful quiver of in by the round, childish face, and great, till two years afterward that he learned And over the prattle of Wil- anil Kate, termined to say nothing ; he would not increasing at a fearful rate. ‘I cannot innocent blue eyes. For there were, hands as she vanished from the scene' the truth, and Kitty was married to Joe, the lips as he saw I took notice of him. ' Gents’ FnisliEiGtoSs, Andtlu clock’s impatient* Late! it’s late!” question her, hut wait and see for Iti in- live with you if you per.-ist in keeping scores of them, and Kilty went on her he’d have been more puzzled than ever. who, I forgot to say, was not her own I heard the blessedest sound of all— 11 what it all meant. Violet bustled this secret from Ine. My wife must I watched the darling down the street, way rejoicing—completing their bewil­ The next time they met she greeted him ousin, though she called him so, but a A click of the latch, a step iu the hall! abouL making herself unusually pleas­ have no skeletons in her closet. I have with a strange, undelinable feeling, till derment, by the shy looks and smiles, with such a charming smile, and looked sort «f distant relation. Mr. Day received Which he will £sel!| at the low ed cn«l» pracrH. so naive and unconscious that this little And “ Home, sweet Home,” pulsed all the ail ant ; hut somehow a gloom hung over borne it as long as I can—as long as I the little coat and red mittens were vis­ aud blushes, that really meant nothing, bis revelation good-humoredly (Joe bad □ oods slightly damaged by removal, sold at a great As you came calling up the stair. ible no longer. Twice a sudden im­ but were very effective, nevertheless. episode would have passed from his mem­ tlways been his special favorite), aud barg ain . 17tf the whilom happy home which all her will. I command you now to tell me pulse moved me to call him back, but I lint in an unlucky hour for Kitty, she ory if it hadn’t been for one circumstance, was ready enough to laugh with the rest gaiety could not dispel. Long after all—to make everything clear, or hence­ said “ Yes” to a dark, melancholy young lie accidently (?) overheard a conversa­ tver the way in which he had been out­ M 'M .W XTI'MIS S tttefdlairo. she retired with her babe, her young forth our lives arc divided.’ crushed it down—0 , would to God that inan, who had been her shadow lor tion between her cousin and another gen­ witted. I bad ! Well, I sowed all through the —> husband sal in the porch, his hear) in Violet was veiy pale, ami her fingers months. She wasn't in earnest, but did tleman. Kitty was the theme of the dis­ his hands and his soul tortured with a trembled nervously as site stitched away winter afternoon. A t four o’clock I it lor the “ fun of the tiling,” and because course. Tut; “Good Old Times.”—The good nameless f ■ r. at iter embroidery ; still, that little dan­ put my work away, and sat by the she wanted to know how it felt to be "She’s a dear little girl, but a regular rid limes! Now-a-duys the dress of a GUY HILLIARD'S SKELETON virago,” said Joe. "Everybody’s afraid Tshionablc woman costs one or two thou­ BOOTS O il The next afternoon he returned home cing, mischievous sparkle lit her eyes. window. Conscience began to reproach engaged.” It resulted seriously, how­ me for my eonduet. ever, lor, in spite of express commands of her when site gets into one of her tan­ sand dollars. Such extravagance as this Violet Heath was an only (laughter, at the usual hour, anil found Violet and ‘Violet, will you explain ?’ urged the to the contrary, the accepted suitor went trums. She just raves an 1 gets on in a is sapping tlie social morals to theircentre her babe awaiting him at the gate, her ‘I don’t care,’ it said, ‘if the beauti­ T li» c ol a belle, pretty, highly accomplished, xeited husband. directly to her lather ami told him all I way that’s perfectly frightful. There s a cry you? Softly! soltly ! Look at Queen and very sprightly withal; she reigned laee all brightness and tenderness. His ‘No, sir; I have uo explanation to ful vase is in ruin. What is the value about it. Mr. Day looked at his daugli-' taint of insanity in the blood, you know ; Elizabeth dying and leaving behind her supreme in Clifton—the pleasant little heart began to lighten ; she was true to make.’ of all the vases in the world compared ter mischievously that night, as she sat her aunt and grandmother died in an iu- three thousand dresses and a solemn country town where her lather resided him. What a fool he had been ; he was He rose to his feet white and stern. with your child? Have you not spoken behiml the tea-urn with such a comical sane asylum.” proclamation against extravagance in crossly to that dear little Hairy who assumption of diguity. I Young Gilbert listened, shuddering. tress. Social immorality of the present Kents’, BBeys’, —queen of fashion as well as queen of glad that he had not let her know it. ‘Then you are no wife of mine. I Laughing and playing with the baby was always so cheerful ami obedient? “So I’m to lose my little housekeeper j These words explained a scene that had day? loi k at that eldei time even in the hearts. All the young men admired east you oil'—wash my hands of you ! reign of Queen Anne, through the eyes of and Children’s Spring style And it is not the first time either—and before long, am I questioned he, sig- puzzled him before and awakened fore- her, and as a natural c msequ tuee, all they proceeded to the cottage. Guy You can go back to your father and tell ni.i. uilly. bodings for the future. “ You saw her Thackeray or the ghastly aud revolting the female population envied and strove went running up stairs for his dressing hint that yon have blighted my life and you call yourself a Christian mother, "Why, papa, what do you mean ?” and father come down town last week with atiresof Dean Swift. to imitate her. Whether her chief gown with his old buoyant broken my heart.’ too! Suppose Harry should be sud­ Kitty blushed scarlet. ! liis head all bandaged up, and heard him Political corruption of the present day? BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS, denly taken away from you wouldn’t charm consisted in her 'fair, dimpled On the topmost step lie picked up a She arose also, and took up her babe. • ilr. Gilbert called on me to-day. He Hell, perhaps, how terribly he’s afflicted Look a century back and see a British King buying his Parliament by the scores. (of all KINDS and QUALITIES, which he is selling laee, or deep blue eyes, looking like glove—a gentleman's glove—but not ‘1 will go, Guy,’ she replied, quietly. your cruel conduct haunt you forever?’ is an excellent young man, and the son with neuralgia,” continued Joe. “ Poor h e a p a s h of one of my oldest friends. I heartily | old gentleman! ’twas Kitty did the mis- Look at the sneer expressed a century ago |very C tor C . hall-blown forget-me-nots, bathed in his. A trifle tru ly ; but it awakened He stood still where she had lefthim I could bear this no longer. I arose and picked up the stray litter about the approve you choice, my dear.” i chief, lor in one ol her angry tits she threw in “ France ought to have plenty of honor, dew ; or her mischievous, rosy mouth : the old jealous pang with redoubled listening to her light footsteps as she “ He promised to keep the engagement ' the flat-iron across the table, and it bit for she has bought half of England’s.” T. A. Wentworth, or in her half-tender, half-taunting air pain. Still lie did not question bis ascended Hie stairs. Was lie awake— room, to give it a more tidy appear­ a secret,” said Kitty, in a vexed tone. him in the temple. He’s anxious to mar- Look at Sir Robert Walpole openly brib­ and manner, no one could say ; but it wife, but kept up a silent, cunning in his senses—was it a reality? Was ance. "So lie told me, but concluded after- | ry her o«', and I hear Gilbert’s to be the ing his supporters. NO. 5. BERRY BLOCK. was generally agreed that she was a watch on all her movements. she leaving him—liis Violet—the moth­ Then I went to the window, but see­ ward to break his promise rather than act happy man Open your morning paper, read the de­ Rockland, Me. The next evening and the next he er of his babe—the only woman he had ing nothing of my boy, my heart be­ dishonestly. For it wouldn’t have been That individual turned pale. He re­ nunciations bursting upon the head of tho Nearly opposite the Post Office. beauty. membered Mr. Day’s eagerness in for­ Chief Magistrate of the nation, as a polit­ Violet was uniformly kind to her came earlier, and iu both instance,con­ ever loved? He was oi: the point of came terribly heavy; this suspense was quite lair to have concealed the engage­ N. 11. New Goods rcc. ivfd every day and all unbearable. Hastily throwing a shawl ment from me.” warding bis suit, ami the wish he had ex­ ical trickster and a schemer for power, Boots and Shoes W a r r a n t e d . many suitors, making her denials, when cealing himself in the shrubbery, he saw rushing after and imploring her forgive­ pressed that his daughter’s marriage and then turn back seventy-live years and R ockland, M arch ", 1872. L3tf over my head I ran into Mrs. Porter's. “ I don’t know why, I’m sure. It’s only necessary, so sweetly, that the rejected the tall, line looking stranger leaving bis ness ; but that slinging pain came read the criticism of a Philadelphia paper, ‘Have you seen Eddie?’ was the ques­ a bit of my fun, anyway. I never meant should take place at an early date.— ones felt almost as much favored as house, and Violet llitliug about in tlie back to liis heart and held him buck. to marry him.’ Though his love for Kitty was as strong the Aurora, on the retirement of Wash­ Gent’s Fine Shirts, &c-, the accepted. Ami when Guy Hilliard the azure robe she bad never worn for She was false to him—let her go. At tion before I entered the room. Mr. Day looked at her sternly. as his shallow nature was capable of leel ington as a blessing and a cause of con­ came to take charge of the village him. Suspense became torture; he that instant he heard her voice calling ‘Have you seen Harry?' “ Pin not jesting,” she added pettishly. itig, a vixenish wife would be unendura­ gratulation, styling hiht a despot and con­ could bear it no longer—be must know softly from the head of the stairs: ‘He was here at half-past tw o; he “ He threw himself into such a passion ble. But wasn’t it possible that her cous­ temner of the rights which the colonies school, although he was a man of line in was mistaken, or had colored the pic­ had just bought with their heart’s A FULL LINE OF GENT’S the worst. Had the wiseacres of Clif­ ‘Guy—Guy, will you come up here, and Eddie went over to Josie Gray’s. lhat I was fairly frightened into saying appearance and excellent character, it •yes,” aud sorry enough I’ve been for it ture a littie too highly? He resolved to blood. was a long lime before the village beau­ ton prophesied the truth after all? He please? I want you a moment.’ I think—’ W HITE AND FANCY What she thought I never knew, for since.” wait for further developments. Read this and then read your morning ty vouchsafed to him the least bit of approached his wife at twilight, as she He went up. She mill him in the "Are you in earnest, Kitty?” They came speedily. A week later he paper, with more tranquility, and think preference. But perseverance and pa­ sal in a low chair hushing her baby to passage. at that moment the door flew open and “ Yes, I am,” and tne blue eyes flashed called on Kitty—just at dusk—and was that all Washington’s patriotism and care SHIFTS, tience, as they generally do, succeeded sleep. ‘Bear with me, Guy,’ she said, hum­ Eddie rushed in breathless', screaming, defiantly. ushered by mistake (?) into the library. lor the people’s good may not all havo at last, and, in due course of lime, one ‘Violet,’ he said gently, but very se­ b ly ,‘I will go directly; but I have ‘Mother, Another! Harry Loring is “ Is it possible that a daughter of mine The door between that and the dining­ gone out of liis successors, even though room stood slightly ajar a woman’s shrill the paper does say so 1 The past was a Bosoms, Collars, Cuffs, Neck-Tics, tender, moonlit eve, under a honey­ riously, ‘I’m afraid we liavo a skeleton something to show you first.’ drowned. We were sliding on the mill has so little feeling and principle?” “Now, papa, what is the use ofdectur voice reached him from thence. Was it good time, the present is a better, and be­ suckle arbor, in tile old squire’s garden, in our closet.’ She led the way to a small room, pond, and there was a hole in the ice Cravats, Scarfs, Hdkf’s, Glcves, with snow on it, and Harry did not see a Yon know tne of old- Pin in Kitty’s? Yes, he recognized it; he had lieve me, the future will he the best of all. the teacher pleaded his case in true lov­ She looked up inquiringly. just beyond their chamber, the same lit­ trouble and want you to help me out of! heard it once before, pitched iu the same How much better is it to believe with Mittens, Hosiery, Under­ erlike fashion, and was transported in­ ‘A skeleton, dear; bow so?' tle sparkle burning in her eyes. Guy it, and—’ ‘ high key. Darwin that we began as lirutesand havo ‘Haven’t you secrets from your hus­ ‘Hush, Eddie!’ said his mother, look­ clothing, Suspenders, to a third heaven of bliss by being ac­ followed with a fierce, impatient stride. “ But you’ve given your word, Kitty, Don’t tell me you didn’t mean to,” she come so lar towards angels, than to be­ cepted. The old squire made no objec­ band, Violet?’ lie asked solemnly. She threw open the door, and there, ing at me fearfully, ‘here is Mrs. Lor­ aud must abide by it.” screeched, more like a mad woman than lieve we began as gods aud have tallen so Umbrellas, &c. She blushed deeply and dropped her i supported against the wall, was a por- ing.’ “ Didn’t he break his?” anything else. “ You did, you did, you far towards devils. I always thought it tions, and after a proper lapse of time, wretched little imp!” Then there was the better and wiser aud sweeter to look with the young people were united, ainid a eyes; and her voice was faint and ir­ trait of herself, with her babe in her There was a deep silence in the room, “ Yes, and was justified in doing so. Just received aud selling at the But you are not. Still, I’ll give you a sound of a heavy blow and the shriek of a the eyes of love at the beast in our child­ bewildering confusion of laces and resolute, as she replied, ‘O, no, Guy! arms, as large as life. Her golden hair broken only by the blithe, sweet voice of a canary, and the purr of a Maltese choice of two evils, if you think marry­ child. ’s story book, and recognize therein white flowers, aud the poor, love-lorn What makes you think I have?’ fell hack.from her smooth brow in shin- "O! don’t, don’t, Miss Kitty?” wailed a a possible prince, thau the princes iu the eat. Presently Mrs. Porter came to­ ing young Gilbert one. Few girls would. Lowest.Possible Prices for Cash swains of Clifton were left to console Because,’ he answered gravely, ‘I ringlets, and her azure robe sweep- Eitlier keep your promise and make ll|e pitiful voice. “ ’Twas so dark I couldn’t company of Ulysses should change, un­ themselves as they could. have seen a young man—a stranger— ing o(r frolu her shoulders in clouds of wards me, and placed her hand softly best of circumstances, or break and pass see when you run up against me, aud der the wand ot Circe, into goats and Everybody was surprised to see leaving my house every evening during mialy | ace< fen to the floor in gorgeous on my shoulder, saying— the winter in the country with your Aunt then I stumbled and fell aud the pitch wine. Better an ape yesterday and an what a loving, exemplaiy wife Violet the past week; and yet you have n o t! folds. Never was there anything so ‘Ella, my poor poor, child 1’ Dorothy. For I’m not going to have you got broken, and I tried to keep the rniik angel to-day, than a god yesterday and a I never moved, but sat gazing with off your pretty dress, but couldn’t.” pour to-day. made. She had been so gay a girl, so even alluded to such a visitor to me. perfect or lovely. And the baby a mass play fast aud loose with men’s hearts af­ T. A® WENTWORTH, wide open eyes at the awful picture. A ter litis fashisn,” “ Yon stumbled and fell,” mimicked Better tifty years of Europe, full of mischief, so petted and flattered \\ bat does it mean, Violet?’ of while embroidery, with a round, Than a cycle of Cathay I .Vo. S, JiEJtJlY BLOCK, Buckland. cold, gray afternoon, a pond a little Kitty looked up iu lier father’s face dis- Kitty. "Well, I’ll teach you not to an­ that some of the Clilton wiseacres shook ‘She averted her laee ; it wore a very dimpled, laughing face, and ehubby other time. Take that, and that, and boy playing upon it, one little figure, believingly, but determination was writ­ [Geo. W. Curtis. K c a rly opposite I’ost Office. their heads, and hinted that Guy Hil­ troubled, anxious look, yet there was a hands peeping out. Guy started at the ten there; anil, filled with sudden dismay that,” giving the child blow after blow dancing mischievous sparkle in her blue heautilul creation in utter astonisli- well known to me, suddenly disappear­ N. It. New Goods.received every day. liard might repent his bargain ; but on she began to plead for a reprieve of the that resounded through the room. “ Sto| “The oli> Woman."—It was thus, a few K ocklaud, M arch S, 1S72. I31f the contrary he rejoiced over it anew eyes. Iment; then, forgetting his jealousy, ing through the treacherous iee, down, sentence. But Mr. Day wouldn’t listen. your sniveling, too. Do you hear? I’ll days since, we heard a stripling of sixteen every day, regarding it the best tran­ ‘Violet,’ he went on, seeing th atev ery th in g in liis joy, he exclaimed; the little hands grasping at cruel weeds, “ You can stay in the city and participate make you ifyou don’t.” lesignate Lite mother who bore him. By The sobs were hushed tip, and Kitty K.A.TT I> saction of his life. she made no reply, “ you can’t tell how I .(j, Violet, where did you get it? I( wicked, sinful words ringing through in its gayeties on one condition only, ami coarse husbands we have heard wives so iny ears : ‘I don’t care where you go, as that I’ve mentioned,” said he. went on: , ailed occasionally, though in the latter They had a cosy little cottage on thc- th is troubles me. Can t you trust ine, js yourself over again, aud the loveliest “’Twas the prettiest dress I had, anil SPRING AND SUMMER long as you keep out of my sight.’ “ Was ever anything so provoking?” case the phrase is more often used endear­ outskirts of the town, all embowered Violet—me, your husband? Explain it Yhiiur I ever saw.’ muttered Kitty, alter her lather hud gone it’s spoilt completely; and all through ingly. At all times, as commonly spoken, in eglantine, with shady trees, and a all, 1 entreat you, aud end my torturing \ cfo.(]ay ;s y0’ur birthday, Guy,’ she There was a mist before my eyes, a down town. Aunt Dorothy lives in a your carelessness, you little imp 1 Ob! it it jars upon the ear and shocks the sense, 1872. OPENING. 1872. flower gaidec in front; and the young t.’ replied, softly, ‘and that is my present ringing in my ears. I remember leav­ forlorn-looking old place, and its a per­ I’d only a cowhide! ’twould do tne good An “ old woman” should be an object of man must have regarded it the sweetest, She looked up, her eyes full of tears, j heard you say once that you would ing the bouse with a blind feeling of fect wilderness around her, and papa to give you such a whipping as you de­ reverence above and beyond inostall other happiest spot on earth, judging from ‘You doubt me, Guy, she said ; sooner have a portrait of me and baby going wlicie Harry was. Then came a knows that she is the crossest old maid serve.” phases of humanity. Her very age should in existence. But I’ll be even with him "Kitty, let the child alone,” said a new lie her surest passport to courteous con­ the briskness of his step and the bright­ mournfully. . | v|,all anything else in the world; so I horrible sense of earth breaking away under my feet, aud then all was a yet." voice; and Gilbert recognized it as her sideration. She has fought faithfully “ the ness of bis face, as he returned at eve­ •1 don t want to doubt you, \ iolet 'coaxed the money out of father anden- The next morning Kitty announced cousin’s. good tight,” and come off conqueror. IJ1PORTERS AM) JOBBERS, ning from the school house. Vio'et I would sooner die ; but it is strange, gaged an artist to paintit secretly,that blank. her intention of remaining in the city. “ I shall do no such thing! Get out of A pleasant feeling of warmth, a lan­ Upon her venerable face she bears tho Invite the attention of was always at the gate to meet him, to say the least, that you should have j ,„jght give you a surpirse. But lie “ But, papa, if Mr. Gilbert himself should the way, and mind your own business!’’ marks of the conflict in all its furrowed guid sense pervaded mywhole system. T H E T R A D E , robed in some pretty, fresh apparel, her such a visitor every evening, yet never had to work to get done against to- grow tired of the engagement, after she shrieked, and there was something lines. The most grievous of t||e ills of curls looped hack, and her blue eyes iiienlion it to your husbaud. But I be- j (,av > I opened my eyes and looked around knowing me better, you'll not punish me that sounded like a bottle wliizzin life have been hers; trials untold and To their SUPERIOR STOCK of through the room and crashing up against full of tenderness, ready to lead him to lieve you can make it all clear and sa t-1 ,, „ , „„ , , the room. A strange woman sat by the for that, will you ?” aud her eyes trembled known only to her God mid herself, she isfaetory. Do so, Violet, aud let us be I 1 oor Gny ! 11,0 truth flaslled 0,1 hlul fire; at the foot of my bed my husband, misehieyously. tlie wall. Then a man a groan was heard has borne incessantly; and now in her old the tidy, well-onlered parlor and wait­ like lightning. That was the secret; with his hands over liis eyes. I tried “ Certainly not, child. What a ques­ distinctly. age—her duty doue; patiently awaiting ing supper table. No wonder Guy was happy again.’ “Oh! Kitty, how could yon?” said her he had seen the artist going and coming, to think where I was and what had hap­ tion to ask.” Iter appointed lime—she stands more hon­ happy—lie would have been a monster ijt.ill she said nothing. But Kilty had a motive in it. A plan cousin, reproachfully. “You’ve cut my orable and deservihgthanhe who has slain ‘Violet, won’t you speak?’ and had doubted liis wife while she was pened, but in vain. Then my attention ■Great care having keen taken in m aking selections if lie had not been so. But after a working to gratify him. His face turned had suggested itself to her mind for out­ cheek terribly; see how the blooil iiis thousands or stood triumphant upon .every department will contain She shook her head sadly. was arrested by a little figure iu a red witting both father and lover. But she runs 1” the proudest fields of victory. Young while, as if fortune was bent on run­ all colors, and he stood in silence, look- flannel night dress, cuddled up in a Gilbert didn’t wait to hear any more, man, speak kindly to your mother, and ning bis cup-over, something else came ‘No, Guy I have nothing to say.’ ,<• didn’t mean to hurry, and began to pave SPECIAL BARGAINS. Heii started . . j to. hisi • feet,i . white i :» with...iii.' mg ® ashamed ol himself. big ehair—my Harry 1 Then it all flashed ‘he way for its success cautiously. As but fled from the house, resolved that he even courteously—tenderly o f her. But to make him still happier, a small, dim­ excitement 1 ,ave 1 olie Ilow’ Violet said, across my mind. I sat up iu the bed good luck would have it, who should call wouid’nt marry such a vixetn, though she a little time and you will see her no more pled, crowing babe, with eyes like its ‘Nothing to say, Violet? will you the little mischievousdimi lesdeepening on her that morning but Cousin Joe, the had the face and form of a Hebe. forever. Her eye is dim, her form is bent WOODMAN, TRUE & CO., with a faint ‘Why?’ The front door had no sooner closed on and her shadow falls graveward. Others mother, and rings of hair that looked , .. n . i,„ , i . . „ ...... „i,..L about her pretty mouth. ‘I will go.’ ‘What is it?’ I said feebly. Arm ally and abettor of all her childish like spun gold. Violet was in ruptures ‘O Violet!’ he burst out. ‘forgive— mischief, and as ready to help her now as him, than the actors in the above drama may love you when sho has passed away 137, 139, aud 1*1 Middle Street, he wanted ?’ ‘You must not talk ; lie down. Oh, went off into spasms of merriment. Kit­ —kind hearted sisters, perhaps, or sho and Guy could scarcely wait for night forgive me ; I have -been a great tool, I then Jlnd SS Fearl Street,' - FiiKTLASn.M E She shook her head, slowly repeating, darling!’ And the strong man wept “Oh! Joe, such trouble as I’m in,” anil ty stood revealed in the gas-light with whom of ail tho world you choso for a to come, in his eagerness to get home. know—but forgive me, Violet.’ like a child. And the li tlLe figure came dress uninjured; there was not a cut to partner—she may love you warmly, pas­ What a happy couple, every one said— “ I have nothing to say.’ she clasped her hands with a pretty little Then he rushed from her presence Holding her babe with one arm, she and jumped on my bed, and putting his gesture of appeal. be seen on Joe’s face; the child was no­ sionately ; children may love you fondly, even the wiseacres in spile of their but never again, never while time is R. A X » O 8 O down the stairs, out into the open air, put the other around his broad shoul­ arms round my neck, cried too. And “ What you, Kitty? Is your canary where visible. , „. prophecies. ders and drew him close to her side. bird fractious, or is it something about a “ Ob' oh! t'was so tunny 1 gasped Kit yours, shall the love of woman be to yon WHOLESALE liis head throbbing as if it would-burst. I, puzzled to know what it all meant tv- "that whine would have deceived as that of your old, trembling mother has But there never was a paradise, per­ He bent bis head to kiss her. cried also. The strange figure came new dress or that don’t equal your haps, that the serpent did not enter it ‘U !’ lie moaned, sinking down on the expectations?” an’vbodv, ’twas so natural. I half started been. CONFECTEOWERS, turf, ‘how shall I ever endure it? My ‘Y'es, Guy,’ she said , ‘I forgive you : forward and took Harry away, saying— myself/thinking ’twas really a child’s iiisome form or other. Iteven came to Kitty looked at him so reproachfully The steamer Cambridge, on her trip ANI) JOBBERS OF w i f e — my darling wife—my Violet, that but you must never doubt me again.’ ‘Be careful, now, Mr. Loring, every­ that lie was sobered in a minute. voice instead of yours. You deserve a this perfect little home, trailing its reward of merit for such splendid act- from Boston Friday night, came in col­ FORE! CN AND DOMESTIC I loved so much. Can it be true?’ ‘Never again, Violet,’ he answered, thing depends on quiet.’ “Tell me all about it,” whispered he. slimy ugliness amid the blooming flow­ tenderly. ‘You have cured me com­ ‘Tell me all now,’ said I. ‘I must lision with a schooner off Thatcher’s Is­ ers. It was after this wise: But no one answered him; only the “ I’m engaged,” and if she’d been an­ 11 “ Give me one, then, and let mo choose land, but little damage was done either pletely ; we 6hall never see another know. I have such a horrible feeling. nouncing her own funeral, she couldn’t Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars, &c. One evening Guy chanced to come it mvself, whispered Joe. vessel. little birds chirped and cooed amid the skeleton.’ Uh, Harold, I dreamed Harry was have done it in a more solemn voice. A lso. M a . . n ’ “p,'ri° r home a trifle earlier than usual, and Vi­ “ Well, what will you have?" and she Soon after Lord---- ’s elevation to the green leaves, milking him envy their drowned ! Joe flushed up to the roots of bis hair, olet and baby were not at the gate to happiness. He remained there wrapped and clasped and unclasped his hands In a looked up archly. peerage, he remarked that authors were Wiscasset joins in the new temperance His face grew white. meet him, as was their custom ; hut he in solemn thought, until the stars came nervous sort of way, but didn’t say any­ “ Yourself.” often very ridiculous in tho titles they Sugar t?01’11 Cake, movement, and a ••Washington” Society ‘He was near death ; George Gray hurried on eager to surprise them by out. He would not be rash ; he would thing. Kitty watched him maliciously. "What a modest demand 1” There was gave. ‘That,’said a distinguished writer — J nigh the Warm Weather has been organized. Damariscotta has got him out of the pond. Gruy sent “ It’s to that young Gilbert. He’s a splen­ present, ‘is an error from which evensov- ™ on be I rnffi tl c Cue “ . b -*»'8 80 €a,1>’ hear with her to the very last. Per­ also organized a Club, with lion. E. W. a smile on her lips, but her eyes fell be­ down to the office for m e; I went after did lellow, and has great dark eyes and neath his. ereigns appear not tQ be exempt.’ . notice. Just as he reached the outer enclos- haps she would change lier mind, and Stetson as presiding officer. Koci land, March 28, 1882. munist insanity should be summarily fgjf—Mr. Thomas Verrill, a worthy citizen 5gjP* Tlie fourth Temperance Reform Meet­ In Portland, on Monday morning, a Annin who was arraigned before th Semper Idem Mohairs and Brilliantinc ©lie SUffctad checked. Whatever apology there may DOMESTIC NEWS. about sixty-seven years of age,met with a very ing was held at Farwell & Ames’s Hall, on little son of J. C. Bell, living ou Green­ Municipal Court of Calais last week fi r ate giving perfect satisfaction, and ladies wh be for such proceedings iu Paris, there sudden death list Monday afternoon. Mr. Wednesday evening. The ball was well filled, leaf street, aged eighteen months, acci­ selliug rum and he pleaded guilty. The have purchased these goods of us a long tim can be no justification for them in Amer­ ago are recoinmeuding them to their friend; Friday, May 34, 1833. Congressional. the audience being much larger than at any dentally fell into a hogshead sunk in the City Marshal said he was such a notori­ I hey are the only mohair that can be foun ica.” Verrill resided with his son-in-law, Mr. W. H. ground and filled with water, and- was ous liar that tho Judge could not convict In the Senate, Friday, the House reso­ Priest, on Middle street, and left the house be previous meeting. The meeting was called to that is pure in quality. and perfect in colo Convention—Fifth District. lution to adjourn ou June 3d was referred drowned. Dr. True was called, but his him on his own evidence, and produced They will not fade or rust. W . M. Cook is It: Passage of the Tariff Bill. tween two and three o’clock in the afternoon, order by the President and Rev. Dr. Cutter of­ efforts at resuscitation were unavailing. evidence to sustain the plea. Whereupon Importers Agent for Knox County. 19 The Republicans of that part of the 5th Congres­ to the Finance Committee. The habeas sional District located on the west side of the Pe It will be seen that the National House corpus suspension act came up but was to look after his cow, which had got out of the fered prayer. Hon. E. F. Pillsbury, who was The Maine Baptist Missionary Conven­ the man was convicted and lined $30 and Kidderminster and Ingrain Carpets, elegai nobscot River, are requested to send delegates to a pasture and strayed up the road. Not more announced to be present, was unable to fill bis tion will hold its annual meeting in Balb costs. designs aud colors, have just been received “an Convention to be held at BELFAST, of Representatives on Monday passed the laid aside till Monday, with the under­ ellmg low by W. M. Cook at 8 Union Blocl standing that the bill shall be disposed of than twenty minutes after he left the house, appointment, and Dr. Geo. E. Brkkett, Presi­ commencing on the third Monday in Thomaston. 19 . On T IIU R S D A Y. th e 2 3r. Richards $2,500. Causeof lire unknown, hilt sup­ fondness for representing Mr. Greeley as wear" Calls, dav or n giit, promptly attended. of their ability, zeal and tact. More than Jtcv. Henry Ward Beecher’s Sermon on Ocean street. Tuesday gave us an ever-varying suc­ Rockland, Nov. 2. lo7I. 37tf nine, at present wages, and in November posed to have been caused by spontaneous ing a high: hat. This is incorrect. Mr. Greeley this, the result of their efforts show how S trik es. Of S. McLaughlin for damages to garden cession of rain and sunshine, the former pre­ combustion. to adopt the eight hour system, as de­ has worn no such headgear since the latter part important it is to a State to continue iu New York, May 20.—Henry Ward trees, referred to Ciiy Solicitor, for legal opin­ E L B E H V, K ii It' manded. This seemed a fair compromise its service as representatives men of ex­ Beecher preached a sermon last night on dominating, and was very favorable weather The Whig says on Wednesday night, of 1854, and has no covering on his venerable ion as to the claim. about 12 o’clock, the family of Mrs Han­ (OH SAM3UC1) and one allowing the employers to exe­ perience and ability.” strikes. lie said the mass of labor had for tlie grass crop. crown other than a felt hat. The Joint Standing Committee on Highways nah Knowles, residing in Carmel, were W I K E . cute present contracts with less loss, been swayed by politicians, and the result Jig— There is to be at Bath, Wednesday, awakened by a loud roaring and crack­ I^*The Belfast Progressive Age of last was great disatisfaction. Labor had been presented the following reports, which were May 29th, a concert in aid of the Maine Gen­ Literary Notices.. WiXK from the ScniLuci FrucluJ or Sweet Eh while securing the change demanded in a ling, and found their house was A11 lire. berrv has been so rapidly growing in favor w ith week presented lion. Ebenezer Knowlton trodden under loot and despised, and he accepted, viz :— eral Hospital. Miss Annie Louise Cary and The flames had made such progress Unit The Aldine for June is a splendid number, .Medical Faculty, that at tin* present time, it is short time. But the offer was rejected,— was in sympathy with labor and the pre­ most universally prescribed as a healing remedy of Montville as a candidate for Congress, On petition of Joseph Farwell, et als., for other vocal talent, will appear, with instru­ they had only time to escape in their containing three full-page illustrations of the workmen chose to gain their end only sent movement. Labor is discontented American forest scenery, by Moran, Mehlig Deteriorated Bicod, Languor, Nervous Z in opposition to Mr. Ilale, and asks the sidewalk on Granite street, giving leave to mental excellence of the highest order. Cun night clothing, saving not even a dress, iu their own arbitrary way. because it seems vulgar to eat your bread and the house with all its contents was and Hows, besides various other smaller en­ bility, W ant of Energy and Vital Aetioi latter gentleman to resign in his favor. withdraw; there not be arrangements made for an extra Torpidity of the Bowels. by the sweat of your brow. Refinement entirely destroyed. The loss is estimated gravings perhaps, the most noticeable of which attended with We greatly deprecate this war between Mr. Knowilon is a gentleman who pos- has been a monopoly loo long. The On petition of T. L. Estabrook, et als., for train out and back, with half fare, ior tlie hen- is the “ Rainy Day." As an American a t For such indications this Wine is far supetio at over $1000; insured lor $450. journal the Aldine is in advance of all com­ all of the iiupoited W ines, and will ultim ately sa workmen and employers. We heartily sesses our hearty esteem and entire con­ movement shows a desire for refinement sidewalk on South side of Grace street, giving enfit of our citizens and so worthy an object? cede them. Manufactured and wstrranted Pure, 1 sympathise with all true movements for tnd its success means elevation. But The 52d Anniversary of the Theological petitors. The literary contents this montii are C. M. T 1B B L 1 I8 , Rockland, fidence, but we think his being brought workingmen are inclined to become too leave to withdraw; Or better still, cannot Miss Cary come to Seminary at Bangor occurs on Thursday of a high order. The Aldine is published by Rockland, Feb. 1, 1872. , 8(1 the improvement of tire condition ot the forward as a candidate at this time is a proud. They forget that Christ was the On matter of advertising for proposals to Rockland, where we are sure this charming June Gill. The examination will com Messrs. James Sutton & Co., New York, at laborer, but wo are opposed to all sys­ on of a carpenter, They will disfranchise furnish beach gravel, to the effect that only Maine vocalist would meet with a hearty re meuce on Tuesday morning, and close on $5 00 a year, including 11 fine oil chromo, and surprise to his personal and political Iu eneournge subscription to this excellent J . S T E V E N S tems th at tend to foster class interests in themselvs if they do not have a care. one proposal had been received, which offered ception from our citizens ? Wednesday at noon. Thu Anniversary friends in this part of the district, where of the Rhetorical Society will be on Tues­ journal, we offer to send the Aldine with the Who has lately taken Rooms, society, and to array one portion of our to furnish it at 90 ct3. per ton. oil chromo, together with the Gazette for one the sentiment seems to have strongly Horrible Massacre on the Mexican Border More About D olly V arden.—A Phila­ day evening. On Wednesday afternoon Corner Main und Myrtle Street citizens who gain their livelihood in one The following rmders were passed by con­ year, all for §5.75. To any present subscriber turned to the support of Mr. Ilale’s re- delphia niarketman advertises Dolly Varden will be the annual meeting of the Alumni. to our paper desiring the Aldine, who will for­ Bp stairs, opposite Cobb, Wight £ Norton’s 8b Reports have been received at the Wa- current vote:— way against another portion who make nomination. We judge, therefore, that eggs and a street vender in the mill town of O11 Wednesday evening there will be an ward lo us the above sum. we will cause the L>. a ijl :., Departuient, giving the details of the address before the societies, by Rev. E . their living iu a different way. We depre­ Mr. Knowlton will fail to secure the sup­ plunder of a Mexican train loaded with Order designating the stable of Lysander Lawrence nightly bawls himself hoarse shout- magazine aud paper to he sent, and credit him Fales as a City Found; P, Parker of Hartford, Conn. The ex­ with a year’s payment on his subscription to cate the fostering of the idea that labor­ port which the Age desires for him. United States commissary and ordnance “Dolly Varden lobsters," hut Tom Barry, ercises of the anniversary proper will be Latest & most Approved Treatme stores, on its way from San Antonio to Order taking from the files petition of S. D. the Gazette. ers and employers are natural enemies tlie comical clown with tlie Great Stone & on Thursday forenoon. y. FOE THOSE [3TAt the Republican Third District Fort Stockton, and murder of all the peo­ Dennis, et als , for a drain across Main street, Murray circus, advertised to exhibit here on and that labor and capital must necessari­ ple with it, by a band of 125 or more Mex­ The 40th Annual Meeting of the Gen Scribner’s Monthly for June contuins fifty OLD CHRONIC DISEASES Convention, held at Augusta, on Tues­ near Dirigo Engine house and referring it to the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, May three illustrations,iimny of those accompanying which are so puzzling to doctors aud distressing ly make war upon each other. We shall icans, Indians aud negro deserters from eral Conference of the Congregational patients. committee on Highways, etc.; the second paper upon “ Traveling by Tele­ be glad to see laborers sufficiently paid day, lion. James G. Blaine was unani­ the army. 'I here were nine men with 29th, says that all their beautiful calico horses Churches in Maine will be held with the graph ’’ being of unusual excellence and beauty. ilis rooms are now open to patients. for working eight hours per day to enable mously renominated by acclamation. the train and a number of women and Order dire cling Road Commissioner for Dist. are the genuine Dolly Vurdens and that their Congregational Church in Skowhegan, The literary contents arc of much excellence CONSULTATiO.M FREE. children, and of this number eleven per­ No. 3 to cause to be built, as soon us may be, sleek, handsome nature’s dresses rival the commencing on Tuesday, June 25th, at 9 and great variety, including “ Back-Log Stud­ T r e a t m e n t s c ie n t if ic —Ch a e «;es .Mooeiia them to buy all they now obtain for ten This is Mr. Blaine’s sixth nomination. o’clock A. M. The Gttli Anniversary of P. S. His family practice will be conducted on sons, at least, were murdered with shock­ the sidewalk on the Southerly side of Maiu loudest cliimlz patterns that can be worn by the ies," by Warner; “Schools of .Journalism" by principles of science und with delicacy. 22 hours’ daily work, but we must unquali­ Col. James Erskine, of Bristol, was nom­ the Maine Missionary Society will be held Whitelaw Reid of the N. Y. Tribune Surly ing atrocities. file Indians were pursued street between Water and Ocean streets ; fair admirers, who gather by tho’wing side. fiedly condemn some of the measures by inated for Elector, and Hiram Bliss, Jr., by Col. Merritt’s command, who came up on Wednesday, June 2Gth, at 9 o’clock A. I’lin’s Trouble," a Lancashire dialect story by Order for conveyance of property known as The announcement of this favorite circus com­ M. The 54th Anniversary of the Maine Fannie E. Hodgson ; “ Au English Art Reform­ which labor unions attempt to gain their and Hiram Knowlton were chosen dele­ with them on the summit of a steep and Wm. H, Kittredge &. 0 almost impassable bluff', where a li'dit oc­ the “Flagg lot" to Eldridge H. Dodge, on pany, in another column, is an expressive hit Board of the American Education Soci­ er,” by Win. J Stillm an; poems by Elizabeth Druggists & Apottiecarie ends—methods that arc arbitrary, unjust gates to the Philadelphia Convention. Akers Allen, Harriet M. Kimball and Miry L. curred, in which six Indians were’killei'j payment of §75; of word painting that gives all the details and ety, aud tho 51st Anniversary of the und Dealers in aud subversive of human rights. Men and Leut. Vincent of the attackin'* part y Maine Congregational Charitable Society- Ritter, besides tlie continuation of tlie serial rA TES T MEDICINES. The J ubilee Chores.—Eight musical Order directing Committee on Fire Depart­ will well repay the reader, thereby awakening stories and papers, while the several editorial have a right to work or to refuse to work was mortally wounded. A further pur- will be held at the same place during the NO. 3, SPEAR, BROCK, societies from this State will take part in ment to confer with George Mayo, and ascer­ an anticipation of tlie pleasure to be realized week. departments arc very full and interesting. Pub­ a given number of hours, or for a given suitor the Indians was found irnprac' ica lished by Scribner & Co., New York, at §4 a ROCKLAND, ML the World’s Peace Jubilee Chorus in Bos­ ble tain on what terms per year the city can ob­ by a visit to their pavillion. The Bangor Commercial says the enter­ Jan u ary 1!, 1871. price, but the attempts of labor unions to year. ton. They arc registered as follows:— tain the use of water from the Steam Mill We shall welcome back many of the old prising and go-ahead town of Bucksport, coerce individuals to labor only accord­ About Town. has, by the liberal offer of thirty thousand The Galaiy for June has articles on “Sir No. 13—Bangor; Penobscot Musical reservoir for extinguishing fires ; faces, but we note in the company many addi­ ing to their arbitrary scale, or to compel Order authorizing the committee raised to tions, among whom may be named four of dollars, induced the Forging Works of Chas. Dilke and the English Republicans,’’ by Dru ggist & Apothecar Association ; organized Oct. 9tb, 1818. Notice to Advebtisebs and Otiieks. South Boston to locate there. The Forg­ Justin McCarthy, “ My Life on tlie Plains," by employers to discharge workmen who do No. G1—Rockland and Damariscotta; purchase two new hand fire engines to name Europe’s most distinguished performers, Lizzie NO. 5 KIMBALL BLOCK, As Memorial Day occurs on Thursday of ing Company have been occupying a tract Gen. Custer, “Brahmins and Swells," “The It o c k 1 a n d , M u not conform to “ union” law, is tyranny of Knox aud Lincoln Musical Association; and number them; Keyes, the youngest and most beautiful eques­ Woman Movement in Wyoming” and other next week we shall put our next paper to press ot land in South Boston 011 a lease which April 30, t871. I'-’tf the worst description. The instincts at organized 18G1. trienne from the English circuses, the Le Claire has just expired, and ns the land has ap­ topics, with various stories, poems nn.l edito­ No. G3—Lewiston ; Androscoggiu Mu­ at noon on Wednesday, and our advertisers Order referring so much of the Mayor’s ad­ rs! articles. It is a very readable number and the bottom of this movement are right-— and correspondents will please hand in their Brothers, in perilous feats upon the flying preciated so greatly in value they cannot sical Society; organized Oct. 25th, 18GG. dress as relates to fire alarms to the committee re-lease it ajid are compelled to remove may he found at all ti*e periodical stores. Tiltjn & McFarland’s Safe they betoken the desire of the working­ favors a day earlier than usual. trapeze, and David A. Seal, the London Court No. 74—Augusta; Choral Society; or­ on Fire Department; their extensive works. 1’he machinery Triumphant at the great Fires at C. D. Morst ganized Feb. 21st, 1872. Jester. Mr. Murray lias also engaged the fa­ “ Oar Young Folks" for June is fully up to man to better his condition, but there is K#3* Tlie I . M. C. A, held a very interest­ Order requesting the Mayor, Chief Engineer will be placed iu the Steel Works atBucks- Co’s Sash and Blind Factory, July 24, 1871, j No, 93—Farmington ; Musical Society; mous gymnasts, Hogle and Franklin and its high standard, and will be welcomed by great danger in soma of the methods ing “ praise meeting’ at the Methodist Vestry of Fire Dep't, and School Agt. and the Clerk port. thousands of youthful readers. Illustrations Johnson’s Large Organ Manufactory, J Westfield, organized Dec., 1871. Charles F. Reed, tlie champion six horse rider. through which this betterment is sought. last Sunday evening. of the Courts to confer with the trustees of the The Journal says a patient was com­ ahuund in its pages, and the sketches, stories, No. I ll—Biddeford; Choral Union; or­ Messrs. T ilton & Mc F a r l a n d : We set it down as an excuse that the Re­ ganized Sept. 9th, 18G9. several churches for the purpose of establish­ C A M BliN . mitted to the Insane Hospital on Wednes­ poems, etc., are of just the kind that hoys and The Board of Managers of the Rock­ girls read with equal pleasure and profit. Gents:—We this day send you the safe which No. 131—Portland ; Haydn Association; W e learn from the Herald that George day, a Miss Houston of Searsport. She bought ot you some t-vo months since, thinking j public is always in danger just in propor­ land Literary Association held a meeting last ing a system of bell ringing whereby the church had been insane for some time and it was organized Jan. 27th, 1857. Bagley,a yonng man employed in E. C. Moody’s haps it may be repaired. On the 24lli ot July. • tion to the degree in which any one class week and voted that the lecture course fur the bells, school bells, court bells and fire bells thought best to take her to the hospital Manufactory of Sash, Doors and Blinds was burnei No. 110—Fryeburg; Jubilee Club; or­ bakery, in Camden village, had his right hand The only scientific, rational and successful the ground with all its contents. Your safe located n of its citizens is seeking to advance its ganized Feb. 28th, 1872. ensuing winter should consist of seven firsit- may be distinguished from each other. for treatment. She had been there but a mode of t real ing Catarrh in the head, that has the centre of the building lengthwise, ami near very much injured by getting it into the ma­ been devised, consists in applying Dr. Sage’s outside ot the building within, came out with its e own interests at the expense of any other elass lectures and a first-class musical enter­ Order raising a joint special committee to little while before she commenced boast­ chine for rolling crackers, on Monday of last ing about her ability to pay her way, that Catarrh Remedy with Dr. "Pierce’s Nasal tents all right, as you will see by one of Bradstre* —be that class capitalists or laborers, Terrible Disaster at Sea—Forty- tainment of popular character. Efforts are contract with the Gas Company for putting up Douche (the only method of reaching the upper commercial reports and bill sent you. The fire v week. The flesh was pressed and forced up­ she was not dependent on any one for chambers of the no>e) and taking Dr. Pierce's the hottest ever known in this vicinity. Write rich or poor, white or black, bond or five Men Lost. being made to secure the highest order of tal­ and supplying street lamps, as proposed in a money, and the like. Search was made, what can be done with the sate. ward to the wrist, and badly lacerated. Al­ G o h le u Medical Discovery as Constitutional free. ent and oratory in the country for this course, recent report of a special committee. and there were found on her person $500 treatment. To this thorough course of treat­ Respectfully Yours, Halifax, May 20.—The Harbor Grace though no bones were broken, it will be some ment the disease yields as surely as tire is ex­ C. D. MORSE S CO papers contain the details of a fearful and if the managers are able to carry out their Alderman Gregory and Councilmen Burpee in government bonds, with coupons at­ We entirely agree with the Boston Ad­ months before the band can again be used. tached, nearly $100 in greenbacks, and tinguished bv water. The Douche and t Westfield. April 15, 1871 disaster which occurred at Labrador on plans, it will be emphatically a “ star” course and Bragg were appointed. medicines for §2 by all druggists. 591 vertiser in the sentiments expressed in the lllh of March last. The brig Hunts­ This 19 the second accident of the kindin tlie $26 in gold. It is unexplained as yet how T ilto n Mc F a r la n d S a f e Ma n f’g Co .: Kzf'W e were visited by a copious warm Adjourned. she came by the money. Business Notices. Gen letn en :—Your telegram received and answei the following extract from its editorial man, Capt. Robt. Dawes, sailed from H ar­ same machine that lias occurred within two or Your cife stood the test admirably—far beyond spring rain on Sunday night. expectations. My factory covered nearly onethii columns:— bor Grace with a crew of G2 men, on a 83P*Rev. D. Boyd, of this city, G. W. C. three months. A curious suit was tried at Ellsworth at — By the urgent request of many htdies- sealing voyage and when offCape Charles, the last term of court. It was upon a ol ground and contained three large chu “ We have no argument with any man 5f#“ Tlie steamer IUatahdin is this season in T. of tile Grand Lodge of Good Templars, left Maine Items. Mrs. F o o te will remain at the Lynde Hotel for organs ne >rly ready to >nip, a d four more iu cut concerning his right to resolve to work ^ al)rador, April 20th in cmnpauy with the charge of the followirig uble and experienced promissory note. The defence was that one week longer, with a uew supply of hum in , of construction, besides more than 50.0u0 fee* ot on Wednesday on his way to attend the ap­ the note was one that was written for hair which will be sold at puces delving com .umber and a large amount of other material, wl but eight hours a duy, nor with any nuin- c.ue „ es.ta ana, ,, Clyde. and near corps of officers : proaching session of the Right Worthy Grand Gen. Seldon Connor will deliver the ction, 24 was ad burned. I lie heat wa- intense, truly terri ber of men who agree together that■ they Harbor, the Huntsman surged practice, as the defendant and bis brothers I'he safe tell into the cellar, win re it lay subject ahead. A gale from the northwest sud­ Captain, W. R. Roix ; First Pilot, W. T. Lodge of North America, at Madison, Wis. oration in Lewiston, Decoration Day. were one evening studying “ partial pay­ Our Aeto Carpet Boom is the best lighted the intense heat all night, when it was taken out 1 will work only so many hours a day. There are about fifteen ladies in our and contains the h o t stock in the State of iMaine. opened by destroying the door, when we found They have perfect liberty to regulate their denly sprung up, and the Huntsman was Rogers ; Second Pilot, A. J. Whitmore; Engi­ After attending the session of that body Mr. ments.” One of the notes was made pay­ (outside of Port! ind) and customers can he as­ inside in the very best condition, uettiinn injured own conduct. But they have not the right, driven upon the rocks. The night was neer, Eugene F. Good; Assistant Engineer, R. Boyd will 6penda short time in lecturing in the village upwards of eighty years of age— able to an old man who happened to he sured that no one will be allowed to undersell till. I will ship the sale to you, although I thin audit is flagrant outrage for them to pre­ pitch dark. Before the vessel struck, besides several who are younger. in the room. Nothing was heard of it lot- us. A few choice patterns of English Brussels ironwork too much injured to be repaired protltab C,. H all; Mate, J. W. Saunders ; Second Mate, State of Michigan. just received and selling low. Simonton but perhaps you can allow me something for it wl three seamen saw the rocks and jumped Last Sabbath, Rev. B. Heath, pastor of several years. The old man died, and vaut another safe. sume to cutorce upon other people the J. D. Brown; Clerk, Geo. F. Wood; Assist­ Brothers. ' 22 rules they establish for themselves. The overboard to try and save themselves, bi’,t Do our citizens or city authorities pro­ the Free Baptist church of Hallowell bap­ now it is presented for payment by one Very respectfully. (Signed) ant Clerk, Win. B. Eaton; Steward, I. Arm­ T. A. Wentworth, wholsale and retail Germans of the Metropolitan Gas-works were instantly killed by the rush of i’ uat- pose taking any measures for the commemora­ tised tweuty-three caudidates, most of who claims he purchased it for a valuable O*’ W. A. JOHNSON strong; Baggage Master, A. K. P. Neal i dealer in lints, Caps, Furs, Boots, Shoes, 4w21 have just as good right to elect to work ' g iee. tion of tile coming anniversary (the 96th) of them men. consideration. Thu defendant, luckily I he remaining 59 took to fne risking Watchman, B. Higgins. for him, was able to prove his non-age at Slippers, Rubbers, Umbrellas and Gent’s Fur­ ten hours as the Irishmen have to elect to our National Independence? I fs o .n o time The Law Court for the Middle district Twenty-eight Years’ Practict work^nly eight hours, and the proprie and in five minutes aftey both masts went the date of the note, and thus got clear. nishing Goods, No. 5, Berry Block, nearly op­ Hon. I. K. Kimball, President of the should ho lost in inaugurating the necessary will he held in Augusta, commencing on posite the Post Office, Rockland, Maine. Mot­ in the treatm ent ot Diseases incident to Females, 1 tors of the establishment have perfect over at six leet abo'-_e deck and onjy 17 of Tuesday, the 28th, one week from to­ On Monday, 13th inst., a girl 1G years the crew eseap-.q o f these 17 all but Reform Club, is laboring effectively for the preparations. We think that every community to-Q uick sales and small profits. Cash paid placed DR. DOW at tlie head ot all physicians liberty to elect which class of laborers morrow. old, a daughter of respectable parentage for Mink, Fur, Rat, &c. ltf ing such practice a specialty, and enables him they will employ. More than that, the three were arjously injured by having objects of the organization. should take proper pride in suitably celebrating in Portland, stole her father’s bank book, The Whig says the damage to the build- Tapioca selling at Cost. guarantee a speedy and permanent cure in the ’ authorities of the city and Stale are arms aud. ]e„g Oroken and their bodies K ^ - W c are desired to give notice that all tlie birthday of the nation. and drew $27 from the savings bank, with bruise d They managed to reach the Res- in" of the E. M. C. Seminary at Bucks­ Vinegar Bitters. cases of Suppression and all other M entul Derail, bound to protect each of these classes in tile ladies who aro willing to assist in prepar­ port, by the fire catching from the chim­ which she went off in company with an­ Johnson’s Liniment, and nil the leading pa­ ments, from whatever cause. All letters for adv their several rights, and if they are too cUP, by crawling over the ice, a distance Advertisement. ing wreaths, etc., for Memorial Day are re­ ney Thursday afternoon, was about $100. other girl, said to be of loose habits. The tent medicines selling very near the cost at m ust contain $ I. Office, No. V E n d ic o t t Str e i weak or too timid to do it, authority 'of half a mile. Forty-five men were lost, KH1* No matter bow much pains you take in parents hunted for her until Thursday wholesale by L. M. Robbins, druggist, sign should be found to re-enforce them. T' . most of them leaving families at or near quested to meet at Afton Hall, on Tuesday cleaning your houses, you can not make it Messrs. Corser, Wildes mid Blake, night, when the case was put into ihe golden eagle, Wilsou tfc White brick block. Stf Bosto n . murning next, at 9 o'clock, for that purpose. Stale Railroad Commissioners, inspected N. B. Board furnished to those desiring to rem: governor of Michigan was quite r ir 'Qt -n Harbor Grace. The other vessels escaped look nice until you tear off that old pap er and hands of the police. Officer York was When in want of Window Curtains, Rustic under treatment. the Bangor & Piscataquis Railroad Fri­ Blinds, Cornice, Cords, Tassels, Fixtures or calling for United States troops to 0^)D0S(. with little injury. Kg** Rev. D. Boyd, of this city, organized put on new. Spear & Co’s is the place to buy day and pronounced it to be in excellent charged with the case, and after following Boston. July 4. 1871 lySO the riotous mob which atteiUP' 'i a tortuous trail, he found the girl at VI- any article in the line of Window Drapery, you two new Cold W ater Temples last Monday, it, for they always keep the host assortment to condition. will he sure of the best stock to select from and f r o m O' in the mines The Springfield Republican, states that nal Haven ou Friday last. He arrested the first at Owl’s Head and the second at Cam­ be found in the country. A mail route has been established from the lowest prices, by calling at Simonton BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE. Kate Donovan, whose singular abstinence her and brought ber back on Saturday Brothers. * 22 . . on terms whign th e mob assumed den Harbor. The Temple at Owl’s Head is Waldoboro’ to Liberty, via North VValdo- to establish. The comnaittees which are has been before noted, still lives, and re­ 6®** The “Dolly Varden" epidemic is in­ aud delivered her to her parents. Thia superb Hair Dye is the best in the world— tains her plumpness of appearauce, a 1- called Mayflower, No. 61, Mrs. Margaret A. boro’, Washington and South Liberty. Kids Clones in new Spring Shades, seWog fectly harmless, reliable and Instantaneous: nod. sent out from the New> York labor-unions creasing in jliis city. New eases are daily ap­ This will be a daily mail and will com­ The Belfast Journal tells the stoiy of a very low at Simonton Brothers.’ 22 appointment; no ridiculous tints or disagreeable od*j to spy out and intimidate men who can­ though, if reports be true, 15 months have Arey, Superintendent, and that at Camden is Dr. J. F. Brown of Liberty, who has got The genuine Wm. A. Batchelor’s Hair Dye pro-mr pearing in the streets. Prompt inoculation; mence running as soon ns arrangements Carpetings.—\V. M. Cook is cow opening IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or natural Brow not afford to lie idle and will not live up­ passed since she has retained anything in Bay View, No. 62, and is under the superin­ badly sold by the counterfeit swindlers her stomach long enough to receive from with good taste is a sure preventive against can be perfected.—Advertiser. as tine an assortment of wool hemp and oil cloth leaves the hair clem. »• ft, beautiful 1 does not c< on the charity even of a trade’s union, tendence of Rev. L. L. Ilanscom. The Tem­ of New York. He sent for some of their carpetings as was ever oti’ered in Knox Comity. tain — ?a particle of lead or any injurious compound itany nourishment whatever. Six weeks Patents were issued under date of May Having opened a new, large anil convenient 1 SolJ by alldruggisi are as much disturbers of the peace as ple at the North End of this city (No. 53), is the approach of the contagion. “queer,” and received in return a box any violators of the rights of citizens or ago the city physician gave her a tea- lGtb to the following Maine citizens:— marked C. O. D., tor which he paid $65. carpet room over his store well filled with bar- N. x. any other fomenters ot riot. To throw a spoonful of beef tea, and for the fifteen still flourishing and numbers about 300 mem­ We learn that on Thursday last the Ansel Stevens, Portland, for car-coupling On opening tho box lie found it to con­ gains, and choice styles, customers are invited minutes before it was thrown up, her to call and examine styles and prices, at 8 carpenter’s chest out ot a window because bers. It lias yet taken no name. Excelsior schooner Cinderella, Cnpt. Durycs , from Bre­ and buffer; Daniel H. Weeks, Vassalbo- tain a few pieces of old iron wrapped in Union Block, Thomastou. 19 DISEASES. the carpenter works more than ten hours sufferings were fearful. Since then, no Temple, No. 57, at the South End, continues ro, for compound for use iu constructing paper. The would-be biter was well bit­ similar attempt has been made to force men for Bangor, in ballast, was .struck by a There are several kinds of worms which PE R R Y ’S improved comedone and pi; is as lawless an act as picking his pocket to prosper. water-cisterns. ten. Tho Doctor is said lo have been PLE REMEDY.—The Skin Medicine of the Age. squall while beating up the cliann el between trouble horses; the pin-worms (pointed at both warranted to euro F l e s h Worms. P im p l e s , eru or robbing him on the highway; and the nourishment upon her, and she has taken conspicuous in the days of the draft, ends) are the most common and most danger­ Ash Island and Owl’s Head, and immediately Hons and Blotched disfigurations of the face. 8c crowded meeting of carpenters which ap­ during those six weeks only a small quan­ K2r* Attention is called to the advertisement The Lincoln County Congregational charged by the authorities with produc­ ous. Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders by all Drugjists. Depot. 49 Bond S t. New \ ork. plauded the report of such an act and en­ tity of water. in our present issue, for proposals to build the capsized and sunk. The crew were rescued Conference meets at Wiscasset on the ing disorders to exempt men from ser­ will in a few days eject the worms, and the horse will begin to thrive. For Moth Patches, Freckles couraged imitations of it is guilty of abet­ extension of the K. & L. R. R., from the pres­ by a fishing boat, and with the assistance of a second Tuesday of June. During its vice by the admistration of croton ojl. session Mr. W. II. Bolster, a graduate of AND TAN,USE PERRY’S MOTH AND F kECKC ting scandalous wrong. It is by such de Mr. J. W. Blaisdell of Dedham, has a ent terminus in this city to tide water, and al­ crew of men and two schooners th e Cinderella Factories anil machine shops should not be LOTION. The well km wn r« liable and hannh monstrations that labor unions forfeit the boy only two years old lastOctober, who Bates College and Bangor Theological allowed to run a day without Johnson's xp»o- remedy fur Brown Discolorations of the face * I* respect and the sympathy of good citizens, weighs fifty pounds, is three feet and four so for the building of the company’s wharf. was raised the next day, and p roceeded on Seminary, will be ordained and installed — The Iowa Legislature refused the ballot to ' dyne L inim ent. In case of a sudden accident, by Dr. B. C. Ferry. Dermatologist, whatever may be the merit ot their aims. inches without stockings, and measures The wharf, it will be seen, is to be 615 feet har voyage without having sustai ned material us pastor of tho First Congregations! women but exempted sewing machines from an immediate use of it may save weeks of sul- Bond street, New York. Sold by D ruggists ere\ Jfering, und perhaps a limb, or oven lifo. where, E to o lS These sporadic manifestations of the coin- two feet around the chest. long. damage. church iu W. taxation. THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY. WILL EXHIBIT AT STILL THEY COME! SPUING H O W A R D ’S I) ELAM A IL RE’S SPECIFIC PILLS. E.C. MOFFITT & CO. Prepared by G a r a n c ie r e & D u p o n t , N o 214 Rue Lombard, Paris, and highly recommended H a r d w a r e . Adjustable Nurserv Gate by the entire Medical Faculty of France, Are the very best remedy iu all cases ot Spermator­ Have a splend-d Assortment of ROCKLAND, ■^ndProtective Window Bar. rhoea, or xininal WeakneFs; Nightly, Daily or Pre A nother lartjo Htoelc of mature Emmissions; Sexual Weakness or Impotencu\ Weaknes* arising from secret Habits and Sexual Ex' SPRING TRADE, A most Practical and Useful Invention. cesses; Relaxation ol the Genital Organs; Weak NEW AND NOBBY STYLES Spine; “ Lime” or “ Brick-dust” deposits in the Urine; “ .Milky D ischarges,” &c., and all the ghastly train ot WEDNESDAY, May 29th, OPENING OnesWUI 8SVC the U™ an<1 Limba of TOW Llttl. gymptons ati&ing from Overuse or Excesses. Fine Woolens, They cure when all other remedies tail. OF Being Adjourn Die. the ,n m e G ate will lit any Price $1 per Box. ordinary door, window or stalrca-e. No nails, spurs Sent by mail, securely sealed from all observation cleats or hinges are required to keep it In place as it by enclosing price to the sole General Agent lor Afternoon and Evening. A.T held firm ly by a Powerful Preonre produced America, JOB MOSES, 18 Co r t i.a x d t St ., N ew by the right and left hand Hcrewa. which operate in - side the central bar, the sides of the Gate Poata are Y o r k , Pamphlets ol Advice is in each box, or will HATS AND CAPS, be sent tree to any address. FOR THECUSTOM TRADE, modnted with rubber cushions, which prevent the APRIL 20, 1872. slightest injury to the most delicate woodwork. ALSO, TUB GREAT They arc made of BLACK WALNUT, well finished RRVAX’S PULMONIC W AFERS, 7 & 8, KIMBALL BLOCK, and quite ornamental, and the price at which they Boots, Shoes, Simonton Bros. are sold places them within the reach of all. are untailing in the Cure of Co u g h s , Co ld s, A st h ­ m a , B r o n c h it is , So r e T h r o a t , H o a r s e n e s s , FOB SALE BY D if f ic u l t B r e a t h in g , I n c ip ie n t Co n sum ption GOODS BY THE YA .D, AND and D ise a s e s ok t h e Lu n g s. They have no taste Stone & Hurray Circus, AVING enlarged our business the past year by ol .Medicine, and any child will take them . Thou- adding a. LARGE and EXTENSIVE Stock N. A. & S. H. BURPEE, Funds have been restored to health that had before Hor despaired. Testimony given iu hundred of cases. For Men and Boys' Wear. Gents’ Furnishing Goods single dose relieves in I ex M in u t e s . Ask lor BRY­ Under the Sole Direction of JOHN II. MURRAY, Furniture Dealers, AN > IT' LMONIC WA FEES. Price 35 cents Sent Manager and Proprietor. SPECIAL by mail for 50 cents. Addicts JOB MOSES, BARGAINS For summer wear, Just received this day, and will be O July lyeow3l 18 Cortland Street, New York. soldJat bottom prices for cash, at HARDWARE IN W. M. COOK, MARRIAGES. Cheap Woolens and Cottouadcs. T. A. WENTWORTH’S. No. 5, B ek ry Block, arc now prepared to offer to the public a full and complete assortment of '^Nearly opposite Post Office. Rockland Maine In this city. May Ifith, bv Rev. J. Kalloch, at the BEAVER BRAND _ residence ol the bride’s father, Mr. William Haskell. We are about to close out our STOCK of Capt. W. L. Rhoades and Miss Eva M. Haskell, both BARGAINS ol Rockland. 8, UNION BLOCK, In this city. May 19th, by Rev. J. Kalloch, Mr. ;READY-MADE CLOTHING. N. fl. & S. H. BURPEE, MOHAIRS. Edw i: G. Emery and Miss Lida F . 'Green, both ol So American anil Foreign Hardware, DEALERS IN TABLE AND POCKET IN D E A T I I S. The remains of our Stock of: Feathers, Curled Hair, THOMASTON, In this city, May -’OHi, Maria J., daughter of John, Jr. and Sarah J. Williams, aged 4 years. l month. SEWING MACHINES EXCE3LSIOR, In this city. May 20ili. Mr. Timinas Verrill, aged 07 % Is STABTINQ ON THE years. 7 m onths and 20 <1 lys. In this city. May 22d. Rebecca G.. wife of Asa M attresses, Feather Beds, CUTLERY, Sylvest. For the past live years I have been afflicted with Ar 2(»h, sell Laura Webb, (of Deer Isle), Hatch, dyspepsia, caused from a mobid slate ol the liver, loss HARRY WELBY COOKE,8 OTICE is hereby given to the Few Holders of the WHITE CLOVER, WALNUT, CHESTNUT & PINE of appetite, raising of lood and wind from the sto­ Free Will Baptist Chuicli, Rockville, to meet at SPRING DRESS GOODS. WI LMINGTON. NC—Ar Hth. sell Seguin, Davis. mach. a ease of distension in the stomach, eositive- Ntlx ir meeting-house, oil Saturday, May 25th, 1872, at Rockland.' ' - rl. ness palpitation of the heart, general debility and The British Champion, has again been secured, an 5 o’clock in the afternoon, to take action upon the FOR SALE BY B >S|<»\•N—Ar 20th, sell Trade Wind, Ingraham, languor. For a \ ear past I have taken your V e g e - announcement that cannot fuil to create great satis­ question ol repairing the meetinghouse and to trans­ New York. TINE. or Blood Purifier. I am now well and able to faction among his numerous admirers, act any other business that may legally come before . brig Amo- M Roberts, (of Belfast) from attend lo my business. It is one of the best remedies Chamber Suits, ery boy and girl will be delighted in witnessing them . DRY GOODS ! West indies. and I can heartily recommend it to all afflicted with 3w22* GILMAN S. BARROWS, Clerk. J. P. WISE & SON, SAVANNAH—CldlCth sell Joseph Segar, Ellis, similar diseases. 1 have tried other remedies, but the remarkable precocity of the greatest of Child SHAWLS Parlor Suits, Side Boards, Ward Stockton. lound noue that afforded me any relief, until I found Riders, Af lhe Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store,- PORTSMOUTH—Ar lSJi, sell Fannie II Bucklin, it in your V’e g e t in e . T ^O X .1? ! and 8, Kimball Block. 23 * Robes, Mantle & Pier Mirrors, Bucklin, Philadelphia. GEORGE HANSON. Litnle Georgie Ducrow. in all the new nnd stylish designs, including a fine M1LLBRIDGL—a r lltli. sell I) Atwood, W hitten, Any person desiring further information can « AR DI A SEEDS. line of PAISLEYS, which are well worth the atten­ Rockland: l«th, Wilson Wilson, do. call on his son, Wilbur F. Hanson, Apothecary, store and the First Baptist Church, a GOLD BRACt- tion of those intending to purchase. OPENING OF Library and Center V IN EY A R D —IIA VEX—A r 13th. sells Ju lia New­ No. 468, B roadw ay, South Boston. LET. The tinder will be suitably rewarded on re­ ell. spear. Camden lb- N Y; Wader If Thorndike, turning it to the subscriber or leaving it at the book­ Tables, Hall. Yinalhaven for do; R c Thomas. Ciockett, Three Funny Clowns store ot O. S. Andrews. By the pound, bnlk and paper Wholesale and Retail ■Windsor, N> tor A lexandria. ISABEL A. SLEEPER. by J. P. WISE & SON, CHARLESTON—Ar lb:h,scli Snow Squall, from What is Heeded. Rockland, May 1G, 1872. 2w23 At the Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, 7 & 8, JUST RECEIVED AT R ockport. UEXKV K. S T E V E X H ,^ .? 50' 1 0 -'-’ 1871‘ contribute lo the hilarity by their flushes or wit, PRO V ID EN CE—Ar 17th, ach Thom as H ix, Hall, rich humor, and biting sarcasm; gentlemen, every Kimball Block. 23 R ockland; Below 18th, sell Am azon, lroin Rockland j of them; they utter nothing indecorous, in fact Dear Sir.—About one year since I found myself in re is not in the whole entertainment a single BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL SPRING DRESS GOODS. BUMPEE’S a feeble condition from General Debility. V k g e t ix e word or action not in keeping with good taste iuid FOREIGN PORTS. strongly recommended to me by a friend who decorum. FOR YOUNG LADIES. Unusual Bargains Sid fm Callao, 12th, barque 11 A Litchfield, Spauld- had been much benefited by its use. I procured the lhe manager 1ms great pleasure in introducing to T H E PUBLIC article, and. alter using several bottles, was restored ITH day school for Pupils of both sexes under FURNITURE WAREROOMS. ing. l’ug* the citizens of the United btates the famous Loudon 13 years of age. Spring term of 15 weeks be­ Ar at Sagua Hth st, barque Cephas St a to health, and discontinued its use. 1 feel quite con­ Clown and Court Jester, Rockland, May 3, 1872. 4w2I fident that there is no medicine superior to to it for ginsW April 15th. Application lor terms or admission Babhidge. New York should be made to the Aral Nas-au lith inst, sell Carrie Melvin, An­ mnpluints for wliieli it is especially prepared Are assured that the to those who feel REV. JULIUS II. WARD. drews. Rockport. DAVID A. CEAL. Thomaston, April 15, 1872. MISS S A W Y E R ’S SALVE. L-we<, Del. May 17th. brig Edith Hall is ordered to e them to perfect W . M. COOK, health. Philadelphia, and is getting under way. a “Fellow of infinite Jest,” distinguished for his A r at Cowes (ith, ship A ndrew Joh n so n , O’Brien Respectfully yours. U. L. PE T T IN G IL L . impromptu hits at the follies and foibles of human­ C H IL’OIIEN’S Callao. ity. PasM-d Seariew, out from the Cowes 8th, ship A u­ .Firm of S. M. Pettingill & Co., M arseilles Quilts drey John-.>u, O’Brien. (C-liao), Hamburgh. No. 10 State Street, Boston. 'Ilie ever welcome songster and happy humorist, Henry F. Miller El-inon—Iu the >ouud uay 7, II Hall, Fisk, from C A R R I A G E S Is now opening a large Stock of New Dress Goods. New Orleans for Cronstadt. TO.YI B A RR Y , Our goods having been purciiased before the recent Gives Health, Strength and These Quilts are Large Size. New Designs, Fine great advance iu prices, I am enubled to sell them SPOKEN. is again with us, with that excruciatingly comical much less than present value. Ladies who purchase In great variety at the Warerootns of Quality and very much under price. their Spring Goods early will find a choice stock to April 21. lat 120 S, Lon 33 W, ship Otago,(of Rock- Appetite, animal nnd gymnastic phenomenon, the great Ele­ ^ I A - I s TOS phant Bo l iv a r . Also select from, and at much iess prices than later iu the laud) from Gunape for Europe. My daughter Ii d great benefit from the us season. of t lie V e g e t in Her declining health xvasa sourc N. A. & S. H. BURPEE, of gr« at anxiety all of tier friends. A few bottle GEORGE ADAMS, “Wood’s N ew I iiox F rame Mower,” o f the Y e g e t in health, strength KF and appetite. N. II. TILDEN AGENTS FOR THE throughout the country, as being among the was brought out by Walter A. Wood Insurance and Real Estate Agent, ‘lie grotesque und eccentric Clown, worthy of his finestA now Manufactured. No. 49 Sears Building, Boston, Mass, associates, but entirely dill'erent In slyle and school. W. M. COOK, the past harvest, and a suffleient num­ The gymnasia has been augmented 'by the engage­ W H I T Z N T E Y ment of the They possess in a remarkable degree the essential ber of them were put to work, iu every characteristics necessary to substantiate the claim Marvellous Effects. 8, UNION BLOCK, THOMASTON. IV 1' I ERE you have a salve combining soothing and LE CLAIRE BROTHERS, Patent Spring Perambulator that _ |j L healing properties, with no dangerous ingred­ variety of crop, and upon every J I . IL St e v e n s : ient. A remedy at hand for the many paina and Dear Sir—I have d V e g e t in e , and feel it a duty aches, wounds and bruises to which ilesn is heir. variety of surface, to thoroughly test lo acknowledge tin eat benefit it has done me. In being their first appearance, in astonishing feats np- Wliich cannot be e x c e l l e d for ELEGANCE, ontlic Flying Trapeze, iinil Mid-air Flights which STRENGTH and DURABILITY. Call and nee Is more easily npplied than many other remedies, the spring of tin- y 1862. 1 was sick from general They are the best Pianos in the never producing a bad effect, but always relieving them. They have been put to the most debility caused by"< • work, want of sleep and pr -p- lias given tiiem an established reputation through­ i h em . 4w21 out Europe. pain, however severe. ’ • * mu’* *erv weak, and much emaciated. ’ Nottingham Lace, It is prepared by dftss Sawyer, who h y used it diflieult tests that any Mowers couhl be tried many rem edies w ithout receiving any belief! Country. in her own extensive treatment of the sick, for from any of them, until I was persuaded to try Veg KOCLE and FRANKLIN, E. G. STODDARD & CO., by the yard. Carpetings! nearly twenty years, witli great success. and live through them, and no fault k t ix e . Before 1 hud taken this one week, my im THEY ARE SUPERIOR IN The principal diseases for which this salve is rec­ itimtion gave me renewed hopeand courage Manufacturers and Dealers in ommended are. Chilblains, Rheumatism, Piles, found, and no breakage in any instance. •d to Take i day gaining more strength are two more new faces to be commended, appearing Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Suit Rheum, Sprains, Rums, until l u is comphdelv ed to h in remarkable exhibitions of skill ami strength. Nottingham Curtains, Fever Sores, Felons, Pimples, Erysipelas, Sore All who have tried this Mower, or have ol this /?( iae /y, in case of Gi neral Debility is indeed I lie billowing scarcely need to he complimented S0AP3, TALLOW, GREASE, Quality, Volume and Eveness Eyes, Barber1 s Itch, Deafness, Boils, Ring-worms. marvel! . from the fact that they ate already well known to Choice Patterns. Corns, Riles o f Insects, Cancers, Toothache, Ear­ seen it work, unite in pronouncing it a ELIZABETH A. FOLEY, the patrons of the GREAT.STONE & MURRAY CIR­ NEATS TOOT OIL, &c ache, Sore Nipples, Baldness, Swollen Breasts, CUS, by their many years’ connection therewith: 21 Webster St., Charlestown, Mass. of Tone, Perfectness and Itch, Scald Head, Teething, Chapped Hands. perfect success. We jnight assert, ALSO, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises, Croup, Cracked Lips, and WILLIAM DUCROW, Painted Window Shades, Sores on Children that it is the most perfect Grass Cutter Delicacy of Action, Ele­ It never fails to cure Rheumatism if properly iu the world , hut we prefer to ask the Swollen Limbs. upon the Corde Votaute, PURE GROUND BONE, applied. Rub it on well with the hand three times a day. In several cases it has cured palsied limbs. L ea b a x o n . N. IL, Jan. 29, 1870. FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES. Farmer to try it, and testify himself. Mi:. St e v e n s : F or Piles it has been discovered to be a sure rem­ SiCNOR COLUMBUS, gance of design and edy. Persons that have been afflicted for years Dear Sir—I write this note to inform you off the ef­ Jy22 Gay Street, Rockland, Maine. fect of your -Blood Purifier” upon my system. the India-Rubber Alan, have been relieved by a few applications. For E ty- When I commenced taking it. a year ago. I was very Workmanship Rustic Blinds, New Department. sipelas it works wonders, allaying the inflammation To Contractors. much debilitated. Mt limbs were swollen -o that it STANDARD and quieting tlie patient. For Chapped Hands it EUCENELEECH, produces a cure immediately. Let those with S a lt was impossible for me to get into or out from a car­ 30, 33, 30 and -iOinrii, in G reen and Oak, at riage. and very painful to go up and down stairs. Tumbler and Voltigoer. a n d Rheum obtain this Salve, and apply it freely, and EXLF.D PROPOSALS will he received nt Indeed. I could scarcely stand on my f.-et. Mv appe­ S E < 3 u Ifc x T Y they will find it invaluable. It is good in cases of tite wa- gone, mv strength failing rapidly. After us­ Scrofula and Tumors. Cancers have been cured the Office of the Knox & Lincoln R. R. Co. in oc?ni »d?i,ion* t(r a host of auxillaiiea, making this witli it. The best Salve ever invented for Sicollen SBath, until .Muy 31st. at J2 o’clock, noon, for tin ing your medicine for a few weeks. I began to improve, establishment, in every detail, a PF.RFECT CIIL graduation and masonry required to construct the ilv appetite improved and iny strength returned. I INVESTMENT. Breast and Sore Nipples. No way injurious, but can now perform my duties ns a nurse with my sure to afford relief. Sore or IFeafc Eyes — Rub it road from the Passenger Depot t>» 'fide Water in the Simonton Bros. on the lids gently, once or twice a day. Cures deaf­ Citv of Rockland—a uistuncc of about one and one- wonted ease; and I feel I owe it to VEGETINE. Yours gratefully, They have recently received the ness by putting in the ears on a piece of cotton. fifth miles. We are selling at par iitnl uccrued interest, nnd For Felons this is superior to anything known. Proposals will also be received at the same place 4w24 MRS. C. A. II. TILDEN. W . M . C O O K JOHN H. MURRAY, strongly recommend as a safe und profitable invest­ F o r Pim ples this acts like a charm. For B u m s and time, for the building of a crib and pile whaif, in Endorsement of the City of Boston, and Scalds, apply the Salve at once and it gives the city of Rockland; 275 ft- ’ ' " 1 ' ’ i ’c c his beautiful Intorert -pupil,, (be superior m ent, th e F irst M ortgage 7.30 Gold B onds ol the immediate relief. For Old Sores, apply once a crio work, and about 340 fe Horses, Spur, B e,,.,,, aad B lack Engle Northern Pacific Railroad. At the present Gold total length ol whaif, Gl5 fe Sparkling Rubles! lly the award o f the Contract to premium they yield 8'., percent, iuterest—over one- Not among the least of the invaluable properties Proposals may be made for a crib wharf the who'e CARPETINGS! ' of M iss S aw yer’s Sa lv e are its beneficial effects length, or lor piling, a* e; the contractor lo fur­ How Sabbath School Song Book ! umuseineut will terminate witli third more than United States 6.20’s. Their elements In pursuance of a determined purpose to meet the on the hair. Rubbed on the scalp, in five or six nish nil materials n-ouiied and do ad the labor; or furnish the Public Schools different parts, it promotes the growth of the hair, for the labor iil<>ne. the compativ to furnish all ma­ An appropriate name for (liia nral. complete and of strength and safety are the following; requirements of an innreasing business, has opened a large, commodious and well lighted prevents it turning gray, and on bald spots it pro­ terials. Bid- will also be received for all the materials moat pleasing collection ol ma-deal gem,, (about 1.30 I. They are th e standard obligation of a slroD; In the month of February, we purchased an im­ duces a new growtli ot hair. No lady should bo required lor -aid whait. oflliem) b, A. HFI.I.. and II -Ali.M’EltS. Music corporation, which represents in its Shareholders mense stock ot Carpetings, since which time they without this invaluable article as an indispensabio Plans, prolili > and estim l<*s may be seen at the new, frtth, tpinleil! Price 35 Cents. THREE COMIC MULES, with the have advanced from 10 to 15 cents per yard; but we cosmetic for tlie toilet. It eradicates dandruff and Office of the Company iu Bath, alter Monday, th e 20th and Managers large capital and railroad experience continue to sell at the old price, and Customers will disease from tlie bead, and blotches und pimples inst ‘•Never Trouble Trouble till Trouble Troubles yon and is engaged in prosecuting n business enterprise always find at our from the face. Proposals should be addressed lo “Oliver Moses Huiupir Dump,,, PcicnndSnllie. Js the title of u favorite Soug by irctni m , 30 cts whose great usefulness nnd soiid success are not mat- Pre-t K. & L. R. IL,” and endorsed “ Proposals , for CARPET ROOM, From Mrs. ELIZABETH COOMBS,•Brunswick. Graduation and Musunn, ’ (or lor “ W haif’). laJgimbleTnflC' perforIaauc'J “ W aating with the ters of doubt. Henry F. Miller Pianos, Brunswick, April 4,1867. 'Hie right is r served to reject any and all bids not THE P3LCRI?/J’S HARt», II. They are a lirst mortgage on the Road, its deemed for the interest of the Company to accept. M iss Saw yer : I received your letter last even­ Per Order of the Directors: Is the name of a compact book of 210 pages which Right of Way, Rolling Stock, Telegraph Line, Equip- Thay are also used in the CARPET ROOM ing, and was very glad you concluded to let mo E. it. EMERSON, can be carried in the pocket, and yet conUin n fcru meats and Franchises. take your Salve. 1 think I can do well with it, and 2w24 Eng. K . & L. R . R. loroe proportion ol (lie most popular psalm tunes The Bear and the Sentinel, it will be quite an accommodation to my husband, ►pintual songs. &c„ &c. It would he dim nil to cnim III. I hey are a first lien upon the Traffic or net as he cannot get along without it. He has tried Massach usetts State Normal Sliools, Over his Store, and announces that he Is now open­ everything else and has never found anything that pile a m ire convenicn’ hook for The V e3trv 'Pho a Falli Com1mu“" ry WUI “PPCar’ in «»»>««<»> With Earnings of the Road. The net receipts of the first ing a very fine assortment of the various Styles and Prayer M eeting or Social Singing M eetings. healed his leg as that Salvo of yours, and we have l i e I rune-continental railroad, in the second year after a full assortment of qualities uf . $ 2 0 w a r d ! By ASA HULL, Price 00 Cents. both found it to be all. and even more, than you completion, and mainly from Local Business, were mile Island Stale Normal Schools, recommend it to be. *Ye have had it in the family fpH E above reward will he paid to any person fur- equal to nine per. cent on the total estimated cost of five or six years, and have used it for everything, JL tdshiug information which shall secure the arrest n y likes, '1SSINO AT THE GARDEN The New England Conservatory of Music, an dean truly say we have never found its equal. and conviction of any person or per.- guilty “ of GAIL.” bong. LoescJt. jy ctg, the Northern Pacific Railroad. B r u s s e ls , I use it for a weak back, and it acts like a charm. r?RS*ng or other property fio I\ . 1 bey are a first and only Mortgage on a Mr. Coombs has had a Ferer Sore on his leg fo r iiibSiiGur."’ “ ‘““‘“ ‘J “ ““ lhe y,cht (The largest Music School Iu the w’or^)> THE MUSICAL TREASURE Government Grant of Land, which consists of 12,800 thirty years, and would be a cripple to-day, if he W. S. FARWELL, Tapestries, had not found a remedy In your Salve. It keeps Dockland. Ma, 23. IW2. Su‘ M"riuc “ J ' Continues to he a “Great Snccess.” Great variety of acres for each mile of Road through the States of And the Btslon Music School. CARPETINGS, it healed, and takes out tify inflammation, proud the best Vocal and Instrumental Music.” W isconsin and M innesota, and 25,600 acres per mile flesh and swelling, and does for him all that he can Price in Bds. « > SO; d o . $3.U0; tin t $|.oo. ask. I can recommend it for a good many things through the Territories of Dakota Montana, Idaho Three Plys, that vou have not, for I use it for everything. I The above Books and Pieces sent, t ost-puid, on re­ and Washington, in average fertility of soil, health consider It invaluable in a family. If you can put SANFORD'S I.Ailj;I’EMlE AT LIXE ceipt of relail price. fulness and mildness of clhnafe, diversity and extent CFrom the Congregationalist and Boston Recorder.,1 this testimony together, and it can bo of any ser­ vice to you, you arc welcome. FOUR TRIPS A WEEK. OLIVER DITSOM & CO., Boston. of resource, the belt of country comprising this gran The award of the contract to furnish the public Superflnes, Your<,&c., ELIZABETH C00MB3. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO., New York. 18 is such as to render the lands very valuable, and in lie schools of Boston witii pianos must he very grati­ Such aa Brussels, Three-plys, Kidderminsters In­ sure their speedy sale atid cultivation. Sold at the fying to Mr. Miller, and is a testimony to the musical grain, Ac.. &c. A lso. Hemps, Oil Ciolhs and Mat The staunch and favorite eea going public o f lhe high position which these instruments Cotton Chains, tings of all kinds. Mats and Rugs of all descriptions. TO THE AFFLICTED. J_)LO \V S selling very low at average price realised by other land grunt roads, the occupy. The severed test that they heve received at I’ne attention of the public is respectfully invited If your Druggist is out of the Salvo, nnd neglects the New England Conservatory of Music, und at to keep supplied, send sevenij’-fivc cents as directed real estate endowment of the Northern Pacific Com to our CAMBRIDGE. Cn«l. J. P. Johnson, 4 t , , J- P- WISE & SON’S many other public institutions where they are in con- below, aud receive a box by retqrn mail. puny will produce more thru three time the issue of stunt daily use, is a guarantee of their many excel­ H e m p s , will leave Bangor for Boston every Monday und Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, 7 and 8 Kimball Block. * 23 Royal Prussian Ilm: bonds per mile. lent qualities, and especially of their durability. Put up In Large Boxes at 50 cents each Uiursday at 11 o clock A. AI., arriving at Rockland the Golden Chari. (nearly three times as large as tlie box icpresented a t ubaut 5 P. M. “ Car of the Con .- The Company is now otfcrln for Male fo above). Prepared by MISS C. SAWYER, and queror, ”drawn by twenty Arabian Horses, guided b y Straw MattiDgs, Return ng. leave ItuFfon |or Bangor nnd in­ Mous. J . H . Paul, followed by a t«-i ■cillern aiul Colouica Three M illion Acres \From the Womaifs Journal.^ put up by L. M- ROBBINS, W holesale tern..■.bale landings . very 'Inert:,v and Frida, nt LSlSiEi C L U V U S S , new , and Retail Druggist, Rockland, Ale., C.iOocIock i -■,. [aiiivingui Rockland ever, Wedaes- L at o f iiM lan<5» iu M in n e so ta , a n d a la r g e a r m The Miller Pianos excel in the beautiful quality and New Carpet Department A Trial Box sent free by mail on receipt of seventy- da, and baturda, morning, at about & o'dook. on the Pueific coast w ill noon be placed on richness of their tone; in their action, which all pro­ Oil Cloths, five cents, by L. M. ItDBBINS. Rockland, Me. fessional musicians pronounce unexceptioualiy su­ Twelve Little Ponies, lhe inazhel. Many ihouaifnd acre* hare T i n s VALUABLE 8AT.VE T9 SOLD BY STEAMER KAT given under canvass tation, and throughout the country they are becoming tJB. she will receive for instruction in tho in g u about 5 diO o'clock. Fare to Boston »2.00. het pence*. the moat popular Pianos Manufactured. M No smoking inside lhe Pavillion. Carpeted seats and All freight and baggage stored will be at the own- for ladies and children. All marketable stocks and bonds will be received Common and Higher Branches, e r ’s risk, (by express or otlierwise) at current prices in ex­ M. W. FAIiWEl.L, Agent. LOWEST PRICES. any number of .cholara. Also, will glwi lessons in Agent's Oflire at N o.2 Atlantic Block, JOB PRINTING change lor Northern Pacific 7-30’s, without expense HENRY F. HILLER, Stair Carpetings. Drawing and Painting, Kocklund, Dec. 1,1871. 62t( Two Performances—Afternoon to the investor. Pamphlets and full information will Room, ol the Family ResMeaee, oa- be furnished on application. Parls Street. Promptly Executed Kockland, A pril 23, 1872. and Night. For further particulars concerning this bond or 344 Washington Street, • W. M. COOK, JOB____ PRINTINC. I BDoors open at I and 7 P, JI. purchase of the sitne, inquire ol Neatly and .Promptly Executed A T Adnii.siuu 50 Cent.. Children under 10 Cor. of Havford Place, SIJ10NT0N BROS. B LA N K S , Town Orders nnd Auditor’s THIS OFFICE. W. H. TITCOWEB, Cashier, oortt printed stsbert notion lean of age, 2a Cent.. lw23 Rockland Nutlonul Bunk, Rockland, B O S T O N . , 3aflB- RoakUad, May 10,1872 a 8, UNION BLOCK, THOMASTON.! Crime in London.—A paper on the Ju ­ Railroads A' Steamboats. •Miscellaneous. Sewing •Machines. •Miscellaneous. Business Cards. •Miscellaneous. •Medical. dicial Statistics of the 'treat English me­ tropolis is before us, iu which we find KOOKLA.lSrD 6oine startling facts recorded. It appears Knox & Lincoln Railroad. I. II. S M i til., Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, that a large percentage of crimes com­ FIFTY PER CENT. & For the relief and mitted go unpunished by the laws, and BRASS AHD ISON FOUHDRY. D. A. E. W. SHAW & CO., cure of all derange­ that it is by no means an uncommon —DEALERS IN— ments in the stom­ thing to And human bodies, day after day, _ Trains will leave Rockland lor Bath, Portland, SAVED, ach, liver, and bow­ aud Boston, and all stations on the M. C. R. R., at SPEAR BLOCK, A. F. AMES, President. els. They are a mild deep down iii the mud of the Thames, 10 A. M. BY USING THE Stoves and Tin Ware. SPEAR BLOCK, aperient, and an bearing unmistakable marks of violence. Leave Rockland for Bath, Augusta, Lewiston and excellent purgative. Portland, a t 2 P . M. Have received a Large Stock of NORTH END, JUST SOUTH OP CROCKETT BLOCK. Being purely vege- Within the past year, one hundred and Passengers leaving Rockland at 10 A. M., arrive In ' table, they contain DOMESTIC SECOND HAND STOVES, Wholesale and Retal ^Dealers In no mercury or mine­ fifty-one murders were committed in Lon­ Portland at 2 :55 P. M.; Boston, at 7:45 P. M. ral whatever. Much don, while only ninety-six individuals Passengers leaving Rockland at 2 P. M., arrive in of all description bought and sold. Second hand serious sickness and were tried for murder, and uotall ol these Bath, at 4 :30 P. M .; Portland a t 6 :45 P . M .; Lew is­ ICrockery, Glass Ware FURNITURE of all kinds bought and sold. Par­ suffering is prevent­ ton a t 7 :30 P . M .; A ugusta at 8 :15 P . M. ___ Shop of Philo Thurston & Co., are pre­ ties breaking up housekeeping should give us a call. ed by their timely A Freight Train will leave Rockland, at 0 A. M. convicted. The boasted detective force pared to fill orders for all kinds of We have also on band and for sale CROCKERY, CLASSY use; and every family should have them on hand is shown,(unlike the detective ot fiction.) P assenger T rains arrive a t 11:50 A . M ., and 5:40 for tlieir protection and relief, when renuired. P . M. All Kinds of Second Hand Sails, Long experience has proved them to be the saf­ as a rule, to be a body of very limited in­ Freight Train arrives at 4 :30 P. M. Iron Casings and Machinery, varying in size from a Main sal! to Topsails and Jibs —AND— est, surest, and best of all the n i l s with which telligence, and familiar with but a nar­ Freight leaving Rockland at 6 A. M., arrives in WOODEN WARE, in the best manner aud at Reasonable Price,.j the market abounds. By their occasional use, row circle of ideas. If we may add to Boston next morning. All kinds of T R U C K . such as is usually found in tlie blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys­ Freight leav* Machinery of all Kinds repaired at JUNK STORES, bought and sold. L A M P W A R E , tem expelled, obstructions removed; and the the deaths by violence, the long list of land, tlie day 1 Which will be Sold as Low as whole machinery of life restored to its healthy those by poison, which are never sus­ C. A. COOMBS, Supt. short notice. C r o c k e tt’s B u ild in g , aotivity. Internal organs which become clogged F eb. 15, 1872. Stone, Eartlieu anil Wooden Ware, and sluggish are cleansed by A y e r ’s P ills , and pected even, we have a terribly suggest­ [the Lowest I FORGING AND BLACKSMITHING NORTH END. stimulated into action. Thu9 incipient disease ive result. The use of arsenic, strych­ Rockland, Feb. 14, 1872. 1011 is changed into health, the value of which change, nine, or prussic acid, produces such well- We have as good an assortment as can J be found. Table and Pocket Cutlery, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy 1872. INSIDE LINE. 1872. Please call and examine our it, can hardly he computed. Tlieir sugar coating known and unmistakable symptoms that makes them pleasant to take, and nreserves their few evil-disposed persons are found, ig­ WARE AND PRICES, Packard’s Capstan W inches, TRUE P. PIERCE, virtues unimpaired for any length ol time, so Thiee Trips Per Week.r HOUK, CORN, MEAL, that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. norant enough to resort to them. before purchasing. All goods delivered at] any Although searching, they are mild, and operate Attorney and Counsellor at Law, without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or Wheat. Middlings, Fine Feed, Shorts, Graham Flour, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD. constantly on hand and made to order. occupation. C. B. Harrington of Bath has acquired BuckWheat Flour, Oat ileal. Cracked Wheat, Full directions are given on the wranner to a good reputation as a yacht builder and The Foundry and Machine Shop will be under the OFFICE IN ULMER BLOCK, Maccaroui, Tapioca, aud Pearl Barley. each box, how to use them as a Family Physic, has built up for himself a large business; personal superintendence of Mu. B. B. B e a n , and ItO C ’K.IuAIS’O, s M A IN E . and for the following complaints, which these FIRE, MARINE, the Blacksmithing Department in charge of Mr. Z. BEEF, PORKJHAMS. LARD, CHEESE P ills rapidly cure: — whatever may bo the condition of other [SUMMER ARRAXGEMEXT. AND O. Bb a g o , who will use their best efforts to the ex­ $3" Prompt attention given to all business en For l>VMpe|Mia o r Xndig-e»tiou, yards, the sound of the hammer and saw SEW.NG MACHINE! ecution of all orders entrusted to them. trusted to his care. ly20’72 ncM>«, laiinsfuor a n d JLonm o f A p p e tite , they 8TEAMER CITY OF RICHMOND. Rocklaud, Feb. 28, 1872. 6ml2 should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom­ is never silent in his. He has underway BUTTER AND FISH, ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. C a p t . C. E L ilt> y t and in various stages of completion four o power is so costly as that of hum 'n muscle, and DOCKUAM) F or JAvcr Complaint and its various symp- Will leave Bangor every Monday, Wednesday and fifty per ceut, ol the power required to run a Legal .Idvcrlisemenlii. toil!., M illou, IMeadaclie. MUk yachts for parties iu Massachusetts, be­ ttchi. Jaundice o r Cirrcn 8ickiie»». Mil­ Friday, at 6 o’clock, A M., touching at Hampden, NSewing Machine, may be saved by usiug the W . I . O Q O I D f e , sides several small boats for the porgy Winterport, Bucksport, Sandy Point, Searsport, Bel­ lan. Colic and Milton. Fever., they should trade. fast, Lincolnville and Camden, arriving ut, Rockland he judiciously taken for cacti case, to correct the about 11:30 o’clock, and at Portland about 5 o’clock INSURANCE. NOTICE. STEAM MILL GO., diseased action or remove the obstruction, which P. M. in season to connect witli the 6 o’clock Steam­ DOMESTIC. MANUFACTURERS OF cause it. w . The Eastern Railroad Company have boat Express train for all way stations on the East­ KNOX S3. CHOICE FAMILY CR0CER1ES, F o r O y a en tery or D ia rr h o e a , but one at last adopted the sensible plan of many ern and Boston and Muine Railroads. This Train AKEN on execution in favor of A. P. Gould mild dose is generally required. , „ . will always wait for the arrival ot the Steamer going Facts for Your Consideration Against James D. Thompson, and will be sold by GREEN, DRIED AND CANNED FRUIT, F o r Itlieunaatium, <*ouf. Gravel, P a l­ other roads of obliging passengers to West; making sure connection and arriving in Bos­ Tpublic auction on SATURDAY, the eighth day of MEAL. PICKLES, pitation of the Heart, Paia in the ton the same evening. Cochran’s Agency, We will enumurate only a lew of the many leading Hide. H ack and JLoin»,Jhev should be contm- show their tickets at a gate which is June, A. D, 1872. nt one o’clock in the ufternoon, on ASSORTED JELLIES, closed previous to the starting of the R e t u r n in g , will leave Railroad Wharf, Portland, ioints of excellence, combined in the ‘‘Domestic, the premises hereinafter described, und ut the house AND DEALERS IN uously taken, as required, to change the diseased every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ut 10 o’clock REPRESENTING THE [•living all minor points to the decision ol the oper of James D. Thompson, in Cushing, in suid County CORN, NEAL, OATS AND RYE ! . NUTS, FIGS, action of the system. With such change thoso train. They are applying the Westing- P. M., on arrival of the Steamboat Express Trains tor It makes the of Knox, uli the rights in equity which James D. TOBACCO, complaints disappear. MEAL at Boston Market Prices, and delivered to For l»roi,«y and l.ropulcul -w elling., haus pateut brakes to their cars at the which leave Boston and way stations on the Boston Thompson of Cushing, aforesaid, has or had on the CIGARS, und Maine and Eastern Railroads, at 6 o’clock. P. M., OLDEST AND STRONGEST second day of April, A. D. 1870, at 9 o’clock in the Shippers at the WHARVES, without EXTRf they shoitbl be taken in large anil frequent doses rate of one car per day, at their repair arriving at Rockland the next morning at 4 o’clock. LOCK STITCH. forenoon, when the same was attached on the origi­ CHARGE. and all articles usually found in a to produce tlie effect o fa drastic purge. shops in Boston. Passengers can be assured that the steamer will nal writ, to redeem the following described real es­ AST All orders promptly attended to. F or Suppression, a large dose should bo not leave Rockland before 4 o’clock on the morning tate, situate in Cushing, in said County of Knox, to taken, as it produces tlie desired effect by Bym- going east, arriving at Bungor at 10 o’clock, A. M, SHUTTLE SEWING MACllINE. It therefore, wit:—A certain lot ol land in Cushing aforesaid, with CEO. MAYO, Assent, pnis}a Dinner P ill, take one or two P ill, to The nomination of Mr. Greeley is the Passengers ticketed and baggage checked through INSURANCE COMPANIES W EA RS LESS than any other, and combines with Its the buildings thereon, bounded us follows: Begin­ FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE to and lrom Boston, Lowell and Lawrence. ning at a stake and stones in the south line of laud of July 18 187 1. ly* ROCKLAND, ME. promote digestion ami relieve tlie stomach. happiest event of the year. It delights In the UNITED STATES—with a combined capital remarkable simplicity, and ease of running, great Rockland ,F eb. 28, 1872. 12tf An occasional doso stimulates the stomach and Freight and baggage not taken away from the Store for Fire and Marine Business of quietness of operation with a wonderlul range ot the neirs of Arinond Cuznlias, decease 1, and by a all his friends, and it tickles all his ene­ House on the day of arrival will .be stored at the ex­ fence at the easterly side of a :nd Maine. without change. Alps Insurance Co., cation. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty youth, “ God will send you to hell.” “ Well,” with mortgage. For price and fur- I ther particulars apply to Erie, P a ...... Cash A ssets, $316,687.48, ROCEEIL-A-lSriD, 3SZEE. replied the youth, “ ifGod sends me to bell,he’ll O. G . H A L L . JONES & SCHUYLER, Cents. R ockland. May 1, 1872. MR. ( L S * ANDREWS, fix it somehow so I can stand it.” Was not Bangor Mutual Firo Ina. Co. No. 12 Pine S t., N ew V ork. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., This Company insures lor % of Stock Rates, and [Established in 184G.] NASHUA, NJL that faith? have made no assessments. FINANCIAL AGENTS OF THE COMPANY. Bookncllcr ninl Staliuuer, H a v in g our office (well supplied w ith PO W ER rn ,3 m o l5 Dealer in Books, Stationery, Paper Hangings —The senior Bennett, of the New York Her­ Houses for sale. P icture F ram es, Moulding-*. All kinds ol Fra me ald, is seventy-five years old, but is still able to LIFE INSURANCE. PRESSES, run by a ROPER’S HOT AIRJ ENGINE mude to order. Artists materials, Wax, aud materials and fully slocked with MODERN JOB TYPE, to for making wax Flowers. draw his $225,000 income with as little fatigue buildings, with about 1 1-2 acre Combined capital for Life Insurance represented at land, situated at South End, nea which we are constantly making additions of the IS SOLE AGENT FOR as most men of his age can cut four cords of j- Ingraham’s ship-yard. Also a doubl this Agency, Carriage Wheels & Kims, Spokes latest 6tyles, we are prepared tJ execute JMPAnVJB. DR. WILSON’S RHEUMATIC - tenement 1 1-2 story house with lot UBS,Shafts. Seat, fcc., at Boston price., In lot wood and walk forty-five miles to the polls in a o n whom only can they be obtained. corner of Mam aud Crescent Sts., will be sold at a Over Thirty Million Dollars, forcush, . „ „ day. moderate price. Apply to H12tl H . U . C R IE &■ Co, We employ no Peddlers. Life Insurance effected in the most reliable compa­ JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY IS A SURE CUKE FOR — Garibaldi, it is said, has grown old terribly JOSIAH SPAULDING, Central Village^ Conn, nocklaud, J u n e 16,’ 1870, 27tf or, COBB, WIGHT & NORTON, Rockland. nies, and on all of the most desirable plans. with Neatness and Dispatch, and at Reasonable FIRST CLASS CHANCE Chronic and Tmfiamatory Rheumatism. Also, fo of late. He can walk only with the help of Aug. 31,1871. Prices. to get a Team. Fast, Stylish and Reliabl“. The best AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. Bruis-es, Sprains, Bums, Chilblains, Corns, Warts, aud nil .intlanimatioii, internal as well as crutches,’ his fingers are distorted by rheuma­ Insurance Against Accidents. N. B.—Orders by mail are solicited and will receive Business Cards. Horses and neatest Carriages|iu Rockland. Every con- venice to r stabling. r . h T e d d y , external; lor Liver Complaint, Kidney tism, jnd he looks as if he never again would Travellers Insurance Company, prompt attention and be filled on as favorable terms Rockland, Ju n e 30,1870. ly?6 Complaint, Inflammation ot the FO R SA LE. Bowels. I'illes, Gravel, be able to leave his residence, except in a litter. H artford, C onn...... Cash A ssets $1,250,000.00 i contracts -made in person. SIMONTON BROTHERS. D e a l e r s in Womb Complaiui, &c. He is still cheerful in spile of his crippled slate, depot ot the K. low In price that hut few ask him to take less. many such facts will attest, viz: of the first thirty- nent and transient boarders. It will be am ply supplied with all that Is necessary .M edical. Disease, Neuralgia, Asthma, Nervousness, — West they call a bribe a “ pecuniary The new Stock of INSTRUMENTS and VARIETY seven Safes placed in Augusta after the great fire, U. H. CB1E k Co. CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK, DEFARTMENTare complete. for the eomfort aud convenience of its patrons. Rheumatism, Paralysis, Spinal Diseases, Dys­ compliment,” and say no more about it. thirty-three were of our make; within a few months ROCKLAND, MAINE. 45tf Tlie undersigned’s old acquaintances and friends at “Buy M e and I’ll do yon Good.” We are well prepared for the Spring trade; call and the LYNDK H o u se, where he has officiated ns Cl.KitK. pepsia, Liver Complaint, Female Complaints, — The English papers have ceased deriding examine the Grand of the great Portland fire, the merchants of that city W A K E F I E L D since its opening, will please take notice of nia N DR. LANGLEY’S Faint Stomach, Erysipelas, White Swelling, bought of us nearly one hundred Safes. We have the Tichborne claimant, and admit that his case WM. BEATTIE, h a b it a t io n , tie will be hupp to meet them. Salt Rheum, Canker, Deafness, Kidney Dis­ sold one hundred and twenty-five Safes to the man JJA S a full supply of SCHOOL BOOKS. Coaches to take passengers to and from the ROOT AND HERB BITTERS. is “rising almost to its former dignity and in- Medallion Organ, 8 Stops, eases, Seminal W’cakness, &o. ufacturers and Merchants of Lynn since tlieir fire; Ca; good Livery Stable connected with the house. This medicine ia without the possibility of a doubt, Dr. Greene’s Medical Pamphlet, descrip­ including the “JEOLEN E,” &c., and you will be the very best remedy known for the following und satisfied that the Mump and Variety Store is in fact, few great conflagrations have taken place for Counsellor auS Attorney at Law, WILLIAM K. BICKFORD. tive of diseases and theirproper treatment, will Thomaston, Nov. 1, 1871. 47tf uli kindred diseases: Indigestion, Costiveness, Liver correspondent of a Baltimore paper jbst the place you are looking for. years without an impetus given to our sales, from the WA.KEKIEILD UNION IJI.OCK, Complaint, Piles, Headache, Heartburn, Duspejmia, be sent freo to invalids. wants to know why marriage and death notices O ’ Rents ot Instruments payable in advance. fact that one or more of our Safes have been in the Cun suit any one with Dizziness, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Languor, Laziness, * Address, R. GREENE, M. D., Over Blood & Hlx’a Jewelry Store, ' E. B. M AYO , Debility, Jaundice, Flatulency, Foul Stouu ci, ifc. should be paid for? For the best of reasons; fire and saved the contents for their owners. To sum 81 Temple Place, Boston., Mass. lyJanlW ROCKLAND MAINE. By the timely use of this medieiue, the blood is one is an advertisement of copartnership and Albert Smith. up what we claim for our Safes in a few words, they DEALER IN purified. The appetite ia restored. The system is Rockland, May 1,1871. 7tf HOUSE PAPER. are as Good as the best better th an many, and cheaper FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC strengthened. The Liver is invigorated. The breath the other is a notice of dissolution. Business is TALBOT RUST & GOULD, is sweetened. The complexiou is beautified. And Kanila ard Efirp C c i c ^ r er than any other first-class Safe in the market. WAKEFIELD the general health is KUM, T ar, Pitch, &c.. low as tho lowest, to- business. WHOLESALE O O O T > S , <’ash. CAUTION. L. WEEKS, Agent. AS Sabbath School Books at Boston Prices. Corner Slore.Pill.burr ______a Si. RESTORED. O II. IT. CRIE & C