Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences
Index Glan,299 St.Veit,299 A Austrocedrus abandonment of pasture lands, 177 chilensis, lO, 147, 149, 152, 156-157, A bies, 19 159, 163-164, 167 alba,8, I 11-112, 218,298,300 avalanches,81,238 amabilis,204 responses of trees,204 lasiocarpa,125, 130, 133-134, 136, A venella 194-198,200- 204 fiexuosa,260 acclimation,3 advance regeneration,296 B advection,56 air pollution,8, 20-23, 45 bark beetles,41, 211,213, 290, 294, 296, albedo,94 298, 300, 303-304, 306 Alexandersson method,26 in mixed species stands,304 allozyme analysis,202 predators,304 Alnus,238 Beer's law,293 sinuata,204 Betula,235, 237-238 tenuifolia,204 penduta,278, 282, 284-285 alpha diversity,237 biodiversity,231,307 altitudinal variation biomass,260, 277-278, 280-286, 299- effects on species richness,231 301,303,305,307 Amazonia, 10 accumulation,300 anticyclonic patterns,56 fine roots,259-260 A rctostaphylos foliage,260, 268 uva-ursi,141 grasses,260 Argentina production,242 Bariloche,155 stand,305 Chacayal, 155 biome distributions,1 Collun-co, 155 blocking highs,56 E1 Condor, 155 bootstrap methods, 110 Esquel, 155 bootstrapping, 174 Lake Norquinco, 160 Boreas Experiment,96 Leleque, 155 browsing, 149 Patagonia,146, 149, 153,163-164 San Martfn de los Andes,155 aridity index,155, 162 C ARMA modelling,174, 178 Canada,6, 10 Artificial Neural Networks,110, 174, Alberta, 11,204 t76 Athabasca Glacier, 123 Atlantic Ocean,54 Banff,123 Atmosphere Model Intercomparison Banff National Park, 121 Project,60 British Columbia,11, 193 atmospheric coupling,225 Columbia Icefield,121,125, 129 Australia
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