Rizal Adlan Mustafa






2018 Indonesian Government Efforts To Maintain Border Territory; Case Study of Natuna Island In The South China Sea Dispute

Thesis Submitted to meet the partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree licentiate In International Relations Study

By: Rizal Adlan Mustafa 35.2014.51.0801

Supervisor Fadhlan Nur Hakiem, M.Si.









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ُ ْ َّ َ َ َ ُ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َّ َ ّ ْ َ َ َ قل إِن صل ِت ونس ِك ومياي ومم ِات لِ ِ ر ِب العال ِمني "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds” Al-An’am: 162


ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ ُ َّ ْ َ ٌ َ َ َ ٌ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ َّ َ َ ْ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َّ َ َ ً لقد كن لكم ِف رس ِول الِ أسوة حسنة لِمن كن يرجو ال و َالوم ال ِخر وذكر ال كثِريا There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often. al-Ahzâb: 21


I dedicate this work to: Allah’ Azza wa jalla, who has given me His mercy, blessing, guide during my entire life, Until I could not count how much is it Rasulullah SAW who has guided this ummat to dien Islam My beloved father, Azis Junairi, my mother Rusmini, S.Pd., SD. Who always supported me. Annisa Nurhuda Romadhona my beloved sister, Rana Dani Kahfi and Kanza Sindang Pubiano my beloved brothers and my grand mother and grand father for all their prayers and supports.


All of member of ASSASIND (Association Students of International Delegations, Indonesia Initiative Leaders forum (IILF) Yogyakarta, YOUCAN EMPOWER , Youth Education and Enterpreneurship Summit (YEES) Turkey, World Islamic Countries University Leaders Summit (WICULS) Malaysia. Future Leaders Camp and Batik Festival (FLCBF) Japan, International Conference on ASEAN Studies (ICOAS) Spain, HMP-HIU, Student Council (SC UNIDA), Smart Generation, Smart Saburai, and the honorable Dean of Humanity Faculty, Head of International Relations Departement, and all of students of International Relations, who always support and motivate me to finish this thesis. .Thank You so much for All


All praises to Allah Swt who has given us mercy and healthy, and for blessing to complete this thesis. The author never forgets to be very grateful to the supervisor who is very patient to guide the students both in research proposal even in the final stage of exam, specifically Al Ustadz Fadhlan Nur Hakiem, M.Si. and also the others supervisor, Al Ustadz Sofi Mubarok, M.A. as the chief of International Relations Department of Universitas Darussalam Gontor. The author also thankful to the examiner, Miss. Novi Rizka Amalia, SIP. M.A., and Miss Hesti Rokhaniah, M.Pd., for criticism and influence motivations throughout the course of this study. This research dedicated to: 1. The Headmasters of Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School Gontor; Dr KH. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M.A., KH. Hasan Abdullah Sahal, K.H. Syamsul Hadi Abdan, S.Ag who have allowed the author to study in UNIDA Gontor. 2. The Rector of UNIDA GONTOR: Prof Dr Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi, M.A., Dr. H. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.A., M.Phil., Dr Setiawan Bin Lahuri, Lc, M.A., and Dr Dihyatun Masqon, M.A. 3. Dean of the Humanities Faculty: Dr KH. Ahmad Hidayatullah Zarkasyi, M.A. 4. Head of International Relations Departement, Mr. Sofi Mubarok, M.A. 5. Mr. Fadhlan Nur Hakiem, M.Si., the consultant for his worthy guidance and suggestion in writting this thesis. 6. All the lecturers of University of Darussalam Gontor, for their teaching in this University.

ix The benefical criticism and suggestion are welcome for better improvemen of this thesis. Ponorogo, Jumadal Ula 27th, 1439 H Februari 13th, 2018 M

Rizal Adlan Mustafa NIM: 35.2014.5.1.0801


Upaya Pemerintah Indonesia Menjaga Wilayah Perbatasan; Studi Kasus Kepulauan Natuna di Zona Konflik Laut China Selatan

Rizal Adlan Mustafa 35.2014.5.1.0801

Skripsi ini membahas mengenai strategi Indonesia dalam dalam menjaga wilayah perbatasan di zona konflik Laut China Selatan. Pada awalnya Indonesia tidak terlibat langsung dalam konflik tersebut. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, China membuat nine-dash line yang memasukkan perairan Natuna ke dalam peta negara mereka. Tindakan China yang semena-mena di kawasan zona ekonomi ekslusif Indonesia tersebut membuat pemerintah Indonesia bertindak dengan mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan untuk melindungi wilayah perbatasan Indonesia yang berada di perairan Natuna tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah, untuk mengetahui sejauh mana upaya pemerintah Indonesia dalam melindungi wilayah perbatasan khususnya perairan Natuna di zona konflik Laut China Selatan. Dengan tujuan dan latar belakang tersebut maka kerangka pemikiran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rational Choice Theory dan Foreign Policy. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif yang menjelaskan latar belakang sumber konflik Laut China Selatan dan strategi Indonesia dalam menjaga wilayah perbatasan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwasanya Indonesia telah berhasil menjaga perbatasan dari zona konflik Laut China Selatan dengan menggunakan tiga strategi, yaitu merubah nama Laut China Selatan menjadi Laut Natuna Utara di kawasan zona ekonomi ekslusif (ZEE) Indonesia, menambah kekuatan militer untuk menjaga wilayah Indonesia

xi dan dengan melakukan kerjasama dengan negara-negara ASEAN dan negara yang berkonflik di Laut China Selatan serta mengangkat isu Laut China Selatan ke dalam forum ASEAN, sehingga kepentingan Indonesia dapat terealisasi dengan baik, kawasan ASEAN menjadi lebih kondusif dan hubungan Indonesia dengan negara-negara yang berkonflik tetap terjaga. Kata Kunci : Laut China Selatan, Laut Natuna Utara, Politik Luar Negeri, Rational Choice Theory, Konflik, Perbatasan.


Indonesian Government Efforts to Maintain Border Territory; Case Study of Natuna Island In The South China Sea Dispute

Rizal Adlan Mustafa

This research discusses about Indonesian strategy on keeping the border regions in the South China Sea dispute. Indonesia is initially not involved directly in the conflict. However, as time goes by, China made a nine-dash line which included the Natuna waters into the maps of its country. China's actions that arbitrarily in the (EEX)of Indonesia region, that make the Government of Indonesia Act issued some policies to protect the border region of Indonesia located in the Natuna waters. The purpose of this research is to know to what extent the effort of the Government of Indonesia in protecting the border region particularly Natuna waters in the South China Sea conflict zone. Framework of thoughts that are used in this research is the Rational Choice Theory and Foreign Policy. While the author tries to analyze this research using qualitative method that explains the background of the source of the conflict of South China Sea and Indonesia's strategy in maintaining the border region. The results of this study explain that Indonesia has managed to keep the border from the South China Sea conflict zone by using three strategies, namely changing the name of the South China Sea into a North Natuna Sea in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia, adding the military strength to safeguard Indonesia's territory, and conducting cooperation with ASEAN countries and countries that are in conflict of South China Sea and raising the issue of the South China Sea into the ASEAN forum. Therefore, Indonesia's

xiii interests can be realized with well, ASEAN is becoming more conducive and Indonesia relationship among the countries in dispute remains stabil. Keywords: South China Sea, North Natuna Sea, Rational Choice Theory, Foreign Policy, Dispute, Border.


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...... 1 A. Background of the Study...... 1 B. Question Research...... 7 C. Objective of the Study...... 7 D. The Significance of the Study...... 7 1. For Academic...... 7 2. For Practitioners...... 8 E. Literature Review ...... 8 1. Review of Related Literature...... 8 F. Theoretical Framework...... 13 1. Rational Choice Theory ...... 13 2. Foreign Policy...... 16 G. Hypothesis...... 23

xv H. Research Methodology...... 23 1. Research Method...... 23 2. Research Setting...... 24 3. Technique of Data Collection ...... 24 4. Technique of Data Analysis...... 24 5. Scope and Limitation...... 25 I. Systematic of Writing...... 26

CHAPTER II INDONESIAN EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN BORDER AREAS...... 27 A. Border Area of Indonesia...... 27 1. Geographical Condition in Indonesian Border Area...... 28 2. Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Conditions on the Border Area...... 30 B. Conflict and Threats Potential in Border Areas...... 33 C. The Government Regulation in Protecting Border Areas...... 41 1. Arragement of Indonesian Border Area...... 41 2. The Laws and Regulation of the Border Area...... 42 3. President Joko Widodo’s Effort in Keeping the Border...... 43

CHAPTER III THE DYNAMICS INDONESIA AND THE SOUTH CHINE SEA DISPUTE...... 47 A. The South China Sea Dispute...... 47 1. The Source of the South China Sea Dispute...... 47 2. The Dynamic of the South China Sea Dispute...... 50 B. Indonesia in the South China Sea Dispute...... 55

xvi CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION...... 63 ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN EFFORTS...... 63 A. Indonesia's Efforts to Protect of Natuna in the South China Sea Dispute...... 63 1. Change the Name of the South China Sea into the North Natuna Sea ...... 63 2. Enhance Military Force to Keep the Border Region...... 71 3. The Cooperation of Indonesia by ASEAN Countries, and the Countries Bordering with the South China Sea...... 78 B. The Obligation of Maintaining State Sovereignty in Islam...... 82 1. Change the Yatsrib City to Madinah City...... 84 2. Increase military power to maintain Al-Madinah City...... 84 3. Cooperation with the neighbour state in Rasullallah era...... 85



LIST OF TABLE Table 1.1 The Concept of Foreign Policy...... 22 Table 3.2 The Dynamics of the South China Sea Disputes...... 54 Table 3.3 The scheme of the development budget of the maritime axis through the idea of the toll of the sea...... 58 Table 4.1 Modernization Alutsista of Indonesian Navy...... 73 Figure 3.1 South China Sea Territory...... 48

xvii THE ABBREVIATION 1. ADB : Asian Development Bank 2. ALKI : Sea Lanes of Indonesia Archipelago 3. APBN : Budget Revenue and Expenditure of the State 4. ASEAN : Association Southeast Asian Nations 5. BMKG : Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency 6. BNPP : National Border Management Agency 7. COC : Code of Conduct 8. DOC : Declaration on the Conduct of the Parties in the South China Sea 9. EEZ : Exclusive Economic Zone 10. EAS : East Asia Summit 11. ICJ : International Court of Justice 12. LIPI : Indonesian Institute of Sciences 13. KKP : Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries 14. MEF : Minimum Essential Force 15. NNS : North Natuna Sea 16. NTT : 17. NRP : Natural Resource Potential 18. RCT : Rational Choice Theory 19. RI : Republic of Indonesia 20. PRC : Citizen Republic of China 21. Perpres : Predintial Regulation 22. SCS : South China Sea 23. SLOC : Sea Lane of Communication 24. SDA : Potential of Natural Resources 25. TNI : Indonesian National Armed Forces 26. UN : United Nations 27. UNCLOS : United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea



A. Background of the Study Republik of Indonesia (RI) has a border with the others nations, including the borders from the sea, the land and the air. As written in the Constitution of Republik Indonesia Number. 43. year 2008 about state territoty, said “The arrengement about state territory include the land region, the deep waters, the waters island, the territorial sea, the botton of the sea, and the land under the water, and also the air above it, including all of the wealth resources.”1 Article 1 Constitution No. 43 year 2008 also mentions about the jurisdiction area2, that is territory outside the region of the country consisting of exclusive economic zone, the , and the additional zone where countries have sovereign rights and authorities stipulated in the legislation and international law.3 Jurisdiction area is a line extension of a country sea boundaring that limits territorial waters from other countries or ocean. Thus, every country has the sovereign rights over marine boundary line in accordance with exclusive economic zone (EEZ), the continental shelf, and the state’s additional zone waters. Land and sea border region are very vulnerable to the occurence of the conflict. Location of Indonesia is very strategic, which is flanked by the two continents of Asia and Australia, and two ocean Indian and Pacific,

1 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 43 Tahun 2008, Tentang Wilayah Negara. 2 The limits of jurisdiction of the Region is a boundary line which is the sovereign rights and the obligation of dividing certain, owned by the countries that are based on the provisions of laws, regulation and international law. 3 BAB I Ketentuan Umum, Pasal I, ayat 3, Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 43 Tahun 2008, Tentang Wilayah Negara.

1 2 causing Indonesia borders with the neighbouring state border in land and sea. And the territory borders directing with Indonesia are Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and East , while the sea areas bordered by the waters of the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Timor Leste, and Australia. The large number of Indonesia's border areas with the other countries, will certainly peak border dispute that appears in the border region. One of the border regions that is currently feared can harm the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) is Natuna territory in the South China Sea area. SCS area bordering the waters of Natuna in Riau Province and is a very vulnerable area to occurrence of border conflict. South China Sea (SCS) is one of the international waters territories which is surrounded by some countries of East Asia and and 2.5% of the vast ocean of the world as a whole. South China Sea is expected to reach 4 million square kilometers with four large islands, namely: Spratly, Pratas, Paracel, and Macclesfield. 4 SCS is stretching from the up to Taiwan Strait. The North border on the Republic of China and Taiwan, the West borders on Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, the South borders on Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Singapore, and East borders with the Philippines.5 The state conflicts in the South China Sea occured because mutual ownership claims (claimant states) over the Islands, which have appeared in 1970 and returned back nowadays. Territorial sovereignty or ownership dispute in the SCS in fact refers to the area of sea and land on the two

4 Fatkurrohman. Peran Strategis Indonesia Dalam Krisis Laut China Selatan. Pusat Studi Sosial Asia Tenggara Universitas gajah Mada. Oktober 2016. http://pssat.ugm. id/2016/10/11/peran-strategis-indonesia-dalam-krisis-laut-china-selatan/ (accessed on December 24, 2017, at 06.16 WIB). 5 Akmal. Strategi Indonesia Menjaga Keamanan Wilayah Perbatasan Terkait Konflik Laut China Selatan Pada Tahun 2009-2014. Jurnal Fisip Universitas Riau, Volume 2, No. 2 Oktober 2015. 3 islands of the Spratly and Paracel cluster. People’s Republic of China (PRC) claims that the Islands belong to their country since 2000 years ago, when the area was part of the Chinese nation. In 1947, the PRC Government issued a map detailing the PRC sovereignty claims over the South China Sea region. However, that description was contradicted by Vietnam, saying that the PRC Government never claimed sovereignty over the Spratly and Paracel Islands until the decade of 1940s. The Government of Vietnam later stated that the two islands are entering their territory and not PRC territory since the 17th century. The Philippines also claims the area goes into its sovereignty because of geographical proximity to correspond to the Spratly Islands. Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam also have a claim against a portion of the SCS. The two countries say that most waters of the SCS are still in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), as defined by the UN Convention on the law of the Sea 1982 year.6 The confrontation in the South China Sea had occurred in the year 1988, the conflict occurred in Spartly island between China with Vietnam. At that time, Vietnam loses 70 military personnel when conflict with China in the scramble of SCS area.7 The scramble of SCS area also occur between the Philippines and China. China claimed 90 percent of territorial waters in the South China Sea, although of the zone China's claims has entered in EEZ region of Pilippina, namely the West Philipine Sea. Finally the Philippines is suing China's claims to the Court of arbitration in the Den Haag, Netherlands on Tuesday, July 12, 2016. International Arbitration Court finally won over the Philippines claims against China.8 However, China does not accept the International Arbitration Court's decision, they

6 Rizki Roza, Poltak Partogi Nainggolan dan Simela Victor Muhamad.. (2013). Konflik Laut China Selatan dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kawasan. Pusat Pengkajian, Pengolahan Data dan Informasi (P3DI). Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI. Jakarta 7 Ibid. Rizki. p. IX. 8 Admin. Ini Keputusan Arbitrase Internasional Atas Laut Cina Selatan. 13 Juli 2016. internasional-atas-laut-cina-selatan (accessed on July 13, 2016, at 15.32 WIB). 4 insist upon ownership in the SCS. South China Sea conflict occurred because, first, the SCS is the waters territory area that has very large potential natural resource, particularly oil and other energy sources, located in the cluster of island in SCS. In 1968 found petroleum reserves and very potential in the Paracel and Spratly Islands is an estimated at 105 billion barrels and estimated there were 213 billion barrels in the whole of South China Sea. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 60-70% of hydrocarbons in the SCS area is natural gas. The U.S. Energy Information Agency also estimates that natural gas and oil reserves there, is the seventh largest in the world. SCS has an estimated 190 trillion feet of natural gas and 11 billion barrels of oil.9 Second, South China Sea located in the strategic area which are in the path of international crossing ships passing the Malacca Strait, and was a commercial liaison line from Europe to Asia and the Americas to Asia and vice versa. There are three important areas of Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region flanking the SCS become a liaison for international commerce.10 The SCS area are always passed by various kind of ships with brings the energy sources, oil, coal or natural gas, including 70 percent of Japan's energy needs, and 65 percent of China's energy needs. 11 Third: in recent years, economic growth in Asian countries are growing rapidly, especially China, and instead the growth of economy of Europe and Americas are declined. China's economy increased 6.9 percent in the quarter II 2017, as for other economic growth data the results of factory in China reached 7.6 percent and investment assets increased 8.6 percent in

9 Op Cit, Akmal. p. 3. 10 Op cit, Rizki. p. X 11 Simela Victor Muhamad (2014). Tiongkok dan Sengketa Teritorial di Laut China Selatan. Pusat Pengkajian, Pengolahan Data dan Informasi (P3DI), Sekretaris Jenderal DPR RI. Info singkat hubungan internasional. Kajian Singkat Terhadap Isu-isu Terkini. Vol. VI, No. 11/I/P3DI/Juni/2014. 5

2017.12 Therefore, it makes many countries attempted to gain control and srcamble of strategic waters and dynamic area like SCS. Currently, China and the United States attempt to take influence on the SCS in the interest of their respective countries by using the (energy security) as a reason for control of the territorial waters.13 In fact, Indonesia is not included into the countries that are in conflict of South China Sea. However, due to the occurrence of several confrontations, a unilateral military exercises or joint (bilateral) were performed in the SCS territorial waters in the midle of the tensions sparked escalation of region conflicts, such as: the American Navy and Japan joint military exercises are doing in SCS on 02 of August 2017.14 China and Russia also conducted joint military exercises in the SCS on September 12, 2016.15 The conflict of South China Sea increased when China also issued a map "U" or known as Nine Dash Line16 in 1993. In 2009 China issued a new map about its claim in the SCS by entering Natuna waters into their

12 Agustina Melani. Ekonomi China tumbuh 6,9 Persen pada Kuartal II. 17 Juli 2017. kuartal-ii (accessed on November 11, 2017, at 15.35 WIB). 13 Op Cit. Rizki. p. XI. 14 Hanna Azarya Samosir. Personel Militer AS Hilang saat Latihan di Laut China Selatan. Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017. al/20170802175002-113-232004/personel-militer-as-hilang-saat-latihan-di-laut-china- selatan/ (accessed November 05, 2017, at 15.40 WIB). 15 Ervan Hardoko. Besok, China dan Rusia Gelar Latihan Bersama di Laut China Selatan. 11 September 2016. /2016/09/11/16023001/besok.china.dan.rusia.gelar.latihan.militer. bersama.di.laut.china.selatan&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjxtJGjtKbXAhXMtI8KHYUu CdUQFggFMAA&client=internal-uds cse&cx= 012684331380167808104:oe5oj-- md1a&usg=AOvVaw3oot_L28Yt-7gsHtka2qvY (accessed November 05, 2017, at 13.40 WIB). 16 Nine Dash Line is the demarcation line or the dividing boundary line used by the Government of people’s Republic of China to claim most of the South China Sea are dispute some of countries in Asia. Open Anggi Kusumadewi. Manuver TNI Bentengi Natuna di Tepi Laut Sengketa. Monday, Oktober 05, 2015 09:10. nasional/20151004 161227-20-82688/manuver-tni-bentengi-natuna-di-tepi-laut-sengketa/ (accessed on Oktober 23, 2017, at 14.50 WIB) 6 map.17 The problems of the border region are not only occured in the Spratly and Paracel Islands, but imposes Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ) of Indonesia with disruption of the North Natuna Islands related South China Sea dispute. It will have an impact against to the security and economic stability. It will be dangerous because in the EEZ of Natuna area there are a mining exploration oil and gas passed by Indonesia. The conflict in the South China Sea can be incorporated to Indonesia and will harm the nation there is immediate anticipation. Statement of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2009-2014), affirmed, Indonesia must be aware of the security situation around the South China Sea dispute is often the case. He says: "”Between ten until twenty last years is indeed a relatively stable, but that region is one of the sources of conflict. The conflict in the region will affect the security and economic conditions because that it is one of the international economic traffic lanes. Specifically, Indonesia will also be interrupted if turmoil happen in the region, because Indonesia import and export activity often pass through those lines. That area is closer to our Exclusive economic zone " 18 President Joko Widodo also provide statements against nine dash line applied by Chinese Government in the area of the South China Sea. He said “nine dash line that China applies do not have any foundation in international law”. 19

17 Op Cit. Akmal. p. 2. 18 The words of the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2009- 2014) at Cabinet meeting. Aditia Maruli. Presiden: Indonesia Waspadai Situasi Laut China Selatan. Kamis, 22 Juli 2010 12:16 WIB presiden-indonesia-waspadai-situasi-laut-china-selatan (accessed on Oktober 16, 2017, at 20.03 WIB) 19 The words of the President Joko Widodo quoted in Japan’s Daily Yomiuri Shimbun published before of his official visit in ‘ Sakura Country ‘, from Sunday (22/03) until Wednesday (25/03). Presiden Jokowi tepis klaim Cina soal sembilan garis. 23 Maret 2015. (accessed Oktober 16, 2017, at 20.05 WIB) 7

B. Question Research Based on the above background, this study discuses the past issue that happened in 2014-2017. This research explains what the efforts of Indonesia to keep the border area, especially in Natuna waters of the South China Sea dispute. Based on the above matter, the formulation of the research problem is: How does the Government of the Republic Indonesia's efforts in protecting the territorial waters of Natuna in the South China Sea Conflict Zone?

C. Objective of the Study The goal of this research is trying to explain what the Indonesia Government effort has done to protect the Natuna area in the South China Sea conflict zone. This research was conducted to find out how big is Indonesia's efforts in protecting the territory area, especially in the border region. Hopefully, the territory of Indonesia sovereignty is maintained and not disturb by foreign countries such as the case of and in .

D. The Significance of the Study Research on Indonesia's efforts in keeping the border region, especially in the South China Sea conflict area has several uses. It includes the academic and practical usability, as follows:

1. For Academic A. Academically, is expected to deliver benefits for researchers and as a science that can be used as a reference in the fields of international relations. B. This research is expected to provide the information and the subject of study for academics who want to find the data of the border region who were in the zone of conflict. 8

2. For Practitioners A. This paper is expected to also can be used by the Government of Indonesia to take the policy. B. This research also can help the practitioners to keep Indonesia borders territory.

E. Literature Review

1. Review of Related Literature The first Akmal, in the political science Journal Volume 2 No.2 October 2015, write about "Indonesia strategy to maintain the security of the border region related to the conflict in the South China Sea 2009-2014". His writing explores the history of the first Chinese claims over the South China sea areas in the year 1947 by reason of historical discovery and occupation that had once carried out by their country. This research explains that the claims overlap of SCS area has become a debate between some countries in the ASEAN region. His writings expos there are two things that become a source of conflict of the SCS. First, is the international law of the sea, UNCLOS 1982 which has been signed by several countries around the waters of the SCS. On the fact UNCLOS has set about the internal waters, territorial waters, waters of the Islands, additional zones, exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf and the sea. Based on UNCLOS, the claimant state use a rules of the Convention to extend of the jurisdiction of the sovereignty unilaterally and justify their claims in the SCS. Finally, the countries such as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and the Philippines use the UNCLOS as a maritime territorial claims in the South China Sea. Claims states between China, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and the Philippines which became one of the causes of the South China Sea conflict. 9

This paper also describes Indonesia military capabilities through MEF (Minimum Essential Force) and security in Natuna. This research also adds about the preventive diplomacy with claimant states to dampen conflict in SCS, as well as the improve of the border management and activities in the Natuna waters by the oil exploration in the Natuna Sea.20 The second literature review is written by Rahadian Mada Kertoyoso, this thesis write about "Indonesia strategy on addressing China's Claims over the Natuna in the South China Sea area". This research began with explaining Indonesia's point of view about maritime insight. Rahadian explained that before its independence, Indonesia has been known as a nation that has civilization advanced maritime, even experienced a golden age in the early 9th century. The sailors of Indonesia sailed to the North, and then West to cut the Indian Ocean to Madagascar and continues to East to Easter Island. Rahadian describes the kingdoms in Nusantara with maritime style, such as Srivijaya, Majapahit and Demak. Added with the toughness of the maritime Kingdom of Singasari under orders Kings Kartanegara in the 13th century who managed to send a maritime expedition to Champa and Malay kingdoms to establish friendships with purpose together could hinder the attack of Mongol Kingdom of Southeast Asia. He added that the high glory of Nusantara maritime on the Majapahit Empire era (1293-1478), under the leadership of Raden Wijaya, Hayam Wuruk and Mahapatih Gajah Mada, Majapahit Empire succeeded in mastering and unifying Nusantara. Even the influence of the Majapahit Kingdom up to Ayuthia, Siam, Champa, Langor, Anam,

20 Akmal (2015). Strategi Indonesia Menjaga Keamanan Wilayah Perbatasan Terkait Konflik Laut China Selatan Pada Tahun 2009-2014. Jurnal Fisip, Volume 2, No. Oktober 2, 2015. 10

India, the Philippines and China. 21 After discussing about the maritime, Rahadian explains the issue of Natuna in Indonesia's relationship with China. The entry of Natuna sea into nine dash line or area with an imaginary line in the dotted line becomes ownership of China. Rahadian paper also discussing about illegal fishing occurred in Indonesia which expected to reach 6,167,940 tonnes every years. It happened in Arafuru Sea, Natuna Sea, North of North Sulawesi (Pacific Ocean), the Makassar Strait, and West Sumatra (Indian Ocean). The third is Rigo paper He wrote his thesis on the title "the influence of the South China Sea Conflict against the defence policy of Republic of Indonesia". In his writing he describes about Indonesia general policy Defense 2010-2014 years under Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 41, 2010. There are at least three basic policies of organizing the defense of the country which is related to the security stable of the territory. First, Construction defense posture of Indonesia directed until reach the Minimum Essential Force (MEF), which was initiated by the Ministry of defence of Indonesia in the strategic plan (Restra) defense RI 2010-2029. The strategic plan as a means to the attainment of a minimum reliable power in the care of national security. MEF is indispensable to cope with security threats (internal and external) that are urgent. Second, deployment policy of military defense force. SCS dynamics conflict caused to the Government of Indonesia to put military forces on the outermost points of Indonesia closer to the conflict. Thirdly, international cooperation in the field of Defense. This policy is directed towards the neighboring countries bordering directly

21 Rahadian Mada Kertoyoso. Strategi Indonesia Dalam Menyikapi Klaim china Atas Natuna di Kawasan Laut China Selatan. (2016) Thesis, students of international relations, Faculty of social and political sciences of the University of Pasundan 11

with foreign countries on the development of capabilities (capacity building), in order to realize the ASEAN security Community and also an active role in the Peacekeeping Operation (PKO).22 The fourth is Natalie Clients, published by International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, entitled “The Limitations of UNCLOS Part XV Dispute Settlement in Resolving South China Sea Disputes: The South China Sea – An International Law Perspective Conference”.23 Natalie discusses the arbitration between the Philippines and China conflict with field report of the South China Sea region, based on UNCLOS XV which discusses on the issue of the border of a country's ownership of the sea in the international waters territory. Natalie's writing discussess three things, first the background of the conflict in the South China Sea, Philippine criticism against China's claim in the waters of SCS with brings up a map of nine-dash-line24 contrary with UNCLOS governing the border sea of country, and ZEE. Second, a description of the boundary conflict on the ownership of the sea according to UNCLOS, and negotiation Vis a Vis which is the compulsory procedure and very necessary that serve as a binding decision so that China is not arbitrary and obey UNCLOS. Third, discuss the things required in jurisdictions with obeying to the laws of

22 Sempati Rigo. Pengaruh Konflik Laut China Selatan Terhadap Kebijakan Pertahanan Republik Indonesia. (2017). Thesis students of international relations, Faculty of social and political science, the University of Andalas. 23 Natalie Klein. The Limitations of UNCLOS Part XV Dispute Settlement in Resolving South China Sea Disputes: The South China Sea – An International Law Perspective Conference. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, June 2016. Macqurie University-Macquarie Law School. 24 The United States assessed the nine-dash line on three bases: first, as a claim to sovereignty over the islands within the line; second, as a national boundary and third, as based on historic rights. If the nine-dash line reflects an ambit sovereignty claim then it would fall outside of jurisdiction for the present arbitration. In relation to the second two bases, a unilateral delimitation may be assessed by the tribunal consistenly with the UNCLOS rules on the establishmen of maritime zones 12

international sea (UNCLOS) in the International Court. The fifth of literature review is Estu Prabowo writings in the Journal national security, XIX (3), December 2013, entitled "Indonesia's defense policy and strategy (case of study; conflicts in the South China Sea).” His writings describes about SCS dynamics conflict involving six countries namely Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and China. That the six countries feel entitled to claim SCS as his country's territory ownership. it is interpreted agains international law (UNCLOS) 1982. Estu added as time goes by, the issue of SCS conflict was officially entered into the permanent agenda of ASEAN. Each of the regular meetings of the ASEAN, as ASEAN SUMMIT, ASEAN Minister put Meeting, ASEAN Post Ministerial Meeting, ASEAN Defense Minister Meeting, ASEAN Regional Forum, the ASEAN- China Summit, SCS conflict is one issue that always discussed. In addition to discussing conflict dynamics and the entered conflict of SCS into ASEAN Estu attract these problems to the interests and policies of the Government of Indonesia, especially in the field of Defense. He describes the construction of a defense force directed to satisfy the MEF, as the draft of defense strength in especially TNI, have the ability of minimum counteract. There are several flash point of MEF set by Kemhan, namely: (1) in the region of ALKI I up to ALKI II, (2) at the State border in the West up to ALKI i. (3) the region of ALKI II up to ALKI III and (4) the region of ALKI III up to the State border in the East and South. In the MEF, it can be analyzed that the South China Sea is classed as a flash point for consideration as a border region of Indonesia and the South China Sea's position as the region's strategic energy resources. 25

25 Estu Prabowo. Kebijakan Dan Strategi Pertahanan Indonesia (Studi Kasus Konflik Di Laut China Selatan. (2013) The Journal Of The National Security. Number XIX 13

The different of this research and the prevorius is the theory and limitation of scope. This research use Rational Choice Theory and Foreign Policy theory and limit the year of this study from 2014 to October 2017. Akmal research used the theory of security and understood as the ability to self defend (survival) in the face of a real threat (existential threat). His research used realist paradigm that makes a State as the primary actor in international relations. Rahadian research describes about the civilization marine of Indonesia and the kongdoms in Nusantara such us Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Demak. Rigo paper describes about Indonesia general policy defense 2010- 2014 years under Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 41 Year 2010. Natalie just focuses on the Philippine criticism against China and Estu describes the construction of defence force directed to satisfy the Minimum Essential Force (MEF).

F. Theoretical Framework Based on the above background, to discuss this research the author uses three concepts, namely Rational Choice Theory (RCT), Foreign Policy and Islamic worldview.

1. Rational Choice Theory Rational Choice Theory, entered into the field of international relations was first formed in the early 1960's. Rational choice theory in practice is the instrument that has choices and goals guided by an actor.26 Rational choice theory is trying to be the alternative choice of a country in order to maximize the benefit and minimize the cost. This theory is used to answer about the best decision to achieve the national interests of actors used in the international environment.

(3). December 2013. p. 118-129. 26 Robert Jackson & Geor Sorensen, 2009, Pengantar Studi Hubungan Internasional, Yogyakarta. Pustaka Belajar. p.297. 14

Stephen m. Waltz in Rigor or Rigor Mortis journal? Rational Choice and Security Studies are explained in more detail about rational choice theory, Waltz stated that: 1. Rational choice theory is individualistic: social and political outcomes are viewed as the collective product of individual choices (or as the product of choices made by unitary actors). 2. Rational choice theory assumes that each actor seeks to maximize its “subjective expected utility.” Given a particular set of preferences and a fixed array of possible choices, actors will select the outcome that brings the greatest expected benefits. 3. The specification of actors’ preferences is subject to certain constraints: (a) an actor’s preferences must be complete (meaning we can rank order their preference for different outcomes); and (b) preferences must be transitive (if A is preferred to B and B to C, then A is preferred to C). 4. Constructing a formal theory requires the analyst to specify the structure of the game. This typically means identifying the set of players, the likelihoods of each player’s pattern of preferences, each player’s information at every choice point, and how they see their moves as connected to the possible outcomes. 5. Once the game is fully specific, the analyst usually looks for its equilibrium. An equilibrium is an assignment of strategies to the players, Each player’s strategy maximizes his or her expected utility, given that the others use their assigned strategies. Thus an equilibrium is a strategy from which a rational actor would have no incentive to deviate unilaterally.27 Waltz explains rational choice theory above has some point, namely: first, the theory of rational choice are individuals, based on

27 Stephen M Waltz. (1999). “Rigor or Rigor Mortis? Rational Choice and Security Studies”. MIT Press Journals, Spring 15

the results of the social and political which was seen as the collective produc or individual choice (it as the result of the choice made by the actors Union). The actors Union intended by Waltz is a country that has a rational choice for its own interests. Second, Waltz assumes that the actors use the rational choice theory will always try to maximize its importance. It is performed by an actor with taking an option that will bring the results to maximum possiblity of the achievement. Third, rational choice theory, specifies the preference of certain constraints of some actors, such as the actor has several options (it mean researchers can establish order in ranking of preferences for different results). On the other hand, the choice must be transitive (if option A assessed is more important compared with the other options B and C, then the actor will select A). Fourth, the rational choice theory requires an analysis to determine the structure of the game. This means, the theory identifies each player, see the movement, manage the information at every point to be the master of the game. Fifth, rational choice theory are looking for balance after the play. So the decisions resulting from these games can benefit for the actor (country). Waltz describes the essence of rational choice theory is a great tool to make logical conclusions about how humans (or country) made the decision.28 James Coleman is the most influential figure in the Rational Choice Theory (RCT), he wrote a book with the title the Foundations of Social Theory (1990). In his book explains that "The purpose of rational choice theory is to explain social phenomena by assuming rational choice at the actor's level.”29 Rational Choice theory has a special understanding. The word "rational" is not meant as a "wisdom", "thinking in healthy brain" or

28 Ibid. 29 Yoshimichi Sato. Rational Choice Theory. (2013) Sociopedia.isa. Tohoku University, Japan. 16

"knowing and doing what is useful in the long term" or as an everyday sense as well as in philosophy. While the RCT has a special meaning and narrow toward the word "rational", i.e. individual actions seen as though as equalization fee (cost) and the advantages (benefits), so the action is solely intended to maximize personal gain. Thereby, the RCT formulates that all actions based on cost-benefit; while the loss of profit is based on the information. The information coming into the brain determined by the choices. Finally a mechanism or considerations of the profit and the loss makes the RCT is dominant in its application. RCT said to be rational in the interests of the actors the subjective and rational will accommodate or not. When his interests including accommodation, then it is rational. But otherwise, if his interests not including accommodation, it is considered and accused is rational.

2. Foreign Policy The concept of foreign policy is "action theory", or the wisdom of a country directed to the other countries to achieve specific interests. In the general sense, foreign policy is formula, values, attitude, direction and objectives for maintaining, securing, and advance the national interests in the international scene. Foreign policy is a basic strategy to achieve good purpose in the domestik or foreign context and determine involvement of a country in the international issues and surroundings environment.30 Foreign policy is the complex study of International Relations because it does not only involve external aspects but also internal aspects of a country. In the studies, foreign policy is a system, environment stimulation of external and domestic inputs that affect foreign policy of country in the perception of decision makers in a

30 Yanyan Mochamad Yani, Drs. MAIR., Ph.D. Politik Luar Negeri. Pdf. Senior Lecturer in international relations, school of social and political sciences, University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD). 17

process of the Convention and become the output. Finally, the State as an actor who did the foreign policy, is still the main unit in the international relations system. Foreign policy is a strategy or action plan made by the Government to agreement with the other Nations or other international political unit, which aims to achieve the national interests of the State and surroundings environment.31 First, foreign policy according to Kautiliya is the act performed by each nation in the fields of politics, economy and military in accordance with the national interests of their country.32 The concept of foreign policy is a system which carried a nation to change the behavior of other countries in an international system.33 The foreign policy is the formulation and implementation in the behaviour of the country when negotiating with the other countries to protect the national interests of his country. The objectives of a nation’s foreign policy are: (1) maintaining the integrity of the state, (2) promoting economic interests, (3) providing national security, (4) protecting national prestige and developing national power, and (5) maintaining world order.34 Indonesia's foreign policy in the South China Sea Conflict took an important role to maintain sovereignty and stability of territory. Indonesia has been trying to keep the national interests in Natuna territory directly nearby to South China Sea. Based on the concept of foreign policy that has five goals, not all concepts of foreign policy can be applied in maintaining Indonesia's sovereignty. In this case, there are four concepts which can be done by Indonesia to maintain Natuna territory in the SCS conflict zone, it can be described as follows:

31 Ibid. p. 2-4. 32 Boesche, Roger dan Athur G. Coons. “Katuliya’s Arthasastra on War and Diplomacy in Ancient India”. (2003). htm (accessed on November 01, 2017, at 20.20 WIB) 33 George Modelski. The Theory of Foreign Policy, London, 1962, p. 3. 34 Ibid. p. 3. 18

1. Maintaining the integrity of the state, Integrity is the existence of the wholeness principle and morals of a nation in the state living, it shows the unity of the whole until has the potential and ability of the exudes authority of a nation. If SCS conflicts is allowed to happen, then it would harm the national interests of Indonesia especially in the Natuna waters region which borders directly with South China Sea. It is very important for Indonesia to maintain the integrity of the countries in the SCS area, otherwise the region of Indonesia will be claimed by China policy by issuing a nine-dash line which, will annexes Natuna waters region. President Joko Widodo ever deploying the meeting on the battleship in Natuna waters and warned that "it is the obligation of Indonesia national army to keep the border region”. The obligation of Indonesian Nations Armed Forces (TNI) is to keep the border homeland. 35 Finally, the Government of Indonesia changed the name of the South China Sea become the North Natuna Sea in SCS territory, the name change is a form of Indonesia integrity to protect the national interests. 2. Providing national security National security can be understood as a condition of the country to physically protects from the external threats, in which the national security also talked about the threats that originate from internal States. On the other hand, security is also understood as the country's efforts to prevent a war, especially through the strategy in building the power of the armed forces who have a deterrent capability.36

35 Fathiyah Wardah. Indonesia Minta Semua Negara Jaga Stabilitas di Laut China Selatan. 14 of July 2017. jaga-stabilitas-di-laut-china-selatan/3417885.html (accessed on November 05, 2017, at 20.30 WIB). 36 Angga Nurdin Rachmat. Keamanan Global, Transformasi Isu Keamanan Pasca Perang Dingin. (2015). Alfabeta. Bandung. 19

If South China Sea conflict is grown up, it will be very dangerous to Indonesia, especially in the Natuna Island territory which is the border between Indonesia regions with South China Sea. To anticipate it, Indonesia has to increase military strength in Natuna area, increase the alusista of Indonesia National Army and issue the defense policy strategy to protect sovereignty and security of Indonesia in Natuna territory. 3. Protecting national prestige and developing national power Since 1945 until nowadays, Indonesia is still respected by many countries in the regional of ASEAN as well as around the world. The influence of Indonesia is very large when hosted the first Asian- African Conference that successfully make many countries become independen. When the world was split between the Eastern bloc and the Western bloc, Indonesia rose and pioneered the Non-Aligned Movement, whose members refuse to be part of the Western Bloc used to America and the Eastern bloc used to the Soviet Union. Since that time, the voice of Indonesia in the international world has been more heard. The power of Indonesia increase in United Nations (UN) forums so that Indonesia has the authority and seen honored by other countries.37 If the Natuna Islands regardless from Indonesia due to South China Sea conflict, then the authority of Indonesia in the world gradually will fade and all countries will look lightly at Indonesia. Then, increasing the power of the military, conducting cooperation to maintain the authority and dignity of the nation is very necessary. The addition of military strength in the Natuna territory is one step in an alternative Government in maintaining the authority of Indonesia and keep to the region stability, so the neighbors states do not dare to

37 Agung Pribadi. Gara-Gara Indonesia, Dari Sejarah Kita Belajar Untuk Masa Depan. (2014) Cetakan ke-4, Asmanadia. Depok. 20

capture, steal Indonesia waters territory in the border of the SCS. Regional cooperation with ASEAN countries and countries bordering with SCS its also one form of increasing national strength and safeguarding the authority of the nation in the eyes of the world, thus the other countries will think twice if they want to attract Indonesia into the SCS conflict zone and will make China afraid to realize the policy of nine-dash line that claims a part of Natuna waters into their territory belonging. 4. Maintaining world order Indonesia should be the mediator in the SCS conflict, It should be done because it is the mandate of the opening of the Constitution 1945 (UUD 1945) to join and implement the world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice.38 Therefore protecting Indonesia border region from the South China Sea conflict zones can use the rational choice theory and foreign policy. The application of Rational Choice Theory is used to examine Indonesia's efforts in keeping the Natuna Islands in the South China Sea conflict zones it can be described as follows: 1. Indonesia's interests in the South China Sea are to protect the territorial waters of Natuna in order not to be claimed by China and avoid Indonesia to not enter ithe South China Sea conflict zone. 2. Natuna is the outermost region of Indonesia that borders directly with the South China Sea, this region has abundant natural resources, such as oil, gas and fish. 3. On the other side Indonesia needs China to help the economy and infrastructure of Indonesia. It is proven buy

38 The preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 (UUD 1945). 21

the increasing debts of Indonesia to China in the year 2017 and the amount of infrastructure work done by China. 4. Indonesia should also maintain cooperation with ASEAN countries so that the interests of Indonesia are protected and brotherhood with the ASEAN countries remain good. Seen from the above conditions, then Rational Choice of Indonesia and all of Indonesia interests can be realized, Natuna waters not been claim by China, Indonesia is not included into the South China Sea conflict zone, Indonesia relationship with China and ASEAN countries remain good either. Then, the RCT of Indonesia is using the concept of Foreign Policy as an alternative for Indonesia to gett the little cost but get the big benefit (advantages) in the SCS conflict zones. 3. Islamic Worldview Islamic Worldview is a way of thinking or thinking that is based on Islam, it presents Islam in all lines of life in politics, economy, education, science and other sectors. Because Islam is sourced from the Qur'an, it discusses universally about politics, the order of government, and Islam also organize a good life to make the Islamic region's sovereign and the people can be prosperous.39 According to Dr. Hamid Fahmi Zarkasyi, M.A. Islamic civilization is the civilization built by Islamic science resulting from the view of life of Islam. Means that the development of Islamic science based on the Islamic perspective should be a priority for all Islamic movements. Worldview Islam in this study explains the attempt of Indonesian government by using Rational Choice Theory and Foreign Policy which produced three strategies to protect the territory of Indonesia in

39 Fakhrurrazi. (2017). Islamic Worldview dan Peradaban Islam. Tsaqofah. Saturday, March 25, 2017. islamic-worl dview-dan-peradaban-islam.html (Accessed on 5 of May, 2018. At 06.51 WIB). 22

Natuna is true and in accordance with Islamic worldview. From the above discussion, it can be described as follows: From the above discussion, it can be described as follows:

• Indonesia's alternative to protect the border Rational region, especially in the Natuna waters. Choice • Indonesia's cooperation with the ASEAN Theory countries and China remain good.

Foreign • Four concepts of Foreign Policy as an alternative to Policy keep the region border.

Natuna Island Secured

Table 1.1 The Concept of Foreign Policy Table 1.1 The Concept of Foreign Policy

ConceptConcept The DerivativeThe Derivative Concept Concept IndicatorsIndicators ForeignForeign Policy 1. 1.Maintain Maintaininging the integrity the integrity of Change the nameChange of thethe Southname China of theSea South ConceptPolicy the ofstate the state become the NorthChina Natuna Sea Sea become the North Concept 2. Providing a national security Add military Natunastrength, increaseSea the number of alutsista, and issue a policy strategy of Defense 2. Providing a national security Add military strength, increase to safeguard national security. the number of alutsista, and issue

3. Protecting national prestige Keep the stabilitya policy area by doingstrategy negotiation of Defense and to and developing national regional cooperationsafeguard with national ASEAN security.and the power countries bordering with SCS would increase 3. Protecting national prestigethe authority Keepof Indon esiathe in stabilitythe eyes of areathe by and developing nationalworld. power The additiondoing ofnegotiation military capabilities and regionalin the South Chinacooperation Sea region willwith also ASEANincrease and the Indonesia nationalthe countries power. bordering with SCS would increase the authority of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. The addition of military capabilities in the South China Sea region will also increase the Indonesia national power.



G. Hypothesis Based on the formulation of the problem and various explanations that have been described above, then the hypotheses of this research are as follow: 1. Change the name of the South China Sea become the North Natuna Sea 2. Add a military power to keep the border region 3. Cooperate with ASEAN countries and countries bordering with South China Sea. 4. Three strategy above suitable with Islamic worldview in obligation to maintain state sovereignty.

H. Research Methodology Methodology is a way, process, principles and procedures used by international relations researchers to gain a knowledge about a phenomenon that occurs in international relations.

1. Research Method To know the efforts of the Indonesian government to protect the border areas, especially in Natuna waters related to the conflict in the South China Sea, the author tries to analyze using qualitative methods.40 Qualitative research that is holistic and more emphasis on process. Hence, qualitative research in seeing the relationship between variables in object studied is more interactive that influences each other (reciprocal / interactive). Qualitative research in conducting data

40 The qualitative method of research is named as the new method, because of its popularity not long ago, is called postpositivistic method because it is based on postpositivism philosophy. This research is used to examine the condition of a natural object, (as opposed to experimenting) where the researcher is as the key instrument, data collection technique is done by triangulation, the data analysis is inductive / qualitative, and the result of qualitative research more emphasize the meaning of generalization. Open Prof. Dr. Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. (2012). Alfabeta, Bandung. 24

collection, interacted between researchers data with data sources. In this interaction both researchers and data have different backgrounds, views, beliefs, values, interests, and perceptions. This in my data collection, analysis, and report generation will be bounded by their respective values.41

2. Research Setting To complete the research about South China Sea dispute, it takes less than 8 months from the time of the filing title of the thesis, then start to search, collect the data, analyze and write all of the data up until the last chapter of this research. This research was started in April 2017 and completed in January 2018.

3. Technique of Data Collection To collect reliable and accountable data in this paper, the researcher uses literature study in the method of collecting data from sources in the form of literature academic, books, journals, magazines, newspapers, news, website, and official documents from the Indonesian government.

4. Technique of Data Analysis Technique of data analysis is used to find and retrieve information from the various data that has been collected. In this study, the analysis focus on Indonesia's foreign policy with the help of the concept of rational choice theory considering of losses (cost) and the advantages (benefits) of each policy taken by the government of Indonesia. There are five formulation of rational choice theory that will be used to analyze which policies fit to keep the border region from the South China Sea dispute. Moreover, after using the rational choice theory,

41 Prof. Dr. Sugiyono. (2012). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Alfabeta, Bandung. 25 the researcher proceeds with analysis using four concepts of foreign policy as a response to the threat in the border region. Finally, the foreign policy theory can accommodate all the interests of Indonesia to safeguard Natuna waters of the South China Sea conflict dispute

5. Scope and Limitation The prolonged conflict in the South China Sea region that scramble ownership of the islands in the region is heating up, coupled with China's claim that unilaterally entering the North Natuna waters into the nine-dash line in the maps of their countries the more compelling Indonesia to intervention in this conflict to keep the border region of Indonesia especially in the Natuna waters. To get a focused and consistent research then the authors finally determine the boundary problem in writing this research. This research will focus on the efforts made by the Indonesian government to secure the Natuna waters area, strengthen the defense there to protect Indonesia's national interest in the SCS. This study limit the year of this study from 2014 to October 2017. 26

I. Systematic of Writing CHAPTER I In chapter I the authors write about the introduction, the background of the study. The benefit of the study, literature review, a framework of thinking, hypothesis, research methods, approaches and types of research, data collection techniques, and the limitations of the research.

CHAPTER II In This chapter the author tried to expose about the dynamics of the borders region of Indonesia and the Government's efforts in keeping the border region. CHAPTER III In this chapter, the author exposes the condition of the South China Sea conflict constested by six countries bordering the SCS. Then the author will exposes the source of the conflict and the inclusion of Indonesia into South China Sea conflict.

CHAPTER IV This chapter describes the author's analysis of what the government efforts has done to keep the Indonesia border region, especially in the Natuna waters related with South China Sea conflict.

CHAPTER V Conclusions and suggestions. CHAPTER II


A. Border Area of Indonesia The border area is a the vital sector of Indonesia which has a very important role in determining the limits of the territory's sovereignty, users of natural resources, maintain the security and territorial integrity of the country. Indonesia's geographical conditions are very large bordered with several countries in the Asia-Pacific region in the land, sea and air territory, It becames the main focus of the Government to maintain the integrity and security of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). This chapter, describes some important things in the border region. It begins with an explanation of the geographical conditions of the borders region of Indonesia from the mainland to the ocean, followed by an explanation of the conditions of economic, political, social and cultural in the border region, especially in the mainland, because the land area of Indonesia's boundary with neighboring countries is the merging of two different community countries. Thus, it has some social disparities and problems. Then this study will explain the potential conflict and threat in the border region, by presenting the data of internal and external problems that became a threat of Indonesia in the border region. After discussing the geographical conditions, threats and potential conflicts that happen in the border region, this study describes Indonesia government efforts Which has been done in keeping the border territory. Then the author present legislation and regulation about the border and what efforts have been made by the President Joko Widodo at the time of his leadership in keeping of Indonesia borders region.

27 28

1. Geographical Condition in Indonesian Border Area There are 17,504 islands in Indonesia, of which 92 are small islands that serve as a base point to draw the baseline of the archipelago bordering with 10 neighboring countries in the sea area spread over 10 provinces. Of the 514 districts and municipalities in Indonesia, 26 districts are directly adjacent to the neighboring countries which automatically comply with the provisions in UNCLOS that Indonesia is recognized as an archipelagic state, and all territorial waters adjacent to Indonesia that were formerly part of the open sea have become territorial waters of Indonesia.42 The border area is a national strategic area that has important roles and functions. The management of the border area, of ​​the Republic of Indonesia shall be entitled to fully manage all resources comprising land territory, water territory, seabed and subsoil as well a s above airspace, including all sources of wealth contained in there.43 Here are 10 border areas of Indonesia with neighboring countries, namely: 1. Sea border areas with Thailand, India and Malaysia in Aceh, North Sumatra and two outer islands. 2. Sea border areas with Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore in Riau, and 20 (twenty) outer islands. 3. Land border areas with Malaysia in and . 4. Sea border areas with Malaysia and the Philippines in East Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi, North Sulawesi and 18 (eighteen) outer islands. 5. Sea border area with Palau in North Maluku, West Papua,

42 Agus Puji Prasetyono. Re-Planning Wilayah Perbatasan Indonesia. 2016. Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Ristekdikti). re-planning-wilayah-perbatasan-indonesia/ (accsessed on 26 November 2017, at 20.00 WIB). 43 UU Nomor 43 Tahun 2008 tentang Wilayah Negara 29

Papua and 8 (eight) outer islands. 6. The land border area with Papua New Guinea in Papua. 7. Sea border areas with Timor Leste and Australia in Papua, Maluku and 20 (twenty) small outer islands. 8. Land border area with Timor Leste in East Nusa Tenggara. 9. Sea border areas with Timor Leste and Australia in NTT and 5 (five) outer islands. 10. Sea border areas face offshore in Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Bengkulu, Lampung, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara and 19 (nineteen) small outer islands.44 The number of Indonesian border areas with neighboring countries both on land and at sea has many unresolved issues. The land border region of the land has a very important role because the population of the world is domiciled on land. So that land border area sometimes becomes a dispute because there are some points where there is lack of boundary line. On the sea, there are also many problems that have not been resolved by the Indonesian government. Sea border areas are more difficult to control because Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a vast sea, a lot of smuggling, illegal fishing, claims of ownership of territorial waters and various problems occurred in the Indonesian seas. Indonesia has land boundaries with three countries, namely Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste. The land border between Indonesia and Malaysia located in Kalimantan still leaves ten points of disputed area. Five of which are in West Kalimantan province. The

44 Yusnita Dwi Jayanti, et al. “tanpa tahun” Penyelesaian Sengketa Batas Wilayah Darat Antara Indonesia dan Malaysia (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat. “ Pdf. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya. publications/35092-ID-penyelesaian-sengketa-batas-wilayah-darat-antara-indonesia-dan- malaysia-studi-ka.pdf (accessed on 22 November 2017, at 08.15 WIB) 30

five border districts are Entikong (Sanggau) -Tebedu, Badau (Kapuas Hulu) - Our Antang Pie, Jagoi Babang (Bengkayang) -Serikin, Aruk (Sambas) - Angingan and Jasa Ketungau Hulu (Sintang). The land boundary between Kalimantan and Malaysia reaches 2.002 kilometers, consisting of West Kalimantan along 857 km and East Kalimantan along 1.147 kilometers.45 In Papua, the area bordering Papua New Guinea is Jayapura, Keerom Regency, Mounthain Bintang District, Boven Digoel Regency and Merauke Regency, with a length of about 760 km.46 Indonesia's border with Timor Leste is located in the East Nusa Tenggara region, located in three districts, namely Belu, Kupang and North Central Timor (TTU), which are spread into nine districts.47

2. Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Conditions on the Border Area The condition of land and sea border areas including Indonesia's outer islands has not been well integrated yet. The borders of Indonesia with neighboring countries have a variety of problems and border conflict. The border areas between Malaysia and Kalimantan, with East Timor, and Papua with Papua New Guinea have border issues of almost the same. Philosophically, according to Mahendra, the problems in the border region in Indonesia lies in the foundation of philosophy or the view on which the ideals and goals of the Republic of Indonesia are founded. While in the juridical problematics, problems in border areas not only affirms the border of the country, but it is much more important

45 Ibid, p. 2 46 Djaka Marwasta. Pendampingan Pengelolaan Wilayah Perbatasan Di Indonesia: Lesson Learned dari KKN-PPM UGM Di Kawasan Perbatasan. Indonesia Journal of community Engagement. Vol. 01, No. 02, Maret 2016. p. 205. 47 Admin. Telaah Isu Strategis, Kajian Kebijakan Strategis Pengelolaan Terpadu Wilayah Perbatasan. Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. view/28 (accessed on 26 November 2017, at 13.29 WIB) 31

to see the border as part of national territory where its management is inseparable from the national policies and regulations so as to create a conducive environment for the benefit of society, and State (one regulation concept).48 The border area is an integral part of the a country’s development. The management of border areas of the country is basically the embodiment of Indonesia's sovereignty as a unity in its geography, politics, economy, socio-culture and defense of security. However, to actualize the sovereignty, there are several problems. These include: archipelagic geographical conditions and generally difficult topography; poverty, social and cultural issues, illegal economic activities, coupled with the economic disparities of the population between the inhabitants of their own country and the neighboring people. Dino Umahuk49 explained that Indonesia's border with Malaysia in social matters is like the sky and the borehole. The Malaysian government builds their border region well, provides public services for its citizens, including free education and healthcare for Malaysians in the border area. While in the territory of Indonesia, the government paid less attention to the development of the border areas in terms of education, health, other social services.50 The fundamental problem at the border is its infrastructure. The economic growth in the border area will not be able to move due to unresolved infrastructure problems by the Indonesian government. In agricultural or plantation products in the Kalimantan border region,

48 Op. Cit. Agus Puji. 49 Dino Umahuk is Indonesia-born novelist of Maluku. He is the author of poetry and documentary film director. Currently he teaches at the Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku. Open jagoi?page=all 31 July 2017. 50 Dino Umahuk. Republik Jahoi. 31 Juli 2017. read/2017 /07/31/12141781/republik-jagoi?page=all (accesses on 18 January 2018, at 08.50 WIB). 32

for example, people prefer to sell them to Malaysia compared to Kalimantan (Indonesia). In addition, the distance to Malaysia is closer than to the districts or cities in Indonesia, the selling price in the country is also better.51 Finally, transactions conducted at the border use two currencies, namely Rupiah and Malaysian Ringgit. If the community sells plantation or agricultural products to Malaysia, automatic transactions are made using Malaysian Ringgit. In addition, Malaysian peddlers dare to give debt to the Indonesian people who are on the border, even the Indonesian farmers are given fertilizer and medicines to manage the garden.52 If this continues to be feared people in the border region prefer to be Malaysian citizens of Indonesia because they are more concerned and guaranteed life if they become citizens of Malaysia. The border in Belu district, which borders Timor-Leste, has only 14 health facilities from 12 sub-districts, 12 sub-districts and 154 villages (45 villages are in the border area of Timor-Leste).​​ In 2000 the population reached 362,191 (excluding East Timor refugees), people's livelihoods in general from agriculture, livestock, mining and forestry sectors. As for the socio-cultural sector is the p otential of marine tourism, cultural tourism, and nature tourism. Problems related to the current condition of the border area include; the common problem is lack of supports from financial institution, low quality of education, lack of medical experts, and minimal facilities and infrastructure that support the development activities.53 In Papua, especially in Jayapura which has an area of 61,493 km, 14,82% of the total area of Papua Province, where the province of

51 Ibid. 52 Ibid. 53 Admin. Workshop Pembangunan Daerah Perbatasan Indonesia. 24 January 2003. (accesses, 18 January 2018, at 09.47 WIB). 33

Papua is directly adjacent to the State of PNG. There are 24 districts divided into 276 villages and 7 urban villages. The population in 2001 was 92,023 inhabitants. The districts whose territory is bordered by PNG especially Sandaun Province are Arso, Waris, Senggi, and Web districts. The problem in the Papua region is the connecting road for transportation between border areas which is still experiencing difficulties, resulting in the difficulty of the community to market their products to Jayapura.54

B. Conflict and Threats Potential in Border Areas Indonesia's border region has great potential for conflict if it is not immediately handled by the government. Indonesia's land borders directly adjacent to Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste are bordered by a vast border with ten countries: India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, the Papuan Republic, Australia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea. The borders between Indonesia and Malaysia are often violations that can strain relations between Indonesia and Malaysia. Recorded four times Malaysia violated the territory of Indonesian sovereignty, namely: First, Incident breakthrough air region Indonesia by Malaysia plane. On June 25, 2016 the Malaysian C-130 Hercules plane observed by the Air Force has violated Indonesian airspace in the Natuna Islands. Finally, the Air Force sent an F-16 aircraft to intercept the Hercules Malaysia plane and lead it out of the territory of Republic of Indonesia.55 Second, the case for the removal of the borderline. The borderline between Indonesia and Malaysia is divided in several areas along the 1,035

54 Ibid 55 Admin. Pesawat Malaysia Terdeteksi Langgar Wilayah Negara Kesaturan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Senin, 27 Juni 2016. read/783560 /pesawat-malaysia-terdeteksi-langgar-wilayah-unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia (accessed on 03 January 2018, at 17.50 WIB) 34 km in West Kalimantan until into the region more or less attached 544 borderline boundary area of the country. While in the area of East Kalimantan border to all 1,895 kilometres there are 4,780 limit pin separator between countries.56 The extent of the region makes it difficult for the government to guard and Indonesia is often harmed. On May 21, 2009, Malaysian troops installed dozens of stakes in the form of wooden pillars installed in the rice fields of Dusun Seberang, Pancang Village, Sebatik Subdistrict, Nunukan District, East Kalimantan. On June 5, 2009, the 613th Battalion Raja Alam unit released dozens of border markers between Indonesia and Malaysia, precisely in Seberang Village, Sebatik Induk Subdistrict, Nunukan District, East Kalimantan. The village is a border with Kampung Melayu in sebatik territory controlled by Malaysia.57 Third, the Case. The Ambalat region is one of Indonesia's potential border conflicts with Malaysia. The region has a potential of 52 million barrels of oil and 348 billion cubic feet of natural gas.58 Based on the Djuanda Declaration of 1957 it is clear that the area was declared to be Indonesian territory since 1980. However, Malaysia claims Ambalat area based on the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which mapped Sipadan and Ligitan islands belongs to Malaysia in 2002.59 Head the Navy Information Service (Kadispenal), First Admiral Iskandar Sitompul explained that it has been 11 times that the Malaysian Navy has violated the territory since January 2009.

56 Seberapa Sering Malaysia Melanggar Wilayah Indonesia?. Rabu, 29 Juni 2016. wilayah-indonesia (accessed on 03 January 2018, at 18.03 P.M WIB) 57 Ibid. 58 Ibid. 59 Edwin Firdaus. Menhan: Kalau Malaysia Masih Terobos Ambalat, Kami Serang!. Kamis, 18 Juni 2015. malaysia-masih-terobos-ambalat-kami-serang (accessed on 19 January 2018, at 19.12 WIB). 35

Fourth, hostage of Officers Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP). On August 13, 2010, a marine and fishery patrol boat arrested five Malaysian fishing boats caught fishing in Tanjung Berakit Bintan, Riau Islands. When bringing a Malaysian ship to , a ship suddenly appeared Police Malaysia pursued the ship Dolphin 015 owned by DKP. The Malaysian ship fired twice and asked the fishermen to be released. After that, the fishermen were transferred to the Dolphin ship and took three DKP employees who were DKP Batam working unit officers.60 The potential for conflicts in the border areas poses a threat to the Indonesian government. The Government of Indonesia as the main instrument must control, maintain and coordinate the entire territory of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in the border areas of various threats that can damage the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. There are two threats in the border region of Indonesia that are threats from within and from outside. Threats from within Indonesia include: Firstly, policies that are inadequate to the development of border areas because of the lack of human resources, budget, facilities and infrastructure and the welfare of the people in the border region.61 Human resources are human qualities that are already domiciled in border areas as well as human resources that will be deployed to border areas to improve infrastructure, build facilities and infrastructure, and educate people in border areas. Due to the lack of quality human resources at the border, ultimately can cause the distribution of budget, facilities and infrastructure less than the maximum resulting in hampering development in the border region and automatically the welfare of society becomes less good. The consequence is often the occurrence of social inequalities in the border region with neighboring

60 Op. Cit. 61 Thanon Aria Dewangga. Membangun Perbatasan, Merawat Etalase Negara. 29 Maret 2017. (accessed on 18 January 2018, at 21.12 WIB). 36 countries that are close to the border area of Indonesia.​​ 62 Secondly, lack of access and communication media and information in border areas.63 The border area is usually isolated with the outside world so that access to transportation and information b ecomes very difficult. Access roads that are still rocky ground surround e d by forests make it difficult to reach border areas and build communication and information facilities to the region. The consequences of lack of access, communication media and information ultimately lead to a lack of knowledge and education levels of people in the border areas. Third, not optimal coordination across sectors and cross-border areas in handling border areas. Secretary of the National Border Management Agency (BNPP) Hadi Prabowo said that there are 11 unfinished border sites, the region is generally located in direct border areas with other countries, such as Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia.64 In essence the government has deployed and built a military post guarding the border area, but the vastness of Indonesia finally there are still many border points that have not been touched and well preserved. The consequence is to result in the frequent occurrence of various problems such as changes to the boundaries of the state, the smuggling of forbidden goods and transnational crimes.65 Fourth, environmental damage and natural disasters affecting the living order of people who live in border areas. Environmental damage at

62 Dewi Krisna Hardjanti. Sebuah Pertaruhan Kedaulatan NKRI. Jurnal Kajian Hukum, Vol. 1, No. 1. May 2016. 63 Op. Cit. Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum. 64 Kristian Erdianto. 99.000 Kilometer Kawaasan Perbatasan Minim Penjagaan. 17 Januari 2017. kawasan. perbatasan.ri.minim.penjagaan (accessed on 19 January 2018, at 14.04 WIB). 65 Fachri Fachruddin. Lemahnya Pengawasan Wilayah Jadi Perhatian Pemerintah. 18 Januari 2017. pengawasan.wilay ah.perbatasan.jadi.perhatian.pemerintah (accessed on 19 Januari 2018, at 15.31 WIB). 37 the border occurs because it is done by the indigenous people who take the forest products to survive and become consumption for themselves.66 However, there are forest products taken and used to be "paid or sold" to neighboring countries as a source of income for border communities. In addition, natural disasters that often occur anywhere and anytime, without exception in the border region. The long distance of the border with the central government ultimately, make the reinforcements for victims of natural disasters in the border region are often hampered. Government reinforcements are often delayed and do not even reach the people in need in the border areas. Fifth, the declining spirit of nationalism due to poverty and lack of insight into the nationality of the people of the border region.67 This often happens because of circumstances that are not aligned with the people living in the border region resulted in a lack of nationality and a sense of nuisance against the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Lack of public understanding of the national insight resulted the spirit of nationalism on the frontier increasingly faded. This is very dangerous because it can lead to the expansion of ideology from neighboring countries to the inhabitants of the border region. Moreover, if the border community is facilitated by the neighboring countries. Eventually the border region is separated from the grip of RI and prefer to join foreign citizenship. Poverty is also one of the effects of the declining spirit of nationalism. Indonesia border areas with neighboring countries such as Malaysia for example, because of the access to districts or cities in Indonesia is very far and costly, the people at the border depend on development facilities from neighboring countries. If it continues, it will disintegrate the spirit of nationalism of Indonesian citizens who are on the border, and it is feared

66 Op. Cit. Dewi Krisna. 67 M. Ishaq. Pembinaan Nasionalisme Perbatasan Melalui Program Pendidikan Luar Sekolah. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan. Jilid 17, Nomor 6. Oktober 2011, p. 495-468. 38 that people in the border region prefer to be neighboring citizens (Malaysia in particular) than Indonesian citizenship. The five threats mentioned above are a threat from within Indonesia. However, apart from the threat from within, there are also threats from outside of the Republic of Indonesia as the following: First, the Smuggling of Indonesian Workers.68 Because of economic factors, finally many Indonesian people who are interested to work as migrant workers abroad, in the hope of changing their life for the better. Because there are many requirements to become migrant workers abroad, finally border areas become the main gateway for those who do not want difficulties in taking care of the requirements of being a migrant worker abroad. Second, the occurrence of illegal cross-border trade.69 Indonesia's border area is very close to neighboring countries but far from the central government, causing the inhabitants of the border areas to consume more goods produced by neighboring countries. These items very easily enter the border area because access to find it easier and faster. Finally, people living in border areas know more about foreign products than domestic products. In addition, the supply of products from neighboring countries entering the Indonesian border area is illegal. If illegal trades are often carried out by local people and there is no strict supervision by the government, the people's economy will depend on neighboring countries and in the end they prefer foreign products and feel part of the neighboring country. The consequence is that Indonesia will lose some more border areas because the

68 Abelda Gunawan. 30 Korban Perdagangan Orang Ketahuan Terobos Perbatasan Nunukan. 04 April 2017. perdaganganorang-ketahuan-terobos-perbatasan-nunukan (accessed on 20 January 2018, at 21.46 WIB) 69 Gloria Natalia Dolorosa. Masalah Wilayah Perbatasan Selesai Pada 2018. 11 Agustus 2017. perbatasan-selesai-pa da-2018 (accessed on 20 January 2018, at 09.43 WIB). 39 people domiciled there are not noticed by the Indonesian government. Third, Smuggling weapons.70 Ownership of weapons for the people of Indonesia in essence there is no prohibition. However, it must meet several conditions and is strictly regulated by the government. Finally, this opportunity can be used by other countries to smuggle illegal weapons through the border area by selling them at a cheaper price without going through any conditions. Fourth, the entry of illegal immigrants into the territory of Indonesia.71 The presence of illegal immigrants entering the territory of the Republic of Indonesia without any supervision from the security will cause a social disturbance due to the behavior of illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants usually enter the territory of Indonesia aims to seek asylum. This can lead to social disturbance for indigenous people due to cultural differences between them and cause the people's economy to be disrupted because some are taken over by illegal immigrants. Fifth, Air and Sea Disorders.72 The vast sea area reaches 5.8 million km² and the coastal food reaches 81,900 km² and is added by the vast airspace, resulting in numerous crimes committed in it, such as piracy, robbery, illegal fishing, smuggling and various violations in the territory of the country. The most frequent case in the Indonesian marine areas is a large number of foreign fishermen entering the border areas and harvesting Indonesian seafood and smuggling of illicit goods by sea. Indonesian airspace is also often in the entrance by foreign aircraft that deliberately

70 Admin. Perbatasan Utara Rentan Penyelundupan Senjata, Terkait Terorisme? 25 Maret 2017. penyelundupansenjata -terka it-terorisme (accessed on 20 January 2018, at 09.50 WIB). 71 Admin. TNI Dukung Program Pemerataan Pembangunan di Perbatasan. 30 Agustus 2017. perbatasan. html (accessed on 20 January 2018, at 09.56 WIB). 72 Wahyu Purwo A. Masalah Kerap Timbul di Perbatasan. Selasa, 26 September 2017. perbatasan/2017-09-26 (accessed on 20 January 2018, at 09.36 WIB). 40 pass or control the territory of Indonesia for the sake of their country. In addition to the above threats, border area disputes are common in Indonesia. Since the 1980s, there have been five border points between Indonesia and Malaysia with problems, namely the boundary of state border targets at the boundary point of the Camar Bulan country in Sambas District, point D 400 in Bengkayang Regency, Gunung Raya point at Bengkayan Boundary of Gunung Raya I and II, Buan Bengkayan river and Batu Aum point of Bengkayang Regency.73 The border area is physically a mountainous area, forest, river and difficult to penetrate by means of regular transportation or four-wheeled vehicles. If viewed from the aspect of the economy and people's welfare, the condition of the people in the border areas is largely poor with very low welfare, lagging, and lack of attention or assistance from the central government and local government. Coupled with the legal uncertainty of the boundaries of each country, causing conflicts between countries in fighting for vulnerable areas occurred. Indonesia's maritime border areas are also still occurring several problems. remembering that Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with the number of islands reached 17,499, the waters area reaches 5.8 million km² and the coastline reaches 81.900 km². Indonesia's territory is two-thirds of the ocean, and directly adjacent to the marine areas of neighboring countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Papua, Australia, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea.74 The Indonesian sea region is very large, consisting of small islands, hilly and isolated. Limited facilities and infrastructure, and lack of communication and power tools in the small islands of Indonesia. Some of the outermost islands are also largely undetermined by the Indonesian Exclusion Economi Zone (Boundary of EEZ), making it difficult for law enforcement processes

73 Op. Cit. Yusnita. p. 4 74 Op. Cit. Djaka. p. 209 41 by authorities and potentially a source of inter-state ownership disputes. The vastness of Indonesia's land and sea areas has not been well maintained. The extent of border areas requires an organized and professional border management, both at the central and regional levels, down to the border areas. However, the lack of infrastructure in the border areas shows that the Indonesian government has not yet had a good border area security management system. The management and guarding of border areas in Indonesia must be promptly fixed so that border issues can be resolved.

C. The Government Regulation in Protecting Border Areas

1. Arragement of Indonesian Border Area State border areas according to Law no. 26 of 2007 and PP no. 26 Year 2008 is a geographically and demographically districts bordering on the neighboring countries on land or on the high seas.75 Meanwhile, according to Law no. 43 of 2008 on the territory of the country explains that: Republic of Indonesia as an archipelagic country characterized by the archipelago has sovereignty over its territory and has sovereign rights outside its sovereign territory and certain other authorities to be managed and utilized for the welfare and prosperity of the Indonesian people as mandated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.76 Law No. 43. The year 2008 is also a territory of the country constituting a single terrestrial territory, for example inland, islands and territorial sea that seabed and underneath the ground, as well as the airspace above it, including all sources of wealth contained therein. While the jurisdiction is an area outside the territory of the state

75 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia. No. 26, Tahun 2007. Tentang Penataan Ruang. 76 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia. No. 43, Tahun 2008. Tentang Wilayah Negara. 42

comprising the Exclusive Economic Zone, the Continental Shelf and the Additional Zone in which the state has sovereign rights and certain other authorities. The border of the state is the boundary line which is the separation of a country's sovereignty based on international law.77

2. The Laws and Regulation of the Border Area Viewed from Indonesia's territory and a vulnerable impending claim ownership of territory or border conflicts, the government of Indonesia had tried everything possible to maintain Republic of Indonesia's territory. There are 17,000 more island which must be protected from Sabang to Merauke, Then Indonesian government since it was first proclaimed its independence has been doing protection throughout the archipelago with the use of the written legal basis on Article 25 of the 1945’s Constitution. Article 25 of 1945’s constitution, the resulting legal products that are used to protect the area of the country, including the following: A. The legislation: 1. Law No. 1 year 1973 on Indonesia’s continental shelf. 2. Act No. 5 year 1983 regarding the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). 3. Act No. 17 year 1985 on endorsement of UNCLOS. 4. Act No. 6 year 1996 about Indonesia’s seas. 5. Law No. 43 year 2003 on national territory. 6. Act No. 17 year 2007 on a plan to build a national Long Jang (RPJPN) 2005-2025. B. Government Regulation 1. Government Regulation No. 36 year 2002 about the right Cross.

77 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia. No. 43, Tahun 2008. Tentang Wilayah Negara. 43

2. Government Regulation No. 37 Year 2002 about the right cross-AKLI. 3. Government Regulation No. 38 Years 2002 and Government Regulation No. 37 Year 2008 of Point coordinates. C. The decision of the president (Kepres)/Presidential 1. Presidential Decree No. No. 178 Year 1999 2. Presidential Decree No. No. 78-year 2005.78 The Government of Indonesia has been trying to protect the territory of the Republic of Indonesia’s sovereignty by issuing law products by setting boundaries, that is the territory of land, sea, and the outermost small islands that belong to Indonesia. It suggests that the seriousness of the government in maintaining state and as evidence that the constitutional and territorial sovereignty of Indonesia has been arranged in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Indonesia. Moeldoko General says that: "”The border is a major manifestation of the sovereignty of the territory of a country. The border of a country had an important role in determining the limits of sovereignty, resource utilization of natural resources, and maintain the security and territorial integrity. Borders in many ways determined by the process of historical, political, and national and international law”.79

3. President Joko Widodo’s Effort in Keeping the Border President Joko Widodo awares that the condition in the borders are very concerning. President Jokowi in his leadership, wanted to improve the border region with Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New

78 Ibid. p. 99-100 79 Djaka Marwasta. Pendampingan Pengelolaan Wilayah Perbatasan Di Indonesia: Lesson Learned dari KKN-PPM UGM Di Kawasan Perbatasan. Indonesia Journal of community Engagement. Vol. 01, No. 02, Maret 2016. 44

Guinea and Timor-Leste. President Jokowi in his State of the Union speech 16 August 2016 mentions "in the framework of the establishment of sovereignty, the Government put forward the construction of leading areas, areas which became Indonesia home page. We develop areas such as Entikong, Natuna, and Atambua to let the world see that Indonesia is a big country and every inch of his homeland noted earnestly. "80 President Jokowi pursues the development of the border region by allocating a budget of approximately Rp. 1 trillion, to improve the physical cross-border in Entikong, West Kalimantan. The road to the border of Kalimantan lies along the 771.36 kilometers (km), stretching from West Kalimantan, North Borneo to the East Kalimantan. Until August 2015, the paved roads already reach 188.37 km and sections that are already enabled as a translucent reach 441.70 km.81 As for the road border in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) was built along 171.56 km. until the end of 2015 targeted along the 47 km, in 2016 all 67.61 km, and in 2017 a final settlement along 56.97 km. While the road of trans New Guinea along 4,325 km. Until recently, the road that has been paved reached 2,075 km. Trans New Guinea is targeted for completion in 2019, said President Jokowi.82 In addition to the construction of road infrastructure, the Government also did reconstruction and improvement at ports located in the border town to support the activities of the economy in the region. With the development of infrastructure at the border that continues to be addressed, President Jokowi hopes the economy at the border will

80 Thanon Aria Dewangga. Membangun Perbatasan, Merawat Etalase Negara. 29 Maret 2017. (accessed on 18 January 2018, at 09.12 WIB). 81 Admin. Perbatasan Adalah Halaman Depan Rumah Indonesia. 14 November 2015. indonesia.html (accessed on 18 January 2018, at 09.18 WIB). 82 Ibid. 45

increase. In addition, its will provide benefits to the community at the border, can also be pushing the economy nationally through import- export activities. Total of allocation from the Government throughout the year of 2015 for the way of the border in Kalimantan and Papua, NTT, according to President Jokowi reached Rp 2 trillion. It is the real evidence of government to build the border region.83 At present, an area that becomes the focus of attention of the government of Indonesia is the South China Sea which has enormous conflict escalation. In order to anticipate conflicts of the SCS, the Government finally made the 3 outermost island of Indonesia as a place of military bases, on the island of Natuna, Bitung, and Selaru. Deputy Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral Achmad Indonesian armed army Taufiqurrochman said, the strengthening of military bases, one of which was caused by the dynamics of the conflict in the South China Sea are currently so high. Because, some countries like China, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, and America often quarreled in territorial waters.84 Earlier, Interior Minister Tjahyo Kumolo explained, three dimensions of Indonesian National Army especially the Navy was to uphold the national sovereignty mainly because Indonesia is an archipelago. Thus, the construction of military bases in order to build up the strength of the Indonesian National Army is necessary.85 Three islands were selected as military bases have strategic roles respectively. Natuna is the outermost islands close to China and the Philippines. While the Selaru, to guard the border with Australia.

83 Ibid. 84 Dimas Jarot Bayu. Antisipasi Konflik Laut China Selatan, 3 Pulau Jadi Pangkalan Militer. Senin, 18 Desember 2017. antisi pasi-konflik-laut-china-selatan-3-pulau-jadi-pangkalan-militer (accessed on 03 January 2018, at 06.33 WIB) 85 Ibid. 46

Then Bitung adjacent to Moratai to keep the waters of the surrounding areas.86



A. The South China Sea Dispute South China Sea is the current international attention because of the frequent occurrence of claimant state of territory by a few countries that are directly adjacent to SCS. The position of the strategic South China Sea became the main route for international trade in the Asia Pacific region as well as the resources that are stored in the area causing frequent disputes and wars of some countries who want to master the region. In this chapter, the author describes the sources of conflict in the South China Sea by fighting for some countries of East Asia and Southeast Asia. Then the author exposes the dynamics of conflict in the area by presenting some of event of the events of the war and claims between countries that wanted to rule the entire area of the South China Sea. After tracing the sources of the conflict of the South China Sea, this study will explains about Indonesia in the SCS conflict. This study elaborates on nine-dash line China who claimed Natuna waters get into the bamboo curtain country map. Added with some of the incidents that occurred in the area of Natuna waters, making it known to cause of Indonesia’s entry into the South China Sea conflict.

1. The Source of the South China Sea Dispute A wide range of complicated problems that occurred in the South China Sea has different motives. Territory involving four ASEAN countries, and two East Asia countries, namely, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam are claimed


1. The Source of the South China Sea Dispute A wide range of complicated problems that occurred in the South China Sea

has different motives. Territory involving four ASEAN countries, and two East 48 Asia countries, namely, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, and

each Bruneiother Darussalam towards are the claimed area each of otherSCS towards in fact the areahas of the SCS same in fact haslegal the sources, same legal sources, namely UNCLOS 1982. namely UNCLOS 1982.

FigureFigure 3.1 3. South1 South China Sea Sea Territory Territory (The line of UNCLOS and the outline each State claims Nine-dash line by China in opposing the South China area. Source: : (The line mulaiof UNCLOS-konfrontasi- klaimand- cinathe- dioutline-laut-cina -eachselatan/a State-40443970 claims) Nine-dash line by China in opposing the South China area. Source: : http:// South China Sea conflict that occurs from past to the present can be summarized into three important causes ofselatan/a-40443970) conflicts, namely:

SouthFirst, the China area of Seathe Southconflict China thatSea was occurs the waters from that past have tonatural the present

can beresour summarizedce potential (NRP), into which three is importantlocated on the causes island-a ofsmall conflicts, island in the namely: ParacelFirst and, theSpartly. area Estimation of the about South the availabilityChina Sea of oil was and thegas whichwaters is in that have naturalthe resourceSCS is between potential 1-2 billion (NRP), barrels upwhich to 225 is billion located barrels. on Estimation the island-a of small island in the Paracel and Spartly. Estimation about the availability of oil and gas which is in the SCS is between 1-2 billion barrels up to 225

billion barrels. Estimation of other55 mentions, that the content of oil in the area by as much as 213 bbl (billion barrels).87 The natural resources which are located in the South China Sea causes 95% China ownership claim over the region. China’s claims against SCS are based on three things, namely the progress of economic, political and defence and security needs. The multiplicity

87 Simela Victor Muhamad (2014). Tiongkok dan Sengketa Teritorial di Laut China Selatan. Pusat Pengkajian, Pengolahan Data dan Informasi (P3DI), Sekretaris Jenderal DPR RI. Info singkat hubungan internasional. Kajian Singkat Terhadap Isu-isu Terkini. Vol. VI, No. 11/I/P3DI/June/2014. p. 6 49

number of residents who live in China land cause increased needs for energy resources to sustain life. Internally the need for more oil reserves to sustain the lives of the people of China, was felt since the mid of 1970’s, when oil production of the bamboo curtain country began to decline.88 Externally, the oil crisis of the world economy also affect China’s domestic. Thus, SCS area for exploration of new oil fields in order to obtain and use all its Resources to support the needs and request the community towards energy resources continues to grow. Second, the area of the South China Sea is a very strategic line crossing for the international ships trade through the Strait of Malacca. It is the connecting path of Commerce from Europe to Asia and the Americas to Asia and vice versa.89 Its strategic value can be seen from the proximity of the SCS territory with the sea lane of communication (SLOC), and becoming very vital liaise between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Commercial ships from around the world sail through the Strait of Malacca, Sunda Strait and Lombok Strait continued its journey passing through the South China Sea. This area is always passed by the ships of various kinds that carry good energy resources of coal, natural gas, petroleum and includes 70% of Japan’s energy needs, and 65% of China’s energy needs. United States also urgently need SCS region as the area that can support the mobility of military forces in waging global superpower domination.90 Layout of the SCS that are in the midst of SLOC international extends between the Middle East – East Asia. Where the Middle East is the Centre of the energy world and East Asia is the driving wheels

88 Estu Prabowo. Kebijakan Dan Strategi Pertahanan Indonesia (Studi Kasus Konflik Di Laut China Selatan. (2013) Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional. Nomor XIX (3). December 2013. P. 118-129. 89 Op Cit. Rizki. p. X 90 Op. Cit. Viktor. p. 6 50

of the world economy.91 In this era of globalization, more than 90% of world trade is carried out past the line of the sea. Hence, the area of the SCS have strategic value in international trade lanes and all countries either the dispute or has no interest in the area The South China Sea. Third, in recent decades, there is changing direction of the world economy. Economic growth in Asian countries is growing rapidly in China, but instead European and American economic growth declined. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) predicted economic growth in the Asian region. As said by ADB Chief Economist Yasuyuki Sawada, the improved performance of exports in the Asia influenced by improving the price of various commodities such as plantations, and the results of mine. He added that China’s economy rose to 6.7 percent in 2017, while ADB predicts that the Southeast Asia economy’s pace will be heading the direction toward more positive than 5 percent by the year 2017 be 5.1 per cent in the year 2018.92 Economic improvement in Asian region eventually became a benchmark of progress of Europe and America. So for reasons of securing the interests of energy security China or United States trying to control the area of the South China Sea, which would later serve as the source of the latest economy and preparation for tackling the needs of the economy in the future.93

2. The Dynamic of the South China Sea Dispute South China Sea territorial waters are very convenient and have a huge potential, because in that area there are deposits of petroleum

91 Op. Cit. Estu. p. 120 92 Pramdia Arhando Julianto. Perbaikan Ekonomi China Jadi Momentum Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Asia. 26 September 2017. http://ekonomi. /174838626/perbaikan-ekonomi-china-jadi-momentum- pertumbuhan-ekonomi-asia (accessed on 07 January 2018, 02.30 P.M WIB) 93 Op. Cit. Rizki. p. X 51

and natural gas. In addition to the abundant natural resources in the area, the SCS also has an important role in cruise lines and international trade as well as the distribution of the world’s oil. The region of SCS is in a very strategic position close to the sea lines of communication (SLOC) that connects between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. A variety of commercial vessels of all countries in the world to pass through the Strait of Malacca, Sunda Strait and Lombok Strait continued its journey passing through the area of the South China Sea. The area became a line transfortation the sea in the Asia-Pacific region passed by various types of ships that carries good energy sources oil, coal or natural gas, including 70% of Japan’s energy needs, and 65% of China’s energy needs. The United States also is in need of the area as a place that supports the mobility of military forces and launched global superpower domination.94 The area of the South China Sea becomes an object of attention and capture of many countries thus causing territorial disputes and claims ownership of the region by countries which are directly adjacent to SCS. It is influenced by strategic position of SCS as a trade route or international shipping and has the potential of mineral resources that are in clusters of islands of SCS. That means, the SCS is an area that has a value of political, economic, strategic, and making that region contains enormous potential conflict. It is not overboard if the area becomes the object of debate and dispute a number of countries over the years and has not been resolved until now. The abundant mineral resources, its strategic location as the international trade as well as the economic and political needs of some bordering countries became the main reason of occurrence of conflicts of the South China Sea.

94 Simela Victor Muhamad (2014). Tiongkok dan Sengketa Teritorial di Laut China Selatan. Pusat Pengkajian, Pengolahan Data dan Informasi (P3DI), Sekretaris Jenderal DPR RI. Info singkat hubungan internasional. Kajian Singkat Terhadap Isu-isu Terkini. Vol. VI, No. 11/I/P3DI/June/2014. 52

Claim of ownership over the South China Sea was first done by People’s Republic of China in 1947, who unilaterally claimed almost entire territory of SCS.95 PRC claims 95% of the area of the South China Sea and the region as a supplier to rely on 85% of oil imports and made around 1300 hectares of small islands in the SCS region as the base military infrastructure development, including making the runway is long enough to be able to accommodate bombers.96 Dispute over ownership of the region of the South China Sea are in fact on two clusters of the Spratly Islands and Paracel. The area that became the site of a dispute between the countries is stretching hundreds of miles from the South to the East of the province of Hainan. China claims the entire territory of SCS is the property they are from 2000 years ago, when the area of the Spartly and Paracel become part of their nation.97 Later in 1947 China issued a map of Nine-Dash Line to detailing claims of sovereignty in the area of the South China Sea. The description stated China’s bid by the Government of Vietnam, which also claims sovereignty over the region, by saying that the PRC Government never claimed sovereignty over the Paracel and Spartly Islands until the decade of 1940. Vietnam even claimed that the Islands have entered their territory since the 17th century.98 In addition to China and Vietnam, there are four countries again declaring their ownership against the territories of the South China Sea with a wide variety of reasons. Malaysia claimed ownership over the SCS due to the proximity with SCS, while Philippines claims to have

95 Ibid. p. 2 96 Pete Cobus. “tanpa tahun” Konflik dan Diplomasi di Laut. https://projects. voanews. com/south-china-sea/indonesian/ (accessed on December 24, 2017, at 05.59 WIB). 97 Rizki Roza, Poltak Partogi Nainggolan dan Simela Victor Muhamad.. (2013). Konflik Laut China Selatan dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kawasan. Pusat Pengkajian, Pengolahan Data dan Informasi (P3DI). Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI. Jakarta. p. viii 98 Ibid. 53

rights to the SCS due to discovery and occupation, then Philippines adding ownership based on the proximity of the SCS region territory. Brunei Darussalam claims the territory based on the SCS because continental shelf and EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) which is in the waters of them. Taiwan also claims SCS because of their proximity factor to the region.99 The area of dispute is at 414 square kilometres in the South China Sea between Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, and China. Each of these countries claims sovereignty over various parts of the 30,000 coral reef islands, coral, and the small islands scattered in the Paracel and Spratly Islands.100 In the area, confrontation of military happened between Vietnam and China that occurred in 1988 and killed 70 Vietnam military personnel.101 Philippines with China also have a deadlock experienced at the Scarborough Shoal in the year 2012, and in May 2013. China did show of forces with carrying out naval military exercises near by Second Thomas Shoal in Spartly islands that has been occupied by Philippines since 1999.102 In 1995, there also was the tension between Taiwan and Vietnam, at the moment Taiwan shooting Vietnam’s suppliers ship in the South China Sea area.103

99 Fatkurrohman. Peran Strategis Indonesia Dalam Krisis Laut China Selatan. Pusat Studi Sosial Asia Tenggara Universitas gajah Mada. Oktober 2016. http://pssat.ugm. /2016/10/11/peran-strategis-indonesia-dalam-krisis-laut-china-selatan/ (accessed on December 24, 2017, at 06.16 WIB). 100 James Hardy. Melindungi Perbatasan Laut, Kemitraan, Kerjasama, dan Aliansi Berusaha Untuk Mengamankan Wilayah, Sumber Daya, dan Kedaulatan. Majalah Asia Facific Defense. Volume 39, Terbitan ke-3, 2014. 101 Op Cit. p. ix 102 Op Cit. p. 13-14. 103 Tri Rizky. Diplomasi Indonesia Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Laut China Selatan Tahun 2012-2015. Jurnal FISIP Universitas Riau, Volume. 4, No. 2 October 2017. P. 6. 54

These are the dynamics of armed conflict which have occurred in the area of the South China Sea since 1970-2002.104

Table 3.2 The Dynamics of the South China Sea Disputes Time Nation Military action 1974, 1988, 1. China took over the Paracel from Vietnam. 1992, Vietnam-China 2. Military confrontation that killed 70 Vietnam military personnel. 3.Military confrontation field report waters of Tu Chinh block 133.134, and 135. 1995, 1996, Philippines-China 1.The Philippine Military attacked the people 1997, 1999, of China. 2000, 2001, 2.War between China and the Philippines near on Capone island, west of Liuzon, North of Manila. 3.The investigation of three warships by Chinese military in shallow Scarborough. 4.The sinking of a Chinese fishing boat by a Philippine warship. 5.Philippine Troops shootout with fisherman China 1 died and 7 were detained. 6.Delivery of the Philippines boats armed to the Scarborough sea to restrict China. 1995 Taiwan-Vietnam 1.Altileri Taiwan Forces fired at the ship's supply of Vietnam 1998,1999, Philippines-Vietnam 1. Contact the weapon between the armies of 2002 Vietnam with the Philippine near Coral Pigeon. 2. Vietnam Troops was shooting the planes of the Philippine air force when patrol in the Spratly Islands. (Source: I Nyoman sudira. “tanpa tahun” Konflik Laut China Selatan dan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia ke Amerika dan Eropa. p. 148-150) Dispute over the South China Sea have been going more than 26 years since 1974 until 2017. Lately, the tension that occurs in the area of SCS is raising new fears for the stability area. Observably, every country that borders the South China Sea has their own interest. Every

104 I Nyoman sudira. “tanpa tahun” Konflik Laut China Selatan dan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia ke Amerika dan Eropa. p. 148-150) 55

country knows the natural resources, the value of strategic region in the SCS area and fighting over to influence in the region. So the conflicts between countries that want to master the SCS difficult to be solved to this day.

B. Indonesia in the South China Sea Dispute South China Sea conflict increasingly heated up when China issued a map “U” or known as Nine Dash Line in 1993. Nine Dash Line is the line of demarcation or boundary line dividing the Government of People’s Republic of China used to claim most of the South China Sea dispute of few countries in Asia.105 Later in 2009 China issued the latest map on his claims in the South China Sea area by entering the Natuna waters into their map.106 South China Sea conflict was only operates on the Spratly and Paracel district which have abundant natural resources. However, China issued a map update in 2009 that also claims territorial waters on the islands of Natuna and has entered the Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia. China claims against Natuna waters which result in economic security and stability of Indonesia. It is very dangerous because in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Natuna waters, there is oil exploration mining and gas belongs to Indonesia. In dealing with the case of the South China Sea, in President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono era, the Goverment used the concept of “many friends – zero enemy”, which became the main jargon at that time. First, the utilization of foreign politics in the context of optimization of diplomacy. Second, the increase in multilateral cooperation in order to achieve a diverse range of international opportunities. Third, the affirmation of the commitment of

105 Buka Anggi Kusumadewi. Manuver TNI Bentengi Natuna di Tepi Laut Sengketa. Senin, 05 Oktober 2015 09:10. al/20151004161227-20-82688/manuver-tni-bentengi-natuna-di-tepi-laut-sengketa/ (accessed on Oktober 23, 2017, at 14.50 WIB). 106 Op. Cit. Akmal. p. 2 56 world peace in order to participate to keep the order world in a wide range of international security issues.107 The third major programs of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono successfully realised in the context of regional cooperation. For example, SBY Government has shown its commitment to continually contribute to the realization of the ASEAN Community 2015 and ensure Southeast Asia remains in a State of peace according to the principles contained in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.108 So at that time the area of SCS are not the central focus or a Government, but President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was more worried about security and stability of area along with the ASEAN countries. One of the steps in the era of Yudhoyono, government oversaw the movement of China in the South China Sea area, exactly in February 2014 General Moeldoko wants to improve measures to safeguard Natuna by stating “Because Natuna is strategic, the increase in troops at sea, on land and in the air needed to anticipate any of inflexible pieces in the South China Sea, it was the first anticipation for Indonesia and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI).”109 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has the distinction of policy with President Joko Widodo’s focus policy which is obsessed to realize the world maritime axis. It is delivered at the Prime speech in MPR plenary meeting on 20 October 2014 and then, President Jokowi which is obsessed for realizing a maritime axis of the world, and also confirms that it will remain embracing “non-active” foreign policy by continuing to attempt

107 Sofian Munawar Asgart. Membaca Kebijakan Luar Negeri SBY dan Jokowi. 29 Januari 2015. (accessed on January 17, 2017, at 22.03 WIB). 108 Ibid. 109 Greta Nabbs-Keller. Is Indonesia Shifting its South China Sea Policy?. 16 April 2014. sea-policy (accessed on 07 January 2018, 14.55 WIB). 57 and to involve in international forums. President Jokowi said; “I want to affirm that (in) my administration, Indonesia as the third largest country, with the largest muslim population in the world and as the largest country in Southeast Asia, will continue to run a non-active foreign policy, defined to national interests and to create a world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice.”110 Seriousness of Government in Jokowi era to make Indonesia as the world’s maritime axis, can be seen from the three things, first, the existence of a strong desire of the Government to build the toll of the sea. The plan to build the toll of the sea is to ensure connectivity between the Islands, the development of the fishing industry and shipbuilding, marine transportation improvements and the construction of the port. Second, the promotion of Indonesia jargon of world maritime axis is done in a variety of meeting and event bilaterally regional or multilateral. Third, discourse of naval strength to balance the security situation throughout the waters of Indonesia.111 To find out the image of the building a maritime axis and potential world by President Joko Widodo, can be described as follows.

110 Ibid. 111 Ismah Rustam. Tantangan ALKI dalam Mewujudkan Cita-Cita Indonesia Sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia. Indonesian Prespective. Volume 1, Number 1, (January-June): 1-21. 58

Table 3.3 The scheme of the development budget of the maritime axis through the idea of Table 3.3 The scheme of the development budget of the maritime axis the toll of the sea112 through the idea of the toll of the sea 112 YEAR CONTAINER

15.00 DWT 40.000 DWT 1.000 TEUs 3.000 TEUs Ship Number Billion Rupiahs Ship number Billion Rupiahs 2015 10 2.500 0 0 2016 10 2.500 0 0 2017 9 2.250 12 5.400 2018 9 2.500 12 5.400 2019 8 2.000 13 5.850 TOTAL 46 11.500 37 16.650 FREIGHTER EQUAL 208 TEUs PEOPLE CRUISE SHIP Ship Number Billion Rupiahs Ship Number Billion Rupiahs 8 1.180 50 2.500 7 1.120 100 5.000 4 640 120 6.000 4 640 130 6.500 3 480 100 5.000 26 5.160 500 25.000

(Source:(Source: Ali Maksum.Ali Maksum. Poros Poros Maritim Maritim dan Politik dan Politik Luar Negeri Luar NegeriJokowi. Jokowi. Andalas Andalas Journal of Journal of International Studies. Volume 4, No. 1, Mei 2015.) International Studies. Volume 4, No. 1, Mei 2015.) In the era of President Jokowi, investing the development of 24 ports; Rp. In the era of President Jokowi, investing the development of 24 ports;39.5 T.Rp. W 39.5hereas T. the Whereas investment the valueinvestment of ship valueprocurement of ship is procurement Rp.t 53.15 trillion. is Rp.t It

53.15became trillion. the seriousness It became of thegovernment seriousness Jokowi of togovernment realize Indonesia Jokowi into to the realize shaft Indonesia into the shaft of the maritime world.113 of the maritime world.113 During the 100 days of the first Government of Jokowi-JK, the first done atDuring that momentthe 100 days was of to the regulate first Government the petroleum of Jokowi sector-JK, after the inauguration first done at of the Cabinet. The next President’s policy Jokowi stressed the importance that moment was to regulate the petroleum sector after inauguration of the of the agricultural sector, construction, infrastructure, road network, the toll Cabinet. The next President's policy Jokowi stressed the importance of the of the sea, and a number of other mega projects.114

112 Ali Maksum. Poros Maritim dan Politik Luar Negeri Jokowi. Andalas Journal of International Studies. Volume 4, No. 1, Mei 2015. 113 112Ibid. Ali p. Maksum. 18. Poros Maritim dan Politik Luar Negeri Jokowi. Andalas Journal of International114 Documen Studies. Kementerian Volume 4, No. Kelautan 1, Mei 2015. dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia. Pengantar 113 Ibid. p. 18.



To handle the case of Natuna in the South China Sea conflict zones, a senior military official in Natuna Bambang Hendratno said the Natuna is the outermost Island of Indonesia which is directly adjacent to the South China Sea. We need to add more troops here. We don’t have to wait until something happens before we add more people in 2015. The South China Sea is semi-enclosed contested by China, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam and they claim ownership of the SCS. Natuna island is located in south of the SCS which is a potential conflict zone.115 In April 2015, six months after Jokowi became the President of Indonesia, the Indonesian Navy staged a joint military exercises with the United States Navy in Batam, located about 300 miles from Natuna. The exercise was involving 88 military personnel along with aircraft and overseer of the maritime patrol aircraft that could detect submarines. Then deployed spy aircraft P-3 Orion, courtesy of the U.S. exodus of Lockheed Martin who can halt the naval ships and submarines.116 The next year, Indonesia always notices and warns Chinese ships which had been fishing in the EEZ of Indonesia in Natuna Islands. In the year 2016 which are noteworthy, a confrontation between ships of Indonesia and China happened three times. First, on March 19, 2016, a ship of the Ministry of marine and fisheries of Indonesia arrested a Chinese fishing vessel in Indonesia exclusive economic zone.117 When the Chinese ship secured at the dock, suddenly a great China beach supervisor ship appeared in the waters of Indonesia and forced Indonesia apparatus to release the fishing vessel. The Chinese boat intentionally was crashing the fishing

Soal Perkembangan Politik Dalam Negeri, Ekonomi, dan Pembangunan. 115 Kharishma Vaswani. The Sleepy Island Indonesia is Guarding From China. 20 Oktober 2014. (accessed on 07 January 2018, 15.06 Wita). 116 Op Cit. Anggi Kusumadewi. 117 Admin. Indonesia Mulai Konfrontasi Klaim China di Laut China Selatan. 11 September 2017. cina-selatan/a-40443970 (diakses pada 28 December 2017). 60 vessel which will be drawn by the apparatus, so that Indonesia apparatus was forced to release the ship.118 In response to the incident, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu announced plans to send three frigates, five fighters jets type F-16, and a battalion of soldiers in Ranai, and said “Natuna is a door; If the door is not maintained, then the thieves will enter “119 A few weeks after that, on 27 May 2016, Indonesia Navy’s frigate KRI Oswald Siahan caught a chinesse fishing vessel in a similar location. Indonesian Navy immediately acted to pursuit the ships while opened fire warning shots before detaining the eight fishermen who were on the ship. The Chinese ships were in such waters did not do an investigation, but China’s Foreign Ministry protested against the arrest.120 A similar incident also occurred at Friday dawn, June 17, 2016, when the warship Imam Bonjol-383 received reports the results of aerial reconnaissance. The report mentioned that there were 12 foreign fishing vessels flagged China being in action doing the theft of fish in the Natuna Islands. After hearing the report, the Imam Bonjol battleship straightly rushed pursuit. One ship was successfully captured, while others escaped from the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in Natuna. Based on the arrest, six men and a woman Chinese citizenship were arrested, brought and questioned by officers.121

118 Aaron L Connelly. Indonesia di Laut China Selatan: Berjalan Sendiri. 05 April 2017. Versi bahasa Indonesia. cina-selatan-berjalan-sendiri ()accessed on January 31, 2018, at 22.15 WIB). 119 Chris Brummitt, “Indonesia Will Defend South China Sea Territory with F-16 Fighter Jets [Indonesia Akan Mempertahankan Teritori Laut Cina Selatan dengan Pesawat Jet Tempur F-16]” , Bloomberg, 1 April 2016, news/articles/2016-03-31/indonesia-to-deployf-16s-to-guard-its-south-china-sea-territory. (accessed on October 02, 2017, at 06.23 WIB). 120 Ibid. 121 Agung DH. Simbol Politik Ala Jokowi. 16 Juni 2016. politik-ala-jokowi-bn9D (accessed on 17 January 2018, 19.09 Wita). 61

After the incident, President Joko Widodo, directly held limited meeting on the deck of the battleship Imam Bonjol on Thursday 23 June 2016, or five days after the KRI Imam Bonjol captured the Chinese ship. This shows the seriousness of the Government to act decisively against violations in Indonesia EEZ, exactly Natuna.122 Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that President Jokowi confirmed that the Natuna Islands as one of the outermost island regions of Indonesia and became the priority attention of the Central Government. Then Mrs. Retno added that the limited meeting also discussed about the development of the economic potential especially for the oil and gas sector as well as the fishery. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral resources informs that there are about 16 blocks for oil and gas, five blocks is already in operation and 11 blocks are in exploration.123 For years, Indonesia does not represent endorsement of any party involved in the South China Sea area. However, after a chain of events that occurred in the area then the Government under President Jokowi acts decisively to respond it. President Joko Widodo also states against nine dash line applied by the Chinese Government in the area of the South China Sea. He said “nine dash line that China apply do not have any foundation in international law”.124 Joint military exercises are often carried out in the South China Sea area, and China’s claims against the territorial waters of Natuna. Indirectly

122 Ibid. 123 Andylala Waluyo. Presiden Jokowi Lakukan Rapat Terbatas di Atas Kapal Perang. 24 Juni 2016. terbatas-di-atas-kapal-perang/3390429.html (accessed on 17 January 2018,21.07 Wita). 124 Perkataan Presiden Joko Widodo yang dikutip dalam harian Jepang Yomiuri Shimbun yang diterbitkan menjelang lawatan resminya di ‘Negeri Sakura’, dari minggu (22/03) hingga rabu (25/03). Presiden Jokowi tepis klaim Cina soal sembilan garis. 23 Maret 2015. laut_cina (diakses 16 Oktober 2017) 62

Indonesia inevitably must maintain the Republic of Indonesia. The things above are what dragged Indonesia into the conflict zone in the South China Sea. Indonesia which is actually not included in conflicts between countries such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, and Malaysia in the region of the South China Sea. After China’s claims in Indonesia EEZ, several military confrontations among countries over the area of the SCS, and unilateral or joint military exercises among countries in the area of the waters of the South China Sea could trigger an escalation of the conflict in areas, such as: the American and Japan Navy joint military exercises conducted in the area of the South China Sea on 02 August 2017.125 China and Russia staged joint military exercises in the area of the South China Sea on September 12, 2016.126

125 Hanna Azarya Samosir. Personel Militer AS Hilang saat Latihan di Laut China Selatan. Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017. al/20170802175002-113-232004/personel-militer-as-hilang-saat-latihan-di-laut-china- selatan/ (accessed 05 November 2017, at 07.29 WIB). 126 Ervan Hardoko. Besok, China dan Rusia Gelar Latihan Bersama di Laut China Selatan. 11 September 2016. /2016/09/11/16023001/besok.china.dan.rusia.gelar.latihan.militer. bersama.di.laut.china.selatan&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjxtJGjtKbXAhXMtI8KHYUu CdUQFggFMAA&client=internal-uds-cse&cx =012684331380167808104:oe5oj-- md1a&usg=AOvVaw3oot_L28Yt-7gsHtka2qvY (accessed on November 05, 2017, at 07.37 WIB). CHAPTER IV



A. Indonesia's Efforts to Protect Territorial Waters of Natuna in the South China Sea Dispute Natuna waters belongs to Indonesia and being in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia. China claims territory with a map of the nine-dash line including the Natuna waters into the map belongs to them. Thus, the government is attempting to maintain Indonesia's sovereignty, especially in the border region using some rational efforts in order to accommodate the interest of Indonesia in the South China Sea area. This chapter describes the Indonesian efforts to protect Natuna waters territory in the South China Sea conflict zone. Beginning with the change the name of the South China Sea becomes North Natuna Sea adding the Indonesia military force to keep the border region, establishing Indonesian cooperations with ASEAN countries and neighbour countries with SCS, and finally the use of the strategy of Indonesia efforts which has been done since the year 2014 to 2017.

1. Change the Name of the South China Sea into the North Natuna Sea At the time of 2014-2017 there been frequent tension and disputes between countries in the South China Sea territory. In the President Joko Widodoera, Indonesia's approach towards dispute occurred in the territory tries to find a peaceful settlement that focuses on protecting the interests of Indonesia especially around Natuna Islands altough it makes the neighbour countries worried. Indicators the government of Indonesia who intends to change the name of the South China Sea into North Natuna Sea are due to China nine-dash line which does not have the basis in international

63 64

law, said President of Joko Widodo.127 Later, Laksda Surya Wiranto, the expert staff of coordinating Minister of Politics and security in the field of Legal sovereignty of territories and the maritime, stated that the Government of Indonesia rename SCS became NNS is the impact from the decision of the Arbitration Court International (Permanent Court of Arbitration) related disputes in the South China Sea announced on 12 July 2016 in Den Haag, Netherlands. It will have an impact on the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of Indonesia.128 Consideration of that rename, is explained by Deputy I Maritime Sovereignty Field (Kemenko Maritime) Arif Havas Oegroseno, exposes that the rename is according with adjusting to the number of oil and gas management activities performed in that region. During this time, a number of exploration activities and excessive exploitation of oil and gas has been using the name North Natuna, South Natua South or East Natuna in the name of the projects. So, to make the clear and similar between the clarity or the continental shelf with the water column above it, the national team agreed to let the water column is referred to the North Natuna Sea.129 The Government action is to protect the security, sovereignty and integrity of the Republik of Indonesia (RI), in the border region. Indonesia Government had tried to let the border region remains safe and conducive, i.e. by issuing the policy of changing the name of the South China Sea into the North Natuna Sea in an Indonesia waters

127 Admin. Presiden Jokowi Tepis Klaim Cina Soal Sembilan Garis. 23 Maret 2015. (accessed on February 04, 2018, at 09.08 WIB). 128 Anggi Kusumadewi, Riva Dessthania Suastha. RI Mesti Waspadai Dampak Putusan Arbitrase Laut China Selatan. 03 Juli 2017. nasional /20160703151959-20-142745/ri-mesti-waspadai-dampak-putusan-arbitrase-laut- china-selatan/ (accessed on February 04, 2018, at 09.22 WIB). 129 Ibid. 65

region.130 Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said that the rename process is very important to maintain an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles extent Indonesia.131 Long before that, in the year 1953 description of the South China Sea is almost close to the Java Sea. So the tip of Java Sea bordering the Karimata Strait is still in the classification of the South China Sea. Later in the year 1970 the oil and gas exploration in that waters used the name of North Natuna, and the Government gave the name of Natuna Sea in 2002.132 Moreover, in 2016 the Government of Indonesia would like to lift again the issue of naming the North Natuna Sea and decided to issue the latest map with the name of the NNU in South China Sea area. The determination to change the name of the South China Sea into theNorth Natuna Sea conducted by 21 representatives of ministries and related institutions, namely: The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, The Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, The Ministry of Home Affairs, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ministry of Defense, The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, The Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesian National Armed Forces, Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre of Indonesian

130 Harwanto Bimo Pratomo. Pemerintah Ganti Nama Laut China Selatan Jadi Laut Natuna Utara. Jum’at, 14 Juli 2017. ganti-nama-laut-china-selatan-jadi-laut-natuna-utara.html (accessed on January 14, 2018, at 07.19 WIB). 131 Abraham Utama. Imbas Sengketa Cina-Filipina,Wilayah Indonesia Mekar 100 Mil Laut. (accessed on January 04, 2018, at 09.29 WIB). 132 Ibid. 66

Navy, Police, Indonesia Coast Guard, Geospatial Information Agency, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG).133 Finally before taking the policy, Government of Indonesia considerated the loss (cost) and advantage (benefit) which will happen if changing the name of the South China Sea into the Nort Natuna Sea. The change name of SCS become North Natuna Sea is the rational choice of the Government. It means that the Government is using the rational choice theory to take the profits at each event that occurs. If Indonesia does not change the name of the South China Sea into the North Natuna Sea, then the exslusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia will be claimed by China. Responding to this, The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan explained that the rename is to protect the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia until 200 nautical miles.134 So the Chinese fishermen are no longer stealing fish in the area of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia. The immediately of rename because China evidently often steal fish in the waters of Indonesia, on June 20, 2016 Indonesia Navy received reports that there are 12 foreign ship belonging to China has conducted in the territorial waters of Natuna.135 Earlier on March 19, 2016, the Ministry of marine and fisheries of Indonesia has captured the fishing boats of China is stealing in Natuna waters. When the ships were captured, suddenly the China coast guard ship came in and there was a dispute between the ship's watchdog the China boat Marine and fishery Ministry of Indonesia.

133 Ibid. 134 Op. Cit. Abraham Utama. 135 Admin. China Protes Penembakan Kapal Nelayan, TNI AL: “Kami Tidak Brutal”. 20 Juni 2016. indonesia_tnial_ bantah_kapalcina (accessed on February 02, 2018, at 15.08 WIB) 67

The China reason always still stealing the fish in the Natuna waters because China assume that the waters are traditional fishing ground of China, while traditional fishing ground zone was not recognized in international law.136 Then, the Government of Indonesia has considerate of these waters was renamed North Natuna Sea. This can make China increasingly prevalent stealing fish in areas of Indonesia by reason of theirs traditional fishing ground and nine-dash line. Added with the presence of gas reserves in Natuna Islands which is the largest in the Asia Pacific region even the world. The consequences for not changing the name of the South China Sea into North Natuna Sea, Indonesia will be harmed by illegal fish theft and natural gas of Indonesia will be captured by China gradually. The Government's advantage in changing the name of the South China Sea into the North Natuna Sea is to protect the Natuna waters from fish thieves belongs to China and other neighboring countries. In addition, the Government of Indonesia can secure the reserves of natural gas which is the largest in the Asia Pacific region which is located at 225 kilometers north of Natuna. The mineral wealth is not only located in the mainland but also scattered under the bottom of the sea of Indonesia and the natural gas reserves are recorded with a volume of 222 trillion cubic feet (TCT) located in the Natuna.137 In addition, Indonesia will get benefit by protecting Natuna waters area of the nine-dash line belongs to China who wants to master

136 Ihsanuddin. Pencurian Ikan di Natuna, Indonesia Layangkan Protes ke China. 20 Juni 2016. di.natuna.indonesia. (accessed on February 02, 2018, at 15.14 WIB). 137 Admin. Pulau Natuna Menyimpan Cadangan Gas Alam Terbesar di Dunia. Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Perminykan Universitas Riau, Divisi Kajian Strategi Energi. 30 Juni 2016. cadangan-gas-alam-terbesar-di-dunia-ecddd7938951 (accessed on February 02, 2018, at 15.43 WIB). 68

the 90 percents of the South China Sea area, including Natuna waters and traditional fishing ground that makes the Chinese fishermen claimed Natuna waters is one of their places to search fish. After considering the cost and benefit as stated in the theory of rational choice, then the Government immediately takes action by gathering representatives of ministries and related institutions to formulate and agree to change the name of the South China Sea into North Natuna Sea in Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) belongs to Indonesia. Political analysis Asia Verisk Maplecroft Hugo Brennan stated that the Government of Indonesia step by replacing the South China Sea into North Natuna Sea in Indonesia map is one of the ways to protect the potential of oil and gas in Natuna. Similar thing has ever been done by the Philippines in the year 2011 to protect the country's territorial waters. That is by giving the name of the West in the area of the South China Sea lied close to the EEZ of their country.138 The naming of “the North Natuna Sea” is just being on the sea which is in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles Indonesia. Coordinating Minister for the maritime, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan ensures that changing map and area name is only in the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and does not touch the territory of other countries.139 Activists of the Maritime Rodhial Huda said similar things such as Coordinating Maritime, stating that the Natuna Sea North

138 Dewi Setiya Ariyanti. Penamaan Laut Natuna Utara Pertegas Potensi Migas. 24 Juli 2017. utara-pertegas-potensi-migas (accessed on, 14 January 2018, 07.36 WIB). 139 “Anonim”. Penamaan “Laut Natuna Utara” Tidak Ganggu Teritorial Negara Lain. 19 Juli 2017. tidak-ganggu-territotal-negara-lain/ (accessed on, 14 January 2018, 17.42 WIB) 69

is jurisdiction sea of Indonesia. Then he added that all this time the population of Natuna never mentions that the Natuna is located in the South China Sea. They always mention that Natuna is located in the “South of China Sea”, it means that the South China Sea was indeed never touching Natuna. A geopolitical observer, Suryo AB also supports the movement of Indonesia Government. According to him, the North Natuna Sea assignment was indeed supposed to be done for long time ago, based on many regulation which has been mandated the affirmation of Indonesia sovereignty territory.140 Changing the name of the South China Sea into a sea of Natuna North make the reaction of China, Foreign Ministry spokesman of China Geng Shuan stated that the name change is meaningless, because the name of the South China Sea have already been received by the United Nations and the international community. Officials in Beijing also said that their “nine-dash line” follows the pattern of Chinese citizens fishing for centuries and cite of historical records since approximately 2.000 years ago. But, in July 2016, the Court of arbitration of the world decided that China does not have any legal basis over the claims.141 Members of Parliament Commission I, Syarief Hasan said that China's protests against Indonesia's decision is unfounded, because the North Natuna Sea region did not enter into a dispute or SCS conflict which is contested by a few countries.142 So there is no problem at all even though Indonesia changed the name area of the waters of the North Natuna Sea to protect the border region Indoesia from conflicts

140 Ibid. 141 Ibid. 142 Moh. Nadlir. DPR Minta Pemerintah Abaikan Protes China Soal Penamaan Laut Natuna Utara. 17 Juli 2017. / read/2017/07/17/173056326/dpr-minta-pemerintah-abaikan-protes-china-soal-penamaan- laut-natuna&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwilu9jqiYHZAhVEjpQKHfPtDtIQFggLMAI&client= internal-uds-cse&cx=012684331380167808104:oe5oj--md1a&usg=AOvVaw18DuLyg- PJ_m6q04X13QIr (accessed on, 31 January 2018, 09.40 WIB). 70

of the South China Sea. On June 23, 2016, President Joko Widodo visited to the Ranai region of Natuna Besar. While at Natuna, on KRI Imam Bonjol, President Jokowi hold limited Cabinet meeting to discuss the parts development of Defense and Economy of the region which is very rich in fish and natural gas but would like to settle in by China.143 Visit of President Jokowi to Natuna intends to give a signal to the President of China who are in Beijing that Indonesia will protect State sovereignty rights in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia, if necessary by force if there is no other thins. However, on the other side the President Jokowi visit, is more accommodating rational choice to pursue China's investment in the field of infrastructure. Although the President of Indonesia has stated unequivocally that rhetoric will defend the state maritime rights, but Indonesia is still trying best to ensure that Indonesia actions do not offend Beijing side. Finally, in Jokowi presidential campaign to fight illegaly fisheries conducted by neighbor countries in the waters of Indonesia, so that Chinese ships will not immersed directly. It is done as a rational choice of Chinese investment to Indonesia so that Indonesia runs smoothly without any hitch but Indonesia border region remains safe and conducive. Thus, the progress of the nation in the field of infrastructure can be realized and Indonesia sovereignty can be maintained properly. In relation to the dispute of South China Sea, Indonesia has foreign political change between the Government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with President Joko Widodo's leadership. When

143 Aaron L Connelly. Indonesia Di Laut China Selatan: Berjalan Sendiri. 2 Desember 2016. publications/indonesia-laut-cina-selatan-berjalan sendiri&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwilu9jqi YHZAhVEjpQKHfPtDtIQFggTMAU &client=internal-uds-cse&cx=012684331380167 808104:oe5oj--md1a&usg=AOvVaw312krqyg-BfLrltgKlnTrQ (accessed on January 31, 2018, at 22.15 WIB). 71

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono led Indonesia since 2004 he had a lot of experience in Foreign Affairs. During the ten-year period of his rule, he attempted to raise Indonesia's position in the world by improving relations of Indonesia with other foreign countries. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has the slogan “thousand friends, zero enemies”, and “all directions foreign policy.”144 Contrast to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in 2014 when President Jokowi lead Indonesia, he has no experience of diplomacy or the military as well as the views of abstract concepts that are the basis of the practice of Indonesia's foreign policy. President Jokowi while occupying the Office, making Indonesia's foreign policy focus to accelerate economic development of Indonesia.145 He instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia to focus on 'grounded diplomacy', which means that diplomacy will be 'useful for the people', with a special focus on trade and investment.146 Thus, President Jokowi in foreign political practice tried to balance the interests of Indonesia. Chinese investment to support the economy and infrastructure of Indonesia should run, but in the other side, Indonesia does not will if Indonesia's waters was captured by the Chinese. Finally, Indonesia foreign policy is by giving a signal to China that Indonesia will keep the region, especially in the border region. Nevertheless, it is done maintaining good relations with China so that all Chinese investments in Indonesia can run smoothly without any conflict.

2. Enhance Military Force to Keep the Border Region Ownership dispute over the territory in the South China Sea of Natuna waters bordering is very dangerous to Indonesia, if the

144 Ibid. 145 Ibid. 146 Ibid. 72

Government does not immediately address the matter. The Government of Indonesia was aware that the border region is vital and the entrance of the Republic of Indonesia’s exports and imports. Addressing such matters, then the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Defence seeks to keep Indonesia's territory by adding all there. The policy is a 2010-2029 defense posture which has been established by the Department of Defense, then the construction of the defense force in the period 2010-2024 is directed to meet the minimum essential force (MEF). Indicators of the Government of Indonesia to increase its military strength and renew thereby increasing military budget is because of a few things, namely: the focus of work under President Joko Widodo stressed on democracy, stability politics and national security. It is disclosed at the time of the Union speech in the Parliament building on Tuesday, August 16th, 2016.147 Because the main focus of the work of the Government that made the national security, then Indonesia's military have targets to meet the minimum essential force (MEF) in 2010-2029 as specified by the Department of Defense.148 From these indicators, the Ministry of Defense budget finally (Kemenhan) in Budget Revenue and Expenditure of the State (APBN) increased drastically since the year 2014. The Ministry of Defense got a budget of Rp 86.4 trillion in 2014. In 2015 the budget increased significantly to 108.7 trillion rupiah. While in 2016 Kemhan increased budget i.e. 112.4 trillion rupiah. And in the year 2017 has increased up to Rp. 114.9 trillion. So it makes the Ministry of Defense was ranked

147 Adylala Waluyo. Stabilitas Pilitik, Peran Aktif Politik Luar Negeri Focus Pidato Kenegaraan Presiden. 16 Agustus 2016. peran-aktif-dalam-politik-luar-negeri/3467050.html (accessed on 04 February 2018, 09.59 WIB). 148 Aditya Batara Gunawan. Kontrol Sipil atas Militer dan Kebijakan Pertahanan di Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru. Jurnal Politik, Vol. 2, No. 2, Februari 2017. 73

one as the highest budget Ministry.149 Expert staff, Minister of Defense Economics Bondan Tiara Sofyan sets forth that the Defense Ministry's budget is high with the requirements for the defense of Indonesia. One of them to meet Minimum Staple Strength II or II MEF. MEF Indonesian armed forces recently reached 21.3 percent in 2014, and increased to 33.9 percent in 2015, 42.3 percent in 2016, and 2017 MEF in the Indonesian armed forces increased to 50.9 percent. The Increasing number of Ministry of defense budgets and a growing national army so that the MEF reached 50.9 percent can be seen in the following data:

Table 4.1 Modernization Alutsista of Indonesian Navy Allocation No Material Name Ammount

a. MLM KRI Klas Korvet Tahap I 2 Unit US$ 100.000.000 (KRI FATAHILAH) 1 b. MLM KRI Klas Korvet Tahap II (KRI MALAHATI) 2 Kapal Bantu HIDRO OCEANOGRAFI 2 Unit US$ 93.892.334 3 Kapal Layar Latih (Pengganti Dewa Ruci) 1 Unit US$ 71.560.000 4 CN 235 MPA 2 Unit US$ 59.878.455 5 Heli AKS & Suku Cadang 11 Unit US$ 77.000.000 6 TANK Amphibi BMP-3F 37 Unit US$ 114.000.000 7 Panser Amphibi BTR 4 5 Unit US$ 7.000.000 Multi Launcher Rocket Sistem (MLRS) 3 Unit US$ 27.000.000 8 JAL 122 MM (Kendaraan Peluncur & Roket) 9 Mutlirole Light Fregates (MLRS) 3 Unit US$ 385.000.000 Kapal Angkut TANK 1&2 (PDN TA. 2 Unit Rp. 319.093.598.000 10 2011). 11 Kapal Angkut TANK (PDN TA. 2012) 1 Unit Rp. 163.353.009.413

Modernization Alutsista of Indonesian Air Forces

149 Zara Amelia. Anggaran Kementerian Pertahanan Naik 10 Kali Lipat dari 2007. 31 Desember 2017. pertahanan-naik-10-kali-lipat -dari-2007 (accessed on 01 February 2018, 11:13 Wita) 74

No Material Name Ammount Allocation Pesawat Pengganti MK 53 & DUK (T-501 16 Unit US$ 399.999.999 1 LIFT) 2 SU-30 MK-2 & DUK 6 Unit US$ 470.000.000 Jeli Full Combat SAR Mission & DUK 6 Unit EUR 155.557.293,97 3 (EC-725) Pesawat Pengganti F-27 & DUK (CN- 9 Unit EUR 252.780.580,45 4 295) 5 Penangkis Serangan Udara (PSU) 6 Unit CHF 140.250.000 6 Heli NAS 332 (PDN TA> 2011-2013) 3 Unit Rp. 170.125.341.038,18 Pesawat CN 235 MPA (PDN TA. 2012- 1 Unit Rp. 317.271.227.360. 7 2014) 8 Pesawat C 212-200 (RM TA. 2012) 1 Unit Rp. 52.614.467.000 9 Upgrade Hibah Pesawat F-16 EDA 24 Unit US$ 670.668.090 10 Pengadaan Pesawat Hercules 5 Unit Rp. 906.000.000 11 Hibah Hercules C-130 dari RAAF 4 Unit US$ 63.000.000

Modernization Alusista of Indonesian Army

No Material Name Ammount Allocation 1 Heli Angkut (BELL-412 EP) 6 Unit US$ 64.980.000 Heli Serbu Beserta Senjata & Munisi 16 Unit US$ 169.999.760 2 (BELL 412-EP) Heli serang Beserta Senjata & Munisi 12 Unit EUR 74.318.743,28 3 (FENNEX) Me Armed 155 MM HOWITZER 37 Unit EUR 115.334.990 4 (CAESAR) 5 ROCKET MLRS 38 Unit US$ 404.974.860 6 Ranpur Main Battle TANK 180 Unit US$ 216.102.000 7 Rudal ARHANUD (SHORAD MISSILE) 111 Unit US$ 140.000.000 Rudal ARHANUD (V-SHOKAD 136 Unit EUR 74.222.956.230 8 MISSILE) MISTRAL 9 Panser APS-2/PINDAD (PDN TA. 2010) 11 Unit Rp. 10 Panser APS-2/PINDAD (PDN TA. 2013) 14 Unit RP. 11 RETROFIT AMX-13 (PDN TA.2013) 13 Unit Rp. 97.5000.000.000 12 Panser APS-2/PINDAD (RM. TA 2012) 30 Unit Rp. 13 Panser APS-2/PINDAD (RM. TA. 2013) 24 Unit Rp. 215.921.667.000 14 Heli Serang Apache AH-64E 8 Unit US$ 632.000.000 (Source: Akmal. Strategi Indonesia Menjaga Keamanan Wilayah Perbatasan Terkait Konflik Laut China Selatan Pada Tahun 2009-2014. Jurnal Fisip Universitas Riau, Volume 2, No. 2 Oktober 2015. 75

strategi-indonesia-menjaga-keamanan-wilayah-perbatasan-terkait-konflik-laut-cina.pdf In 2017, Ministry of Defense estimated allocation for the modernization of the main defense system tool (alusista) amounting to Rp 8.4 trillion. The largest allocation is for the modernization of the land around 40 percent of matra, air matra 28.6 percent, sea matra 24.3 percent and integrative infrastructure 7.28 percent. Whereas to enhance defense and military capabilities in order not to lose with other countries, the Government allocates a very large budget for the Ministry of Defense. In the budget of the State Expenditures and Revenues (APBN) 2017 which has passed in October 2016, the budget for increasing the military strength was 108 trillion rupiah, which was the second largest military spending in Southeast Asia after Singapore.150 While in the area of Natuna, to safeguard the sovereignty of the countries in the region bordering the South China Sea, the Indonesian national army (TNI) increases security by increasing the number of troops and a fleet of fighters in the border region the South China Sea. The following are the addition of the strength of the Indonesian armed forces in Natuna Island. 1. Building the Sukhoi Su-27 Airbase 2. Prepare 4 Helicopter Apache AH-64E 3. Add 1 infantry battalion from Bukit Barisan Territorial 4. The Jet Squadron Patrol of Pekanbaru 5. Add Respectively of Indonesia Naval National Army armed forces (Armabar TNI AL)151 The Government of Indonesia is well aware of the potential threat in the South China Sea waters especially, in Natuna Waters.

150 Admin. 2017, Anggaran Modernisasi Alutsista Rp. 8 Triliun. Jumat, 4 November 2016. alutsista -rp-8-triliun (accessed on 29 January 2018, 10.18 Wita). 151 Op. Cit. Akmal. 76

Thus, with the addition of the National Army force of Indonesia in the Natuna it can keep Indonesia border region in the South China Sea conflict zone. The placement and the addition of a military force in Borneo are expected to maintain the security, sovereignty and integrity of Unitary of the Republic of Indonesia. The increase in military spending since the year 2014 to 2017 is the rational choice of the government to protect the whole area and maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. The government has been considering the loss (cost) and the benefit by increasing military spending with a variety of careful consideration. The escalation of conflicts in the South China Sea has increased rapidly. In addition various other border problems is the Government's primary consideration before deciding to increase Indonesia's military spending. The loss of the State if it does not add to the strength of the military to safeguard the territory of Indonesia especially in the border region are: First, in the South China Sea conflict escalation involve Indonesia to get into South China Sea conflict zone. Indonesia could not compete with his military superpower countries like China. Consequently, Indonesia will lose the territorial waters especially in Natuna because Indonesia military power is very weak and there are only few Indonesia owned and most are already not worth taking. Second, China's military forces currently occupy the third position of the world's strongest after America and Russia.152 Then by military force as well as the main tool of sufficient defense system (alutsista), China will freely claimed nine-dash line belongs to those who want to master the 90 percent of the area of the South China Sea. Third,

152 Admin. 2017 Military Strength Ranking, The Complete Global Firepower List for 2017 Puts the Military Powers of the World Into Full Perspective. https://www. globalfirepower. com/countries-listing.asp (accessed on 02 February 2018, 17.50 Wita). 77

if there is a boat thief of fish from neighboring countries who took the fish in the waters of Indonesia. However, Indonesia does not have sufficient there to pursue and capture ships fish thief, then Indonesia will be injured as claimed by the Directorate General of Fisheries and Marine Resources Ministry of marine and Fisheries (PSDKP CTF), that the loss of the fish was stolen by foreigners is Rp 101 trillion.153 However, if seen from the other side, Indonesia gains when adding military force to keep the border region are as follows: First, Indonesia will have an increasingly power that can be used as a tool to maintain the sovereignty of foreign claims the Republic of Indonesia. Thus, when the escalation of conflicts happening in the border areas, especially in conflict zones in the Natuna waters of the SCS, Indonesia was ready to deal with it. Secondly, the government of Indonesia targets to achieve the minimum essential force (MEF) can be achieved gradually. This is evidenced by the entry of Indonesia became the strongest military number 14 in the world.154 Third, Indonesia would be easier to capture foreign ships which steal in the waters of Indonesia, as well as the existence of adequate primary tools remote-system (alutsista) Indonesia made neighboring countries who want to steal the fish or like to claim exclusive economic zone Indonesia will think twice. As a result the quality and quantity of Indonesia's military has been one of the strongest militaries in the world. Fourth, Indonesia can conduct combined military exercises with the superpower countries like America or Russia in the area of the waters of Indonesia using the latest Indonesia there, it will be a show of force that Indonesia It is one of the strongest militaries in Asia.

153 Fahreza Rizkita Putra Ricky Siregar. “tanpa tahun”. Kebijakan Kementerian Kelautan Indonesia Dalam Kasus Pencurian Ikan Oleh Nelayan Malaysia di Natuna Indonesia. 154 Op. Cit. 78

The government's strategy to add Indonesia military force is a very good step and correct. Remembering that Indonesia is an archipelago bordering ten countries on land and sea, then the primary tool needs a defense system (alutsista) and other military equipment must support. Thus, the integrity, security and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia can be well preserved, as well as make Indonesia respected by neighboring countries since Indonesia's military strength getting stronger and becoming one of the best in the world.

3. The Cooperation of Indonesia by ASEAN Countries, and the Countries Bordering with the South China Sea. In foreign politics, Indonesia always shows the best and give a good response to any changes that occur inside and outside the region for the sake of maintaining the authority and dignity of the nation. Indonesia's attention toward the international situation and condition proves that Indonesia is indeed always free and active in the association world and always contribute in giving answers to the problems facing the world. The conflict of the South China Sea near Natuna waters which involve some of the ASEAN countries to make Indonesia participate in keeping the stability of the area in order to improve the authority of Indonesia in the eyes of the world so that it can increase national strength. Indicators of Indonesia government meddling in the Affairs of the South China Sea despite Indonesia itself is not a country of SCS conflict, are due to geographical proximity with Indonesia territory disputes directly adjacent to the Natuna Islands. In addition, SCS disputes affect the performance of ASEAN because there are four ASEAN countries involved in the dispute over the ownership of the SCS. It is feared this will bother to dispute stability of the region and 79

Indonesia's interests in the use of the path of the South China Sea. As said by a member of the House Of Representatives Commission Mahfouz siddiq in the trial of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly which asserted that Indonesia would take the position that encourages peaceful and democratic settlement of the related issue of the South China Sea.155 Then, the Government's main focus in Jokowi era focused on politic stability and made Indonesia as foreign strategic aspects of Government by encouraging the settlement of international conflicts peacefully.156 In 2014-2017 there are some things that were done in keeping the territory Indonesia Natuna in the South China Sea conflict zone, Indonesia is attempting to keep the stability area in order for the authority and national security can be maintained properly. The following things have been done since Indonesia 2014-2017: 1. The President of the Republic of Indonesia in 25th ASEAN Summit with regard to the issue of the South China Sea confirms the importance of the countries in the region to respect each other's sovereignty, solve the problem by peaceful means, can run Declaration on the Conduct of the Parties in the South China Sea (DoC), as well as speed up agreement Code of Conduct (CoC). Indonesia also seeks to reduce the tension and avoid conflict areas by means of working together, building trust between Nations and increase the transparency among the ASEAN member countries.157 2. In the high level Conference of the 9th East Asia Summit (EAS), the President affirmed the concept of Indonesia as

155 Admin. Indonesia Diplomasi Damai Terkait Laut China Selatan. 20 Juli 2017. (accessed on 04 February 2018, 10.10 WIB). 156 Op. Cit. Andylala Waluyo. 157 Keputusan Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. Nomor: 01/B/RO/ IV/2015/01 tentang Rencana Strategis (RENSTRA) Kementerian Luar Negeri 2015-2019 80

the world's maritime axis into into 5 main pillars, namely, rebuilding the maritime culture of Indonesia rebuild, maintain marine resources and creating sea food sovereignty by putting fishermen on the main pillar, giving priority on the development of the maritime infrastructure and connectivity with the toll of the sea, building a deep seaport, logistics, shipping industry, and maritime tourism; implementing the maritime diplomacy through increased maritime cooperation and efforts to handle resource conflicts, such as the theft of fish, violation of the sovereignty, territorial disputes, robbery, and pollution; as well as building a maritime power as a form of responsibility of maintaining maritime safety and salvation.158 3. President Joko Widodo since December of 2014 began to eradicate illegal fish catching in the waters of Indonesia. Foreign ships that were seized illegally, was detained the crew of his ship and a few days after that the illegal ships at submerge.159 Served the US Minister during the CTF, Susi has been sinking as much as 317 boat thieves fish in the sea and Indonesia on Sunday 29 October 2017, Minister of Marine and Fisheries Susi Pujiastuti led sinking 33 ships in the waters of the Strait of Lampa Natuna, County.160 Before the year 2014, there were 5 important meeting forum which discussed disputes in the South China Sea area, Indonesia had a very important and significant role, especially when Indonesia became Chair of ASEAN in 2011. The five forum are as follows:

158 Ibid. 159 Aaron L. Connelly. Indonesia di Laut China Selatan: Berjalan Sendiri. Low Institute, for International Policy. April 2017. 160 Febian Januarius Kuwado. Susi Pudjiastuti Tenggelamkan 33 Kapal Asing di Natuna. 29 Oktober 2017. pudjiastuti-tenggelam kan-33-kapal-asing-di-natuna?page=all (accessed on 29 January 2018, 13.04 Wita). 81

1. The 20th Anniversary of the Workshop on Managing Potential Conflicts in the South China Sea, 1-3 November 2010. 2. The Six's ASEAN-China Joint Working Group on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), 17-19 April 2011 3. Summit (SUMMIT) of the 18th and the 19th ASEAN year 2011. 4. The meeting of ASEAN Ministerial Meeting/Post Ministerial Conference/ASEAN Regional Forum 44th AMM/PMC/ ARF in 18th 2011 5. Indonesia Bilateral Diplomacy with the claimer country of the South China Sea in the year 2012. If viewed from the rational choice theory, Indonesia have been considering the loss (cost) and the advantages (benefits) by doing a variety of efforts cooperates with countries bordering the SCS and raised the issue of the South China Sea into the Council of the ASEAN. the Loss nonchalant when Indonesia with conditions in the South China Sea conflict can weaken the voice of Indonesia in ASEAN and the world, because Indonesia is a big country but it cannot resolve the conflict area. Voice of Indonesia in ASEAN regional will not be heard, because Indonesia does not help the countries of ASEAN in resolving the conflicts of the region. In addition, China's investment in Indonesia will be bogged down in Indonesia if does not establish good relations with China. Even though there are increasing conflcit in SCS, proved with the arrest of the fishing vessel of China.161

161 Op. Cit. 82

The advantages of Indonesia in establishing relationships with countries bordering the South China Sea and raised the issue of SCS into the ASEAN Forum is Indonesia has managed to improve the situation of regional South-East Asia and East Asia. So, Indonesia voice is very powerfull in the ASEAN countries, and Indonesia’s solution is always accepted by the countries bordering the South China Sea. Finally, Indonesia can maintain good relations with China and other ASEAN countries, and the importance to protect the Natuna waters Indonesia can be realized. Then, Indonesia can maintain the investment of China to develop the infrastructure of Indonesia and no obstruction of any kind has occurred despite the disturbing incidents in the year 2016.

B. The Obligation of Maintaining State Sovereignty in Islam Maintaining the security, stability, and the unity of the nation is a jihad in Islam. In the context of a pluralist society to Indonesia, both in terms of religion, tribe, language and nation, thus maintaining the unity and oneness is obligatory for all citizens of Indonesia. In the Qur'an are instructed to keep the unity and soveregeinty. God says in the Qur'an: َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َّ َ ً َ َ َ َ َّ ُ َ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ َ َّ واعت ِصموا ِبب ِل الِ جِيعا وال تفرقوا واذكروا نِعمة الِ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ ْ َ ً َ َّ َ َ ْ َ ُ ُ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ َ عليكم إِذ كنتم أعداء فألف بني قلوبِكم فأصبحتم بِنِعمتِهِ َ ْ َ ً َ ُ ُْ ْ ََ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َّ َ َْ َ ُ ْ ْ َ َ َ َ إِخوانا وكنتم ع شفا حفر ٍة ِم نانلارِ فأنقذكم ِمنها كذلِك ُ َ ّ ُ َّ ُ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ َّ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ُ َ يب ِني ال لكم ءاياتِهِ لعلكم تهتدون ال عمران: 103{ ” And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be 83

guided.” (Ali Imran: 103)

In Qur'an Sura Al-Baqarah verse 126 God says: َ ْ َ َ َْ ُ َ ّ ْ َْ َ َ ًََ ً َ ْ ُ ْ َُْ َ ِإَوذ قال إِبراهِيم ر ِب اجعل هٰذا بلا ِآمنا وارزق أهله ِمن َّ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َّ َ ْ َ ْ ْ اثلمر ِات من آمن ِمنهم بِالِ والو ِم ال ِخرِ And when Abraham prayed: “O my Lord! Make this a place of security and provide those of its people that believe in Allah and the Last Day with fruits for sustenance,” Allah answered, “And I shall still provide him who disbelieves with the wherewithal for this short life,127 and then I shall drive him to the chastisement of the Fire; that is an evil end.” . (al-Baqarah: 126).

Ibn Assyur says that paragraph above is prayer read by all Prophets. Every Prophet prayed over his country in order to create justice, pride and well-being.162 Because of the conflict in the South China Sea, the whole Indonesia citizen should participate in maintaining the sovereignty, security and unity of the Republic of Indonesia Country stability. China wants arbitrariness ruled the entire South China Sea and claimed Natuna waters get into the nine-dash line belongs to them. The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said, َ َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ ً َ ُْ َ ُّْ َ َ ْ َْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ من رأى ِمنكم منكرا فليغ ِريه بِي ِدهِ فإِن لم يست ِطع فبِلِسانِهِ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ َ فإِن لم يست ِطع فبِقلبِهِ وذلِك أضع ف ِاإليم ِان Whoever among you sees visiting graves, then let him amend (deny)” with his hands, if not able to let him amend (deny) with the words, if not able to let him change it with his heart, and that is the faith that

162 Khoiron Mustafit Alwie. Dalil Nasionalisme Dalam Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah. 19 Mei 2017. (accessed on 29 January 2018, 13.39 Wita). 84

)the weakest." (HR. Muslim no. 49

Then Indonesia, particularly the government of Indonesia and the whole Indonesia citizen generally must maintain the country Indonesia and not allow arbitrariness occurs in the territory of Indonesia as well as maintain the stability area in the order of country stay safe. Three government strategies by changing the name of the South China Sea become North Natuna Sea, adding military power to maintain the border region and cooperating with countries in ASEAN and the country bordering the South China Sea basically had ever been done in the Rasullallah period.

1. Change the Yatsrib City to Madinah City. Changing the name of area to protect the territory in essence have done in Rasullallah era. That is by changing the name of the city of Yathrib into the city of "Madinah Nabawiyyah" (City of the Prophet), or "Madinah Munawwarah" (Shining City) .At that time, Rasullallah with the muhajirin after leaving the city of Mecca, migrated to Madinah. Then the Yathrib city changed to “Al-Madinah”.163 Therefor, changing the name of the south china sea to the north natuna sea is a similar strategy to the strategy that has been applied by Rasullallah when changing the name of Yathrib to Medina Munawwarah.

2. Increase military power to maintain Al-Madinah City Before Fathu Makkah, Rasullallah prepared several strategies, that is increase the military power of Islam by sending a number of military expeditions during the period of truce with the Quraysh.

163 Hadi. Madinah Munawwarah ataukah Madinah Nabawiyyah. February 02, 2012. Al-Furqon Magzine, 04 Edition, Years 10 of Muharram 1431 H/2010 M. https:// (Accessed on May 05, 2017. 07.17 WIB). Moreover, the power of the Muslims military exceeded more the Quraysh militray in terms of the number of armed forces and weapons.164 Thus, adding the military power to maintain the border areas, especially in the Natuna waters from the South China Sea dispute is a strategy that suitable with Islamic perspective.

3. Cooperation with the neighbour state in Rasullallah era In the early days of the establishment of the daulah Islamiyah in the madinah Rasulllah made several covenants to make the madina city recognized by its government and sovereignty. One of them is the Hudaibiyah treaty between the Muslims and the Quraisy Mecca. The agreement was signed in the Hudaibiyah valley, on the edge of Mecca, which occurred in the sixth year after Rasullallah migrated from Mecca to Medina. The impact of the treaty made the city of madinah is recognized by the world as a sovereign city and led by Prophet Muhammad SAW.165 In conclution the agreement or cooperation of Indonesia with ASEAN countries and the country that borders with South China Sea is in accordance with the teachings of Rasullallah. Cooperation or agreement is one strategy Rasullallah ever used to protect the territory of the country.

164 Sufyan bin Fuad Baswedan. (2016). Fathu Makkah (Tahun ke-8H). August 06, 2016. (Accessed on May 15, 2018. 07.33 WIB).

165 Bayu. (2014). Perjanjian Hudaibiyah. January 16, 2014. http://liputanislam. com/kajian-islam/sejarah/perjanjian-hudaibiyah/ (Accessed on May 15, 2018. At 08.09 WIB).



A. CONCLUSION South China Sea conflicts were disputed by China, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, the Philippines and Taiwan. There are three major things, namely: first, the South China Sea is the waters area that has the potential of natural resources (SDA) which is estimated at between 1-2 billion barrels up to 225 billion barrels, located in the Spartly and Paracel island. Second, South China Sea is the strategic waters that becomes the international crossing ships line and being the liaison between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Thus, that area became the sea lane of communication (SLOC), which is passed by the ship around the world. Third, change direction of the world economy to the Asian countries, whereas the references of economy are only addressed to Europe and America. The third source of the conflict is the reason for the countries borders to the South China Sea who would like to master the 90 percen of the region. Indonesia's entry into the South China Sea conflict zones is caused by the nine-dash line made by China to enter the waters of Natuna into their country map. In addition China considers Natuna waters as traditional fishing zone, thus it makes China stealing fish in the exclusive economic zone area of Indonesia located in the Natuna water. China's unilateral claim, makes the Government of Indonesia worried, seens Natuna Island store natural gas by volume amounted to 22 trillion cubic feet (TCT), and also is rich with fish. Finally the Government of Indonesia immediately took action to secure of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Indonesia area in Natuna waters by issing several policies, namely:

87 88

1. Change the name of the South China Sea into the North Natuna Sea The indicators of Indonesia Government changed the name of South China Sea into the North Natuna Sea are due to the nine-dash line and traditional fishing zone belongs to China which has no basis in international law. Then changing the name of the SCS became the

NNU is in accordance with international law. Thus, Indonesia can protect the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in Natuna territory and safeguard the sovereignty and integrity of Republic of Indonesia .)(RI

2. Enhance military force to keep the border region Indonesia Government indicators to add the military strength is due to the focus of work under President Jokowi to keep the stability of politics and national security. So Indonesia military forces increase with targeting meet the minimum essential force (MEF), in 2010- 2029. The existence of such targets is also increased Indonesia military spending i.e. Rp. 114.9 trillion in 2017. The government of Indonesia add the military forces on the Natuna islands in order for .political stability and national security can be maintained properly

3. Cooperation among Indonesia, ASEAN countries, and countries boundary of South China Sea. Indonesia indicators in doing the cooperation with countries that are in the South China Sea conflict are because of the geographical proximity of Indonesia to the SCS. The dispute which involved four ASEAN countries. It is feared will interfere with the stability 89

of region and Indonesia's interests in the use of the path of the South China Sea. Finally the government of Indonesia sought to be the mediator to resolve the conflicts of the South China Sea by raising the issue of SCS in the various forums of ASEAN. For the interest of Indonesia, Indonesia also cooperates with China in the field of

.infrastructure and development so that can be realized as well

B. SUGGESTIONS 1. For the other researcher This paper can be a source for researchers who want to discuss the South China Sea conflict conditions and the efforts that have been made by the Government of Indonesia to protect the border region. This research can be developed again by updating the latest data in the area of the South China Sea and Natuna waters territory. The shortcomings of this writing is the researcher does not go to the field due to the researcher did not have any opportunity to search the data directly in the South China Sea conflict zone. Then, the authors strongly recommend that researchers focus on more on next foray into the field and search for data on the location of the SCS conflict, so that previous research can be enhanced with valid data. 2. For Institution In addition to the researchers, this paper can also be used by the government of Indonesia to take the policy. This paper seeks to explain the strategy of Indonesia Government to keep the border region since the year 2014-2017. Thus, this article can be used as a reference for the Government to make the policy relevant to the border.



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