The Beginnings Genesis 1-11

The Beginnings  e and Fall Adam Seth  Cain murders Abel; departs; Access to Seth born Garden of Eden Enosh guarded after the Fall Kenan Mahalalel Jared  Lamech, descendant of Cain, Enoch gives birth to Jabal, Jubal, Methuselah and Tubal

Lamech  Adam dies at 930 “Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” Noah

 Apostasy of “the sons of God” Shem Ham Japheth Before Flood A prosperous  God warns Noah; sons born civilization; iron, etc.  e Flood After Flood Eden gone; Ice Age and Stone Age

 Noah dies at 950 The Nations Descendants of Noah’s sons repopulate the earth

Genesis 1-11  Babel and Dispersion Prehistory History

 3200 Rise of Sumeria    ( -) Dynasty 0 3150   High chronology (Murnane, Clayton, Shaw)  3150 / 3100 “” 3100  Low chronology (Baines, Malek) I 3050 or unites 3040   3000  Middle chronology  Short chronology (conventional) II Early Dynastic Period 2750 III 2686 2649

2500 Egyptian Old Kingdom VI  2334  2270 2250 2225 VII-VIII 2181 2193  Nahor born to Terah Guti invasions end 2150 of Sargon  2165 Abram born to Terah in Akkadian supremacy 2083 Abraham 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrx 3/1/2014 © ncBc  2225 Nahor, Abram’s brother, 2218 Sargon  Guti invasions () 2215 born to Terah The Patriarchs Genesis 11-50

2200    ( -) Egyptian Old Kingdom 2193   High chronology (Murnane, Clayton, Shaw)  Low chronology (Baines, Malek)   VII-VIII 2181   Dynasty of Sargon  Middle chronology and Akkadian Supremacy  Short chronology (conventional) 2165 Gen. 10-11  Abram born to Terah in Ur Abraham (Nahor born c. 2225) 2150 2150 Egyptian First Intermediate Period The Patriarchs Egyptian XI 2134

 Terah leaves Ur for Canaan 2115 Story  Guti invasions () 2112 of  Job Ur-Nammu revives Ur-Nammu 2100 Sumeria () 2095 Ur III  2090 Abram enters Canaan 2083 2080 2080 Mentuhotep ‘the ancestor’  Ishmael born 2074

 2065 Cities of Plain destroyed; 2060 2055 Isaac Isaac born

 Genesis 12-25 2050  2047  Egyptian Middle Kingdom Ur-Nammu 2030  2030 Sarah dies Mentuhotep  2025 Isaac marries Rebekah Elamites destroy Ur; Indo-European 2010 2007 invasions in Greece, etc. 2004 2004  2005 Esau & Jacob born 2000  Jacob XII 1991  1990 Abraham dies 1985

Amenemhet I Jacob’s sons...

1962 Mentuhotep ... by Leah 1956 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun ... by Zilpah Gad, Asher 1950 Amen. I ... by Bilhah Dan, Naphtali 1940 ... by Rachel 1937 XII Joseph, Benjamin (after return to Canaan) Senusret

Genesis 25-36 1930 1926  Jacob leaves for Haran

1915 1911  Joseph born 1908 1910 Jacob returns to Canaan Amenemhet II Joseph 1900  1898 Joseph sold into slavery Rise of Minoans; 1895 1894 Hittites invade Asia  1885 Senusret I Senusret Minor Sen. II  Isaac dies; Joseph exalted 1878 1877 Joseph and Israel in Egypt 1875 1872  Jacob moves to Egypt; 1870 start of Israel’s 430-yr. sojourn Joseph’s sons by Asenath Manasseh & Ephraim

1850 . (. -) Amen. II  High chronology (Murnane/Clayton; cf. Baines/Malek) 1841 III * Senusret 1840  Low chronology (Shaw) 1836 Genesis 37-50  Low chronology (Kitchen) 1831 1830 * The recorded rising of the Sun in conjunction  with the Dog Star in the 7th year of Senusret 1817

III is a primary pillar upon which ancient sojourn 430-year Egyptian chronologies have been built. Amenemhet III  1805 Joseph dies in Egypt 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrx1800 1797 3/1/2014 © ncBc 1792 Exodus 1-18 Israel’s 430-year sojourn in Egypt 430-year Israel’s Genesis 37-50 1831 1830  Sojourn and Exodus1817 Exodus – Deuteronomy  Joseph Amenemhet III  1805 Joseph dies in Egypt 1800 1797 1792 Amenemhet III 1786 XIII 1782  17731772  Israel multiplies in Egypt 1759  1750 1750 Exodus 1-18 Hammurabi codifies laws Old Babylonian Empire and extends the empire 1728  1730 A “new king rises” and afflicts Israel, forcing them 1720 sojourn in Egypt 430-year Israel’s  invade Upper to build Pithom and Raamses Egypt, sacking Memphis Hammurabi 1700 1686   ...   -  High chronology (Murnane/Clayton; cf. Baines/Malek)  Low chronology (Shaw)  Low chronology (Kitchen) ...    Dynasty XV (Hyksos) High chronology (Murnane, Clayton) Dynasty XVII (Theban)   Low chronology (Shaw; cf. Kitchen)    1650 * The sack of by the Hittite king Mursilis I is one crucial reference point for xing early ancient Near Eastern dates. Ancient κ records mention both a solar and a lunar eclipse in the month of Hyksos Sivan that year. Possible dates for the sack of Babylon are: 1651: Long/High chronology Old Hittite Kingdom in 1595: Middle chronology  Asia, — 1531: Short/Low (conventional) chronology   1650-1500;  1586-1436 1499: Ultra-short/low chronology 1600  1595  1595 Sack of Babylon * by Mursillis I; Kassite dynasty until 1155 () Israel continues to multiply

XVIII 1570 Egyptian New Kingdom  Persecution intensifies 1550 1550 XVIII 1546   1531 1531 Ahmose I  Sack of Babylon * () 1525 1526 Tuthmosis I 1524  Moses born, set adrift in 1518 Nile; rescued, adopted, raised Amenhotep I Moses Tuthmosis II in ’s court 1504 1500 Tuthmosis I 1492 Tuthmosis II  1486 Moses kills an Egyptian 1479 and flees to Midian

Hatshepsut Exodus 1-18 Joshua Tuthmosis III * Tuthmosis

Israel’s 430-year sojourn in Egypt 430-year Israel’s  Moses called at burning bush 1450 1450 Exodus  1446 * Exodus from Egypt; crossing Red Sea; Exo 19-40;

  III * Tuthmosis receiving the Law at Mt. Sinai

* Tuthmosis III’s date of accession (with 1-10 Lev, Num 40 years Hatshepsut as regent) is used to identify an II Amenhotep 1425 Moses edits, writes Torah Egyptian chronology as “High” (1504), 1419   “Middle” (1490), or “Low” (1479). * 1446 date for the exodus is derived, in part, from Thiele’sWilderness chronology of Israel’s monarchy and 1 Kings 6.1. Num 10–DeuNum 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrxAmen. II 3/1/2014 © ncBc 1401  Law rehearsed, Moses dies 1400 Joshua leads Israel across the Jordan River; begins three campaigns to conquer, then divide the Land Exodus, Conquest, and Settlement Exodus – Joshua/Judges Dynasty XV (Hyksos)   Dynasty XVII (Theban) * The sack of Babylon by the Hittite king Mursilis I is one crucial reference point for xing early ancient  Near Eastern dates. Ancient records mention both a 1650 solar and a lunar eclipse in the month of Sivan that year. Possible dates for the sack of Babylon are: κ 1651: Long/High chronology Hyksos 1595: Middle chronology  1531: Short/Low chronology  Old Hittite Kingdom in 1499: Ultra-short/low chronology Asia, Syria—  1650-1500;  1586-1436 1600  1595  1595 Sack of Babylon * by Mursillis I; Kassite dynasty until 1155 () Israel continues to multiply

XVIII 1570 Egyptian New Kingdom  Persecution intensifies 1550 Ahmose I 1550 XVIII 1546  Amenhotep I  1531 1531 Ahmose I  Sack of Babylon * () 1525 1526 Tuthmosis I 1524  Moses born, set adrift in 1518 Nile; rescued, adopted, raised Amenhotep I Moses Tuthmosis II in Pharaoh’s court 1504 1500 Tuthmosis I Hatshepsut 1492 Tuthmosis II  1486 Moses kills an Egyptian   1479 and flees to Midian * Tuthmosis III’s date of accession (with Hatshepsut as regent) is used to identify an Exodus 1-18 Joshua Egyptian chronology as “High” (1504), “Middle” Hatshepsut (1490), or “Low” (1479). For the Egyptian 18th Tuthmosis III * Tuthmosis dynasty, the high chronology shown () is

Israel’s 430-year sojourn in Egypt 430-year Israel’s  Moses called at burning bush that of Murnane and Clayton; the low 1450 1450 1446 * chronology () is that of Shaw (cf. Kitchen). Exodus  Exodus from Egypt; crossing Red Sea; Exo 19-40;

Tuthmosis III * Tuthmosis receiving the Law at Mt. Sinai Lev, Num 1-10 Lev, Num

Amenhotep II Amenhotep 1425 Moses edits, writes Torah 1419 Wilderness Num 10–DeuNum Amen. II 1406 1401  Law rehearsed, Moses dies 1400 Tuthmosis IV Conquest and Joshua leads Israel across the Jordan 1391 River; begins three campaigns to 1386 Settlement conquer, then divide the Land

Joshua Mesopot.   Cushan-rishathaim, 1380 Othniel King of Mesopotamia, Judah oppresses Israel 8 years Amenhotep III Amenhotep  Danite move and civil war 1353 Judges Deliver Israel 1350 e Amarna Period 1349  1344 of Egypt; Akhenaten Suppiluliuma I creates cult of sun god 1334 1336 New Hittite Kingdom I Suppil. 1325 (Judges 17-21) Moabites becomes great empire 1322  Eglon oppresses Israel 18 years New Hittite Kingdom Ehud  Ehud assassinates Eglon Benjamin 1306 1300 1295   XIX 1293/2 * 1446 as a date for the exodus is derived, in part, from Thiele’s chronology of Israel’s Muwatalli II * monarchy and the statement of 1 Kings 6.1 that began to began to build the temple in the 480th year after the exodus and the fourth year of his reign (= 966). 1279 1282 1274 Others date the period of Israel’s oppression, exodus, and conquest later (e.g., to the Battle of Kadesh 1272 time of Seti I, Ramesses II, and ). 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrxShamgar 3/1/2014 © ncBc Sea Peoples Naphtali  Shamgar kills 600 Philistines  Jabin, King of Canaanites at Hazor, with Sisera, his general, oppresses Israel 20 years Ramesses II the Great * Ramesses II the Great Exo 19-40; Lev, Num 1-10 Lev, Num

Amenhotep II Amenhotep 1425 Moses edits, writes Torah 1419 Conquest, Settlement, and Judges Wilderness Joshua – 1 Samuel Num 10–DeuNum Amen. II 1406 1401  Law rehearsed, Moses dies 1400 Tuthmosis IV Conquest and Joshua leads Israel across the Jordan 1391 River; begins three campaigns to 1386 Settlement conquer, then divide the Land Joshua Mesopot.  Cushan-rishathaim,  Joshua 1380 Othniel King of Mesopotamia, Judah oppresses Israel 8 years Amenhotep III Amenhotep  Danite move and civil war 1353 Judges Deliver Israel 1350 e Amarna Period 1349  1344 of Egypt; Akhenaten Akhenaten Suppiluliuma I creates cult of sun god 1334 1336 Tutankhamun New Hittite Kingdom I Suppil. 1325 (Judges 17-21) Moabites becomes great empire 1322  Eglon oppresses Israel 18 years   New Hittite  /  = Middle / Short (conventional) chronology Kingdom Ehud  Ehud assassinates Eglon Benjamin 1306 1300 1295 XIX 1293/2 Ramesses I Muwatalli II Seti I * 1279 1282 1274 Battle of Kadesh 1272 Shamgar Sea Peoples Naphtali  Shamgar kills 600 Philistines Canaanites 1250  Jabin, King of Canaanites at Hazor, with Sisera, his general, oppresses Israel 20 years

Ramesses II the Great * Ramesses II the Great Deborah  Deborah, Barak, and Jael Ephraim used by God to deliver Israel Collapse of Late Bronze Age empires 1212/3  1207 Merneptah * 1207  Israel stela 1203 1200 of Merneptah * Midianites

Seti II  Midianites oppress Israel 7 years Judges 1-16 XX 1186/5  Gideon (Jerubbaal) delivers 1183/2 Gideon 1179 Manasseh Israel with 300 men c. 1175 1178  Invasion of Middle the “Sea Peoples” in Assyrian Story Year 8 of Ramesses III Period of

Ramesses III  Ruth gives birth to Obed Ruth 1152/1 1150  Abimelech, son of Gideon,

Ashur-Dan I Tola conspires to be king 1133 Issachar Ashur-resh-ishi I 1116/5 Jair defeats the Elamites; Gilead  1120 Tiglath-pileser I captures Carchemish Ramesses IV-XI Philistines 1100 Ammonites  Eli at Shiloh; Samuel born  Ammonites and Philistines Tiglath-pileser I Tiglath-pileser oppress Israel 18 and 40 years XXI (High Priests/Theban) 1080 Jephthah * Piankh 1078/6 Abdon 1074  1075 Battle of Aphek; XXI (Tanite) 1070 Ibzan ark captured by the Philistines Pinedjem I Samson Elon Samuel

A.-bel-kala Dan Ephraim  1055 Battle of Mizpah I

Masaherta 1Sa 1-31 1050 Philistines Early Monarchy A.-nas.-pal I A.-nas.-pal  Ironworking /   1028   * Seti I, Ramesses II, Merneptah: one “late date” for Israel’sShalm. exodus II from Egypt makes these the of the  * Jephthah kills, the Goliath judge from Gilead, oppression, exodus,techniques and early spread conquest of the land (cf. Exodus 1.8, 11; 2.23). * TheDavid Israel in stela the of Merneptah includes a begins to lead when Israel has already stanza recounting his victories over thoseSea living Peoples in Canaan: “Israel1013 is wasted, bare ofWilderness seed.” This non-biblical reference con rms dwelt in the land for “300 years” 1011 1011/04 Psusennes that by 1207 BCE, Israel has become established in the land.Menkheperre This encourages dates for the exodus no laterIshbosheth than 1247 / Abner BCE.  (JudgesCivil 11.26). war ends; Philistines 1004 Philistines defeated 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrx 3/1/2014 © ncBc 1000 Egyptian 3rd Intermediate Period David Ashur-rabi II 2Sa 1-24; 1Ch 10-29  Jabin, King of Canaanites at Hazor, with Sisera, his general, oppresses Israel 20 years

Last Judges and First * Ramesses II the Great Kings Deborah  Deborah, Barak,Judges and Jael 9 – 1 Kings 22 Ephraim used by God to deliver Israel Collapse of Late Deborah Bronze Age empires 1212/3  Ephraim 1207 Merneptah * 1207  Israel stela 1203 1200 of Merneptah * New Hittite Midianites

Seti II Kingdom  Midianites oppress Israel 7 years Judges 1-16 XX 1186/5  Gideon (Jerubbaal) delivers 1183/2 Gideon Setnakhte 1179 Manasseh Israel with 300 men c. 1175 1178  Invasion of Middle the “Sea Peoples” in Assyrian Story Year 8 of Ramesses III Period of

Ramesses III  Ruth gives birth to Obed Ruth 1152/1 1150  Abimelech, son of Gideon,

Ashur-Dan I Tola conspires to be king 1133 Issachar Ashur-resh-ishi I Nebuchadnezzar I 1116/5 Jair defeats the Elamites; Gilead  1120 Tiglath-pileser I captures Carchemish Ramesses IV-XI Philistines 1100 Ammonites  Eli at Shiloh; Samuel born  Ammonites and Philistines Tiglath-pileser I Tiglath-pileser oppress Israel 18 and 40 years XXI (High Priests/Theban) 1080 Jephthah * Piankh 1078/6 Abdon 1074  1075 Battle of Aphek; XXI (Tanite) 1070 Ibzan ark captured by the Philistines Pinedjem I Samson Elon Samuel

A.-bel-kala Dan Ephraim  1055 Battle of Mizpah Smendes I

Masaherta 1Sa 1-31 1050 Philistines Saul Early Monarchy A.-nas.-pal I A.-nas.-pal 1028 Ironworking Shalm. II  David kills Goliath techniques spread David in the Sea Peoples 1013 Wilderness 1011 1011/04 Psusennes I Psusennes Menkheperre Ishbosheth / Abner  Civil war ends; Philistines 1004 Philistines defeated 1000 Egyptian 3rd Intermediate Period David  991 War with Ammon;

Ashur-rabi II Davidic psalms during revolt of Absalom

2Sa 1-24; wanderings and reign 1Ch 10-29 972 Pinedjem II Pinedjem United 970 970 967  Adonijah’s conspiracy Siamon Solomon Monarchy  963 Temple dedicated Psu. ‘III’ Psu.

Psu. II Psu.  950 Solomon begins decline 950 XXII (Tanite) 945

 Revival of Assyria begins   II Tiglath-Pileser Sheshonq I 935 North Kingdom South Divided 931/30 926 Israel Judah  Sheshonq I (Shishak) Jeroboam I Rehoboam plunders  Jeroboam establishes Ashur-Dan II 912/1 Abijam 913 rival worship centers Nadab 908 911/10 Neo- II Osorkon Assyrian Baasha Asa 900 Empire Baasha at war with Asa Sheshonq II Tuk. III Elah, Zimri III  885 Zimri’s conspiracy 1Kg 1-22; 2Ch 1-20 Tibni 880 Omri IV 874/3 870/69 Ahab and Jezebel 853 A.-nasir-pal II Jehoshaphat Battle of Qarqar— 859/8 Osorkon II Osorkon  Assyria v. Syria and Israel Elijah Ahaziah 853/2 850 Jehoram 848  c. 845 Philistines and Arabs Jehoram *ObadiahB C841 Ahaziah 841 841   (841 ) V  Jehu’s purge plunder Jerusalem; = Clayton / Shaw; In  = Kitchen * The Israel stela of Merneptah con rmsQ. Athaliah that, by835 1207 BCE, Israel has become established in the land. Takelot II Takelot *Joel 18th year of Shalmaneser Shalmaneser III * JephthahJehu begins to lead when Israel has already dwelt in the land for “300 years” (Judges 11.26). III, Jehu pays him tribute   Jehoiada reforms Judah  /  = Middle / Short (conventional) chronology824/3 The reigns of the kings are basedJoash upon E. R. Thiele (with the McFall modi cations). Sh. Ad. V (Jehoash) 814/3 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrx811 3/1/2014 © ncBc Sheshonq III Elisha’s MinistryElisha’s 2Kg 1-17; 2Ch 21-28 Samson Samuel

A.-bel-kala Dan Ephraim  1055 Battle of Mizpah Smendes I

Masaherta 1Sa 1-31 Kingdom1050 I: United and DividedPhilistines 1 Samuel 11 – 2 Kings 20 Saul Early Monarchy A.-nas.-pal I A.-nas.-pal Samuel 1028 Ironworking Shalm. II Ephraim  David kills Goliath techniques spread David in the

Sea Peoples 1013 1Sa 1-31 Wilderness 1011 1011/04 Psusennes I Psusennes Menkheperre Ishbosheth / Abner  Civil war ends; Philistines 1004 Philistines defeated 1000 Egyptian 3rd Intermediate Period David  991 War with Ammon;

Ashur-rabi II Davidic psalms during revolt of Absalom

2Sa 1-24; wanderings and reign 1Ch 10-29 972 Pinedjem II Pinedjem United 970 970 967  Adonijah’s conspiracy Siamon Solomon Monarchy  963 Temple dedicated Psu. ‘III’ Psu.

Psu. II Psu.  950 Solomon begins decline 950 XXII (Tanite) 945

 Revival of Assyria begins   II Tiglath-Pileser Sheshonq I 935 North Kingdom South Divided 931/30 926 Israel Judah  Sheshonq I (Shishak) Jeroboam I Rehoboam plunders Jerusalem  Jeroboam establishes Ashur-Dan II 912/1 Abijam 913 rival worship centers Nadab 908 911/10 Neo- II Osorkon I Osorkon Assyrian Baasha Asa 900 Empire Baasha at war with Asa Sheshonq II Tuk. III Elah, Zimri III  885 Zimri’s conspiracy Takelot I 1Kg 1-22; 2Ch 1-20 Tibni 880 Omri IV 874/3 870/69 Ahab and Jezebel 853 A.-nasir-pal II Jehoshaphat Battle of Qarqar— 859/8 Osorkon II Osorkon  Assyria v. Syria and Israel Elijah Ahaziah 853/2 850 c. 845 Jehoram Jehoram 848  Philistines and Arabs *Obadiah 841 Ahaziah 841 841 841 V  Jehu’s purge plunder Jerusalem; In Q. Athaliah 835 Takelot II Takelot *Joel

18th year of Shalmaneser Shalmaneser III Jehu  Jehoiada reforms Judah III, Jehu pays him tribute 824/3 Joash Sh. Ad. V (Jehoash) 814/3 811  Hazael oppresses Israel Sheshonq III Jehoahaz and plunders Jerusalem 800 798/7 Jehoash 796 Elisha’s MinistryElisha’s

A.-nirari III (Joash) Shes. IV Shes. Amaziah 783 2Kg 1-17; 2Ch 21-28 782/1 776 Shalm. IV First Olympics  773  Jeroboam II restores borders Pami Israel’s “Golden Age” of Jeroboam II 767  Jonah prosperity, stability, and Ashur-Dan III Amos Azariah religious fervor 755 Zechariah/Shallum (Uzziah) Ashur-N. V 753/2 750 XXV (Nubian) 747 VII Sheshonq V 745/4 Menahem Pekahiah 739 Tiglath- VIII Pileser III Pekah Jotham  732 Tiglath-Pileser III 732/1 731 Piankhi invades Syria and Israel Osork. IV Shalm. V Hoshea IX Ahaz 720 722

Hosea’s Min. Hosea’s  Israel to captivity 715 Israel’s Fall 715 Sargon II Micah  Hezekiah’s reforms 705/4 Hezekiah 701 700 Sennacherib besieges Jerusalem MinistryIsaiah’s 687/6 681/0

Esarhaddon 2Ch2Kg 18-25; cf. Manasseh  671 Memphis captured 669 Manasseh reverses reforms; 663  XXVI( (Saite) 664 )    B C   = Clayton / Shaw;  = Kitchen * The placement of Obadiah (c. The reigns of the kings aretaken based upon into exile; repents

sacks ebes 656 845) and Joel2Kg 18-25; 2Ch 29-36 (c. 835) re ect early E. R. Thiele (with the McFall modications). dates, based upon an evaluation of 650 Nahumthe internal evidence. Others date

Ashurbanipal the books to a later period. Amon 643/40

2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrx I Psamtik Zephaniah 3/1/2014Josiah © ncBc Book of Law found;  Josiah’s reforms  Hazael oppresses Israel Jehoahaz and plunders Jerusalem 800 798/7 Jehoash 796 Elisha’s MinistryElisha’s

A.-nirari III (Joash) 2 Kings 14 – / Malachi Kingdom II: Falls and IV Shes. Returns Amaziah 783 Pami 2Kg 1-17; 2Ch 21-28 782/1 776 Shalm. IV First Olympics  773  Jeroboam II restores borders Pami Israel’s “Golden Age” of Jeroboam II 767  Jonah prosperity, stability, and Ashur-Dan III Amos Azariah religious fervor 755 Zechariah/Shallum (Uzziah) Ashur-N. V 753/2 750 XXV (Nubian) 747 VII Sheshonq V 745/4 Menahem Pekahiah 739 Tiglath- Pekah VIII Pileser III 2Kg 1-17 Jotham  732 Tiglath-Pileser III 732/1 731 Piankhi invades Syria and Israel Osork. IV Shalm. V Hoshea IX Ahaz 720 722

Hosea’s Min. Hosea’s  Israel to captivity 715 Israel’s Fall 715 Sargon II Micah Shabaka  Hezekiah’s reforms 705/4 Hezekiah 700 701 Sennacherib Shebitku Sennacherib besieges Jerusalem MinistryIsaiah’s 687/6 681/0 671 Taharqa Manasseh  Memphis captured 669 XXVI (Saite) 664 Manasseh reverses reforms;  663 Ashurbanipal taken into exile; repents

sacks ebes 656 2Kg 18-25; 2Ch 29-36 650 Nahum

Ashurbanipal Amon 643/40

Psamtik I Psamtik Zephaniah Josiah 626 627 Book of Law found; Neo-Babylonian Empire  Josiah’s reforms 614, 612, 610 612  Fall of Assyria 610 Jehoahaz 609 609 Necho kills Josiah  605 Battle of Carchemish 605 Habakkuk Jehoiakim  605 Judah subjugated Necho 600 595 Jehoiachin 598/6  597 Jerusalem surrenders Psamtik II Zedekiah 589 Min. Jeremiah’s 586 Lamentations  Temple destroyed Wahibre Ezekiel Judah’s Fall

570 Nebuchadnezzar 562 Daniel’s MinistryDaniel’s Captivity 556 (Belshazzar coregent) 550 550 Cyrus conquers 550 538 Persian Empire Cyrus issues edict Ahmose II 537  539 539 Return of Zerubbabel Returns from Captivity  536 Temple foundation laid Cyrus II Cyrus Zerubbabel Egyptian XXVII (Persian) 525 1-6 522/1 520 Building resumed Egyptian 1st Persian Period Haggai & Zechariah 515 Cambyses II  Temple rededicated Roman Republic I 500 the Great Classical Age in Greece 490-449 486/5  Persian War  479 Esther becomes queen Esther

470-399 I Xerxes Life of Socrates () 465 Ezra  458/7 Return of Ezra 450 Chronicles -10  445 Return of Nehemiah

Artaxerxes I Nehemiah Nehemiah 431-404 Peloponnesian War Malachi 424/3 Intertestamental Period

 409 Carthage and Greece Darius II 405/4 404 battle over Sicily Egyptian XXVIII-XXX  surrenders to Lysander of the Spartans 400 Nefaaud I B C  387 Plato founds Academy The reigns of the kings are based upon E. R. Thiele (with the McFall modi cations). 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrx 3/1/2014 © ncBc Artaxerxes II  409 Carthage and Greece Darius II 405/4 404 battle over Sicily Egyptian XXVIII-XXX  Athens surrenders to Lysander Intertestamentalof the Spartans Period Hellenistic400 PeriodNefaaud I Amyrtaeus  387 Plato founds Academy Hakor Intertestamental Period

Artaxerxes II —from c. 420 BCE Nakhtnebef Djedhor 359/8359 Nakhthoreb Argead 350 XXXI (Persian) 343 Philip II Artaxer. III Artaxer. Egypt’s Second Persian Period 336  338 Philip II defeats Athenians; end of 332 330 331 Darius III Empire of Alexander  Battle of Gaugamela  323 Diogenes’ death  323-301 Alexander dies; wars of Diadochi 322 Thrace, Demosthenes’ suicide Macedonia, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Greece Pergamon Babylon Cyrenaica Epicurus 300 Euclid Cassander Seleucids... Ptolemies...  301 Battle of Ipsus Zeno the Stoic Lysimachus Seleucus I Ptolemy I 280 Demetrius I 291 Hellenistic Period Pyrrhus invades Italy 286 278 282/1 283/2 Celts invade 279 281  282/1 Battle of Corupedium 276 Attalids... Ptolemy II Antigonids... Philetaerus Antiochus I Antigonus II 263 261  Septuagint (LXX) Eumenes I Antiochus II

250 246 246 Archimedes 242/1 239 Seleucus II Ptolemy III Demetrius II 229 Attalus I Antigonus III Seleucus III 223 221 222 Roman Republic Antiochus III 217 the Great Ptolemy IV  Battle of Raphia Philip V 205 202 Battle of Zama; 200 200 197  Antiochus III defeats Ptolemies; Rome defeats Hannibal Ptolemy V Seleucids control Palestine  189 Battle of Magnesia 187 Eumenes II 179 Seleucus IV 180 Perseus 175 Ptolemy VI Antiochus IV 170  168/7 Battle of Pydna 168/7 Pt. VIII  168-167 Mattathias and sons Antioc.V 164 164/3 Judas Roman 160/59 160 lead “Maccabean Revolt” domination Demetrius I Jonathan 148 Attalus II High Priest Hasmonean Period 150 146 Alexander I 145  Rome destroys 142 142 Corinth and Carthage Attalus III Demetrius II Ptolemy VIII Simon  Judean independence 133/2 vs. others 135/4 John Pharisees and Sadducees Cleopat. 123 Hyrcanus I 120 appear; 800 Pharisees  Mithridates 116 Antiochus VIII executed in their civil war becomes king vs. Anti. IX Ptolemy IX against Jannaeus and of Pontus 107 Aristobulus I Sadducees Ptolemy X 100 96 Alexander Jannaeus 88 83 Ptolemy IX Tigranes I 80 vs. Seleu. VII Ptolemy XII Alexandra Salome 66 Antiochus XIII / Philip II Hyr. II / Aris. II  Pompey commands 63 63 63 60  Pompey conquers Palestine the Roman East First Triumvirate Berenice IV 49 51 50 Julius Caesar 43 Herodian VII Second Triumvirate Dynasty 37 31 33 30Ptolemy XV  Battle of Actium 27 Julio-Claudian Dynasty Roman Empire BCE Herod the Great Herod 4 BCE Life of Christ  5/4 BCE Jesus born

 0 Augustus NT Jesus CE 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrx14 3/1/2014 © ncBc Gospels H. Antipas  331 Battle of Gaugamela  323 Diogenes’ death  323-301 Alexander dies; wars of Diadochi 322 Thrace, Demosthenes’ suicide Macedonia, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, NT Church in Greco-RomanGreece Pergamon ContextBabylon Cyrenaica Intertestamental – NT Epicurus 300 Euclid Cassander Seleucids... Ptolemies...  301 Battle of Ipsus Zeno the Stoic Lysimachus Seleucus I Ptolemy I 280 Demetrius I 291 Hellenistic Period Pyrrhus invades Italy 286 278 282/1 283/2 Celts invade Anatolia 279 281  282/1 Battle of Corupedium 276 Attalids... Ptolemy II Antigonids... Philetaerus Antiochus I Antigonus II 263 261  Septuagint (LXX) Eumenes I Antiochus II

250 246 246 Archimedes 242/1 239 Seleucus II Ptolemy III Demetrius II 229 Attalus I Antigonus III Seleucus III 223 221 222 Roman Republic Antiochus III 217 the Great Ptolemy IV  Battle of Raphia Philip V 205 202 Battle of Zama; 200 200 197  Antiochus III defeats Ptolemies; Rome defeats Hannibal Ptolemy V Seleucids control Palestine  189 Battle of Magnesia 187 Eumenes II 179 Seleucus IV 180 Perseus 175 Ptolemy VI Antiochus IV 170  168/7 Battle of Pydna 168/7 Pt. VIII  168-167 Mattathias and sons Antioc.V 164 164/3 Judas Roman 160/59 160 lead “Maccabean Revolt” domination Demetrius I Jonathan 148 Attalus II High Priest Hasmonean Period 150 146 Alexander I 145  Rome destroys 142 142 Corinth and Carthage Attalus III Demetrius II Ptolemy VIII Simon  Judean independence 133/2 vs. others 135/4 John Pharisees and Sadducees Cleopat. 123 Hyrcanus I 120 appear; 800 Pharisees  Mithridates 116 Antiochus VIII executed in their civil war becomes king vs. Anti. IX Ptolemy IX against Jannaeus and of Pontus 107 Aristobulus I Sadducees Ptolemy X 100 96 Alexander Jannaeus 88 83 Ptolemy IX Tigranes I 80 vs. Seleu. VII Ptolemy XII Alexandra Salome 66 Antiochus XIII / Philip II Hyr. II / Aris. II  Pompey commands 63 63 63 60  Pompey conquers Palestine the Roman East First Triumvirate Berenice IV 49 51 50 Julius Caesar 43 Herodian Cleopatra VII Second Triumvirate Dynasty 37 31 33 30Ptolemy XV  Battle of Actium 27 Julio-Claudian Dynasty Roman Empire BCE Herod the Great Herod 4 BCE Life of Christ  5/4 BCE Jesus born  0 Augustus Jesus CE 14 Gospels H. Antipas

Tiberius  29-33 Jesus’ public ministry Caligula 37 39 41 H. Agrippa I Early Church 41 43 44 General Epistles  Apostle James martyred  Rome invades Britain Mt. Acts

50 Claudius 54 Paul’s Travel Epistles  47-57 Paul’s missionary travels ...Prison Epistles  Paul’s imprisonments Nero persecutes churches Nero 66-73 Luke-Acts ...Pastoral Epistles  Jewish revolt 6869  Paul and Peter martyred 70 Flavian Mark Titus destroys Vespasian II H. Agrippa 79 temple 81 Titus Domitian John Didache of the Twelve Apostles Church persecuted Nervan-Antonian96 Revelation 98  c. 96 Clement writes 1 Clement 2000000-bst-bib-gen-rev-1p010yr-tml-bcrx100 Trajan 3/1/2014 © ncBc