St. Barnabas the Apostle Catholic Church So That In All Things God May Be Glorified Home of the Traditional Latin Mass and Daily Confessions 1400 North Main St. O’Fallon, MO 63366
[email protected] July 28th, 2019 JMJ 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ask and it will be given to you Seek and you will find Knock and it will be opened to you MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST 3rd-4th MASS Readers Servers Extra- Ushers Gift Bearers Greet- ordinary ers MONDAY JULY 29th Ministers 8:00AM –David and Betty Jo Tips Dick Reitz Rebello Kath- TUESDAY JULY 30th 4:30 Debbie Mallon Reitz Reitz leen 7:00PM-Mr. & Mrs. Robert Welby PM Cronebach Welby Carolyn Chase Family Reitz Cashion Turnbeaugh WEDNESDAY JULY 31st 8:00AM-Jimmy McGrew Nancy Easton 8:00 Hebert Luetkenhaus Nancy Ken Peine Stephens Luetkenhaus THURSDAY AUGUST 1st Family Hebert AM Easton 8:00AM-Special Intention Bill Trigg FRIDAY AUGUST 2nd 10:00 Phil FIRST FRIDAY Nardi 8:00AM-Judy Deluvia AM 7:00PM-Vocations to the Priest- 12:00 Stephanie Lane Ehlenbeck Ushers hood & Religious Life PM Brase SATURDAY AUGUST 3rd FIRST SATURDAY Mondays, 8:00AM-Alinda & John Schulte Wednesdays, 4:30PM– Parishioners Thursdays and Fri- days SUNDAY AUGUST 4th 9AM-4PM. 8:00AM- Karen & Dan Fitzsimmons 10:00 AM–Rev Raymond D. Hager Tuesdays and First Sanctuary Lamp 12:00 PM– Bob Ehlenbeck Fridays Patrick J. Migneron 9AM-7PM. Father of Patti Kehoe St. Barnabas the Apostle November 11th, 1931-July 15th, 2017 Mass Times Daily Mass 8:00AM Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri-Sat From Fred and Dolly Strode: We want to thank with all our hearts the people of St.