Regulatory Changes for Chinese Stocks Remaining on Track

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Regulatory Changes for Chinese Stocks Remaining on Track November 30, 2020 $16 an issue / $350 a year THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF MONEY MANAGEMENT Jennifer Bishop MORE HEADACHES: Washington Will Hansen believes recent inquiries related to ESG issues are yet Regulatory changes another cause for plan sponsor concern. for Chinese stocks remaining on track Stricter accounting rules, RELATED NEWS ban on military investing n Overseas investors flocking to in future for U.S. investors Chinese government bonds. Page 2 n New rules unlikely to derail China’s e-commerce giants. Page 2 By HAZEL BRADFORD Regulation Earlier this month, a White House Despite big changes at the White executive order banned investing in House in 2021, the push to protect U.S. Chinese companies linked to its mili- investors in Chinese companies is still tary. As of Jan. 1, individuals or compa- EBSA broadening its focus on enforcement on track, as regulators prepare to hold nies can no longer own direct shares the companies to tougher accounting or funds holding shares in 31 Chinese Labor Department agency gets Earlier this year, the Labor Department began standards and some face an outright ban. companies identified as security risks. sending enforcement letters to plan sponsors and “There will continue to be tension Many more U.S. investors will be af- busy on several different fronts registered investment adviser firms requesting between the U.S. and China — even fected by accounting rules expected to documents pertaining to environmental, social with a new administration taking the be proposed next month by the Securi- By BRIAN CROCE and governance-themed fund decisions. reins — and national security consid- ties and Exchange Commission. The “This kind of came out of nowhere,” said Eliza- erations as well as accounting stan- SEC has authority over shares traded on Enforcement actions continued to rise at the beth S. Goldberg, a Pittsburgh-based partner with dards will remain important,” said U.S. exchanges as American depository Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Secu- law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP. “It seems Christian McCormick, a director and receipts, negotiable certificates issued rity Administration in fiscal year 2020, paced once like a lot of DOL muster in the investigations senior ESG strategist with Allianz by U.S. banks that represent shares in a again by missing participant recoveries, but that space has been on ESG in 2020.” Global Investors in Denver. foreign stock traded on a U.S. exchange. wasn’t the only area where EBSA investigators In an enforcement letter sent in the spring to “Every single discussion we have The U.S.-China Economic and Se- turned their focus. SEE ENFORCEMENT ON PAGE 31 with institutional investors, the topic of curity Review Commission identified investing in China comes up.” SEE CHINA ON PAGE 29 Michael A. Marcotte SPECIAL REPORT CONSULTANTS Alternatives Consultants see Consultants free of rise from clients conflicts becoming eager for advice a bit harder to find By ARLEEN JACOBIUS By DANIELLE WALKER MORE ON Alternative investment consultants that are CONSULTANTS free of conflicts are an increasingly rare breed, In the current climate, institution- continuing to be picked off by consolidation, ini- al investors have relied more heavi- n Rankings of the largest tial public offerings and the addition of money ly on consultants for both traditional investment consultants management services. advice and outsourced CIO services, begin on Page 16 Rising competition, client demands and a trend that will no doubt continue, n For the full report, downward pressure on consulting fees have al- according to forward-looking pre- including a complete set tered the alternative investment consulting uni- dictions from sources and annual of data, go to PIonline. verse. Consultants are now offering commingled data from Pensions & Investments’ com/consultants20 funds as well as boosting discretionary manage- investment consultant survey. ment. And the larger consulting firms are get- P&I’s annual survey of the largest investment consultants ting larger by acquisition. IPOs could present found that institutional assets under advisement grew 3% to problems as well if the market values a publicly $42.65 trillion over the year ended June 30, while U.S. institu- held consulting firm based on its fees coming tional tax-exempt AUA grew 4% to $23.59 trillion, in spite of from assets under management rather than rocky markets and equity drawdowns earlier in the year. consulting fees. Over the five-year period ended June 30, institutional AUA Just this year, Stepstone Group, which started grew 24.6%, while U.S. institutional tax-exempt AUA grew 28.5%. FIRST THINGS FIRST: Jamie Eckert said keeping up with the COVID-19 pandemic is out as a private equity consulting firm and now CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 causing many corporate clients to outsource oversight of their retirement plans. SEE CONFLICT ON PAGE 27 Changing of the guard Tradewatch gives at money managers third-quarter data TIAA-CREF’s Roger W. Ferguson For broker rankings from Jr. announced that he is retiring, Elkins/McSherry and trading one of several leadership analytics from Virtu Financial, changes coming in the money go to management world. Page 6 watch 2 | November 30, 2020 Pensions & Investments IN THIS ISSUE Investing VOLUME 48, NUMBER 24 Consultants Investors ramp up exposure to Chinese bonds Aksia is working to reduce conflicts of interest as the firm expands. Page 27 Overseas institutions impressed with way ESG government held its economy together Andy Lane European money managers have been By DOUGLAS APPELL ramping up stewardship processes, but investors still see room for improvement. The economy-toppling health crisis of 2020 has only ac- Page 4 centuated the nascent charms of Chinese government bonds Sustainable investing saw a 42% growth in the eyes of overseas investors, industry veterans say. spurt over the past two years, and large As the year began, inflows had been poised to rise on the asset owners are leading the way. Page 6 back of improving market access, benchmark bond index inclusions and a respite in U.S.-China trade tensions, but In likely his final appearance before the momentum kicked into a higher gear as the country’s econ- Senate Banking Committee, SEC Chairman omy led the way globally in fighting through coronavirus- Jay Clayton received some pointed criticism related challenges. from Democrats on issues such as climate The market context evolved materially this year, in a way change risk disclosures. Page 20 that bolstered the case for Chinese government bonds, said Two female employees of PIMCO filed Paras Anand, Hong Kong-based chief investment officer, suit against the company and individual Asia-Pacific, with Fidelity International. The firm had $611.4 managers, accusing the firm of gender and billion in assets under management as of Sept. 30. disability discrimination, harassment and In the face of a “substantial test” for China’s economy this retaliation. Page 20 year, “we’ve seen currency stability … successful manage- ment of the pandemic (and) a return of economic activity,” Most asset owners are assessing risks giving investors a greater degree of confidence and support- and opportunities of sustainable investing, ing arguments in favor of a “meaningful” portfolio response, according to an ISS survey. Page 29 he added. Chinese bonds “are getting a lot of positive attention due Exchange-traded funds to how they’ve been proven to be a diversifier in portfolios Much like equity ETFs, a swath of through the pandemic,” agreed Jean de Kock, Singapore- derivatives are emerging around fixed- based fixed-income manager research specialist with Mercer income counterparts. Page 12 SEE CHINA BONDS ON PAGE 28 GOOD JOB: Paras Anand said actions by China have boosted investor confidence. Money management Investing TIAA-CREF, State Street Global Advisors and BNP Paribas Asset Management USA all announced leadership changes this month. New rules unlikely to derail e-commerce giants Page 6 Long-term opportunity ment on the firm’s listing plans. Departments With regulators clamping down on online lending, a business that ac- At deadline ....................28 ESG roundup .................14 remains bright despite Changes ahead ..............31 Frontlines ........................8 counted for roughly two-fifths of tighter rules in China Ant’s first half revenues, analysts Classified ......................24 Hirings...........................22 VCG via Getty Images Corrections ......................4 News roundup ................30 say the company’s online wealth Editorial ........................10 Other views ....................10 By DOUGLAS APPELL management and asset manage- ETFs ..............................12 RFPs .............................24 ment business — at less than a Moves this month by China’s sixth of its revenues — would as- P&I survey of top retirement regulators to abruptly block e-pay- sume a higher profile should Ant funds still in progress ments and internet finance giant come to market again anytime soon. Ant Group’s record $35 billion ini- For now, Ant’s IPO fireworks Pensions & Investments is accepting late tial public offering, while tightening “haven’t helped overall sentiment” responses to the annual survey of the oversight of e-commerce firms, are but “we still have a fairly positive largest U.S. retirement funds. Sponsors adding a considerable element of view on these new economy stocks with combined U.S. pension and defined uncertainty for
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