Source sheet and translation of Gittin 55b-56b

For the Film “ Tales: The Rise of Yavneh”

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Gittin 55b-57a: Destruction of Temple and Yavneh

On account of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza, Jerusalem was destroyed. For, a certain man, whose friend was friend Kamtza and whose enemy was Bar Kamtza, made a party. [The party host] said to his servant, “Go and bring Kamtza.” [The servant] went and brought Bar Kamtza. The [party host] found [bar Kamtza] sitting there [and] said to [Bar Kamtza,] “See, you are my enemy; what are you doing here? up [and] get out.“ [Bar Kamtza] said to [the party host], “Since I have [already] come [here,] let me stay, and I will pay you for whatever I eat and drink.” [The party host] said to [Bar Kamtza,] “No.” [Bar Kamtza] said to [the party host,] “I’ll give you half the cost of the party.” [The party host] said to [Bar Kamtza,] “No.” [Bar Kamtza] said to [the party host,] “I’ll give you the cost of the entire party.” [The party host] said to [Bar Kamtza,] “No,” [and] took [Bar Kamtza] with his hand and stood him up and threw him out. [Bar Kamtza] said [to himself,] “Since the Rabbis were sitting [there] and did not protest against [the party host,] this shows they agree with him. I will go and inform against them to the Government.”

[Bar Kamtza] went [and] said to Caesar,1 “The Jews are rebelling against you.” [Caesar] said to [Bar Kamtza, “Who says!”2 [Bar Kamtza] said to [Caesar]: “Send them a sacrifice [and] see if they offer it [on the altar].”

[Caesar] went [and] sent a fine calf in [Kamtza’s] hands. While on the way, [Kamtza] made a blemish on its upper lip, or as some say on the white of its eye, a place where it is a blemish for us [Jews] but not a blemish for them [the Romans.]3 The Rabbis thought to offer it for the sake of peace [with] the [Roman] kingdom. R. Zekhariah ben Avkulas said to [the other rabbis,] “[People] will say that blemished animals are offered on the altar.” They thought to kill [Bar Kamtza] so that he would not go and say [that the Jews did not bring the sacrifice on the altar.] R. Zekhariah ben Avkulas said to [the other rabbis,] “[People] will say that [one] who blemishes consecrated animals is put to death?”

R. Yohanan said:4 The scrupulousness5 of R. Zekhariah ben Avkulas caused our House to be destroyed, burnt our Temple, and caused us to be exiled from our land.

1 Here “Emperor” could be meant. The Rabbis didn’t fully understand the names or titles of various power players in Rome. It is quite possible that they thought Caesar meant Emperor. This leads to an ambiguity as to who it is that is sending Nero. According to contemporaneous historical accounts, Nero was Emperor from 54-68, followed by 4 Emperors in quick succession in the year 69. The last of these was Vespasian. Vespasian was then followed by Titus in 79. 2 In other words, “how can I tell?” 3 While most cultures would presumably not allow a blemished animal to be sacrificed to their gods, cultures presumably differ as to what is considered a blemish. 4 This comment was made hundreds of years later.

Copy right © BimBam 2018 [The Emperor] sent Nero Caesar against them. As [Nero] was coming, he shot an arrow towards the east6 [and] it came [and] fell in Jerusalem. [He then shot an arrow] towards the west, [and] it came [and] fell in Jerusalem. [He shot arrows] toward four winds of the heaven,7 [and each time] it came [and] fell in Jerusalem. He said to a certain boy, “State me a Biblical verse.”8 [The child] said (quoting a biblical verse): “And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Israel…”9 [Nero] said [to himself, “The Holy One, blessed be He, wants to destroy His house and wants to wipe clean his hands with me?!” So [Nero] fled and went and converted [to ]; and Rabbi Meir descended from him.

[The Emperor] then sent Vespasian Caesar against [the Jews.] He came [and] sieged Jerusalem for three years. In [Jerusalem,] there were three men of great wealth: Nakdimon ben Gurion; Ben Kalba Savua’; and Ben Tzizit Hakeset.

Nakdimon ben Gurion [was so called] because the sun continued shining for his sake.10 Ben Kalba Shabua’ [was so called] because anyone who would go into his house hungry as a dog would come out full.11 Ben Tzitzit Hakeset was so called because his fringes used to trail on cushions.12 Others say he derived the name from the fact that his seat was among those of the nobility of Rome.13 One [of these men] said to [the people of Jerusalem,] I will sustain them with wheat and barley. One said to them, “I, with wine, oil and salt.” One said to them, “[and I,] with firewood.” And the Rabbis praised [the offer of] wood [over the other offers.] As Rav Hisda used to hand all his keys to his servant except [the key to the] wood [storage]; As Rav Hisda said: A storehouse of wheat requires sixty stores of wood [for fuel]. — These [men] had [enough food and fuel] to sustain [Jerusalem] for twenty-one years.

There were these Biryoni (rebels) in [Jerusalem.] The Rabbis said to them, “Let us go out and make peace with [the Romans].” The [Biryoni] would not let them. [The Biryoni] said to [the Rabbis,] “Let us go out make war with the [Romans.]” The Rabbis said to [the Biryoni,] “It will not be a success.” The [Biryoni] rose up and burnt the stores of wheat and barley and there was a famine.

Marta the daughter of Baitos was the richest woman in Jerusalem. She sent her emissary and said to him, “Go bring me fine flour.”

5 It is unclear what this word means. It could be related to humility or shortsightedness. 6 Romans were fond of divination, oracles, and omens. 7 In other words, “in every direction.” 8 This was a method of divination. 9 Ezekiel 25:14 10 One time, miraculously, when he needed extra time to repay a debt on behalf of the Jewish people. This is a word play folk etymology for his name. 11 This is a word play folk etymology for his name. 12 See previous footnote. 13 See previous footnote.

Copy right © BimBam 2018 By the time he went it was sold out. He came and said to her, “There is no fine flour; there is white [flour].” She said to him, “Go, bring me.” By the time he went it was sold out. He came and said to her, “There is no white [flour]; there is dark flour.” She said to him, “Go, bring me.” By the time he went it was sold out. He came and said to her, “There is no dark flour; there is barley flour.” She said, “Go, bring me.” By the time he went it was sold out. She had taken off her shoes. She said, “I will go out and see if I can find anything to eat.” Some dung stuck to her foot and she died.

Rabban quoted the [following] verse in regard to her, “The tender and delicate woman among you which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground.”14

Some said that she ate R. Tzadok’s figs and became sick and died. For R. Tzadok observed fasts for forty years [in order] that Jerusalem might not be destroyed, [and he became so thin that] when he ate anything the food could be seen from outside [his body.] When he [wanted to] restore [himself], they would bring bring him figs. He would suck the juice and throw [the rest] away.

When [Marta the daughter of Baitos] was dying, she brought out all her gold and silver and threw it in the street. She said, “What do I need this for?!” And this is as it is written [in the Bible]: “They shall cast their silver in the streets.”

Abba Sikra, the head of the Biryoni in Jerusalem, was the son of the sister of Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai. [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] sent [a message] to him, “Come to me secretly.” [Abba Sikra] came. [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] said to him, “How long are you going to do this and kill all the people with famine?” [Abba Sikra] said to him, “What can I do? If I say anything to [the Biryoni], they will kill me.” [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] said: “Devise some plan for me to go out [of the city]. Perhaps it will save a little.” [Abba Sikra] said to him: “Pretend to be ill, and let everyone come to inquire about you. Bring something rotten and hide it by you[r side] so that they will say you are dead. And [then] let your students lift you up, and let no others lift you up, so that they will not feel that you are light, because they know that a living person is lighter than a corpse.”

[R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] did so.

14 Deuteronomy 28:56.

Copy right © BimBam, 2018 R. Eliezer entered on one side [of Rabbi Yohanan’s corpse] and R. Yehoshua on the other side. When they reached the door, [the Biryoni] wanted to stab the [corpse]. He15 said to them: “Shall [the Romans] say, ‘they stabbed their Master!’?” They wanted to give [the corpse] a push. He said to them: “Shall [the Romans] say, ‘they pushed their Master!’?” They opened a gate for him. He went out.

When [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] reached [the Romans] he said, “Peace to you, king, peace to you, king.” [Vespasian] said: “Your are liable to death on two counts. One, because I am not a king and you call me king. And further, if I am a king, why did you not come to me before now?” [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] said to [Vespasian,] “As far as what you say that you are not a king, in truth you are a king, for if you were not a king, Jerusalem would not be given into your hand, as it is written, ‘And Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one.’ [and] ‘Mighty one’ refers to none other than a king, as it is written, ‘And their mighty one shall be of themselves…;’ and ‘Lebanon’ refers to the Temple, as it says, ‘This goodly mountain and Lebanon.’ As far as what you say, ‘if I am a king, why did you not come to me before now,’ [I answer that] the Biryoni among us did not let me.” [Vespasian] said to him: “If there is a container of honey, and a serpent surrounds it, would they not break the container because of the serpent?” [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] was silent.

Rav Yoseph, and some say R. Akiba, applied the [following] verse to him, ‘[God] turns wise men backward and makes their knowledge foolish.’ [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] should have said to [Vespasian], “We take a pair of tongs and grip the snake and kill it, and leave the container [unbroken.]

At this point a messenger came to him from Rome. [The messenger] said to [Vespasian,] “Get up, for the Emperor is dead, and the notables of Rome say you should be appointed head [of the State].” Vespasian had just finished putting on one boot. He wanted to put on [the] other [one but] it would not go on. He wanted to take off the other [boo but] it would not come off. [Vespasian] said: “What is this!?” R. Yohanan said to him: “Do not worry, [it is because] good news came to you, as it says, ‘Good news makes the bone fat.’ Rather, what is the remedy? Let someone whom you dislike come and pass before you, as it is written, ‘A broken spirit dries up the bones.’” [Vespasian] did so, and the boot went on. [Vespasian] said to [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai], “Since you are so wise, why did you not come to me till now?” [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] said to [Vespasian]: “Did I not tell you?” [Vespasian] said to [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] “I also told you.” [Vespasian again] said to [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai “I am [now] going, and will send another man [to take my place.] But ask something of me to give to you.”

15 Either Yehoshua or Eliezer.

Copy right © BimBam, 2018 [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] said to [Vespasian]: “Give me Yavneh and its Wise Men, and the [family] chain of Rabban Gamaliel, and physicians to heal R. Zadok.

Rav Yoseph, and some say R. Akiba, applied the [following] verse to him, ‘[God] turns wise men backward and makes their knowledge foolish.’ [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai] should have said to [Vespasian], “Let [the Jews] off this time.” [R. Yohanan ben Zakkai, however,] thought that perhaps [Vespasian] would not do such a [big] thing and even a little would not be saved.

Copy right © BimBam, 2018