fir ------------------- L--------- ........................... ................... ............... ’ - ....... ........ PROFILE OF HIGHER EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH . ^ e c o u N c , ^ NUEPA DC DC64 A.P. STATE COUNCIL OF HIGHER EDUCATION Mahavir Marg, Masab Tank, Hyderabad - 500 028. Ph. No. 040-23311875, Fax No. 23311470 E.mail:
[email protected] Website: PROFILE OF HIGHER EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH NOVEMBER 2006 Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education Mahaveer Marg, Masab Tank, Hyderabad - 500 028. ilBRARY S DUCUNi£NTATiiS& S& tm --f KducAtioml Plann ad •• -v.c 1 7 -.,. -n A - i ■ '■ Price Rs. 500/- New t-tUii-i 'iio t \ q_ £ b D O C , N o ..........................-X — : r r — ■- ....... ,o ^ ------ Only excerpts of the material may be used for Educational purpose with the permission of APSCHE Printed a t : KARSHAK ART PRINTERS, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad. Ph :27618261,27653348 r , ■ - ..... .............. .... ................. " ' .......................- ..................... - ....... - .. PREFACE ^ ‘ ,. r:;; : " uvrs Andhra Pradesh has always been in the forefront in the matter of welcoming meaningful improvements in Higher Education. It has been credited with several firsts in the past too and continues to take the lead in experimenting, innovating and in providing greater access to quality education. In order to offer reliable and authentic information on Higher Education in the State, an attempt is made here to provide University wise, District wise and Region wise data on Colleges, Courses, fee structure etc., in an exhaustive manner to the extent possible. It is our hope that given the constant support, cooperation from the Universities and Colleges, this initiative could be fine-tuned periodically to serve the interests of students and the public at large.