6Po0558 6P00529 • ,-,-,...,."
6PO0558 6P00529 • ,-,-,...,.".._. 9P00002 9P00003 9P00004 9P00005 - II H ~lJH" II a "Lm:KL"''''' II n ,,.,,, .. ,,,,,,.,., II H5I"'FlRO< h »u.!ER'''· 1' ~~I1~.<I"Ef"'" »"""--""""" I I H .. "'" II n L"~ "UT I ~... ( )"~~'II'£~"'( )"~~'II'£~"'( )"~~'II'£~"'( )"~~'I'£~"( ) ..~ - ':--'. ,j'~ ,) ~ Abu Muh;illnma;i 'As1m At h~qdj51 /.'" A ~ At-T1byan PL.blicatims > IsJilrnlc Knowledge> RerutlngMlul Bi d ilh Welcome, Admin. Yoo last visaed: 38 Minutes Ago at03: 51 PM , e AbdulMuhsin AI-Abbad ?? Friyate Messages: 4 Unread, Total 24 I II NEW REPLY ) Pagelof5 1 2 3 ::> Las.t» Ttread Tools '7 Search this Ttread '7 Rate Thread '7 Display Modes "7 r AbdulMuhsin AI-Abbad 7? J D 02-28-3Xl5 #~ abMember" hIJdbayfa ~t. ________________________________________________________________________________AbdulMuhsin AI-Abbad?? _ a5alamu alaikum, Join Date Nov 2004 Posts: 40 About Shaikh (?) AbdulMuh::;in Al-Abbad i::; he one of the madkhilah type of "ulama" or i5 he jU5t an 5audi goverment loving old ::;haikh who don't know anything about takfir and irhaab?? JU5t got hold of a book from him, like a refutation of the tafjirat and takfir on the 5audi goverment ... With what rationale are explosions and destruction Jihad?5o can anyone make an diagno5tic of him on 50und knowledge about him and maybe a brief refut. of hi5 book, barakaAllahu fik The Imam, the Shaykh, Muhammad bin 'Abdulwahhab, may Allah be merciful to him, said, "The basis (Asl) of the religion of Islam and its basis (Qa'idah) lie in two matters: 'The First: The command to worship Allah alone with no partners associated with Him and the encouragement upon this with the allegiance based upon it and the declaration of disbelief (Takffr) of whoever leaves It.
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