World Bank Document
C) l '~'-joint UNDP/Wo'rld Bank Public Disclosure Authorized -EnergySectr aagement- Ass'istanceProgram- C ntry SUDAN - Activity Comp etsss Report N R 1984o. 2 '3 '>-, r A. 3 Public Disclosure Authorized Coutr: UNf Om S M - 5 C',, ~ ~ N Activit: ENRG ASSSMESS ~STATUSiS,1; -. , NOVMBR 1984 .o' Public Disclosure Authorized .! \ .~~~~~~~" N,, - f ,,+ ~~~~atoiain frmteGvrmn, th UND or th olak -3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Disclosure Authorized a1hrzto frmteGvrmn, the)UOP oi th ''rdBak URRY SBCTORW1NUGO T ASSISTWCEPROCRAR-' ,Act ivitie8s ikipleted. '3 s .,E Date Completed EnerEy,AssessmentStatus Report Papus New Guinea July, 1983 -. Maurltius2 October,1983 Sri Lanka: January,1984 Malawi January,1984 Burundi February, 1984 Bangladesh April, 1984 'Kenya- May, 1984 . Rwanda May, 1984 zimbabwe August,1984 Uganda ' August, 1984 Indonesia September,1984 Senegal October,1984' .; ProjectFormulation and Justification Pahuma Power Loss Reduction Study June, 1983 Zimbabwe PowerLoss ReductionStudy June, 1983 Sri Lanka PowerLoss ReductionStudy July, 1983 Malawi TechnicalAssistance to Improve the Efficiencyof -Fuelwood Use in TobaccoIndustry November,1983 Kenya PowerLoss ReductionStudy March, 1984 Sudan Power loss Reduction Study June, 1984 Seychelles Power aossReduction Study August,.984 --.) Institutionalahd PolicySupgort Su4an M.NnagementAssistance to the Ministryof Energy& Mining May, 1983 Burundi PetroleumSupply Management Study December,19S3 Papua New Proposalsfor Strengtheningthe Guinea Departmentof Mineralsand Ener_gy October,1984 Papua
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