Illapel LOCATIONS EXPOSED TO SHAKING Salamanca Los Vilos Very strong to severe shaking Moderate to strong shaking Light to mild shaking VALPARAISO

La Ligua

El Melón Town Population Town Population San Felipe Los Andes 253,000 San Javier 22,000 La Calera Concón Arauco 25,000 Lautaro 22,000 Lota 50,000 23,000 Quilpué 83,000 Villa Alemana 97,000 Canete 20,000 Penaflor 66,000 Casablanca San Antonio 86,000 Quilpue 130,000 Padre U La Laja 17,000 Traiguen 14,000 Hurtado San Antonio San Bernardo 11,000 Machali 28,000 Talangante Llolleo Melipilla 63,000 36,000 S O U T H Melipilla Buin Cabrero 18,000 16,000 Bulnes 13,000 Vilcun 9,000 P A C I F I C 197,000 vina causino 510,000 O C E A N Sewell Santa Cruz 33,000 32,000 El Monte 23,000 Buin 55,000 LIBERTADOR Lebu 22,000 Pitrufquen 14,000 Chillan 150,000 Freire 8,000 San Vicente de Taguatagua San Fernando Parral 27,000 Quillota 68,000 Los Angeles 125,000 San Felipe 59,000 Epicentre 8.8 Magnitude - Talagante 52,000 12,000 MAULE, Curicó San Carlos 32,000 Victoria 25,000 31,000 19,000 Saturday, February 27th, 2010 Molina 06:34:14 UTC CHILE Tome 47,000 Santiago 4,837,000 Lampa 29,000 238,000 Location: 35.8° S, 72.7° W Constitución Coronel 93,000 Vina del Mar 295,000 Depth: 35km MAULE Talca San Clemente Constitucion 38,000 La Ligua 25,000 San Javier Concepcion 215,000 Valparaiso 282,000 46,000 Los Andes 57,000 Linares Longavi 6,000 16,000 Cauquenes San Vicente 23,000 Las Gaviotas 2,000 Linares 70,000 Panguipulli 16,000 Parral San Clemente 14,000 Salamanca 13,000 Coihueco 7,000 Las Animas 30,000 San Carlos Teno 7,000 Corral 4,000 Molina 29,000 133,000 Chillán Tomé Paine 33,000 Illapel 23,000 Bulnes Curico 102,000 La Union 26,000 Talcahuano U Concepción Cauquenes 31,000 Rio Bueno 15,000 Chiguayante Mulchen 22,000 Mendoza 877,000 Coronel San Bernardo 250,000 Osorno 136,000 Lota BIOBIO Nacimiento 21,000 San Marti 83,000 Laja Chos Malal Chimbarongo 17,000 San Rafael 109,000 Curanilahue Los Ángeles 45,000 San Juan 447,000 Hacienda La Calera 49,000 Cutral-Co 47,000 Nacimiento Rancagua 213,000 San Luis 184,000 Mulchén Cañete Angol Llaillay 17,000 Neuquen 242,000 Rengo 38,000 General Roca 73,000 Collipulli

Traiguén Victoria Elevation (meters) Legend Curacautín 5,000 and above National capital ARAUCANIA 4,000 - 5,000 First admin. level capital Carahue U Temuco 3,000 - 4,000 Populated place Nueva Imperial Zapala 2,500 - 3,000 International boundary Pitrufquén 2,000 - 2,500 First admin. level boundary 1,500 - 2,000 Roads Villarrica 1,000 - 1,500 Loncoche ARGENTINA Disclaimer: The designations employed and the Lanco 800 - 1,000 presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Panguipulli 600 - 800 the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the U legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of Valdivia 400 - 600 its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries 0 400 200 - 400 Map data source(s): UN Cartographic Section, km ESRI, Europa Technologies, FAO and CGIAR. LOS LAGOS 0 - 200 Below sea level Chile exposed population data source: USGS