Annual Report 1997 Cover Picture: a Newborn Star (Cross), Deeply Embedded Into the Dusty Molecular Cloud out of Which It Was Born

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Annual Report 1997 Cover Picture: a Newborn Star (Cross), Deeply Embedded Into the Dusty Molecular Cloud out of Which It Was Born Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie Heidelberg-Königstuhl Annual Report 1997 Cover Picture: A newborn star (cross), deeply embedded into the dusty molecular cloud out of which it was born. It is not visible in the optical range, but can be observed only in the infrared light. It emits a bright, ionized gaseous jet in polar direc- tion, illuminates an extended reflection nebulosity, and excites the line emission of the Herbig-Haro objects HH 28 and HH 29. See page 23–29. Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie Heidelberg-Königstuhl Annual Report 1997 Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie/Max Planck Institute of Astronomy Managing Directors: Prof. Dr. Steven Beckwith (until 31.8.1998), Prof. Dr. Immo Appenzeller (since 1.8.1998 onwards) Academic Members, Governing Body, Directors: Prof. Dr. Immo Appenzeller (from 1.8.1998 onwards, temporary), Prof. Dr. Steven Beckwith, (on sabbatical leave from 1.9.1998 onwards), Prof. Dr. Hans Elsässer (until 31.3.1997), Prof. Dr. Hans-Walter Rix (from 1.1.1999 onwards). Scientific Oversight Committee: Prof. R. Bender, München; Prof. R.-J. Dettmar, Bochum; Prof. G. Hasinger, Potsdam; Prof. P. Léna, Meudon; Prof. M. Moles Villlamate, Madrid, Prof. F. Pacini, Firenze; Prof. K.-H. Schmidt, Potsdam; Prof. P.A. Strittmatter, Tuscon; Prof. S.D.M. White, Garching; Prof. L. Woltjer, St. Michel Obs. The MPIA currently has a staff of approximately 160, including 43 scientists 37 junior and visiting scientists, together with 80 technical and administrative staff. Students of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Heidelberg work on dissertations at degree and doctorate level in the Institute. Apprentices are con- stantly undergoing training in the Institute’s workshop. Address: MPI für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg Telefon: 0049-6221-5280, Fax: 0049-6221-528246 E-mail:, Anonymous ftp: Homepage: Isophot Datacenter : Calar-Alto-Observatorium Address: Centro Astronomico Hispano Aleman, Calle Jesus Durbán Remón 2/2, E-04004 Almería, Spanien Telefon: 0034-50-230988, -632500, Fax: 0034-50-632504, E-mail: Publication Information © 1999 Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg All rights reserved Printed in Germany Editors: Dr. Jakob Staude, Prof. Dr. Immo Appenzeller, Heidelberg Text: Dr. Thomas Bührke, Leimen Graphics and Layout: Bärbel Wehner, Dossenheim Druck und Weiterverarbeitung: Neumann Druck, Heidelberg ISSN 1437-2932 I Contents I General . 5 IV Scientific Studies . 43 The MPIA’s Research Goals – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow . 5 IV.1 Galactic Astronomy . 43 Some Important Questions . 7 The Bipolar Phase – Jets of Young Stars. 43 Galactical Research . 8 The Influence of Magnetic Fields . 48 Extragalactical Research. 9 Double and Multiple Systems in Young Stars . 49 The Solar System . 10 T Tauri Stars . 49 Herbig Ae/Be Douple Stars. 51 Luminous Blue Variables – II Highlights . 11 Precursors of Type-II Supernovae? . 52 Theoretical Studies . 54 II.1 ALFA – The Atmosphere is Outwitted. 11 The Formation of Stars . 54 The Principle of Adaptive Optics . 11 The Collaps of Molecular Clouds . 55 ALFA at the Calar Alto Observatory. 14 Fragmentation of a Molecular Cloud . 56 The Laser Guide Star . 15 The Formation and Evolution of Protostars ALFA in Use . 16 and Multiple Systems . 59 II.2 CADIS – Searching for the Protogalaxies . 18 IV.2 Extragalactical Astronomy . 64 The Strategy. 18 Jets from Galaxies and Quasars . 64 Protogalaxies . 20 The Jets . 65 Quasars, Galaxies and Stars . 21 The Hot Spots. 66 X-Ray Imaging of the Jets . 67 II.3 ISOPHOT – A Celestial Explorer in the IR . 23 Galaxies in the Environment of Quasars Infrared Astronomy . 23 and the Gravitational Lens Effect . 68 ISO, the Infrared Space Observatory. 23 Optical Identification of a Gamma Ray Burst . 70 ISOPHOT. 24 Theoretical Work . 71 The ISOPHOT Data Centre . 25 The Shinning Arms of Spiral Galaxies . 71 Highlights in 1997 . 25 Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies . 73 Dust in Coma Galaxy Cluster . 26 The NGC 6090 Starburst Galaxy . 27 IV.3 Solar System . 75 Random Sampling in the Far Infrared Range . 29 Striae in the tail of comet Hale-Bopp . 75 III Development of Instruments . 33 Staff . 77 CAFOS2.2 – Calar Alto Focal Reduktor System In Heidelberg . 77 for the 2.2-Metre Telescope . 33 Calar Alto/Almeria . 77 MOSCA, Multi-Objekt-Spectrograph Guests . 77 for Calar Alto . 34 Working Groups OMEGA-Prime – a Camera for the Near Infrared. 35 and Scientific Collaboration . 78 OMEGA-Cass – Spectrometer and Camera for the Near Infrared . 37 Collaboration with Industrial Firms. 81 CONICA – Coudé Near-Infrared Camera Teaching and Public Lectures . 83 for the VLT. 38 Conferences. 84 MIDI – Mid-infrared Interferometry Instrument Participation in Committees . 84 for the VLT. 39 Invited Talks at Conferences. 84 PACS – IR Camera for FIRST, Publications . 85 the Far Infrared Space Telescope . 40 5 I General The MPIA’s Research Goals – Yesterday, Today search for a location, the choice for the northern hemis- and Tomorrow phere was made in favour of Calar Alto mountain (height: 2168 metres) in the province of Almería, sou- In 1967, the Senate of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft/ thern Spain. This European location offers good climatic Max Planck Society decided to establish the Max- and meteorological conditions for astronomical observa- Planck-Institut für Astronomie/Max Planck Institute of tions. 1972 saw the establishment of the »Deutsch- Astronomy in Heidelberg with the aim of restoring astro- Spanischen Astronomischen Zentrums/German-Spanish nomical research in Germany to a leading global positi- Astronomical Centre« (DSAZ), known in short as the on after the major setbacks it had suffered due to two Calar Alto Observatory. World Wars. Two years later, the Institute commenced its The complex technological problems associated with work in temporary accommodation on the Königstuhl, the planning and construction of the telescopes were sol- under the direction of Hans Elsässer. The Institute moved into its new building in 1975 (Figure I.1). A long- term goal which was passed on to the newly established Fig. I.1: The Max Planck Institute of Astronomy, Heidelberg- MPIA was to build up and operate two high-performan- Königstuhl. In the right foreground is the astronomical labora- ce observatories, one in the northern hemisphere and one tory with its two domes, in the background the Land observa- in the southern hemisphere. In 1970, after an intensive tory. (Lossen aerial photography, RPKA 10/4209a) 6 I General ved in cooperation with the Carl Zeiss company at Fig. I.2: The Calar Alto observatory, a view from the north Oberkochen and other companies. In this way, a large towards the telescope domes. number of companies have acquired know-how which From left to right: the 2.2-metre telescope, the Spanish 1.5- has helped them to secure leading positions on the world metre telescope, the 1.2-metre telescope, the Schmidt reflector market. and the 43-metre high dome of the 3.5-metre telescope. In the Between 1975 and 1984, the 1.2-metre reflector finan- background can be seen the Almeria coast. ced by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/ German Research Association as well as the 2.2-metre and 3.5- metre telescopes started operation on Calar Alto (Figure Other aspects include the development of new measu- I.2). The 80-centimetre Schmidt telescope was transfer- ring instruments in Heidelberg, the preparation of obser- red from the Hamburg Observatory. There is also a vation programmes and the evaluation of the data obtai- Spanish 1.5-metre telescope on the site which does not ned from the telescopes. A substantial part of the belong to the DSAZ: the Observatorio Nacional de Institute’s work is devoted to building new instruments Madrid is in charge of this instrument. The original plans for the telescopes (Chapter III). The MPIA is equipped to construct a southern observatory on the Gamsberg in with ultra-modern precision mechanics and electronics Namibia could not be implemented for political reasons. workshops for this purpose. The Calar Alto Observatory The 2.2-metre telescope which was intended for this pur- provides the MPIA with one of the two European obser- pose has been loaned to the European Southern Obser- vatories with the highest performance. Research concen- vatory for 25 years. Since 1984, it has been in operation trates on the »classical« visible region of the spectrum on La Silla Mountain in Chile, where 25% of its observa- and on the infrared region. tion time is available to the astronomers of the MPIA. In addition to these tasks, the MPIA has been engaged One aspect of the MPIA’s present task is the operati- in extra-terrestrial research ever since it was established. on of the Calar Alto Observatory. This includes the con- This was associated with an early start on infrared astro- stant optimisation of the telescopes’ capabilities: now nomy which has played a particularly important part in that the ALFA adaptive optical system has been com- the Institute’s later development as a whole. Nowadays, missioned, the 3.5-metre telescope is once again at the the MPIA has a substantial involvement in the ISO pro- forefront of technological development (Chapter II.1). ject (Infrared Space Observatory, Figure I.3) of the Some Important Questions 7 European Space Agency ESA (Chapter II.3): ISOPHOT, für extraterrestrische Physik/MPI of Extra-Terrestrial one of four measuring instruments on the ISO, was deve- Physics in Garching, the MPI für Radioastronomie/MPI loped under the coordinating leadership of the Institute. of Radio Astronomy in Bonn, the Astrophysikalisches Participation in international observatories and pro- Institut Potsdam/Potsdam Astrophysical Institute and the jects is also of very major importance. For example, the Landessternwarte Heidelberg, the MPIA will probably Institute has been working for some years on one of the have a 25% share in the costs and use of the LBT.
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