EIS 161 AA055995 Proposed Western Development of South Bulli Colliery
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EIS 161 AA055995 Proposed western development of South Bulli Colliery m g,-2-1 / ~ ~ - 1W• Uiu i.IUNUU ENVRDNMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT MAY 1982 RNT D7 ~O m LDNGWDRTH & MCKENZIE PTY. LIMITED. I CERTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT I IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 77(3) (d) OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT 1979 I This Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared on behalf of the Bellambi I Coal Company Limited being the applicant making the Development Application for the Western Extensions of the South Bulli Colliery. I The extensions comprise a single inclined drift to the coal measures, ventilation shaft, coal handling facilities, raw coal and product coal stockpiles, coal I preparation plant, workshop and stores, office and bathhoese, coal washery reject disposal emplacement and water treatment facilities. I This Environmental Impact Statement accompanies the Development Application I which relates to portion 22 and part of portions 53, 24, 25, 26 and 28 Wollondilly Shire and an area of the Metropolitan Catchment Area within Wollondilly Shire all I as shown on figure 2.2.1 and 2.3.1 of this Environmental Impact Statement. The Contents of this Environmental Impact Statement, as required by Clause 34 of I the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 1980, are set forth in the I accompanying pages. This Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared by Edward T.C. I Johnstono B.A., M.A., M.I.M., M. AUS I.M.M., M.A.W.A.A., C. Eng. of 3 Eden Street, Crows Nest, N.S.W. and others as set out in Section 2.5 of the I Environmental Impact Statement Certificate. I, Edward T.C. Johnstone of 3 Eden Street, Crows Nest, N.S.W. hereby certify that I I have prepared the contents of this Statement in accordance with Clause 34 and I 35 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 1980. I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. LIST OF APPENDICES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES 1.0 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 1.1 Outline of Project 1.2 Summary of Company's Objectives 1.3 Importance of Proposal 1.4 Environmental Impact and Consequences of the Proposal 1.5 Conclusions 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Background 2.2 Location 2.3 Objectives of Proposal 2.4 Scope of the Environmental ImpactStatement 2.5 Environmental Study Personnel 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF COAL RESERVES 3.1 Exploration 3.2 Site Geology 3.2.1 General 3.2.2 Bulli Seam 3.2.3 Balgownie Seam 3.2.4 Wongawilli Seam 3.3 Coal Reserves and Characteristics 5.4 Coal Market I I Page No. I 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING MINING OPERATIONS 4.1 General I 4.2 Underground Mining Operations 4.3 Surface Facilities I 4.4 Coal Transport 4.5 Summary of the Problems Affecting the Existing Colliery 4.5.1 General I 4.5.2 Underground Conveyor System 4.5.3 Coal Preparation Plant I 4.5.4 Environmental 4.5.5 Profitability I 5.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL 5.1 General I 5.2 Underground Operations 5.2.1 Access to the Underground Workings 5.2.2 Mining Conditions 1 5.2.3 Mining Technique 5.2.4 Coal Conveyance 5.2.5 Ventilation 5.2.6 Number 6 Shaft I 5.3 Coal Handling and Coal Preparation Facilities 5.3.1 General I 5.3.2 Raw Coal Handling 5.3.3 Washed Coal Handling 5.3.4 Conveyor Type L 5.3.5 Stockpile Spray System 5.3.6 Coal Preparation Plant I 5.4 Surface Facilities 5.4.1 General I 5.4.2 Administration, Service and Amenity Buildings 5.4.3 Roadworks I 5.4.4 Electricity Supply 5.4.5 Water Management 5.5 Washery Reject Emplacement I 5.6 Construction I Page No. 6.0 ALTERNATIVES 6.1 Remaining at the Existing Site 6.2 Site Selection 6.3 Reject Emplacement Areas 7.0 TRANSPORT OPTIONS 7.1 Background 7.2 Summary of Transport Routes 7.3 Truck to Port Kembla 7.4 Lend Lease Conveyor 7.4.1 Description of Proposal 7.4.2 Comments upon the Proposal 7.5 Conveyor back through the Mine 7.6 Regional Rail Transport 7.7 Private Road - Rail Link 7.8 Preferred Transport Option 8.0 THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 8.1 Background to the Study Area 8.2 Geology 8.2.1 Stratigraphy and Structure 8.2.2 Seismicity B..5 Soils 8.3.1 General 8.3.2 Soils Developed on Hawkesbury Sandstone 8.3.3 Soils Developed on Wianamatta Group Sediments 8.4 Climate 8.5 Hydrology and Drainage 0.5.1 Surface Water 8.5.2 Groundwater 8.6 Air Quality 8.7 Water Quality Page No. 8.8 Landform and Scenic Quality I 8.8.1 General 8.8.2 Landform 1 8.8.3 Scenic Quality 8.9 Acoustic Environment 8.10 Vegetation 1 8.10.1 General 8.10.2 Description of Vegetation I 8.11 Fauna 8.11.1 Methodology I 8.11.2 Results 8.11.3 Discussion 1 8.12 Archaeology 8.13 Regional Characteristics 8.13.1 Town Planning and Land Use I 8.13.2 Workforce 1 8.13.3 Transport Network 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS I 9.1 Air Quality 9.2 Water Management 1 9.2.1 General 9.2.2 Stormwater and Process Water 9.23 Sewage Treatment System 1 9.2.4 Construction Phase 9.3 Monitoring Program I 9.4 Noise 9.5 Vegetation I 9.5.1 West Bellambi Site and Reject Emplacement Area 9.5.2 No. 6 Shaft and Services Corridor 1 9.6 Fauna Protection 9.6.1 West Bellambi Site and Reject Emplacement Area 9.6.2 No. 6 Shaft and Services Corridor 1 9.7 Scenic Quality/Landform 1 9.8 Subsidence I 9.9 Archaeological I I Page No. 10.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND INTERACTIONS 10.1 General 10.2 Air Quality 10.3 Water Quality 10.4 Noise 10.4.1 General 10.4.2 Construction Phase 10.4.3 Operation of the Colliery 10.4.4 Reject Emplacement Operations 10.5 Vegetation 10.6 Fauna 10.7 Scenic Quality/Landform 10.7.1 West Bellambi Site and Reject Emplacement Area 10.7.2 No. 6 Mine Shaft and Services Corridor 10.8 Archaeology 10.9 Energy Statement 10.10 Regional Impacts 10.10.1 Employment 10.10.2 Land Use 10.10.3 Socio-Economic 11.0 REFERENCES I I I APPENDICES I A1.0 Air and Water Quality Monitoring Results A2.0 Leachate and Weathering Tests on the Reject Emplacement Material I A3.0 Biological Comments on the Various Species of Birds Seen in the Study I Area. I A4.0 Results of Archaeological Investigation (Restricted Curculation) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LONGWORTH & McKENZIE I TELEPHONE CONVERSATION RECORD Job No. Job Name . Date . 1 From Phone No. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF FIGURES South Bulli Colliery Holding 2.1.1 2.2.1 Location Plan 2.3.1 Mining Purpose Lease Areas 3.2.1 Generalised Section through the Coal Measures I 5.2.1(a) Longitudinal Section of Proposed Drift 5.2.1(b) Cross-Section of Proposed Drift 5.2.2 Extraction Plan for the Bulli Seam I 5.2.3 Location of the proposed No. 6 Shaft and Services Corridor 5.2.4 Longitudinal Section of No. 6 Shaft and Underground Storage Bin. I 5.3.1 Site Layout 5.3.2 Typical Elevation of Raw Coal Stockpile 5.3.3 Typical Elevation of Washed Coal Stockpile I 5.3.4 Plan and Elevations of the Coal Preparation Plant 5.3.5 Schematic of the Coal Preparation System I 5.6.1 Provisional Development Program I 7.2.1 Location of Transport Routes 8.2.1 Geological Sequence for Sydney Basin 8.4.1(a) Wind Roses for Picton 8.4.1(b) Wind Roses for Wilton 8.6.1 Location of Monitoring Locations 8.8.1 Observation points for Scenic Quality/Landform 1 8.8.2 Landform Characteristics 8.9.1 Location of Noise Monitoring Stations I 8.10.1(a) Vegetative Communities - West Bellambi Site 8.10.1(b) Vegetative Communities - No. 6 Shaft and Services Corridor 8.11.1 Locations of Trap Lines I 8.13.1 Zoning in the Vicinity of the Proposed Development I 9.2.1 Schematic Diagram of the Water Pollution Control Scheme 9.2.3 Components of the Water Management Scheme L I 10.4.1 Estimated Noise Contours I I I I I I LIST OF TABLES I 1.2.1 Components of the West Bellambi Development I 3.3.1 Coal Reserves 3.4.1 Projected Demand for Australian and New South Wales Black Coal I 3.4.2 Prospective Export Demand by Destination for Australian Black Coal 8.4.1 Mean Monthly Maximum and Minimum Temperatures (°C) Picton, I 1965-1975 8.4.2 Monthly Mean and Median Rainfall (mm) Picton (1880-1975) and Wilton I (1869-1967) 8.4.3 Maximum Monthly Rainfalls (mm) and Extreme Maxima (mm) for I Picton (1880-1975) and Wilton (1902-1967) 8.7.1 Laboratory Testing Report - Water Samples 8.9.1 Results of Ambient Noise Level Survey I 8.11,1 Bird Species Recorded in the Study Area 8.11.2 Bird Species Not Recorded but likely , to be present in the Study Area I 8.11.3 Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians recorded from the Site 0.11.4 Mammal Species not Recorded but likely to be present in the Study I Area 8.13.1 Average Daily Traffic Volumes, Trunk Road 95, 2 Axled Vehicles/Day I 10.3.1 Estimated Water Requirements 10.4.1 Estimated Noise Levels from Colliery Surface Operations I 10.4.2 Estimation of Noise Levels in Alkoomie Place from Colliery Pit-Top Operations I 10.4.3 Estimation of Noise Leves at Nit.