LEGAL PROTECTION FOR HORSES: CARE AND STEWARDSHIP OR HYPOCRISY AND NEGLECT? By LAFcAmIo H. DARLiNG* Horses have a strong connection to America and Americans. They have played a pivotal role in our history, they have been a part of our work and ourplay, and we cherish them as companion animals. The legal system has made significantsteps to protect horses in a number of ways. However, quite ironically,horse protection laws are often ineffective, unenforced, and some- times non-existent. This article will explore America's relationship with the horse, horse protection laws-their strengths and their failures. I. INTRODUCTION The horse-both wild and domestic-has played a larger role in American life, culture, and mythology than any other animal. Bald ea- gles are often used as the symbol of the United States, and Bison fre- quently represent the noble tradition of Native Americans, yet neither rival the horse in importance to America and Americans. Horses have done everything from transporting pioneers and plowing fields to rac- ing at tracks and acting as cherished companions. In addition to play- ing a practical role in our history, horses are also symbolic. Images and descriptions of horses are often used to represent the early days of the American West, as well as commonly admired traits, such as courage, speed, intelligence, and loyalty. Even with the advent of technology, which has rendered the horse as a working animal obsolete, Americans by the millions continue to own, use, ride, and admire horses. Despite the great importance that horses have in our society and culture, the legal protections afforded wild and domestic horses are at best inconsistent and often lacking.
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