Chelan County Investigations: Progress Report on Summer Field Activities to the Chelan County Public Utility District

Woodrow Myers, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Spokane, WA William Moore, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA Ann Gibson, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

- 1 - Introduction

During the reporting period, May-September 2001, field activities focused upon determining the vegetative components of both winter and summer use areas and measuring movements and survival of radio marked female mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus). Field data collection was conducted primarily by graduate students William Moore, working on winter use areas, and Ann Gibson, who worked within the summer ranges of mule deer which winter on the Chelan Wildlife Area (CWA). William Moore was assisted by the Vegetation Sampling Team from the Wenatchee National Forest (WNF) under the direction of WNF Biologist William Gaines. Personnel from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Chelan County Public Utility District (CCPUD) assisted periodically in field activities. Dr. James Agee and Dr. Ken Raedeke of the University of Washington designed the winter sampling scheme. CCPUD, WDFW, and WNF provided funding and support for summer field studies.

Determining the composition and frequency of vegetation species within the various vegetative communities of the winter and summer ranges was an important accomplishment. This information lays the foundation for providing detailed maps of important seasonal ranges, assessing current mule deer forage quality and availability, developing predictive models of habitat use, and producing a landscape management plan for mule deer wintering on the CWA. Continued monitoring of the marked deer was essential to documenting seasonal movements, home ranges, and fates of study deer.

Study Area

Summer field studies were conducted on primary winter use areas (below 4000 feet in elevation) and summer use areas within the annual ranges of mule deer which winter on or near the CWA between the communities of Wenatchee and Chelan. The boundaries of the study area coincide with the boundaries of Chelan County (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Chelan County study area.

- 2 - Methods

Winter Range Vegetation Assessments For sampling purposes, the winter range was stratified into the following categories: High elevation winter range (2500 to 4000 feet) Low elevation winter range (< 2500 feet) North aspect (271 – 45 degrees) East (46 – 135 degrees) West (136 – 225 degrees) South (226 – 270 degrees)

Using digital elevation model (DEM) data, sample polygons were created using a computer geographic information system (GIS) based on the above stratifications. Total area and coordinates (UTM) at the center were determined for each polygon. Polygons within a given stratification category were summed to calculate the total area. Percentages were determined by dividing the total areas for each stratification category by the total sample. This percentage was applied to the sampling distribution to maintain proportionality. In each stratified category, sites to be sampled were selected randomly.

An intended sampling strategy was to select sampling locations within areas disturbed by fire including the 1988 Dinkleman Burn and 1994 burn areas. However, this was not specifically achieved due to difficulties with the production of the GIS map. Due to the number of wildfires early in the season U.S. Forest Service (USFS) personnel within the GIS were unable to complete the map necessary for this project within a reasonable time frame. Other USFS personnel were created the GIS map and the two fires were omitted. The up-shot was that the burned areas were included due to the random sampling design.

A line-intercept method was used to gather the following information: Cover of herbaceous vegetation Cover of Cover of

Cover categories were created to species level for trees, woody shrubs, and know species of herbaceous highly used by mule deer during winter as documented in Burrell (1977). Other herbaceous material and grasses were lumped together into two respective categories. Soil, rock and detritus were placed in the category labeled “other”.

Cover Sampling Methods 1. Random polygon UTM coordinates were generated within GIS mapped and proportionally selected as compared to the availability, and navigated to using GPS (accuracy approximately 10 – 15 meters). 2. A 50 meter transect began at the UTM coordinate and was ran along a randomly (generated from a 0 – 360 random number table) selected azimuth. 3. Every two-meter section within the 50 meter transect was evaluated for coverage of each species category. Coverage was determined by the amount of a specific species crossing the tape within that section. 4. All categories summed to at least 100 percent total coverage of the two-meter section with many sections being well beyond 100 percent due to multi-layered canopies. 5. All data was stored in a specific category and lumped into more general categories depending on the analysis purposes.

- 3 - Shrubs Productivity Current productivity of bitterbrush was evaluated by measuring the current season growth on unbrowsed leaders, number of leaders per , and the overall dimensions of the shrub. Plants were selected by using the first two plants located on the 50 meter transect. If one or no plants were found on a transect then transects were rotated clockwise around the axis of the UTM coordinate and the first two bitterbrush plants within this radius were included in the sample. If only one was located within the site then only one was recorded and noted.

Shrub Productivity Method 1. Plants crown cover was measured in two directions and multiplied to determine the area of the crown cover. 2. Leader counts were taken in quadrants of the plant. The plant was sectioned into North, South, East and West quadrants and all leaders were counted within each quadrant. 3. Leaders were clipped, five from each quadrant, and placed in a plastic zip lock bag. All 20 leaders were placed in the same zip lock bag. Some plants did not have five leader in each quadrant, therefore whatever was in the quadrant was sampled. 4. Bags were marked with the site and plant number for later data collection. 5. Leaders were measured to compare and add to previous data collected by Chelan County PUD. 6. Leaders were then placed in an over at 55-60 degrees Celsius for 5 days, then weighed and replaced back in the oven for 2 more days and reweighed to determine a dry weight mass.

Productivity of Herbaceous Vegetation (done following cover estimates) 1. At 25 meter and 50 meter points along the transect a 1meter square was place to the left of the transect. 2. All above ground herbaceous vegetation was clipped and placed within a bag that was marked with the site number, date, and meter location. 3. In the lab, bags were placed in the oven at 55 – 60 degrees Celsius for 5 days, then weighed and replaced back in the oven for 2 more days and reweighed to determine a dry weight mass.

Summer Range Vegetation Assessments Coordinates of marked deer locations provided the sample sites for vegetation assessment of summer use areas. At each site, percent canopy cover was estimated and over-story plant species were identified. Similarly, under-story plant species and percent frequency were noted. Photo records were taken of each site.

Aerial Location Surveys and Mortality Investigations Aerial location surveys were flown in a Cessna 182, Cessna 185, or Maule M7 flying at an altitude of 500-1500 mean ground level and speeds of 80-120 knots. The relocation system included a two-element Yagi antenna mounted on each aircraft wing strut and a R1000 (Communications Specialists, Orange County, CA) or R4000 (Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc., Isanti, MN) telemetry receiver. Location coordinates were determined by use of a Global Positioning System receiver mounted in the aircraft.

When a mortality signal is received (each radio collar [Advanced Telemetry Systems, Inc., Isanti, MN] contains a mortality switch with a 6 hour delay), the radio collar is located and mortality cause determined (Wade and Brown 1982).

- 4 - Results Winter Range Vegetation Assessments A total of 57 sites were surveyed for vegetation species and percent frequency across the winter use areas, and 48 bitterbrush plants were sampled for productivity. An example of survey results are presented in Table 1.

Summer Range Vegetation Assessments Thirty-six sites within the summer use area were investigated to determine species composition and percent cover. Results are shown in Table 2.

Aerial Location Surveys and Mortality Investigations A total of 322 locations were determined for 39 radio-marked deer during the reporting period (Table 3). The mean number of locations per marked deer was 8.3 with a range of 0-15.

One mortality was documented during the reporting period. The cause of death could not be determined but predation is suspected.

- 5 - Summary

1. Methodologies to assess vegetative cover and composition on winter use areas were developed and applied.

2. Fifty-seven sites on the winter range were surveyed and 48 bitterbrush plants were sampled for productivity.

3. Methodologies were developed and applied to measure vegetative cover and composition on summer use areas.

4. Thirty-six sites within the summer use area were investigated to determine species composition and percent cover.

5. A total of 322 locations were determined for 39 radio-marked deer (mean = 8.3, range: 0-15).

6. One mortality was documented but the cause of death could not be determined ( predation is suspected).

Literature Cited

Burrell, G. C. 1977. Bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) in the winter ecology of the Entiat mule deer herd. M.S. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Wade, D.A. and J. E. Brown. 1982. Procedures for evaluating predation on livestock and wildlife. Texas A&M University Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report B-1429. College Station, TX 42pp.

- 6 - Table 1. An example of winter range vegetation sampling data. Chelan County Winter Range Sampling Data Observers Name: JB, KDK Date: 7-19-01 Site # A8 WGS 700819 N 5264481 E Azsmithe 56 84 2 m sections Species cm Putri Erni Ersph E. spp Amal Basa Bere L. spp. Brte Pose Agsp Artr Pipo Psme un other Herb Feid Prvi 1 10 50 25 100 40 2 20 80 35 100 3 5 50 40 5 120 4 50 150 70 5 10 15 90 100 5 6 40 50 20 100 30 7 25 15 20 10 125 5 8 40 40 10 70 50 9 10 20 60 10 25 100 10 50 10 60 80 11 10 10 50 30 110 12 10 30 130 30 13 10 45 60 100 14 10 10 100 90 15 5 20 90 100 16 50 20 150 17 75 25 10 100 18 40 20 140 19 50 80 70 20 5 40 70 85 21 10 10 90 100 22 30 10 30 130 23 15 20 10 155 24 10 30 160 25 10 10 90 100 Putri Erni Ersph E. spp Amal Basa Bere L. spp. Brte Pose Agsp Artr Pipo Psme un other Herb Feid Prvi Total cm/spp. 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 105 470 520 430 995 0 0 0 2595 80 0 0 0 Total m/spp. 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 1.05 4.7 5.2 4.3 9.95 0 0 0 25.95 0.8 0 0 0 % Cover for 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2.1 9.4 10.4 8.6 19.9 0 0 0 51.9 1.6 0 0 0 50m

- 7 - Table 2. Results of vegetation surveys on mule deer summer range in Chelan County, WA. DATE DEER # SITE # GRID QUAD # , ASPECT ELEV SLOPE GIS Habitat OS Overstory Species Understory Species (FREG) COORD (NAME) (ft) (%) Class (%) (DATUM) 07/20/01 9 1 N 47 50 25 41 NW 4900 Wet Forest 80 100% - ABLA 50% - VASP (151.540) W -120 55 15 (Mt. 20% each: PHEM - Phyllodoce empetriformis (pink mtn.heather); bare ground/blowdown (WGS 84) Howard) 10% - other spp. in area: LUSP - Lupinus spp. (lupine); LIBO - Linnaea borealis (twinflower); CHUM - Chimaphila umbellata (prince's pine); LASP - Lathyrus spp. (peavine) 07/27/01 18 1 676600 64 W 2000 Not Classified 20 100% - PIPO 30% - AMAL - Amelanchier alnifolia (serviceberry) (148.871) 5269750 (Leavenwor 20% each: ROSP - Rosa spp. (rose); HODI - Holodiscus discolor (oceanspray) (NAD 27 th) 12% - bare ground/grass CONUS) 8% - EPAN - Epilobium angustifolium (fireweed) 2% each: ACMA - Acer macrophyllum (bigleaf maple); SPBE - Spiraea betulifolia (Birch-leaved spirea)? 1% - SASI - Salix sitchensis (Sitka Willow) 5% unidentified 07/27/01 18 2 676450 64 W 1900 Not Classified 55 90% - PSME 50% - bare ground/grass (148.871) 5269600 Leavenwort 10% - PIPO 25% - arrowleaf balsamroot (NAD 27 h 10% - SMRA - Smilacina racemosa (False Solomon's Seal) CONUS) 5% - BEAQ - Berberis aquifolium (tall grape) 10% - mix of other spp: VASP; ROSP; ACMI - Achillea millefolium (yarrow); AMAL; aster. 07/27/01 19 1 676000 64 None 1120 Flat Not Classified 50 50% - ALRU 50% - SYAL - Symphoricarpos albus (common snowberry) (149.662) 5271250 Leavenwort (deci 20% - PIPO 15% - AMAL - Amelanchier alnifolia (serviceberry) (NAD 27 h d.) 10% - SASP 10% each: HODI; VACA - Vaccinium caespitosum (dwarf blueberry); ROSP CONUS) 10% - ACCI - Acer 1% each:EQHY - Equisetum hyemale (scouring rush);SPDO - Spirea douglasii (Douglas spirea);chickweed; ERAN - Circinatum (Vine maple) Eriophorum angustifolium (narrow-leaved cotton grass) 10% unknown 07/27/01 18 3 675500 64 W 1160 Not Classified 50 90% - PIPO 30% each: VASP; SYAL (148.871) 5269650 Leavenwort 5% - PSME 25% - AMAL & 19 (NAD 27 h 5% - ACCI 5% - fern (oak or wood?) (149.662) CONUS) 3% each: BERE - Berberis repens (creeping Oregon grape); ACCI 4% -misc other spp: LUSP; ROSP; arrowleaf balsamroot; aster; grass; SMRA; LASP 07/28/01 13 1 676300 43 W 2000 Dry Forest 70 60% - PIPO - Pinus 40% each: AMAL - Amelanchier alnifolia (serviceberry); HODI - Holodiscus discolor (oceanspray) (151.621) 5292850 (Plain) Ponderosa (ponderosa pine) 6% each: grass; BERE - Berberis repens (creeping Oregon grape); LULA - Lupinus latifolius (broadleaf lupine) (NAD 27 30% - PSME - Pseudotsuga 1% each: CISP - Cirsium spp. (thistle); houndstongue CONUS) menziesii (Douglas Fir) 5% - ALRU - Alnus rubra (Red Alder) 5% - POTR - Populus tremuloides (Aspen) 07/28/01 13 2 678100 44 W 2150 Dry Forest 35 65% - ABGR 25% - grass (151.621) 5294300 (Sugarloaf 25% - PICO 10% each: LUSP; BERE; LASP; VASP; ABGR (NAD 27 Peak) 10% - PSME 5% each: arrowleaf balsamroot; PTAQ - Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern?) CONUS) 1-2% each: ACCI; LEVU - Leucanthemum vulgare (oxeye daisy); PSME; ACMA; ROSP; AMAL; fleabane; SASP - Salix spp; CHME; 4 unidentified 07/29/01 20 1 673550 43 N 2560 Dry Forest 80 70% - PSME 50% - bare ground, debris, and litter (149.941) 5296200 (Plain) 30% - ABGR 10% - AMAL (NAD 27 8% each: CHUM; LUSP; VASP. CONUS) 7% - ROSP 3% each - 3 unidentified: CESA?, long vine, & PAMY. 07/29/01 20 2 673500 43 S 2560 Dry Forest 50 50% - PIPO 30% - CEVE - Ceanothus velutinus (mountain balm) (149.941) 5296150 (Plain) 30% - PSME 15% - bare ground/litter (NAD 27 20% - ABGR 10% each: grass; LUSP; unidentified SHRUB CONUS) 7% - arrowleaf balsamroot 5% - BERE 4% each: LASP; PAMY 1% each - mix of other spp: ACMI; AMAL; ANMA; ARUV/ARNE?, & 1 unidentified 07/29/01 20 3 673400 43 SE 2800 60 60% - PSME 20% each: LUSP; 20% - unidentified (PAMY); fern (wood or oak?); AMAL (149.941) 5294200 (Plain) Forest 30% - ABSP (unidentified fir) 5% - BERE (NAD 27 4% - PICO - Pinus contorta 4% - ALRU CONUS) (lodgepole pine) 1% each: sedge; CHUM; PSME; SYAL; RUPA; ROSP; PYPI - Pyrola picta (white-veined wintergreen); fleabane; 4 3% - ALRU unidentified! 3% - SASP? 07/30/01 25 1 659230 20 W 3250 Wet Forest 55 100% - PSME 30%each: fern (wood or oak?); RUPA - Rubus parviflorus (thimbleberry) (150.532) 5328512 (Trinity) (some tall, >2m ACCI) 10% each: VASP; PAMY - Pachistima myrsinites (Mountain/Oregon box) (NAD 27 5% - SMRA CONUS) 15% mix of other spp: grass; aster; ABLA; ABGR; CHME - Chimaphila menziesii (Menzies' Pipsissewa/wintergreen); ANMA; GASP - Galium spp. (bedstraw/cleavers/field madder); 2 unidentified!

- 8 - 07/30/01 11 1 661423 20 W 2750 Wet Forest 70 30% - PSME 40% - fern (oak or wood?) (151.582) 5323714 (Trinity) 30% - ABLA - Abies 30% - SMRA (NAD 27 lasiocarpa (Sub-alpine fir) 15% - VASP CONUS) 30% - PIEN - Picea 5% - FRVE - Fragaria vesca (Wild strawberry) engelmannii (Engelmann 10% - even mix of other spp: CHUM; ACCI; ANMA - Anaphalis margaritacea (Pearly everlasting); aster; grass; fleabane. spruce) 10% - PIMO - Pinus monticola (Western white pine) 08/06/01 31 1 -120 14 20 Not S 2150 Lopw elevation 0 N/A 30% - PRVI - virginiana (choke ) (150.022) 47 41 00 Available shrub/herb 10% - ROSP & 33 (WGS 84) (WA Atlas & opening 5% each: AMAL; arrowleaf balsamroot; BERE; ACMI. (150.122) Gazetteer, Waiting on I.D. of several other spp. in area. pg. 83) 08/07/01 28 1 636489 28 NE 4300 High Elevation 75 100% - ABAM - Abies 80% - VAME - Vaccinium membranaceum (148.843) 5310216 (Bench Forest amabilis (Pacific Silver Fir) 8% - ABAM (NAD 27 Mark Mtn.) 5% each: SOSI; bare ground/litter CONUS) 2% - RUPE - Rubus pedatus (creeping raspberry)/5-leaved bramble) 08/07/01 28 2 636593 28 SE 3400 Wet Forest 80 50% - ABAM 70% - VAME (148.843) 5310212 (Bench 50% - TSHE - Tsuga 10% - SMRA (NAD 27 Mark Mtn.) heterophylla (western 4% - RUSP (either Rubus arcticus or R. lasiococcus) CONUS) hemlock) 2% each: RUSP - Rubus spectabilis (salmonberry); RUPA; CLUN - Clintonia uniflora (queen's cup lily); COCA - Cornus canadensis (bunchberry); MILE - Mimulus lewisii (pink monkey-); DEGL - Delphinium glaucum (tall larkspur); ARLA - Arnica latifolia (Mountain arnica); ACCI 08/13/01 34 1 630441 Not Avail. None 4800 Not Avail. 10 100% - ABLA (may be 15% - PHEM (150.662) 5308196 (west side (Ridge (west side of ABPR, check photo when 10% each: LUSP; SOSI; LYSP - Lycopodium spp. (clubmoss); ABLA; VAME; VADE - Vaccinium deliciosum (Cascade (NAD 27 of crest) Cascades) it's developed) huckleberry); PIAC - Pilophorus acicularis (devil's matchstick lichen); RHAL - Rhododendrun albiflorum (white rhododendrun) CONUS) Cascades) 5% - SPDE - Spiraea densiflora (Subalpine spirea) 08/13/01 34 2 629996 Not Avail. W 4600 Not Avail. 35 50% - TSHE 35% - VAME (150.662) 5308294 (west side (west side of 30% - ABAM 16% - VADE (NAD 27 of Cascades) 20% - ABLA or ABPR - 22% - SOSI CONUS) Cascades) Abies procera (noble fir) 5% - PHEM 2% each: LUSP; fern; EPAN; ANMA; RHAL; ARLA; CHNO - Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (yellow cedar); RULA - Rubus lasiococcus (dwarf bramble); MEFE - Menziesia ferruginea (False azalea/Fool's huckleberry); HIAL - Hieracium albiflorum (white-flowered hawkweed); PIMO (western white pine) or PIAL (whitebark pine)?

08/13/01 34 3 629271 Not Avail. NW 3200 Not Avail. 65 30% - THPL - Thuja plicata 45% - VAOV - Vaccinium ovalifolium (oval-leaved blueberry) (150.662) 5308882 (west side (west side of (western red cedar) 9% each: TSHE; THPL (NAD 27 of Cascades) 30% - TSHE 5% each: RUPA; RUSP; OPHO - Oplopanax horridum (devil's club); BLSP - Blechnum spicant (deer fern); GYDR - CONUS) Cascades) 30% - PSME Gymnocarpium dryopteris (oak fern). 10% - ABAM 2% each: SMRA; COCA; CLUN. 1% each: ASCA - Asarum caudatum (wild ginger); ANMA; TITR - Tiarella trifoliata var. unifoliata (foamflower); moss; RUPE; 1 unidentified (HUGE spade-shaped ) 08/16/01 10 1 665660 42 SE 4550 High Elevation 40 60% - PSME 30% - CEVE (151.561) 5302215 (Lake Forest 30% - ABLA 15% each: ASSP - Aster spp. (purple-flowered aster - leafy? - ASFO); grass (NAD 27 Wenatchee) 7% - ABGR 10% - PAMY. CONUS) 3% - ?really beautiful, 8% - LUSP drooping fir/spruce???? 5% each: SOSI - Sorbus sitchensis (Sitka mountain ash); blowdown/litter 4% - ?Pedicularis (lousewort)? 2% each: PSME; ABLA; SASC - Salix scouleriana (Scouler's willow); PIPO 08/16/01 10 2 666657 42 S 3440 Shrubfield 90 70% - PSME 70% - CEVE (151.561) 5301612 (Lake (mostly filled in 10% - BEPA - Betula 10% - PTAQ - Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern) (NAD 27 Wenatchee) with a dense papyrifera (Paper birch) 10% - RUPA CONUS) combo of 5% - SASI (same as Site 1) 2% each: PIPO; PSME; ACCI; SASP; ALRU. conifers and 5% - ALRU deciduous) 5% - ACCI 5% - PIPO 08/16/01 10 3 666386 42 S 3500 Montane 10 90% - PIPO 75% - CEVE (151.561) 5301625 (Lake (appeared 10% - PSME 15% - PSME (NAD 27 Wenatchee) more a 5% - PIPO CONUS) shrubfield of a 2% each: PTAQ; bare ground dry forest that 1% - ACCI was logged) 08/16/01 10 4 665647 42 SSE 2750 Deciduous 95 65% - ACMA 25% each: SMRA; PAMY; HODI (151.561) 5301059 (Lake Forest 25% - PSME 5% each: LASP; (fern-type?); bare ground/litter (NAD 27 Wenatchee) 5% - PIPO 2% - SYAL CONUS) 5% - ACCI 1% each: AMAL; PSME; ABGR; VASP; EPAN - Epilobium angustifolium (fireweed); GASP; RHPU - Rhamnus purshiana (cascara); 1 unknown. 08/19/01 26 1 662706 42 SSE 5530 High Elevation 20 80% - ABPR - Abies procera 25% each: PAMY; ARUV - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (kinnikinnick) (151.319) 5295973 (Lake Forest (noble fir)/ABLA? 10% each: LULE - Lupinus lepidus (prairie lupine); ABPR; grass; bare ground/blowdown (NAD 27 Wenatchee) (appeared 15% - PSME 5% - VASP CONUS) more montane) 5% - PIMO/PIAL? 1% each: ANMA; ACMI; SOSC - Sorbis scopulina (western mountain ash); PSME; ARPA - Arnica parryi (Parry's arnica) - 9 - 08/19/01 26 2 663777 42 SSE 5510 High Elevation 20 80% - ABPR - Abies procera 20% - ANSP - spp. (pussytoes) (151.319) 5295669 (Lake Forest (noble fir)/ABLA? 15% - ABPR/ABLA? (NAD 27 Wenatchee) (appeared 15% - PSME 15% - grass/sedge? - green/reddish color CONUS) more montane) 5% - PIMO/PIAL? 15% each: SOSC; LULE 5% each: ARUV; PAMY 2% each: ACMI; ANMA; ARPA; aster (A. engelmannii???) 1% each: 2 unknowns. 08/19/01 26 3 665170 42 SSE 4150 Dry Forest? 70 30% - PSME 60% - VAME (151.319) 5295501 (Lake 30% - ABLA? 6% - grass (NAD 27 Wenatchee) 30% - ABGR 5% each: CEVE; SASI CONUS) 10% - PIPO 4% each: CHUM; PAMY; SOSC 3% each: LUSP; BENE 2% each: GOOB - Goodyera oblongifolia (rattlesnake plantain); aster (leafy? - ASFO - A. foliaceus); 1 unknown 08/21/01 8 1 661239 42 S 3125 Dry Forest 40 75% - ABGR 10% each: PTAQ; BENE; CHUM; PAMY; RUPA (151.492) 5303793 (Lake 15% - PSME 7% - CEVE (NAD 27 Wenatchee) 5% - PIPO 5% each: ROSP CONUS) 2% EACH: TSHE; PIAL 4% each: ABGR; SMRA; VAME; bare ground/litter; 2 unidentified (one small lettuce-like, similar to a violet's leaf, but not 1% - THPL heart-shaped; and one similar to bunchberry leaf) 3% each: ACCI; SASI 2% - PSME 1% each: GOOB; PYPI; TROV - Trillium ovatum (western trillium); 3 unknowns. 09/05/01 1 1 647041 40 SW 3776 Wet Forest 50 40% - TSME 60% - VASP (148.920) 5298813 (Labyrinth 40% - ABGR 15% - bare ground & downfall (NAD 27 Mtn.) 10% - PSME 7% - MEFE CONUS) 10% - THPL 5% each: THPL; TSME; SMRA 1% each: RULA; 2 unknowns 09/05/01 1 2 644101 40 S 4364 Shrubfield 0 N/A 10% each: CEVE; fern; ACCI; SOSI (148.920) 5296145 (Labyrinth 8%: ABPR (NAD 27 Mtn.) 6% each: RUPA; VAME; PAMY; TSME (krummholz form) CONUS) 4% each: EPAN; ANMA; LUSP; VADE; SASC; AMAL; Aster spp. 09/05/01 1 3 642788 40 SE 4879 Montane 40 40% - ABGR 50%: mixed VASP (148.920) 5295266 (Labyrinth 40% - ABPR 15% each: SOSI; Ribes spp. (NAD 27 Mtn.) 20% - TSHE 10%: VACA CONUS) 4%: 1 unknown 3%: bare ground 1% each: THME; LUSP; HIAL 09/05/01 1 4 642421 40 S 5081 Alpine/Sub- 0 N/A 30%: VAME; VACA; SOSI (148.920) 5294741 (Labyrinth alpine Meadow 7%: heather (NAD 27 Mtn.) 3%: bare ground CONUS) 09/06/01 16 1 658012 19 SE 6012 Alpine/Sub- 5 100% - ABLA 30% each: VACA; heather (151.822) 5322467 (Clark Mtn.) alpine Meadow 10% each: ABLA; SOSI (NAD 27 7%: ANOC - Anemone occidentalis (western pasque flower/two-headed baby/moptop/hippy-on-a-stick) CONUS) 5%; bare ground 3% each: LALY - Larix lyallii (subalpine larch); GECA - Gentiana calycosa (mountain bog gentian) 2%: 1 unknown (multiple stems of 3 each; ovate; web-like veins; lettuce-like) 09/06/01 16 2 657971 19 SE 6087 Alpine/Sub- 15 50% - TSME 30% each: VACA; heather (151.822) 5322522 (Clark Mtn.) alpine Meadow 40% - ABLA 10% each: ABLA; THME (NAD 27 10% - PIAL 5%: SOSI; PIAL CONUS) 3% each: ANOC; bare ground 2% each: GECA; ANLA - Antennaria lanata (woolly pussytoes); 09/06/01 17 1 659663 20 NE 4101 Wet Forest 60 90% - ABGR 35%: bare ground and litter (151.841) 5321848 (Trinity) 10% - TSHE 20% each: VASP; MEFE (NAD 27 8% each: ABGR; TSHE CONUS) 4%: PTAQ (bracken fern) 1% each: CLUN; RUSP; Rubus spp; CHME - Chimaphila menziesii (Menzie's pipsissewa); ORSE - Orthilia secunda (one- sided wintergreen). 09/14/01 29 1 635104 NONE S 5450 Not Avail. 0N/A 20% each: grass; EPAN; 1 unknown (multiple stems of 3 leaves each; ovate; web-like veins; lettuce-like) (149.562) 5294480 (west side of 10% each: LUSP; aster; fleabane; VECA - Veratrum californicum ( false hellebore) (NAD 27 Cascades) CONUS) *Appears as Alpine/Subalpin e Meadow 09/14/01 29 2 633216 NONE Ridge 4757 Not Avail. 30 60% - TSHE 30% each; VASP; heather (149.562) 5293981 (west side of 40% - ABAM 15% each: moss, ABAM (NAD 27 Cascades) 10%: MEFE CONUS)

- 10 - Table 3. A summary of deer locations by radio-collar frequency. Freq. No of Locations Winter Area 1 148.920 12 Navarre Coulee 2 150.141 8 Navarre Coulee 3 150.641 0 Navarre Coulee 4 151.221 4 Navarre Coulee 5 151.282 7 Navarre Coulee 6 151.420 7 Navarre Coulee 7 151.480 0 Navarre Coulee 8 151.492 12 Navarre Coulee 9 151.540 11 Navarre Coulee 10 151.561 14 Navarre Coulee 11 151.582 6 Navarre Coulee 12 151.602 6 Navarre Coulee 13 151.621 12 Navarre Coulee 14 151.661 6 Navarre Coulee 15 151.700 12 Navarre Coulee 16 151.822 11 Navarre Coulee 17 151.841 11 Navarre Coulee 18 148.871 13 Swakane 19 149.662 12 Swakane 20 149.941 12 Swakane 21 150.160 4 Swakane 22 150.261 13 Swakane 23 150.330 6 Swakane 24 150.340 0 Swakane 25 150.532 10 Swakane 26 151.319 12 Swakane 27 151.801 15 Swakane 28 148.843 10 Entiat 29 149.562 6 Entiat 30 149.962 4 Entiat 31 150.022 7 Entiat 32 150.082 8 Entiat 33 150.122 6 Entiat 34 150.662 10 Entiat 35 151.131 8 Entiat 36 151.383 11 Entiat 37 151.520 7 Entiat 38 151.862 9 Entiat 39 151.792 0 Entiat

- 11 - Appendix I. Chelan County Winter Vegetation Species Key Abbreviation Common Name Scientific Nomenclature Putri Bitterbrush Purshia tridentata Erni Snowy Eriogonum Eriogonum niveum Ersph --- Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Erhe--- Eriogonum heracleoides Erth --- Eriogonum thymoides Amal Service berry Amelanchier alnifolia Basa Arrowlear Balsam Balsamorhiza sagittata Bere Oregon Grape Berberis repens Bene Dull Oregon Grape Berberis nevosa Beaq Tall Oregon Grape Berberis aquifolium L.spp Lupine Species Lupine spp. Brte Cheat Grass Bromus tectorum Agsp Bluebunch Wheatgrass Agropyron spicatum Pose Bluegrass Poa secunda Artr Big Sage Artemisia tridentata Pipo Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa Psme Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Un Unknown Other: rock, soil, decomposing plant material Herb all other herbaceous plants material Grasses mixed unkown grasses, sedges, and rushes Prvi Choke Cherry Prunus virginiana Prem Bitter Cherry Prunus emarginata Hodi Ocean-spray Holodiscus discolor Rowo Prairie Rose Rosa woodsii Rogy Baldhip Rose Rosa gymnocarpa Rosa Rose Species Sara Red Elderberry Sambucus racemosa Saca Blue Elderberry Sambucus caerulea Acgl Douglas Maple Acer glabrum Spbe Birch-Leaved Spirea Spiraea betulifolia Pamy Falsebox Pachistma myrsinites Thpl Western Redcedar Thuja plicata Abgr Grand Fir Abies grandis Alin Mountain Alder Alnus incana Alsi Sitka Alder Alnus sinuata Sasc Scouler’s Willow Salix scouleriana Rupa Thimble Berry Rubus parviflorus Rila Black Gooseberry Ribes lacustre Rice Squaw Current Ribes cereum Syal Common Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus Syor Mountain Snowberry Symphoricarpos oreophilus Ceve Snowbrush Ceanothus velutinus Elci Giant Wildrye Elymus cinereus Chna Common Rabbitbrush Chrysothamnus nauseosus Lepu Grantie Gilia Leptodactylou pungens Cage Elk Sedge Carex geyeri

- 12 - Abbreviation Common Name Scientific Nomenclature Risp Ribes Species Ribes spp. Vame Huckleberry Vaccinium membranaceum Arne Pinemat Manzanita Arctostaphylos nevadensis Loci Orange Honeysuckle Lonicera ciliosa Caru Pinegrass Calamagrostis rubescens Sasp Salix Salix spp. Potre Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Arur Kinnikinnick Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Abam Silver Fir Abies amabilus Pico Lodgepole Pine Pinus contorta Sosp. Ash Sorbus spp.

- 13 -