Index to the Journal of Arizona History, P-Q Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 NOTE: the index includes two citation formats. The format for Volumes 1-5 is: volume (issue): page number(s) The format for Volumes 6 -54 is: volume: page number(s) P Pabanale, Irving, book about, reviewed 44:406-7 Pablo, Abe 46:390 Pablo H. (Manuel Gándara’s secretary), and journal of 1840-41 Papago campaign 35:148-60 Pablo, José 46:375, 376, 379, 380 Pablo, José X 21:192-93, 195 photo 21:197 photo of 46:382 Pabst Brewing Company 38:62 Pabst, Charles H., painting by 47:cover-Summer issue Pace family, Elmer 22:258, 264, 266 James and Jane 22:258, 265 Lillian and Virginia 22:258 Pace, J. J. 27:269 Pace, Michael, article by 24:339-62 biographical note 24:339 Pace, Robert F., book by, reviewed 47:208 1 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, P-Q Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 Pace, Roy 48:11 Pace v. Alabama (1882) 27:386 Pace, W. J. 26:308 Pace, W. W. 14:177 Pacheco, Arturo B., Sr., photo 16:271 Pacheco, Bernardino 25:232 Pacheco, Felix 55:67, 93-94 Pacheco, Francisco 45:300, 301, 302, 303, 306 n. 13 Pacheco, Gertrudes 46:36 Pacheco, Guadalupe Sais de 16:182 Pacheco, Mateo 46:36, 40 Pacheco, Nabor I(3)14; 45:367 Pacheco, Ramón I(3)13; III(2)23; 25:246, 260; 28:113; 34:240: 46:36 Pacheco, Remauldo 40:30, 31 Pacheco, Raphael See Martínez Pacheco, Raphael Pacheco, Reyes 11:22 Pacheco Spring 37:4, 7 Pacho, Hilario 26:405 Pachula, Indian captain 9:237-43 passim Pacific and Colorado Steam Navigation Co.