Ramstein Gets Hardware at RODEO
July 31, 2009 HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY? Volume 33, number 30 Ramstein gets hardware at RODEO Courtesy photo The Aerial Port team from the 435th Contingency Response Group races o to rapidly load a Humvee, trailer and pallet inside the back of a C-130 with its engines running. by Capt. Megan A. Schafer air forces and learn about some alternative ways Arrival Crew,” said Lt. Col. Stuart Weinberger, Ramstein Public Affairs of doing business successfully was great,” said Ramstein RODEO team chief. “We competed Maj. Dan Collister, 37th Airlift Squadron chief very professionally and learned a lot.” Airmen from Team Ramstein competed at the of training. “In particular, we were able to foster Additionally, the 521st AMOW received awards 2009 Air Mobility Command RODEO competi- closer ties with the British C-130J (crews) from for the Best Aerial Port 10K Forklift Operators tion at McChord Air Force Base, Wash., July 19 Lynham and the Israeli C-130 unit, which will and Best Enroute Engines-running Offl oad team, to 24, bringing home six awards between the 86th only benefi t the 86th AW.” and the German military team took home the Best Airlift Wing, the 435th Air Ground Operations Focused on improving worldwide air mobility Security Forces Combat Tactics award. Wing and 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing. forces’ professional core abilities, the competition With more than 70 awards up for grabs, the The week-long mobility readiness competi- featured more than 40 aircraft participating in competition in each category was fi erce. tion brought together more than 2,500 service airdrops, aerial refueling and other aerial events, “All of the other teams had excellent represen- members from around the Air Force and the as well as several new ground-focused competi- tation and we knew we were up against the best,” globe to compete in more than 50 competitions.
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