Bare Facts, Issue No. 108, 19Th November
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S.H.S'.S "Sivacn of the Deseri;" and "ImmT-rtal Story T-hur Nov 25? L.Th. D. - • • ' - " O.F.U. "Valley of the Dolls" 6. & 9 .pm, Sun 21 & Mon 22 ITov, L. Th.D. ODEOl^- ''The Huntihg Party " LCP -6,50 pm Fri & Sat, 'The Lost Valley" LOP. 6.3-5."Pi^ Sun Nov. ^ STUDIO 1 -"iiHrekyll & Sister Hyde-" & "BTood''"rr'-om the Mummy's Tomh" LCP 6.30 pm -Pri Sat.' "Death i-r. Veni ce" from Sun Nov 21, STUDIO 2 "Chamo" à "The Only V/a.y Out is Dead" LCP • 6.45 Prl & Sat. "The Awful Story of the Nun of Monza" and "Pind a Place to Die" fror/. Sun Nov 21. ARNAUD "The Ghost Train" by Arnold Ridley, this week |JTHEATRE|t & next, si-*****^********** CASTLE TH. "Julius Caesar" "by W. Shakespeare Fri Sat. • "Adrian VII" by Peter Luke from vYed Nov 24. KILLS LEATHEHHSAI3 - THORNDIKE TH.. "Tbs Tempest" by Y/. Shakespeare Fri & Sat. SWEATEES NEEBED; "Lunch Hourl' by John Mortimer from Tue Nov 23» UoS Folk Club - Jeremy Taylor, Union Lounge 8pm Wed Nov 24. FOH REFUGEE/CYCLONE VICTIMS IN INDIA. /A/Z'^Star Folk Club - Packie Byrne, Bob Davenportj The Eakss and other BRING JUMPERS,. CARDIGANS, BLANKETS, ' ¿/7 guests in the Club's 5th birthday ceìebration, 8pm Fri Nov 19? Quarry St. WOOLLEY. HATS- TO STUDENTS UNION BEFORE //Caili TUESDAY AFTERNOON, 23rd NOVEMBER. - Crossroads Gaili Club featuring the Oak, 8-llpm Sun Nov 21, Wooden Bridge Hotel, adm 30p* BLOOD DONORS Svening Recital by "The Music G-roup of London", works Many thanks to the large number of people who have already signed up on Haydn, Goehr, Halvorsen & Mendelssohn, 7-30 pm the board by th© glass-front entrance to the lecture theatre concourse Thürs Nov 25 in the Hall. ' There are still some place-sto be filled so if anyone else can spare'a ,few Concert by Proteus Choir in aid if G-uildford VSO committee, 7.45 V^ Fri Nov minutes on 2nd Dec. Or 3rd to come up to the Students Lounge, 5th floor 19, at Methodist Church Hall, Wharf Hoad, tickets 50p. Senate, and give some blood would they sign up as soon as possble. B.B.C. Choral Society, 6pm Sat Nov 20, The Hall. ! ! ! Advance Notice I ! I Concert at the Civic Hall also look-^ NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR '^IENTALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN • „ Fri. NOV. 26 ! Mungo Jerry, 7.30 pm S^t Nov 20 tickets 40-80p. THERE^WTLL BE A DISPLAY ANTD SALE OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, wrapping .paper etc.- Î 0 ! "Redbone","Fields" on behalf of the Guildford Branch of the N S M N C in the Lower Lecture ' ? N c ! Mott the Hoople, 7-30 Sun Nov 21 + "Tranquility" ! SBNT ! V.'Aîïïvl OTST-CrrS'3RS^2Zth...i[Tov. not cancelled Theatre Concourse on Friday, 3rd. December, from 10.30 onwards. ' C t 7.30pm""- 65p.' ' As 'Wose 's^upi^oW^'d'''^iiis activity last year will know, many , of .the ; iManor House D.LÖCO 8pmSat Nov 2ü at Manor House; » E e !!!!!]!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cards and other items are very reasonablypriced.. The society makes good • ; R lUoS Jaz;3 Club, 8pm Tues 23 Nov in the Hall Bar, tickets 25p - use of'income from this'source to provide advice, residential care, , Qì 'Brotherhood of Breath-- McGregor ^ . Pufo-vana ^^^a holiday centres and other services f-or the mentally retarded. ' S • iireatn. Harry Miller ^^^^^^ Louis Moholo For further information.and leaflets illustrating cards please contact either Mr, Whorlow, Physice Department (ext.' 580) or Mr. 2eaville, EXHIBITIONS ART Exhibition - paintings and constructions - Sue Brown-Morris, Computing unit, (e:iEt.470) Peter'Jîall, John Kashdan, James Winterbottam Monday Nov 22 - Friday Dec '10, Upper L.Th. Concourse. • A'CCOMMODAT'ION WORKING PARTY LECTURES Sunday Night "Discussion "Hela:tionship of Psychology to Religion" The working party has no work,to do and'cannot report back simply because by Terence Lee, Professor of Psychology, 8.00 pm Sun Nov'21, fcrms which were sent out to people 'have not been filled in.and returned , 6 Cathedral Close. to me. Can I make one last plea, to these people to stop for a few minutes Mech.Eng.Soc. "Organisation Required in. the Development of an Industrial. and get their forms .back to us. Many thanks. SUE HARMAN. Diesel Engine" by J. L, Sterns of Potters Ltd. 7.30 pm Tue Nov 23, L.Th.M. Finance and.General Purposes Committee - ll^O am Thür Nov 25, L.Rm.A. Archaeological Society "The Story of Stag Hill" by M. Stanley of Guildford LATE NIGHT COFFEE .BAR.. - . ' ' ' Grammar-school, 6.00 pm Thür. Nov. 25 L.Th.F.,, The Management wishes to apologise for the closure .of the Coffee Bar. C.A.E.. Lectures- on Pollution and Conservation "Human Response to Environmental las:t Saturday and. -Sunday night due to a mix up with,the keys after Friday. We are, however, back to .normal service and will be open as usual 8 to 12 Change" by Dr R. J. Howland (Biol.Sci. ) 6.30 pm Thür Nov 25, L.Th.D. every night. GRAHAM BAILEY, Coffee' Bar Manager-.• Humanities Soc. "A Lawyer^s view of the Death Penalty" 8pm Thür 25 L.Th.E, SPECIAL DEDICATION - To the ED.'S Mum on her birthday FOLK CLUB B U L C K L 0 F This Wednesday r.our. guest artist is JeremJ^. Taylor, A well kr^own folk THANKS TO; MAHTINfor things, Chris & I for printing, Roger for working Singer/writer who-ha.-s had. many records released. He has been on several wonders, Jo for last week, Jean for.scribes, Ian & Helen for pinching .a , weekly television .'shows and he wrote all the original songs for the , typewriter,ANNE for speed typing, Julie for lots and lots and lots and lots review."Wait a •Minim"' which has run in South Africa, London and Broadway of typing, Tony & Dave for printing,.Jo for pictures, CHRIS ED., and for' And wrote for "Mrs; Wilson's Diary',. A1.1 things considered it should be a not losing his temper this week, Rick for Drinks, Ginny, Susanne, Celia very good evening, next Wednesday, at 8.00pm in the "^Union Lounge., for last week's stuffing, Lome.Howard, Met, Office for all„our .s.cans, . This -Moriday' at- 5,.Ì.5pm. ij^,; the Societies Room there will be a Folk Club Union Office- for being helpful as ever, Nigel for info., Mike & the Bristol C ommi 11 e e " Me et i ng", ' anyone with ideas etc. etc. will be very welcQne. Crowd for the scene, everybody whom'we've forgotten, BUNAC for drinks,any • who comes to stuff, Bick for arriving at midnight, CONGRATULATIONS: DUNCAN SCORED 1st GOAL ON 3rd COURT -F.B. MAj?CH. ••'. Printed .-and Published, by University of Surrey Unicn. l8th Ììòvember, 1971. The General Meeting this week took place in Last week in B.P, I moaned about -^ìb parts- At tìie Lunch time meeting the house accepted, v/ith a few amenmonts, the recom- meagre portion of "staàk an4 kidne/' mendati ons of the Surrey Tree Teshval Eeport whi-oh I had eaten for supper in the and the report as a whole. A rather "bùlky piicy st^fement was then laid before the meeting. If you refreotory that Bhursday night.As we would like a copy they are avallarle in the Union. Duscussicn on the state- ali ktìòw the qualiV a-^d quaniàty ment will he reumed in four weeks time. The Policy Statement, "by v/ay of explanation contains ali relevant Un^on Policy made sjnoe Aprii 1959 to of food obtaxned in the refreotories is not as good as it should be for the high prices July 1971, The House then resolved into éommittoG to discuss the achieve.-j WG now have to pay.Its also well known that complaints made to the supervisers fall mainly ments of the Negotiating Committee, When the House is in committee anything may happen, and it mostly did. At 2.00pm the House, stili in Committee on deaf or at least un simpathetic ears. This week B.P. has reoieved two written complaints adjourned until 5»15pin that afternoon. conceming refreotory food and since there is obviously a need for a place where pepple The eveing session saw the end of discussion in committee and the accept- ajice by the House of another motion on representationi can voice their moans we have decided to start a RBPEECTORY RMBLE'S column as a "This House notes that the tJnivérsity authorities are prepai-ed to consider regulär feature.Oontrii-butions for this are invited, but they should give as much detail giving certain concessions to the student "body: i. The the Agenda of Pinance & G-eneral Purposes Committee he transmitteà as possible ,and pleasê sign them, Chris to the Students Union in àdvance of the meetings. ************** ii» That one student representative. plus the student Presidant may speak Dear Ed, to the P. & G.P. meetings on'matters of dir-eci relevance to students, I would like to teil you of some of'the lightening priore increases atthe and may have the accompanying papers and documents that go with these hall refrectory.O n simday 14th November I went into the hall ref,^ectory for lunoh.I items on the Agenda. looked at the menu board and worked out my lunch to ezactly 25p by the menu board prices This House also notes that the University authorities wished that the as that was all the money I had at the time .This cost included 4p for roast potatoes.