www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, January 29, 2015 | 28 MSLteamsdraftOakvillenative, Buzzcaptain 18 gameslastyearinjuniorAwiththeBur who scored 25 goalsandadded33assistsin to selectthe21-year-old transitionplayer, Lakers. graduating junior draft by the Peterborough fifth overallinSunday’s MajorSeriesLacrosse Oakville resident Tyler Albrecht wasselected OMLA productgoes firstinJr. A draft tlers. League draftbythe RochesterRat- fifth round (37thoverall) of Friday’s Major Syracuse seniorpicked by MLL’s Rattlers NCAA Division2championship lastyear. the Limestone College Saints, who won the years fortheBuzz,alsoplaysfield lacrosse for draft. TheBurlingtonnative,who spentfour Redmen asthe30thandfinal pickofthe this pastseason,wastakenbytheBrooklin at Cornell. squad from 2009-11, playscollegiatelacrosse in 27gamesfortheOakvilleBuzzjuniorB lington Chiefs.Albrecht, whoalsosuitedup nior Bteam,recording four assists. games lastseasonwiththe Oakville Buzzju- Association system.Hesawactioninfour seven yearsintheOakvilleMinorLacrosse with theBurlingtonChiefsafterplaying ally coolexperience.” most ofall,butgoingfirstoverallwasa re- field game. in boxlacrosse andisamidfielderinthe said the17-year-old Jon,whoplaysoffence I justseeitaswantingtodowhathedid,” tario. It’s notabeing-in-his-shadow thing, St. Mike’s before IdidandwasonTeam On- been ahugefactorinmylife.Hewentto playing boxlacrosse before junior)has ond in2012). second in2010,JacksonHulbert wentsec- two picksinthedraft(Tyler Albrecht went Oakville resident hasbeenoneofthefirst eers, marking the third time in six years an Jon wasselectedbytheMimicoMountain- tario Lacrosse AssociationjuniorAdraft. do first—goingoverallintheOn- something inlacrosse thatBrennan didn’t two seasons. sity, where Brennan hasalready playedfor don theBigRedjerseyofCornellUniver lege Schoolin . In 2017, Jon will played for St. Michael’s Col- champion provincial teams,andbothhave path inlacrosse ashisbigbrother, Brennan. Jon Donvillehadalwaysfollowedasimilar [email protected] Editor Sports Jon Kuiperij The Lakers traded up from the ninth pick The Lakerstradedupfrom theninthpick The 6-foot-2, 200-pound defender is enter Oakville’s SeanYoung wasselectedin the Colton Watkinson, whocaptainedthe Buzz Donville has spent the past four years Donville hasspentthepastfouryears “I’m justexcitedtobe(goinginto)junior, “Brennan (agoaltenderwhostopped However, Jonrecently managedtodo Both have been members of national Both havebeenmembersofnational - - - 230 consecutive games played. rookie seasonin2002withColumbus. hawks defeatthe Toronto Rock8-6. games whenhehelpedtheRochester Knight- toplayin200consecutive er inNLLhistory antee: theOakvillenativewillbe inthelineup. er jerseyhe’s pulledon,there’s beenoneguar career, but whatev- Dawson plays 200thconsecutiveNLLgame on theteamwithninecausedturnovers. ground balls in16gamesandfinishedfourth Syracuse. Lastseason,Young scoopedup15 16-10 inthechampionshipgame. NCAA final, where the Orange lost to Duke son. In 2013, he helped Syracuse reach the after beginninghiscollegiatecareer atTow- ing hisseniorseasonatSyracuseUniversity work onbeingabigcontributor.” making theteam,”headded.“ThenIcan ure. yourself, you’lljustsetyourselfupforfail- a youngguy…butifyouputpressure on team, so from that standpoint it’s exciting as opportunity toplayandhopefullymakethe for thefuture,” Donvillesaid.“There’s an lot ofsuccess,butthere’s alotofexcitement new MimicojuniorAteam)haven’t hada (5-15 lastseason). three years)andthejuniorBMountaineers A team(whichwononegameinthepast the former Mississauga Tomahawks junior Mimico franchiseisanamalgamationof nerstone piecefortheMountaineers.The was fiveyearsold,couldbeviewedasacor gapore buthas lived inOakvillesincehe pick theguysupandbeoptimistic.” screamer orayeller. He’s alwaystriedto model forus,”Jonsaid.“Hewasnevera been there andbeenagreat positiverole six years. to scoutsintheUnitedStatesoverpast travel teamthatshowcasedJonandothers also the coach of the Edge Lacrosse elite Jon sincewassevenyearsold,and opment asalacrosse player. Jasoncoached his father Jasonas a keyfactor in his devel- Cornell byoneseason),Donvillealsolists and Jonwillmissoutonplayingtogetherat Shawn Williams holdsthe NLL record with Dawson hasnot missedagamesincehis Saturday, Dawson became the second play - has played for six teams in his Young hasstarted 32consecutive gamesat “I justwanttodealwiththeprocess of “Obviously, theteams(thatformed Donville, whowasactuallyborninSin- “More thanthe X’s and O’s, (Jason’s) just In addition to his older brother (Brennan Lacrosse Briefs Sports — JonKuiperij - - 15 in Moscow. Sainte-Julie, Que. finishing behind onlyveteranskaterCharles Hamelinof level.” weekend. Itallowedmetokeep myconfidenceatagood cups really had an influence on how I approached the goes toshowit’s nevertoolate,”Duffy said.“Thefallworld lowed metobreak through andgetonthepodium, which national qualifications(20percent). weighting) aswellthefallWorld Cupselectionsand by results at theCanadianchampionships(80percent Canadian men’s overall standings, which were determined Canadian short trackchampionships inMontreal. ing secondinthemen’s 1,000-metre eventattherecent fied forhisfirstseniorworldchampionshipsafterfinish- Oakville SpeedSkatingClubproduct PatrickDuffy quali- Speed skaterqualifiesfor first Sr. worlds The senior world championships will be held March 13- Duffy postedatime of 1:26.484inthemen’s 1,000m, “(The finaldayofthemeet) was really a solidday. Ital- The 23-year-old earnedhisspotbyfinishingthird inthe “Connected toyourCommunity” 1,000 metres attheCanadian champi- onships. Patrick Duffywassecondinthemen’s | Oakville Beaver file photo draft.17-year-old The by theMimicoMoun- Jon Donville, pictured taineers in the recent taineers intherecent St. Michael’s College brother Brennan has brother Brennanhas championships, was played fieldlacrosse playing for Team On- midget boxlacrosse selected first overall tario at the national tario atthenational Association junior A junior A Association sity, where hisolder School student has School studenthas | already committed photosubmitted to Cornell Univerto Cornell - Lacrosse Ontario Lacrosse for two seasons.