List of Books at 23 Oct 2014
BOOKS 6/11/2014 Book_ AUTHOR_SX TITLE PUBLISHER YEAR 1Bierbach, L. Differential Gleichungen. Springer, J. 1923 2Bierbach, L. Einfuehrung in die konforme Abbildung. G.J. Goeschen'sche Verlagsh 1915 3Black, N.H., and Davis, H.N. Elementary Practical Physics Macmillan 1944 4Blackman, R.B. and Tukey, J. The Measurement of Power Spectra Dover 1958 5Born, M. Atomic Physics Blackie and Son Ltd. 1937 6Born, M. Die Relativitaetstheorie Einsteins. Springer, J. 1922 7Born, M. Atomic Physics Blackie and Son Ltd. 1948 <1935/ 8Borowitz, S. and Beiser, A. Essentials of Physics Addison‐Wesley 1966 9Bosler, Jean. L'Evolution des Etoiles Les Presses Universitaires de 1923 10 Bowen, W.R., and Satterly, J. Practical Physics ‐ The University Tutorial Series University Tutorial Press (W. 1911 11 Braddick, H.J.J. The Physics of Experimental Method Chapman and Hall, Methuen 1966 1954/5 12 Bragg, W. The World of Sound G Bell & Sons Ltd 1923 13 Briggs, W. and Bryan, G.H. The Tutorial Algebra Vol II University Tutorial Press Ltd. 1956 <1942‐ 14 The British Ferrograph Reco The Manual of the "Ferrograph" The British Ferrograph Recor 15 British Journal of Applied Ph The Physics of Nuclear Reactors Institute of Physics, London 1956 (July 3‐ 16 Brooks, C.E.P. and Carruther Handbook of Statistical Methods in Meteorology H.M.S.O. Meteorological Offi 1953 17 Brown, J. Microwave Lenses Methuen 1953 18 Brown, R.C. A Textbook of Physics Longmans 1961 19 Bueche, F. Principles of Physics McGraw‐Hill Book Co. 1965 20 Burchett, E.S. Practical Plane Geometry William Collins, Sons, and Co 1885 21 Butler, S.T.
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