Heinrich schütz Lukas-Passion Ars Nova Copenhagen, Paul Hillier DACAPO 8.226019 HEINRICH SCHÜTZ (1585-1672) Lukas-Passion SWV 480 (1666) 1 eingang 1:34

Lukas-Passion (1666) 2 evangelist: Es war aber nahe das Fest der süßen Brot 14:03 Historia des Leidens und Sterbens unsers Herrn und Heilandes 3 evangelist: Und er ging hinaus nach seiner Gewohnheit 9:17 Jesu Christi nach dem Evangelisten St. Lukas 4 evangelist: Die Männer aber, die da Jesum hielten 3:19

5 evangelist: Und der ganze Haufe stund ab 7:19 Evangelist: Johan Linderoth : Jakob Bloch Jespersen 6 evangelist: Aber sie lagen ihm an mit großen Geschrei 11:09 Ars Nova Copenhagen 7 evangelist: Da aber der Hauptmann sahe 3:54

Paul Hillier, conductor 8 Beschluß 2:07

Sopranos Total: 52:41 Louise Skovbæch Korsholm, Else Torp (Die Magd), Hilde Ramnefjell Dolva Altos Ellen Marie Brink Christensen, Rikke Lender, Linnea Lomholt (1. Schächer) Tenors Kasper Eliassen, Tomas Medici (1. Knecht, 2. Schächer), Poul Emborg (Petrus) Basses Asger Lynge Petersen (2. Knecht), Henrik Lund Petersen (Pilatus), Thomas Kiørbye

Dacapo is supported by the Danish Arts Council Committee for Music HEINRICH SCHÜTZ (1585-1672) Lukas-Passion SWV 480 (1666) 1 eingang 1:34

Lukas-Passion (1666) 2 evangelist: Es war aber nahe das Fest der süßen Brot 14:03 Historia des Leidens und Sterbens unsers Herrn und Heilandes 3 evangelist: Und er ging hinaus nach seiner Gewohnheit 9:17 Jesu Christi nach dem Evangelisten St. Lukas 4 evangelist: Die Männer aber, die da Jesum hielten 3:19

5 evangelist: Und der ganze Haufe stund ab 7:19 Evangelist: Johan Linderoth Jesus: Jakob Bloch Jespersen 6 evangelist: Aber sie lagen ihm an mit großen Geschrei 11:09 Ars Nova Copenhagen 7 evangelist: Da aber der Hauptmann sahe 3:54

Paul Hillier, conductor 8 Beschluß 2:07

Sopranos Total: 52:41 Louise Skovbæch Korsholm, Else Torp (Die Magd), Hilde Ramnefjell Dolva Altos Ellen Marie Brink Christensen, Rikke Lender, Linnea Lomholt (1. Schächer) Tenors Kasper Eliassen, Tomas Medici (1. Knecht, 2. Schächer), Poul Emborg (Petrus) Basses Asger Lynge Petersen (2. Knecht), Henrik Lund Petersen (Pilatus), Thomas Kiørbye

Dacapo is supported by the Danish Arts Council Committee for Music HEARING Schütz IN A BACH WORLD there are intoned in a kind of chant whose Those moments of reflection represent response to the story just concluded. The melodic contours are modest and whose another significant difference.I n Bach’s focus remains on the narrative. It is always unfortunate when our familiarity largely unspecified rhythms are presumably passion settings the narrative is frequently in- Two elements in Schütz’s setting are more with one composer’s music gets in the way of meant to follow stylized speech. A few simple terrupted by commentary movements either closely related to Bach’s passion. The first hearing another’s. But for most of us in the formulas govern most of the Evangelist’s in the form of chorales (hymn stanzas almost is the presentation of the words of various 21st century our experience with J.S. Bach’s extensive music in Schütz’s St. Luke Pas- always presented with their associated characters. The direct speech of Jesus, Peter, two passions makes us likely to hear settings sion, formulas that emphasize recitation on melodies) or free poetry set as solo arias (and Pilate and others plays a large role in the tell- by other composers primarily in comparison one pitch with decoration at moments of sometimes as instrumentally-accompanied ing of the passion story, particularly in Luke’s to them. If we approach the passions of Hein- grammatical punctuation. In comparison recitatives). These movements, together with Gospel. In Schütz’s setting (as in Bach’s) these rich Schütz in particular with ears attuned to to Bach’s music the effect is stark and much framing ensemble pieces at the beginning words are assigned to particular singers. The Bach’s compositions we are likely to be puz- less obviously expressive. Schütz was cer- and end of the work, represent perhaps the liturgical tradition from which Schütz drew zled and maybe even disappointed, because tainly capable of writing expressive monodic most characteristic aspect of Bach’s pas- this practice used three people in total: one to the older composer’s approach and choice of music with basso continuo – in fact he com- sions. The arias reflect on the action in vivid sing the Evangelist’s words, one to sing those musical medium were very different. posed a passion-season work (The Seven Last and gripping terms with musical settings of Jesus, and a third to present all the other The structure of both Schütz’s and Bach’s Words) that draws largely on exactly this kind meant to evoke emotional reactions. The speaking characters. Schütz evidently used passions is governed by the musical recitation of writing. But his St. Luke Passion uses no carefully selected chorales are designed to distinct singers for the various roles (as did of the Gospel text. In Bach’s settings these instruments in deference to a tradition at the draw the congregational listener into the nar- Bach), and just as in the traditional liturgical words are presented by a musician represent- Dresden court (for which Schütz evidently ration by their use of familiar texts and tunes. manner of presentation, their words are ing the Evangelist who sings the narrative composed his passion settings) of silencing These commentary movements have no musically distinguished by range and by the accompanied by basso continuo instruments them during Holy Week. musical or emotional parallel in Schütz’s choice of a reciting note. It would be going in melodically and harmonically expressive This much plainer style to which Schütz passion. That work is introduced by a short too far to call Schütz’s passions dramatic, but music that emphasizes the emotional and turned would nonetheless have been ensemble number that announces the the delivery of the words of characters by spe- affective implications of the words. The clos- intimately familiar to listeners because presentation of the passion story according cific singers (not theE vangelist) does bring an est musical relatives of these Gospel settings recitation according to a melodic formula to Luke – essentially a liturgical formula, element of drama to the telling of the story. are actually the recitatives in Bach’s church was the usual way of presenting the passion neutral in its affect. The only other non- The other resemblance to Bach’s passions cantatas, in which Bach sets free poetic texts story in the liturgy. This kind of setting has Gospel movement is the last, an ensemble is in the presentation of words of groups and and heightens them with musical gestures. its own virtues; among other things, it puts setting of a chorale stanza that urges reflec- crowds. In Schütz’s St. Luke Passion these In the passion the words of the Evangelist are a strong emphasis on continuous narration tion on the passion story and on one’s own are set as short pieces for a four-part ensem- narrative prose, but Bach sets them much like in the words of the Gospel, in contrast to the mortality. But this piece is short, does not ble, today often sung by a chorus. They are the cantatas’ poetry for expressive effect. tendency in Bach’s passion settings to focus use the hymn melody associated with this labeled “Disciples,” “High Priests” and so Schütz’s St. Luke Passion takes an entirely on individual moments in the story and to text, and in its relatively neutral musical style on, and clearly stand out by their scoring different approach. The Evangelist’s words pause often for reflection on them. is not designed to provoke an emotional from the intoned narration and words of in-

  HEARING Schütz IN A BACH WORLD there are intoned in a kind of chant whose Those moments of reflection represent response to the story just concluded. The melodic contours are modest and whose another significant difference.I n Bach’s focus remains on the narrative. It is always unfortunate when our familiarity largely unspecified rhythms are presumably passion settings the narrative is frequently in- Two elements in Schütz’s setting are more with one composer’s music gets in the way of meant to follow stylized speech. A few simple terrupted by commentary movements either closely related to Bach’s passion. The first hearing another’s. But for most of us in the formulas govern most of the Evangelist’s in the form of chorales (hymn stanzas almost is the presentation of the words of various 21st century our experience with J.S. Bach’s extensive music in Schütz’s St. Luke Pas- always presented with their associated characters. The direct speech of Jesus, Peter, two passions makes us likely to hear settings sion, formulas that emphasize recitation on melodies) or free poetry set as solo arias (and Pilate and others plays a large role in the tell- by other composers primarily in comparison one pitch with decoration at moments of sometimes as instrumentally-accompanied ing of the passion story, particularly in Luke’s to them. If we approach the passions of Hein- grammatical punctuation. In comparison recitatives). These movements, together with Gospel. In Schütz’s setting (as in Bach’s) these rich Schütz in particular with ears attuned to to Bach’s music the effect is stark and much framing ensemble pieces at the beginning words are assigned to particular singers. The Bach’s compositions we are likely to be puz- less obviously expressive. Schütz was cer- and end of the work, represent perhaps the liturgical tradition from which Schütz drew zled and maybe even disappointed, because tainly capable of writing expressive monodic most characteristic aspect of Bach’s pas- this practice used three people in total: one to the older composer’s approach and choice of music with basso continuo – in fact he com- sions. The arias reflect on the action in vivid sing the Evangelist’s words, one to sing those musical medium were very different. posed a passion-season work (The Seven Last and gripping terms with musical settings of Jesus, and a third to present all the other The structure of both Schütz’s and Bach’s Words) that draws largely on exactly this kind meant to evoke emotional reactions. The speaking characters. Schütz evidently used passions is governed by the musical recitation of writing. But his St. Luke Passion uses no carefully selected chorales are designed to distinct singers for the various roles (as did of the Gospel text. In Bach’s settings these instruments in deference to a tradition at the draw the congregational listener into the nar- Bach), and just as in the traditional liturgical words are presented by a musician represent- Dresden court (for which Schütz evidently ration by their use of familiar texts and tunes. manner of presentation, their words are ing the Evangelist who sings the narrative composed his passion settings) of silencing These commentary movements have no musically distinguished by range and by the accompanied by basso continuo instruments them during Holy Week. musical or emotional parallel in Schütz’s choice of a reciting note. It would be going in melodically and harmonically expressive This much plainer style to which Schütz passion. That work is introduced by a short too far to call Schütz’s passions dramatic, but music that emphasizes the emotional and turned would nonetheless have been ensemble number that announces the the delivery of the words of characters by spe- affective implications of the words. The clos- intimately familiar to listeners because presentation of the passion story according cific singers (not theE vangelist) does bring an est musical relatives of these Gospel settings recitation according to a melodic formula to Luke – essentially a liturgical formula, element of drama to the telling of the story. are actually the recitatives in Bach’s church was the usual way of presenting the passion neutral in its affect. The only other non- The other resemblance to Bach’s passions cantatas, in which Bach sets free poetic texts story in the liturgy. This kind of setting has Gospel movement is the last, an ensemble is in the presentation of words of groups and and heightens them with musical gestures. its own virtues; among other things, it puts setting of a chorale stanza that urges reflec- crowds. In Schütz’s St. Luke Passion these In the passion the words of the Evangelist are a strong emphasis on continuous narration tion on the passion story and on one’s own are set as short pieces for a four-part ensem- narrative prose, but Bach sets them much like in the words of the Gospel, in contrast to the mortality. But this piece is short, does not ble, today often sung by a chorus. They are the cantatas’ poetry for expressive effect. tendency in Bach’s passion settings to focus use the hymn melody associated with this labeled “Disciples,” “High Priests” and so Schütz’s St. Luke Passion takes an entirely on individual moments in the story and to text, and in its relatively neutral musical style on, and clearly stand out by their scoring different approach. The Evangelist’s words pause often for reflection on them. is not designed to provoke an emotional from the intoned narration and words of in-

  dividuals. Here, too, Schütz is following a Lu- modern listener are likely to represent high In fact this was exactly the conclusion composer’s passion settings had very little theran tradition that sometimes decorated points of the work. This way of listening reached by Philipp Spitta, the greatest in common with Bach’s but found immense the plain liturgical chanting of the passion might be another legacy of our familiarity 19th-century scholar of Bach’s music and value in each. This is surely a good model for story with polyphonic (multi-voiced) settings with Bach’s passions, with their emphasis one of the first to explore Schütz’s music our listening as well. of the words of groups; his three passion set- on the listener’s personal and emotional thoroughly; he concluded that the older Daniel R. Melamed, 2009 tings can be seen as a culmination of this tra- reaction to events in the story; Bach’s musi- dition, in fact, providing the most elaborate cal style and the expressive language of the music for the words of groups. added poetic commentary are especially well These movements draw on the vocal suited to exactly this kind of expression, and style Schütz cultivated in collections like his we are accustomed to listening for it. The Geistliche Chor-Music in which the entire musi- choice of musical styles in Schütz’s St. Luke cal substance resides in the voices, with no passion – liturgically-derived unaccompa- essential instruments and no basso continuo. nied recitation and ensemble settings that Compared to the kind of setting that uses solo tend only somewhat towards text expression voices against basso continuo, this style is – result in a work that we need to hear differ- expressively relatively neutral. But in Schütz’s ently, perhaps, to appreciate fully. hands (and in contrast to the formulaic and If we have a tendency to see Schütz from plain recitation of the rest of the passion’s the perspective of J.S. Bach at least we are text) these brief pieces stand out as particu- in good company. The modern study of larly expressive. The composer often uses the Schütz’s music started with 19th-century characteristic texture of imitation among the Bach scholars who were curious about the parts to suggest multiple speakers; he controls musical traditions from which his church the density of the texture and the speed of dec- music arose. This spurred studies of lamation to suggest different affects; and once Dieterich Buxtehude (whose music-making invokes a musical convention of quick reper- Bach experienced directly) and of earlier cussive vocal writing to highlight the martial 17th-century predecessors including Johann violence suggested by words of the disciples Hermann Schein and Schütz (whose music who offer to take up the sword (“Herr, sollen Bach was likely to have known at least in wir mit dem Schwert dreinschagen”). passing). So we might as well embrace our These pieces go beyond the detached position as listeners who come first to Bach’s emotional neutrality suggested by the choice passions and try to understand the ways in of unaccompanied recitation, and for the which Schütz’s pieces differ.

  dividuals. Here, too, Schütz is following a Lu- modern listener are likely to represent high In fact this was exactly the conclusion composer’s passion settings had very little theran tradition that sometimes decorated points of the work. This way of listening reached by Philipp Spitta, the greatest in common with Bach’s but found immense the plain liturgical chanting of the passion might be another legacy of our familiarity 19th-century scholar of Bach’s music and value in each. This is surely a good model for story with polyphonic (multi-voiced) settings with Bach’s passions, with their emphasis one of the first to explore Schütz’s music our listening as well. of the words of groups; his three passion set- on the listener’s personal and emotional thoroughly; he concluded that the older Daniel R. Melamed, 2009 tings can be seen as a culmination of this tra- reaction to events in the story; Bach’s musi- dition, in fact, providing the most elaborate cal style and the expressive language of the music for the words of groups. added poetic commentary are especially well These movements draw on the vocal suited to exactly this kind of expression, and style Schütz cultivated in collections like his we are accustomed to listening for it. The Geistliche Chor-Music in which the entire musi- choice of musical styles in Schütz’s St. Luke cal substance resides in the voices, with no passion – liturgically-derived unaccompa- essential instruments and no basso continuo. nied recitation and ensemble settings that Compared to the kind of setting that uses solo tend only somewhat towards text expression voices against basso continuo, this style is – result in a work that we need to hear differ- expressively relatively neutral. But in Schütz’s ently, perhaps, to appreciate fully. hands (and in contrast to the formulaic and If we have a tendency to see Schütz from plain recitation of the rest of the passion’s the perspective of J.S. Bach at least we are text) these brief pieces stand out as particu- in good company. The modern study of larly expressive. The composer often uses the Schütz’s music started with 19th-century characteristic texture of imitation among the Bach scholars who were curious about the parts to suggest multiple speakers; he controls musical traditions from which his church the density of the texture and the speed of dec- music arose. This spurred studies of lamation to suggest different affects; and once Dieterich Buxtehude (whose music-making invokes a musical convention of quick reper- Bach experienced directly) and of earlier cussive vocal writing to highlight the martial 17th-century predecessors including Johann violence suggested by words of the disciples Hermann Schein and Schütz (whose music who offer to take up the sword (“Herr, sollen Bach was likely to have known at least in wir mit dem Schwert dreinschagen”). passing). So we might as well embrace our These pieces go beyond the detached position as listeners who come first to Bach’s emotional neutrality suggested by the choice passions and try to understand the ways in of unaccompanied recitation, and for the which Schütz’s pieces differ.

  Lukas-passion St. LuKE Passion wird euch ein Mensch begegnen, der trägt einen shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of Historia des Leidens und Sterbens unsers Herrn The story of the suffering and death of our Lord Wasserkrug, folget ihm nach in das Haus, da er water; follow him into the house where he en- und Heilandes Jesu Christi nach dem Evangelis- and Saviour Jesus Christ according to Saint hineingehet, und saget zu dem Hausherren: Der tereth in. And ye shall say unto the Goodman of ten St. Lukas Luke. Meister läßt dir sagen: Wo ist die Herberge, dar- the house ‘The Master saith unto thee: Where innen ich das Osterlamm essen möge mit mei- is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Pass- Eingang Introduction nen Jüngern? Und er wird euch einen großen over with my disciples? And he shall shew you a 1 Das Leiden unsers Herren Jesu Christi, wie uns The sufferings of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as gepflastertenS aal zeigen, daselbst bereitet es. large upper room furnished: there make ready. das beschreibet der heilige Evangeliste Lukas. told by the holy Evangelist Luke. Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Sie gingen hin und fundens, wie er ihnen ge- And they went, and found as he had said unto 2 Es war aber nahe das Fest der süßen Brot, das Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, saget hatte, und bereiteten das Osterlamm, them: and they made ready the Passover, and da Ostern heißet, und die Hohenpriester und which is called the Passover. And the chief und da die Stunde kam, satzte er sich nieder, when the hour was come, he sat down, and Schriftgelehrten trachteten, wie sie ihn töte- priests and scribes sought how they might kill und die zwölf Apostel mit ihm, und er sprach the twelve apostles with him. And he said ten, und furchten sich für dem Volk. Es war him; for they feared the people. Then entered zu ihnen: unto them: aber der Satanas gefahren in den Judas, ge- into Judas named Iscariot, being of the nannt Ischariot, der da war aus der Zahl der number of the twelve. And he went his way, Jesus Jesus Zwölfen, und er ging hin und redet mit den and communed with the chief priests and cap- Mich hat herzlich verlanget, dieses Osterlamm I have sorely desired to eat this Passover with Hohenpriestern und mit den Hauptleuten, tains, how he might betray him unto them. mit euch zu essen, ehe denn ich leide. Denn you before I suffer: For I say unto you, I will wie er ihn wollte ihnen überantworten, und sie And they were glad, and covenanted to give ich sage euch, daß ich hinfüro nicht mehr not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in wurden froh und gelobten ihm Geld zu geben, him money. And he promised, and sought op- davon essen werde, bis daß erfüllet werde im the kingdom of God. und er versprach sich und suchte Gelegenheit, portunity to betray him unto them in the ab- Reich Gottes. daß er ihn überantwortet ohne Rumor. Es kam sence of the multitude. Then came the day of nun der Tag der süßen Brot, auf welchen man unleavened bread, when the Passover must be Evangelist Evangelist mußte opfern das Osterlamm, und er sandte killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go Und er nahm den Kelch, danket und sprach: And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said: Petrum und Johannem und sprach: and prepare us the Passover that we may eat. Jesus Jesus Die Jünger The Disciples Nehmet denselbigen, und teilet ihn unter Take this, and divide it among yourselves, for I Wo willt du, daß wir es bereiten? Where wilt thou that we prepare? euch, denn ich sage euch: Ich werde nicht trin- say unto you: I will not drink of the fruit of the ken von dem Gewächse des Weinstocks, bis vine, until the kingdom of God shall come. Evangelist Evangelist das Reich Gottes komme. Er sprach zu ihnen: And he said unto them: Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Und er nahm das Brot, dankte und brachs und And he took bread, and gave thanks, and Siehe, wenn ihr hineinkommet in die Stadt, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there gab es ihnen und sprach: brake it, and gave unto them, saying:

  Lukas-passion St. LuKE Passion wird euch ein Mensch begegnen, der trägt einen shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of Historia des Leidens und Sterbens unsers Herrn The story of the suffering and death of our Lord Wasserkrug, folget ihm nach in das Haus, da er water; follow him into the house where he en- und Heilandes Jesu Christi nach dem Evangelis- and Saviour Jesus Christ according to Saint hineingehet, und saget zu dem Hausherren: Der tereth in. And ye shall say unto the Goodman of ten St. Lukas Luke. Meister läßt dir sagen: Wo ist die Herberge, dar- the house ‘The Master saith unto thee: Where innen ich das Osterlamm essen möge mit mei- is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Pass- Eingang Introduction nen Jüngern? Und er wird euch einen großen over with my disciples? And he shall shew you a 1 Das Leiden unsers Herren Jesu Christi, wie uns The sufferings of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as gepflastertenS aal zeigen, daselbst bereitet es. large upper room furnished: there make ready. das beschreibet der heilige Evangeliste Lukas. told by the holy Evangelist Luke. Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Sie gingen hin und fundens, wie er ihnen ge- And they went, and found as he had said unto 2 Es war aber nahe das Fest der süßen Brot, das Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, saget hatte, und bereiteten das Osterlamm, them: and they made ready the Passover, and da Ostern heißet, und die Hohenpriester und which is called the Passover. And the chief und da die Stunde kam, satzte er sich nieder, when the hour was come, he sat down, and Schriftgelehrten trachteten, wie sie ihn töte- priests and scribes sought how they might kill und die zwölf Apostel mit ihm, und er sprach the twelve apostles with him. And he said ten, und furchten sich für dem Volk. Es war him; for they feared the people. Then entered zu ihnen: unto them: aber der Satanas gefahren in den Judas, ge- Satan into Judas named Iscariot, being of the nannt Ischariot, der da war aus der Zahl der number of the twelve. And he went his way, Jesus Jesus Zwölfen, und er ging hin und redet mit den and communed with the chief priests and cap- Mich hat herzlich verlanget, dieses Osterlamm I have sorely desired to eat this Passover with Hohenpriestern und mit den Hauptleuten, tains, how he might betray him unto them. mit euch zu essen, ehe denn ich leide. Denn you before I suffer: For I say unto you, I will wie er ihn wollte ihnen überantworten, und sie And they were glad, and covenanted to give ich sage euch, daß ich hinfüro nicht mehr not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in wurden froh und gelobten ihm Geld zu geben, him money. And he promised, and sought op- davon essen werde, bis daß erfüllet werde im the kingdom of God. und er versprach sich und suchte Gelegenheit, portunity to betray him unto them in the ab- Reich Gottes. daß er ihn überantwortet ohne Rumor. Es kam sence of the multitude. Then came the day of nun der Tag der süßen Brot, auf welchen man unleavened bread, when the Passover must be Evangelist Evangelist mußte opfern das Osterlamm, und er sandte killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go Und er nahm den Kelch, danket und sprach: And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said: Petrum und Johannem und sprach: and prepare us the Passover that we may eat. Jesus Jesus Die Jünger The Disciples Nehmet denselbigen, und teilet ihn unter Take this, and divide it among yourselves, for I Wo willt du, daß wir es bereiten? Where wilt thou that we prepare? euch, denn ich sage euch: Ich werde nicht trin- say unto you: I will not drink of the fruit of the ken von dem Gewächse des Weinstocks, bis vine, until the kingdom of God shall come. Evangelist Evangelist das Reich Gottes komme. Er sprach zu ihnen: And he said unto them: Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Und er nahm das Brot, dankte und brachs und And he took bread, and gave thanks, and Siehe, wenn ihr hineinkommet in die Stadt, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there gab es ihnen und sprach: brake it, and gave unto them, saying:

  Jesus Jesus Anfechtungen, und ich will euch das Reich be- continued with me in my temptations. And Das ist mein Leib, der für euch gegeben wird, This is my body which is given for you: this do scheiden, wie mir mein Vater beschieden hat, I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father das tut zu meinem Gedächtnis. in remembrance of me. daß ihr essen und trinken sollet über meinem hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and Tisch in meinem Reich und sitzen auf Stühlen drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on Evangelist Evangelist und richten die zwölf Geschlechter Israel. thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Desselbengleichen auch den Kelch nach dem Likewise also the cup after supper, saying: Abendmahl und sprach: Evangelist Evangelist Der Herr aber sprach: And the Lord said: Jesus Jesus Das ist der Kelch, das neue Testament in This cup is the new testament in my blood, Jesus Jesus meinem Blut, das für euch vergossen wird. which is shed for you. But, behold, the hand Simon, Simon, siehe, der Satanas hat euer be- Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to Doch siehe, die Hand meines Verräters ist of him that betrayeth me is with me on the ta- gehret, daß er euch möchte sichten, wie den have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But mit mir über Tische, und zwar des Menschen ble, and truly the Son of man goeth, as it was Weizen. Ich habe aber für dich gebeten, daß I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; Sohn gehet hin, wie es beschlossen ist, doch determined: but woe unto that man by whom dein Glaube nicht aufhöre, und wenn du der- and when thou art converted, strengthen thy wehe demselbigen Menschen, von welchem he is betrayed! maleins dich bekehrest, so stärke deine Brüder. brethren. er verraten wird. Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Er sprach aber zu ihm: And he said unto him: Und sie fingen an zu fragen unter sich selbst, And they began to enquire among them- welcher es doch wäre unter ihnen, der das tun selves, which of them it was that should do Petrus Peter würde. Es erhub sich auch ein Zank unter ih- this thing. And there was also a strife among Herr, ich bin bereit, mit dir in das Gefängnis Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into nen, welcher unter ihnen sollte für den Größ- them, which of them should be accounted the und in den Tod zu gehen. prison, and to death. ten gehalten werden, er aber sprach zu ihnen: greatest. And he said unto them: Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Er aber sprach: And he said: Die weltlichen Könige herrschen, und die Ge- The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship waltigen heißet man gnädige Herren, ihr aber over them; and they that exercise authority Jesus Jesus nicht also, sondern der Größte unter euch upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall Petre, ich sage dir, der Hahn wird heute nicht I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this soll sein wie der Jüngste, und der Fürnehmste not be so: but he that is greatest among you, krähen, ehe denn du dreimal verleugnet hast, day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that wie ein Diener. Denn welcher ist der Größte, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, daß du mich kennest. thou knowest me. der zu Tische sitzet, oder der da dienet? Ist es as he that doth serve. For whether is greater, nicht also, daß der zu Tische sitzet? Ich aber he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? Is Evangelist Evangelist bin unter euch wie ein Diener, ihr aber seid not he that sitteth at meat? But I am among Und er sprach zu ihnen: And he said unto them: es, die ihr beharret habet bei mir in meinen you as he that serveth. Ye are they which have

10 11 Jesus Jesus Anfechtungen, und ich will euch das Reich be- continued with me in my temptations. And Das ist mein Leib, der für euch gegeben wird, This is my body which is given for you: this do scheiden, wie mir mein Vater beschieden hat, I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father das tut zu meinem Gedächtnis. in remembrance of me. daß ihr essen und trinken sollet über meinem hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and Tisch in meinem Reich und sitzen auf Stühlen drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on Evangelist Evangelist und richten die zwölf Geschlechter Israel. thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Desselbengleichen auch den Kelch nach dem Likewise also the cup after supper, saying: Abendmahl und sprach: Evangelist Evangelist Der Herr aber sprach: And the Lord said: Jesus Jesus Das ist der Kelch, das neue Testament in This cup is the new testament in my blood, Jesus Jesus meinem Blut, das für euch vergossen wird. which is shed for you. But, behold, the hand Simon, Simon, siehe, der Satanas hat euer be- Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to Doch siehe, die Hand meines Verräters ist of him that betrayeth me is with me on the ta- gehret, daß er euch möchte sichten, wie den have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But mit mir über Tische, und zwar des Menschen ble, and truly the Son of man goeth, as it was Weizen. Ich habe aber für dich gebeten, daß I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; Sohn gehet hin, wie es beschlossen ist, doch determined: but woe unto that man by whom dein Glaube nicht aufhöre, und wenn du der- and when thou art converted, strengthen thy wehe demselbigen Menschen, von welchem he is betrayed! maleins dich bekehrest, so stärke deine Brüder. brethren. er verraten wird. Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Er sprach aber zu ihm: And he said unto him: Und sie fingen an zu fragen unter sich selbst, And they began to enquire among them- welcher es doch wäre unter ihnen, der das tun selves, which of them it was that should do Petrus Peter würde. Es erhub sich auch ein Zank unter ih- this thing. And there was also a strife among Herr, ich bin bereit, mit dir in das Gefängnis Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into nen, welcher unter ihnen sollte für den Größ- them, which of them should be accounted the und in den Tod zu gehen. prison, and to death. ten gehalten werden, er aber sprach zu ihnen: greatest. And he said unto them: Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Er aber sprach: And he said: Die weltlichen Könige herrschen, und die Ge- The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship waltigen heißet man gnädige Herren, ihr aber over them; and they that exercise authority Jesus Jesus nicht also, sondern der Größte unter euch upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall Petre, ich sage dir, der Hahn wird heute nicht I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this soll sein wie der Jüngste, und der Fürnehmste not be so: but he that is greatest among you, krähen, ehe denn du dreimal verleugnet hast, day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that wie ein Diener. Denn welcher ist der Größte, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, daß du mich kennest. thou knowest me. der zu Tische sitzet, oder der da dienet? Ist es as he that doth serve. For whether is greater, nicht also, daß der zu Tische sitzet? Ich aber he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? Is Evangelist Evangelist bin unter euch wie ein Diener, ihr aber seid not he that sitteth at meat? But I am among Und er sprach zu ihnen: And he said unto them: es, die ihr beharret habet bei mir in meinen you as he that serveth. Ye are they which have

10 11 Jesus Jesus Evangelist Evangelist So oft ich euch gesandt habe ohne Beutel, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and 3 Und er ging hinaus nach seiner Gewohnheit And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to ohne Taschen und ohne Schuh, habet ihr shoes, lacked ye any thing? an den Ölberg, es folgeten ihm aber seine Jün- the mount of Olives; and his disciples also fol- auch jemals Mangel gehabt? ger nach an denselbigen Ort, und als er dahin lowed him. And when he was at the place, he kam, sprach er zu ihnen: said unto them: Evangelist Evangelist Sie sprachen: And they said: Jesus Jesus Betet, auf daß ihr nicht in Anfechtung fallet. Pray that ye enter not into temptation. Die Jünger The Disciples Nie keinen. Nothing. Evangelist Evangelist Und er reiß sich von ihnen bei einem Stein- And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s Evangelist Evangelist wurf und knieet nieder, betet und sprach: cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, saying: Da sprach er zu ihnen: Then said he unto them, Jesus Jesus Jesus JESUS Vater, willst du, so nimm diesen Kelch von Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup Aber nun wer einen Beutel hat, der nehme ihn, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take mir, doch nicht mein, sondern dein Wille ge- from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, desselbigengleichen auch die Tasche, wer aber it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath schehe. be done. nicht hat, verkaufe sein Klaid, und kaufe ein no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy Schwert, denn ich sage euch, es muß auch das one, for I say unto you, that this that is written Evangelist Evangelist noch vollendet werden an mir, das geschrieben must yet be accomplished in me. And he was Es erschien ihm aber ein Engel vom Him- And there appeared an angel unto him from steht: Er ist unter die Übeltäter gerechnet. Denn reckoned among the transgressors: for the mel und stärket ihn. Und es kam, daß er mit heaven, strengthening him. And being in an was von mir geschrieben ist, das hat ein Ende. things concerning me have an end. dem Tode rang, und betete heftiger, es war agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat aber sein Schweiß wie Blutstropfen, die fielen was as it were great drops of blood falling Evangelist Evangelist auf die Erden. Und er stund auf von dem Ge- down to the ground. And when he rose up from Sie sprachen aber: And they said: bete und kam zu seinen Jüngern und fand sie prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found schlafend für Traurigkeit und sprach zu ihnen: them sleeping for sorrow, and said unto them Die Jünger The Disciples Herr, siehe, hier sind zwei Schwert. Lord, behold, here are two swords. Jesus Jesus Was schlafet ihr? Stehet auf und betet, auf Why sleep ye? Rise and pray, lest ye enter into Evangelist Evangelist daß ihr nicht in Anfechtung fallet. temptation. Er aber sprach zu ihnen: And he said unto them: Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Da er aber noch redete, siehe, die Schar, und And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, Es ist genug. It is enough. einer von den Zwölfen, genannt Judas, ging and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve,

12 13 Jesus Jesus Evangelist Evangelist So oft ich euch gesandt habe ohne Beutel, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and 3 Und er ging hinaus nach seiner Gewohnheit And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to ohne Taschen und ohne Schuh, habet ihr shoes, lacked ye any thing? an den Ölberg, es folgeten ihm aber seine Jün- the mount of Olives; and his disciples also fol- auch jemals Mangel gehabt? ger nach an denselbigen Ort, und als er dahin lowed him. And when he was at the place, he kam, sprach er zu ihnen: said unto them: Evangelist Evangelist Sie sprachen: And they said: Jesus Jesus Betet, auf daß ihr nicht in Anfechtung fallet. Pray that ye enter not into temptation. Die Jünger The Disciples Nie keinen. Nothing. Evangelist Evangelist Und er reiß sich von ihnen bei einem Stein- And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s Evangelist Evangelist wurf und knieet nieder, betet und sprach: cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, saying: Da sprach er zu ihnen: Then said he unto them, Jesus Jesus Jesus JESUS Vater, willst du, so nimm diesen Kelch von Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup Aber nun wer einen Beutel hat, der nehme ihn, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take mir, doch nicht mein, sondern dein Wille ge- from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, desselbigengleichen auch die Tasche, wer aber it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath schehe. be done. nicht hat, verkaufe sein Klaid, und kaufe ein no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy Schwert, denn ich sage euch, es muß auch das one, for I say unto you, that this that is written Evangelist Evangelist noch vollendet werden an mir, das geschrieben must yet be accomplished in me. And he was Es erschien ihm aber ein Engel vom Him- And there appeared an angel unto him from steht: Er ist unter die Übeltäter gerechnet. Denn reckoned among the transgressors: for the mel und stärket ihn. Und es kam, daß er mit heaven, strengthening him. And being in an was von mir geschrieben ist, das hat ein Ende. things concerning me have an end. dem Tode rang, und betete heftiger, es war agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat aber sein Schweiß wie Blutstropfen, die fielen was as it were great drops of blood falling Evangelist Evangelist auf die Erden. Und er stund auf von dem Ge- down to the ground. And when he rose up from Sie sprachen aber: And they said: bete und kam zu seinen Jüngern und fand sie prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found schlafend für Traurigkeit und sprach zu ihnen: them sleeping for sorrow, and said unto them Die Jünger The Disciples Herr, siehe, hier sind zwei Schwert. Lord, behold, here are two swords. Jesus Jesus Was schlafet ihr? Stehet auf und betet, auf Why sleep ye? Rise and pray, lest ye enter into Evangelist Evangelist daß ihr nicht in Anfechtung fallet. temptation. Er aber sprach zu ihnen: And he said unto them: Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Da er aber noch redete, siehe, die Schar, und And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, Es ist genug. It is enough. einer von den Zwölfen, genannt Judas, ging and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve,

12 13 vor ihnen her und nahet sich zu Jesu, ihn zu went before them, and drew near unto Jesus Evangelist Evangelist küssen. Jesus aber sprach zu ihm: to kiss him. But Jesus said unto him: Sie griffen ihn aber und führeten ihn und Then took they him, and led him, and brought brachten ihn in des Hohenpriesters Haus. Pe- him into the high priest’s house. And Peter Jesus Jesus trus aber folgete von ferne. Da zündeten sie followed afar off. And when they had kindled Juda, verrätest du des Menschen Sohn mit Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a ein Feuer an mitten im Palast und satzten sich a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set einem Kuß? kiss? zusammen, Petrus aber satzte sich unter sie. down together, Peter sat down among them. Da sahe ihn eine Magd sitzen bei dem Licht But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the Evangelist Evangelist und sahe eben auf ihn und sprach: fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said: Da aber sahen, die um ihn waren, was da wer- When they which were about him saw what den wollte, sprachen sie zu ihm: would follow, they said unto him Die Magd The Maid Dieser war auch mit ihm. This man was also with him. Die Jünger The Disciples Herr, sollen wir mit dem Schwert dreinschlagen? Lord, shall we smite with the sword? Evangelist Evangelist Er aber verleugnete ihn und sprach: And he denied him, saying Evangelist Evangelist Und einer aus ihnen schlug des Hohenpries- And one of them smote the servant of the Petrus Peter ters Knecht und hieb ihm sein recht Ohr ab. high priest, and cut off his right ear. Jesus an- Weib, ich kenne sein nicht. Woman, I know him not. Jesus aber antwortete und sprach: swered and said: Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Und über eine kleine Weile sahe ihn ein ande- And after a little while another saw him, and Lasset sie doch so ferne machen. Suffer ye thus far. rer und sprach: said:

Evangelist Evangelist 1. Knecht A Boy Und er rühret sein Ohr an und heilet ihn. Je- And he touched his ear, and healed him. Then Du bist auch der einer. Thou art also of them. sus aber sprach zu den Hohenpriestern und Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains Hauptleuten des Tempels und den Ältesten, of the temple, and the elders, which were Evangelist Evangelist die über ihn kommen waren: come to him: Petrus aber sprach: And Peter said:

Jesus Jesus Petrus Peter Ihr seid als zu einem Mörder mit Schwertern Be ye come out, as against a thief, with swords Mensch, ich bins nicht. Man, I am not. und mit Stangen ausgegangen. Ich bin täglich and staves? When I was daily with you in the bei euch im Tempel gewesen, und ihr habet temple, ye stretched forth no hands against Evangelist Evangelist keine Hand an mich geleget, aber dies ist eure me: but this is your hour, and the power of Und über eine Weile bei einer Stunden bekräf- And about the space of one hour after another Stunde und die Macht der Finsternis. darkness. tiget es ein anderer und sprach: confidently affirmed, saying

14 15 vor ihnen her und nahet sich zu Jesu, ihn zu went before them, and drew near unto Jesus Evangelist Evangelist küssen. Jesus aber sprach zu ihm: to kiss him. But Jesus said unto him: Sie griffen ihn aber und führeten ihn und Then took they him, and led him, and brought brachten ihn in des Hohenpriesters Haus. Pe- him into the high priest’s house. And Peter Jesus Jesus trus aber folgete von ferne. Da zündeten sie followed afar off. And when they had kindled Juda, verrätest du des Menschen Sohn mit Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a ein Feuer an mitten im Palast und satzten sich a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set einem Kuß? kiss? zusammen, Petrus aber satzte sich unter sie. down together, Peter sat down among them. Da sahe ihn eine Magd sitzen bei dem Licht But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the Evangelist Evangelist und sahe eben auf ihn und sprach: fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said: Da aber sahen, die um ihn waren, was da wer- When they which were about him saw what den wollte, sprachen sie zu ihm: would follow, they said unto him Die Magd The Maid Dieser war auch mit ihm. This man was also with him. Die Jünger The Disciples Herr, sollen wir mit dem Schwert dreinschlagen? Lord, shall we smite with the sword? Evangelist Evangelist Er aber verleugnete ihn und sprach: And he denied him, saying Evangelist Evangelist Und einer aus ihnen schlug des Hohenpries- And one of them smote the servant of the Petrus Peter ters Knecht und hieb ihm sein recht Ohr ab. high priest, and cut off his right ear. Jesus an- Weib, ich kenne sein nicht. Woman, I know him not. Jesus aber antwortete und sprach: swered and said: Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Und über eine kleine Weile sahe ihn ein ande- And after a little while another saw him, and Lasset sie doch so ferne machen. Suffer ye thus far. rer und sprach: said:

Evangelist Evangelist 1. Knecht A Boy Und er rühret sein Ohr an und heilet ihn. Je- And he touched his ear, and healed him. Then Du bist auch der einer. Thou art also of them. sus aber sprach zu den Hohenpriestern und Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains Hauptleuten des Tempels und den Ältesten, of the temple, and the elders, which were Evangelist Evangelist die über ihn kommen waren: come to him: Petrus aber sprach: And Peter said:

Jesus Jesus Petrus Peter Ihr seid als zu einem Mörder mit Schwertern Be ye come out, as against a thief, with swords Mensch, ich bins nicht. Man, I am not. und mit Stangen ausgegangen. Ich bin täglich and staves? When I was daily with you in the bei euch im Tempel gewesen, und ihr habet temple, ye stretched forth no hands against Evangelist Evangelist keine Hand an mich geleget, aber dies ist eure me: but this is your hour, and the power of Und über eine Weile bei einer Stunden bekräf- And about the space of one hour after another Stunde und die Macht der Finsternis. darkness. tiget es ein anderer und sprach: confidently affirmed, saying

14 15 2. Knecht Another Boy Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests Wahrlich, dieser war auch mit ihm, denn er ist Of a truth this fellow also was with him: for he Bist du Christus, sage es uns. Art thou the Christ? Tell us. ein Galiläer. is a Galilaean. Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Er sprach aber zu ihnen: And he said unto them: Petrus aber sprach: And Peter said: Jesus Petrus Peter Sage ichs euch, so gläubet ihr es nicht, frage Jesus Mensch, ich weiß nicht, was du sagest. Man, I know not what thou sayest. ich euch aber, so antwortet ihr nicht und las- If I tell you, ye will not believe. And if I also set mich doch nicht los. Darum von nun an ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go. Evangelist Evangelist wird des Menschen Sohn sitzen zur rechten Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right Und alsbald, da er noch redete, krähet der And immediately, while he yet spake, the cock Hand der Kraft Gottes. hand of the power of God. Hahn. Und der Herr wandte sich und sahe Pe- crew. And the Lord turned, and looked upon trum an. Und Petrus gedachte an des Herren Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Evangelist Evangelist Wort, als er zu ihm gesaget hatte: Ehe denn der Lord, how he had said unto him: Before the Da sprachen sie alle: Then said they all: Hahn krähet, wirst du mich dreimal verleugnen. cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Pe- Und Petrus ging hinaus und weinet bitterlich. ter went out, and wept bitterly. Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests Bist du denn Gottes Sohn? Art thou then the Son of God? 4 Die Männer aber, die da Jesum hielten, ver- And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and spotteten ihn und schlugen ihn, verdeckten smote him. And when they had blindfolded Evangelist Evangelist ihn und schlugen ihn ins Angesichte und him, they struck him on the face, and asked Er sprach zu ihnen: And he said unto them: fragten ihn und sprachen: him, saying: Jesus Jesus Die Juden The Jews Ihr saget es, denn ich bin es. Ye say that I am. Weissage, wer ist der dich schlug? Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Sie aber sprachen: And they said: Und viel andere Lästerungen sagten sie wider And many other things blasphemously spake ihn. Und als es Tag ward, sammelten sich die they against him. And as soon as it was day, Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests Ältesten des Volks, die Hohenpriester und the elders of the people and the chief priests Was dürfen wir weiter Zeugnis? Wir haben es What need we any further witness? for we our- Schriftgelehrten, und führeten ihn hinauf für and the scribes came together, and led him selbst gehöret aus seinem Munde. selves have heard of his own mouth. ihren Rat und sprachen: into their council, saying:

16 17 2. Knecht Another Boy Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests Wahrlich, dieser war auch mit ihm, denn er ist Of a truth this fellow also was with him: for he Bist du Christus, sage es uns. Art thou the Christ? Tell us. ein Galiläer. is a Galilaean. Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Er sprach aber zu ihnen: And he said unto them: Petrus aber sprach: And Peter said: Jesus Petrus Peter Sage ichs euch, so gläubet ihr es nicht, frage Jesus Mensch, ich weiß nicht, was du sagest. Man, I know not what thou sayest. ich euch aber, so antwortet ihr nicht und las- If I tell you, ye will not believe. And if I also set mich doch nicht los. Darum von nun an ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go. Evangelist Evangelist wird des Menschen Sohn sitzen zur rechten Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right Und alsbald, da er noch redete, krähet der And immediately, while he yet spake, the cock Hand der Kraft Gottes. hand of the power of God. Hahn. Und der Herr wandte sich und sahe Pe- crew. And the Lord turned, and looked upon trum an. Und Petrus gedachte an des Herren Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Evangelist Evangelist Wort, als er zu ihm gesaget hatte: Ehe denn der Lord, how he had said unto him: Before the Da sprachen sie alle: Then said they all: Hahn krähet, wirst du mich dreimal verleugnen. cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Pe- Und Petrus ging hinaus und weinet bitterlich. ter went out, and wept bitterly. Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests Bist du denn Gottes Sohn? Art thou then the Son of God? 4 Die Männer aber, die da Jesum hielten, ver- And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and spotteten ihn und schlugen ihn, verdeckten smote him. And when they had blindfolded Evangelist Evangelist ihn und schlugen ihn ins Angesichte und him, they struck him on the face, and asked Er sprach zu ihnen: And he said unto them: fragten ihn und sprachen: him, saying: Jesus Jesus Die Juden The Jews Ihr saget es, denn ich bin es. Ye say that I am. Weissage, wer ist der dich schlug? Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Sie aber sprachen: And they said: Und viel andere Lästerungen sagten sie wider And many other things blasphemously spake ihn. Und als es Tag ward, sammelten sich die they against him. And as soon as it was day, Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests Ältesten des Volks, die Hohenpriester und the elders of the people and the chief priests Was dürfen wir weiter Zeugnis? Wir haben es What need we any further witness? for we our- Schriftgelehrten, und führeten ihn hinauf für and the scribes came together, and led him selbst gehöret aus seinem Munde. selves have heard of his own mouth. ihren Rat und sprachen: into their council, saying:

16 17 Evangelist Evangelist hin und her im ganzen jüdischen Lande, und out all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this 5 Und der ganze Haufe stund auf und führeten And the whole multitude of them arose, and hat in Galiläa angefangen bis hieher. place. ihn für Pilatum und fingen an ihn zu verkla- led him unto Pilate. And they began to accuse gen und sprachen: him, saying: Evangelist Evangelist Da aber Pilatus Galiläam hörete, fragte er, ob When Pilate heard of Galilee, he asked wheth- Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests er aus Galiläa wäre, und als er vernahm, daß er the man were a Galilaean. And as soon as he Diesen finden wir, daß er das Volk abwendet We found this fellow perverting the nation, er unter Herodis Obrigkeit gehörete, über- knew that he belonged unto Herod’s jurisdic- und verbeut den Schoß zu geben dem Kaiser and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, say- sandte er ihn zu Herodes, welcher in densel- tion, he sent him to Herod, who himself also und spricht, er sei Christus der König. ing that he himself is Christ a King. bigen Tagen auch zu Jerusalem war. Da aber was at Jerusalem at that time. And when Herod Herodes Jesum sahe, ward er sehr froh, denn saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad: for he was Evangelist Evangelist er hätte ihn längst gerne gesehen, denn er hat- desirous to see him of a long season, because Pilatus aber fragte ihn und sprach: And Pilate asked him, saying: te viel von ihm gehöret, und hoffete, er würde he had heard many things of him; and he ein Zeichen von ihm sehen. Und er fragte ihn hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. Pilatus Pilate mancherlei, er antwortete ihm aber nichts. Then he questioned with him in many words; Bist du der Juden König? Art thou the King of the Jews? Die Hohenpriester aber und Schriftgelehrten but he answered him nothing. And the chief stunden und verklagten ihn hart, aber He- priests and scribes stood and vehemently ac- Evangelist Evangelist rodes mit seinem Hofgesinde verachtete und cused him. And Herod with his men of war set Er antwortete und sprach: And he answered him and said: verspottete ihn, legte ihm ein weiß Kleid an him at nought, and mocked him, and arrayed und sandte ihn wieder zu Pilato. Auf den Tag him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Jesus Jesus wurden Pilatus und Herodes Freunde mitein- Pilate. And the same day Pilate and Herod were Du sagest es. Thou sayest it. ander, denn zuvor waren sie einander feind. made friends together: for before they were at Pilatus aber rief die Hohenpriester und die enmity between themselves. And Pilate, when Evangelist Evangelist Obristen und das ganze Volk zusammen und he had called together the chief priests and the Pilatus sprach zu den Hohenpriestern und zu Then said Pilate to the chief priests and to sprach zu ihnen: rulers and the people, said unto them: dem Volk: the people: Pilatus Pilate Pilatus Pilate Ihr habet diesen Menschen zu mir bracht, als Ye have brought this man unto me, as one Ich finde keine Ursache an diesem Menschen. I find no fault in this man. der das Volk abwende, und siehe, ich habe ihn that perverteth the people: and, behold, I, hav- für euch verhöret und finde an dem Menschen ing examined him before you, have found no Evangelist Evangelist der Sache keine, deren ihr ihn beschuldiget, fault in this man touching those things where- Sie aber hielten an und sprachen: And they were the more fierce, saying: Herodes auch nicht, denn ich habe euch zu of ye accuse him: No, nor yet Herod: for I sent ihm gesandt, und siehe, man hat nichts auf you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests ihn bracht, das des Todes wert sei, darum will done unto him. I will therefore chastise him, Er hat das Volk erreget, damit, daß er gelehret He stirreth up the people, teaching through- ich ihn züchtigen und losgeben. and release him.

18 19 Evangelist Evangelist hin und her im ganzen jüdischen Lande, und out all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this 5 Und der ganze Haufe stund auf und führeten And the whole multitude of them arose, and hat in Galiläa angefangen bis hieher. place. ihn für Pilatum und fingen an ihn zu verkla- led him unto Pilate. And they began to accuse gen und sprachen: him, saying: Evangelist Evangelist Da aber Pilatus Galiläam hörete, fragte er, ob When Pilate heard of Galilee, he asked wheth- Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests er aus Galiläa wäre, und als er vernahm, daß er the man were a Galilaean. And as soon as he Diesen finden wir, daß er das Volk abwendet We found this fellow perverting the nation, er unter Herodis Obrigkeit gehörete, über- knew that he belonged unto Herod’s jurisdic- und verbeut den Schoß zu geben dem Kaiser and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, say- sandte er ihn zu Herodes, welcher in densel- tion, he sent him to Herod, who himself also und spricht, er sei Christus der König. ing that he himself is Christ a King. bigen Tagen auch zu Jerusalem war. Da aber was at Jerusalem at that time. And when Herod Herodes Jesum sahe, ward er sehr froh, denn saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad: for he was Evangelist Evangelist er hätte ihn längst gerne gesehen, denn er hat- desirous to see him of a long season, because Pilatus aber fragte ihn und sprach: And Pilate asked him, saying: te viel von ihm gehöret, und hoffete, er würde he had heard many things of him; and he ein Zeichen von ihm sehen. Und er fragte ihn hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. Pilatus Pilate mancherlei, er antwortete ihm aber nichts. Then he questioned with him in many words; Bist du der Juden König? Art thou the King of the Jews? Die Hohenpriester aber und Schriftgelehrten but he answered him nothing. And the chief stunden und verklagten ihn hart, aber He- priests and scribes stood and vehemently ac- Evangelist Evangelist rodes mit seinem Hofgesinde verachtete und cused him. And Herod with his men of war set Er antwortete und sprach: And he answered him and said: verspottete ihn, legte ihm ein weiß Kleid an him at nought, and mocked him, and arrayed und sandte ihn wieder zu Pilato. Auf den Tag him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Jesus Jesus wurden Pilatus und Herodes Freunde mitein- Pilate. And the same day Pilate and Herod were Du sagest es. Thou sayest it. ander, denn zuvor waren sie einander feind. made friends together: for before they were at Pilatus aber rief die Hohenpriester und die enmity between themselves. And Pilate, when Evangelist Evangelist Obristen und das ganze Volk zusammen und he had called together the chief priests and the Pilatus sprach zu den Hohenpriestern und zu Then said Pilate to the chief priests and to sprach zu ihnen: rulers and the people, said unto them: dem Volk: the people: Pilatus Pilate Pilatus Pilate Ihr habet diesen Menschen zu mir bracht, als Ye have brought this man unto me, as one Ich finde keine Ursache an diesem Menschen. I find no fault in this man. der das Volk abwende, und siehe, ich habe ihn that perverteth the people: and, behold, I, hav- für euch verhöret und finde an dem Menschen ing examined him before you, have found no Evangelist Evangelist der Sache keine, deren ihr ihn beschuldiget, fault in this man touching those things where- Sie aber hielten an und sprachen: And they were the more fierce, saying: Herodes auch nicht, denn ich habe euch zu of ye accuse him: No, nor yet Herod: for I sent ihm gesandt, und siehe, man hat nichts auf you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is Hohepriester und Schriftgelehrte The High Priests ihn bracht, das des Todes wert sei, darum will done unto him. I will therefore chastise him, Er hat das Volk erreget, damit, daß er gelehret He stirreth up the people, teaching through- ich ihn züchtigen und losgeben. and release him.

18 19 Evangelist Evangelist fen, um welchen sie baten, aber Jesum überg- whom they had desired; but he delivered Jesus Denn er mußte ihnen einen nach Gewohnheit For of necessity he must release one unto ab er ihrem Willen. Und als sie ihn hinführe- to their will. And as they led him away, they laid des Festes losgeben. Da schrei der ganze Hau- them at the feast. And they cried out all at ten, ergriffen sie einen, Simon von Cyrenen, hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out fe und sprach: once, saying: der kam vom Felde, und legten das Kreuze auf of the country, and on him they laid the cross, ihn, daß er es Jesu nachtrüge. Es folgete ihm that he might bear it after Jesus. And there fol- Die ganze Schar The whole crowd aber nach ein großer Haufe Volks und Weiber, lowed him a great company of people, and of Hinweg mit diesem, und gib uns Barabam los. Away with this man, and release unto us die klageten und beweineten ihn. Jesus aber women, which also bewailed and lamented Barabbas: wandte sich um zu ihnen und sprach: him. But Jesus turning unto them said:

Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Welcher war um einen Aufruhr, der in der Who for a certain sedition made in the city, Ihr Töchter von Jerusalem, weinet nicht über Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but Stadt geschahe, und um eines Mordes willen and for murder, was cast into prison. Pilate mich. sondern weinet über euch selbst und weep for yourselves, and for your children. ins Gefängnis geworfen. Da rief Pilatus aber- therefore, willing to release Jesus, spake again über eure Kinder. Denn siehe, es wird die Zeit For, behold, the days are coming, in the which mal zu ihnen und wollte Jesum loslassen, sie to them. But they cried, saying: kommen, in welcher man sagen wird: Selig sind they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the riefen aber und sprachen: die Unfruchtbaren und die Leiber, die nicht ge- wombs that never bare, and the breasts which boren haben, und die Brüste, die nicht gesäuget never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say Die ganze Schar The whole crowd haben. Denn werden sie anfahen zu sagen zu to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Kreuzige ihn. Crucify him. den Bergen: Fallet über uns, und zu den Hü- Cover us. For if they do these things in a green geln: Bedecket uns. Denn so man das tut am tree, what shall be done in the dry? Evangelist Evangelist grünen Holze, was will am dürren werden? Er aber sprach zum dritten Mal zu ihnen: And he said unto them the third time: Evangelist Evangelist Pilatus Pilate Es wurden aber auch hingeführet zweene an- And there were also two other, malefactors, Was hat denn dieser übels getan? Ich finde Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no dere Übeltäter, daß sie mit ihm abgetan wür- led with him to be put to death. And when keine Ursache des Todes an ihm, darum will cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise den, und als sie kamen an die Stätte, die da hei- they were come to the place, which is called ich ihn züchtigen und loslassen. him, and let him go. ßet Schädelstätt, kreuzigten sie ihn daselbst Calvary, there they crucified him, and the mal- und die Übeltäter mit ihm, einen zur Rechten efactors, one on the right hand, and the other Evangelist Evangelist und einen zur Linken, Jesus aber sprach: on the left. Then said Jesus: 6 Aber sie lagen ihm an mit großem Geschrei And they were instant with loud voices, requir- und forderten, daß er gekreuziget würde, und ing that he might be crucified. And the voices Jesus Jesus ihr und der Hohenpriester Geschrei nahm of them and of the chief priests prevailed and Vater, vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was Father, forgive them; for they know not what überhand. Pilatus aber urteilete, daß ihre Bit- Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they sie tun. they do. te geschähe, und ließ den los, der um Aufruhr required. And he released unto them him that und Mordes willen war ins Gefängnis gewor- for sedition and murder was cast into prison,

20 21 Evangelist Evangelist fen, um welchen sie baten, aber Jesum überg- whom they had desired; but he delivered Jesus Denn er mußte ihnen einen nach Gewohnheit For of necessity he must release one unto ab er ihrem Willen. Und als sie ihn hinführe- to their will. And as they led him away, they laid des Festes losgeben. Da schrei der ganze Hau- them at the feast. And they cried out all at ten, ergriffen sie einen, Simon von Cyrenen, hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out fe und sprach: once, saying: der kam vom Felde, und legten das Kreuze auf of the country, and on him they laid the cross, ihn, daß er es Jesu nachtrüge. Es folgete ihm that he might bear it after Jesus. And there fol- Die ganze Schar The whole crowd aber nach ein großer Haufe Volks und Weiber, lowed him a great company of people, and of Hinweg mit diesem, und gib uns Barabam los. Away with this man, and release unto us die klageten und beweineten ihn. Jesus aber women, which also bewailed and lamented Barabbas: wandte sich um zu ihnen und sprach: him. But Jesus turning unto them said:

Evangelist Evangelist Jesus Jesus Welcher war um einen Aufruhr, der in der Who for a certain sedition made in the city, Ihr Töchter von Jerusalem, weinet nicht über Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but Stadt geschahe, und um eines Mordes willen and for murder, was cast into prison. Pilate mich. sondern weinet über euch selbst und weep for yourselves, and for your children. ins Gefängnis geworfen. Da rief Pilatus aber- therefore, willing to release Jesus, spake again über eure Kinder. Denn siehe, es wird die Zeit For, behold, the days are coming, in the which mal zu ihnen und wollte Jesum loslassen, sie to them. But they cried, saying: kommen, in welcher man sagen wird: Selig sind they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the riefen aber und sprachen: die Unfruchtbaren und die Leiber, die nicht ge- wombs that never bare, and the breasts which boren haben, und die Brüste, die nicht gesäuget never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say Die ganze Schar The whole crowd haben. Denn werden sie anfahen zu sagen zu to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Kreuzige ihn. Crucify him. den Bergen: Fallet über uns, und zu den Hü- Cover us. For if they do these things in a green geln: Bedecket uns. Denn so man das tut am tree, what shall be done in the dry? Evangelist Evangelist grünen Holze, was will am dürren werden? Er aber sprach zum dritten Mal zu ihnen: And he said unto them the third time: Evangelist Evangelist Pilatus Pilate Es wurden aber auch hingeführet zweene an- And there were also two other, malefactors, Was hat denn dieser übels getan? Ich finde Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no dere Übeltäter, daß sie mit ihm abgetan wür- led with him to be put to death. And when keine Ursache des Todes an ihm, darum will cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise den, und als sie kamen an die Stätte, die da hei- they were come to the place, which is called ich ihn züchtigen und loslassen. him, and let him go. ßet Schädelstätt, kreuzigten sie ihn daselbst Calvary, there they crucified him, and the mal- und die Übeltäter mit ihm, einen zur Rechten efactors, one on the right hand, and the other Evangelist Evangelist und einen zur Linken, Jesus aber sprach: on the left. Then said Jesus: 6 Aber sie lagen ihm an mit großem Geschrei And they were instant with loud voices, requir- und forderten, daß er gekreuziget würde, und ing that he might be crucified. And the voices Jesus Jesus ihr und der Hohenpriester Geschrei nahm of them and of the chief priests prevailed and Vater, vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was Father, forgive them; for they know not what überhand. Pilatus aber urteilete, daß ihre Bit- Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they sie tun. they do. te geschähe, und ließ den los, der um Aufruhr required. And he released unto them him that und Mordes willen war ins Gefängnis gewor- for sedition and murder was cast into prison,

20 21 Evangelist Evangelist wir sind billig darinnen, denn wir empfahen, for we receive the due reward of our deeds: Und sie teileten seine Kleider und warfen das And they parted his raiment, and cast lots and was unsre Taten wert sind, dieser aber hat but this man hath done nothing amiss. Los drum, und das Volk stund und sahe zu, und the people stood beholding. And the rulers nichts ungeschicktes gehandelt. die Obristen samt ihnen spotteten sein und also with them derided him, saying: sprachen: Evangelist Evangelist Und sprach zu Jesu: And he said unto Jesus: Die Obersten The Rulers of the People Er hat andern geholfen, er helfe ihm selber, ist He saved others; let him save himself, if he be 2. Schächer Second Malefactor er Christus, der Auserwählte Gottes. Christ, the chosen of God. Herr, gedenke an mich, wenn du in dein Reich Lord, remember me when thou comest into kommest. thy kingdom. Evangelist Evangelist Es verspotteten ihn auch die Kriegesknechte, And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to Evangelist Evangelist traten herzu und brachten ihm Essig und him, and offering him vinegar, and saying: Und Jesus sprach zu ihm: And Jesus said unto him: sprachen: Jesus Jesus Die Kriegsknechte Soldiers Wahrlich, ich sage dir, heute wirst du mit mir Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with Bist du der Juden König, so hilf dir selber. If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. im Paradies sein. me in paradise.

Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Es war auch oben über ihm geschrieben die And a superscription also was written over Und es war um die sechste Stunde, und es And it was about the sixth hour, and there was Überschrift mit griechischen und lateinischen him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and He- ward eine Finsternis über das ganze Land bis a darkness over all the earth until the ninth und ebräischen Buchstaben: Dies ist der Juden brew: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. And an die neunte Stunde, und die Sonne verlor hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil König. Aber der Übeltäter einer, die da gehen- one of the malefactors which were hanged ihren Schein, und der Fürhang des Tempels of the temple was rent in the midst. And when ket waren, lästerten ihn und sprachen: railed on him, saying: zureiß mitten entzwei, und Jesus rief laut und Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said: sprach: 1. Schächer First Malefactor Bist du Christus, so hilf dir selber und uns. If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. Jesus Jesus Vater, ich befehle meinen Geist in deine Hände. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Evangelist Evangelist Da antwortete der andere, strafete ihn und sprach: But the other answering rebuked him, saying: Evangelist Evangelist Und als er das gesaget, verschied er. Having said thus, he gave up the ghost. 2. Schächer Second Malefactor 7 Da aber der Hauptmann sahe, was da gescha- Now when the centurion saw what was done, Und du fürchtest dich auch nicht für Gott, der Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the he, preisete er Gott und sprach: he glorified God, saying: du doch in gleicher Verdammnis bist, und zwar same condemnation? And we indeed justly;

22 23 Evangelist Evangelist wir sind billig darinnen, denn wir empfahen, for we receive the due reward of our deeds: Und sie teileten seine Kleider und warfen das And they parted his raiment, and cast lots and was unsre Taten wert sind, dieser aber hat but this man hath done nothing amiss. Los drum, und das Volk stund und sahe zu, und the people stood beholding. And the rulers nichts ungeschicktes gehandelt. die Obristen samt ihnen spotteten sein und also with them derided him, saying: sprachen: Evangelist Evangelist Und sprach zu Jesu: And he said unto Jesus: Die Obersten The Rulers of the People Er hat andern geholfen, er helfe ihm selber, ist He saved others; let him save himself, if he be 2. Schächer Second Malefactor er Christus, der Auserwählte Gottes. Christ, the chosen of God. Herr, gedenke an mich, wenn du in dein Reich Lord, remember me when thou comest into kommest. thy kingdom. Evangelist Evangelist Es verspotteten ihn auch die Kriegesknechte, And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to Evangelist Evangelist traten herzu und brachten ihm Essig und him, and offering him vinegar, and saying: Und Jesus sprach zu ihm: And Jesus said unto him: sprachen: Jesus Jesus Die Kriegsknechte Soldiers Wahrlich, ich sage dir, heute wirst du mit mir Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with Bist du der Juden König, so hilf dir selber. If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. im Paradies sein. me in paradise.

Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Evangelist Es war auch oben über ihm geschrieben die And a superscription also was written over Und es war um die sechste Stunde, und es And it was about the sixth hour, and there was Überschrift mit griechischen und lateinischen him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and He- ward eine Finsternis über das ganze Land bis a darkness over all the earth until the ninth und ebräischen Buchstaben: Dies ist der Juden brew: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. And an die neunte Stunde, und die Sonne verlor hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil König. Aber der Übeltäter einer, die da gehen- one of the malefactors which were hanged ihren Schein, und der Fürhang des Tempels of the temple was rent in the midst. And when ket waren, lästerten ihn und sprachen: railed on him, saying: zureiß mitten entzwei, und Jesus rief laut und Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said: sprach: 1. Schächer First Malefactor Bist du Christus, so hilf dir selber und uns. If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. Jesus Jesus Vater, ich befehle meinen Geist in deine Hände. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Evangelist Evangelist Da antwortete der andere, strafete ihn und sprach: But the other answering rebuked him, saying: Evangelist Evangelist Und als er das gesaget, verschied er. Having said thus, he gave up the ghost. 2. Schächer Second Malefactor 7 Da aber der Hauptmann sahe, was da gescha- Now when the centurion saw what was done, Und du fürchtest dich auch nicht für Gott, der Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the he, preisete er Gott und sprach: he glorified God, saying: du doch in gleicher Verdammnis bist, und zwar same condemnation? And we indeed justly;

22 23 Der Hauptmann The Centurion The Performers his generation’s most talented singers with Fürwahr, dieser ist ein frommer Mensch ge- Certainly this was a righteous man. Johan Linderoth (tenor) has specialized a repertoire that ranges from Baroque music wesen. in Renaissance and Baroque music since to first performances of works by living Evangelist the beginning of his career. He performs composers. He has worked with ensembles Evangelist And all the people that came together to that regularly as a soloist in masses, oratorios like Concerto Copenhagen, Tallina Baroque Und alles Volk, das dabei war und zusahe, da sight, beholding the things which were done, and passions from Monteverdi to Mozart, Orchestra, The ­heatre of Voices and the sie sahen, was da geschahe, schlugen sie an smote their breasts, and returned. And all his but with a special fondness for the slightly Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen, and as an ihre Brust und wandten wieder um. Es stun- acquaintance, and the women that followed older repertoire around the 1600s. He has oratorio singer he has sung with most of the den aber alle seine Verwandten von ferne und him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding appeared at many major festivals all over and Danish orchestras. Jakob Bloch Jespersen die Weiber, die ihm aus Galiläa waren nach- these things. And, behold, there was a man outside Europe, and he works regularly with takes a special interest in Lieder singing and gefolget und sahen das alles. Und siehe, ein named Joseph, a counsellor; and he was a Mann mit Namen Joseph, ein Ratsherr, der good man, and a just. The same had not con- Weser Renaissance in Bremen, Gothenburg in collaboration with Christian Westergaard war ein guter, frommer Mann, der hatte nicht sented to the counsel and deed of them, he Baroque, Svenska Vokalharmonin and with in Liedkompagniet has performed several of bewilliget in ihren Rat und Handel, der war was of Arimathaea, a city of the Jews: who also the Baroque ensembles Concerto Copen- the major works of the Lieder repertoire. von Arimathia, der Stadt der Juden, der auch himself waited for the kingdom of God. This hagen in Copenhagen and the Swedish auf das Reich Gottes wartete, der ging zu Pila- man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Ensemble 1700. As a soloist and ensemble Ars Nova Copenhagen is widely recog- to und bat um den Leib Jesu und nahm ihn ab Jesus. And he took it down, and wrapped it in musician he has appeared in radio, TV and nized as one of the finest vocal ensembles und wickelte ihn in Leinwand und leget ihn linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn CD productions. In 2002, with the lutenist in Europe. Founded in 1979, the ensemble in ein gehauen Grab, darinnen niemand je in stone, wherein never man before was laid. Inger Alebo, Johan Linderoth released a CD today is busier than ever. In addition to its gelegen war. Und es war der Rüsttag, und der And that day was the preparation, and the of lute songs by John Dowland to interna- annual season of concerts in Copenhagen Sabbath brach an. Es folgeten aber die Weiber sabbath drew on. And the women also, which tional critical acclaim. and throughout Denmark, the ensemble nach, die mit ihm kommen waren aus Galiläa, came with him from Galilee, followed after, regularly appears across Europe, and in und beschaueten das Grab, und wie sein Leib and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body Jakob Bloch Jespersen (bass baritone) North and South America. At the heart of geleget war. Sie kehreten aber um und bereite- was laid. And they returned, and prepared studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Ars Nova Copenhagen’s work is its equal ten die Spezerei und Salben, und den Sabbath spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath Music in Copenhagen, where he took his dedication to early music and new music. über waren sie stille nach dem Gesetze. day according to the commandment. diploma in 2004 and went on to the Opera Some programs explore the cross-currents Academy, where he graduated in 2007. between the two, while others form detailed Beschluss Conclusion In 2006 Jakob Bloch Jespersen made his portraits of individual composers or genres 8 Wer Gottes Marter in Ehren hat und oft be- He who honours God's suffering and often tracht sein bittern Tod, des will er eben pfle- ponders His bitter death, will operatic debut at the Royal Danish Theatre within a given period. Since it’s beginning, gen wohl hie auf Erd mit seiner Gnad und dort be well protected by His mercy here on earth, as Angelotti in Tosca. He has further ap- Ars Nova has worked closely with some of the in dem ewigen Leben. and there in eternal life. peared in a DVD production of Carl Nielsen’s most important Danish and Scandinavian Maskarade in the role of Magister. Jakob composers like Per Nørgård, Pelle Gudmund- Bloch Jespersen has made a name as one of sen-Holmgren, Bent Sørensen, Svend-David

24 25 Der Hauptmann The Centurion The Performers his generation’s most talented singers with Fürwahr, dieser ist ein frommer Mensch ge- Certainly this was a righteous man. Johan Linderoth (tenor) has specialized a repertoire that ranges from Baroque music wesen. in Renaissance and Baroque music since to first performances of works by living Evangelist the beginning of his career. He performs composers. He has worked with ensembles Evangelist And all the people that came together to that regularly as a soloist in masses, oratorios like Concerto Copenhagen, Tallina Baroque Und alles Volk, das dabei war und zusahe, da sight, beholding the things which were done, and passions from Monteverdi to Mozart, Orchestra, The ­heatre of Voices and the sie sahen, was da geschahe, schlugen sie an smote their breasts, and returned. And all his but with a special fondness for the slightly Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen, and as an ihre Brust und wandten wieder um. Es stun- acquaintance, and the women that followed older repertoire around the 1600s. He has oratorio singer he has sung with most of the den aber alle seine Verwandten von ferne und him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding appeared at many major festivals all over and Danish orchestras. Jakob Bloch Jespersen die Weiber, die ihm aus Galiläa waren nach- these things. And, behold, there was a man outside Europe, and he works regularly with takes a special interest in Lieder singing and gefolget und sahen das alles. Und siehe, ein named Joseph, a counsellor; and he was a Mann mit Namen Joseph, ein Ratsherr, der good man, and a just. The same had not con- Weser Renaissance in Bremen, Gothenburg in collaboration with Christian Westergaard war ein guter, frommer Mann, der hatte nicht sented to the counsel and deed of them, he Baroque, Svenska Vokalharmonin and with in Liedkompagniet has performed several of bewilliget in ihren Rat und Handel, der war was of Arimathaea, a city of the Jews: who also the Baroque ensembles Concerto Copen- the major works of the Lieder repertoire. von Arimathia, der Stadt der Juden, der auch himself waited for the kingdom of God. This hagen in Copenhagen and the Swedish auf das Reich Gottes wartete, der ging zu Pila- man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Ensemble 1700. As a soloist and ensemble Ars Nova Copenhagen is widely recog- to und bat um den Leib Jesu und nahm ihn ab Jesus. And he took it down, and wrapped it in musician he has appeared in radio, TV and nized as one of the finest vocal ensembles und wickelte ihn in Leinwand und leget ihn linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn CD productions. In 2002, with the lutenist in Europe. Founded in 1979, the ensemble in ein gehauen Grab, darinnen niemand je in stone, wherein never man before was laid. Inger Alebo, Johan Linderoth released a CD today is busier than ever. In addition to its gelegen war. Und es war der Rüsttag, und der And that day was the preparation, and the of lute songs by John Dowland to interna- annual season of concerts in Copenhagen Sabbath brach an. Es folgeten aber die Weiber sabbath drew on. And the women also, which tional critical acclaim. and throughout Denmark, the ensemble nach, die mit ihm kommen waren aus Galiläa, came with him from Galilee, followed after, regularly appears across Europe, and in und beschaueten das Grab, und wie sein Leib and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body Jakob Bloch Jespersen (bass baritone) North and South America. At the heart of geleget war. Sie kehreten aber um und bereite- was laid. And they returned, and prepared studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Ars Nova Copenhagen’s work is its equal ten die Spezerei und Salben, und den Sabbath spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath Music in Copenhagen, where he took his dedication to early music and new music. über waren sie stille nach dem Gesetze. day according to the commandment. diploma in 2004 and went on to the Opera Some programs explore the cross-currents Academy, where he graduated in 2007. between the two, while others form detailed Beschluss Conclusion In 2006 Jakob Bloch Jespersen made his portraits of individual composers or genres 8 Wer Gottes Marter in Ehren hat und oft be- He who honours God's suffering and often tracht sein bittern Tod, des will er eben pfle- ponders His bitter death, will operatic debut at the Royal Danish Theatre within a given period. Since it’s beginning, gen wohl hie auf Erd mit seiner Gnad und dort be well protected by His mercy here on earth, as Angelotti in Tosca. He has further ap- Ars Nova has worked closely with some of the in dem ewigen Leben. and there in eternal life. peared in a DVD production of Carl Nielsen’s most important Danish and Scandinavian Maskarade in the role of Magister. Jakob composers like Per Nørgård, Pelle Gudmund- Bloch Jespersen has made a name as one of sen-Holmgren, Bent Sørensen, Svend-David

24 25 Sandström, and each season, the group taught in the USA at the University of Cali- d invites a composer in residence: Toivo Tulev fornia campuses at Santa Cruz and Davis, Recorded in St. Pauls Church, Copenhagen 10-11 April 2007 (Estonia) in 2007, Bernd Franke () and from 1996-2003 was Director of the Recording producer and sound engineer: Preben Iwan 2008, Sunleif Rasmussen (Faroe Islands) 2009 Early Music Institute at Indiana University. 2009 Dacapo Records, Copenhagen and Áskell Másson (Iceland) 2010. Ars Nova He was Principal Conductor of the Estonian © 2009 Dacapo Records, Copenhagen is also building collaborations with creative Philharmonic Chamber Choir (2001-2007) Liner notes: Daniel R. Melamed artists in different fields such as drama, film and has been Chief Conductor of Ars Nova Proofreader: Svend Ravnkilde and ballet, as well as cultivating new modes Copenhagen since 2003. His recordings, Cover image: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff: St. Lukas (1912). Reproduced with the kind of concert performance and innovative reper- over a hundred CDs including seven solo permission of the Schmidt-Rottluff estate toire. Besides the concerts, Ars Nova produc- recitals, have earned worldwide acclaim Design: elevator-design.dk es a number of CDs each year – both on its and won numerous prizes. His books about Dacapo Records and Ars Nova Copenhagen acknowledge, with gratitude, the financial support of Sonning- own record label, Ars Nova Records, and for Arvo Pärt and Steve Reich, together with Fonden, Etatsraad Georg Bestle og Hustrus Mindelegat, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden and Bikuben Fonden labels such as Dacapo Records and Harmonia numerous anthologies of choral music, are Mundi. Ars Nova Copenhagen is sponsored published by Oxford University Press. In by The Danish Cultural Ministry, the Danish 2006 he was awarded an OBE for services 8.226019 Association of Professional Choruses and a to choral music. In 2007 he received the number of private Danish foundations. For Order of the White Star of Estonia, and was more information visit www.arsnova.dk awarded a Grammy for Best Choral Record- ing. In 2008 he became Chief Conductor of Paul Hillier is from Dorset in England and the National Chamber Choir of Ireland and studied at the Guildhall School of Music and was appointed artistic director of the Coro Drama in London. His career has embraced Casa da Música in Porto. During 2009 he was singing, conducting, and writing about artist in residence at Yale University’s Insti- music. Earlier in his career he was founding tute for Sacred Music and Springfield Music director of the Hilliard Ensemble, and subse- Lecture at Rhodes College, Memphis. quently founded Theatre of Voices. He has www.paulhillier.net

Dacapo Records, Denmark’s national record label, was founded in 1986 with the purpose of releasing the best of Danish music past and present. The majority of our recordings are world premieres, and we are dedicated to producing music of the highest international standards.

26 27 Sandström, and each season, the group taught in the USA at the University of Cali- d invites a composer in residence: Toivo Tulev fornia campuses at Santa Cruz and Davis, Recorded in St. Pauls Church, Copenhagen 10-11 April 2007 (Estonia) in 2007, Bernd Franke (Germany) and from 1996-2003 was Director of the Recording producer and sound engineer: Preben Iwan 2008, Sunleif Rasmussen (Faroe Islands) 2009 Early Music Institute at Indiana University. 2009 Dacapo Records, Copenhagen and Áskell Másson (Iceland) 2010. Ars Nova He was Principal Conductor of the Estonian © 2009 Dacapo Records, Copenhagen is also building collaborations with creative Philharmonic Chamber Choir (2001-2007) Liner notes: Daniel R. Melamed artists in different fields such as drama, film and has been Chief Conductor of Ars Nova Proofreader: Svend Ravnkilde and ballet, as well as cultivating new modes Copenhagen since 2003. His recordings, Cover image: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff: St. Lukas (1912). Reproduced with the kind of concert performance and innovative reper- over a hundred CDs including seven solo permission of the Schmidt-Rottluff estate toire. Besides the concerts, Ars Nova produc- recitals, have earned worldwide acclaim Design: elevator-design.dk es a number of CDs each year – both on its and won numerous prizes. His books about Dacapo Records and Ars Nova Copenhagen acknowledge, with gratitude, the financial support of Sonning- own record label, Ars Nova Records, and for Arvo Pärt and Steve Reich, together with Fonden, Etatsraad Georg Bestle og Hustrus Mindelegat, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden and Bikuben Fonden labels such as Dacapo Records and Harmonia numerous anthologies of choral music, are Mundi. Ars Nova Copenhagen is sponsored published by Oxford University Press. In by The Danish Cultural Ministry, the Danish 2006 he was awarded an OBE for services 8.226019 Association of Professional Choruses and a to choral music. In 2007 he received the number of private Danish foundations. For Order of the White Star of Estonia, and was more information visit www.arsnova.dk awarded a Grammy for Best Choral Record- ing. In 2008 he became Chief Conductor of Paul Hillier is from Dorset in England and the National Chamber Choir of Ireland and studied at the Guildhall School of Music and was appointed artistic director of the Coro Drama in London. His career has embraced Casa da Música in Porto. During 2009 he was singing, conducting, and writing about artist in residence at Yale University’s Insti- music. Earlier in his career he was founding tute for Sacred Music and Springfield Music director of the Hilliard Ensemble, and subse- Lecture at Rhodes College, Memphis. quently founded Theatre of Voices. He has www.paulhillier.net

Dacapo Records, Denmark’s national record label, was founded in 1986 with the purpose of releasing the best of Danish music past and present. The majority of our recordings are world premieres, and we are dedicated to producing music of the highest international standards.

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