Relay-Based Deployment Concepts for Wireless and Mobile Broadband Radio

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Relay-Based Deployment Concepts for Wireless and Mobile Broadband Radio WIRELESS WORLD RESEARCH FORUM Relay-Based Deployment Concepts for Wireless and Mobile Broadband Radio Ralf Pabst, Bernhard H. Walke, and Daniel C. Schultz, RWTH Aachen University Patrick Herhold, Technical University of Dresden; Halim Yanikomeroglu, Carleton University Sayandev Mukherjee and Harish Viswanathan, Lucent Technologies Matthias Lott and Wolfgang Zirwas, SIEMENS ICM; Mischa Dohler and Hamid Aghvami, Kings College David D. Falconer, Carleton University; Gerhard P. Fettweis, Technical University of Dresden ABSTRACT located well above the 2 GHz band used by the 3G systems. The radio propagation in these In recent years, there has been an upsurge of bands is significantly more vulnerable to non- interest in multihop-augmented infrastructure- line-of-sight conditions, which is the typical based networks in both industry and academia, mode of operation in today’s urban cellular such as the seed concept in 3GPP, mesh net- communications. works in IEEE 802.16, and coverage extension The brute force solution to these two prob- of HiperLAN/2 through relays or user-coopera- lems is to significantly increase the density of tive diversity mesh networks. This article, a syn- base stations, resulting in considerably higher opsis of numerous contributions to Working deployment costs that would only be feasible if Group 4 of the Wireless World Research Forum the number of subscribers also increased at the and other research work, presents an overview same rate. This seems unlikely, with the penetra- of important topics and applications in the con- tion of cellular phones already high in developed text of relaying. It covers different approaches countries. On the other hand, the same number to exploiting the benefits of multihop communi- of subscribers will have a much higher demand cations via relays, such as solutions for radio in transmission rates, making the aggregate range extension in mobile and wireless broad- throughput rate the bottleneck in future wireless band cellular networks (trading range for capac- systems. Under the working assumption that ity), and solutions to combat shadowing at high subscribers will not be willing to pay the same radio frequencies. Furthermore, relaying is pre- amount per data bit as for voice bits, a drastic sented as a means to reduce infrastructure increase in the number of base stations does not deployment costs. It is also shown that through seem economically justifiable. the exploitation of spatial diversity, multihop It is obvious from the above discussion that relaying can enhance capacity in cellular net- more fundamental enhancements are necessary works. We wish to emphasize that while this for the very ambitious throughput and coverage article focuses on fixed relays, many of the con- requirements of future systems. Toward this end, cepts presented can also be applied to systems in addition to advanced transmission techniques with moving relays. and collocated antenna technologies, some major modifications in the wireless network INTRODUCTION architecture itself that will enable effective distri- bution and collection of signals to and from The very high data rates envisioned for fourth- wireless users are required. The integration of generation (4G) wireless systems in reasonably multihop capability into conventional wireless large areas do not appear to be feasible with networks is perhaps the most promising architec- the conventional cellular architecture due to tural upgrade. In the following, the terms multi- two basic reasons. First, the transmission rates hop and relaying will be used to refer to the same envisioned for 4G systems are two orders of concept; see also [1]. magnitude higher than those of 3G systems. Multihop wireless networking traditionally This demand creates serious power concerns has been studied in the context of ad hoc and since it is well known that for a given transmit peer-to-peer networks. The application of multi- power level, the symbol (and thus bit) energy hop networking in wide-area cellular systems has decreases linearly with the increasing transmis- the following benefits. sion rate. Second, the spectrum that will be While conventional cellular networks are released for 4G systems will almost certainly be assumed to have cells of diameter 2–5 km, a 80 0163-6804/04/$20.00 © 2004 IEEE IEEE Communications Magazine • September 2004 Authorized licensed use limited to: Stanford University. Downloaded on February 1, 2010 at 12:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. relay will only be expected to cover a region of new radio access network architecture based on diameter 200–500 m. This means that the trans- fixed relays, and the conclusion gives a summary TDMA-based systems mit power requirements for such a relay are of the key research topics identified in the vari- significantly reduced compared to those for a ous contributions to this article. are especially well- base station (BS). This in turn permits eco- suited to introduce nomical design of the amplifier used in the HE TATE OF THE RT relaying, as this relay. Furthermore, the mast on which the T S A relay is placed does not need to be as high as No smart relaying concept has been adopted in scheme allows for for a BS, reducing operating expenses such as existing cellular systems so far. Solely bidirec- an easy allocation of tower leasing and maintenance costs for the tional amplifiers have been used in 2G systems service provider. and will be introduced for 3G systems. However, resources to the Relays do not have a wired connection to the these analog repeaters increase the noise level mobile-to-relay and backhaul. Instead, they store the data received and suffer from the danger of instability due to relay-to-BS links. wirelessly from the BS and forward to the user their fixed gain, which has limited their applica- terminals, and vice versa. Thus, the costs of the tion to specific scenarios. The first system backplane that serves as the interface between Most existing and standardized systems were based on Time the BS and the wired backhaul network can be designed for bidirectional communication eliminated for a relay. between a central BS and mobile stations direct- Division Multiplex If the density of relays in a cell is moderately ly linked to them. The additional communication (TDM) and Relays high, most terminals are significantly closer to traffic between a mobile terminal and a relay connecting mobiles one or more relays than to the BS. This means intermediately inserted into a link between that the propagation loss from the BS to such a mobile terminal and BS requires additional to the fixed network terminal is larger than from a nearby relay to the radio resources to be allocated — one of the fac- was proposed terminal. This results in higher data rates on the tors that hitherto have hindered the deployment links between the relays and the terminals, there- of smart relay concepts. in 1985. by potentially solving the coverage problem for Time-division multiple access (TDMA)-based high data rates in larger cells. systems are especially well suited to introduce Since it is possible to have simultaneous relaying, as this scheme allows for easy alloca- transmission by both the BS and relays, capacity tion of resources to the mobile-to-relay and gains may also be achieved by either exploiting relay-to-BS links. The first system based on reuse efficiency or spatial diversity. time-division multiplex (TDM) and relays con- The relay-to-user links could use a different necting mobiles to the fixed network was pro- (unlicensed) spectrum (e.g., IEEE 802.11x) than posed in 1985 [3]. Another method proposed for the BS-to-user links (the licensed spectrum), F/TDMA (F: frequency) systems is to reuse a yielding significant gains from load balancing frequency channel from neighboring cells [4]. through relays [2]. The European Telecommunications Standards Compared to ad hoc networks , networks Institute/Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephony applying relaying via fixed infrastructure do not (ETSI/DECT) standard in 1998 was the first need complicated distributed routing algorithms, specifying fixed relays (called wireless BSs) for while retaining the flexibility of being able to cordless systems using TDM channels for voice move the relays as the traffic patterns change and data communications. The ETSI/TETRA over time. standard specifies a dual-watch function allowing It is worth emphasizing the basic difference the aggregate traffic of a number of mobile ter- between the fundamental goals of conventional minals connected in direct mode to be relayed ad hoc networks and the described multihop- by TDM channel-switching to a dispatcher panel augmented infrastructure-based networks. While connected to a BS. Relaying in cellular code- the defining goal of ad hoc networks is the abili- division multiple access (CDMA)-based systems ty to function without any infrastructure, the has been investigated by Zadeh et al. [5]. Uplink goal in the latter types is the almost ubiquitous and downlink are separated using frequency- provision of very-high-data-rate coverage and division duplex (FDD), as is done in IS-95 and throughput. Universal Mobile Telecommunications System In this article, BS is used for traditional cellu- (UMTS) terrestrial radio access (UTRA) FDD. lar systems, while the term access point (AP) is All these concepts can easily be extended to used for wireless local area network (WLAN)- packet-based systems [6, 7]. type systems. Both have in common the fact that A completely different approach is consid- they are directly connected to their backbone ered in [8], incorporating an additional ad hoc network, which distinguishes them from relay mode into the Global System for Mobile Com- stations (RSs). However, it should be noted that munications (GSM) protocol stack to enable future air interfaces and deployments could blur relaying. Similarly, [2] employs relaying stations the distinction between BSs and APs and even- to divert traffic from possibly congested areas of tually lead to their convergence.
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