The Automatic Tool Co. The Automatic Tool Co. of South Norwalk, Conn., of South Norwalk, Conn., mUk-botU- Is prsparsd to fursiah inilk-boti- la eaps, plaia, Kaanfaetaraa a cappiag ma eh i a: ( waxsd or prim tad, at low sricss aai in quaatitiaa oliaa aaglaaa aad motors; develop, aad rt4nM to suit purchaser. apaeial maaJtuaarj. Factory Opposite Hast Norwalk R. R. Station. wtown Bee.. Factory Opposite East Norwalk R. R. Statics.


HOME NEWS. Ths-MeTBouni- e Cancer AT LIBRARY CORNER. A Ba.iK Cure Co CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH NOTES. Special R.conv 64 Bank St. , Derby, Ct., THE ANNUAI1 MEETING. Combination. Cure Cancer at their Sanatarlum and guar- Reductions in Suit Prices This Week. The annual meeting of the Congre- 1 a-r- t. i"orcelaln Lined Bath Tub (decorated antee a cure. also treat mild gational church, iThursday evening, positive They was well attended the Incle- wuive uunsiocoompieie wun all nlckle work) cases sores 21-In- and old at your home if desired despite 1 ch can ment weather. Tables were set and Porcelain Lavatory with and send you a blood medicine that wll Mid-Wint- er all nickle work to (complete cure Internal growth of all kinds. Corres- Annual Sale. presented an jnviting appearance, - floor.) - d $53- solicited. References given-Establishe- decorated with potted plants and par- 1 Low Down pondence gladly lor After the Rev R. Syphon Action Wa&b Down $53- for eight years. lamps. supper Just note the reductions in our suit prices They are E. Danforth, the pastor, called for the wood.) I annual reports. Arthur J. Smith, genuine reductions. You can take your pick from a splen- In substance This Combination ia a the - clerk, reported Special Offer. Our G u&rantee did stock that includes for this sea as follows: Twelve members back big everything right were to stands of the goods. Cut Flowers and son oi the ;, - .' added the roil the past year, year. four by confession and eight by letter. Write us for particulars. Funeral Designs. Yon can save money on everything you buy. Four have been dismissed or taken from the ranks by death. This makes , This sale includes both siDgle and double breasted 159. THE H. W. s JOHN RECK & SON, de- the total membership The pastor HOYTCO., 162 Oak St., 985 Main St., Bridgeport. suits. There are grays and fancy mixtures of every has performed two marriages, Richard Sanitary Plumbers. from or double breasted C. Harris and Emily Howes on April MesUoj Engineers, scription. Pick either single 18, and E. D. Briscoe and Mrs George V styles in short use your own judgment in selecting, at O. Banks on November 1. Death has 'Phone 253. DANBURY, COXN. 26 1 Main St reduced thiuk will be one claimed two of the members of the Professional Cards. prices, just the garment you you church, Mrs Abigail H. Wood and Mrs will best. ' Ross. has D. N. Clark, the hardware man of like Mary The pastor attended Shelton, has decided to close out h! windi.nq up the Pair. now : the funerals of five other persons not VV. J. The following special suit prices prevail members of the church. crockery depart meut and will sell the Beecher, naiance or his dinner and tea sets FAIR GROUNDS PROPERTY TO B K OFF SK- k ttobkkt-at-La- w, The treasurer of the benevolent sod 5 odd pieces at cost and less. is a IED T PtTBt-i- n AUCTION. Booms 25 and 28. Sanford 10.00 and 12.50 Suits now 7 98 funds reported as follows: This Bldg, Bridgeport. v good opportunity to get some big bar- Office In Newtown open on Saturdays from 9 15.00 Suits now 9 98 gains in this line of goods. Do not a. m. to 3.30 p. m kkcbipts:. misS the Kale. At. meeting of the directors or the 18.50 Suits now 13 98 Balance on Irand Jan. 1, 1906. $188 45 Newtown Fair Received from collections from W. Agricultural Oa., it A.LBKBT M. D. 20 00 Suits now 1498 327 05 John Behn and daughter, Mis wss voted to offer the Pair grounds L. SoHtlYLuKR, church, Lottie Behn.spent In at auction on March PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 25.00, 27.00 Suits now 18 Received from Y. P. S C. E., 106.90 Sunday Winsted. property public 50 Received tbe guests of Edward M. Piatt. 30, and a committee was appointed, Office over Newtown Savings Bank. 30 00. 35 00 Suits now from Sunday consisting of C G. Peck, Henry G. Hours: 810 a. m., 12.30 p. m. 23 50 school, 25 00 Curtis and O. B. Office phone No. 10. m - .Arthur Hawley of Bridgeport has Taylor to attend to 29-- 5. been House phone (Sandy Hook) $647.40 spending his vacation with bis the necessary advertising and conduct Hours at house. 5 7.30 p. m. Total, 9 parents, Mr and Mrs Hobart Hawley. the sale. Each of tbe 15 directors was DISBU RSEMEKTS: f In Hawleyvllle. assessed $14 35 to clean up the unpaid bills. F. J. Gajub, M. 1906 D., Miss-Biona- ry Judge of Probate William J. Beecher Jaa. 31, For American waa Office in the David Beers Residence, BRIDGEPORT. CONN Ass'n, $ 15.00 in Waterbury, Friday. Newtown Street. Cong'l Church Build- Mr and Mrs Edgar H. Beers and son 15 00 Miss Clara Webster of Shelton has of Brook field were tbe recent guests of Office 8 to 0 a. 1 8 and 7 to 8 m ing Society, n. Hours: m., to p been several with Mrs ber Mrs John tn Dodg-ingtow- Cong'l Educational Sarah spendingB. days mother, Ferry, Society, 15 00 Maynard. Db Walter H. Keksnan, The American Board 25 00 Mis- Physician akd Surqkon, Cong'l Home Strswit, Hook, Conn. sionary Society,; 25.00 The CONN. Sandy National Coun . briTpoIct. oil Louis C. Dentists, H. 8-- 7-- Albany OiUb-st- Office Hours: B a. m. j 1 to 2.30 and 8 p. m. rrr Rumsey, Tiumian - Ministerial Relief 18-- 3. 5.00 Crown Telephone: COTTON WOOL Fund, Representative to th Legislature ftom the Town of Redding. and Work. A Specialty. Feb. 5, Gen'L Conference of DRS CmjESTE A. Bknudiot, M. D. Cong'l Churches of RECTOR UHLB, PwftWwi. . 4.90 Physician and Surgeon, ! Connecticut. ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY. 26 State Street, Conn Feb. 10, Pledge Cards, 1.50 FIRST Bridgeport, BLANKETS San Francisco Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. May 23, Cong'l ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS. After the Fair sold waaUtsr. This Office hours from 10 a n. to 13 m.. 2 to 4 p. m churches, 32.15 Suggests Jun. 11, Cong'l S. S. & Pub. The annual meeting of the First 69c to $10. society, Children's Ecclesiastical society was held on Mon- Dr Frank E. Judson, Dav. 6 41 day Dea Henry M. Smith was Horse Bli3.rvkets. As the says begin to laagthaa tha cola bagina to stresgthen. 18, 30.00 night. Dentist. bad stock 69c a July Hampton Institute, chosen moderator. Levi C. Morris, the See Us whsa is towm. Ton will stsss tottsr. 57 Center St., ; Bethel, Ooss. Our blanket is stroag ta warmth. Starting at Sept. 3, American Missionary an excel- ou ft4 for cotton blankets ia whits aad colors it goes bv sasy staps S. C. capable treasurer, presented Opposite M. E. Church. pair pries Ass'n. ( Y. P. lent report, showing total receipts of Office 8.30 12 and 1 to 8. to $10 for the fiaast California wool blankets ever shows ia this city. 33 25 27 hours: to At we've blaaksts E..) $1545 and a balance of $12.98. The (EL TlLIPHOKK, S21-- 5. $3.50 espacially worthy that Sept. 24, American Board, 15.00 officers elected were: w. W. STEVENS CO.. will last a dseads. os 287.00 -- (j pel Wagons, John J. 16 Ccam. Every blanket sold for what it is oottoa, three-quarte- rs eo Clerk, Northrop. Whits 5L, Dr F. A. just " Levi C. Morris. Scott, ona-quart- er Treasurer, ton, half cottoa, eattoa, or all wool. Total, $510 21 Society's Committee, C. B. Taylor, Dentist: Jan. 1, on $137.19 A. T. W. M. Lewis Block, Woodbury, Coaa. 1907, Balance hand, Nettleton, Reynolds.. Local For the Ladies' Aid society Mrs W. Auditor, Allison P. Smith. Telephone. M. Reynolds reported $182.56 raised, A committee of solicitors were ap- McLEAN BROS witl) a balance In the treasury of pointed consisting of L. C. Morris, H. A. O. .. M. J. McGown, Q., 221 Main 157. $32 55. Mrs Arthur J. Smith reported Smith, L. C. Nicholson and Dr F. OPTICIAN, St., Danbury. Telephone for the Ladies' Missionary society, J. Gale. George R. Wilson and L. O. The National Nicholson were elected members of Men City101-103-1- 05 Wall Bank, South Conn. H .Dt US m $105 94 raised For Street, Britain, J JM Jf, 3 JM JM an jm an j l J showing during the year, Eyes tested and glasses fitted at patrons j and an balance or $0.05. the society. The salary of the organ- - - - - CONN. Will unexpended - was from $75 to $100. BRIDGEPORT, home without extra charge. respond For the Sunday school Allison- -- Kx ist raised promptly to 'phone or postal card. the Smith, superintendent, reported Jfon ancrWomen. the amount of the collections for the a loaoca with wood got S DR. E. as $164.57. and of miredaturday night, the This mark identifies the Don't think that because yoa may live Isome distance from S. ALLEN, BUCKINGHAM'S year expenditures u. n. j.ay into riigiht must do without and HATTIBTOWN, OONHj. $148.16. The largest collection outside residehipt tirf irpe" men's and WQujtL's s'noes the bank that you banking advantages privi- P. Address: Route 15, Ot, of the collections was $5.65 and the trenc pipes of the Von can mail drafts or to the bask O, Stepney Depot, Big, Bright, Busy Store, Full of Good Goods at Great Values. special M WaT ;!d at IpVHll. And leather leges your checks, currency Administor of Treatment. Spec- the smallest $1.72. The average pwrnwn though beSrDt-l- Magnetic . and it will y for and as cared for as ialist In treatment of piles, eczema, catarrh, For this weak so Par Cant Raductioa oa Parlor Suits aad Odd Pisces, collection for the year was $3. 43 driver was blinded byxue ligr& from nd labor are now more costly,"we receipted carefully heart failure, stomach trouble and headache. eonsistinq o against house and to one side of if it to the hank in The mails are safe, Medicine furnished for this treatment. of Rockers, Arm Chairs, Divans, etc Special Prices oa almost everything. Corns 82 tor last year, 'i'he largest at- the got the inaintain the high standard which has you brought person. Free. us. tendance was 96 and 30. road. The team wasiowned by B. H. and will save many r the bank. Terms reasonable. Oousultatlon and sas the smallest Munson of Watertown. No Tiaae Zenith Shoes famous and they you trips The average attendance for the year damage wJitch our label CKART.Ha S was 67, against 7s for the preceding was done to the wagon. Mr Munson guarantees. We Accept Small Accounts. Platt, year, in the course of the report he is boarding at Fred L. Northrop's. Zenith bhoes tor men and women Teacher Piaao, Org ma aad Theory, N. & Co., paid this tribute to the memory of ade of the finest quality mater IVllllrv President, CUetm B. Caskier, NEWTOWN OONN. Furniture,Buckingliam.Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portieres and Oouch Covers,Inc., Dea Henry Fairchlld: As I sit here Mrs Willson M. Reynolds is passing Frank Asst Cswteter.Houffh, two weeks In New York her son ials byelBert shoe makers, and have M. B. TsnrlII, ESTABLISHED 1842, the fragrant memory of that saint of with' in tnem tnan Mrs James Gordon, God, Henry Fairchlld, comes to my and daughter. y handmprK any - - mind. My feeble effort sinks into in sther $3.50 I hey come in Teacher Street. Pri as a S. Howell Wright, a sou of Rev O. all and Violin, Piano, Mandolin, Agents for tha Qatar rnoor Mattresses. significance compared with pa O. returned to New the latest styles, leathers,as - Class Lessons. Ensemble. tient, loving service of more than 60 Wright, Haven, in sizes which a tit for years. I wish it were possible to place Wednesday, to resume his studies at our some Yale university. every foot." of We Newtown, Conn. When buying like to KNOW that they are getting the real in church auditorium per- If It's Made Rubber Have It. ; that the IS as to them, manent memorial to this lovable man, H.U".-Lstti- Zenith Special thing qualityTiriceaexactly represented AhnrmlTiflr Mrs went to - Most People and to feel that the nald are lust. Then but better still would it be if upon special high grade. & , becomes a pleasure and a satisfaction. This pleasure, may be yours In the simply last v Oscar Pitzschler Sorr, when for In or silver of the best makes. or future, choice each person could fall his mantle of Hartrorcl, Friday, attend the exclu- & looking things gold Sterling plated ware, rurjeral of Mrs Albert ir. the We control Zenith bhoes Barbers Hairdressers, cut glass, timepieces that will tell you the truth, diamonds and other precious stones, opera rich Christian grace. wife Mr Lattin,Mrs and sell them in our new and Saady Hook and Ha wlayvilla, and field glasses, pocketbooks, billhooks and card cases, art ware, fans. Whiting's box papers. vi u. Morris reported for the .Ec of LattiaJsbsjther. Lat sively Ntwtowa, Repairing. Diamond setting and engraving. Eyes examined day or night. Properly tin passed away at ZJSJiome in Hart-for- tj shoe section in our base- Newtown Shop open every day. Hawley ville fitted glasses made and guaranteed. Go to clesiastical society. The total receipts on snlarged shop open Wednesday afternoon and Sunday were $1545.27, with a balance of $12.98. New Year's axOwThe funeral ment salesroom. morning. Sandy Hook shop open .every week The of the various organ- w.lheia on Friday. J.W'Siurlal was day. Only first class work. TAYLOR GREGORY, expenditures in iVierlden. POOL TABLE. izations in the church footed up a total Boots. Practical Jewelers, Elisabeth St., Derby, Conn. Rubber of $2435.72. At the close of the re R. E. Mr and Mrs Stephen Dnferdo ports the pastor, Rev Danf orth, on DENTAL PARLORS. spoke briefly. He announced his pur who live the Lee Dlace below Ben Men's Short Rubber Boots, t2.75. Si 00. to nett's Bridge, had a little S3 SO, 4.00. K xpert dentistry, painless and reliable, mest pose retire from the pastorate of daughterDe- Men's Long Rubber Boots, modern and scientific appliances ued fur the the first in arrive at their home on Monday, U"5 church, Sunday August 31. , to Wonea mmi CaHdrea Boys' Boots, op. pa lnlcss operations. fcfr being his last Sunday here. It is his cember Outfitter, He. Children's Boots, L25 up. DR. C. B. BLACKMAN, to enter a course "VSjrtfa wcrt Corner plan upon four years' Mrs A. M. Gibbons of is durg 3n Dentist. Office In Fostoffice Block of scientific study in September, pos- Waterbury Main Street andFairileld Avenue. V . Felt Overs. New MllfoMl. j Don't You sibly at Harvard university. The spending a few days, this week, with Want her Mrs - meeting was brought to a close with a fsister, H. Monroe Post, at Bridgeport. Const. Men's Felts and Overs, ti.00 pair up.- devotional service. The officers elected Benbct.t's Bridge. 1 were: Dr Battam, (Jamage for the year Willlatrj Alexander returned to New Arctics. eaxeiiji. rk, A. J, smith. lafet DENTIST, is York, Fridav afternoon, after 11-2- If you do there nothing better than of schbol, 98c, 5, 1.50. Bank Strkkt. New Milfojtd. Superintendent Sunday-- - spending a few at his home in Men's Arctics, the LEHMAN ; this heater is really the standard article in c Allison smith. Taunuenr days Boys' Arctics, &5C its line and is the most heater invented. We Deacon, L. W. Lloyd. LEONARD'S INSURANCE satisfactory yet Church committee. Mrs L. C Morris. MufiiVrs.n have them finished in brass or nickel. We also sell M. Mrs John of Sandy Hook Rubbers. ' carbon Mrs W. Reynolds, R. D. Smith and spent a few days, last k, in Hart- - AGENCY, for these heaters. Arthur T. Nettleton. rord with inenas. Men's Rubbers, 0c, 85c We also a full line of leather etc. The Corner of Good Shoes Ladles' Rubbers, 46c, FIRE, ACCIDENT. carry goods, trunks, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK. Whooping cough seems prevalent in Children's Rubbers, 25C 40C The most complete line in the city. South Center district. Miss Elsie Old Companies, At the session of the Congregational Johnson is ill with the malady. Rubber Coats. Lowest Rates Sunday school, Sunday, 101 were pres- Wooster-Atkinso- ent, with an offering of $5.61. No Harry Beers of Pittsfleld. Mass., is Men's Rubber Coats, t2.75 to 5.50. h effort had been to Rubber 2.00 up. The Co., special made bring ill with the mumps. Boys' Coats, 2.00 Cor. Broad and John-Streets- , - Bridgeport, Conn. out a large attendance. Men's Men's OU Coats, up. Dr R. S. Todd, The officers chosen. Sundav. bv the Ruth Hubbell Wheeler isOthe name Men's Oil Jackets, LOO. VETERINARY SURGEON, Congregational Sunday school for the of the little lady Mr and Mrs Hervey Mem's Oil Pants, SLOO. New Miiford, Conn. ensuing year were: Assistant super Wheeler are entertaining at their intendent, George A. Barnum; secre home in Wheelertown. She arrived Felt Boots. Horse Covers tary ana treasurer, Miss Mabel L. Tay- on Sunday, and the many friends of lor; librarian, Carlton S. Smith: Sun this estimable couple are extending Rubber Horse Cduva, S4.00. 5 00 day School Home department commit hearty congratulations. No.-l- . Best rolled Oiled Horse Covers, S2.25. tee, miss s. J. scudder, Miss Mabel edge. Rubber Blankets, SL50. Manufacturer of Morris, Mrs George B. Beers, Mrs Mrs Herbert W. Wright returned, snag overs, $3-7- 5 Pr Dash Aprons, 2.25. Robes Record Breaking Drop Willson M. Reynolds and Gustave last Friday evening, after a few days' 4 Harness, and commit-teefHenr- y Blankets, W7 Carlson; Gospel wagon stay with her sister, Mrs Lamphear, in No. 2. Good quality roll Carriage Tires. Stable Goods. In Prices of M. Smith, Arthur T. Net- Shelton. tleton, C. B. Miss S. J. Scud- - ed edge snag overs, We are for Carriage Tires. All sbtes In stock at factory Taylor, On Griffin $2-7- headquarters John St., Bkidbport. Horse Blankets, Robes, der and Oscar Carlson; Sunday school January 3,Thomas plowed 5 pr prices. library committee, Mrs H. M. Smith, with his team in one of tbe helds near Fur and Fur Lined Automobile and Driving: Coats Carlton Smith, Miss Mabel Morris and bis home in oar. No. 3. 2d rolled Gustave Carlson. quality Wringers. Let Me Write INSPECTION INVITED. Gr. W. Coggswell, the market man 75 S5.00. Your Insurance on your home and or re edge snag overs, All style Wringers in stock, to at once. 1X3 WEST RATES .Elizabeth street, .Derby, would household goods secure William Homer "Waldron, Sr., and mind tbe farmers in this locality that $2.25 pr. consistent with absolutely companies. William nomer were re he bandies all kinds of farmers' Hot Water C o. waiaron, Jr., prod Felt Boots, 1 to 5, S2.00 pr Bos. CORBBTT, Agent, The Peck & Lines ceived into membership on confession uce, apples, potatoes, poultry, in fact Boys' Water Bottles of kind, size and 45c to fl.75. Newtown. Oonn. 185 to 307 Middle St., Ct. of faith, Sunday morning, and Mrs almost anything the farmer has for Youths' Felt Boots, 11 to 13, 81.75 pr Hot every style. Bridgeport, W. H. Waldron and Mrs Valentine by sale. When you sell to him you save Children's Felt Boots. 8 to 10. tl.50 db letters irom otner cnurcnes. one man's profit, as he sells direct to O. Q. BEERS CO. customer. Mr Newtowx, Conn., the Coggswell guaran Rubber Sundries. ' selectman Jdermon 11. .feck was so tees prompt returns for all produce .. manufacturers Of unfortunate as to fall through a trap sent to nim. Men's Short Hose, Packing, Belting. Force Cups, Window WATCHES. aoor in nis Darn, on irriaay aiternoon Rubber Tubing, Canopy Tops, Buggy Tops, con- - Miss E. Boots, Gloves and a thousand and one different All grades, all styles, all prices, all guaranteed. last, severely bruising his side and Agnes Platt, the talented Cleaners, Rubber Cushions, Backs, nning mm to tne nouse lor a rew days elocutionist and soloist, will give a $2.75 to $4.00 pr, made of rubber too numerous to mention. Oar "If And aU kinds of Trimmings for Oarrlages On Monday his physician, Dr A. L recital at the Town hall, Wednesday things nd Wagons. Send for Oatalogi? e. schuyier, was called, when It was evening, teoruary 6, under the aus It's Made of Rubber We Have It" is a good thing to bear in HENRY C. REID, The Jeweler, found he had a broken rib. pices of the Congregational church. Men's Calf Boots, tap sole high mind. 4. There will also be a lively sketch by flaln Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Telephone 921-1- high grade, 3.50 up Canfield & Davis, 95a Master Frederick son of some of the young ladies of the Con- Johnson, gregational church. to Lee welt sewed dress Iboot, Painters and Paper Hangers, Bishop Johnson, is a victim of the oe an It promisesmore Goat 32-- 3, entertainment of than 4.uu up Newtown, Oonn. Telephone whooping cough. usual merit. Biggest lias ef Wall Papsr samples ia town. Arthur T. Nettleton, the affable Chairman John J. Northrop, of the The Rubber Co.. THE MAN treasurer of the Newtown Savings committee on of the Liberty Ailing Who needs glasses or the one who needs different ones passed and in repairs Hubbell Bros., those he Is now are the we want to with. bank, Friday Saturday poie in tne cjtreet, nas ordered a new B9 Bank St 110? Main St., Bridgeport from wearing people talk x mast-buildin- Waterbury, H. & Soi iNew orK uity. topmast from Mystic of a g Famous Chas. Sweezy F. LYMAN, Mfg. Optician, 920 Main firm. Bert Nichols has been Derby's U Church St. New Haven. Ixmg Hill, Oonn., St., Bridgeport. Mr and Mrs Arthur J. Smith passed awarded the contract of takin? down Shoemakers. Cniantari and Builders. - Friday and Saturday in New York tbe old top mast and replacing it with Estimates furnlsheO-- and contracts takec a new one. Prices reasonable. City. 2 THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 190 7.

Wednesday. to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs Nettie Fisher. wno died quite pufdenlv ar, ru r home there. rhe tuoerul whs held on Thursday. Felts and Overs. Miss Margaret McCarty of S:uiga- - tnck is the new teacher at the' Z iar Remnant Sale. school. Carpet & Co., Z-a- r be- - SPEOIAL LOW PRICES. All the from $2.00 to $3.5 The Bridge sehoolhouse is Smith, Murray grades iDg thoroughly repaired and put in Bridgeport, Conn. tirst-clas- s condition. JNew new this sale in to A Rolled at $2 50 the sming, im- By patronizing you notice two points particular good Edge pair roofs and new floors are among the benefit the merit of the and the lowest at provements. your goods, possible prices Heavy High Arctics and Pedros $2 50 Warren J. Stowe. Martin btowe. tsr , which high-clas- s goods can be made and sold. and Martin Stowe, Jr., are all spend- We carry the long heavy stocking ing the week with friends at West Here Are Pawling, N. Y., their old nome. They 75C. Jj. B. JBraoiey nas Deen conunea w his home with illness, the past week. S. B. Hayes of Stepney made a short Axminster, Brussels, Velvet stay in this place, last Wednesday. liVL J. a. Downs has two nairs or as nice The Benham Shoe Co., full-blood- ed Devon cattle as one seldom has the pleasure of look well-broke- The in is to be first at Derby, Conn. ing at and they are so n a advantage buying child could drive them. this sale. Henrv C. Riker of Shelton called on friends at the last Wednesday. ! Bridge, The Lee Bros. Furniture Co., SOUTH BRITAIN. 24SS. The Metropolitan Store of New Haven Telephone BUNDLE WHIST IN THE NEW LIBRARY BUII-D- - 1179 Main Cor. Golden Hill St. A INQ. EVERYONE GETS A PRIZE! St., continuance, this week, of our Annual Clear On Thursday eventne. January 17. there A Manufacturer's Involving will be a Charity Whist given for the benefit BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT. ance Sale of Women's Coats, Skirts e nd Waists Surplus of the South Britain library. In the new li Suits, A Sacrifice of brary room. Tickets, Sac. Tickets will oe on sale at the postomce and at J. H. Cas-ldy- 's at greatly reduced prices. store. Those attending are requested to bring a bUDdle valMcd at 2dc. iignt rerresn-men- ts will be served If the evening of the his home for a few davs FAIR-FIEL- 7th Is storm v the whist will be held on tne with tha nrevalllnr NEW on Do- D 7.30. epidemic. meeting Friday, the lltb, with Mrs Four Thousand first fair evening. . jors open at mra w. n. uias is again stirrer! rig from a re- minor morenouse. turn of her old malady. LOCAL, NOT OF XNTBRKST. John H. Hull and have gone to New I8 NEWS OF THE WEEK. York Olty, where they will spend a month James Lee was on hand on Monday Women's Suits. llars with relatives In the hopes that Mr Hall may with a of men to fill his Mr and Mrs Fred Luff of the Pur Denent oy tne change ana In morning gang OUTHFORJD. health. recuperate Ice house, but on account of the warm Sylish Tailored Suits. materials the newest colorings value 5.00 and chase were made happy, last Saturday, Walte- - S Una. 7.00. Sale 2 S3. of a nine- - Merwln has bought a lurni rain could not work. price, January 5, by the arrival herse of Hamilton Bros, at the Atlantic Mrs James Leach died home NEWS IN BRIEF. Tailored Suits, fancy mixtures and plain cloths, worth 10 00 to 15 00. IN BOYS' CLOTHING pound daughter at their home. stables In Bridgeport. Mr Merwln Is now at her Your choice to 00 each. and driving the horse on his extensive milk route. in Pembroke on Friday, after a sick- SO Harry Wilson, the carpenter bowara 1. wakeman Is the proud owner of ness of several months. She is survived Mrs William C Wheeler is very ill At I2 Handsome Suits satin lines, all this season's latest styles. Which Was Secured and Will Be Distributed at the contractor, with a force of men, is now a new gasoline worth 15.00 to 20.00. Mr and Mm engine. Metcalf are by her husband, three sons, one daugh- with erysipelas. Money-Savin- g of Cents out the frame for tne large Pearl reiolcinr Mrs ana u. Uniform Sixty newgetting of - Hawkins Mann over the arrival of their first baby boy. The ter and two brothers. uurton uubbeii Forter factory the youngster came lust In time to participate in Miss Annie Evans has returned to Wood have been suffering from effects on the Dollar. factoring Co. tne nappy new x ear s greetings. or tne Coats. If you want nice canned goods buy Herman Perry is under the doctor's care. her home from Nortbampron, Mass., to grip. WiU-kio- wi a. ana sons are COHN & HERBERT, of Nsw York, ths manufacturers brand. John M. said to be suffering from a mild attack of care for her mother, who is seriously uavia wheeler Black Kersey Coats. 50 Inches long, half lined, Tel vet Collar, worth 8.50. Ovtr-eoat- a the Nutmeg Squires, the second barn for A. N of high grade Boys' Clothiag, fousd aa overstock of Wiitir Suits, the erooer. sells them. pneumonia. ill. building Sale price 15 95. bulk-prie- a. Wa Mrs Wildman is ill. Dr wneeier. it. and Rasters. Thsy wara willing to part quick at a J. H. Cassidy, the merchant, has Harriet A new mac Kersey uoats, ao mcnes wide, oollarless, ripple back worth 12.50. purchass-stor- y. ten-cen- t Watson of is her. Edison phonograph at Frank aaw tha chases aas alipped iato tha braach. Thera's tha opened a five and counter at GEORGETOWN- - Danbury attending new sale price One man his ice field on Sun- h. wneeier's: also a victor taiic ir. Xha valuaa offarad ia material, makt aad sty Is, seeoad to noaa ia tha his store. Step in and see the bar plowed machine Garlick & Sons'. At aiu oo lilac iveraey and uneviot uoaia, worth 13 50 and 15 oo. world, ar remarkabla. Thslopportusities prsseatsS for Mr is also day afternoon, in order to be ready for ing at Coats were 20.00 and 25 00. Sale 115 OO. boya' elothiag hair their market values are un- gains. Cassidy giving away CHURCH NOTES. bis men on Mrs L. H. Buckingham has been vis that price bavins such high grade garments at practically or a handsome cold Elgin watch to cash early Monday morning; but Women's Short Jackets of Kersey and Cheviot, worth from 5 00 to 10.00. and will not be overlooked by any -farslghted parent guardian. did not to be an ideal mends in water precedented tc-d- ate Six were mem- Monday prove iting bury. Sale 1 50 and 92 95. There are hundreds of choice up selection- to ;be made, but the chooxlng purchasers. Call at bis store and get persons received into for ice. Leonard Nichols of Red City. Ox price f should be quick and early before assortments are broken. The risk Is absolutely full particulars. bership of the Gilbert Memorial day cutting is F. women's Tourist fjoats, an sizes, worth 13 50 and 15 00. Sale price f 10. nil for a Mai goes with every sale. Ages In suits and overcoats from a. i. uoucn and Mrs it. u. urosby ford, painting Lee Armstrong's All our $10 00 Coats. Sale t7 50. ley guarantee8V4 16 Miss Olive Pierce has returned church, last Sunday morning. house. Tourist price range all the way from to years.( holi spent New year's day in Danbury All were A5.&5 aDd t7 60. Sale 00. New York, where she spent the Tne annual election of officers of the Mrs w. o. Feffers. Fred Wheeler, who drives for Homer that price t5 day with friends. Sunday school of this church was held witn Mr and w. nas Misses Coats that were 15.95. Sale price, S3.95. on Mrs Sidney Gorham is visiting out At wood, been ill a week with were S5 00. 12 95. Charles Luff and family spent Sun after the regular exercises Sunday, of town. eriP..... ' Children's Coats that Sale price Edw. Co., day in Southford, the guests of Mrs and resulted as follows: William ana dwara Malane are 5.&5. Sale price t2 95. 6.95. Sale price t4.5. The Malley George P. Pierce. Superintendent, Burr Mills. 14-we- OCTHTILLTr-- drawing planks and slabs to our Sta w Hervsan, Conn. A. N. Bronson killed a pork Assistant superintendent, Mrs Aaron tion. er. last week, which weighed 90 Banks. The barns on the Newton Wheeler Women's Skirts. pounds. Mr Bronson kindly remem Treasurer, Miss Ethel Mills. BRIKF MENTION. will soon be bered Bee with a Assistant Miss Edith place completed. Black, Navy and Mixtures. Sale price II 50. The representative secretary, Mrs A. Worden and daughter spent and were S3 95. Sale tl&5. piece of the sparerib for baking, which Perry one . Black, Navy Gray Skirts that price -- Miss Carrie day in Bridgeport, last week. Jalack Dress Skirts that were t7.5o. Sale 4.5. NEIGHBORS. spending a month in New York with was nne eating. r?ganist, Osborn. Mrs i. Hmitn goes to REDDLNB. price OUR her sister, Mrs George Wolf, has re Mrs H. C Squires of Stepney spent Librarian, Mr Kearns. once a now. Bridgeport New her Mrs Mr week, turned home. Year's with daughter, Assistant librarian, Perry. U- - in (Jiark was up to his last 85o EACH. STEPNEY. The ladies of Grace church will Nellie Mo Donald, at One Pine Tree The treasurer's report showed the week. farm, Waists. meet, Friday afternoon, at the rec John Kowlski of the Purchase has receipts the past year about 880, and a size reiralar 1 a new A. Worden and family spent Sunday Full counterpanes, Cleaning up of all sizes of White Whists, formerly 1 25 and tl.50. Sale LOOiL MENIION. tory to make fancy articles for their improved his house by building balance in the treasury at the present with friends in the Purchase. quality, at French's, Bethel. 95c each. sale. veranda on the east side. time. The interest in all departments C. price Mrs who has been in unloaded a car of corn meal of Purchase is of the school has been Pettit's family spent Christmas ine Liinen ana Langene waists, xormeriy z oo ana z wa. caie pnoe i. wa. Mary Turney, Just Charles Kemp the unusually goSd with Mr and Mrs J. Pettit in Obtuse. OF A COLD AND MOW Silk Waista 1.50 and 5 00. Sale t.95. New Haveni for the past two weeks, and other mixed feed. An- for a serviceable of Rev A. C. Furbush is OANQER5 -- formerly price return- provender looking good pair conducting The tobacco crops of Henry Camp, (Second Floor.) at the home of Frank Hodge, other car of fancy middlings to arrive oxen for use on his farm. Any one preaching service at the Umpawaug J. Pettit and D. Barnum were deliver- to avoid men. ed on Monday. soon. John S. Hurd, the feed man having a for sale would do well to chapel every Wednesday. Wednes- who has been in the or JNew pair mm. ed at Green's warehouse, last More fatuities have their origin In Murray Hoag, George .feet Haven, Mrs communicate witn day. or result from a cold than from any employ of B. Hawley & Co., as team Hugo of Bridgeport, Mrs Mary A. John Smith of the Purchase has G. and has Se LODGE NBWS. H. Camp, W. Northrop and fam other cause. This fact alone should ster general helper, resigned Peet, Miss Sadie Belle Craft and fine crop of tobacco all stripped and ily, with Mrs L McMahon of Still Riv make more careful as there is and accepted a similar position with lectman Charles G. Peet were all noli ready for the market, which be has Installation of the following officers Mr Mrs A. Mr people Mr at Plattsville. He moved of Mr and Mrs David S not sold. tobacco took at the of er, and Kortnrop and no danger whatever from a cold when Taylor day guests yet The buyers place regular meeting and Mrs L. Northrop were guesti of It is properly treated In tne beginning. his family on Tuesday. Levitt. would do well to look at his crop. the Order of Eastern Star here last Mr and Mrs O. Christmas & Co. Pastor Duncan and are re 35c for when is ill with at Mrs Edith Northrop, f or many years unamberiain's (jongn family Why pay butter you MrsShepard the grip Friday evening: Foster, aay. Remedy has been recognized as the Smith, Murray gaining health and strength. can buy good creamery tub butter for the homo f her daughter, Mrs Charles worthy matron; C. H. Taylor, worthy most and effectual medicine Mrs John Dillon, who was taken 30c per pound; 7 bars ozone soap, 25c Man vllle, patron; Mrs Charles Jennings, con- prompt in been 3 use for this disease. It acts on nature's very sick with pneumonia, has large meaty prunes, pounds for 25c A. N. Bronson and daughter, Lois ductress; Miss Mary Perry, associate 80TJTHBTJRT. loosens placed in the St Vincent's hospital at 3 pounds milk crackers, 25c. These spent a few days, last week, in Long conductress; Mrs S. Foster, secretary; plan, the cough, relieves the ? 4. lungs, opens tne Secretions and aids Bridgeport by Selectman Purdy. prices are for every day in the week Hill, the guests of Mr and Mrs u Miss Belle Albion,chaplain; Miss Alice CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH NOTES. a Frederick Liovejoy is numbered all other Broods at corresponding low Beers. Stocking, Adah; Mrs A. C. Furbush, nature in restoring tbe system to among the sick ones. prices. The Cheap Cash Grocery Co. Mrs Lawrence Grant spent last Sun- Esther; Mrs C. H. Taylor, Martha. The aanual meeting of the Congre healthy condition. For sale by R. H. AT MEIM'S. Burr C. E Osborne, C. E. as church was held Beers (Jo., Newtown; Taylor, Ourtis Mead, Sr., Mrs Robert Staines, Proprietress. day and Monday in South Norwalk Mrs Taylor, Grand Adah, acted in gational at the & W. N. Osborne, Jr., Nathan Hinman and Mr and Mrs Garfield Flathers are en- with friends. stalling officer and Miss Albion as church, last Monday afternoon. The Co., Sandy Hook; Hurd, Long were called to friends from week of Rev G Marshall. Mrs Gilbert, matron of the sister officers were elected: Com Hin; a. ti. niaKeman, jjotsrora; s. J Adolph Langenberg vs. tertaining Bridgeport, It being the prayers. tod ere of RldireSeld. was a visitor at this In following Trumbull. Bridgeport as witnesses in the City this week. L. Forte has been holding extra meet were mlttee, Charles K. Osborne, Charles Parks, Co. suit for damages done Mrs Nichols of church stallation Refreshments served after Brown and H. R. Stone; G. A. Stiles Hydraulic Keppler Bridgeport ings at the Congregational the business. n . 1905. was appointe-ieaco- WHOLESALE flARKET. Sheet by the 'cloudburst" of July, was a guest, Wednesday, of her daugh- r,his week. There were services on and H. R. Stone, J. who has been confin- Mrs Leo Seth Parketon returned on New Tear's day -' Coley Field, ter, Gabler. Monday and Thursday afternoeas and unn .... 4 .... - cieriu- and ed to his home for 10 days with a se- Miss Kate Schneider of x - All the latest hits. McKinley Century" catalogues. Bridgeport Thursday evening, Miss Beatrice Jennings W vere cold and threatened with pneu- has taken a position at Touey's shop George Weltcm, assisted by bram mit,r fwar Sunday nforkl THE STREET AND VICINITY. JJariuhq. Bridqipobi. A very large line of music at 10c per copy. Catalogues sent monia, is now able to be out again. and will make her home here with hex Kleinjbo'iii'of Woodbury, are Pister- - Miss Nellie Green and sister from for the asking. Mr and Mrs Elam Corning and son, brother, John Schneider. infie .tenement house rortjjgu-- Waterbury were home recently. Apples, greenings 1.50a2 25, Kaldwins, were recent of C. u Sherman, - the guests Mrs F. M. Canfield and Miss Rett Hawkins Manuractrmtfut-Xt- waiter w instil p, Hubert Lreeke and l.ooa2.50. giiiynowere l &oaa Z5, rus E.Osborne. Can field "of Easton were "crests. New CharlesP. Williams believes inkeep Mrs Mary Stone have been sick with sets 1 25al 75, king 1.00a2.50, Baker 1.50 Henry W. .Seeley is slowly gaining Year's day, of Mp'aiy'A. Peet. Ing his store up-to-da- and has lust CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH NOTES. colds. 2.25, i Ben Davis 1 60a2 &0; Hubbarrison Everything in String Instruments. under the skilled treatment of lit Mr and lULw, John Gabler, Jr., of had installed at his store a McCaskev Clifford Hawley and wife have been l ooaz 25. seeK-n- o- urtner lDuazzd. Seth Hill and two trained nurses. New YofK welcomed a bo Account Register System, which wil The week of prayer will bo observed sick with grip. Potatoes, 65a60c bushel; onions, red 40 Largest line of Pianos In the city. Call and have a look at Many of the vouncr DeoDle uo their home, one day last week. Mr not only be a great help to Mr Wil in the Congregational church by spec- Andrew Dolan sold a fine cow to Mr 60; yellow, boasoc; carrots --Jaa4ic du; these fine instruments andlet ns ou- - easy term system of Installation of officers at - - Ma- Mrs were ial meetings Wednesday and Friday explain the ' - and Gabler both formerly liams in his work but will also be a Munson of Woodbury, last week. beets, 6075; turnips, yellow 25a35; meats. Some in Second Hand sonic lodge room at I Wednes- from this place. great convenience to his customers ewnings and rbursday arternoon. (jnaries A. "stone from New Haven cabbage, per 100. 1 OOaS.OO; celery, per pay good bargains pianos day evening. Red Alaska salmon, 10c per can, sold While this system is new to them u The Y. P. S. C. E. held a social and visited his mother, last Friday. doz bunches, L00al.75. If Mr ?enfield of is" the for 13c 3 last Tuesday which Remember you are always we'eome at or store yon bwy ira Danbury at other stores; pounds large uas been in successful operation debate, evening, Butter: Creamery, first grade, 31a32; . auest of Mrs Charles B. Wheeler. prunes, 25c; Washburn and Crosby number of years among the leading was very pleasant. second grade, 24a26; common, 14al6; or If you do not Miss Irma Nichols, who has been ill Gold Medal 65c E. & S of According to the annual report of TASHTJA. first 25a27. roll flour, per bag; merchants the countryffho are dairy, grade, Cheese, . with the grip, is now much better and Best X X X X flour, 65c per bag, 5 00 unanimous in their endorsement of the Congregational Sunday school, cream. 14al6 lb. Eggs, fresh near-by- able to be about her home. per barrel. This flour is guaranteed. the same. This New System will give which was read by the secretary, NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD. 35a38c doz. Live Chickens, 13al4e Master Elliott Northrop, who has Street's Perfection buckwheat an itemized Charles Etzel, lastSunday, the school, fowls ducks 12al4, geese 12al4; been ill and under Dr flour, you biUojjjh each pur- The Misses Ruth and Dorothy Mai 12al3, - with the grip large size package, 23c; Grandma's chase as well as Jalainount of including.Home Department members, Christmas in New York. calves, hog dressed. plga 7al0a C. Hill's is 23c. tyr over a and closes the lett spent 8all; Wm. care, improving. Hour, size the account me numbers burred Heim, - holi pancake large package, at of the pur- 12 and all Misses K.atnryn and Bessie Tread Master Marcus Burr spent the 3 packages of the 10c size, 25o. W. chase, wfciW readily see, pre vear with in theVreasury well have visited at Joseph Tread SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY. Conn. days in IVgw ITowwith his uncle,-- ) N.-Jiu-xa. tne urocer. vents of difference supplies paid for unta April I. well's. 370 Main Street, Danbury, n tiwwBeeTlity any Horace Winton. The masons lBT"ti3e empToGftiS6-rfeetwee- - Master Perkins Nichols has return- the purchaser and the mer- Miss May Mallett Is visiting at Sport No external remedy ever yet devised Consolidated railroad are again located cnant, as to tne condition of the ac- Mrs Frank Wooker Impending sev-- Hill. has so and met ed from a week's stay in Strattield where are - fully unquestionably - Mrs at Long Hill, they engaged count. The merchant will have no eral weeks with g liter in Tram- Miss Bessie Davis has visited her these three prime conditions as sua- with his aunt, Horace Lyons. in completing the culverts which they record of which the purchaser does bull. grandmother, Mrs Eliza Patterson. as Allcock's Plasters. The Gold Seal brand of rubbers for were on a ago, and from not have an exact inasmuch as John Patterson Is building an addition on ceasfully They working year copy, HoldT been n ladies and men are made the com- Chester entertain, the rear of his honat for a kltcht-- and wood are safe because they contain no dele by which they were called before all charges will be made in duplicate. Mr BePrfeT scbool friend. Bottt house. K. Klein is and are manufactured Goodyear Rubber Co. and have stood all of them. are also Mr cus- ing doing th work. terious drugs 30 pleting They Williams is pleased to have his have retffirni to Northfield. Mtss May Mallett is spending a weak ia upon scientific rrinclple of medicine. of Watches and the test for nearly years. They putting in some new ones. tomers call at his store and he will ex- Chafleo cenham of has Bridsenort with friends. are sure because In REPAIRING Jewelry . wear than other makes. a Al- Mlddlebury Mrs M. E. Clark's new cot which aha Is Tbey nothing goes longer Try William W. Stillson has gone to plain fully the workings of the new been tne guest or ri. a. for tag,who wnicn are A SPECIALTY" WITH CS. Cp-t- o Hta ftrllrUM and expertMieed vorknn mma m yrtm trtt and convince yourself of their N . to uawiey. building George Read, rents her to them except ingredients work aahek mtvIc m mm low nrtc m worn cms tedooe. ia your Mat pair bany, Y., visit his brother and system and the advantages not only to Roy Wooster has returned from a' farm. Is nearly enclosed and It wlu be but a exactly adapted to tbe purposes for clui ud good Try superior qualities. For sale by Steph- sister for a few days. him but to his customers. visit to Hartford. few weeks before It Is completed. a is are Jawslry Job. en French at the Depot. Mrs Carrie who has been vis are or bil- which plaster required. They Miss holi- Weed, If you Constipated, dull, Among the many who are sick with speedy In their action because their Laura French spent the iting with her daughter in Syracuse, ious, or have a sallow lifeless complex- are Mrs D. A. Nichols, Mrs HIDDLEBTJRT. to REID & in of her Lax-et- s grip Harry medicinal qualities go right their TODD, days Sandy Hook, the guest N. Y., returned home, Monday even ion, try just once toee what Brownson, Earl Millard and Arthur work of and cousin, Miss Josie French. s I relieving pain restoring 105-- Conn. ing. they will do for you. Jjax-et- are lit- Williams. i ORANGE WORK. tbe natural and Main St., Bridgeport, Levi T. French and family spent Services were held in the Methodist tle toothsome Candy tablets nice to Dennis Rich and Charles Lattin art healthy performancenerves Runriav In with frionrta. and effect. No no A good time at the on next of tbe fuaotiona of muscles, The class this week chapel, Sunday morning evening. eat, nice in griping, building an addition on the barn Grange and skin. Singing meets, Rev Mr Knowles of Bridgeport officia- pain. Just a gentle laxative effect Millcroft. and are also maklnor some week Tuesday night, January 15. The Allcock's Plasters ar the criminal A. M. Briscoe & Friday evening, January 11, at 7.30, in ted. that is pleasingly desirable. Handy in the house. fourth degree will be conferred on a Biue Ribbon Son, the basement of church. Lax-et- improvements and genuine porous plasters and like the Baptist Arthur Gabler of Bridgeport was for the vest pocket or purse. s Mrs Olivia is her class and the officers for the ensuing been Vin. CarrUges. Buttle. Farm and The service at the church, of Lax-et- s Stanley visiting will be most meritorious articles have Brand Coffee. - Baptist the guest his meet desire. come dftiichtfir. Mrs flnan. I year Installed by State y T! parents, Sunday. every to Alhert Worthy BTt-r- one OoffM eu W,fem, next will be as Overseer-Pec- k extensively Imitated, therefore always pound. We wilt of onr Sunday, January 13, Mr and Mrs Turney were the guests you in beautiful lithographed metal Miss Pauline retumeS.laSt from Bristol. Let all sure Harnesses and Harness Supplies usual. Mr Mr Rehnberg make and get the genuine All IV. a of Turney's parents, and Mrs boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents. Sold week, to her school in Wllbr!iim the patrons be present. A supper cock's. won' reffrat Of All DeKrlpUon. - Allen Joyce has taken position Frederick were accom- -- will Turney. They by' R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown; B. Mrs Sarah Betts is . Vie to be out be served at the close of the with at the - Stephen French, Depot. panied by their little daughter. Hawley & Co., Stepney; P. J. Garvin, again. meeting. 8TBPM BN FRENCH. Mrs Ada who has been Es-Viie- y-- 4- Parmalee, Miss Mamie Finnell, who has been S. J. Trumbull. r Hecox "TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Mama nwoi o Book, CU poorly and under Dr S. E. Allen's care, with her in Newtown Bethel; Parks, Mrs entertained There are quite a number of cases of Sandy TlpWoa n visiting parents Miss Susie Mitchell is spending the friends from Trumbull on Sunday. is now much improved-i- health. over the holidays, returned to her week in New truest of Mra Bolles is grip about town. Take Laxative Bromo Oulnins Tab Mr and Mrs C. F. Nichols entertain- work in York, the Henry laying the foundation ets. All druggists rsfund ths money the Tousey Manufacturing Stephen Baker! for the new barn at Millcroft. 1 ed a party of friends on New Year's Co's. factory, Monday. Mrs Edward ScoviVie is ill at her Rev and Mrs H. L. Everest are mOKROB. if falls to cur. JL W. Grovs's sig day. At noon, a fine dinner was serv- N. J. Hebbard has been a nature is on oaon box. EoiBcar, OfeHN Callender Bros.. to all did spending home with the p. spending several days in New York Henry Pettit, ed, which ample justice. week here with his family. Mr Heb icrcnur Mitchell entertained the City. Mr and Mrs Beach Wayland have Expert Horse Sboer. Dime Lunch Rooms, Among the guests present were: Mrs bard has honor of oldest) a Wa- I HONOR TO WHOM IT IS DUB. Caxrl&ire In mil Its Half Horace Miss Mildred Nichols the being the "Whistclubi Friday afternoon. E (J. Wooster is still on crutches as spent few days with friends In QIVE Wuon and Krxirng Lyons, letter carrier (in service) in the O'.cy At the annual meeting of the Con- a result of his injured foot. terbury and Naugatuck. bnocbH. AlUnenl Jobbing. Best, work 138 South rials St.. CI and George Sturges of Strattield, Miss of New York. tired wit"n the church, Ed ward and Mr Mrs of A. Herbert Curtiss and Mr and Mrs Dr David Kennedy's Favorite Rem t moderate price. . , Waterbury, Elsie Nichols of New Milford, Dea Being gregational Henry and John Wilkinson Strat N. cured me of rsbop closed Saturday arvfernoon ai o rinci. a cup of oar ttmUnl Ooffee exceptionally heavy Christrruus mail, Mitchell were elected deacons, William ford were guests of Mrs Gertrude Bird Edward E. Curtiss were in Bridgeport, edy, of Rondout, Y., leiepoon, o. a v Try Charles Nichols and Miss Alice Nich- he came home to recuperate. Mitchell treasurer George Mitchell seve on Sunday. New Year's day, to attend the funeral Bright's disease and Gravel. Four of Pmm--j all boid mad ols of Greenfield Hill, and Jerome Leslie son. of Mr and Mrs son tbe best had failed to re- Eastman, , cleric Miss Mary McDonald has returned to of Vernon Wade, only of Mr and physicians Nichols and family. Freeman H. East-man- who has been Born, December 28, in Wall street, Smith college. Mrs Wilbur J. Wade. lieve me. I have recommended it to Mrs Homer Hubbell has returned a few weeks with his a to Mr and Mrs L. B. is mill Miss M. ia with scores of people with like success, and t5HERAI THE RIGHT NAME. from a two weeks' in spending sister, Colorado, daughter Gray very busy in his Agnes Beardsley will cure all who Mrs stay Danbury Mrs Clantuce Brown of Yonkers, N Hubert Mitchell. her sister, Mrs Jennie Beardsley, in know it try it. Mr tbe over- with her parents. Y.. nas accepted a position in the Mrs Samuel Pierce has been ill with Long Hill. E. P. Mizoer, Burg Hill, O. .Price S1.00, on sick con August Sberpe. popular Thb Bee representative was very auditor's office of the New York Cen- a cold. MCHOLS. Miss Lillian Clafford of BrideeDort all druggists; 6 bottles o w. F. G. Barlow is tbe list, seer of tbe poor, at Fort Madison. Ia., kindly entertained at dinner at Tblr tral railroad at Grand Central sta- JNate is with is a week with her fined to tbe bouse witb tbe grip. says: "Dr King. New Life Pills are and Mrs C. F. NtehrCro the Everitts suffering spending friend, MrsElectla Barnum of itew lorn rightly named; tbey act more agree- ,Yiu' Tuesday. tion. The young man had to take pneumonia. NEWS TEliSKLT TOLD. Edith N. Curtiss. To ston a Cold with "Preventics' is la with Mrs M. Jay do more and make one feel two examinations and he passed both The week of prayer is being observed safer tbaa to let It run and cure It aft City boardingne ably, good TTTT.T, He has friends in cburch. Misses Julia and Edith Plumb visited In Brlggs at ,ri nrwi." belter than any otber laxative." T.rTfffl successfully. many the Congregational Orange, a few days last week. BANTAJ1. erwards. Taken at the "sneeze stage' Guaranteed to cure biliousness and here who are glad to hear of his sue at the Methodist church the pre- Preventics will bead off all colds and to whom is no as Sunday held a BETHLEHEM. constipation. S5c at R. II. Beers CALL FROM AN cess, but it surprise siding elder quarterly conference and Grippe, and perhaps save you from & & A CLOSE ACCIDENT. man in is excep- GREENFIELD HILL. preached an admlraole sermon. In the after- MRS HOTCHKISS. Co., Newtown; Betts Belt, the young question noon William took him Eas- L. C Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventics P. Bethel: W. What came a serious tionally of good character and Wellington to are toothsome cold cure A. P. Hayes w" 'th bis parents Sandy Hook; J. Garvin, nearly being bright, we ton. Jwhere he preached t the Flat Rock Mrs Li. C. Ilotcbkiss, who has not little candy onAttorney N. Noble, New Milford; E. J. Bucking- accident Wednesday, gentlemanly deportment, and feel church in 5 cent and 25 cent Sunday. Rox-bur- occurred, just BOLLIN 8. WILIJAMS DIES A VICTIM OF PNEU Herbert Hawle? has discontinued been well for Borne months, died at her tablets, selling MUM iXr a. tsinss ia sgmis whd per irwnuat ham, Huntington; Allen Joyce, y south of the Long Hill station,' when confident that be will rise rapidly. MONIA. driving boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin B. Graham's. In rj . Howard Peck is in the 'bus He has lost two valuable horses. home, January 4. The bereaved fam- tbeO. hasnbeen for some Station; G. W. Uurlburt & Co.. the 11.33 can train ran into the trunk engaged drawing One of the saddest events which has "C Mr Udall has purchased two cows of Mr to sneeze, try Preventics. They will Mrs J. I). Uaytoa day- S. - ily have the sympathy of tbe for ulster. Mrs of Watr- Roxbury; Connery Bros., Georgetown; of a large hemlock tree at what is feed for Jphn Hurd. curreC in Greentield for many years was the Edwards f Hollaud Heights. deepest surely check tbe cold and please you. caring bsr lrtcoard. M. B. who has S. w 11 y ear-ol- d entire community. lowo. J. Sullivan, Redding Ridge; W. known as the south switch. The tree Miss Eleanor Buckingham, death of Uollln lams, tne Sold by R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown; B. Uonan & on bluff 15 feet been in for a few son of Marion B. Williams of Easton which as of Oon-- Hawley, Sherman; Soule, was growing the about visiting Stepney took place at the home of Mrs William O. AST0S Miss Catherine Thomas of Bridge- Hawley Co., Stepney: t. J. Garvin, Tbe "Ladles' Missionary society tbe Smtth Bros, Cornwall above and to the west or the track, days, was the guest of Miss Edith Hill, Rtilklev of Greentield Hill, late Sunday night. 9. J. Trumbull. greaattona! cnurcn at tneir annnai meeting. GaylordsTliler man port has been visiting at Charles Bethel; rarks, elected tbe following ottluers: Pres- Bridge, Edwin U. Beardsley, New and was broken off by the wind and Saturday. On New Year's day the young drove TuedB. K. vice below. from bis home In Easton to Fairfield village. ITEMS FROM OUE SCRIBE'S NOTB BOOK. Flynn's. ident. Mrs K. Ltanfortb: president. Preston; George E. Frink. Falls whirled to the tracks The and wbl e returning was seized with a chill Miss Bessie and Miss Edith Piles get quick relief from Dr Mrs A. O. Moore; kecretary ana treasurer. E S. Falrchlld Jt Son, across traces-wa- s about soon Kinney Mrs A. J. Bmltn. Village; - -Nichols, part lying the STEVENSON. and severe lung ains, which increasing, Mr and Mrs J. Atthur Sherwood, Moore visited New York, last week. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember drug stores. 40 feet long and fully 15 inches became unbearable. Mr Williams narrieoiy Mr and Mrs Jesse H. Mrs rela- made alone for Piles and works The tree drove to the home of Mrs vv. O. Bii kley near Wbeeler, Miss Mary Richards is visiting it's it International stock and food and through. engine struck the R.nUs' store, where he was cared for until Edward Seeley and Miss Mae Seeley at- tives and friends in town. witb certainty and satisfaction. Itch remeote poultryfor borses and and to west side of PERSONAL CHAT. could IJr Dunham n the International pushed it the the medical assiS'ance arrive tended tbe meeting of the State Miss Edith Moore picked freshly-blow- ing, painful, protruding, or blind piles cattle. At Tay lor. orlli a Oo track, going about 100 before fiuinrt the rjatlent to be suffering from acute in week. 11s use. l 't yardsan Mrs George R. Smith has bad a very uneumonla- - too 111 to proceed further, and he Grange Hartford, last pansies from her flower garden aiBappear iiae magio ny xry stopping. It took about half hour convenient kitchen cabinet placed in at. once began vluoruus treatment of the case. Miss Theresa Stencek spent a few on New Year's day. it and see. R. H. Beers & Co., H. E. Garlick, to clear the track so the train could of western Trained nurses were brought 1 to play and a days, last week, with her Mr B. & Co., Stepney; Ctodol Vt.wt-- I The and cars looked her home, purchased par- consultation of physicians was held, out in parents, Newtown; Hawley Dyspepsia Cure nnry, proceed. engine ties. continued pro- - and Mrs Michael Stencek. P. J. Garvin, Bethel; S. J. Parks, wtvat eats as were decorated for the spite of all this the disease ti Mabel suffer- SARBLEDALB. DIoMtw you BOZBCST. COM. though they The Postal and Cable Co., whose irrnoa rn.nirlv nnt'i immediate dissolution Miss Fanton has been Trumbull. Loss Distance lXV-s- . holidays, so numerous were the branch- cross of Zoar a.nnarent on Saturday. The death of from at attack of the measles Teiepbooa es which were from them. lines the river Just south Mr Williams has cast a shadow of gloom over ing School Jan- hanging Bridge, have leased the toll house t.hnnt.irH nfllahhorhood. Voun&r In vears. Next Sunday evening will be the commenced Monday, was 200 or 300 feet of semi-annu- al as It about south near the bridge and are establishing a favorite with his family and popular with time for the election of uary 7, with Miss Calhoun teacher. this Bpot where the great wreck of there. everyone who knew Mm, his taking off at officers in the Christian Endeavor so- Arthur White of Richmond Hill, N. 30, 1901, occurred. testing station Franklin this time sails out the unstinted sympathy was a of W. Cores Ofp September Dring of Pond Ridge is in charge of comes from a tnonsand ciety at the Congregational cburch. Y., guest his grandfather, the station. which hearts. The following nominating committee O. Corning, for a part of tbe holidays. Cure a Cold in One fat TwTolWya METHODIST To THE CHURCH. Stowe The many friends of Mrs Arthur J. Hull were last Mrs Seth Taylor is ill with bronchi- Day John and family of Bridge- win ha nlAKsed to know that she Is now rap appointed, Sunday evening: 13, services were last of Rev Irving Maurer, Mrs J. M. Ed- tis. oe. every Next Sunday, (January port guests, Wednesday, idly convalescing from her recent dangerous Z S. H. Clark is bet- Take Bromo Tablets, , will be conducted by Rev W. E. Mr and Mrs Warren J. Stowe. illness wards and Mrs J Mellen. reported slightly Laxative Quinine V Mrs Elmer R. Disbrow, who has been 111 for of officers will ter. His Mrs of soM In 13 p box. 25c L. Goulett and son, Sun r. The annual election daughter, Harvey, Sewn MDBon boxes post months. Tbis oigTiatrxre, Patchin. Paul, spent several days at tha home of a friend In south-no- visited him day in Boston with friends. la rjaar said to ba on the sain. take plaoa in ths Sunday sshool, Jan- Woodbury, Sunday. STjr MlM Allss aalsr, wha has M. Bryant west to Noank, last FraaaU L-- Skarwoaa has kaa aaat la a uary II. ttt Aasrsw's 0mil kslas Its aaasal THE NEWTOWN BEE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907. S

nt Radiant with, tliose values that have made it pre-emine- Read this condensed news of what it brings. There's' in the retail business of the city, the Mill End room for only the briefest details but those brief details tell sale comes once more. an inspiring story. uvuo ito (If, all

Wash Goods Plain Messaline, street and evening Suiting in quiet checks, plaids and shades, worth 50c and 59c yd; in the stripes, good color effects, worth 50c Towels and Crashes Women's Furnishings Cottons and Sheetings Curtains and Draperies Notions . In the Mill End Sale. Mill End Sale, 39c yd.; in the MiU End Sale, 35c In the Mill End Sale. In the Mill End Sale. In Mill End Sale. In Mill . In Mill 30-inc- the the End Sale. End Sale. Cheney Pongee, all silk, gray, Gray (Jheck suiting, new spring pat- the Shirting Prints, light grounds with rose and 69c 36-inc- h, 50c Huck worth 8c, 5o Merode ma- 60 reseda, worth yd; in the terns, worth yd.: in the towels, large, underwear, samples from Bleached 27 inch worth 5c Spool Cotton, 200 yd. six cord colored figures or stripes, worth yd; Mill End Sale, 36c Mill End Sale, 39c H uck towels, 17 by 36, worth 10c, the makers of this famous underwear, cotton, Ruffled muslin four chine not seooods, but 19-inc- 19-t- 26-inc- h band-trimme- MIU curtains, tucks, thread, the in the Mill End Sale, 4ic Black h taffeta and o Plaids, Checks aud Fancy suitings, 7C d, fine quality, excellent yd; short lengths; in the ind worth 39c 32o makers refuse to allow use of their Cotton Challies, pretty designs, in and All-Line- n huck of Sale, 3io pair, silks in good in brocade effects, good colors, worth towels, worth 15c, fit. union suits of 27-inc- Muslin hem- name or so we removed floral and Persian effects on fancy patterns Vests, pants, Brown h, worth 44c curtains, six tucks and brand, have It, light colors, worth 59c to 75o yd; in the Mill 50c yd.: in the Mill End Sale, 39c 12ic cotton and of wool, cotton, stitched ruffle, worth 50c pair, 42c guaranteed best of market, worth fie, grounds, worth 6ic yd; in the Mill End sale, 49c Gray Mixtures and suitings in desir- Hemstitched huck towels, worth 25c, worth 60c and 69c, 29c yd., 3c muslin curtains With End Sale, 4ic taf- 19o 75c Bleached cotton, short lengths, Striped plain 2c Louisine in plain colors, white able colors, tasteful small check stuffs, worth to 1.00, 39o 80 ruffle, worth 75c pair, 60c. Salter's Spool Silk. 100 yd. blacker Fancy Prints,, blues, silver grays, de and armures; worth 69c and 75c ; in Mill End Damask Towels, worth 25c, 19c 1.00 to 1.50, 69c worth yd., 6fc m best worth feta, drap Marion, yd the Fine bleached worth 124c Kenaissance curtains, ru ed net colors, worth 10c, we have sold at 6c, and fancy styles, quality, many colors, worth 69c to $1 yd; in the Sale, 50c Turkish towels, bleached and brown, Fleeced underwear, ribbed, regular cotton, with and edge, wortb $1.25 only six to 5c 6c 5c 58-inc- loo inserting customer, yard; in the Mill End Sale, Mill End Sale, 49c , h cheviot, handsome shade of worth 15c, 12io and extra sizes, worth 25c, 19o yd. 85c Brook's Cotton, black or wmte. 100 27-inc- h, 12c 94c pair, Apron Ginghams, even or broken Pleated in worth 75c ; in Mill End Turkish towels.brown and or ecru fleeced Cambric, worth yd. Kuraed-ne- t blues 8e crepe, evening brown, yd. the bleached, White ribbed under and good, worth curtains. Inserting sod yd. worth 2c, only one doten lo cuv checks, mostly, worth yard; and staple colors and Cheney's 23 inch Sale, 59c worth 20c, 17c wear, worth 39c, 29o Leng cloth, soft edge, worth $2 pair, $1 25 tomer and sufficient ror in the Mill End Sale, 5c worth 75c, 85c and 81 in mixture and small Crash, bleached, worth 5c ; in Wool white or fine 12c and 16o yd., 9o and 12ic quantity 15c printed foulards, Suiting check, yd underwear, gray, 4-- 4 oc JNOttmgDam curtains witn overiocK Thursday only, do. Seersucker Ginghams in checks and yd.; in the Mill End Sale, , 46c right styles for spring, worth 1.00 and the Mill End Sale, 3ic and soft, worth 75c, 65c Brown cotton, worth yd., corded new worth $L50 500 au num- 27-inc- edge, patterns, Ootton, stripes, good dress styles, worth 8c yd; h, fine 1.25 in Mill 75c Bleached crash and worth 6c or wool 64c Basting yards, 3o Mill Bough Pongee, quality, yd.; the End Sale, brown, Gray white underwear, nice Brown 40-in- 8c to $1.75 pair, 85c bers, worth 5c, in the End Sale, 6ic all silk, wortb69c yd.; in the Mill End cloths in castor shades, yd.; in the Mill End Sale, 4c finish, worth 1.00, . . 85c cotton, worth yd., Dew on Rainproof All-Line- bcotcb lace curtains, pretty. Cotton, spools worth 3a, unaruuray, piain uiues, greens, 49c of 3 to 10 and n worth 8c wool vests or 6io 81 50 Mending 12c Sale, lengths yards, very wide, crash, brown, Fine and pants, white 40-In- j styles, wortb $2 pair, doi. tan and brown, worth 8c 23-inc- . brown worth lOo Shoe-Butto- n grays pink, Moire velour, black, excel- worth 1.50 yd.; in the Mill End Sale, yd.; in the Mill End Sale, 6c ray, .worth 1.50, $1.15 cotton, yd, I Cable net curtains, excellent in de Thread, Unen finish. yd; in the Mill End Sale, 6ic lent worth 75c in the Mill 75c Bleached or brown all-line- n corset-cover- s, lie 83 82.00 100 finish, yd.; neck 9-- $3.25 crash, knitted, nigh 4, 20c sign, worth to pair, yd., worth 5c, 3c, Organdies and silk effects, good End Sale, 59c of exclusive worth 10c yard; in the Mill End Sale, and sleeves, worth 25c, 19o Sheeting, brown, worth yd., wide 10 Fancy suiting 0 patterns long Handmade Cluny curtains with Twill Tape, English. yd. piece. styles and colors, worth 12ic yd; in the wear black taf- wdrth-1.5- 80 17c Taffeta, guaranteed in gray and colors, yd.; in black cotton, medium 9-- 4, and wortb $6 to $7.50 worth lOo, 6c 30-inc- All-Line- n blockings, yd-- . Inserting edge, Mill End Sale, 8c worth 85c in the Mill End Sale, 95c crash, brown or worth 3 for 25c Bleached sheeting, wortb 22c - $4.85 3 36-inc- feta, yd.; the bleached, weight, 12io, 19C pair, Bou Tape, yd. piece, worth xtc, Percales, light and dark, Mill 69c . 12ic and 15c in Mill End Black Irish-Poi- nt for or 10c End Sale, yd.; the Sale, stockings, cotton merino or brown and curtains, wmte, run site. 12c dos. styles skirts wrappers,- worth former- 10c and 12io also cotton Sheeting, bleached. Fancy silks, large collection, fleeced, black with white 25c - r worth $5 and $6 pair, $4 00 De Long bump books and eyes, all in the Mill End Sale, 8c Table worth yd.,- 23c s, yd; ly $1 to 81.25 yd.; in the Mill End Sale, Linens Wash cloths, knitted, worth 5c each. root, worth 15c, 110 Bed-set- Kenaissance style, worth worth 10c, 4c and dark 59o j. wined worth 400 s, Flannelette8,ligbt grounds In the Mill End Sale. 2ic Full fashioned black cotton stock sheeting, yd., $7.50, $5 00 s!s,bafeiy-Pin- all sizes, worm 3c, worth 12ic yd; in the Mill End Sale, taffeta and peau de and black cotton with 29C 3 5c 9c Changeable ings, split foot, Pillow-Casin- 42-ln-.. ljrt!er?R, mercerized, heavy weight. for cygne, plain peau de cygne and satin in Cream and bleached worth worth 25c, 19c bleached. worth $7.50 to 810 85.85 Horn IIair seconds of 25c kind, h, damask, pair, Pins, Mercerized Taffeta, pretty styles for handsome 20- - to worth Men's Shoes Lisle of medium or nice worth 12tc yd., lOo 5c shades, 25c In the Mill End Sale, 21c weight 45-in- pillow-casing- . Portieres, heavy, good patterns; house dresses and wrappers, blues, $1 to $1.25 "in the Mill End yd.; fleeced black cotton bleached 85. and worth 12ic yd.; Sale, Bleached damask, worth 35c yd.; In In the Mill End Sale. stockings, worth worth 15c , worth 85 and $5.50 pair, $3 Dress Shields, full sice or shtrt browns, grays greens, 690 the Mill End 29c 25o 19o yd 12c Single portieres, not pairs and only waist, sires 2, 3 or 4, worth. JSc, 7c in the Mill End S ile, 8c Sale, s, -- -- o-- yd; Bagdad silks and rough pongees, pure bleached or worth Cashmere stockings, black, medium one of a sort, worth 82 to 8 8150 x uouiar &noe-Loe- . . or t. Bates' Seersucker ginghams, best worth $1 in Mill End Sale, Damask, cream, Patent leather shoes, blucher style 19o worth 12ic silk, yd.; the 45c yd.; in the Mill End Sale, 39c weight, worth 25c, Ribbons I PIUow Tops, tapestry, wortn ISC to best mohair, worm 10c doc, 6c good yd; All-Line- with welted s, quality, patterns, tyc n bleached worth heavy soles, leather lining, wear resisting stockings, known as 25c. 12 1 2o Corset-Lace- cotton, z worth in Mill End 9ic 26-in- 35-in- ch damask, our 4.00 of yards, the Sale, black taffeta, and regular shoes, full style and In 36-Inc- dos-- , 36-inc- the store's to stand Mill End 10c 5c h, 50 and 55c in Mill End Sale, premier hosiery the Sale. Sash Muslin, worth Percales, best quality, good black wear worth yd.; the value, $3 20 21c fancy, worth 12ic in the Mill taffeta, guaranteed, 45c Dress shoes of bluch- wear, worth 25c, 8c yd., 60 Pin Sheets, 400 count, worm sc. patterns, yd; 85c yd. ; in the Mill Ead Sale, 69c 72-in- bleached all-line- n patent leather, Taffeta ribbon In plain colors, desir Cretonne and in de 3 tor 5c 27-inc- fancy End Sale, 9io h, damask, er or lace fine- 44 ticking Heather pongee, a hne silk short worth 75c in regular style, light sole, able shades, Inch, wortb 29c yd.; In wortb 12 o to 19c yd., lOo Buttons, fresh water pearl, assorted Fleecedown flannels for kimlnos and sold as as $2 in lengths, yd.; the ly built, our regular $4 shoes, $3 20 Young Folks' tne Mill 190 signs, and formerly high yd.; the Mill End Sale, 59c Vici Furnishings Jinaaie, bash Laces in fancy stripes, worm 2 bole, worth 5c dot., 3 for 5c bath robes, stripes figures, worth Mill mna sale, eye of fine Kid shoes in best shapes of the in Mill End Sale. Dresderr rlbrjoc in abort lengths. 10c c slz, tons, nan Damask worth the 1-- Pearl Bui super eye 15c Mill 26-inc- h, Heavy quality, 2 yd.. quality yd; in the End Sale, season, lined with double 4 6 36-idc- llic Chiffon taffeta, black worth 1.10 in the Mill End Sale, 95o leather, and Inch, Inequality, regular d, best iao-- and oriental self shank, wortb lOo, Wexford cheviots heavy, good styles $1.25 in Mill End 89c yd.; soles, soft and comfortable as well as 59c to 75c ; in M in JF.od Sllkoilne, quality, for worth 124c in Mill yard the Sale, Table cloths, hemstitched, 2 by 2 our Girls' underwear, ribbed, fleeced. yd. the Sale, cy , worth 12c yd., 7c suits, yd; the mne Diack taneta, perspiration ana worth Mill End serviceable winter shoes, regular worth 25c, 19c Z5C Lace cjch ITose SucxotMctCrt'f frl'aoT End 10c 20- - 35-inc- h, yds, 2.50; in the Sale, 4.00 curtain corners, samples plain Sale, and worth $1 shoes, $3.20 Short Lengths of Persian and Dres plo-o- n fee Galatea , worth waterproof. 1.95 Box Boys' shirts, drawers and pants. hjt?. length, llo web, style, worth 10c, cloth, good patterns and $1.40 in the Mill End d Calf shoes, blucher styles, with 21c den ribbons. Noa. 9. 12 and 15c in the Mill End 12ic yd.; Sale, Turkey-re- damask, worth 25c yd.; heavy gray cotton, worth 25c, 1. regular Curtain Loops, worth 5c pair, 3o llose supporters, maker's samples, yd; ale, 79c ana stout Goodyear welt sole.'our regular wool or 25c to 59c In the Mill End Sale, sew-o-n pln-o- n Pawnee Madras, corded and figured siau in the Mill End Sale, 18c 3.00 $2.35 Flat underwear, gray white. yd.; Rods, tube extension, silver ends. psd. and styles, wortb Turkey-re- d 50c shoes, for worth 60c and 75c, lie 80 7c lOo background with black and colored Best damask, worth Calfskin lace shoes, stout sole and children, and Nos. brackets, worth each, 25c, 17c Mill yd., short in the Mill End 39c and 65c Satin Taffeta, plain, 5, In Shades, opaque, 38 by ,z in,, worm Cabinets or wire bair pins. 160 rdos. figures, worth yd.; in the End Black Dress Goods lengths; well made throughout, regular 2 00 sizes 2 to 12. worth Mill 5o 18c Sale, 12ic Sale, 39c shoes, $1.95 Waists, knitted, the End Sale, 25a, assorted sites, worth 5c, 3c Mercerized In the Mill End Sale. Mercerised damask, worth 59c yd.; in 15c, 11c Waistings, good weight, 50c FOR BOYS. black 36-inc- Mill End cotton, good blues, tans and black and white h, the Sale, Stockings, stripes, Cashmere, half wool, short Mercerised worth 85c doz.; weight, worth 12ic, 3 for 25c Skirts Notions worth 25c yd.; In the Mill End Sale, worth 25c in the Mill End napkins, Alaska' Calf lace shoes, high cut excel- 15c lengths, yd.; in the Mill End Sale, 69c fine or win- Boys' stout ribbed stockings, In the Mill End Sale Enamelware In the Mill End Sale. Sale, 19c All-Line- n 1.00 blucher style, for skating lent for 15c, 11c Ombre for school dresses, napkins, worth doz.; ter worth 3.00, $2.35 quality In Mill Plaids, Poplar cloth, a sturdy auraDie iaoric in the Mill End Sale, 89c wear, Giris' stockings, tine rib. medium or Plaids and mixtures, good model, the End Sale. measures. GO Inches, metal 19c Mill 36-inc- h, Tape . good worth yd.; in the 25c all-line- styles, worth yd.; in the Mill End , n, Kangeroo grain leather, high cut, worth 15c. 11c worth $3.75, SI. 95 2 Fine napklns,2l-inch- strap-and-buck- le worth for 5c, End Sale, 12ic - 19C worth blucher, top, worth light weight, lc fou- Sale, 1.75 doz.; in the Mill End Sale; 1.50 Lisle stockings for girls, fine rib and Plain and mixed cloth, checks and All of perfect quality and. as whole Bone ooliar buttons, worth &c card, Zephyr Ginghams, mercerised Suiting in plain black or stripes, 2.50, $1.85 worth 25c, 19c plaids, good color effects as well as 2 5c 44-inc- 18 worth good for lards and worth 19c and 25c 36- - h, Tray Cloths, fringed, by 27, weight, sale prices have recently aavancea, suitings, mistral and to Kangeroo grain leather, regular worth $3. $2.85 to-day- 's in the Mill End Sale, 12ic etamine, 12c, 100 wear resisting stockings for boys black, some at less than cost to us. Laundry wax, with handle, worth yd.; worth 39c in the Mill End Sale, All-Line- n height, Diucher, built for hard service. and cheviot Tea-Pot-s 3 Renfrew Madras, yd.; tray cloths, 18 by 27, wortn z.ou, . 81.65 girls, heavy and firm, worth 25c, Sample Skirts, broadcloth, and 00 nee pets, worm for 5c, lOo doc, or lo each pretty patterns 29c worth 25c. 19c zic and panama, in plain colors and fancy to 45c, 19cto29o liair pins, oruspea. bius for sbirtlngs,32 inch, worth 2oc; in the Granite, brillantine, boucle Box Grain leather, lace, heavy dou Infants' black mixtures in and worth straigntorto stripe,50-inc- hemstitched worth stockings, cashmere, plaids checks, Berlin and Berlin assorted box, wortb 5c, Mill End Sale, 121c 38- - to h, Squares, linen, ble soles, 1.50, $1.15 9S a Kettles, shape, steel, sires, on and black and white stripe, 39c, 25c regular and colors, 25c quality, with little 5. ii to 1U, sauce-pan- s, 35c to 81. z ror ao Mercerized Waistings, figures worth 50c in the Mill End Satin Calf lace shoes for the little - regular worth 39c in Mill yd.; 89c hurts, 12ic Dump books and eyes, wortb 3c card, light tints, yd.;, the Sale. 39c boys, good and stout, worth 1.00, Double-Boile- rs 6 40-inc- for cereals or for 5c End Sale, 19c h, milk. Crepe Egypta, (all wool) sold Women's Shoes Men's Wear 50c, 35o Brash binding, colors only, worth Sc Figured silk pongee and silk mix- at 59c in the Mill End Sale, 49c Raincoats . regular " ture fabrics for summer dresses, worth yd.; In the Mill End Sale. Blankets and In the Mill End Sale. Colanders regular 25c, I80 yd., . . tc Homespun, panama, basketcloth, Spreads in Mill End Sale. Tea-Kettle- s. 35 44-an- the sue, black about 39c Mill 25c d wool-fleece- regular 3o Sewing silk, only, in the land d, yd.j sale, bedford cord, and fancy mohair, In the Mill End Sale. Underwear, tan mix sauoe-pan- s worm on 35c I80 56-inc- kettles and yds. spool, worth flannelettes, Lest h, 75c Shoes Lipped doc, Superfine quality, worth and $1; in the Fine of calfskin, lace and but Worsted, castor and oxford gray, 32 ture, wen made, worth &9c 3sc 15c to 35c, . 10c to 25c a.ia rxair au sizes, worm &c worth 15c yd.; in the Mill End Sale, Mill End 59c. ton, stout welted soles, curlers,- 11c Sale, high grade Single blankets, good size, worth 35c to 44. worth $10. $6.75 Merino underwear, gray, heavy, Imported enamelware or btran&Ky to 8c, 3c French Voile, silk and wool crepe de shoes through and through, sold here 29c and castor loose and gooa-nttin- g. worth &oc sta 54-inc- each, and brands In bine: Garter mercerized fnlL i Scotch Flannels in for shirt 42- - h, 90 Gray raincoats, Elite light entire lengths, stripes to all season $2 1-- chine, serge and Sicilian; at $4, Cotton blankets, white and gray, ail sizes, worth $12.50. $7.50 cotton ribbed underwear, heavy 5 For yd- - all colors, worth 15c, 10c waists, worth 25c and 39c yd. ; in the worth some sold at 75c Welted shoes of unusual and fitted, stock at reduction. example: strip, Mill End 19c $1, special yd.; style worth 62ic pair, 55o fine raincoats in new models, gray weight, not all sizes, worth 50c 35c Tea and cofiee-pot- s regular eoc. Aiesn snoppmg Dags, wortn sc, Sale, in the Mill End Sale, 69c staunchness, calfskin In button and White and gray cotton blankets. and castor, worth $16 50. $10 Wool underwear, grey, good winter 19c 42-inc- h, Vici double-be- Brocade, fancy, worth $1.25 lace, patent leather blucher, and d size, worth 90c and 1.25 a .Nicest fine worth 75c, 65c sauce-pan- s 79c 3.00 raincoats of processed weight, Lipped end kettles, reg Darners, with handle, worth, 5c, 1111c i anvv wt-iuii-a yd.; in the Mill End Sale, Kid lace; ourregular shoes, pair, 75c and 95c materials, blue, gray and castor, worth $1 underwear of wool, gray, wmte or ular 4o, 36o 2 for So tt fine $2.45 wooi-nnis- a double-breaste- d Batiste, (silk and wool) and rain blankets, large, worth $au ana $22 50, $12.50 red, gray with shirts, sauce-pan- s, and Dressmakers" dye, 3O0 yds. 42- - 54-inc-n, of fine lace. Berlin Kettles, reg silk, pare In the Mill End Sale proof cloths in gray, to Calfskin soft duality, 2.00 pair, $1.69 heavy and fine. 790 ular 75c, 60o worth 30c, 17o $1.50 and $2 in Mill End medium and low fitted wool-and-cotto- n, worth yd.; the heel, especially Large blankets, 81.50 underwear or excellent weight, Pudding-Pans- , regular 40c, 32c Mending wool, on cards, triack or $1 for winter wear, 2 50 s, Sl-3- White Madras, figured, good weight sale, regular shoes, worth 3.50 a $2.95 Crockery or some rDirts Double-Boiler- 0, 3 tor 5e 50-in- pair, gray, scarlet wmte, regular colors, wortb 3c, and quality for waists, worth 10c; in Broadcloth, fine cloth of 81.t) Spreads, crochet, good size, worth in the Mill End Sale. witn double breast, well made au $1.04 baiter Button bole twist 17 ras. Mill End 7c $1.50 Mill Sale blucher with of $1-2- 0 Tea-Kettle- the Sale, quality; in the End Eidskin shoes, tip 69o through, s, $1.20, 860 worth 4c, So white in s, JN regular Fancy goods stripes, figures $1.25 patent leather, heavy soles, medium Crochet spreads, full sizes, worth Dinner-Set- American porcelain, or folk & new Brunswiek under Mohair dress braid, worth 10c, 6c and iace effects, worth 12ic; in the heel, serviceable, yet of dressy appear- 1.00, 92c decoration. wear, or white, fine wool and of Mill End Sale, 10c ance, a 2.50 shoe. $1 85 print igray Flannels special Marseilles and crochet spreads, 100 pes., regular $6.75, $4.95 best quality, worth $2.25, . $1.05 White Goods in many fancy patterns Box uaii lace shoes, stout and with worth 1.50, 81.39 100 pes., regular $7.50. $5.75 Shirts, negligee in Late patterns. White Fancy Cottons Underwear and stripes, worth 19c; in the Mill In the Mill End Sale heavy sole. $1.15 Fringed Marseilles spreads, worth Dinner-Sets- , fancy decoration, some same quality and style as our 50c In the Mill End Sale. End Sale, 12ic K.idskin and box calf lace shoes, with 8189 112 some 29c in the Mill End Sale. 40-inc- 2.25, with gold edge or gold handle, shirts, with Imperfections, h lawn, worth 12c; in the Mill Domet flannel, worth 5ic yd.; In the low heel, $1.15 Comfortables, cotton, filled, sateen Dleces. regular $10 to $12. $7.95 .neglige snirts in new patterns, ex- Corset Covers, nainsook. French End Sale, 9e Mill End Sale, 4ic Jiid unets, witn turn soles ana low 1.50 2 Dinner-Set- s, 50c 39c 40-inc- j covered, worth and 00, American cellent cloth, regular Quality. White Madras, figured, good weight and h tine worth 15c broad toe, worth 1.25. 90c porcelain style, hemstitched, embroidery in lawn, quality, Outing flannel, worth 6c yd.; in the heels, $1.25 and $1.50. with violet decoration and gold edges, $liShiri8 with bosom, fine percale In and quality for waists, worth 10c; in worm Zbc, i&o to 19c; in the Mill End Sale, 12ic Mill End Sale, 5ic Felt shoes, lace and with fine 1 . i ,vo Mill Sale. 7o serting irimmea, fine 25c Juliet, Comfortables, large, coverings, iz pes., reg., 813.50, tasteful patterns, good variety. tbe End Corset Covers, nainsook. French Nainsook, quality, worth yd.; Outing flannel, best worth 10c yd leather side pieces to give extra wear, wortn 9Z ou ana a ou, ez ana $2.75 130 pes., $18.50. $13.50 Night-Shirt- s of white goods In figures in Mill End Sale, 17c in Mill 90C reg.. flannelette, good Fancy stripes, style, ribbon and lace trimmed, worth the the End Sale, 7c worth 1.25, White porcelain ware of second colors and patterns, worth 50c and snd lace effects, worth 12fc; In the 39c, Dotted Swiss, good quality, worth Domet flannel, white, worth 12ic yd.; Cloth lace shoes with turn sole, 39o 59c Mill Vnrl Kalo Iftft lo Mill 10c Costumes quality and hotel china: 75o, and Petticoats, run length, cambric. 12c yd.; In the End Sale, in the Mill End bale, 10c worth 1.00, 790 or 50c Night-Shirt- s of extra-goo- d flannel Goods in In- 36-inc- h Cups saucers, reg., doz., White many fancy patterns flounce with aod Auto Cloth? wide, linen fin- miaeraown, lancy, worth 25c yd.; in Felt lace shoes with turn sole, worth In Mill End Sale 2c ette. handsome worth $1, in Mill deep embroidery for waist worth Mill 19c the each. patterns, and stripes, worth 19c; the rna serting, worth 8L50, 5o ish, good shirt suits, the End Sale, Plates, bread and butter, reg., 45c 79c Sale. 12 Ks J uowns, nsutsooK. enemise 15c vd.: in the Mill End Sale, 12ic .f m worm 20c Felt Juliets, black, 1.00, 79c 40-In- ch igot lain eiderdown colors, worth, Cheviot and broadcloth, brown, blue. doz., 24o Socks, black or tan cotton, medlem lawn, worth 121c; In tbe Mill style, nicely trimmed, worth 8L50, Mercerised fancy cotton for waists, yd.; in the Mill End Sale, 19c Felt slippers with fur trimming, worth black, fancy mixtures too, worth $15 Plates, breakfast, reg., 90c doz., weight, worth 10c pair, 4 for 25c End Sale. 80 8S0 brilliant figures, and stripes, worth 19c 7oc, 59c and 16.50, $8.75 39C Socks, black cotton or gray 40-In- lawn, fine wortb 15c ; Mill End 15c kid and heavy quality, yd in the Sale, Dress Goods Evening slippers, patent Broadcloth 'and cheviot suits, blue Plates, dinner, reg.. $1 doz., 48c mixture, worth I2tc 9c to 19c; In tbe Mill End Sale, 12tc collection of samples from maker, new Mercerised Jacquards in handsome Colored leather, mostly witn bead trimming, black, gray and brown, neat plaids Plates, soud. reg.. 75c doz., 39c Gray merino or black cotton socks Nainsook, fine quality, worth 2oc and fine all Mill sizes to ana (J Meat-dishe- e, styles material, at effects, worth 25c yd.; in the End In Mill End zt 4i widths, a. b. and and wortn uis to $22 50, s, 10c and 23c in medium and In Mill End-Sal- 17c 19c the Sale. worth 2.50 to 4 $2.00 cnecsis, regular heavy weight, (some yd.: the MIU End Price. Sale, 00, $11.75 4c ana 10c with split foot) and fancy embroidered Dotted Swiss, good quality, worth Suiting in handsome grey mixtures FOR GIRLS. Fine Plaid suits and costumes of Pitchers, regular 14c. 5c black socks, worth 15c, 11c 12ic In tbe MU1 End Sale, 10c 36-inc- h yd.; and mixed mohair suiting, Xidskin shoes, patent leather tin, worsted, cheviot or broadcloth in plain Tollet-Set- s, white, 9 pieces, regular Black cashmere and cotton, (some Auto Cloth, 36-lnc- h wide, Unen tin Waists" Silks worth 39c and 50c yd.; in the Mill End lace, stout soles, sizes Hi to 2, worth colors, worth 825 to $30. $16 50 $2 25, 125 "with foot) and black wool Ish, good for sbirt waist worth - spilt heavy suits, Mill In Mill Sale. Sale. 25c 1.50, $1.15 Costumes of fine imported cloths in I'oiiet-Set- s, as above with regu- - en socks, fine worth zdc. 15c yd: in tbe Mill End Sale, 12fc in the End Sale. End .1 quality, the Fancv "Voile in a few colors, excel Box Calf shoes, lace, and colers or subdued worth la jar,$2.25 Mercerised cotton for - heavy plain plaids, let-Set- fancy waists, Silk, taffeta In plain colors, plaids Pongee, good colors, all silk, lent cloth and worth 50c yd.; in the stout for winter wear, sizes 11 to 2, $35 to $40, $22 50 Toi s, decorated, 9 pieces. Suspenders, strong webbing, stout brilliant figures aod stripes, wortb L8c snd checks, all sizes, 34 to 44, worth worth 50c yd; in the Mill End Sale, Mill End Sale, 25o worth 1.25, 89c t inest uostumes or richest cloth in regular 92, Sl.50 trimmings, worth 25c. 19e yd: In tbe Mill End Sale, 15c $4 50, 8LB5 33c Suiting, plain blue, brown or red, 54 Box calf shoes for children, self-ti- p most exclusive designs, velvet, broad Tollet-Set- s, decorated, Neck-Tie- s, all liked shapes in new Mercerised Jacquards in bsndanme Silk and net aod lace, silk In plaid Taffeta, black, 19-inc- worth 50c yd; inch wide, worth 50c yd ; in the Mill and heavy soles, worth 1.00, cloth and cheviot, worth $42.50 to regular $3 50 to $4 50, $2.95 and colors, worth 26c, and effects, worth 25c yd; In tbe Mill End and Dresden effects as well s 29c 79c patterns plain In the Mill End Sale, 39c End Sale, $60, $32.50 regular $5 to $6 50, $3.95 50c, . 19 and 39o Sale, lfcCj. colors, worth 85 to 84.75, $S.ti THE HOWLAND DRY GOODS COfiPANY, Bridgeport, ' Connecticut. THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, JANUARY il, 1907. closer examination found it to be the Bed Dr. sleep of death. Dr Barber was at-on- ce The Newtown KENNEDY'S called and said that he bad evi- Newtown. Friday Jan. 11. lf'7. dently been dead some time, and no doubt death bad come while he slept. & Ell Gilbert was born in Newtown, Oc- R. H. Beers Co., (JIRCTJL.ATION : tober 1, 1834, and was tbe oldest son of Conn Seth and Nancy Gilbert. In 1851, he The Newtown, went to learn tbe carpenter trade Largest L. 762-76- 1..H- -' .v.-- 45 oo with Thomas Sanford of Bedding, 8 St. and in tbe following year came to Chapel Bethel with Mr Sanford. With the Ten Pages. exception of a short time, in which be New Conn Suit Stock REMEDY was employed in Brewster, N. Y., he Haven, Canned Goods Pleaatuit to TaJke bad since made Bethel his borne. In Specialties. HOME NEWS. Powerful to 1658, be entered into partnership with Cure, his brother, Ptailo Gilbert, and the If it is Canned Goods you And Welcome firm of JE. W. and P. Gilbert carried in Connecticut. BULLETIN. Home. on Great are after, you are assured the ORANQE In Every tbe carpenter business, where tbe Interest Ellis Wood Working Co. now is. In Manifested In Our W never allow r ur Klsck very fanciest and best articles TUESDAY NIGHT'S MEETING. KIDNEY 1870, Henry A. Gilbert was admitted Si it to tbe firm, which went under Stock to become iz e tb-- y of ibese goods the market DesDite inclement weather Poo- - then deplete. A fast as are sold the tbe name of Gilbert Brothers. A few re-order- carried out its program LIVEIUURE! are Costomers can on findinelhe siz-a- nd affords. We do not btay any tatuck Grange wmcn years ago tne business was given up rely as arranged, '.Tuesday nignt,, and Mr Gilbert opened a' hardware quality thru at all times in our stock. kind. m other was of a very hitfh order and eDjoyed T r a m Kennedy's Favorite 15 they require f lr. is adapted to all and paint store at Center street. by all those present. The lecturer's Iccmedy both afford- Mr Gilbert was 1856 to Sa-- January breasted suits at $12, $l.r 18 00f 20.00. age and 6exoa, married in single $10, hour opened with a violin and piano ing permanent relief in all mantba Hovt and she survives him 22 00. 25.00. 28.00 and 30.00. duet Dy Mrs J. w. ijoraon ana miss cases caused by impnrity ol Macken- L.. was followed the blood, snch as Kidney. Their only daughter, Mrs Ida Mabel Tavlor. This and Cures Con- zie, died 22 two White Double breasted Black Soits at $10, 13 50, IS CO end Miss Bladder Liver Complaints. years ago, leaving bv a recitation. "My Strips" by stipation and Wetene peculiar to women. children, one of whom, tbe son, died a 18.00. Ganontr. Mrs Frances Schermerhorn It proves successful in cases where all other med- Oranges. icines have failed. No cullerer ehoald des- few years ago. Mr Gilbert leaves two crave an excellent paper on Washing totally an un- We have hatineea Prime and nice. pair as lonj; as this remedy Is untried. It has brothers, Pnilo and Henry A. Gilbert, very good assortment of suits. ton, L. J. Miss annie hi. anarews broken record of success for over thirty yenr. and has one sister, tn re Udwln Stone, and a suit in our store is New Seeded and Seedless gave a reading, "The Inventor's won hosts of warm friends. For sale by all dmeists Mrs Edmund Mill Every new, assuring you of tb very and a or write to Dr. David Kennedy's Si.ns, Knndont, granddaughter, J. latest as well as tbe best Wife," John J. Northrop report N. Y., for a free sample bottle and medical booklet. er, of Bedding. The funeral services Great interest has been style quality. Raisins. of the meeting of the State Grange. were held at the late home of tbe de- Mrs Gordon and Miss uayior were ceased, and were conducted by Bev manifested in our January White heard with great delight in several Lewis M. Lounsbury of the Methodist Sale durine the past week. The violin and piano duets. Refreshments A GREAT JANUARY SALE. church, assisted by Bev F. G. Howell, were served following the meeting. D. D., of. Brooklyn, former pastor of natural outcome of enthusiastic Groceries Two applications for membership were the same church. J. B. A crowds and was Fancy received. une nexi meeting uu MEIGS CO. ARB SELLING MEM'S AND bijf selling deplet- Mullings& Son, ai BOYS' AT PRIC- of All Kinds. January 22 it is proposed to have a CLOTHING REDUCED . AT 8T THOMAS' CHURCH. ed stocks, which have been replen - - - pancaae supper. ES. and this sale has started oS Waterbury. Conn. now under The Bight Bev Chauncey D. Brew ished, OBITUARY. The regular January sale ster, D. D., of Hartford, bishop of tbe with renewed energy. All reserve way at Meigs & Co. 's big store is said diocese of Connecticut, confirmed a to be sale in 1 BERNARD KILBRIDE. the greatest January class of 22, at St Thomas' cburon. goods have been brought forward their history, because of the advanc- Sunday evening. Before tbe confirm- ard the counters are now s Bernard Kilbride, one of the oldest ing prices of wool goods and the un ation service. Bishop Brewster preach just R. L Beers & Co., Irish residents of the town and a sub- usually large stocks rrom wnicn men ed a sermon on tbe text taken full of new crisp undergarments as THE IMPORTANCE on Fri- and boys may select their wears. Over- stirring 10: 34: came to Conn. stantial citizen, passed away coats now bear reduced from Matt. "I not they were the opening day.; and the Newtown, day, at the ripe age of 84 years. One andsuits send peace, but a sword." An audi son. N. prices which are about on a level with filled com values are ist as if not bet OF KNOWING! ' John Kilbride of Passaic J., wholesale for of ence, which tbe church j good, s and three daughters, Miss Kate Kil- present prices goods pletely, listened to the bishop's ad ter. What know will never bride of "Miss Marcella equal quality, so greatly have fabrics dress and witnessed tbe confirmation you don't hurt you. Bridgeport, advanced in price, this season. This service. No are ordered or At tbe same time, what you don't know will never do you any good. Kilbride, who lived with her father, means tnat oi goods pur , You probably don't know all you abould know. "Van many people ioresignt 1 and Mrs Hayes of Sandy Hook, V n.11 - T.T T I 7- 1- XT "V chased for this sale is about Lumber Burvivehim. For years Mr Kil- will buy at this sale for next winter's I. uauatjucr ui new awuciic, 11 a everything Especially buying your at HawieyvlUe. many use, thereby saving substantial sums. has been appointed station agent or our all round Get posted before you buy. bride Was an employe at the Rubber involved sale are the year merchandise, shon. and was well liked. The funer The stocks in the the Bethel station. and therefore al took on Monday morning made up of all incomplete lines of this G.C. Dougherty of Brooklyn, N. Y. purchasers may buy E. C. place Mc-Guinn- Conn. Prices On from St Rose's church, Father season '8 models in men's and boys' was the guest of friends over Sunday. with full confidence of obtaining PLATT, Hawleyville, bearers suits and overcoats. In the shoe de- officiating. The pall a sale is now in progress, In- exceptional values. Everything in the Building Material Line. were all nephews of the deceased, partment, new STEVENSOW- - Messrs Michael, John, Thomas, Fran- volving broken lines of all the v Kvery corset cover, gown, skirt, cis and William Kilbride and Andrew lasts in dull and shiny leathers, at one and Stoves The burial was in St remarkably low price. It will pay to NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. and drawers in stock is reduced Ranges McGauley. visit Meigs & Co.'s store, this week. Rose's cemetery. Funeral Director C. E. Gilbert was home from Bridge and on sale as follows: William A. Honan had the .ever much in Advanced on Dec. from $1.00 to but we - arrange Clear the cleanse tbe port Sunday Improved 1, 1906, $2.f0, ments in charge. up complexion, health. Every 25o Garment now, 19c Drugs and are liver and tone the system. You can Ma- 60o now 39C to this date De-Wit- a stock previous offering t's Mrs Lewis and daughter, Miss Every Garment bought large be8t3o this by a dose or two of 75c now 69c customers the old on all stoves which we have in THE SANDY HOOK LIBRARY. Little Risers. Safe, re bel, of Forestvllle, visited their aunt, Every Garment toour prices Early Mrs J. B. Downs, a part of last week. Every 89c Garment now 75c and have 3old a number and still have a as liable little pills with a reputation. Mrs was New 1 00 Garment now 87c stock. We quite good BALK TO BE HELD. The pills that everyone knows. Bee-- James Wheeler in Ha Every stoves and all the other sizes and all ven over Sunday visiting her daugh- uvery l narmeni now 5c sortment of heating at $2, commended by druggists. Mrs Arthur Every 1.60 Garment now 1 29 we-ril- ter, Ailing. Groceries. which l at 1 75 now 1 37 YOUR BOY kinds to our best and heavy Ranges, price Mr Mrs JU1BO ijabucuuc auvi uiwuuvt, Every Garment up - John J. Northrop and and were recent of Mr and Every 2 00 Garment now 1.69 Would like on of Ibeae SPLENDID SL a uis- will hold a sale in the George, guests M 50. Remember we aenver au gooaa wytnin reasonauie L,?.mi!.S0Mh. a. minis, Frank Mitchell attended the meeting Mrs Stiles Loveland. Every 2 15 Garment now 1 89 Why not sir blmoM for OH R1ST-- we library room on Friday, January 18, of the State Grange in Hartford, last 2 50 now 2.19 AS and glv-- blm a start-- tH It aaw yoar tance. The tendency of prices are still higher, but expect afternoon and to raise funds was Miss Mildred Smith of New Mllford Every Garment Betts & wood, cat your fodder, pomp yoar watw. raa evening, week. Mr honored with Iwo-ihlr-ds Jan. 1 to first Northrop visited friends in this place, last week. Every 2 75 Garment now 2.35 Betts, the separator, aad do of lb work to give our customers the benefit of theold price until pay for the new, catalogue, tbe appointment as a member of the Master Paul were 3.00 Garment now 2 49 Sandy Hook, Conn. that yoa hire dnoe. Made la 1 stuns. 1 aad and for tne of books and to Louis Goulett and Every 14 H . P. SO J. fnre purchase asso- committee on legislation for the State over Miss Rose 3 25 Garment now 2.75 geed for circulars aad days 107. meet the current expenses of the U range. in Boston Sunday, and Every trial plan. We also have a toll Hoe ol Wtad We can save NOW from to 4.00, to size ciation. Tbe plan of the sale is like Dillon stayed with Mrs Goulett dur- Every 3.50 Garment now 2.95 Mills. Towers. Wood aad Taava. SMa you $1 according was their absence. Every 3 75 Garment now 3.19 v KnrlDea. jaw Mlllav TtrreahtBZ MwhlM that held a year lago, which very ing 4.00 now 3.35 11 Si km. Oat ra M taara preadctra, mrii Ioul and kind you select. successful. Solicitors will go to the "Frank Hawley has tuned the organ Paul, Marie and Wilfred Goulett are Every Garment Sunday Houra: 10 to a. Cylinder OIL. Farm liiiplMDftitU aad best to in the Taunton schoolhouse, '"which sick with tbe measles Dr George Every 4.25 Garment now 3 66 uooBng bead ror circulars.te people and give them opportunity 4 oo now 3.75 12 to 1. MugracurM. contribute fancy or useful will be appreciated by those attending Beardsley of Derby attends them. Kvery uarment m.; anything, tbe weekly prayer Every 4 75 Garment now 400 TELEPHONE articles, which are saleable, or to give meeting. now 4.25 SERVICE: to be turned into GREENFIELD HILL. Every 5.00 Garment Fred E, Field, money. Things Mrs and Mrs of Woodbury Local, . CONN. E. J. cash should be delivered at the librar y Dalling Finnerty N. T. SOHERS, HALL'S, on the day of the sale. Oopies of Fairfield were guests, Tuesday, of Mrs S. E. Co., 76. Conn. early offered 25 is. (i. Jbake. MRS MARY E. FANTON. Saritly Hook, the catalogue will be at on the annual meeting of tbe state cents each. Sandwiches and coffee, Mrs Mary E. Fanton passed away G ranee in last week. cream Food don't digest? Because the New Year's day after a lingering ill Hartford, Carpets, and cake and will be served at some one of essen was on Herbert Kellogg is the guest of his fair prices. In case of a very stormy stomach lacks the ness. Tne funeral neid riday. mother, with a friend. sale will be to Sat- tial digestants or the digestive Juices January 4, from her late residence, Mrs is old friends and Rugs, day the - postponed are not balanced. Mr Mapes visiting . properly Then, too, Bev Beckwlth officiating. The acauaintances in - ! urday. it is this undigested food that causes Dall bearers were A. H. Pease, A. W. Brooklyn. Straw sourness and John P. Morehouse and F. K. Hawley, who has resumed tbe Matting BARN AND L.1VB STOCK BURNED painful indigestion. Raymond, business of pianos, finds all the Birthday Kodol for Indigestion should be Boyal Banks. cantuningdo and more too. New and Attr active used for relief. Kodol is a solu- ' work he GTJSTAVBS WBISS OF TREE tion of acids. di- LOCAL NOTES OF INTEREST. Many ot those who did not improve . Winter Line at WALNUT . vegetable It the foe weather at Christmas time be- HILL. THE VJ N FX) KTTJN ATK 6UFFKR-EB- gests what you eat, and corrects the Mrs Sarah Seymour is spending a ice Suggestions or - gin to think that when is ready deficiencies tne digestion. K.odol time at the home of Sidney- Dowd at then is tbe time to tret it in. TAYLOR. C17R.TIS 6 conforms to .the National Pure Food Bridgeport. baa been an of . The barn of Gustave Weiss on Wal and Drug .Law. Sold here by all a There epidemic grip Perfumes, CO, nut Tree Hill was burned on Satur Mrs King has returned home after colds in the street running by D. D. was visit with her daughter, Mrs William Joyce's. Six or eight families, one or Toilet Waters and Sachet day night. Mr Donahue the first Nichols. more members In bed. Ho one n'as Powders, Farm Hunters to see the Ore ana gave tne aiarm. Ward Wakeman has returned to his Gloves and Answered20,000our advertisements the twelve months. There was destroyed two horses, two FAIRFIELD COUNTY. been seriously sick and all are Fur Caps, YOU. during past was no home at Little Falls, N. Y., after a Neckties and In FREE FOR If you want a quick cash sale for your country property, write us now.' cows and two heifers. There short visit with his Mhs Eliza Brookfleld on Mon Suspenders Your property may be what one of these ' ' Farm Hunters ' ' is for. Insurance on the property and the loss aunt, At tbe Grange Fancy Boxes, just looking on BETHEL. beth Wakeman. day the officers were Installed, A quick sale for you will follow, .if your price is right. falls heavily Mr wpIss. Miss Charlotte E. Bradley and Mrs nigbtW. as Skates and Sleds, H. Andrews acting Instal - Terms of sale can be arranged so that you need not move before April 1st. friend were guests, Sunday, of Mr and ling officer. It was voted that here- Cigars and Pipes, We require no payment in advance for listing property. SANDY HOOK METHODIST CHURCH. ELI W. GILBERT. Mm Robert Barmore at Black Bock. after tbe meetings shall be held only Candy in bulk and boxes, Hundreds of sales yearly is our honest evidence of right methods. EH W. Gilbert, one of Bethel's old- W. E. Nichols has had his telephone on the first Monday evening of each - Writing Papers in attractive t Write today for our FREE improved listing blanks. SUNDAY SBKYICM. est business men and a much respect- taken out. month.' boxes. ed citizen, died suddenly, during EL A. Farm in the OnxSunday next services will be quite on STROUT CO., "Largest Agency World," held, morning and afternoon, as usutl, Friday night, at his home Center fcONKOE For any disease of tbe skin there Is 15 Nsa St. Astasia, M Broad St. COLEriAN SMITH, conducted Rev W. J. street. He had been in poor health Chamberlain's New York City Malse. Boatoa. Agt by Guggenheim. for several but was able to be nothing better than Bethel, Ct. years, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH CALL EKV Salve. It relieves tbe itching and S.E.Sevnford & Co. ST ROSE'S. MK K.IRTZ. burning sensation instantly and soon Newtown. Conn. Bev Mr Kirtz of YaleSemlnary, who effects a cure. Sold by R. H. Beers 'On Monnay morning at 9 o'c ock has been supplying the Congregation- & Co., Newtown; Taylor, Curtis Sc. Co., uoa-rtii-a aciUi there was a month's mind al pulpit, spent bis vacation in town. Sandy nook: w. jn. iiura. Long inn. THE MAN WHO SHORES ' rrquiem ex- A. B. Blakeman, Botsford: a. J. fartcs. PREMIUM No. 600. bitth mass far tbe late Edward Lyons. A call from this parish has been ' Will a box of our On Saturday mornini; at 9 o'c-Ioc- tended to bim. It has not as yet been TrumbulL Baaaaonaly a'aeorataa Chisa Clock, appreciate cigars better than 1- -4 can be made him. He will value If he tuere will be a month's mind requiem accepted. , la nigh, a boot anovamaat, arils, any Xmu sift that them highly has a I var- had a former acquaintance of their many good and if are new to high mass lor tbe late Mrs Mary Mr and Mrs Solon B. BOOTS AND aoabla roller aeapsssaat aa4 la. him he will value them more as a polats to have.they Leavy Wales, tb rough ies dial, navel Crystal, aiao ol4 plata mighty good thing The Bbb, announce the engagement aaatar basd. For too Osoaa Trass 44 Fairfield Ave.. O ite Poll's Theatre. of their daughter, Miss Ethel Wales, arks, or o Trade M arks aad 6$ eta. . Walteidorf of DAN D. SMITH, BRIDGE BT. OONN.. Julius Bridgeport to E. D. Proud man, of the Connecticut SHOES, a eta. spent a few days recently with friends Agricultural College. 4-- i Postage, sear his former home at Boisroia. The Elm street school now numbers 3bj3feA5 Rubber and Leather. The Fairchild & Shelton Blacksml Carriage and Undertakers and 16 43 IT'S ALL Co., thing, J, Embtlinert Allison Go. are scholars and the attendance excep- KS SP? Hoosatoate Are. ftrtdewporc Ot. Wagon Repairing. The at Hawleyville- good, there very few 3 We have them and our prices to in a twenty-horse- ) tionally being preparing put - absent ones in weatber. 6c power gasoline eneine. O.- B Hawley tiny 43 HOT AIR c are right. Ml rtai Work Prindle nr 1 1(11 ni)r Trill n - Lorerzo Sterling, formerly of this C. florris hurl phflripa nil has taken to himself a 43 in the flues sur L. SMALLEY, W. Li. U datiocs and in readK place, recently The H. PRINDLE. MOKKIS. getting things young brica. oven of C. Stapaay Dayet, Ct. ness when it arrives. Tbey expect to Miss Hleo Wells of New naven has 43 rounding the the L. MORRIS, Hughes & Chapman, Bbtasuebhmd in 188S. Funeral Directors put in a dynamo and light by electric come to Kasx, Village to make her 43 "West Shore Kan ge' and THE GROCER. ODonaeaoe to Oa aa. J. Bccsm, Practical Morseshoer. and Em balmera. ity- - ho ma with her David Wells. it uses a small quantity of Coma. Re- -- brother, 43 Newltwu, Wagon and Carriage Lester of Mr and Mrs R. L. Qoldsborough and feel to bake with, smaller pairing and Fainting; also Blacksmith lng In Frederick and son, Percy, home-i- n 43 aU lta branches. First class workmanship Newtown, Conn Amagansett, L. I., are spending the cbild have returned to their probably than is required bv guaranteed and prices always reasonable Mr Mor- Staten Island. J Gone ection : Dl vision winter with and Mrs Henry M'.ss 43 any other on account Telephone Bridgeport Call i in Mr Lester and Agnes Beardsley is in Long range, Telephone gan Hattertown. a onpRt. nf hpr ulstpr Mrs Jpnnln 43 of its flue construction, and Phillip Schnabel, son are timber for a O- Ooaa. 83-- -- getting out power Dodrtnirtown T- Newtevra. W. H. Prindle, 3. L. O. Morris, 3. Beardsley. the price is lower, P. O. Address: BeteeL Boots We belong to the boat to ply between saybrooK and W. GILBERT. Miss Beach 43 quality Si. ! party that never agansett, L. I., which Mr Morgan and ELI Lucy has been sick with considered, than any other Telephone loom. NOTICE throws mud and are tonsilitls. 43 sand. That Is the WILMOT & Mr Lester to buna in the spring. Miss Millie Freeman of White high grade range There CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. we HALWEY, about for most of the time to at 43 tVion kind of shoes put on your horse. Large G. the Plains, N. Y , New Year's day a r mnra TliiTlintia. Estimates five oa all kiads of stock ot shoes and all welg ts at my old suuiu REYNOLDS, Mr and Mrs E. Lake spent New tend to his business aTalrs. On going spent or sladly New g, with her parents. 43 and West Shores in Dan-- by day contract Year's day in Haven with their TiO mrvjiioerii S rooms, oaiuruay luuru-in- B. M. Mrs A. son-in-la- TUTTLE, 168 Oonn. daughter, Charles McBath. his Fred Mackenzie, 43 bury and vicinity. Prices OONN. State 8t., Bridgeport. on NICHOLS. SOOTHBUEY, "Dr Klernan bad a fortunate and at first thought bim asleep, but 43 will advance February ist, Shop closed every Saturday noon. on all of so Maaafacrarrrs of aad twatars ta Q so rob B. HawiiBt, Tine St. Near Park Ave narrow escape from a serious accident, 43 maks Ranges kv Mm 8k, 8idt Hook. Or. BiDWABD 1. w ii.mot, oo uunton Ave. about 10 M p. m., in MKTHODI8T CHURCH NOTKS. your order in now and ?T Shoo near New Enstaad Station. Bartter Iohh B. RiTKOLDS, 899 West Ave. xuesday night, Soutb Britain Announcements. get Halrd- - nmrr. Satiaf action aU so y work The Grade of Ceme Trumbull front of St Rose's church. The to 43 nt and la Highest Announcements of 231 pole Sundav. January 9. the consrecation take advantage of the pres-e- raaranteed. open every Gay ana eve Telephone his carriage dropped down and the Shop A Work from Merchants. horses to run. Tbe was at the Methodist church listened to a 43 low prices, Inc. KasorHoninc Specially. tery started pole tine sermon by tbe presiding elder. Q Ite broken, but the doctor succeeded in Dr Adams. The text was from Matb-- 43 ran and Marble. umbuii, IP. bringing the horses under control long The OSoe aad Sateeroomt oo n P. ew, 24:13. 43 Allnott - , lohn T. Porter, Keating, enough for his man to jump out and Augur, 300 Stratford Bridge-port- Ct. FURNITURE sieze Tbe annual report of tbe Methodist Hard- - aurDT Hook. Oovsu Art,, Expert Horseshosr DEALER, them by the bridle. school was 6, 43The Danbury Ckoie All kOada, , Sunday read, January Daalsr la Heats of and General , Blacksmith. 1 Undertaking and Embalming in all lte Charles Gilbert, who has been under Best Place showing a membership of the school of 43 Pan try, Vaf taslea,ja. All kinds of and Wagon Repairing branches, promptly and carefully attended to. 129. . Z7--4. Carriage 7 treatment of .Prof Ue Mork in Bridge- Gro-cerT- es 43 ware Co., Telephone S. done. Shop open every week day from a. m. SANDY HOOK, OONN. some so To buy your The annual meeting of tbe Ladies' J. BATES. to 8 d. m. Strict attention paid to business. port for time, is much Im 249-2- 51 Prices reasonable. Terms Oasa. in health he Satur and General Merchandise . is Aid society will be held at the cburcb 43 Main St Soocaasoa TO Tas Baraa STOsra Oo, proved that spent at on 17, at day with L. C. Gilbert, return- my store. Thursday evening, January 43 Ss Wm. J. Beehler, tonight which time tbe secretary's report will Danbury COAL. COAL. MonumentAl Buildmg Work, ' ing Bridgeport, Monday. When your accounts are handled through a be read and the election of officers for 3 Fcniral Director and McC'askey Reslster, tbey cannot grow as the Re-astt- ESBHtSXR, Mr and Mrs Almon Emmons enter- grus while you sleep. the year will be in order. All are in MICHAXL KILX.BRID&, Claaaiaa aad isf Xoaamaata, Stock to whether mem- B aads t aaa, eta Big Of shoes for Ladles Lady Assistant always in attendance. tained friends through the Holidays. vited this meetiDg Beady Book, Ooaa. - A or not. I nd nitlamn- Inn Rubber and Felt Boots. bers of tbe society "Ooal yards at New En aad Depot St-- Arctlca and Rubbers. Best makes on the Telephone Connection. Brookfleld. Oonn. 4 VVatar T Norwaik, Ct n.11 Gen Mrs Pierce, a former housekeeper for nurlint. to fit Qrocerles and CP. WILLIAMS', ' Mrs entertained Merchandise. at store and the late Edward is at Nothnagle1 recently C 1 V. ral Trade my F. lves, present . kl .3.. ..b. IT ... 1 save money. George Taylor, with J. L. James at Botsford. South Britain. turn auiuicr. iuij uauKuter, at ioo tu-- l - . TRUMBULL, Funeral Director, Sandy Hook, Ct arine Ambler. I mt--. r. I ?-- V U H. Q. 1 J Keane's 87-- 27-- - a po-- I V Calls: 5 and 3. Pana Herbert Hawley has accepted Mft TVIPSI 11 II 1 8. OONN. Telephone Dr Hess Stock Food, Poultry hW IHTPr Jl if n J. Parks, cea and instant Louse Jollier,' an a Monumental guaranteed to do their respective H. P. Michols has recently bad Works. worK or your money DacK ac e. m New telephone placed in bis bouse. Mr and Mrs F. B. Bouton, Sanford & Co.'s. Department. Mr and Mrs Bennett entertained Corbett's Shoe Store, MaxtsatoBlc Brialgayart, C- - A New Brand ft ' Have openea a a ana ioc counter at my E. If. Vincent and family, New Year's TAYLOR & HUBBEI.L. Ay., Funeral Directors and store. Drop In and see!tte manv bargains. A SANDY HOOK OT. C 1 of Flour and It Is a good Embalmers. want best on the handsome Rold Eltrln watch day. NEWTOWN STATION. & If you the thing to be plv'n for for a one, Stoddard Gilbert's Progress; It makes New Fork State License. market for biliousness, constipation strictly cash purchases. Coupons with every Raymond Curtis is home sbort We have a superior line of Shoes and Oxford The Life floe bread. White Swan Flour $5 25 per bbl. rash sale. Call and get particulars. New vacation. Ttea for Ladles. Men. Hots and Minns In ail Northwestern Mutual PlUsbury's best. $5.50 per bbl. Due to arrive Day and Night Services. indigestion, headache, dizziness, etc., stock of prepared Buckwheat Flour, some- th lauwt styles and lasts. If yon are Inter In a few car of cotton seed meal. Now G. - we Representative Cbarles J. Tborp test Insurance Co. days Georgetown, Conn. Tel. ask your druggist for N. Clarke's thing very- nice; chd also furnish vou with ested call and prices. -- the time to buy. All kind of teed and grali not the syrup to eat on tbe cake Salt and wife attended tbe reception to lasnTss tbe Safest and Sironcvatt. Ufa aad Branch Office Tel. Vegetable Liver pills. They are Groceries, Use Quick and Soap Polk-lna- . at ma lowest prices. Bldgefield. one has and resh Meats or all kinds. Governor Woodruff at Hartford, Wed Easy oosTanaat Remember Flack. an untried remedy but that Kemembur the pUce. 9. and Wasblns Powder. is tbe bast cava B. U. Hrodenck. aipedal Arrat. the been tested most thoroughly by thou nesday evening, January It that IM rXavta. rWtttrrpnrv Onaa. sands ot who in favor Mrs Oscar Plumb has entertained be made. Manufactured by tbe F. W. people testify - . relatives VALLEY SOAP Oo, Soothbnry. Ot. Chester Brinsmade, E. TROY. JR..7 of their wonderful curative properties. J Ii 's, lately. Grease takes la eirhanfe for aoao. Trumbull. Oonn. Tbot'b Bldo., Sawdt hook. bee his aa- - Cassidy A Lima Once tried always used, South Britain, Conn. and Furniture New of tne Latest vertisement In another column. B ROO KFIE LfT . Stationery Geaas. m mm him si lit Periodicals. a Uaaertaktaf In all lta Braaahes When the cold winds dry and crack None Better V Wltilam that rt-- the beat st House, Telephone Troy's HoteL No. 348-- B. st Paul's. In each of these lines oar stock PoerorriCB Dlnmonataln,Block. N svrrows. 1 wamAm Fl3tlyHAwxsrviixa, NswtOwh, Ot., the skUi a box of salve can save much Than the Nutmeg Brand lt We IstrcrioB kro at look- - for we xoma- Mr Millikin will assume very complete. Invite Inspection. HARNESS REPAIRING Is addlttoa to the Now mmn for omenta the vear round. Thank discomfort. In buying salve oi uanneu vrooas; nave feas uorn. permanent uoots mxm. arwr I tb old for past favors, we Invite all W. A. HONAN, the name on the box to avoid im toes, squash and Beans in theae goods. Buy charge of St Paul's as rector, begin, repairins of ajto thta da lageomapatronsand see us. Transient boarders care-- any a can and you will buy more. Groceries of all next Post Office News Store, do all kloca of Hum Krpalr Mark. Blackman Studio to. Funeral Director and itations, and be sure you get the orig- kinds. ning Sunday. wlu oo yoar tUOs attended Embalmer, Salve. Ajrsads, BrMfeaort. A Cv Mrs A. B. inal De Witt's . Wltca Hasal it ts ralrsald v. S;rtarpnrV tfr and Plxlay, Props 4-- v JOHN U. SQUIRE. Feuta Bfttala, t. TaxiPBsm NawTawx, Ct. eld y all drugg-lsta- Mr aai Mr C. B. Hawlsy attend; svatovta aad rialaata AjaaSaar Wark. THE NEWTOWN BEE. FRIDAY, JANUARY il, 1907. 5 EASTON. Danbury have been guests of Mrs Wil- Newtown Bee. bur Sturges. The BAPTIST CHURCH NKWS. Frederick Banks and D. O. Chase Newtown, Jan. 11. 1007. o Union Friday. TT the of tbe late W. Business I? urn a appraised property Mr HnnnQn nkt. v...nn Main and Streets, Bridgeport.College C. Westerfield, last week. Congress the pulpit, Sunday, and delivered an Norfleld Grange program will be in Kemp's Balsam excellent address. charge of Mrs F. W. Treadwell on Fri- Nursing baby? CIRCULATION i The New Year's dinner held in the day nan was wen attended. A evening. Not One January 1, 1BBT, 001 Baptist Mrs Emily Perry is visiting rela- It a mother. Graduate Unemployed. Will stop any congh that most sumptuous repast consisting of tives in Seymour. heavy strain on Last weeV, can be stopped by any all the goodies and fruit was served by Mr and Mrs C. Miss 4450 the ladies in a most I. Fanton, Alma r that cannot be cured any young pleasing Fanton and Mrs Charles Scofield were Her system is called upon to supply Shorthand and uurcr by Miss In attendance at tbe State Grange Typewriting, meaicine. Elsie BIbbins was elected for meetings In Hartford, last week. nourishment for two. Ten Paces. It Is always the best the coming year as organist in the Capt W. R. Fearn and family spent Bookkeeping and Business, cough cure. You cannot Sunday school,, and Miss Mary Ferris last week at their summer residence. atford to take chances on o tuBiobauii. Mrs D. O. Chase and Miss Grace Some form of nourishment that will English and Telegraphy. any other kind. Scofield spent part of last week In be easily taken by mother's FAIRFIELD COUNTY. KEMPS BALSAM cures A GREAT TREE. Wilton. up system Prospective students may begin any school day. coughs, colds, bronchitis, The largest chestnut tree in Easton Tbe publlo school d on Mon- is neeJed. BETHEL. grip, asthma and consump is one standing in a meadow cowned by day, after tbe holiday vacation. Fall term of both the day and night school will open tion in first stages. John Sherwood. It measures 24 feet Miss Elisabeth Gordon has returned It does not in circumference. Where is there an from a week's visit in New York. Scoffer Emtxfsfton contains the 4. FUNERAL OF MRS ANN STEVENSON. contain alco other to beat it?. Irving Lockwood was a guest of Eas- beptemoer hol, opium morphine, or ton friends on Sunday. greatest possible amount of nourish- Send for new illustrated catalogue The funeral service ot Mrs Ann any other narcotic, poison, Mrs Caroline Budd has returned Stevenson, Bethel's oldest resident, ous or harmful drug. WHAT IS THE SECRET OF MAKING HENS from a visit In Norwalk. ment in easily digested form. wno naa passea ner lootn birthday. LAY? took place on Wednesday afternoon, Horn borne or ner From a flock of about 50 hens Miss Mother and are January 2, the errand . BROOtFLELD. baby wonderfully son, Duncan Brodie, 31 Reservoir av Adelia Lyon obtains over two dozens its use. enue, Rev A. ri Steele officiating, 'me Dickson of Branchville visited friends of eggs daily, which is far in advance helped by Bis: burial was In the Wooster cemetery, in Boston district, recently. 01 those with much larger nocks. ITEMS FROM OUR SCRIBE'S NOTE BOOK. X Danbury. Mrs F. A. Evans, Mrs Howard Banks has returned to his Mrs Is in Miss Minnie Sherwood Clinton Jones of Waterbury ALL DRUCClSTSi frOc AND $IjDO Theodore Smith, Reuoen uibbs and position Sussex, after spending the entertained b a rew witn ner mother. Theodore Smith sang "Abide With nonaays witn nis parents. Harold Tomlinson of Hattertown on pending.nana morenouse.days - i - Me," ana "Asleep- in Jesus." xne Mr and Mrs John B. Mix of Wallinar- Sunday. unDavid bearers were William Beard, Alonzo ford spent New Year's week with Mr Miss JUlsle BIbbins has returned to Morehouse of Waterbury Opportunity JTrederick Jfl and Mrs Banks. her school two spent the holidays at his home in Samuel K.yie, Eugene at Stevenson, after cne wee km Brook field. To buy Dinner and Tea Seta at Cost. We Benedict, Smith Dunning and Wil iaa. little daughter of Mr and vacation. George Totams and family moved to It reaches him when be has money to Ham F. Masson. Mrs John Colby on Peaceable street. Miss Annie Lncan has visited In spend, and wben be la gl&d of a blot are out of the Crockery Business and shall sell the bal who was very ill with convulsions, last Bethel and Stevenson during her va stratrora. last week. as to bow to going week. Is much now. John Illntnn of Danbury spent tbe spend It wisely. Tbe ance of our handsome decorated HATTING CONCERN TO LOC ATE IN better cation. wuo nis A&t publication office of tbe European Etil John Holman having resigned bis M. B. Williams and family have the nonaays grandfather, lion of tbe New York Ueraldi la In New Articles BETHEL. position on ine btate rarm, a new man sympathy of the entire community in Hoyt. Paris, 49 Avenue de H. Co. ager is charm of the of son. Rolld. who John Greene of New York spent tbe rOpera. Visiting J. Wolthausen have leased taking place. the death their died holidays will, his grandmother. Mrs Americana are invited to register for the hat factory on Grand street, known Robins have been heard several in Greenfield. Sunday, with pneumo tbeir names there. AH names so reg- Dinner and Tea Sets as & times in since new suppies. the Colwin McCarthy factory, this vicinity the nia, oeing sick only since New Year's is. x. Jackson Rev E. istered are printed in the columns of and are to carry on the hatting busi- year Degan. aay. entertained the European Edition of The Utrild Whist Prizes ness Mrs Wilson W. L. Whitoome of Poughkeepele. N. Y.. there. Mr Wolthausen has been Ferris is suffering over Sunday. and cabled for simultaneous public- - a member of Wolthausen LYON S PLAINS. from a nervous attack. Dr of x -- the Hoyt, Smith Mrs a. vroman entertained ber nua m we jsew ora iieraia. rtames fco rmttimrm oar work, Hat Co. in Danbury, but has recently Redding was called. C or. tourists registered at tbe Herald )otwbtrtifmi3irajl oat tfarlfec U AT Ca- y father and brother and of c)ut4 cm-r- withdrawn from that company. The NKWS TERSELY TOLD. Charles Beach of Rock House Is be family office In Paris are also transmitted to Holiday. W n tt a ckji to are to h im treated Dr for naan, New Year's day. tttMaat unrUMt of mcia for people here pleased have ing by Smith a chronic B. who has tbeir home paper. No wonder that nilft I -- and-Croc- k Several from here Herbert Kellogg, been Also line of odd of Decorated China locate in Bethel. attended the 16th trouble and is reported as improving. Americans abroad look tirxn tbeofflw Cladnd PrUwuueulxpmiinil.ta lb In annmNt la a ( a big pieces anniversary of the marriage of Mr and A son was born on spending tbe holidays with bis mother. of aa head- Uata of cfalaa at wariw; tow Sunday morning mn to nis work Tbe Herald, in Paris, a DamJiptm to ery Ware which' we shall sell at cost and less. If you need The following is the annual report Mrs William Sherwood, which was very to the people living in the house for- a iveitogg, returned quarters and regard the paper Itaelf a t fall took Ula Umotm or John 11. Cords, chief or the Bethel pleasantly celebrated on Christmas merly owned by George J. Banks. Dr in Pittsneld, Sunday. in this line do not miss this sale. several useful and was Miss Harriet E. Smith of Danbury nigoiy. anything Fire department: There were in all nignc. valuable Hill called. was on Id. fourteen fires. Bight alarms were giv presents were received. Scott Tarbell of 8t David's. Pa., a calling friends In Brook be en while the others were extinguished Mr and Mrs Frank Marvin enter- nephew of Miss Ida M. Tarbell, spent Saturday. Aluminum We are Agents for the without the help of the department. tained the Evening whist club at their the holiday vacation as guest of Q. A JAMAICAN LADY SPEAKS HIOM. The value of the property, for which home, Thursday evening. A very Burr Tucker, visiting in the mean- LY OF CHAMBERLAIN 3 COCCI 11 claims of loss were made, was on build- pleasant time was enjoyed by all pres time his many young friends In Red A UNIQUE NEWSPAPER. - REMEDY. Ware Never Goods $16,700; on $1,750: ent. While here he made ings, contents, total, ding. his initial 1.9-d- Slip Mr and Mrs Gerbart entertained rox ay la onwddarad $21,450. The insurance on buildings hunt and had the pleasure of No American who has visited Con omoT Ua iiiwt 4aia Uu cu ba For this was sid.soo: on contents, S4,Z2o; total, their daughter, Mrs E. Lewls.and son. shooting a fine red fox, tbe skin of tinental Europe has failed to see and aasd toraootlat. Ttw ma tlakt&a: LocaHty $18,025. The loss on buildings :.was of South Norwalk, over Sunday. wmcn ne took home as a welcome the Edition of tbe Mrs Michael Hart, wife of tbe su off. ratU&l or aarUUag taa tAal ttap-pv- a on Mrs rani IN ace as Mr trophy. European of Cart Service w OLtoar a ta. Yoa ou $2,322; contents, $1,134 09; total, has guests New York Herald. It la the first and perintendent at Kings- Uka BMal tookla ailoa. taMugkB $3,456.09. Nace's brother and wife from Penn generally tbe only newspaper printed ton, Jamaica, West Indies Islands. aoi4 alBOUaiia,a.iaja aad It only ooaui a says that she has for come year used w at w mura The Young Ladles' Social club will sylvania. WESTON. In English that greets bis vessel when UUa artoaaia,a towlaiaia. Farm Machinery and Hardware of All Kinds give a masquerade social in Nichols Several from here attended the New reaching port. At leading hotels from Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy for iau la to-nig- ht Year's of the Greenfield and and Opera house (Friday) January reception GRANGE OFFICERS. Calais to Cairo, at the great railroad coughs, croup whooping cough 11. Country club, last week Tuesday even stations, at any point where tourists nas round it very nenencial. She has The Farmers' Store. Representative-Elec- t Clarence F. ing. Norfield Grange has elected the fol gather In numbers, tbe pleasantly fa Implicit confidence in It and would not Hickok left, Tuesday, for his duties Mrs I. N. Thorn is visiting ber lowing office re: Master, I. C. Fanton; miliar race or tma paper is sure to be be without a bottle of it In ber borne. TTra at Hartford. ' On Wednesday evening daughter, Mrs Frank Lyon, of Bridge overseer, H. C Hurlbutt: lecturer. seen and in almost every case it offers For sale by R. H. Beets 5fc Co.. be attended the reception to Governor port. Mrs C. H. Scofield: steward. Clarence tbe only printed news word In English Newtown; Taylor, Curtis c Co., Sandy F. E. BEACH Woodruff by the Governor's Foot Mrs Rachel Banks is staying with can be had. New York Her Hook; W. N. Hurd. Long Hill; A. R. CO., her Mrs B. for the Sblpman; assistant, Henry Rowland; that The Blakeman. Botsford: S. Parks. St MAIM ST. Guards. daughter, White, chaplain, George Waterbury; treas- ald is the greatest newspaper In the J. CONN. The following persons attended the winter. Mrs Banks is enjoying pretty urer, J. M. Lockwood: secretary. A. world greatest In enterprise, great- Trumbull. BRIDOEPORT, Connecticut Federation of Labor at good health. She is one of the oldest C. Edi- In Bradley; gate keeper, Charles Brocb; est in business. Its European Shelton. Conn Hartford, last Tuesday: t William B. persons the neighborhood. lorence meeKer; ha-dlc- e tion is a leader in its field. No and H. Mrs David Provost of Elizabeth, N. fomona, equally Margin George Gilbert repre bas White; Flora, Myra Burrltt; lady other newspaper anywhere la read by MOW TO PREVENT BILIOUS AT sented the Finishers' association; J., returned home, after spending assistant steward, Alma W. Fanton; so large a percentage of people of Charles Latbrop and Joseph Curtln Christmas with her mother and sister. pianist, Mrs I. C. Fanton; assistant, wealth and social, political and busi- TACKS. the Makers' association and Mrs Wil Mrs Coley returned home with her to Anna Banks; one member of executive ness prominence. It is taken in every Artesian liam Mitchell thfTrimmers' spend the winter. committee, Merwin Trowbridge. court in Europe. It is on tbe table of School began again, Monday, with Miss as every diplomatist of significance. It One who is subject to bilious attacks George W. Daskam has opened the Fanton teacher for the rest of One of L. A. Meade's horses died to the hands of every man or wo- will notice for a or more be- blacksmith on Greenwood avenue. the term. gets that day ("IpSiS Fur shop Williams is quite suddenly, last week. man who cuts any considerable figure fore the attack be is not hungry at Wells opposite Short's Hat factory, and will Douglas attending Mrs Granville Adams spent Dart of in tbe movements that sway empires meal times and feels dull after do and all kinds of school in Bridgeport. last week eating horseshoeing Mrs is ace Mr with her daughter, Mrs or affect industries. No one who has A dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Time aad com Sub- blacksmitbing. rank has entertained Elmer Hull. not traveled abroad can appreci- Liver Tablets wben these first plat Mrs William H. Brown, who has Nace's brother and wife of Philadel Mrs fully symp- ygJZD urban Wafer Supply Outfits. Air Pa. Frank Nichols has snent a few ate tbe thrill of pleasure that comes toms appear will ward off tbe attack. PCBB raaukda and ropalrad. Fun aaxte Taaka and Pnaumatie Pumping ' Ma- been ill for six weeks and urlder Dr A. phia, days in Bridgeport. from a meeting with such a newspa- Price 25c box. For sale R order. Furs at all n E. is now Mrs Harriet Coley is her ' per by ona-M- whotutu chinery. , Barber's care, improving visiting Kenneth Cole of Harrison, N. Y., per. Tbe news of tbe world and par- prtoc. Etw; peraoat t ii luaia slowly. daughter in Elizabeth, N. J. bas been tbe of Nelson news of America! is & W. bar la tunatatd aXwoial anrr-- It. Air-Cool- guest ticularly tbe It Curtis Co., Hook; N. -f ed W. Van and Mr and Mrs Hull Bartram welcom Sandy L 1- . Gasoline George Volkenberg a In Brad- like a visit from a friend. It sits with nurd. Long 11 ill; A, 14. uiakeman, Ramlz dk Coh family of Elm wood district spent the ed baby girl at their home Mrs Ambler and Miss Wakeman of tbe tourist at table, a welcome J. TrombulL Rrtdnoon.01. Engines holidays in Brooklyn, the guests of ley street, recently. Mrs Moore is guest. Boteford;S. Parks, The latest development In a gas engine Mr Van Volkenberg's sister, Mrs Levi caring for the mother and baby. No water to freeze and no water in the Mapes. Miss Abbie Williams spent the holi- way. Mr or with her at the Prompt shipments made from Seymour and Mrs George a. i aircniia days granddaughter or Boston. , Write for are iforge. Catalogues. Greenwood avenue making plans Mrs Elizabeth is her OOOOO OS 00OOOOO ooocoooo for a two months' to Brady visiting trip California, daughter, Mrs T. W. Treadwell. B. this winter. The date for starting was Stephen Church, has as yet not been definitely settled. Mrs Henry JNichois called to - Danbury, last week, to attend the Seymour, Conn., and Howard McKerizie of Plumtrees funeral of her brother. Mr Snroul. who Doaoo 66 High St., Boston, Mass. sold, last week, a tract of 12 acres of died in of diabe- 128-1- the Danbury hospital Telephones 2 and 216-1-2, Anaemia timber to Mr Terry, the saw mill man. Division. Cassius Grumman of Wilton has tes, after a short illness. sold a tract of four acres of land on Miss Mary A. Robinson is in poor avenue. to John Smith. health at the present time. Miss Ivy Bethel, Clara Banks has stayed with her sev- The tract was known by the name of eral Ivy Island and was formerly owned by days. the late P. T. Barnum, the great show Mrs I. JN. Thorp has returned Irom man, and at one time was cut up into Bridgeport and is staying with Mrs xxeaitn, building lots, but did not prove very H. McConkey. oaieiy, salable. The tract of land was pre The Matinee whist club was enter Yona tained by Mrs Kellogg on Thursday Demands a water sented to P. T. Barnum, when he be afternoon. pure came of age. by his father in order to Have supply, which is best make him a voter. Miss Nellie Goodsell is visiting at Ice Mrs Hendershot's, Bradley street. securee by means of William H. Wildman, the man, Miss has a steam engine set up at bis ice Lottie Davis has spent several house in Plumtrees, for hauling the days with her sister in Westport. ice up into his bouse, which will Artesian Wells greatly faciliate the work of harvest- WEST REDDING. . his ice crop. i . ir. ing u . These furnish pure water in abundance, un irranK JNorman, wno nas run rea failing under most severe droughts. Ferry's blacksmith shop on Beaver W. E. HAZKN MAKES IMPROVEMENTS. Long years of experience have given me su- street for the year or more, has W. Crook Is im- perior knowledge in the mechanical produc- past E. Hazen of Nob tion of these wells. and actual tests taken a position with Girt Miller, at his house a wide Geologynave In and proving by building Any under all circumstances proved their his blacksmith shop Danbury veranda across the north and east Immense value and the satisfaction to be de- will close Mr Terry's shop. sides. Mr Hazen is doing his work. rived from their use. Mr and Mrs uenry L. at urmona 01 Fast Norwalk spent the holidays was a Gasolene Engines, with Mrs St Ormond's parents, Mr Miss TJlah Dunlap of Bethel Mrs Wolf guest, last week, of Mrs Geo rge Hazen pumps, pipe and similar supplies, I furnish and Joseph Seeber, in Pits of nob crook. a tisfactory quality and at moderate price. district. Alfred Samuelson of Nob Crook has Charles J. English, the druggist, Skunk, had his house newly sided and has keeps a complete line of tooth brushes made Mr Agent for Ford Automobiles. and tooth powders. One of the most other improvements. 15 H. P. Runabout, $500. Tonnaaus, $1000. ror Samuelson expects in the spring to important things good heaitn is to have his house painted. I shall be pleased to call upon you and give particulars; or write for desired Information keep your teeth clean. Clifford Grumman or um trees sold Frank Albln of Nob Crook bas built Mink, pi an addition on the south side of his his Interest in the Betheland Bedding house for a and wash room. Lime .Klin Co. 1 at Plumtrees, last kitchen to Mark D. Stiles of Mt Vernon. Mrs Wolf of Umpawaug is spending week, two weeks in Albany, jv. x ., witn E. N. Mr Grumman also sold the land occu friends. Sipperley, pied by the kiln and quarry to the Coon, Irving Banks of Umpawaug is having 74 West Ave., South Norwalk, Conn. company. an addition built on the north side or Mr and Mrs Cornelius Judd of Ma his barn. ple street spent several days, last drlv week, in New York with friends. The Bee representative when on insr ud the hill south of Fred Lind 1907 Almanacs and Diaries Doke, the butcher, the thumb well's, last picked up a Fox, Saturday, pair hand side of Center street, bas flown of child's mittens. The owners can - to bis friends AT the sunny south, but have them by calling at O. H. Bates.' here need not worry. He will return new are before the blue birds are singing Four horse sheds being built Jackson's Book 990 Main as and as to south of Umpawaug chapel for use of M Shop, St., Bridgeport. again, smiling happy ever, them who have to drive when they Rat look alter their wants. -- attend service at the chapel. Mrs Robert Foster of Chestnut Mrs E. will soon street, who has been ill, was re- Mr and F. Ewing quite to close their house here for the balance moved, last week Wednesday, the of the winter and leave for a stay of FERRETS Danbury hospital for treatment. several weeks in California. Mr and Mrs W. F. Hoyt of Wolf Arthur Todd's lime kiln' is closed White and Brown Pits district spent New Year's in down a few weeks. or otlaer or send tHem to Newtown, the guests of Mr and Mrs for any fur pelt? Bring Harlow Benedict. Mr and Mrs W. A. McDowell of HTJNT1NGTON- - Old cash WHITE WING POULTRY FARM, Center street sailed from New York Reliable and' get the highest market Telephone 729-- 4. Nichols, Conn. on New Year's day for Jacksonville, Fla., where they expect to remain for H. C. ANDBII8ON INJURED. a few months. H. C. Anderson met with an acci- prices. Miss May Hoyt of Norwalk was a dent recently, nearly severing the lit- on DO YOU WANT TO BE guest, last week, of her parents, Mr tle finger on bis left band. He was charges paid all skins that have CERTAIN and Mrs w. b uoyt, in woir its. taken to the office of Dr Richardson in Express She with lin- That your Prescription is filled as physic-a- n spent New Year's day Derby, who removed the injured a of over your friends in Bethel. ger and dressed the wound. Mr An- value $5. would like to have it? If so, bring it here. Mrs E. W. Gilbert has been ill with derson is getting along nicely and will a severe cold for several days. soon be able to attend to his work A picture of the proposed new St again. James Episcopal church, which the parish propose to erect on the corner Alice, tbe little daughter of Mr and Curtis' Pharmacy, of Center and Rector streets, where Mrs John Cribbins, has been seriously Corner Main and Elm St?., Bridgeport, Conn. the rectory now stands, is on exhibi ill with diphtheria. Other members tion in the windows or the store or if, of have been afflicted. J. Garvin, the druggist. The picture Mr and Mrs Claude M. Beeman and rn 60 YEARS shows a very pretty church edifice and little daughter, Edith, of Bridgeport, EXPERIENCE when it is completed will be quite an nave been recent, guests 01 Air and addition to Betbel. Mrs F. N. Potter. KILLthe Mr and Mrs E. J. Miller and little Mrs D. H. Cbatfield has been very (DSuuW5 and couc one, who have been ill at Mr and Mrs sick with peritonitis at her boarding CURE the LUNGS I E. W. Gilbert's borne here, have so far place, Laurel avenue, Bridgeport. recovered from their recent illness as Schools opened, Monday, after a va- OLD I ,TH to be able to return to their home in cation of two weeks. RELIABLE, Br. Redding. Mrs John L. Nichols arrived home, Trade Marks from her western Designs Saturday, trip. 3767 Main Conn. Now Copyrights Ac GEORGETOWN. Street, Bridgeport, Discovery AnvnnA aondtna a sketch and dpncriDtlon in at GREENFIELD HILi- - Price quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an rONSUMPTlON invention la probably patentable. Communica- BOSTON AND UMPAWAUG. OUGHS and 50c 1.00 tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents LITTLE FOR &$ sent free. Oldest aaency for securing patents. MRS MART ESTHER FANTON. OLDS Free Trial. Patents taken through Muim & Co. recelre The cbapel in Umpawaug Swill be special notice, without charge. In the open every Wednesday everrrng when Mrs Mary Esther Fanton, widow of a,, . .nd Quickest Cure for all the weather will permit, with preach- the late Eimon Silliman Fanton, died TTiwriAT and LVNO TROUB Scientific JUttericatu ing by Rev Mr Furbush of George- at her home here on New Year's day, , A handsomely illustrated weekly. Iargest dp. 1. was LES, or MONEY BACK. culation of any sctentiao Journal. Terms, 3 a town. It is hoped that the people of Tuesday, January The funeral year : four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. that neighborhood will turn out in held from her late home, Friday after- MUNN & Co New York large numbers at those meetings. noon at 1 o'clock. Tba burial was in 38iBroh,. Mrs Hanford and Miss Mabel tbe Easton Braaak 0018. V SU, Washington, D. Minnie cemetery. osoooooooooooocoo THE NEW 1 OWN BEE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907. New Milford. HON NICHOLAS STAUB. man speech is never quite so apparent 'Honest as the is In Place of Pant Day as when one attempts to describe a day long." A commanding, unique and Interest lite or delineate a passed out of New character, charged ing personality on through and through. as was our broth Jan. 12th, Milford life in the death Saturday, er's, with a strong and striking In Saturday, shortly befdre noon, of Hon Nicholas New Milford has been te Giving ex-sta- rormer dividuality. Will be a Pant The Manufacturer at this time clears out Staub, senator, comp blessed with such men alas, they Day. troller or the state or Connecticut, are us men Shoes. Christmas in his stock. We've a surprising pant value to .offer you just at Mr leaving all too rapidly, presents the 50 of farmer and man of affairs. Staub who are to with all their this time. We've pair bad been in falling health for a year. up something of calendars, etc., from now until New Year's He was on Bank street. New Year's might, men who are willing to throw How many have you? A lot of them no doubt. Ev- shape on into the scale of our prosperity the man will give a day, and was outdoors Wednesday. full weight of their strong personality, ery has. Have they all proved satisfactory? Next Berkshire The story of his life reads like a ro with 'its tremendous energy, its un- time try an Pants, mance. noble Union Nicholas Staub, Sr., father of the flagging zeal, its public spirit, Hade, of was born near and its tireless devotion to the town subject this sketch, they love, her institutions and her Reduction of $2.50 or 83 All s'zes to with. You'll or to-da- Guaranteed not to rip. begin agree Strasburflr. liermanv. many years Could to us y us see them are extra good value at $2 was out people. they speak EflERSON. rft- - with when you that they he engaged in military service, nay, are tney not speaking witn an on Suit or Overcoat. What more substantial The sale price Saturday is v spent the latter part of bis life on a more evry: a .. i. . wnere ne wnen o eloquence powerful than that uiiMiiia. uidKC ir farm, oiea out years which can ran irom any living lips, Their motto is "Honest all ThTough." The very picciu yuu yuurcu. jc. of age. Mis wire, wracia jjiscnier, with a silent touch - A fine line of lived to the age of threescore years speaking language, best leathers. Highest "priced, skilled labor. The latest and ten. By the father's death, Nich- ing, persuasive, appealing irresistibly of styles. A trial will convince. of cotton$123For the we will sell you was to our beartsr Are they not saying The price cheap warps, day as olas Staub, the younger, obliged to you who remain, who have been trousers from our regular stock at reduced prices. Buy many at an earlv aire to earn his own llvell wont to lean too Furnishings - as you can use this is certainly a great opportunity for hood: and. when but lb years old, ne much, it may be, up The Emerson pairs well. alone. land on their strength, their willing sacri Shoe for Men, of the finest selection. you to treat yourself started for America After fice, and their capacity for leadership, ina in New York and during his brier but who must now nu their vacant m.oo, stay in that city,be was so unfortunate $.S0, $.oo. Suits and Overcoats made at home. or ae places, if those places are ever to be right as to be roooea ss,u ine money tilled: "See ye to it that the work Plenty of cloth to select from. & which we began, and for the success of HATCH DEWEY, whtcb we tolled and planned ana The Clothiers, prayed, be carried bravely forward, & Bank New Milford. Main St., Great Harrington and in this year do not Perry Trowbridge, f7jr St., be content to live on the glories of a I H. S. WENGROW, 5- 48-- 3. Bank New Conn. Tailor, Telephone 57-- Telephone dead ancestry, but yourselves do some Street, Milford, thing for posterity to commemorate." It would be interesting at this time i . NEW MILFORD. to look at the story of our brother's life, that remembrancer that records no flatteries and no deceits, only the &&&&& -- plain, honest truth, but a truth in X&44 this case "stranger than fiction," the 43 6 r W Mil young man coming from a foreign 43 shore, learning a new language, tight iDg the battle with poverty, struggling Long and Kound dams. .43 1 against odds which crush the timid n&Ilbut, Weak Fi&h, Blue FUh. Flauodent, 43 ne vvunu iuiauac but make the brave man braver, stana-in- g nerriDg, Oysters, Escallop. under storm clouds black Two at times Winners! First Class Line of Native Vegetables. as night with defeat apparently hang- for ing from the sky at every turn, but Bank Street, New Milfonl 1907 calmly and courageously pressing on, Edison andEdison Gold 43 conquering where men said he was Phonographs Hayes' Market,Telephone No. 40. . And all the Latest e sure to ran, rising steadily by sneer Moulded 43 Magazi force of will and wit and and Records. etc. energy, loner 43 Daily Newspapers, finding his reward at last in the honors - A felt want has been supplied 43 $) bestowed upon him by his fellow citi- Victor and Records. in the Arnold's zens in the land of his adoption to Graphophones 43 Victor and Records. which he was as and devoted as Graphophones STAXJB. loyal A full of 43 NICHOLAS if he had been born upon its soil. supply these goods constantly on hand. Superlative But all this can be told better and See Soule and save money. had In his Dossession. He afterward more appropriately by others at other AUTOTONE Flour, 43 drifted into Pennsylvania, where he times and in other ways: Nay, it has PIANO. CASS ED secured work in the coal mines and been told already in the public press $5 per bbl. 43 P. n. Y, of this old commonwealth, through F. E. - " foundries, and remained there until was SOULE, tkoM wb kar Max har4 Every barred fruaraataral whose and breadth he ae-ntr- 43 Postof&ce Building, New Milford. he had saved a little money. He theD length XVflL.F'OR.D. tkla0lyravlly narrtUoBt isatrum.mtui cava or mooey refunded. and known and whose interests be was NSW moai- - 43 came to New Milford, during the more than once called upon to serve. parc!at what it maul to succeeding seven years worked for Rather let it be for me at this hour farmers, receiving at nrst asiu per and in to call to remem C. month. After his marriage, he pur this place up tinaniah it from tha oaaai L prHhtaB I. LEACH. father-in-law- 's some of his I chased a of his brance features ch racter ca,a b hand tha Church New The Winter is only Just begun and so portion on bidden from the great world which piayad bj ia rdiaary Street, ' Miltord. farm, and later bought the entire mar.1T ai 3. tne stock of over knew little of his inner life and his ray. bj ltaarlLag pariotrntM Telephone 5-- farm of 200 acres, which is just warm, generous heart that so often roll of mualo it la at oao traaalormaa the line in the town of Bridge water la to which avay oil ca.n Heavy Gloves for men. and two and a half miles from the went out in sympathy and helpfulness iiia tha moat artlatia naaaaar. 1 to his needy and suffering fellow mor Yes, We Agree plaj nearest He made a to-da- hava aold a anmbar of diffaraat mtk of Horse Blankets, village. specialty tals. You may be y of A GOOD of the production of tobacco, and erect thinking alaao alayara aaa mad a eloaa atndy of Great Bed Blankets, ed commodious Darns tne his public life and service, but that with war ior drying which will live longest in my memory you team aiaea nrat latrodaeaa CannedGoods Comfortables and curing of that product. His land is ime as aad I baUay tha Sale DRUGS! was in a state of cultivation; the impression which be gave that a cheap aewlng; macblna with a amall kept high 1 used to meet him the homes of the caaa is a i Inveat- - Limited Time ! need be told at my store are worth and his cattle and horses, in particular, la presentt.. outlay. tempting OnJy Nobody considering. poor and tne and see the men Autotone ! are GOOD were among the best in that vipinity. sick, man BUT A WISE BUYER bavins' the fata re Guaranteed Quality .that there drugs In 1873 and moved strong, aggressive changed In mind, la not misled by the cheap bo beat moat A Full St ck of Groce'iep. he left that place, into the. of nurses and for well abe knowa article,atanda Plaao player to tha aad nr S June and BAD tine residence on West tenderest tbat cheapness tiatio oa market. Sead for 3 Out Pa. drugs. into his present the most sympathetic of friends, pa for ordinary work, many bre&kdowna. fre- player tha Cane Totnuvwa. Sac When we drugs we street, which he purchased of L. Hill. quent need for repair, and annoyances catalogue wbnh aivea fall deaeriatioB 1 or Own Sasax Oora. buy A few ago he the fine tiently ministering through the long tbat are trying tn tbe extreme. Buy the It ara ot a oi careful to avoid the years bought hours of nara time-trie- d and ever reliable yon thlnktag buying piano are very E. H. MARCY. Marsh residence near the depot, with the night after the 1IT kiad tot eaa SAVE by secure GOOD A. M. Booth's Old Stand. land across work of the weary day. Just as straws i eto. BUtIaalect bad and only the splendid farming the show the direction of the wind, little writiaa ma for pricas. I all Farmers' Trading Co. '5, DRUGS high-cla- ss Bennett St., New Milford. river, where he engaged extensively in White or New Queen. plaaoa I aall at tha factory aad will pat pure, fresh, of tobacco. A ago or acts, unknown to the world and never house oa Tbe Satisfactory Stora, from which good the culture year seeking to be known, show the direc on ia your trial. My patroaa drugs more he sold the house and land oppo- tion of currents or lire or gat the baa. tit of my amall expenaea ta NEW MILFORD. medicine can be compounded. site the depot to the New York and the the the making aalea aad my 40 yaara ax part-- New Haven railroad company, and re- inner man, which is after all the real ace. Telephone S. moved to his old home on West man, the man of affections, sympa- bo la New Milford aad Prompt De'lvery Serrloe. street, thies, aspirations, impulses, motives C. E. I aaall viclalty John W. Booth, where he died. He continued to deal chose in which life has RIDDIFORJD, tha flrat aad third week la each moatb in tobacco to an extent until things true its ToUphoaa until farther notice. N. v quite in root. 1 remember that on one such Bank: St., New Atllford. W, Noble's, General 1885, when he became interested occasion as to re- Ordera for tuning, ate., aaa be left at Repairing. the hardware trade, and in company those which I have M. W. HOI" a etore. Soule did a business ferred, he said to nee: "The Master jewelry Bank St., New miford. Brazing, cast iron as well as other metals with D. E. large us a great deal of what the machine work, screw cutting, turning, bur- at the corner of Main and Church taughtsort of is in 98. nishing and polishing, lawn mowers, knives, streets until 1894, then selling his in- right religion the parable MERRY ALL. D. Joseph Brlnton, Telephone shears, sickles, lawn shears sharpened, horse Verton P. Staub. of the Good Samaritan." Now,, McMahon, the popular tailor, has Bedford. N.T aad New Milford, Conm. and toilet clippers ground by special power terest to his son, we differ but can- Mrs a good line of shoes, guaranteed to CREAM machinery. Enterprise meat 'chopper plates Mr Staub would have been '67 years friends, may here, I Mr and Charles Heinan and wear and stand the storm. A line of MILK, . not and knives reground. All the above warrant- old had tie lived until February. keep back the conviction that Mrs Schultz spent. Sunday at Bernard some and BUTTER ed to cut. Saw filing In general. Umbrellas was one whatever a man's creed may be, un- Heinan '8, in South Kent. stylish bats just received. Also repaired with new ribs and covers; have a Mr Staub of the leading less he has a within him kind or handsome winter caps. Good values ;ooa line 01 samples for covers, self-openi- ng democrats of the town and, it may be heart Miss Esther l'oobey Aiaroieoaie is in men's - at the rames included. Blcyoies. guns, revolvers. of Western Connecticut. In 1876, and tender and true, a heart' with teaching the school and boarding at pantaloons. A Great Stock of carpet sweepers, sewing machines, violins, said, love to God and love to man in it he G. N. Abbott's. ana clock M. H. 1884, 1885 and 1903 he was a member of watch repairing promptly etc., put in order. Key fitting, locks, trunKS can be neither pleasing to his Miss Hiraock is ner attended to at the store of M. W. HllL New Milford nsning roas. ana manv other minus reDairea. the lower house of the General Assem- Maker world. Mary visiting Fall Winter Pneumatic tires of all descrintlons on notice. 1887-8- 8 was in nor useful to the aunt, Mrs Kyle, In Brldgewater. and to-da- bly and in the State y Blcvcle tires and sundries on hand. Mail or 1891 defeated L. S. I love to think of him in his Miss Fenn is poorly Again. Creamery. ders receive prompt attention. Vou will fine Senate. In he beautiful home life whose fruits re- quite For a refreshing irl&sa of nnda. water me at junction ot image, Jfiast ana urove etts. Catlin of Bridgeport for the office' of main in of his sons of with call store I All worn guaranteed state the character SECOND pure syrups at tbe drug Lap Robes Box 684. New Milford. Oonn comptroller. Mr whom he was justly proud and who, I HILL. or AiDert juvitts " Mallett On November 29, 1866, Staub will not fail to out bis Rev J. F. Plumb will hold service at . married J. a of know, carry a 25c Would like to call your attention to a few and Blankets. Mary Peck, daughter wishes and follow in bis tbe Second Hill schoolbouse, If you want good dinner for go 10 my atoca woirn Day you la footsteps. Sunday - Minga - belp John and Sarah Edwards Peck. Mrs must afternoon 3.M to Dayton's restaurant. cbooaloa- tosr boltda There la noltilor A and sons Dr But I not pursue further 'this at & will rlfi.more Comnlete Stock ot Work Staub and three survive him, to a here Soule the ha ret. pleaanre out of Harnesses. George E. Staub and Former First poor attempt give glimpse Charles of United F. E. has the sole agency for Uu a gaud rename rule, icwn uuociim Save tbe boo Ue tret and Driving of and there of the character of him for Stevens, the States New Milford for the Buck wife Selectman "Verton Staub this town to-da- y. and son cigar. worry of eorklm a bot A Great Line of , of Stamford. whom so many mourn You all cavalry service, passed Sunday stow by baylncorbar a and Dr Howard J. Staub know his conscientious devotions to his with Mrs Henry Ives. Try the toothsome goods at J. G. Stevens He was a member of St Peter's M. W. Hill accompanied Mrs Louvl-8- 0 Neiss' rank F. & A. M., of Good work, public and private, to his family, Mrs bakery. 'Crack - New Milford. lodge, Shepherd to his friends, to every one with whom Evitts to New York, Tuesday. 'Little Scoot," Shot," Reliable- Railroad Street, lodge, I. O. O. F., of the Knights of he had to and alas! how Evitts and her niece, Miss Delia Clark, Farmers speak highly of the Secur . Junior Men's Honor and of the Order of the Elks, do; you know, will S. C. food. and Favorite.' Co. the clear, steady light of his presence pass the winter at Aiken, ity stock Frank Evitts sells It Oil and of the Water Witch Hose is now withdrawn from earth save as a Tbe handsome tower clock at M . W. and recommends It highly for horses. Stove. Mr Staub had a host of friends among Hill's store was awarded to F. Also the Winchester Repeater, and re c be Furnishings! and reflected blessing. jewelry - Easily operated ta the workingmen. J. Dolan of Gaylordsville. Fine confections and smokers' per- 1 90S Model. Tbeee ara all accurate ad hand- turned off wboa Uxrooca Guaranteed genial in his manner, he noticed the Downes of New Haven was aome rlflea with, tbe prtoe too eoouffB. to oe oslng. te OF NO. Henry at Up-to-da- Line of humblest man aoous town, jrossessea RESOLUTIONS UPTON POST, 14, in on business in con- quisites Cassedy's. within the reach of ail. A laraa aaaoruaent Brushes. a he was to A. B. town, Monday, E. Is of Bear la mis 4 we ara has a ana Hers for Tooth of generous nature, quick nection with the probate court. C Kiddlford headquarters for thefsmoos H0CNDOA.K STOVES. We have them for 25c. This respond ror aia in cases oi sicisness, At a regular meeting of Upton post, H. E. Halloed, the genial Bridgeport correct and satisfactory work In watch Sleds, Skates and means that If are defective In any way, Hats distress or poverty. He was also noted No. 14, G-- . A. held Memoria was ill with an and clock if tha bristles falltheyout. mat down or Rive trou Stift and Soft for al R., at tailor, taken critically repairing. we or for his fondness children, and hall, Wednesday evening, 2, acute attack of indigestion on tbe Pocket Kaives ble In any way, that replace give money ways had a word for the youngsters he Januarywas Druggist W. tf. Noble is offering a H. back. iyt)7, tne following resolution morning train enroute from Bridge- complete line of the famous Wallace Suitable foor either boy or girl,-- McMahon, met in his walks and drives about adopted: port to New Milford, Monday. He confections. New OLUford. town. Whereas, The messenger of death was removed to the drug store of Al- Albert Evitts, Druggist, At Mr Staub took a interest in at- Private Wire S3. SEW MILFORD McHahon's, loyal has again visited Ucton Post, calling bert Evitts, where Dr F. E. King Sets. Utott-Flcm- b Block, everything pertaining to his home from the list of membership our friend tended him. He was able to return to Carving town, and in tne acceptance oi puoiic and comrade, William (jr. his home on the evening train. MORRIS. Oome la and look my Carrera. II f tbere Cor. Baak aad Railroad Streets, office freely gave of his time and xne Lathropor our W. G. Barton In New ta anything you need In thla line ameure I eaa Have Toa Tbevaht of a One marked characteristic whereas, aeain late passed Monday pleaae you. Ech net ptrtODt In a nendaome Reasons for Using NEW MILFORD. strength. comrade leaves a vacancy which causes York City. A auk lined box aultabie for Cbrtstmaa elfu : In Mr Staub's strong personality was us to mourn the loss or the deceased Deputy Sheriff Albert H. McMahon OOLDIK WKDDI1TO. Neis's Bread his or perseverance in any- comrade. Therefore be is in 176 rv.w)a . v. . a I 1 hAst. 2. croea farthest: 2. it's persistence it the Bangs private hospital, Photograph it's tha It he undertook. This j I . r 1 ZP ea it ; 4. It satisfies: 7, the . thing perhaps Resolved, That the members of West 76th street, New York, where he of Mr and Mrs Edward Stevens I I JVl I r m & J www J pleasure always Call and see the stylish line of in his ding I (VI fl ior ejirc. uwswn same; 6, everybody praises It: 5, you will like had its best illustration great said Post extend their hearty sympa underwent an operation. 14. A recep-- Diniuj wonia be. It: 8. you should try It. Ask for it: insist on Wanamaker & Brown samples. achievement in buying up the water to wife and relatives of Com Carloads of crushed rock for the con- ofThomaston, January 0X1.0)1101.1.,ptt aad valued a picture bavins-it- . thy the tion will be held in tbe afternoon Besides it aoae sot become a mere rights along the Housatonic and Ten rade Lathrop to mourn with them. crete work on tbe foundation of tbe from 1 to 4; In the from 6 un- Cor. Mala and Church Sta., or New Milford. Mile wmcn resuitea in tne or of new unload- evening memory. It Barer loses its charm a Railroad St.. rivers, Resolved, That the charter the freight station have been til 9. Mr Stevens' home is below La taresUs g saaonis tloaa. Call at ganization of the New Milford Power Post be draped in mourning for 30 ed east of the railroad station. the reservoir. just New Milford. Ct. Co., with the magnificent plant at days and that a page of the Post book Mrs John Bugge has returned after One Half Bull's Bridge, ana incidentally made or records be set apart ror these reso a stay of several weeks In New York. Mr Staub a rich man. It was a task a be to J. B. Wilson in New DEATH OK JOHN BUSSKLI The Olive Oil one a would lutions, and that copy sent the passed Tuesday not man in thousand have family of the deceased comrade and Preston. The Hine Sold in this country is adulterat- bad the courage to take up. that they be printed in the New Mil Charles Willcox, the genial repre- John Russell of Farmtngton died Studio,m ed with Unseed oil or some other ingredient, The funeral took place on Monday ford uazette and jn ewtown Bee sentative of G. Falk & Brother, re- very suddenly of heart failure, one day How Is Your Fostottoa Rloc-fc-. and a very poor article. For absolute- Wax. at 2 p. m., from his late residence on the 80 last week. He was at bis Bon's home. usually Li. W ) ceived tons of tobacco, last week NEW CT. ly pure olive oil perfect in flavor, put up in Powdered wax sprinkle on the floor: shoes West street. All the places of business MOSHER, for to Tbe interment was at Salisbury. Mrs ntLFORO, cans direct from Italy go to ana suppers ao tne rest. C. Way, Committee. Thursday, shipment Lancaster, a Watch wax. in town were closed during the funeral N. Root, Pa. Mr Willcox is stopping at tbe Russell is sister of George Page. G. B. SCHIAPPACASSE, Paraflneliquid Wax. services, while the nag orrthe Town New England house. ' Floor Wx. ball was placed at hair mast. ine Mrs R. M. Hart of Falls was New Milford. Wax Oandles. Odd of ERASTUS JONES. Village S. E. Stockman and wife. Master R Beeswax. Masons, Fellows, members the a visitor in town, Tuesday. W. unningr Wax. the Water Witch Hose Co. and of the Erastus 40 years, died on Moses of Dover N. F. Kirchberger and wife were in la It alwaya faat or Ironing local of of as Jones, aged Marcy Plains, Y., attendance at tbe State Grange meet alow! Nerer quite on time? lodge Knights Honor, Friday at the Town house. He leaves passed Saturday night with his broth- re- Pernapa tbe watch la capable Chamberlain's Dayton's C. A. WAY sembled near the Town hall and a wife and three children. funeral er, E. H. ing in Harirora, last weeic, ana of very accurate rnnnlna. but CO., The Marcy. a tine time. la not In order. You New Oils marched in a body to the late residence took place on afternoon, Rev Oil cloth and linoleum, bed blankets ported It perfect Restaurant, Paints, and Varnishes, of Mr - From Hartford there Saturday A very pleasant gathering of friends know tbat the tiny mecbantam 87 Railroad New Ct Staub. J. F. Plumb officiating at the grave. and sta pie dry goods, at low prices at met with Miss Goalee on of a watcb absolutely demand Bank Street, New Milford, Conn St., Milford, were present, representing the Elks, When he was taken ill he resided in E. H. Marcy's. Thursday tbat each of the dozens of little W. a. Barton's Dry Goods Store Telephone 125-- 3. Hon Alexander Harbison, the house of Charles Haweson Stillson ThetEdison solves the eveniDg. parts sprloRS. wheels. Jewel, Opp. of Michael Au- phonograph The Grange did not go to Northfleld etc. be Just right or (tool Tu tha nliuvi Tnr T.a.dla. Children and Gentle Hartford, J. Hafey, hill. entertainment problem. This clear, be- Is out of the question. (1 rich-tone- as December 31, timing mn .At MffnlftF RIAhl. frOtTl 6 III. IjO 11 gustus Koch and John F. Dungan d instrument is a source of planned, the day p. m.. for 25c. Lunches of all kinds served at Others from out of town in- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH NOTES. never-failin-g ing a very one. baa notice. Remember tne Jflace present entertainment that is unpleasant new Watch Repairing alwaya at short Hon A. Mr and never-tirin- g. Arthur Hill has gone to his m cluded George Barnes, At the session of the and Classical music or In beea hobby of our to dj tbe Mrs H. Sheriff Warren C. Congregational rag-tim- e, place of business West Morris. He Dayton's Restaurant, Hatch & Marsh. J. Stuart, Sunday school, Sunday, the songs or marches, minstrels bas his and him. best work possible. Bank Street, New Milford, Conn Ackley, Allen, Nelson Hungerford and Repre- officers elected for were: or orchestras, or funny stories, are mother brother with Opp. Barton's Store. sentative Irwin Atchison of Sherman, the year sure who cross They have their rooms over tbe store Superintendent, William G. Green; to be appreciated by all and the business is very We Hon H. O. Averill and F. J. Kilborn assistant F. E. your threshold. Without the phono- satisfactory. have a large stock of Men's and Boy s of E. H. Beardsley and superintendents, Starr, Miss Alice Rldbards came to bar Felt and Rubber Boots, Arctics and Rubbers Washington, Charles P. Bentley; 'secretary and graph none except trained musicians home and was sick M.W. HILL, Contractors and Builders. Frank J. Hosford of New Preston, Mr M. - can bear music like or taken with the ' just In. Also Men's and Boys Gloves and Mrs Mr Mrs treasurer, Charles Reach. the they sung measles. Dr Peck attends her. The' Jeweler, Mittens. and Darwin Keeler, and played as they like it. Tbe phonograph Retroen Mr and Mrs John H. Rev F. as cul- Miss Johnson bas been the guest of Prices low. Give us a call before purchas Keeler, J. Plumb preached at Merry-al- l sings sweetly and clearly as tbe Miss week. New Milford. Conn. Cough & Randall, Mr and Mrs E. R. Wooster, chape, Sunday afternoon, to a good tured singer and renders perfectly the Randall, the past The Remedy Taylor Buckingham ing elsewhere. Mr and Mrs C. N. Hatch, Mr and Mrs sized audience. tones of various of Miss Lillian Fletcher is ill at tbe Children's Favrartt Coatraetors aad Builders, Flour, Feed, Grain, Cotton Seed, Meal tbe instruments home of a friend in Mr , Marcus Mallett and Mrs Burr Mallett Miss Arnold of Danbury passed Sun- orchestras and bands in all their del- Waterbury. Cong-hs- Col Railroad Street, New Milford, Ot. Gluten Feed, Coarse Salt for Packing Pork, of Charles W. Mrs and Mrs Fletcher bave both been with da. Croup etc.. at low Brldgewater, Hodge, day with her sister, Benjamin Ar- icate harmonies. With a phonograph Estimates cheerfully furnished on large or prices. Mrs Andrew Northrop, John ErwiD nold. can make own her. It's a pleasure to tell our readers Whoopin&r Congfe. First-Clas- s Meat Market. We butcher you up your programs: Tbto Is taaaean ISi 1 mall contracts. only Miles O. of Gilbert Miss re- as The Literary Circle met at Maple about a Cure like Dr Sboop's. remedy tor Native Steers. and Camp Roxbury, Florence Avis Hawley you may hear what you please often Manse on sub- Cough a tares pert ef tbe ntTlllsaJ warte. It Vincent and John R. Judd of Kent. last week to as oui no skill. Friday evening. The For years Dr Snoop has fought against alvara bs depended apon. Stock First-Gla- ss turned, Thursday, resume please. It requires was Steam and Large of Groceries. The officiating clergymen were Rev F. her work at the Wesleyan You can master its in five ject Shakespeare's 'Hamlet." It the use of Opium, Chloroform, or oth- aplH or nth berstral drnf end aaar We can save you money on everything. A. Plumb and Academy, operation was very enjoyable, and had been er unsafe found aire aa aoeaeenUj as a baby aa ae an adM Hot Water Johnson, Rev, J. F. Wilbraham, Mass. minutes. Perhaps there is a piece of ingredients commonly Prton a& Lavrsre SO aaa. Rev T. Lee. A Miss Mc i half-learn- well studied. tn remedies. Dr Snoop, ota; Bine. M J. consisting Bertba Kay passe. Satur- music tbat you have heard, tbe Miss Baker of Litchfield bas Cough It eaters. of Jesse Ives, Clayson Perry, F. E. day in Bridgeport, tbe guest of Mrs melody of which haunts you; Sophia seems, has welcomed the Pure Food UniqueManufactured & Starr and Harris John Warner. or is for the week past been tbe guest of and Law enacted, for by Ackley, Hatch Marsh, Henry beautifully may be tbere something that you Miss Florence Drug recently Railroad and Bridge 8ts.. New Milford rendered the hymns, "Lead, Kindly Myron Patchen has resumed his po- particularly want to hear. Your pho Turkington. he has worked along similar lines and My God, to sition in market of B. as Charles Turkington left here. New many years. For 20 years Dr TO CURB A COLD IN ONE 3W . A. NORTHROP, Prop., Litrht." "Nearer, the J. Cox, after nograph win give it to you it should Year's return to John Hopkins. ' nearly j. Niw Milford, Oonn. Thee." The eulogy was delivered by an absence of several weeks. be sung or played, until you bave on re Sboop's Cough Cure containers bave Rev T. J. Lee. He said in substance: Charles Lee, returned from learned it if you desire and always Miss Johnson lert baiuraar to had a warning printed on them against am to to do which just turn to Winsted. TaVe LAXATIVE BBOMO Qui- Take Your I going try that Pennsylvania, passed Monday in town just as clearly and sweetly as at tbe Stockman returned to Storrs Opium and other narcotic poisons. He nine Tablets. refund mon- & Laundry my friend wanted me to do, that which with his son, Harry Lee. Hirst time. F. E. Soule sells the Edison Elrer bas thus made it possible for mothers Druggist. W. GROVE'S For Usefulness to J. H. McGlnnis at the Danbury I him 1 would do, if 1 sur- J. J. Rich of New records. Agricultural college, last Wednesday. to their children In- ey if It falls tocure. Beauty Oo. handled promised York has tought machine and protect by simply Is on each box. 25c . Our Gold, Aluminum,Oelluloid and Vulcanite Groceryone of bestLaundryconcerns by vived him, say a few words when his the farm of M. B. Disbrow. He takes W. G. Green. Rev F. B. Draper and sisting on having Dr Sboop's Cough signature Dental Plates cannot be excelled. Misfit,loose the in Dan fellow men to 1. M. rifles Sold B and broken repaired and made to fit. bury. Laundry sent twle a week should gather pay their prssession February Attorney F. Williams attended For guns, and sporting goods Cure. tod recommended by H. plates and delivered free of charge. last tribute of respect and affection to This weather and the of tbe Litchfield call on Dan D. Smith, 44 Fairfield av Beers & Co., Newtown; B. & Dean's Rheumatic pill for rbeumc as come suggests rubbers, meeting County Hawley C. A. Tappon.West St.. New MUford his memory. But I to the E. H. Marcy is In a position to supply University club In Litchfield, Friday enue, Bridgeport, opposite Poll's Co., Stepney: P. J. Garvin, Bethel; tism and neuralgia. Entirely veget Meohanlsal Dentist, J. H. McGinnis, New Milford task I realize that the poverty of hu them at low prices. nigbt. theater. S. J. Parks, Trumbull. ble. bare. THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907.

Boyson, the lumberman, had one of Frlnk. Is now ready to deliver your is best team horses taken suddenly grain or coal at snort notice. IE sick. After leaving the barn be went Harry smith or unogewaier visitea about 40 rods and collapsed. Dr Gar-lic- k his parents at the rectory, last Sun- NEW was called and pronounced it day. Black Water, (Azoturla). At this Mr ana Mrs J. K. JUdd, Mr ana jars HAVEN writing the horse has recovered so that G. A. Vincent and Miss Carrie Stooe with a little help can get up and go attended the meeting of the State about. Grange at Hartford, last week. Xew Haven's Most Reliable Dep't Store. SEW MILFORD. WASHINGTON.

WILLIAM GILBERT LATHROP. LOCAL NOTES OF INT IE B EST. I 3 The funeral of William Gilbert La The Monday club held a very pleas Saturday tbrop, who died about 11 o'clock, last ant meeting with Mrs Sherman X 3 rr--i week Wednesday morning, took place Woe druff . M rs Piatt haa extended an at tbe home of b's son, Ernest A. invitation to the club to meet with Latbrop. last Friday at 2 o'clock. her on January 21. ine Greatest Kev John a . fiumb omciated. jar Tbe frost is well out of the ground Latbrop was 63 years old and had al and the mud so deep that January has ways lived in New Milford until about all the appearance of April. At pres Sale of Men's two years ago, when tbey moved to ent writing the ice crop looks doubt-- 1 Bridgeport. He was a member of tbe rul. Grip colds are the order or the 28th Connecticut Volunteers, also a day for tbe carelessly clothed citizen. Grand Army man of this place. He Your correspondent picked a bou-- i was greatly missed by all his friends quet of pussy willows that had thrown Sample U'derwear when be moved away, but still more aside! their coats to greet tbe April will be be missed knowing that he has weather, and also reports a nock or gone rorever. He has always been wild geese for the month of December, Grarments from our known as such a good-nature- d leuow, a very unusual sight in the winter The Celebr ted Standard Mills Underwear for regular never expressing his opinion of anyone season. a except for tbe good. How sad it seems Tbe new library is growing rapidly Men, Sample lot of Shirts and Drawers, never tit.CJfhliiMt gtria for so comparatively a young lire to go under tbe supervision of Contractor sold for less than $1. $1.50 and $1.75 stock garments with, the style, out so ouicklv. and yet. the words Wyant and with its oak finishing, sound out, "Not our will but His be, promises to be a very fine piece of done:" A quaitet consisting or mr work. Choice cf 69c and finish which have made lis famous. "Value and cost Harris, Miss Brown and Mr and Mrs any garment Match sang, "ljead liindiy Liignt," and " God, to Thee." There NEW PRESTON. In the Heavy winter weight In tbe Medium ei h r are not considered in this sale. Goods must go. were many floral trioutes.twoor which grade there are natural wocl there axe fire cesi n.c e were given by tbe Grand Army and MISS HELEN CTJRTIS8. and carrie s hair. natural wool. the carpenters, his fellow workmen. After a long, illness here Among those who came from out of protracted town were Mr and Mrs Geibel oi of years' duration, Miss Helen Curtlss, of 40 42 - late or Mermen, a sister or Mrs Sher Size Shirts and Also a good line of Suits that were 15. 00 to I8.00 White Plains, N. Y., his brother, He- man of and Mrs of 36 38 man Latbrop, or JNoroton, Airs Starr Cogswell this place, Size Drawers and Men's Suits and Overcoats. now 10.00 of Bethel. Mr and Mrs Stiltz and Mrs Augusta Pease, who has been her of and James faithful nurse and companion for two Rosendale Bridgeport years or more, passed by Death's an- Some Were 30.00. Sale Price $2500 fcl. Andrews of Trenton, N. J. Mr from on of Extra Big Garments Lathrop leaves a widow, a daughter. gel earth, Tuesday evening c. a the present week, at her late home at Were 25.00. Sale Price 20. OO Children's Suits and Overcoats. Miss Edith Lathrop, and son, Sherman Cogswell's. Miss Curtlss' among the lot, Saturday at 69c Ernest A. Latbrop, to mourn bis loss. home, by illness, has been here at Mr Were 22.00. Sale Price 18.00 Cogswell's for several years. All her ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FIR8T NA suffering and weakness have been most Were 20.00. Sale Price 16. 50 6.00 cut to TIONAL BANK. patiently borne, with an exceptional Gamble-Desmon- quality At the annual meeting of the First degree 01 cneerruiness ana rortitude. Other Sales at d OO x National bank of New. Milford on until she was too weak, she worked Were 18.00. Sale Price 15 5.oo quality cut to .385 Tuesday, January 8, the former board for others even tbe children In her ' of directors and officers were all re weakness, planning and making arti s for Were 15.00. Sale Price 12.00 4.oo quality cut to 3 45 elected, as follows: cles ror their enjoyment. As long as Saturday; Directors, C. II- - Sanford, c A. l odd, she was possibly able, she was pleased Table Were 12.00. Sale Price ' ' 10.00 3.50 cut to H. s. Mygatt, a. l.. Randan, u. jn. to see an her mends at her home Linens, Slightly Soiled Blankets quality 2.85 Hatch, D. L. Smith, J. B. Merwin, S. here, and while she could not for more and especially Dress Goods and Silks Were lo.oo. Sale Price 8.00 3.oo cut to S. Green, W. G. Barton. than 10 years, mingle with them In quality 2 45 President, 11. S. Mygatt. society, her mind and hand were seen ' Vice-presiden- t, S. S. Green. in many gatherings and reunions and Men's 15.oo Ulsters at 10.00 Children's Wool Blouses, blue atsd were 50c. Cashier, .E."J. Sturges. by other bedsides and in homes, in do-- gray, Head clerk. R. E. Murphy. ems ana neartreit tokens or her re now W. Tourists' Coats that sold at 18. 00, 2o.ooand 38c Clerks, R. F. Mygatt, R. Leach. gard and love and sympathy. Her 1 man owes to himself and his Long annual dinner was served mind seemed remarkable in com Christmas vacation with her grand-- Every It now OO The at truly parents, Mr and Mrs S. B. Smith, re--1 family to master a trade or profeskioQ 22.oo w" 15 Men's Odd Vests, black, blue and mixed Young '8 hotel. position, and being cultured and used Read advertisement of goods; as a man- turned to her school at New London the display tbe sizes 36 to 2.oo to 3 00 Sale teacher for years, that mind on Saturday. six Morse Schools of TelegTsphy.ln this , Fur Coats at Cut Prices 44; quality. WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICES. ifested Itself in tender verse, long aft Issue and learn bow a man ' er her frame refused Mr and Mrs K. w. Preston have easily young price 1.25 and Methodist physical her tbe closed their bouse and will spend tbe or lady may learn telegraphy ana be The Congregational privilege or talking in person. Even winter in Hartford. Mr Preston will assured a position. ' Another sizes 33f 34 and 1.5o to 2.00 churcbes observed tbe week of prayer though her decease has been fore- be In town on for Men's Suits lot, 35; by union services, Tuesday and Wed warned for years, she will long be Mondays probate Young . Sale at the metnoaist cnurcn, missed in circle of her clos- business. quality. price 75C nesday nights and the little Mrs Frlzzell is Quite ill with erId. Announcement of Bethel Busts . and Overcoats. and services Thursday, Friday est, and by the large circle of friends The children connected with the Mm. House Coats and Bath Robes, 5.oo and 6.00 kinds, Sunday nights at tbe Congregational here she enjoyed and retained, both school a church. Rev H. K. Smith will preach old and young. As we feel to Episcopal Sunday gave very 3-5- 0 - obliged a) hall Sold at 18. now $15.00 now the sermon. Sunday night. - Last bun- hasten the above to press, the funeral dellghtf entertainment in tbe 00, Rev F. A. Johnson on Wednesday night. A Sioux dia day evening arrangements cannot at this time be Bo-Pee- p Hats were 2. and now at the Methodist church. logue, a party, an Epiphany . Sold at 15.oo, now 12 00 Stylish Soft that 00 2.5o, i50 preached stated. dialogue, music, both vocal and in Fred A. Hickok. strumental, were features of the even 149 Sold at 12.QO, now - IO.OO Fancy Shirts, l.oo grade, now 75C T. F. Young passed Friday, Decem BRIDGE WATER. ing. Cxntxb St., Bethel. ber 28, in Boston, Mass., where he was Mrs truest of who went George Sherman visited her , Sold now Blue Ribbed 50c kind. Sale-pric-e tbe Hugh Murray, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ITEMS. parents, last week, and her sons re- Sanitary Plumbing-- at lo.oo, 75 Underwear, 38c to Europe with Mr Young. turned with her to New Rochelle. n Hot and C. 1. Leach has a handsome driving The offlcersGelected at the semi-a- Miss Adelaide Pons gave a whist Sterm, Water Gas horse, boutrht or George uoooe. nual of tbe Y. P. S. C. for C.-- meeting .,last party, last Thursday afternoon, Fitting: Trowbridge Is confined to his week, were: President, Willis ifrost; tbe young people in her neighborhood. house on South Main street with an vice president, Miss Isabelle M. Orr; Miss Helen Humphrey returned to Ksvtma.t ParalfOdd. affection of the throat. on Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Miss Bessie A. will a secretary, lieorge Marsh; treasurer, her school in Washington Monday. Northrop take Allen Treat; corresponding secretary. miss Minnie ie raase win oe an position in the telephone office, begin Willis 15 rost. (jnairmen: or prayer- - home for the winter and will do dress ning next week. meeting committee, Henry O. Sanford; making. T. F. YOung. the popular proprietor ot trie lookout committee, Miss Klm-- Mrs Jaeoo a rew a ays Magt. Ranges. . Vtall. , Vi t- jsaase spent COR MAIN ST! FIELD AVE. of Young's hotel, has been confined to rf i mlDolnnftrv ml f in Waterbury, last week. Winchester Heaters. the house for a wees witn a severe Miss Annabeiie Marsh; of the social ... cold. committee, Miss Mabel le Sanford; of Bridgeport, Conn. Charles Planz took the children of the dower committee. Miss .Ethel Orr. A GUARANTEED CURB FOR PILES. the late Erastus Jones to the Gilbert Uev Harry Davenport from Bridge u home, Tuesday. port occupied the congregational pul The body of George D. oriffln was last , The Y. P. S. O. E. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrud rionuments House ceme- pit, Sunday. - ing Piles. Druggists are authorized Xb4 Work of all buried in West Meeting in the evening was led by Miss Klm- -- - Camotory tery, Tuesday. He was 87 years, six Daii. to reruna money lr az.l cia- Idata la nay G remit er HarbVs. EeU-- months and 12 old. A MENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days, aaa en Let. days daughter, The annual ecclesiastical meeting - - mtti sign applimti. Mrs George is. Fowler or Harwinton, of the Congregational church is an 50c taring nt raaoaabl pri . Minor. from and resumed her school survives him. George B. and Norman nounced for afternoon in the Leading Washington Business Roger Danoury from Saturday Ja.rrnt If PascLn Houses. Bee. Sunday school superintendent, Mrs Fowler accompanied the remains chapel. 3acoeor to O. W. BoUsa BETHEL, OOSR The Newtown S. P. Hayes. Miss Cora B. Halletb is again keep Harwinton to New Miiroro. Funeral Newtown, Friday, Jan. 11. 1007. Secretary and treasurer of tbe sa me, ing- books for J. A. Cochrane & Son. Director Thomas had the arrange George Orr from Bridgeport was the Miss Ethel Minor. Miss Catherine Memmott returned, ments in charge. uest of bis brother, James Orr, last! J. D. Saturdav. to New Rochelle. where she A full line of Dr Shoop's remedies at unaay. Librarian, Dayton. C. announce No Slate in Clear Le jea.M&s9iS? CIROULATTCm Chorister, Miss Alice E. Bird. is attending school. .Herbert Liaiiett the store of I. Leach. Try his The Dauntless club the If You Own has returned to East Greenwich, R. rheumatic remedy. third social dance of the season to be January 1, 1882 and Miss Elizabeth Salewskl to The little daughter or Mr and Mrs given in the Town hall, Friday even- - high Coal. Herbert Black of Torrington has schools. Jesse Ives is somewhat better at this ing. 11. a few sis- Bridgeport to their respective " January House or been spending days with his YY. w. w a oslt Last wwk, 4450 Mrs W. Miss Florence xutzler recently vis writintr. elton. the representative ter, J. Smith. ited her cousin, Mrs J. W. Ives, at Henry Rothe has been laid up with from Brldgewater, went to Hartrora and want to preserve it for the Worthy Master and Mrs J. W. Flynn Milford. a severe cold. Levi Warner sub-- be sure SMITH and Mrs Q. W. Percy attended the Tuesday morning, on longest possible period, BEERS, BetbL,Ct. Ten in Hart- George R. Smith's family spent New Peter Hummel!, of the State Board stitutes for Dim the afternoon that it is painted with Page. meeting of the State Grange Year's day with David F. Smith at of Barbers, was in town looking over mail route, between Brldgewater and ford, last week. Cornwall the last ween. Box bury Station. P. Li. Waldron is gradually failing. Bridge. shops, H. W. MASURY'S C. Newton M. Fitch, who spent a lew ingieside school opened, Wednesday. Franklin J. HawJsy, Treat COUNTY. Representative and Mrs A. Hill Miss Wells is on sick list. Her ana is. state - Your Teeth LITCHFIELD reside in the of Hartford, this days recently with his parents at tbe the a. Maiieit tbe HOUSE Keep - vicinity parsonage, has returned to n is ousi school is closed for a short period. Grange meeting at ord, last gAffiETS- CIm..Onml lilLh winter. ness Kansas Mo. Mai Charles J. Stevens, in command week, home, Frloat eifin-- l bmh$a awf powdwv ha All u BETHLEHEM. Mr Good will take a vacation of at City, returning bast mCfcn oe th Butn.ecm?).EAaiiab Wn of United States troops stationed at ing. PtM and Tmr to a car far d ar three weeks and the" Congregational nra otd oar- - will be closed 3. WOODBTJRT. Fort Huachuca. Arizona, and his son, For 65 Years ' throat. Try a txiik Ail prcrlpAoa BETHLEHEM'S VITAL STATISTICS. church until February Yale, have been spending a few days fulljr ootDpoBAdsd bf a realar purmkcin. Mr and Mrs R. Magee entertained CORNWALL BRIDGE. are known as tbe Bethlehem's vital statistics for the their children and families on Christ- with their aunt, Mrs Henry Ives. Tbey paints as A REAL ESTATE DEAL. Maj Stevens was in tbe thick ef tbe that live tbe longest. Tbey Charles J. English, year are follows: mas day. Spanish-America- n CHURCH REPAIRS. Brook-fiel-d who battle during tbe Linseed Oil BetneU , BIRTHS: Miss Gertrude P. Kasson of Abram. Klein, has rented war, and while bis comrades re Pure Paints, has been a guest of her relatives Charles Markbam's farm for the past dropped The church has been aft which is an assurance tbat tbey The Oliver January 25: Frances M., daughter in this two years, has purchased tbe Elliott dead beside him, he came out without er undergoing a series of repairs. to Mr and Mrs Elford Taylor. place. on known a scratch. He has since been two years the inside work in will preserve and keep intact tbe 9: son Mrs J. D. Dayton is caring for her Hinman farm Grassy Hill, to Having gotten is If You Paid $io March Irvine Willard. to Mr Mrs of Water-tow- n. as the Highland farm. Mr Klein is in the Philippines, returning the comfortable shape it was thought best materials of which your bouse and Mrs O. Hill. sister, George Prichard, a number of and United States about a year ago. The to work on outside other bav tor bavtac row bore bod TO Typewriter, 14: Ora to having improvements first of he will have 30 postpone the the built long after paints eoald mol rvt lt bars mimt abo Uiaa 4 June Rachel, daughter B. F. and Mrs Kenie repairs made on the house, and will July, completed until spring. Manufactured by my sboo. No mIUbi. p)atv of fealp Mr and Mrs Stiles Atwood. Carpenter on move There about years or service. disappeared. all abarpaeed. 6bop U by The finest ma- - 22: Kenneth, son to Mr and Keaveny were at James Flynn's April l. Rev Mr Pickett was with July Sunday. presented JOHN W. MASURY & SON MENRY A. BRENNAN, chine on the market. Mrs J. B. Sanford. Miss Dora A. Bloss is in West Haven On Wednesday, December 24, Mr MARBLED ALE. a nice little token of remembrance at August 6: Ruth Hazel, to the church supper, last week, showing NEW YORK mm CHICAGO Greenwood A , BETHEL, COSH. daughter for a few days. -- . on Mr and Mrs C. Lawson. cases the appreciation ot tbe work he has Tatepbona So. The work you can do November 10: Daughter to M r and Several of grip have already NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD. done since coming here. LOCAL AOCNT : this machine is varied and Mrs A. O. Mitchell. appeared. L. Charles Dunbar and sister, Js.tnei, December 29: A son to Mr and Mrs Arthur White of Richmond Hill, have gone to Pougbkeepsle to attend satisfactory. A. T. Minor. I., spent New Year's with his grand school. Mrs C. W. Your SOUTH KENT. parents. Mr and Mrs W. O. Corning Everett, their Harry Rider, Have Work Miss Flora Morehouse of South grandmother, accompanied them. 1S Watar 8L, Brill report. Coaa Dm rtrfct. Wbea too r marriages: Is the Odeil ana Myron Miuara thoM aad booia aea6ed at A-- B. Lor.l- t- We are Agents for Marriages of which one or both were Kent has been visiting Miss Louise (ieorge yearwooa residents of town. NEWS TERSELY TOLD. I CONFIDENCE have both been on tbe sick list, re fOQ ar always- wa uum this vicinity. this on Lyon. quiring medical aid, but are both bet aiad to order. March 17: Wesley R. Anderson and who was John Toohy, who has been borne for or A. B. ajackwoo. Miss Mary E. Brennan. Daniel Parsells, severely which to build a the holidays, has returned to Bethle ter at time writing. Poaatala Plaoa.Betbai.Ooam. 16: William and Miss injured by being thrown from a wag- Pa. April J. Hunt on about two weeks ago, is slowly im successful and lasting hem, Edith A Wooden. Several young people from this fr7 ARRET. June 5: Frank J. New and Miss proving. business in the selling place attended the dance in tbe Pa Hulda E. Dixon. Emerson Brown is building a new vilion hall at New New S. F. SEELEY, barn. It was raised, Saturday. of invest- Preston, CHURCH AND PERSONAL MOTSS. K. E. Miilspaugh, September 19: Albert E. Johnson Several of the farmers in this legitimate Year's night. An enjoyable time is I Washington Depot, Ct. and Miss May Sophia Allen. place ment securities. reported. Kev Mr Pickett from Cornwall Carpenter a.nd Bunder. delivered their crops of tobacco at Miscellaneous are Bridge the on Pleas aad Bmtanaaa raretabed. DEALER IN New Milford, last Wednesday. repairs being occupied pulpit Sunday Put It on lotobta aiennrtxl ao. V If I can obtain made at tbe rectory. and will preach again, bunday morn promptly was your " Miss esta Dwy of East Kent zo. I O. Box Ct. DEATHS. of Miss Lena a Miss Esther Toohy has been spend intr, January 7" T l P. to. Batfeei, Coal, Lime, Cement, the guest Cables, part confidence in my per- Christmas and New Year's with Mlss Mildred who has been I Y I Telephone ooaaecUoa. ' February 28: Ruth Hunt, wife of of this week. ing Ferklns, frf ft .liT Paints, Hardware, Daniel 72 Miss Golda lock is judg- her mother, Mrs L. G. Toohy. She is Hunt, aged years. Hal staying with sonal integrity, now in Lower school In Mass.. on Tues teas etc.- - etc. March Stephen Hayes, aged 90 Mrs F. L. Benedict for a time. teaching Merryali. Korlhfield, ir too wast tlx Caady Uiat 2: ment and knowledge of Mrs C. P. Denslow and her Bon of day. to the front tnxoura years. Mrs Sarah Hufcut, who has been ChriBtmas with is in E. W. April : JNeuie Jbsen uaoies, age 7 ill with the is much better, of securities Jersey City spent her ciosson atone very with pneu liT. It Cteaallaasa. Ita Soperfo Gilbert, lm 3H! 3Qj ZZ' 3tOM C3tcwW quite grip, theclass mother. Mrs Pollock. mon la want j' May 12: Alice Caroline Nooks, ape U. Li. Slade of Cornwall Bridge was of Y, Quality, tbea yon 15 Center St., Bethel, Conn., 1 year. In this place, one day last week. that return the highest Thomas Bryant Brooklyn, N. 15: Elizabeth, wife of H. O. Mr and Mrs John Chase were con- has been visiting Mrs Pollock. ROXUDRT. - Dlnr Im July guests rate of interest, Mrs Li. JJ- - Fenn is tu with a Hardware. Woodea. Tie aad Kaemelad 65 of W. quite 4 Ml 1 War. Hill, age years. their cousin, Ralph Hewland, cold. , . Belle Mead Tli1fct,na l.n a one absolute r.l.i. TnnMBIjMd m rm August zi: Maryette Ames isovee, evening last week. Mr Chase has sistent with Services were held in St Andrew's MRS AUSTIN I8HAM. lac ao4 I'M Nl set lor foor r o m i - age 44 years. a new Edison talking machine, which was Floor. Bams it. Stable aed feqaere Blae- zo: died is a tine ma safety of principal, I church, New; Year's day. There Died. Saturday morning, January 5. August (Jharies Lynn at the he brought with him. It a very small attendance. Sweets SbeU: aed KerolTere: Daley Air EUfie; her home in of Giu k: CARL BADER, Soldiers' home and was brought here chine and was much enjoyed by Mr will secure by a on at tbe northern part Baa Flletaote, Rtorad aed IV reaper Koor-Ib- for 79. of logical Mrs Ralph Buckingham has been the town, Sophia Isbam, aged 87 years Olaes aed Oalvaakeed Lroa, Wood interment, aged Howland's family and by several common-sens- s Bona and Potty; WASHINGTON DEPOT MARKET :. Susan Hiilen Mer his who were and e tbe sick list since Christmas. and seven months. Mrs Isham-wa- Thea delicious Boa aad Fibre Tuba. ets. September neighbors present. Mr Buckingham has been confined Coocolatea appeal to lovara ot man, age 64. Andrew fartcein is scnooi what is virtu- born in Woodbury, coming toRoxbury la bo Washington Depot. October 22: Mary Katharine Hol- - attending method, to tbe bouse with a cold. to live soon after her marriage to Rev Pur Coafectlooa. Tbar in Ji.ent, tnis winter. more 60 boxed oaady today that baa Ui ! on lenback, age 1 year. a Austin Isbam. than years ago. Mead At fall line of meats always band. Gae December 5: Carr Watson dlea at ally franchise KENT. She was greatly beloved by a large aala la tula city that Bella New Year's Candy In tbe season. Meats always of prime quality from to was Sweeta tutre, and that aats U prices reasenaoie. the home of his son in Derby and was WEST CORNWALL- - you supply you circle of friends and neighbors, ud 80. ever cheerful and contented, bear Urely due to their quality. W a eopply yon la lerr oa brought here for interment, aged with investments. EATON. 11 James LUTHER ing oaln with great fortitude. Tbe m. anaatlttee. Pure atade treab ev December n: t iasson, agea A. COCHRANE & SON BON iONI CNOCOUTII ery day at oar eltcbee. UeducUae made to 86 J. BUILDING. Such a franchise Is stronger and The funeral of Luther Eaton was at sweetness and beauty of her daily life CARAMELS & more than can be tended at the Congregational church, was an inspiration to an who met her. Cake, Boll aad Bread ar the beat. Jaet J. A. Cochrane Son are keeping enduring was ftoremotber'a. and will belp make your Ohrlat-m- a CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH NOTES. the a obtained by legislative enactment. Sunday afternoon, by a goodly number She tenderly cared for by her a suooeea. Otv as carpenters busy erecting large of and by a number her last years, who Solo dloeer yoar order aad grain barn and ice bouse just west of This is the kind of franchise that the townspeople daughter during - it we do tbe rest. Now Is ttie Time to Buy Your Rev C. S. Good will take his annual the station. 'X'he ice nouse was com I am after. from the nearby towns of New Mil will cherish tbe memory or her wen- vacation beginning this week. He in time to accommodate ford. Cornwall and Sharon. The spent life. Funeral serylcea were & pleted the That is why I have inaugurated bearers were Jerome F. Gibbs, John held at ner Dome, afternoon. The Erdmann Company, will take three consecutive Sundays ice crop which was harvested just at Reason-Wh- y iuesaay FLOUR The annual church meeting of the the season and before the warm the extensive campaign of L. Roberts, George Newton, Charles and she was laid to rest in tbe Center V ishburn-Orosb- right financial which. S. W. M. side of her H Fon vela Place. For the winter. I will sell T Congregational church was held at the spell, which freed the river from its advertising, Smith. Dr Barnum and Eg cemetery by the husband, indie Gold Medal Flour, best on record, for C5.25. If you will read with care, each bert A. Morehouse. Kev II. K. Job who died about nve years previous. Pharmacy, and see If can beat close of the Sunday morning service icy fetters. Ben- the District. Just try- . you that price will serve will convince that I ant conducted the services and F. G. In Shopping any wheee-eise- The following officers the day, you I also bave all kinds of ensuing year: C. A. Miller was lucky enough to the investment broker in whom nett & Son of New Milford had the CHICKEN PIE SUPPER. 087 Main B. his ice house filled before ice funeral in St., Your New Year Clerk. Mrs lv. Hayes. get tbe you can place your confidence. arrangements charge. The ladies of the Congregational - Feeds Deacon for three years, Theodore disappeared. school will a chicken Conn. Will be If Bird. Mrs F. A. Yutzler has returned The Kent opened. Tuesday. church give pie supper Bridgeport, happy yoa do which I will give you rery close prices for y Thomas C. Perkins having been closed two weeks for holi-- in the chapel, Tuesday evening, Jan your tramer rarutwanei aaa jaeatoa me a call and see for Treasurer, Samuel P. Hayes. from New Haven, where she has been Conn. Mutual 15. 6 to 8.30 Street. BeibeL. at out We extend a casb. Give yourself. Mrs Building aays. ,Ttie boys arrived Monday nignt, uary from o'clock. All Druggists. Happy New Year ao all oa Church committee, Messrs Gilbert with her sister, Joseph T. Mallin Hartford. Conn. an enthusiastic crowd making the know this means a least or gooa things at tbe old ataad (or Allen, Nathan H. Bloss, Mrs George son, who was not in the best of health btreets resound with their cheers. as there will be nothing lacking on Homer W. Atwood, C. Stone, Mrs S. D. Dayton, Mrs S. P. Miss Jessie u. wneaton has re C. S. Smith has sold his grain and tbe bill-of-far- e All are cordially in 1 McDowell & ete and Mrs Alice C. Bloss. turned from Falls where she 25-ce- nt Q rain. Feed, Flour, Goal, Groceries, Hayes Village, coal business to K. R. Frink, who took vited to this supper. Tfc aB?b head aide ofTaylor,Oeater Southford, Conn. Ushers and collectors, Harold Thorn has been nursing. possession of tbe premises, January 1, on. Jesse Smith, LeKoy sanford and Miss Carrie Wanzer has returned and assisted by his father, Rufus Hannle Welby, who spent the 8 THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY. JANUARY 11, 1907

Rhea Gates, Oshkosh, Wis. ' Financial Bessie L. Soule, C. C. Pameroy, C. S. IsvtltirUon. Bee. King, J. W. English, Danbury. The Newtown Mt Land Jan. 11, 1907. George Wohler, Vernon, N. Y. The Randall Mortgages Newtown, r'rlday, Weak S. A. Macintot-h- , Torrington. Company, Pay lac SH per oral a specialty. Lungs D K Wilson, Washington. (Incorporated by the Stale of OonnecttcaU loaned Edward E, Fuller. Tolland. New Milford, Conn., $1,500,000 ISo loan CIRCTTIiATION H. D. Brierley. Boston, Mass. The "Champion" P. A. Miller, Albany, N. Y. January I. 1882 600 Bronchitis L. a. Hager, West Morris. H. S. Areler, Utica, N. Y. for $5 F. R. Holmes, Housatonic, Mass. Your Is Worth Suit Boys, Last week, 4500 I). H. Bassett, Monroe. Money For over sixty years doctors C. B. Is made to give have endorsed Durfee, Ashland, O. extra service Ayer's Cherry Carl Eckland, Waterbury. long TOWN TOPICS Pectoral for coughs, colds, Harry Decker. Mr and Mrs Silvers. under the hardest - S. O Haley, Westport. usage to wear weak lungs, bronchitis, con- and save money JANUARY INVESTMENTS. I iou can trust a WHAT THE MAN FROM MACEDONIA sumption, WRITES. and mending. medicine the best doctors ap- It or are the t wl'b a middle Only the tough- RKUABLB SBCUKITIKS. Then trust this the next Miss Carrie L. Stone attended the man? Areyou rettlr you dividing prof est fabrics are us- prove. State Grange convention at Hartford, all The first of tbe year is tbe time time you have a hard cough. last week. 1 ed; seams are when there is a amount of funds over a ntid Former Macedonians in town Sun- n larye " I had an awful eough for year, The double-sew- with seeking investment in legitimate se- nothing seemed to do me any good. I tried day, were O. E Wolcott and John American Real Estate Co., Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral and was soon cured. New linen thread and curities which will yield the current I recommend It to all my friends whonevf r Wolcott from Bridgeport and Allen 390 Broadway, York., I rates for money. In this connection have a M188 M. MKYEUS, of New Milford. stout linen they D.congh."C. Winegar taped; it is to know that Thomas Washington, H. W. Post was in last Issue a 6 per cent Gold bond in denominationsof resist interesting Invest- Bridgeport, Coupon stays strains; C. Perkins, the well known bv J. C. Aver Co.. Lowell, Mass. week. pants have double ment broker of Hartford, Connecticut, Alio mnnmaciurari oi Mr and Mrs John Hopson from New seat knees. offers a large list of stocks and bonds 7 SARSAPARILLA. London were at their summer home $IOOO and FILLS. $500 $IOO dou-le- - of established and prosperous electric on last Handsome HAIR VIGOR. - the Mountain, Thursday. light and street railway companies, Connecticut has greater charms Interest on Semi-Annuall- y. breasted suits, located In the largest cities and in the Ayers than New York state for Perry Victor Payable Coupons in medium and most rapidly growing sections of the Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular. Thompson, who is expected-t- o move Price Par and Interests United States. These securities are All vegetable and crently laxative. back from Rhinebecki N. Y.r to J. A. darl mixtures, of on which TALKING MACHINE These bonds are secured by tbe entire aaseta of tbe Company. .sizes 7 to 16, $5. in the denomination $100, Peters' bouse, about April 1, and take dividends have been paid for years charge of the farmwork as foreman. Assets, 1, 1906, Let your boy test and which will net the investor from you want them rather than wait till Howard Lane's little boy had a close or an January $8,364,000.07 a Champion Suit. 5 to 6 per cent and will increase in later. The power of dollars was never call from the power saw in J. A. Pet- Capital and Surplus, 1,285,047.03 Clothes, hats, shoes and fur- value from year to year. They are greater than now. Every garment is ers' mill, recently. Mr Lane was saw- suitable for tbe small as well as large and is a bargain wood when little fellow If you havo any fund to Invest or would like further nishings for boys of all ages. a repriced evry price ing the got Informa'loa Tu Investor. Mr Perkins has built up price. Young men's, youths', boys' bis hand so close to the re- write for particular to high-grad- e swiftly as . Edison large business by selling and children's c!othirg, as well volving saw that it tore up through securities directly to the people by men's bats and shirts go into tbe cut his mitten, just grazing a finger. mail. Mr Perkins has published an price sale. Why do we cut the prices? Lafayette Snyder, bearing Chase PHONOGRAPH. L. H. PRINDLE, interesting resume of the investment Because we need the room. Our sales Brothers' dog bark, Monday afternoon, flgr., situation, together with descriptive are a square deal. You know that. started to investigate and found the First National Bank circulars on the securities which ne is See our windows. Davis & Savard, dog had treed a large wildcat, which What could be a more acceptable and sensible Christmas Gift for Building:, Outfitters to Hen. Women and Children offering, which will prove of interest Main street and Fairfield avenue, Alvah Chase shot. H is catship weigh- a boy or girl than a VICTOR or an EDISON. Room Northwest Corner to all prospective investors. Bridgeport. ed 19 pounds. These are things that will not wear out and be forgotten they 805, 42 Church St., New Haven, Conn. Main Street and Fairfield Avenue. Mrs George S. Thompson found a will perpetuate the memory of the giver an entire lifetime. -- and in fact every town in Dr J. W. the cancer pansy in bloom and another nearly so And there are few things out of.whlcb one can get more real ana Bridgeport, Conn. Newtown, Melbourne, flower-be- d The Bub's territory, will be repre- specialist of Derby, who has a large in a injopen ground.Sunday. lasting enjoyment. The amount and variety of entertainment tbsta sented at the annual of the sanitarium there and is on a F. H. Gilbert, the flour and feed VICTOR TALKING MACHINE or an EDISON PHONOGRAPH will meeting carrying dealer of Kent Furnace, has are endless. Connecticut Dairymen's Association, large practice, was honored, last fall, presented supply renditions best and Capital, $250,000- - I Surplus, to be held in Unity bail, Hartford, by the city of Derby by being elected his customers with neat calendars, in You can have at your command by the artists $315,225.89 January 16 and 17. To Hon H. O a member of the board of apportion- - dicative of his business. Mr Gilbert, entertainers in the country. Averill of Washington the editor is by hard work and accommodating Any record you want can be found in our assortment, including CHARLES. SANFORD, Prest. EDWARD W. M&RSD, Vice PresU indebted for the program, and it is of manner, has built up a large trade in all the December selections. O. H. BROTDWELU Cashier. so general interest we give it entire: flour, feed and groceries. Also GERMAN, FRENCH, ITALIAN, SWEDISH, POLISH, JANUARY 16. MEXICAN, Etc. Trustees, Administrators and Others Holding Mon- WEDNS8DA7, In 9 30 a. m. Arranging exhibits. WASHINGTON eys Trust 10.30 a. m. Address of Welcome by Find a checking aoconnt of special value and coa venlence. It rrt1ltau matters mbem cail Sr u,p?D,'tr statement of tbe account- - Tbe cbeeks (vouchers for tbe bias U His Honor, Mayor Henney. Response bank balance equals tbe total amount of money la la Itespmaltara) by President H. O. Daniels. WASHINGTON HIGH 8CHOOL. We solicit your account. Simple, sol) 10 45 a. m. Address, "Improvement The Washington High school closed What Gift flore Helpful Than of the Soil, tbe Basis of Successful for the Christmas recess, on December First National Bank, Dairying," by George T. Powell, Pres- 21 after a fall term of fifteen weeks. of a Machine? Temporary Address: 923 Mala Cooo. ident of the Agricultural Experts' As- During the term there were enrolled That Sewing Street, Bridgeport, THE sociation, of Now York. 64 scholars, 30 arirls and 34 boys. The This is a suggestion likely to bring rest and joy to many an over- 11 30 a. m. Address, "Management nsw location has proved satisfactory, worked woman. .We offer the best Sewing Machine that money can buy. Hull or Grass Lands in Connecticut," by being well adapted for school purposes Brothers - Co., ProfL- A. Clinton, Director Connecti- Along every line there has been a dis- The )rrje!tic, 25.00 to 75.00. Come and see Them. DAKBURY, CONN. cut Agricultural College, Storrs. tinct advance over last year, but most You Do Better. Established 1866. I. 30 p.m. Testing butter exhibited, especially is this to be noted in the Buy Que. Can't WHOLESALE AN D R ETAIL. by Judge Orrin Bent, Boston, Mass. course of studv. Miss Forbes has bad The Oldest Firm In Connecticut. 2.00 p. m. Address by His Excel- charge of the German, and Mr Kilborn Banking lency, Gov Bollin S. Woodruff. of the drawing. Miss Seeley has taken 2.15 p. m. Address, "The Beginning the history, Latin, part of the mathe- of the Herd; tbe choice, care and matics and part of the English, while These Are Ideal Christmas Gifts. T. Ii. of the calf from birth to Mr Watson management Hollister has had the Sciences, Co., the time of giving birth to her first French and the remainder of the Victor Talking Machines, $10 to $100. BANKERS BROKERS calf," by B. Walker McKeen, propri- mathematics and English. Based on etor Tbe Pines Dairy, Fryeburg, Me. the term work and final examinations Edison Phonograph, $10 to $50. Stocks and Bonds 3 00 p.m. Address, "Getting a Cow two honor of ten each have been Music Boxes 55c to $175. - n, grades Myra Corner Mala and Joba Coss. and Keeping Her, " by W. F. McSpar-ra- formed. The work of those in the Domi stic to Street, Bridgeport. Hub Runners. secretary and treasurer of the first 10 has been entirely satisfactory Sewing Machines, $25 $75. -- DR W. MBLBOURNK. American Jersey Cattle Club of Lan- J. in every way, and the work of even Record Cabinets, $5 to INTEREST ON DEPOSITS Portland Cutters. caster County, Furniss, Pa. those in the second 10 has been most $0. 3 45 p.m. Address, "The Hundred ment. a excellent. Tbe names of these in Record Carring Casep. r Two Seat Dollar Prof F. S. The board has elected him Sleighs. Cow," by Cooley, member of the finance committee, and these honor sections are given below Electric Outfits for the Christmas Tree. V Business Massachusetts Agricultural College, Mayor Howes bas honored Dr Mel- arranged in the order of their stand- Sleighs. Mass. bourne him for a term First ten: Reba Walde- - Electric Lamp?. f 5 00 m. of Board of by appointing ing. Lyman, Farm Bobs. p. Meeting the of four years the democratic member mar Anderson, Mary McGrath, Agnes Give us a call we sell for casb or on terms to suit now Managers of the Association. of board of ass ssors. The Ann e Jennie you. Buy An unusual opportunity to securt aa Interest In a proven Bobs. 7 30 the doctor Crowther, Ncllravey, while the stock is and we wiU deliver when you say. In Southern Nevada. Let me abow Heavy p. m. Address, "What I did is a man who believes in the right and Peterson, Stuart Johnston," Lina complete, copper property you. Light Grocer Bobs. and how I did it," by T. B. Terry, will do all in bis power to see that Wyant, Jennie Schmeidel, Gertrude Hudson, Ohio. every one bas his rights while he is in Winters. Second ten: Eleanor Eck-- Headquarters for Sheet Music. Sleigh Material. Address, "The Soft Cheese Industry office. man, Maud Anderson, John as Adapted to Connecticut," by Dr Annie Grace Sea FIRED. B. KDftSC NEVER5LIP. Cant Slip, and Rowe Tereck, HorAC Shoes and Calks. Charles Thorn, Connecticut Agricul- Edna William Dealer la RulldT Storrs. bury, Wyant, Johnston, Security HARNESS AMD HORSE GOODS. tural College, LITCHFIELD COUNTY. Nathan Whittlesey, Molly Poppensiek, Opportunities. Bridgeport, Conn. 17. x .- Send for cuts and prices. THURSDAY, JANUARY Margaret laherty- The . KENT. Century Company, Inc., THE HULL BROTHERS CO. 10.00 a. m. Report of secretary on awards, at which time the exhibitors NEW PRESTON c 87 Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. 0 ANBURY. CONN. on butter can receive their DEATH OF LUTHER BATON. . Bridgeport premiums. Telephone-1633- Nexttn Smith's Theatre. Report of Orrin Bent, judge of butter Luther Eaton, Kent's most promi- exhibits. nent business man, and well known REGRET HERE AT MR BTAUB'S DEATH. Bank, 10.30 a. m. President's annual ad- Housatonic ow- was SavingsOOR. MAIN and STATE 8TS. 5 SEND BY J dress. of throughout the valley, This village shocked, last Satur Report secretary. Report ing to bis prominence in the tobacco day, upon learning of the decease of Bridgeport. Conn. - of treasurer. Report of auditors. Elec- industry, passed away, early Friday Hon Nicholas Staub at bis home in MAIL. tion of officers and four directors. Of- af ternooo. Luther Eaton was born in New Milford. Mr received from $1 to I I vice-preside- Staub bas identified Deposits $1,000 ficers to be nt elected, president, Kent in 1826. the son of Ira Eaton and himself, the past few ypars, with tbe per annum $ If con- - 4 and treasurer, and one direc- Percinda Berry Eaton. Ira Em ton re- real estate about Lake and on it is not tor from each of the following coun- sided on now Waramaug Interest paid a'l amounts, large ' New the farm at North Kent, also in this villaire, first. purctiushjn or small. $ venient to come to the ties: Haven, Hartford, New occupied by Everett Tnompson, the Elm Shade Mills. At that titnt- - 4 f London and Windham. which was owned Luther he or Transactions mall receive careful bank, send your deposits II. 15 a. m. by Siton, had, expected to obtain, a char- by f Address, "Clover and and now a part of his estate. About, ter for a trolley line from New Milford and prompt attention. K by mail. If you receive Hew how to make it thrive," by T. B. Ter- the year 1853, Mr Elton moved to the with the late I. B f Year's O. Afterwards, Bristol, a send if mon- - ry, Hudson,' village, the farm now occupied he a of on Deposits, t5,8S6,l4500 check, it 2 00 m. buying purchased tract land the f 5 p. Address, "The Use of by George Austin. Mr Eaton married border of Lake Waramaug, which he Assets, . 6,540,391.26 ey, obtain a money order, Gifts. Stable Manure on the Dairy Farm," Sophronia E. Tobey, who survives retained his death With President T. R. Dr FOREST E. H. Connecti- till the Presidents: or send let-- ijf by Jenkins, Director him in feeble health. Mr Eaton's con- death of Mr G. M. Bretni? W We by registered Our Stock was never, cut Bristol, and HUB ED ABU STEttUNO. F.B.HAWLFT. V Agricultural Experiment Statlpn, nection with the tobacco industry Mr Staub, it must in time make a 20 lbs. Granulated for $1.00. Treasurer ALEXANDER UAWLEV. ter. It will be safe and so and we never bad New Haven. I as as 1861. Sugar complete 2.45 His-- dnjsjw"Jt: probably early change in tbe landholders about tbe amount cred-- fc -- Goods low p. m. Address, "Corn:. Its SSirDOUght tobacco in those and Washburn & Crosby's Flour 65c a the will be finer at such prices ids of Cultivation and. Val days lake. Your correspondent hopes all bag. f -. receivea it on me aepoc will be as ited to as this season. PiSrrtrlJ-Jt5y-- -- piatrorm. substituted by efficient pub- Jones' Flour, 67c f your account. ue as a Foor Walker Later be erected a warehouse on his lic spirited men as those mentioned. bag. now McKeen, Proprietor The Pines Dairy, for few 3 Bridgeport National J Ask us about this or Gifts selected will be Me. property, but the last years for the best interests and success of lbs. large Prunes for 25c. held wanted. Fryeburg, has rented the Hinsdale Smith ware- our lake as a resort1 and in its develop v about our $ until Every- 3.30 p. m. Address, "Feed Crops house east of the railroad track. For Seeded Raisins, 10c per Bank. facilitiesby in the and kin- and How to Grow W. F. ment. The writer most kindly re package. mail. thing Jewelry .Them," by the past two years he has had William members Mr Staub as a 1-- 2 ISO. I $ -- genial gentle Bakers' Cocoa, 19c lb can. Incorporated dred lines of the best quality McSparran, secretary and treasurer of associated with him in the man to and for 20 One dollar starts an ac-- $ Templeton meet, lover years 1-- and the American Jersey Cattle club, of tobacco business. Previous to as a one Bakers' 17c 2 lb cake. Capital, 215,850. & always at the lowest Lancaster Pa. that cherished him friend, and who Chocolate, Surplus arid Profits, t2ti0,o00 count prices. County, Furniss, for a number of years, Selectman John never forgot a friend under any and Oats, 9c Judd was his partner in the tobacco all circumstances. Several from this Quaker package. -- Mrs Eliza Lewis, housekeeper for industry. Mr Eaton bad three broth- section attended his funeral on Mon- Farina, 7c package. City Savings Bank J Charles G. Peck, has been on the sick ers, Burrett Eaton, who died Septem- day. Ability, Integrity and a Desire to j5 946 Mala St., f G. W. Fairchild & Sons, list. Her niece, Mrs George W. Post ber 23, 1882, Reuben Eaton, whose Hominy, 8c package. Serve You, of Waterbury, has assisted in her care. death occurred on September 23, 1889, Fears are entertained the Ice jj Bridgeport, Conn. X and Russell who that Corn Starch. 6c and 7c package. . that Is what we bellera you will And If you Jewelers and Sellers Eaton, passed away men may have a similar experience as become a patron of HHdceport JtaUanal of Various Wares Charles G. Peck made flying trips March 23, 1899. They were all men of last winter in filling tbe bouses about Shredded Wheat Biscuit, 10c package. Rank; land behind this desire there Is great at Attractive Prices. to uanoury, ana Monday. wealth and commanding influence in Lake Waramaug. All truly hope the financial atrenxb and sollaity. baturaay the community. Mr Eaton took an com win before U too Laundry Starch, 4c lb. Resources to tbe amount of about t wo mill- in affairs of town. He strengthen it ing? ptotect toe account you plaos la tbe 997 Main St., Cor. P. O. Arcade, Miss Mabel Northrop of Palestine, interest the the late to gather. Ozone Soap, 4c; 7 for 25c. Brfcagrport National Baaa. who has been visiting friends in Wash- was one of the organizers of the Kent Mrs Horace McCan returned from Mechanics and Farmers CONN. ' and was of Water Co., was a director of the same her sojourn at Morris Cove for Grandma's Pancake Flour, 9c package. T. B. DEFOREST. President. BRIDGEPORT, ington, returned, the guest and its the of bis death. on health, P. N. BEN II AM, Cashier. Bank Miss Loretta Houlihan, Friday night. president day Wednesday evening of last week. : Savings VlauiusviD 1806 He was actually interested in the Elmer Pendleton returned to his Choice Teas, Coffees and Spices Naw Baaa the sewer, in financed work on Bullaiaf , Wall StEnda'P A horse to William Haw-le- y building fact, at Torrington Monday of the Teas 39c. &8c lb. belonging the move. Since the closicsr of the week. 49c, L. became imbedded in the ditch, op- present Coffees 24c. 34c lb. Deposlta, Oct, 1009, tS,87S,TT3. iron business, he has been tbe main- Esther Borger visited relatives in 19c, 28c, 32c, Surplus and 160.6feL.68 posite Mrs Schermerhorn's place, Sat- stay of the men of the last Newtown Interest, urday afternoon. Boards and ropes working as village Washington, week, returning to Trv Our Roval Blend Coffees at 32c lb. A nice of china Savings were was in the winter time, his tobacco her home here on Sunday. per piece Assets, 87 secured and the horse pulled warehouse has generally been in oper- Mrs Brown was called to Litch- with to introduce it. It is sure to i,0M,54 out of bis uncomfortable position. The two to Ida every pound please you. Bank. Number of depositors. 11.SF7. Furniture, horse was not ation from four months. He field, last week. and Pure 10c lb. severely injured. had held office of and Fresh Candies, is&e. tbe selectman Mrs Mary Carter returned to. her large variety, per' liwooapoaaTKO CredlhMi trots tbe Brst of each wt . twrabta town treasurer and had represented cottage from Terryville on Monday Chocolates of all kinds, 20c per lb. . m 1 f ear. I Mrs Homer Conger of Gas street is Kent m the Legislature. Mr Eaton evening of last week. Her brother, Fancy quite seriously ill. Dr Kiernan is at- was a member of the Congregational Lyman Avery of Cornwall, had pre Deposits Oct. 1, 1906, $895,641.44 OFFICE KM Carpets, tending her. church, and a few years gave $2000 ceded her to the cottage and bad all Surplus, 30.000.00 John U Wrasda. '.'"wMc-ol- . toward a was re- CouPARK AVt permanent fund which ready for her nception. He will mm wot & Assets at par value. 947.6S3 51 V W Mrs John of Gas being raised. About the year 1878 he main till Mrs Carter has much mnre it iui Assets at market value. 988.654.51 fWfc. B Hall i Keating street, -tr - who built a handsome residence on the recovered her from an tff AND t. OilHn a T" Stoves. has been ill for the past two strength attack 0UVE ST. weeks, is now convalescing. main street, where he breathed his if whooping couiih and pneumonia last on Friday. In politics he was an Mrs Carter to be enoutfh Deuoalui of one dollar to on, thousand dol and to a hopes strong lars received from any one perwa la one year. Our is out like taste as well as ma- intense democrat, up within to meet her son, John, at Buffalo, N. Conn. specialty fitting "They the few years had the power to influence Y., next week, but it is doubtful if the Bridgeport, ple sugar" is what one mother wrote the elections any way he chose. In will think advisable. President: DAVID C. PECK. newly married couples. of Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. was a physician it The Trust This modern is personal appearance he typical Work on the foundation wall of the Treasurer: ARTHUR T.NETTLETON. Bridgeport ccugh syrup absolutely old New Englander, with a large, proposed new schoolhouse is finished BRIDGE WATEH, MOW TO CURB CHILBLAINS. Lowest Prices. free from any opiate or Darcotic. Con- and a which we tains Honey Tar.. Conforms to the spare frame, piercing eye, and hope, if weather permits, the Company, looked from under shaggy eyebrows. sound of the carpenter's hammer will ISk-l- fl Mate Ooaa. We would be pleased to National Pure Food and Drug Law. While sometimes gruff in manner, un- soon be heard on the frame. The "To enjoy freedom from chilblains," Rrtdarporv Sold by all druggists. derneath his coat beat a warm heart, buildiner contract has been to LOCAL MENTION. writes John Kemp, East Otlstield, to who him assigned Me., "I apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. - make your acquaintance. and those knew intimate- Dallas Wyant of Washington Depot. Have also used It for salt rheum with Capital, surplus and undl- Nearly every person who is subject ly he was a most delightful companion. Our Sherman Cogs- Miss Florence Snedeker of Shermao rided w to from stomach suffers For he has fail- representative, excellent results." Guaranteed to cure profits, S3 attacks the the last year steadily well, left here on Tuesday of this week was in town a few days this week, the fever sores, indolent from a morbid dread of a dietetic treat- ed, and bis business interests have to be at the opening- of of his Mrs Clarence Greer. ulcers, piles, three-fourth- s present the guest sister, frost bites and skin HfWrl m . 1 . wounds, n.i.fMti. i.i - 1 ment for relief, that is been looked after largely by his neph- state assembly at where he Mr and Mrs Albert Mallette, who burns, W I IT" K , Q. one-four- th Hartford, diseases. 25c B. H. Beers & on BbOO .hip. The WentworthFurni-tvir- e starvation, and toast and ew, Hon Charles A. Eaton, Kent's win oe round ror months en- were tbe guests of friends out of town at Intem accounts a nnflnf baiaaos. regularly Betts & . - - - milk. On the other hand you can eat capable judjg of probate and town acting laws for the good of the state a few days this week, have returned Co., Newtown; Betts, Sandy Art. .. Ftimitiw t Co.. Inc.. as you. please and the food treasurer. in Hook; P. J. Garvin, Bethel; W. N. No- or la digest by general. X'will be the outing of home. ble, New E. J. auj Fiduciary Capacity. the aid of a good digestant,thus giving his life and we hope he will enioy Mrs Lyman Smith Weeks has re Milford; Buckingham, F. W. MARSH. 11$ Joha St., the tired stomach as much rest. ARRIVALS AT THE IVES HOUSE. of on Huntington; Allen Joyce, Roxbury President. equally every day it. turned to her home Washington G. W. Hurlburt & Co.. Box-bur- y; ORANOR MKRWIjy. TloePresn. Eat what you please and take a little W. H. Kean, Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Mrs Frank Cable of Bethlehem avenue, Bridgeport, after a brief stay Station; ROBERT MAKt-H- . Bridgeport, Conn Kcdol for meals. J. M. Sullivan, Bedding Bidge; K-- U.JCUSN.TraaaarerT' Indigestion after your Allison P. Smith, Newtown. passed last week at William McHan's. in town. Bros., W. B. It digests what you eat. Sold by all Willis F. Bennett, A. M. Morrlssey, assisting there, where Mrs McHan and Mr and Mrs Myron Dlsbrow of New Connery Georgetown; M. E. Hawley, Sherman; Honan & Soule, druggists. Leslie W. Marsh,C. F. Schoverllng, F. Mrs Cable are confined to their Milford are soon to move to this vil Smith Bros, Cornwall N. Fowler, Jr., S. D. Green, F. F. beds by illness. lage and they have rented the bouse Gaylordsvllle; Phoenix Mutual Life Mr Mrs Mrs A. E. was Mr Mrs Bridge, Edwin II. Beardsley, New Mothers who give their children Young, and George E. Ackley, Corning confined to formerly occupied by and A. Preston, George E. Frlnk, Falls Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup in- Angella R. Morrissey, New Miirord. her home, last week, by illness. Bell. E. S. Fairchild & Son, Nichols, The Insurance J. A. H. Chamberlain, Miss Hattie Eloag, teacher in War- Mr and Mrs Ell Roberts returned Village; - Tliddlesex Co. variably indorse it. Children like it Baptist, was S. Do You because the taste is so pleasant. Con- Bridgeport. ren, at George Lyman's over borne, Monday evening, from a brief drugstores; Want to Invest In An Old Hartford Company. and Tar. is S. Murphy, Patterson, N. Y. Sunday. stay in Danbury. Co. tains Honey It the Orig M. N. Y. and J. Milton GUARANTEED E FOR PILES eat? Banking inal Laxative and is un- J. Peterson, Poughkeepsie, Harry Lyman Stlllson The Dauntless ciuo entertains "J Ueorgla Mortgage, paying per cat IS7V. Stands second to none In liberal policy con Cough Syrup J. L. Scarrett, returned to the Gunnery school, this their friends at a social dance at tbe Choice Bonos pajlog percent In-- Orgaalaed la Mow'ta fta JWta year of cracta. Guarantees more than a dollar's rivaled for the relief of croup. Drives Plymouth. y num, uo v( a. umlauts; bnslneas, being oa the aaaaa aa worth of lnauranoe for every 11 of premium the cold out bowels. Con- A. A. Macdonald, H. E Wheeler, weeK. Town ball, this evening. Lot. and borrow tbeurmoneylarnvwith wbtch to plan Serines has the highest recommendation for through the Robert E. L. A. New At the annual church held hi. and Mrs J. A. or ulld? Or a Steamer Banks and under tbe superrialoa of tbe 8tae paid. It ve forms to Food Dalson, Gardner, meeting ti. Buckingham blind, bleeding protruo purchase Ticket, or buy conservative management among the repre-rentatl- the National Pure and Itching, Baak Examiners. State Trsat Panda com- Law. Sold bv all Haven. in the church parlors on Thursday aft Greer attended the dance in New Mil lng piles. Druggists refund money If alaoa business men insured In the Drug druggists. W. ernoon of Dea S. on cure Chan (rt Savings Bank Books for Iamtmeata. the Statute of 14. pany- H. Treat, Bridgewater. last week, George ford, given by tbe Imperial club Pazo Ointment fails to any case, i ao. cau or Prof L. A. Louseaux, Loretta T. juumpnrey was selected as committee Tuesday evening. no matter of bow long standing. In six uci it write per cent Debeatares of tlOB. Sana. SMB. nana ELI Particularly interesting to the man Morrissey, Jere Hull, F. W. Miller, man to assist Mai Walter Burnham in J. A. Greer left town, this week, for to 14 days. First application gives "sBURR & D.WEEKS, Manager, with a taste for good clothing will be New York. supplying the pulpit after April 1. Bellows Falls, Vt. ease and rest. 60c. If your druggist KNAPP, OFFICES AT the clearance sale of fall and winter W. F. Gaylord, Jessie R. Morrissey, xne otner omeers or the church are Mrs Urace Mead Well wood has a hasn't it send 50c in stamps and It will Baku sjcd Btoina, L D. San ford & Co., Litchfield, Oonn. Library Bldg., DanburyOt. at Davis & about the same as last with tbe small class of scholars which she is be post-pai- d, Paris TEU4SS. kLa.nt 108 Bank Ot. clothing Savard's, Bridge- Gaylordsvllle. year, forwarded, by m 8TBKBT. St., Waterbury, port. We cut the prices now wb M. E. Evans, Brooklyn, N. Y. same board of collectors. giving dancing lessons to. Medicine Co.. StXiOuis, Mo. B arOQ K POST, OOITIt. 5 eif U, lrUfssrt,Csai THE NEWTOWN BEE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907. 9

TOWN TOPICS. present. The other, Miss Mae Shep- - ara, woo was a uurse at tne dime, ia Nerve a dan out 01 the state- - and so not avanaoie. Fag OBITUARY. The hearing was continued to Satur- day, January 12, at 8 30 a. m. John O. ger signal The.D. M. Read Co. MRS JOHANNA MC MAHON. Chamberlain, of nhn.mhflrlain & Hull, It Means That Vital Forces Are - Mrs appeared for Dea Burr Hawley, the Established I3S7- Johanna McMahon, wife of the and A. of late James McManon, died on Monday executor, Samuel Davis, Being Exhausted. ber late home on Tree Scott & Davis, for the contesting heirs. HOWLAND'S at Walnut Hill, Dr. Pratt testified-i- sdbstance that DR WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS aged 73 years. A son, James McMahon, Mr con- and a daughter, Mrs John Burke of Parmelee was in fair physical SUPPLY NEEDED New Haven, survive her. The funeral dition at the time the will was made, ELEMENTS took on from and for anything that he saw, knew Second Week of Sale. place Wednesday St ex- the what he was doing at the time he Rose's church, Father Fox officiating. ecuted the will. By Renewing And Invigorating The pail bearers were Michael Blake, The Blood The Nervous Svstem The January Sale will continue until Saturday night, and until that time cus- Michael Finnell, Patrick Finnell, Mat- tomers will receive the benefit of thew Qualey, John Roach and Michael TRINITY PARISH NOTES. Is Restored To Its Normal Func- special prices throughout the store. Donohue. The burial was in St Rose's tions. Do not forget the offering in Furniture. In addition to the list of had SUNDAY SERVICES. long cemetery. Funeral Director Troy Nervous is forerunner articles can from stock the arrangements in charge. 11 ser- debility the specially priced you buy any pieces regular at At a. m., Morning Prayer and of a nervous breakdown, the one-fif- th below Office mon the at 12 perhaps cer- original price. furnishings and dining chairs Died Friday, 4, at 8.45 a.m., by rector; m., Sunday first warning sign of paralysis. A Eli January an school; at 5 p. m., Evening Prayer. tain amount of drain on the nervous being excepted. Bradley of Saugatuck, honored is to meet citizen, passed away at the home of On at 3 p. the system the body prepared Mrs w. . 01 JUast Friday m., singing because the blood is forever carrying nis aaugnter, uray class meets as usual. nourishment to nerves and build- Korwalk, at the age of 88 years. He A week from Sunday will be a special the In the Store. The was taken with pneumonia and gradu- for the ing them up. In other words the Carpet Great missionary Sunday Sunday failed until the end came. He blood feeds the nerves. But when Rugs, Wiltons, Body Brussels and Ardahans. Velvet and Savonnerie ally school, and the offering for foreign are excesses or over-wor- k Large leaves a widow, one son, Harry, and missions will be in church. there mental - Mrs taken the or worry the demand exceeds the sup. Ingrain Filling, one special piece.- Ail at Special Reductions. three daughters, Samuel Baker, and there is nervous Mrs Walter Gray and Mrs Frank Cur- ply derange-" tis, to mourn his loss. Mr Bradley ST JOHN'S CHURCH. ment the nerves are starved. had voted every Presidential election The first thing to do in nervous de- "Wash Goods since he was 21 years old. He was jus SUNDAY SERVICES. bility is to stop the cause of the trou- Specials. tice or the peace two years, constaoie ble, if possible, whether it is irregular Cotton Flannels. Bathrobe Flannel, worth 25 cts, 19 cts. Printed Flan- - two six At. Ifl 1 r a m "Mrwninnr living, worry, or whatever it may be. 1- -2 12 1- -2 years, grand juryman years, Teo,ra anil Then the nerves must be nel, worth 19 cts, 12 cts. Kimono Flannel, worth cts. 10 cts. Fancy. chairman of the oyster committee 10 sermon by the rector; at 12 m., 3unday given special had been a member of Ma- 7 nourishment and the blood must be Outings, worth IS cts, o cts. MILL years, jthe school; at p. m., evening service. and rich. This is mis- EOT sons 28 and was a mem- kept pure the years charter short cts. ber of the Eastern Star. He was kind sion of Dr Williams' Pink Pills and Prints and Challis, lengths, 5 and benevolent, always willing to lend BERKSHIRE. this is why the pills have been used Best Percales, Short Lengths, 10 cts. a helping band to those In need. He with such great success in nervous was laid at rest, Monday, in Willow PERSONAL CHAT. troubles that did not yield to ordinary Brook with Masonic honors. methods of treatment. cemetery, Mrs Herbert T. Coger has returned Mr Charles W. Lowell, of Shelburne, and Insertions. to her home in Stamford, after spend- was run lace Edgings ALE funeral of Andrew Stankonas several weeks C. Minor's. Falls, Mass., says: "I down A in Piatt Nals and such widths as The ing at E. in health for ten years and for much collection Torchons, are suitable for took place on Saturday morning from Julius Hartwig and son of New of that time was unable to do any wash dresses, lingerie, and various household uses. the Sacred Heart church in Bridge York passed Sunday at their home physical work on account of nervous ' port, Rev Father Sweeney officiating. here. to In . 10 ceme- N debility. I stuck my work the Vals, 5, 7, and ia cts. The burial was in St Michael's Mr and Mrs W. G. Hard were In office although I was not in condition tery. Mr Stankonas was for several Bridgeport, one day last week. to do so and several physicians had Torchons, 5 and 7 cts. years in the employ of E. C. Piatt at George Everetts and family have re- been unable to me relief. Hawley ville. He was 36 years old and turned, after spending some time in give any a Fu- "1 couldn't do a good days work leaves wife and two children. Waterbury. without being all used up. I suffered D. M. neral Director William A. Honan had from a general fatigue all the time The READ Co. Now On. the arrangements in charge. There will be mass at St Stephen's and bad no strength or ambition. I Going church, Stepney, on Sunday at 11 a. had frequent backaches and a head Conn. Josiah Tilson is convalescing after m. This is the first of the least once a week. Bridgeport, his attack of typhoid fever, and is now Sunday ache at My sleep able to January quarter for the payment of was broken. My eyes were affected sit up. pew rents. by my nervous condition and I bad for half an hour at a time. f Cecil Wright returned to New Ha Tin a Channlhal HViIki dizzy spells Roxbory Announcement. ven, Tuesday, to resume his studies at .)ln especially after eating a hearty meal. G. N. Clarke's Liver Pills. Yale is enroute for America and isexnpcted My appetite was poor ana l was trou- Vegetable Don't Miss It. college. to arrive home about 16. He bled with gas on the stomach and con- Have a wonderful reputation for earing Billons and January NOW IS THE TIME oa. on returns home to complete his theolog- AUmrala. As a remedy for EUiotunen. Comtipation, Lent begins, this year, February ical studies. stipation. went on a For Pelt and Rubber Hsadacbs. Dixxioeee, etand Lari vall.c. Oaee 13. Easter day occurs on March 31. This condition for long Roota. Rubbers and ArcUcs: we bave U boM etethey time and I became very nervous and on rock bottom tried. Always need. For eaje by Druggists. Free eampls by snaiL A. J. Cable and closed their so so brands the market at price.lau officiated family irritable, much that I couldn't Bis line of Warm tilovee and Mluens: IN. Cecil Wright has Jor the residence on Wednesday and went to stand the least noise. Even the play Oapa for winter wear. New Invoice of warm Q. CLARKE, lNlcHolex. Conn. last two Sundays as organist at the for the balance or tne win of me. had Outing Flannel, very pretty patterns. Our New Bridgeport ing my children annoyed I winter styiea 01 snow are nere; wo Calvary Baptist church in Haven. ter. no in life at all and merely to fit the whole family. Horse Biaokat for FO RESALE. pleasure outdoors and stable. Nice warm Ho baa. M-r- a 1 out a poor existence. I lost Iap Miss Elizabeth H. on "Mr anrl A P1 I"1 Q rUo cailorl rn dragged Orocerlea and Otuaerai Merchandise. Berkshire Pica, also Soera Egan returned " in and wIU food litters. for and Orient. weight strength continually.reo- - TBS FARMERS' "STORE, Boartorsarrkoa Tuesday to Convent Station, N. J., Saturday Egypt the "Dr Williams' Pink Pills were J C LETT STOCK VARaT, town. Meri-de- n, after spending the holidays in all-da- ommended to me by a friend In mnvooa The Howland Groods An y meeting will be beld at Allen Joyce, iiatrc. Conn., and finally I made up my Oonn. Frank Kilbride of Bridgeport passed the John Hawley House of Prayer, mind to tnem. my im- Roxbary St&tioa. - 17. Miss M. of try appetite Sunday with friends in town. January A. Barrett proved, my sleep became sound and For Sale. New York City will be present and restful and I in and Good Company, Simon of Walnut Tree hill. speak. Miss Barrett has had large gained weight Malt Extract. Eetey organ, pries Corey in home strength. My nervousness has entire Superior Sao. with a tool. All la food order. who has been seriously ill, is now able experience missionary work, ly left me. x am very giaa to recom- Bridgeport, Connecticut. to sit up. and is an interesting speaker. The mend Dr Williams Pink Pills." A very refreshing and healthful drink for W. I CrtADBAVNB. hours of the services are iu.ju a. m. everybody ror hot months, wo eeii it; mma Box 1. Darbw.Oonn. and 2.30 m. Dr Williams' Pink Pills contain the all kinds of soft drinks. Miss Ella Anderson of Passaic, N. J., p. elements necessary to make new blood Barber shop. Bltuara ana root laoia. has been passing a few weeks with Mr and, as the nerves get their nourish- Cm a naoe nnvwr. aun hi and Mrs Alfred Peterson. ment have been found D. OarrUon, also rood cheap surrey. U. B. W The Historical and Literary club from the blood, Boxxust SsATioa, Ooita. UH UUi. . CM nonce a, Bndra- - met at the home of Miss S. J. Scudder Invaluable in a wide range of diseases part, m. At a meeting of the directors of the 25 blood as Co. on on Wednesday evening. About of the and nerves, such rheu AN TED A farm. Pel y storked. Newtown Water Tuesday even were and a fine after-effec-ts of the and Gasoline Cutters and land, rood DuLKHnra. M a.L he barrals. was a present very program matism, grip BONDS With Individuals for Engines, K. NaWa. M Mrs ing last, there committee ap- was carried out, consisting of violin fevers, neuralgia, nervous debility, St PROBATE often unsafe and frequently un- w. UoliUber ave. Mrtdrepart. tit, Piano Tuning. Carrie Simpson, pointed to make out a schedule of wa to heirs. Don't ask a friend to go Wood Sawing Machines Mrs W. and even He-pairin- and piano duets by James Vitus' dance partial paraly satisfactory g. Max A. Grass, well known piano tuner of First Class Dressmaker, ter rates, so that people who take the Gordon Miss Mabel L. sis and locomotor ataxia. on your bond, for he would always rather not. ad all kinds of Farm riech Blacks mithing and Wagon Bridgeport, Conn., formerly of Sceinway & Oonn. now will and Taylor; 1 is our Dusiness to ac uh re- leery. Sons, tofr.. N. Y., and successor of late Fred HAVLimLLii. water may i what it cost by Mrs Charles H. Dr Williams' Pink Pills are sold by bate and ail other kinds ofubonds.w;ufi,j See as before or let us will be to Piano Latest Gowns made for Ladles and them. readings Northrop, re- O. 8. TelephoneA you bay. Beyer, pleased attend to your Misses. Style Mrs Levi C. Morris. Miss Edith W. all or sent, postpaid, on for Information any evening. Fidelity I eoUc nave Orders may be left at Mr Charles S. Perfect fit guaranteed.' druggists, Oo.. Charles -- . Newtown quote you prices. hereby give that I .boajrht back Tuning. Will Miss Helen Fenders and Miss of 50 cents per box, six Guaranty Morris, my old stand la Middle Gavtenisu-lcv- Piatt's, Newtown. be in Newtown every Mrs Ganong, ceipt price, 1 aad tka month. address 138 West avenue. Newtown Bridget Langdon of Danbury solos were rendered Mrs boxes ror Dy tne vviniams Representative. am read y to do Oaaineaa aad srouid b. pleaw Bridgeport C B. JOHNSON, Oonn. was taken to the Connecticut Hospital Scudder; by sz.5U, ur T. E. PLATT & SON, ed to see all my oad aad the ran era! J. and Medicine N. patrons naa-rm-te for the Insane on of this week Arthur Smith, "L'li Drum," Company, Schenectady, Probate Notices. Pho-- e 53-- 4. Conn. pnbMc fim cUsi vork rauuuea. Deputy Sheriff, Auctioneer, Tuesday "Molly." The next meeting of the Y. Newtown, prices. O. V. OONOtlE.B. Public. by Mr and Mrs Michael J. White, un Mr Zio. Sft-- Boteford, Oonn. Real Kstate Notice. Notary der an order of commitment from club will be held at the home of "OF KOXBURY as. Probate Telephone Telephone 23-- 3 ' . and MrsC. B. 24. DISTRICT 19. 1906. CORSETS. 10 W. Taylor, January HOWLAND'S MILL END SALE. Box-bur- y. km I have farms for sale; all sizes and prices Judge J. Beecher of the Newtown Estate of Sally J. Beardsley. late of Why suffer with boVen steels? A remedy EnAiuiiuii lKa, If you want a farm or country home, or if you probate court, upon the request or the In said district, deceased. for such, also brakes. pads4 supporters found have a farm to sell, write me, stating acreage, Wanted To Buy. town of Danbury, after been A dance will be given in Sears' ball, GREAT VALUES IN DRY GOODS, BOOTS 'I tie court or rrtjoaw ror we lmtncfc vi at general condition of same, also lowest price. Fat Oattle. Oows or having AMD SHOES AND NOTIONS. R,vKn.. hint K limltnd and sJiowtxl SIX R. Hatch & If you want a factory or elevator site, a fac- cheap Bulls. Oalves. adjudged insane by Drs Schuyler and Huntingtown, Saturday evening, Jan mnnthit tmm the date hereof for the Creditors Mra Helen MacMahon-Snowde- n Sons, tory with power, or to buy or ieil real estate I. BERMAN, who were called m to exam uary 12. Good music has been engag- of said to exhibit their claims for set- Carrtax flajnufacturers. of any kind address PH1NEAS E. CLARK, 1324 North Avenue, Bridgeport, Oonn. Kiernan, The 18th annual Mill End sale of estate their Boom 4. 1119 Broad st B rid rrport. Oonn- - New Oonn. 818-- 2. ine her. ed and a good time is promised. All tlement. Those who neglect to present Palrsaid. New Mllford, Conn. Tel. are invited. William Peck the reliable Howland Dry Goods Co. accounts, properly attested, within said time, Our Xotto: The Best Material and toe Best cordially on 10, with will be debarred a recovery. All persons In- For ffort manshln. RENT The premises of the late M. 8 Mr and Mrs Tubbs and daughter, and William Corbett are the commit- opened Thursday, January debted to said estate axe to make Cattle Sale. FOR consisting of house, barn and three Am Now rair weather and tne store crowaea requested Fresh Oows a Poecialt v. who have been of Immediate to ne acres of land five Ready Margaret, boarding tee arrangements. payment Wo-kl- oxen and for sell situated about minutes several tracts of Mrs Liawrence nave with customers. The store is radiant ueman a., iwiirustej, auuiuiiaw.wir. steers sale. Bur. walk from Newtown street and station. amHaving purchased with Taylor, with values in goods, no- or trade an day but Sunday. I House well built and in prime condition. In- ttmbnr prepared to furnish all kinds of changed and gone to Mrs Charles F. dry shoes, rvISTRIOT OF ROXBDEY Probate Court Ct. Will quire of John M. Otis, Mechanics' and Farm-er- 's building timber and also all other kinds of A lady, one evening recently, waited tions, and a thousand and one useful XJ uec. Frank Torkiagtoa, Eaat Morris, Pay Bank. Oonn. timber if ordered at once. If I receive no or- Beardsley's to board. a will be lu, or. aox-- The hlffheat market nrire frw Savings Bridgeport, ders shall convert the timber into railroad ties outside the Botsford depot full hour articles. On another page Estate nf Darwin U. Hearasiey, late DOR SALK Uy Victor runabout Antonio-1-? L4vn Stocir. Oowa, Oaivna. Ka.i Mssn. chick- hALE A new 25 h. p. steam Lane saw in cold because the room found a condensee list of a few of the bury. In said district, deceased. to be In first class ens, Will receive Waahtnr- - FOK with tcols a In a short time. J. B. Downs of Half Way River will the waiting The court or tor me bile, ruaranteed running etc Tuesday at all complete and year's John H. Frank, was so full of tobacco smoke it was many bargains offered: It is certainly Rmhnrt hathprooaielimited and allowed sixri order. Ins'ruction Klv.n purchaser for rag. toa uepot.; weanesOay avt aoxDttry; Aba work. One Lane mill complete without pow- Oonn. leave, next Monday, for the eastern foT-sar- ntn If desired. Am selling because I want to aay at ltchXeld. for 9200 Buntingtown. Newtown, - very to ber. Would a ul months from the date hereof for the creditors er A old chestnut mare. sound Dart of the state, where he- will buy, disagreeable it great opportunity buyers, set- buy lanrer car. Will sll cbean for cash. O. W. a, BX. A ICE HAN, BeUdab. and genteel ; id bred from fast stock, has fast oxen. not be a good idea for our men to do and the women can be calculated on of said estate to exhibit their claims for O. U. Smaller. Htepoey Depot. Coon, brothers, not afraid of Locomobiles or cars: FOR SALE. several yoke of in some other to avail themselves of the bar-- tlement. Those who neglect to present their has trotted mile in 19 seconds. These things their smoking place? great accounts, properly attested, wittun saia tune, I will be sold cheap as I am going south. O. E. One good driving horse, kind and gen- Beb was cRins rfFfrfri. ill hiltuirrad a raconsrt. All Demons In ' Special Notice Blakeman. Newtown, Oonn. tle for lady to drive. Horseshoeing and Gen- The representative very debted to said estate are requested to make Alexander Noe, ' Maaoney's blacksmith ebooatwUmd1Loxtg ktUi.wea ' entertained at dinner, last David H. Disbrow of New Fairfield Oarrl-ar- e eral Blacksmlthlng. pleasantly was one of D. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED mmedlate paymen to Veterinary Dentist I will be prepared to do Morseaboeinr. Wednesday, at the nome 01 Mr ana a guest, day last week, Heman A. iearasiey. Aamiaifinwr. Avsonia. Ooax aad Wacoa Repairing aad ail Kinds of PETER H. LYNCH, Mrs Charles E. in Half Way, a. Parmeiee in natcertown. Jobbing. aati&facUon la sol work ruaraniarrl. Bradley local as cannot reach OF CONNECTICUT, District of Mall orders protnotly attended to. prices reasone-tw- e Long Hill, Conn. Kiver. by applications. they on STATE ss. Probate Jan. 1. A. BlILGonn. Mrs Wa'terhouse of the diseased Donlous of the ear. There is Court, J.aWABD, Long William Hatter ly one .way to cure deafness and that Is by d. lyuvr ' of TXR SALE Upright Grand Piano, new iaat c Mr Turner of Taunton has been en who has been and constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused Estate or Patrick Lynch. late the Ellsworth Fenn, 4. a Tmm toe Fall town, quite poorly mucous lin- town of Monroe, ia said district, deceased. iepie0torr. tJsea only - Painting. Vyen un tertaining a friend from New York, under Ur a. u. Allen's care, is now im by an inflamed condition of the une umu-i- Contractor aad Builder, r.arrua or aotled. first clean make. Be.aU- application for all work, either inside or out- ing of Jthe Eustachian tube. When this tube The Court of Prooate lor oi a taae. hail oo-ba- .f last. Part this week. to im- and al iow&c six -- side, at reasonable prices. Paperhanging a proving rapidly and is able be out. is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Bridgeport hath limited WiiBixoroi Depot, cor. fcxfc tneawawawMM'd oust af ae--i specialty; all work guaranteed, whether done perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed months from date nereot. tor tne creaiuin hi Estimates Cheerfully Farnlsb les Great B.A. mf mt fteno. itax Of by the day or by contract. Wall Papers at Miss Bertha Prindle of Ansonia Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflam- said estate to exhibit ther claims for settle Famous Easy Draft LeEoy Plow. The new- nearly your own figures. Mr Mrs Street's Perfection buckwheat flour mation can betaken out and this tube re ment. Those who neglect to present xnetr ac est and best plow made. . spent the holidays with and on. wUl be counts, attested within aaiu ume, CRAFT LTON. Zoar. is always to be depended Prime stored to its normal condition, bearing properly In- I Sell DUB SA LE .000.030 parcels Baal Eatat e. tell John Keane in a destroyed forever; nine cases out often are will be debarred a recovery. All persons Farms A? CallaA fcte.taa. No bones oouactad Painters, Stepney, Ot. syrup, necessary accompaniment. At an debted to said estate are requested to make And all kinds of real estate. Olve parts tat.Oiio.OUH tw 14. & cuses by Oatarrh, which is nothing put from caatoaaere. sold lav rears. W. B. Newtown, Ct. John Behn is having his barn newly a. Beers uo's. inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Immediate payment to me a desert pt 'on of yoo r farm or piace aad 10 Jan. 1 to Oct. XI. Owner, let Glover, FOR BALK Bay cob, weight 1100; We will elve One Hundred Dollars for any Administrator. terms and 1 do the rest. Write or call and 1 n. HORSES ; Canfield & Davis are Burr .Hawley. the seU yours. charge yoe aothlag. iMiA0 to and kind a bargain at $85. A good painted. doing case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can see me. I can do you rood. JACOB loan 0 per cent. James J. ctropaey, Ai salty IN CBILDRF.N Oured by all around farm team, sound and right, the work. Sale: The not De curea Dy s uatarrn uatc. oena Middle Gate Koute 14. Itewtown. Conn. Broker. 4 Greed ooaaa. WORMS Others Olve us a call. K. January Carpet advantage uaii OF NEWTCWN.BS. Probate Oonrt aa-i-x. OIt AAaabnry. 35c. Sold at Smith's Drug Store, at right prices. H. in sale is to be here first. for circulars, free. DISTRICT 1907. TpI. AnTiia. Oonn. Scott. Jr., Ridgeiield, Oonn. a buying at this F. J. UHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. John Beck has sold horse to Mar During the remainder of this month Sold 75. K.ute of Pnllo Dtmon. late of Newtown. FCKN 1 1 UKE txnjf fat aad sold. - Farm band, strictly temperate, of Hattertown and has low by Druggists, In said district, deceased. O. H Tucker. Ok P. O. Address WANTED pe- - tin Woolsey we will offer at special prices a Take Hall's Family Pills for Oonstlpatlon. n. Easton, Wages i35 month, houe Never Slip Horse Shoes also in a fine young of Brussels and Upon the application ot Austin ninr H. D. S&. Bethel. Ot. Notice. and prlv'leges. Address Drawer 13, Derby, Ot AH sizes. We can fit horse bought Bridgeport large stock Axminster, man pray tog that an instrument M writing your driving horse. Velvet These goods are the Mrs R. H. Beers and Miss Annie purporting to be the last will and testa- reconuDand SUverail as TfA KM of 160 acres to rent or to let on shares at short notice. Big stock of other horse carpets. New of said Dlmon. deceased, may HOUSEKEEPERS Poilah. it. Beld A Ilnntera and Trappers. shoes to on and we offer our pat- Sanford passed Monday in Haven. ment Phlly d Try m miles from Merwinsville depot and ready put your horses' feet. best in quality be approved, allowod admltu-- Todd. 10&4 Main street. Bridgeport. 12 cows now on Farm Wagon repairing of all k'nds. Mr and Mrs Jerome'Platt entertain rons a wide of the proved, ;nd on file I will pay blgbest market prices tor prune creamery. the place. Power Horse Work done In range patterns, la to probate as per application 8 A UE Two Fox, allak. uuar. Miaak. haooone ana Bat Ollpping quick ed C. B. Weed of Hill a few Bev O. W. Barker Monday A-LXltt high suitable for raising tobacco. Buildings to Long days latest but the first her will returned, more fuiiy appears. It Is - grade typewriters ana Oay-lordsvll- order. designs Id new. A rood oor kja. A better one Bklna. Aaron e hang three acres. Inquire H. W Soule, last week. after a stay of 10 days in That km amillcation be heard and nearly posi.l, OL Tt. RANG. Ot.. or Honan & Soule's store. Second hand wagons for sale. reap the benefit. While you are at evening, rmi.ri Probate Office In ISewtown. (IS Irvlor a. Holmes, Kidaeeeld. Oonn. Ha FRED Ot. determined, att. - B. P. D. No. I?. KLEIN, Stepney, this sale do not forget to see our latest Brooklyn. i uid ril.ti-lr- on the Ivta aay oi jai Beady liooe, Una, SALE CHEAP One horse tread 2 Robert F. Banks has taken a finishes in 1907, 2 o clock In the afternoon, ana wat power. SALE good water wheels, one 30 and position styles and parlor, drawing Good car- at at FOR Ot. FOR 40 2 G. & valoes in overcoats, winter suits, notice be or aaiu 8ALE-- AS Bungerford, Sherman, horse power; French burr feed with H. Curtis Son at their fac room, bedroom and dining room furni- and wool sweaters at given the pendancy ot. 17IOal mills. 1 h, one 34 1 digan jackets Xaylor, and the time and place oi nemnoa and ctqnipued for tnaalag natuar. pavat Inch; cider in Berkshire. & Oo.'s. plicatlon im mm AY FOE SALR.Io barn ; also some cider; press and Ahv ahydraulicof tory ture. We offer our patrons the best uurtis h nutiiitthlna the same one time Engines rracucaiir sm Bleat. a H U. apple grater lot pulleys, The Lee Im;huu,mnwnm MWruLnAV h.vlntf a Circulation lO wholesale aad oouid ao ma Simpson, uawiey vine, Jf shafting, belts and blacksmith tools. D. H. store service in the city. trad, baat-ae-as Ward, Trumbull. Oonn. E. D. Briscoe spent last Tuesday in Bros. 1179 Main said district, and by posting a copy thereof on Boilers. the party Ute aeceasary capital to Oo A man to work on a farm. Furniture Co., (street, A small farm, good land, good sign-po- st boaaa atuclMA. To good with friends. WANTED 1 the public in tne town oi Silo tracOoo en-- wita. le the rlgst O. E. Beers, Palestine district, Newtown, Shelton and Huntington corner Goldeu Hill street, Bridgeport, about miie from town or K. In said district. . . engine, parties It will be notd oe easy Mrnaa. Art tl rasa Oonn. 2455. - R. uepot. Must be bargain. M. P. Wray. 121 . trine, road rollers, general purttm engines X. V. Baa Ofhoa. Newtown. Oonn. For Sale. Telephone Bedford Ave.. N. Y. wuiiam J. cteecner, juago. at 1 boilers, portable aad stationary, aim pia i. Frank Banks has been among the Brooklyn, aad compound; for contractors, farmers aad Six heifers due In spring. 4 cows all sixes six boraepowwr A capable aaarrted axaa to work due in 2 bob 100 sick ones, the past week. Ribbon blend of coffee al- Tj"OR 8AL1E Thoroughbred Devon cows. S general power Uars; WANTEDfarm f ar oae A prU Raw Furs Wanted. February, pair heavy sleighs, The Blue 40 Tip-o- p, and thresh lug outfits all sixes aad all sup year, beginning uui. ciuur la new catas. satisfaction. R. H. Beers years old, a fine family cow. A. N. Bran- TOR SALE for inroagr up; ueat I. lionae. milk aad wood furalsheil. tL. L I kjco paying the highest market prices for E. M. Miller and of ways gives son, It. D., Woodbury, Oonn. JL ice. O. J. Morehouse. rJetnet, uobd. plies; positively toe di(d iwa huowj Baadati, Waahlagtoa Oepot, Oaee. all kinds of raw nnd skins. If have F. J. HOSFORD. New Preston, Ot. daughter, Helen, & Co. sell it. machinery built. We want you to see taese furs you on friends in A machines now In stock, here In Danbury rea- any me a card and I will call on yon any- Danbury.called Taunton, TTIOTi SA T.F", nAW rows Or ex itiARM FOR SALE To close an estate. drop RENT 11 room house with Tmn mllrh will - for Immediate Get our catal- where within 20 miles "f Danbury. Write for large barn last Sunday. stock. R. D. farm of 1M acres at Boatb Kent, one mile dy delivery. PETER H. FENNELL, F)K chicken coo us: also large warden and George W. Stuart and E. G. Lake r change for young Northrop, from In good repair. ogues. I prices. 581-- more if Palestine oonn. station. Buildings Telephone 5. R. D. 18, Danbury, Ot. land desired. Formerly the Horace are shingling the south roof of Mrs So- district, Newtown, Omwn rood tobacco as any farm I. Case Thresh I rUcblne Ce.. WANTED Lyon place. A. R. Hoswell, Stratford, Route Miss Anna Kilbride and Thomas In Housau tonic Also a J. oj; Dealer In Raw, Tanned and Dressed Skins. in, xei. .Bridgeport; uivision JNO. 1466-3- . of N. were in phia Northrop's house. valley.booth Kent. nearm Samuel A. Ooe. O. Bert Raymond, Amenta, 6 MA IX. PLACE near renroad) eta Most, Saoewaer to Eastern Raw Far Exchange. Kilbride Yonkers, Y., Wanted At Once. dwelling bouse at or OAHUKY. tXJSK. W. Boota. R. Ul 10. feArSead. Ooaa. ror house notei. -- to attend the funeral Mid-wint- er Hatch Pond, suitable club lO--t or . An automobile in town, Monday, sale now on at the Sandy mar- Price low. Inoolre of execntors. John A. Phone Rldgefietd. WANTED agent every of their uncle, Bernard Kilbride. A young man, single or L. O. Fan ton. West-- TX3R SA LE One board Oonnecticut for a strictly high I Hook Shoe Store on men's and boys' ried, to drive team ; must be temperate and Morehouse. South Kent. Tore State beck bnllt grade machine at a reasonable list; one that Will shoes and rubbers. All widths to wages to the port, Ot, R. D. 11. A to order, carry 11 cans of aulik ; two toe will be a liberal discounts to a hust- Rent boots, wUUng work; good right par bogstes; one raaaboet; ex gooa fearnes; see seller; H .El- Mrs George Stevens of the Glen has and sizes at reduced If ty. Success ling agent. Addre s for particulars L. Or let on shares farm greatly prices. B. HAWLEY A Oonn. T7HJR 8ALK Registered Tnvon heifer, doe Financial set of nereese; three bnelneas varourest mer. 1100 Main St.. Hartford, Oonn. my in New been under the doctor's care for a week you are looking for bargains now is the CO., Stepney, next summer. Ueorge W. Northrop, xtox Are yon satisfied with your position la life. top business wagon. G. A. Baratte, JKX War- or more. 558. Conn.. Route is. or do you wtah to become independent anaa-dail- y ren St. Bridgvuart, Oaen. R 8ALE One pair of oxen, weigh 3360. Fairfield of 400 acres. Will fur time to buy Newtown, r place yon In a posi Ifyondowecan ay Sandy Hook. Ot. HA r.ic Reveral thonssnd feet of elm tion to make mooey. Wrl e to-d- enclosing POB SALE A new Famous International Fi Beardsley, nish draft imir lea" potat-er- s 25 cows.heavy team, 1000 Mrs Thomas Lynch of Trenton, N Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan of Bridge Harness Work F and white timber In tree one mile from lie for our ruaraateed aad HI male a uoeet Gaaol' i engine. T7OR SALE A well equipped newspaper Repair Rawievvllle station. Saw mill H.B. to Financial eucceea. New Ko gland Uome ed on Skids. WllleeUlt A e bargaAa. a. J. " recentlvused for a small daily pa- loads of manure on place. Have J., is visiting her sister, Mrs Thomas port have been guests, this week, of nearby. New plant 300 Having secured a room over the Tucker, Hawley vllle. Conn. Improvement Uo, bteuon. torkoity. Park. Trumbnii. Oonn. can be for only f casta. Change C. Keane. Mr and Mrs John L. Hughes in Taun Ac per; bought of barn room for acres of tobacco. ofllce of Beeman Strong, oppo- Is-- of occupation compels disposal plant. Is ton. site the Town sheds. I am tTOR BALE Or exchange choice Rhode OPERATORS WANTED Experience tTOR A cow or ready - I MU- - GIRL, SALE rood and calf. Ot well situated for newspaptr job printing. Mrs is an to attend to Harness Repair and Red cockerel. H. O. Beach. New Permanent employment. X. Ooaa. Search Light Publishing Co., Mllford. Oonn. Address Thomas Dowling ill with Work of all kinds. New Har- ford. Conn. abrlc Fire Aiuse Co beady Uoot Ooaa. Bursa, Newtowa, attack of grip, under Dr Kiernan's 85c EACH. . us TED 200 cords wood cut 4 ft. long. 90c ness made to order. Give a A ood driving horse, A person to do MIXED wood for eaie. eawed endspitt raady WAN ev- care. $1 Call. w6r- Sale Kind WANTED competent stove, t rfc per oord. OeUvered. paid for the number of cords cut Full size counterpanes, regular old. wtilirht M and gentle fur e middle aged couple. AC ery two weeks. New England Quartz Co., Myron Joyce, Address. John M. Ford, at Horace Allen's, A rood home and wares. Address i nomas B. June i'ocs, Newtowa. 73-- 3. quality, at drench's, tfetnei. K xbury Falls, Oonn. Te ephone Miss Edith Quackenbush returned E. N. OSBORNE, Church St., New Mllford. Conn. Post, febo. ton. Conn. K. F. D. TTOR SA LB Good row Route - family y. do. 44, Brookfield, jConn to New Rochelle, N. NEW MILFORD. 1 Feb. A. ao warn OKSI4. FOR SALE CHEAP So nd and gen Y., Sunday night, Mrs J. W. Gordon, who has been as SALE Black tad tan foxhound. TTOR8AL.E- - Working oxen aad steers, pair it. tauieu. H safd woman to anve. wxju wont- - after passing the holidays with her y ears old. H. B. Meeker. Bethel. Oonn. 1? 3 year Holstelns. broken to plow, Lerre tle, lor in Miss Lillian a-- Reason Tor selling no use iorit. TTT ANTED An experienced man to break parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Quacken- 8i8ting Courtright's mAKEN UP A brown tickrd fo hound. on and row thy. W. J. Sherwood. Weatport, Ct, For Sale. O. Mile New own. Tf two y "ar-ol- d colts. Price Ad music school in Bridgeport for a L head and ears and on ITT ANTED A girl for general housework el. 7J-- Patterson, Hill, State bush, of the Glen. brown brown spots IT f Must oe Knu wmius i A new milch Holstela Belfer srlta aress a. r. uowans, uoute lu, r airueid, ct. month or more, will assume charge of back; owner can have the same by proving COinpetentNew Ot. calf be SKIN COAT for sale, cost $100; will next the the same and paying for this ad. W. F. Baa- - to work. Mlllftrd B. Dorwln. Mllford, side, e good one. SEAL less J100. It. T. YOU AN OLD COLONIAL CLOCK Warren C. Allen of Sherman and the school, Saturday, during Bethel, Oonn. Have Edwards S. Oonn. for than Patterson, HAVE ar- sett, SALK Hubner's. for lAJC-A-Reerdaley, Btepney, Ml e Newtown. Clock that needs of were absence of Miss Courtright, who is flABRAGE FOR at A. Opened Caul x. Hill. so will run so I am repairing Fred F. Hibbard Bethel ap- bold New TOR SALE A farm of 175 acres of land In Jerome Northrop place,! Newtown. A harness at my relepbone It accurately? If ureoared of House ranging to similar classes in Wash merly shop to serve you. I refer you, by permission, to pointed doorkeepers the by L the historic and beautiful town of TTT N K n erirl In house-- bouse, formerly the Farnhem place, aad am Lva HALK a cows, new mlack aad sprtagere. Allison P. Smith of for caucus. York and other cities. ington. Oonn. On the main road. 10 minutes T It Von to assist to do Uameae Making and re- goou ooaa. ax. rditor The Beb, tne republican War-amau- g W Mrs Howard prepared iooi Atiel.aca. Ot, Rose Comb Reds whom I restored to its old time a drlvejto depot, same distance from Lake work: rood boite. Curtis. pairing of all kinds in the brat workmanship P. O. Most port, Boute 1Ltfoas, cock. Madison Pq , N. efficiency and the of Mew R. F. R. D. 4. Bridgeport, Oonn, manner. at. UOU.NE. Strck from first prize fine old Colonial clock. E. E. Meeker, New The At the church prayer village Preston; tTTANTED BOY One Y.. 1906. cockerel first, pen seuODd; Preston, Oonn. prayer meeting at the Taunton Congregational D service and telephone; house, two story 1 10 acres Route li. Stepney Depot, Gunn. TO. dark red Devon winnings $5 25. - Rev 14 rooms. CJ Good Farm of I f ateer. old. Bootn eggs $1 to 3; chickens hatched $3 to per schoolhouse,- Tuesday will be meeting this (Tnursday) evening and attic with ell. Dalnted and blinds. Cfrm CaI H mile from t years Uobart Hiui John F. Vine Haven Farm, New SALE Mow of first 3 night, O. W. will an address on i acres lawn; stock, tobacco and horse barn. loc.tea ANSWERED for 4 cents In BUI. Boute X. SiMthbary. UL Angevlne. clars hay, about led A. P. A collection will Barker on rvi J Ofllce. QUESTIONS Smith. give 100-t- Denot and Post Conn. FOR by New Green Mt silo: 30 head of Large 1. N-n- d Preston, Telephone. Albert Ellis, near Cbarles Gilbert's, Jacob A. Riis mission. carry barn. All la first clasa 3 coin; full rea llnit date of birth. bALE Ooe As i Conn. J be taken for repairs on the organ and the stock. This farm Is ,nicelv situated, land in bouse and buildings never Madam LeElo-- . L. Hox 4I. Conn. ToR Ayrshire ball A man Tashua, heart and well to tobacco. $1000 condition, land well divided, fruit. Bridgeport. A. rrtce aa. X.. U. Ma good, sober, industrious incidental expenses. good adapted 1 Near church ana scnooi. WANTED my farm on shares, with stock OR SALE 10 acres of Your teas and coffees will you satisfac- worth of wood and everything in No. shape. falling water supply. TTOR An Goods M standing timber. give 2M Will sell stock anu tools with place If desired. A? SALK old estab'lshed Dry SALE bob calves. aL and tools. The farm consists of 0 acres, with F x. nerron, uanDury, ut. on tion if purchased at thw Brick store. hours from New Vork Oltv. via Lttctine'd on tt. and Store, central. Owner re- Ooaa. Aotaford. dwelling houses nnd tlve all in The hearing the application for Branch N. Y., M. H. & H. R, K. An Ideal piace For piarticular call ortaddreas ueorge MillineryC. A. New FB three I want refe- - ba'ns, of will Grandison for a summer, or as an in- Smith, Stevenson, co tiring. Bailey, xls Exchange Bldg Sood repair. good i.ees, John JOR SALE horse, kind, sound the probate the of Mr and Mrs Hermrm H. Peck city gentleman to Uaven, Conn. SALK New sntlch cow. old. .Depot, Cuuu . Box 446 was pass Thursday vestment running water to both house and t years Washington and fearless. Newtown, Oonn. B. Parmelee, late of Mr A. Brldge-Pr-t- one-ha- SALE Two fresh cows, calves one Boteford UOL Hattertown, night with and Mrs J. Morris in barn. Price CiiaOii. lf cash, balance can nyii day Bock Cocker-1- ? FR strew, Newtowa. Oonn. two-year-o-ld commenced court on close Amos T.Camp, SALE Barred Ply month One Devon e in the Probate ... remain on mortgage at 5 per cent. L. R. Car old. Five springers. pi)K "COR SALE pair SALE Twenty-fiy- chickens, fat and 11 els. Storrs college stock. Charles U.War- LOB SALK Peach trees. 0c Clifford B. Morgan, Eimwood, FOR fine San-for- d. before W. J. East Main St.. Oonn. Hawleyvllle, Oonn, - Nursery stock: steers condition for market. W. H. Saturday last Judge ter, Waterbury. ner, Washington Depot. Ck each; Japanese pi ems. ic: anuiaa ail ra. Newtown, Conn. Beecher. The testimony of Dr George The Newtown Water Oo. are installing a HetAea, l&c; grape viaea, be each; oroers re- residence 1 i two-hor- se of who was house hvdrant for fire purposes Snear the LV)R 8ALE work ceived for straw I las n si i bar One Fearless tread 12 R. Pratt Bridgeport, H A- Pair good borne, weight uerrlea, iaa OR SALE SALE cords seasoned hickory wood; of J. Blackman. - iJOO. double harnoaa. two-nore- e rtea. Mtc ooeea. first class condition (mounted;) 1 11-i- n. Pair work curraat bnshae, per eelpped es power In FR St Albans tread power; physician at the Bridgeport hospital, wood sled, ot e harness; bug- ooe as caa be nn. Ail otOar nat-- 10 worth or extras r m nfTi" Ross cutter. Power and cutter in A No. 1 con- Mr Parmelee was at the time light single light they tekea x. awv. as . where AT BEITS. 1 low wheels; one borse tread power, cut- ery stock at lowest Ja. L. kit vru&a mir.n tniH UUWOIin""'""' dition. J. A. Snerwood, Easton, Oonn. ot of was To he Farmer. gy, box ano all In rood condition. W. roro, New oone. lett. Long Hill, Oonn the execution the will, taken, ting belt, Jr., aurora, TO SECURE A position as when the hearing came to a summary "Crest" and coffee M. Cheske. Box Ala, Newtown. Conn. - Devon I o en 4 WANTED "Searchlight" G. W. act as the fnrmsr's If thsy rOR SALE-- 2 pairs of coming a gentleman's farm. References end for the as the other two wit- lead the world, these blends and Coggawell agaxt. TTORSE FOR SALE or for rows. ww."'-u- , " V J If day, Try aad exchange and a years, given desired. Edwin Carlson, Bridgewater, nesses were One of have any Poultry, Egga, Applsa, or aay farm proauoe XX 10M, i i, oSri enndciuijrouaiitv. Charles H. Jen Oonn. absent. the others, be satisfied. want to aad returns send it to general purpose borse, weight good Farm Wanted BShelton, Oonn. . Dr could not be A full line of rubbers for men and gat the highest cash price quick orlveror worker. It years old. (Ulreut A nings. White Hills, T ARGE MUSIO BOX For Sale. Titsmuth, present, me. Also dealer ia Real Eatate. U. Haliett, Danbury. Cunn. To Best, by en Amertcaa ; ooe of 19 t Magnificent to fact he and Dr women. AO-Ne- w a of cart wheels for su-in- aisit. nare owing the that Pratt .eras, with or without stock aad toi TTT ANTED To buy. pair xi tone, oarsain lor cash could not be on the same Buckwheat and flour. ELISABETH ANTED To buy. good yearling Holstela ureae full partAcniars Box OA Btet.lon wf wooden axles. Moses oauuriw mumvj. Uiot arrangement attached would pay for spared day, rye Conn. Ala an. , Mx 534, Newtown,Oonn. both being on the hospital staff at Great values in felt and rubber boot. G. W. COGGSWELL, STREET, Derby, w chill, j. b. uaoar, uki am, cons 10 THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY JANUARY 11, 1907.

new copper b-d- s in Montana, Jevaaa, Utab, Michigan, Arizona and Mexico. Lots of peoplei have a "hole in the ground," out of which they expect to dig a fortune and into which they ex pect to put a lot of other people's money. The Nipissing silver mines at INCORPORATED Oobalt, Ontario, have also teen one of TO MEN WOMEN X. CHILDREN craze. OUTFITTERS the causes for the mining Stocks BRIDGEPORT, CONN. in that company have risen from five to $34 and the property has gone up from $250,000 to $40,000,000. It is said that 150 companies have been formed at Cobalt with a capital stock" of $100,-000,0- to be floated. A lot of fools will part with their money before the Clearance Sale. craze is over. The par value of mining January stocks issued in the United States and On all Lines of Canada in 1906 has been estimated at Attractive Reductions $900,000,000. President Daniel Gug Hen's Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters and Reefers. gen helm of the American Smelting & Refining Company.a recognized mining On the threshold of real winter, expert, says that there Is only one we invite you to the greatest spread chance in 300 of a mine paying its of tempting suit and overe at offer- stockholders any dividends. It is an ings that ever graced our January evidence of our great prosperity that Sale. so many people are ready to put their We prepared for a greater bus- cash into these mining schemes. It is iness than ever before; we've had very much like gambling with fortune. it thns far. As a c nsf-queu- v-r- y many lines are ti' corn t le'e b;ch must now take prompt leave Ttfe After the well-know- expenditure Fashion Hints by Verona Clarke. Oar n nlicy: to sell a!ton Sea. of more than a million -- CWVXCUT.4A A-- KtKSCHBAUM CO. of McCall each season's styles each a,on dic- dollars the Colorado river has been Courtesy Comjany. tates the remarkaMe reductions & Milford and CONSIGNMENT SALE. diverted from the Salton lake, where McCall Patterns are sold by Booth Bentley Co., New which will make the pale memor- & Co., it was discharging its waters, and is Smith, Murray Bridgeport. a semi-annu-al Manu- Our consignment sale is in full blast. or able, stocks. We take the odds and ends now flowing into the Gulf California. facturers' outlet for winter was considered the if times with a combination of very fine You are born Mnto life a thousand Men's Suits and ' stock on what we can't sell It that river, it work. skillful needle times, but into death only once. We Overcoats, of the manufacturers consignment on waters drawn Any we return.' Great for you to buy Winter clothing for kept discharging its into the woman can make a handsome one at do not formulate laws from occasional $7.90, 9 80 i5"to, 20.00, 30.00 opportunity would whole sur home with comparatively little ex Dhenomena. but from continuous ef the simple cost of manufacture. We have sacrificed prices on lake, inundate the be about fects. Life is continuous: death is Youths Suits and Overcoats, - now pense. They should three the country. , But that the 18 wide. momentary. Death is only a cloud 7-9- own to with the of rounding and inches 0t our stock correspond prices consigned yards long Fancy soon life 4 90. 12 00, 15 00. want to save from 20 to 30 on a winter suit or course of the river has been changed, white 8iiK oraia. put on in a pattern that passes away and leaves 950, stock. If you on Brussels net, makes a very pretty happier and brighter. At the cre- and Children's Suits ! overcoat : come now while the sizes are all here . people are asking what is to become of scarf. ation, life flowed on. boundless as the Boys ocean. came not be the Salton Sea. It is an immense body VARIED POSSIBILITIES. Death after lire, Overcoats, Si. 88. a 48. Men's were $ 7.98, now 9 5.95 fore. Millions of beings nave been 8 Suits, of water covering hundreds of miles Braiding in Kilt on chiffon is easily Derishine all aiies of 2.88, 3.48. 4.88. 88 " " " 10.00, now 8.50 done or chiffon in throughout of 20 to 100 appliques exquisite the world, but what that? M-.- n's Bench-Mad- e 3 5(T and " 13.00, now 10.00 and being from feet deep. colorings may be had by the yard, and The Ocean of life has flowed on as if Shoes, " " " 15.00, now 12.00 and 13.00 Yet if no water flows into it the sun and tasteruny grouped at its waters had never been disturbed. $1 takerrapartend of a chiffon scarf is the or winds make grade, $2.85. will has the "top Passing ships stormy b-tt- er Men's Overcoats, eventually dry it up. It been notch" of style. Real lace isof course great bubbles or roaring foam on the The earlier you comet he $4 98, 7.50, 9.95, 13.00, 15.00, 16.00, 1S.00. noticed that the presence of this body first choice, but those are beyond the bosom of the ocean, but tne irotn ana selection. ' means of most women. Ruffs of lace, bubble the ocean A few Overcoats which sold for 28.50 and of water is a blessing to the Southwest are an disappear, leaving 23.50 and 20.00 marine or malinette attractive calm and placid in his erreat depth. 26 00, now country. A welcome change has come substitute for the genuine article, and Life is the supreme power in the uni silk fur lace be verse. So be to the climate from this body of plaited edged by (with not afraid. great neath) is also in vogue. NEARER. XT GOD, TO THEE. water. Rain fallen in I Low Prices in all Departments. has. Arizona, FURS. Music, Bethany (Key of G), Version by F. E. DEEP CUTS IN MEN'S LINED COATS. Texas, New Mexico, Kansas and Okla Fur is now so generally worn that Bturges, tteinei. at Cost. com Nearer, my God. to Thee. 'Shoes homa in considerable where no woman feels that her dress is Nearer, to Thee! quantities without a handsome set or at Sweet is the voice of Hearen order is to clear out blanket and sheep-line- d coat in stock. Prices plete The - every it has not fallen before. This rainfall least some fur trimming. Sable make Now calling me. -- - - a a e TA a sets off Let me resoonslve sing have been cut to the level usnauy reaenea in reornary. is attributed to the fact of the sea bandsme edee. chinchilla Nearer to Thee, my Kind! accordingly, gowns of neutral tint, and broadtail, Nearer, my God. to Thee; terlined coming into existence. Now the plan braided witn soutacne ana goia tnreaus, Nearer to Thee! 2.80 Blanket-line- d Canvas "oats, Jnow 4.50 Sheep-line- d Coats, i is to draw water from Col s an elegant garniture for velvetgowns. Nearer, my God, like Thee, $3 90 enough the Fur too ues. with a single, large rose, Nearer like Thee! $1 90 Wm sea of Liove divine d d orado river to keep the, at its pres are very stylish, and just now, furs are SpiritUnfold In me! 3.75 Sheep-line- Canvas Coats, now $7 Sheep-line- coats with fur collar?, ent level and to offset the an interesting question, not only rrom Each day O may I be. evaporation the severity of the Winter, out U. U One step nearer to Thee, $2 90 $4 90 of sun. benefits reduction enables Nearer, my God, to Thee, the In this way the Shavne's January Nearer to Thee! 3.80 Sheep-line- d Coas now 8.00 and 9 00 Sheep lined leather coats, J HEAD TO FOOT . CLOTHIERS. one to nurcbase at a great advantage, Corduroy of climate and rainfall will be pre as or As rivers meet the Sea, $6:90 oarticularly the reliability tnis SlnginR their source $2 90 served to that section of the country. house is beyond all question. So let us blend with Thee In Love's discourse. Conn. It is a simple plan and well worth FANS AND JKWELEY. each hour to mount Reductions In Women's Apparel and Shoes Bridgeport) Fans are of all sizes aneftextu res, the .Higher'Nearer to Wisdom's fount. Stirring trying.. Em Dire fans keeDin&r pace with Km Nearer. Great God. to Thee! iVlark our First Clearance Sale. oire styles in gowns or wraps. Some Nearer to Thee! fans are merely spangled, others are A Recently in New York ornate and costly. Lace fans (medium FAIRF1ELD COUNTY. mother-of-pea- rl are School k little Polish Jew boy sized) with sticks SBERJBJLA. The OUTLOOK. pre-emine- comes next the lace bor COUNSEL. FRO.H THE SOUTH. Bee; for Crooks was arrested whose with band-painte- d below. FLATTSVILLK. . on his house. WISE The Newtown der, figures FREE TEXT BOOKS ADOPTED FOK THE pairs miller on Meeker name was stein. ms arrest Others show figures and spangles on PUBLIC SCHOOLS BY LOCAL, SCHOOL. S. W. Bennett, the want to some valuable advice Low A feature of the annu-- Marry chiffon in Ostrich bis mill bumming, these "I give to is a great variety. BOARD. a HEREABOUTS. street, keeps to those wbo suffer with lame back Published By brought light that in that city fans are not very which NEW If you have any grain to grind Blank-ensbl- p, Teaching al report of the Con feather large, The following list of new books has days. to do for and kidney trouble." says J. B THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. school which teaches the of course reduces their cost. New be is on hand at the mill It of Beck, Tenn. "I bavel proved Standard. necticut State Board thriving - been adopted for the schools of Sher Mr and Mrs Charles Seeley of you In short notice. street how to , NECKLACES. man by the school Board. Frank York spent the holidays with Mr Banks Is to an absolute certainty that Electric gamin pick pockets. low-neck- Selectman of made at Hart The for ed dresses, 's Mr and Mrs E. S. First Benjamin Bitters will tbta dis- ALLISON P. SMITH, Education, just public The name of Stein is the one to rage Hungerford, tbe efficient and faithful Seeley parents, building an addition on tbe east side posltlvelycurefirst PRK8IDSNT and Editob. is given naturally brings the necklace into secretary of tbe . board, and acting Seeley. of his Jiouse and other im- tressing condition. The bottle ford, the sharp indictment of the dog-colla- r, making m relief and ARTHUR J. SMITH, the master of this school, and although prominence. Besides the scnoDi visitor.aavocates free text books Mr ana Mrs L. w. Davis spent jNew about bis place. - gave egreat after taking SsXJRBTART, TBBAStTBBB, low standard of teaching in many lo- which is an essential to those no longer and is anxious that tbe town should Year's day with relatives in provements a few more bottles. 1 was completely and Business Manager. he has been in this country for five young, beautiful necklaces are a net of vote on the The list of books cured; to completely that it becomes GCKNB7 M. SMITH, calities, and the urgent demand for of question. OF TROUBLK. a to recommend this VlCW FMSIDIST . AND years be could not talk English. The gold wires, with pendants variously adopted is as follows: Miss Jennie uregory ana uracie An CURED LUNQ pleasure great AQBNT. more school colored stones.--sever- al different' ones Mr Mrs Welle r. Sold under at QSNBRALi Normal graduates. The a Jones Headers. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. Ulnn & drews have visited and remedy." guarantee exercises which boy has to go through together. A particularly Co Miss sister in Stamford. la now 11 had a R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown; report says that the number of teach- being put a stone Gregory's ror "It years since I Betts & Hook; P. J. 60 to prepare him for a ace tine necklace bas nrecious at Smith's Primary Arithmetic With A; C. Acker has lert town tne narrow from consumption," Betts, Sandy tVfjl.25 75 Cents for Six Months. Nor- pickpocket I of old escape W. New Mil- Oenta for Foot Months. Four Cents a Copy. ers turned out by the three State eatjntersection the wires. Answers. Ginn & Co. winter. He goes In his position writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business Garvin, Bethel; N.Noble, exercises which promote lightness oj Smith's Practical Arithmetic With with the Pullman Co. in drawing car man of S. C. "1 bad run ford; E. J. Buckingham, Huntington; mal schools is less than half enough to & Co. work. He to south on some Kershaw, Allen Joyce, Roxbury Station; G. W. touch and quickness of handling ' A CHRISTMAS THOUGHT. Answers, Ginn expects go down In weight to 135 pounds, and M. NEWTOWN, OONN., FB1DAT, JANUARY 11, 1907, supply the demand, and that during Montgomery's Beginners American of the Florida winter runs. was both by day Hurlhurt&Co., Roxbury: J. Sullivan, Stein was convlctea,of his C. has recover coughing constant, Connery Bros., George- under were In infarpsus e. 8TURGKS, conn tiistory. R. Hitchcock nearly and by Finally I began taking Redding Ridge; the year review there business the of bv f. bethel, Facts of ed from his recent illness and soon night. and contin- town; W. B. H a wley, Sherman; Honan Tbi-jsfhoni- by testimony Uymar Montgomery's Leading Dr New Discovery, e, 47 the state 1000 teachers who had re American History. to be as well as ever. King's when & Soule, Gaylordsvllle; Smith Bros, Grossman, a boy, who was In the XXVIII chapter of Mathew or hopes has been addi ued this for about six months, Cornwall Bridge, Edwin il. Beard&ley, waived no more than a common school we find the words of Jesus .Biaisaeii's, uniid Book Health. Harry Taylor making my oough and lung trouble were entire- New E. Falls in the senior class lit the pickpocket comforting Kevisea. tions to his poultry houses. ly gone and I was restored to my nor- Preston; George Frlnk, educatiokaVsaLwho work as "All Hail! Be not afraid!" These Blaisdell's. How to Well. Re L. W. Davis has ourcnased some nne 170 Thousands Village; E. S. Falrchlld & Son, began th school. In the court he showed how were His first worda, after He arose Keep D. mal weight, pounds. " stores. Price 5oc lw lmo 3mo Brno merest low vised. timber of Mr Cunningham and Mrs of persons are healed every year. Guar- Nichols, drug 1- yeai tyros In teaching. Our from The women went and -8 Inch 1.00 8.00 3.00 5.00 the were trained to snatch the grave. Arnold & Kittredere. Mother Toneue Hall and bas been hauling same to nis R. Beers & New- 1.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 boys purses looked into to find Jesus, anteed at H. Co., Inch and vacillating standard of fitness will the sepulcher urammar, nook 1. sawmill, where will be converted In &, Hook, 8 Inches 8.00 4.00 7.00 10.00 18.00 and to pick pockets, and he did it so The Angel said unto the women "fear it town; Betts Betts, Sandy. Inches- - 8.50 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 a disastrous concession to local Arnold & Klttredtre. Mother Tongue to planks and boards later. Mr .Davis P.J. Garvin, Bethel; W. N. Noble, .8 prove not ye; for I know that ye seek Jesus, n: 4 Inches 8.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 30.00 deftly that there was no question but lirammar. Book Z. finds but little time for play as his New K. J. Hunt-ingto- 1- - Milford; Buckingham, -4 column 4.00 8.00 16.00 84.00 40.00 control if the gradual increase of wages which was crucified. He is not here Tarr & McMurrav's and saw mill are busy from 1- -3 column 5.00 10.00 80.00-- ' 88.00 48.00 what the training had been thorough for He is risen. Come and see the Introductory grist kept Allen Joyce, Roxbury Station, 1- morn "until eve. M. -8 column 6.00 18.00 24.00 36.00 60.00 encourages an inundation of untrained Liord lieograpny. early dusky Still n. W. tiurlburt & Co.. Roxbury; J. S-- place where the And 4 column 8.00 16.00 38.00 48.00 80.00 and complete. A in Stein lay." they Tarr & McMurray's Complete Geog Lewis looks finely. Connery. 1 10.00 80.00 40.00 60.00 100.00 puil departed quickly from the sepulcher Sullivan, Redding Ridge; Sour column and incompetent teachers from other raPQy : . G. li. Gregory is hauling cord wood W. B. Hawley, school was not considered to be fc Bros., Georgetown; grad witn Tear and great joy; and aid run to & ...8. for in : states a danger already partially and ms word. Jesus met 3 Model Writing Books, parties Bridgeport. Uberman; uonan eouie, vayioru-viile- 10c uated until he had been able to pick bring aiscipies Charles Gregory Das oeen on tne sick Smith Cornwall Beading notices, brevier type, line. s them on the way, "All hail A SUCCESS IK KANSAS. Bros, Bridge; loxs ol i Small nonpareil ads. lc a word per week. increasingly apparent,-say- the report. of saying, ' list at the home of his father, G. B. Edwin H. Beardsley. New Preston; No rtetlto. rtror.rth. the pocket his teacher without his And they held Him by the feet, and was with much Interest a Pneumonia was fear ed, but E. S. nexs. ho&dacb. constipation. ba4 breath, worshipped. Then said Jesus unto it that Gregory. George E. Frlnk, Falls Village; sour sod catarrh knowing it. When he arrived at that not recent letter was read from our former he is now improving. Falrchlld & Son, Nichols, drug- general debility, risings, Croup can positively be stopped in them: "Be afraid." Tell my pastor, Rev R. W. who is 60c and $1. Trial bot- of I ha sfomach ara all dua to Indigestion. 20 minutes. No to Boom It is said that not proficiency he was ready to work his brethren in (janiee they snail see me. Crighton, stores. Price Kodol This new discov- vomiting nothing The first words our Master preaching in Chetopa, Kansas. In the tle free. curealndipestion. sicken or distress your child. A sweet, In Mining for years has there trade on the street. It is a pity that that spoke less than two years that be has been REDDING. ery represents the natural Juices o diges- and safe Syrup, called Dr when He arose from the crave were the former church been tion as they exist tn a healthy stomach, Eleasant, does work Speculation, been such a boom in some men will spend their time train 'All hail, Be not afraid." They there, having combined with tba known tonto Croup Cure, the might burned, and onjy tbe old foundation MEWS BRIEF. greatest and does It quickly. Dr Shoop's mining stock speculation as has struck children to grow up in crime. But well becaiied voices rrom tbe tomb, greeted him when be went there, to IN DAY CURE" and reconstruct! properties. Kodol Dys- Cure for remem- ing How cheerful sound. No chill Cora does not only relieve Croup is Croup alone, the in few weeks saloon they gether with a debt of $700 on tbe C. M. Day, who has been quite! Ill pepsia tnd:gestoa ber. It does not claim to cure a dozen country the last and the and the pickpocket school no terror, no dread, no ghastly fog of manse. All now and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy JR. to this discouraging aspect with pleuropneumonia, is gaining bv ailments. It's for croup, that's all. months. Copper has advanced from both do just that thing. the grave clings the Christ. He is now changed. A new church free Dr White of Bethel Is attend PILES helps all stomach troubles cleansing, H. Beers & Co., Newtown; B. Haw- - comes from the Spirit land, from the old slowly. ATTACH. purifying, sweetening and strengthening 12 to over 20 cents per and with from debt and the mortgage burn ing blm. ruWC mucous the stomach. ley & Co., Stepney;' P. J. Garvin, pound regions of the dead, and His message ed, last July. Quite a revival of in H. O. Jones Is extensive re the membranes lining Bethel; S. J. Parks, Trumbull. the advance has come the of has no fear, is full of spiritual making Mr. S S. BkS. rf faimwaul W. V . discovery THE HOME CIRCLE. love. it terest has prevailed among the - I ms croubiad wMt nr ror Iww cheer and What strange inter churches there, which is good news. Koool curad ma and w an mom utnc pretation of the grave is this? What we were to learn of Mrs tor has the grave to say to you and to me but sorry btr." MID. WINTER IN Crighton 's poor health for a year past, Kodol Digests What Yoo Est. STYLES NEW and to everyone who looks into it? been afflicted with boils and Bpcnaaoaiv. SI O Staa tufctinr 1H ttran tba anal YORK. What cheer has it? What comfort having itttiii lllll4lllTllllltl''l''''' tea. wtstcfc mmUm tar SO oanta. abscesses, but she is better now. Her OeWITT CKX. OMIOXOO. has it? What does it say but "I am tbree children are well and not only bf La ' the end of all." busy themselves, but keep her busy bvkning dresses: ribbon' -t- rimmings: We go from the clasping and the also, when she is able to care for L : SSld MO kiss to which has tx LAN S scarfs for evening: ruffs the grave, neither them. furs: mink toques: empire and caress nor kiss. We bury our dead and All Druggists. lace fans: necklaces. look wistfully into its dark bosom. As Mrs Bull, an aunt of J. H. Stuart's Tft mmeirncssiinis the soil drums upon tbe coffin with and Mrs M. Uungerford 's, is visiting VnsMimsj horror in tbe sound, it seems to say tnem. 00 There is positive economy in the "All is rorever over." HJarto to earth Mrs W. B. Hungerford bas been in 00 prevalent u:e of sheer material for asbes to ashes. But Christ comes from Danbury, the past week, for $1.50 wear, as will well caring evening they (if the grave on tbe first Easter morn and her mother, who had an attack of made) be fashionable next Summer, His voice has a different message. "All pleurisy. provided no radical changes take place. Hail, Be not afraid." iWe are h iered Mrs Kate Stuart's daughter and Rheumatism Then too, many thin fabrics are so now and feel who have been sick at are Invited to register their names at reasonable in 50c and comforted that that granddaughter, Shoes price, commencing at One has come at last who holds the so Isaac Stuart's, are both better. the office of the have found a triad and tasted rare for Khne. a is' I although really good quality net lution of of death. Now Ruth Is under the care of atrmla-Mn--n Brussels net is a in the mystery Thompson maxiunt Kata remedrtha vUl the i per yard. good let us try to understand this resurrec JJr jjolan. ( distorted of chronic nor turn For Women and Girls vestment, eitner white, black or tion Mankind in all Dea Gelston and his two sisters are limit eripplaa, bony colored, the trimmed ruffles joy. ages has ap Towlha haca to fteah a rain. That Is tmpoaslhVa. skirt with proached the grave with fear and improving slowly. His hired man bad But I can now and of Cannot be improved upon for the of the same, put on in points or scal tbe while deacon was surely kill the patns panes price. the waist round and with or trembling. Tne desire to live beats pneumonia the EdnttfidDim this deplorable disneaa. lops, full, strongly in the heart of all our race sick, so that Mills Hungerford proved IBtmraDipe&im In with Chemist In the of witnout a bertha, aatin ribbon in We a friend in did chores. Germany a City This We Know. widths is a hardly begin the joy of life when need and the Darmstadt I found the last tnfredient with graduated simplend inex its cord is asunder. The missionary meeting is at tbe was rudely snapped on which Dr. hoop's Kheuuaatle Bentedy mate Those for women are of splendid style and will Jfit well be- pensive triuiiujug. Nor can we contemplate without parsonage Friday afternoon. a peifeeuwl. dvpendabla prescription. Without Mr Davis was so i cause there Is more than one width. RIBBON TRIMMINGS. shudder of grief and horror, tne lay feeling ill, last Sun OF THE that last tncredSeut. I aura-m- fully traatod away of those dear to us. The day, that the service at the Center in many, Ribbons are used to an unlimited ex ing we was omitted. many cases of Rheumatism ; hut now. at Uut. it uni- Those for Girls have the special low heel, same as for chil- earnest wish is that shall mee the evening formly cures all curable cases of this hnrrbrfore tent made roses, violets Mrs .Davis was of a send-lik- e dren. .Vici Kid and Gun Metal are the leathers into imitation again. the recipient much dreaded disease. Thoae granules used. and other flowers, usually with hang The desire for immortality is not di nice sum of money at Christmas time, found In Rheumatic sawn todisanl ve on ove waste, Blood, ing ends whenused a bertha or r minished as our race grows more for which she expressed much appreel and pass away under the action of this remedy aa the shoulders of an evening dress. intelligent, but is rather increased. ation and gratitude. as does sarar when added also a He Mr McDonald freely to pure water. They are valuable aid in concoct Men do not like to down in the expects to go to. New And then, when dissolved, these poisonous waste Shoes Ing fancy jumper waists, bretelles, or grave forever. In answer to this deep York, this week. f freely from the system, and the cause of Boys' Etons, and not entire Christ on His The Beyers Brothers have pass Are in the need and at unfrequently longing, joyful day cries, ror nearly BheumaUsm Is sons forever. There Is now no here, styles you interesting prices. gowns are of lace and ribbon. Some "All Haii." That is His tirst message, completed an ice bouse ur smith. real need no sxtual excuse to suffer lonrer with, "over-blous- e, w. was on writers call tne jumper an tbe Easter voice. How our hearts nev a. Wilson calling out help, vi a sell, and tn oonSdence mnausasf "We deliver Merchandise amounting to $3 or over. " which is to some extent cor- leap with j y. He comes as the con- some Quaker Hill friends, last week, rect, as it requires two waists to make queror of death; comes from the tomb ano spent tne nignt at G. w. uurgys No. 49 Avenue de l'Opera. Names so registered up the jumper. Beyond a doubt, this and says, "Be not afraid." Rev Mr Warren from Quaker Hill in NEW will be the leading style for Spring, Death 1? different from what preached in Coburn church, last Sun will be cabled to and published the Dr. therefore time ana material now ex you thought. Death is sleep, it day, and there was a goodly number YORK HERALD. Shoop's pended will not be thrown away. is but the passage-wa- y to life. Death present, all of whom not only enjoyed Names of from cities GOSSAMER is not the putting out of life, but it is the good sermon, but also the line persons registering W. K. MOLLAN, SCARFS. the changing of the circumstances of slnering of Mr and Mrs Warren. other than New York, will also be transmitted Rheumatic Remedy Jj ancy work was never more pro life. When we see a cloud passing Mrs Maltby Leach has recently vis Main ductive or artistic results. .Embroidery, over the face of the sun, however ited her parents on Dover Plains. to their home newspapers for publication. ioa6 St., Bridgeport, Conn. or or R. H. BEERS CO.; NEWTOWN braiding, chainstitching, applique black, threatening it may appear, BETHEL. Ladies' and Children's Shoes work are all represented on scarfs for we know it cannot destroy the sun's When in Waterbury trad '.ng you can P. J. GARVIN. Only. evening wear, either at parties, the light. The cloud will pass and the get a toothsome dinner at a small price B. Hawley & Co, Stepney. theater or home wear. They are of sun shine as strong as ever. So death at Callendar's Half Dime Lunch on PARKS. TRUMBULL. chiffon, lace or Brussels net, some is but a cloud on the horizon of life. Smith Main Rt.rAAt. S. J.