My lu minary shed s a g low T o p er sons who a spire t o know A st ral g u est s who come a nd g o ; W ho k own t o me t o t h em I sh w , n , o .




IG HT i b t P e L in v sional sheen , righ is aradis seen In the veiled uranic dome s There , when virtue blest , are human saint caressed

In their supernal home .

Searchlight s flaring on to peopled st ars Where demons hostile di scord s brood ; Whose influence human concord mars

When men with S atanists collude .

v Hell isioned ghastly in torrid sun glare , s Exposing its waste of dearth and despair , Where demons with human demonist s share A destitute lair .

Gleams m visions illuming with gleams of Dreams in a world sordid dreams , Shed in d emon i a by Mammon shed ; d Be by demons by Satan led . 5 6 BEAC ON VIS IONS

Aurora visions with flashing rays

Portraying Heaven in glory blaze , e As plan t where Gods with angels dwell , A realm where Life and Love excel .


ERE daring to indite this sacred theme And mention reverently what may seem A sacrilegious feat ; on of To picture Heaven a scroll fame , In daily orisons each holy name I piously repeat , And in this modest history I tell

With homage bless angelic personnel .


THROUG H portals of Heaven widely unclosed Penetralia to insight view is disclosed Em ri Of py u m blessed . Potence imperial supreme on its throne ; of Holiness in Holy Holies shown , Consecrating with ze st A vi ifi i s world v ed with life v intense . arcadi m Astral u proportioned immense . HEAVEN 7

Wisely condescending Sire Grod dissolved Obscuring screens whose mystic haze convolved

Invisibility . Vacuous walls of firm ament al air Impervious t o search of rvu lgar stare Or carnal scrutiny ; Mystical abyss of opacity rare

In a vista bright with visual glare .

Celest iu m secluding from research Of secular sight d eflled with a smirch Of Satanic compact ; Earth excluding with invisible bar From peering intrusion whose glances s By sensuou contact , Devotional sanctuaries of pral se n o Closed to pollutio f insolent gaze .

o s c Cor nal glory its pro pe t illumes , Candescent sheen such as nature a ssumes During summer sun rise Flare of transparency gaily suffused ;

' Solar i rrid escen ce brightly difl u sed

From tropical skies . o f h o Meridian splendours alcy n day , e a t Lucidly scen s of ench ntmen portray . 8 HEAVEN Star of immortal beatitude hall ’ Land of humanity s pilgrimage t ral l P Heavenly aradise . Astral Z ion whose immaculate shrine To godly souls is cyn osi u m sign i nefl able Of prize , on Conferred a pilgrim attaining renown . Deit i c sanction , ennoblement crown .

A vision to the spirit eye unveiled In regal Heaven an event detailed

To every reverent soul , With su n of lustrous brightness shedding on In glorious radiance the holy sight ,

Embellishing the whole , Resplendent landscape in cerulean hue ; V Expanse and contour to admiring iew .

sk e Suspended as a y eth real lake , L acustrine wavelets which on cha os break In swaying flow and ebb ; Its surging spirit warmed with radium fire Nurtures creatures which its breath respire

Enmeshed within its web , That woven through profundity extends ’ firm m n Where er its glowing a e t suspends . HEAVEN

Rotunda opalescent vastly hung , It s mirrored radiance is a glory flung In mirage on to gaze ;

Candescence clarifies its lucid gleams ,

Reflected from its dome. in lustrous streams a l s Of flashing eria ray ,

Limitless ln span it arches space ,

Immensity encircling with symmetric grace .

’ i e Cupola radiant o er terrain div n , Whose graceful features ln its lustre shine c Embellished and distin t , Its prisma glare of iris sheens reflect Colours of adornment which collect v recl n ct On isual p , r m Enrobing natu e a vernal gown , W t Arraying Heaven i h a glistening crown .

It s clear transparencies no fogs condense ; No lightnings burn in menacing offence From it s proportioned sky ; no Its placid labyrinths gales perturb , The comfort of its inmates to disturb

With tempests hurling by , Its ambient ethers aural spirit s fold

Whose presence is in scented zephyrs told . 10 HEAVEN

That firmam en t i s charged with elements Cognisant of m u n ifi cen t intents D eities entertain , To foster people thronging their domain ;

And toned obediently to order , fain t o Function sustain , of oft With benefits climate renewed ,

And aliments the cherished multitude .

Deit i c intellect pervades the air Existing in quiescence everywhere Throughout the aureol sphere ;

In latent consciousness which understands , And yields obedience to divine commands Its innate senses hear of By tempering fervid waves solar heat ,

Or warming vernal showers from frigid sleet .

Celestial urania creatively enlarged Ambr os1al atmosphere with plasma charged Vitality to shed ; Living breath to creatures who inhale The vital spirit in its breathing gale ;

Who eat its manna bread , of Contained in essences life dissolved , And by its faculties to food evolved HEAVEN 11

Creative providence Sire God ordained , And with parental prescience maintaine d His nations to purvey ; The void al waste of air became a field

‘ Engendering in its dewy maze concealed

' Bread and honey whey ; Delicious v1an d s its principles pro duce

Angelic magic from it s fluid seduce .

Its brightness sheds a gay luminant grace b Upon a land expanding at its ase , ’ Beyond perception s pale ; Its earth beneath a floral sward revealed

far- Widens spreading as a boundless field , In gentle ridge and dale ; Unrolling verdantly as landscape floor

e o e . Beyond wh re horiz ns , sight range immur

Upon an open plain i t s atmosphere - ” Undimmed with vapour haze revealsin clear Portrayal every scene

Appearing on its scope ln true relief . Sun - rays enkindle a prismatic sheaf In that refulgent dene And through its radiant efl u lgent sheen Objects in view are all distinctly seen 12 HEAVEN Aligned along the flowered prairie breast Slender river channels are impressed

Whose limpid liquids stream , In placid currents from a fountain hill Which sunny showers with soakage fluid Till springs artesian teem ; Oozing in runnels into pluvial drains

Flooding copiously the fluvial mains .

Two slender furrows in the landscape creased Conduct the springs in trickling streams re

leased , Out from their humid source In lowly banks of swarde d mould confined Two shallow torrents to a junction wind n Conjoining in o e course . ‘A brook whose purling currents glide

In silent , slow perennial tide .

e ’ Its ddy facets sunbeams flashing glare , Disclosing fin ny occupants who share Its sweet aquarium dew ; Lithe scaly creature s of a type marine Fishes migrating from an ocean scene To Vivarium anew ; Aquatic beings in piscatorial shoals

Sporting in amity with bathing souls . HEAVEN 13

afflu en s Two fluvial t flowing penetrate , And with exhaling moisture irrigate A tract of fruitful trees ; ' A n orchard forest trim divinely tille d Is with supernal “ spiritismfilled Decadence to surcease ; It s s living arbour do not wilt with age ,

Their vital spirit has n o limit gage .

Deit i c essence in each robust b ole Creatively conceive s a floral soul Installed as innate sprite ; Botanic angel in a conscious tree Arbori al domicile where he or she Wields fructifying might Each leafy edifice an elf contains se n e e e it s o m u Who asc nt n rgy bl o s stains .

b e e Har oured securely in each foliag bow r , A floral genius shedding fecund power Arbori al gr owth directs ; Bright fairy eyes the sappy branches scan ;

Apt nature hands arrange to tillage plan , ‘All Sprouting b ough d efects Each leafy lattice shades a floral queen elfman u Or florid b shy tresses preen . 14 HEAVEN Live forest genn tenant every tree Controlling forces t o fecundity With astute providence Ensuring fruitage of luxurious kind ; Whatever Sire God ’ s wisdom has designed For luscious n u t rien ce ; His servile servitors embowered in trees

Produce , the human epicures to please .

Arb ori al folk installed to vegetate In each creature of fl orescen t state Compliant with His will ; b Endowed with structural energy to uild ,

Forests , groves , and orchards nature tilled ;

Their garden wilds to till . o Vegetal toilers w rking to His thought .

Botanic elves His husbandry has taught .

art Instinctively apprised productive , They toil alertly in allotted part Nature fruitage to produce ; Fru ment ou s plants adorn the fecund ground ; Fruitful arbours by their skill are crowned With harvests which conduce To nourish sumptuously a populace Maintained in pleasure by their bounteous

grace . HEAVEN

Nature is deity personated by

Puny spirit beings who underlie , And matter animate As providential ag en ci es u pbu oyed ; Whose en ergies by Sire G od are employed Vegetation to cre ate ; Transform the desert dust to fr uit and grain

When irrigated by refreshing rain .

Ethereal dewy fluids devoid of fault ,

- s Di tilled within a pure celestial vault , Filtered and purified ; In ether cistern s which do not stagnate ; ' Warmed by breezy balms which aerate It s sweet liquescent tide , Whose sprinkling showers the fruiting grove s bede w

With pluvial nectar which their blooms renew .

Diurnal luminance illumes afar

Through visuality no vapours mar , A landscape vernal fair ; Arcadian prospect opening as a plain ’ Whose expanse widens beyond Vision s wane Under the solar glare A fertile land sustaining an immense s Concourse of resident in rustic residence . 6 HUMAN SAINTS


HONO UR human friends in Paradise Born to immortal life in their demise ’ n Loyal sai ts who Satan s charm withstood , n And venerated G od by doi g good .

Within the orchard area widely spread A nation of supernal saints i s fed As dwellers in a wold enflowered a s A forest tenement berth , on t With dais cushioned the verdured ear h , For human lambs a fold of In the environs a fruitful park , Whose bushy aisles their home apartments

mark .

Upon a verdured lawn among the flowers , ’ e u Ben ath the orchard trees mbrageous bowers , In happiness and health ; A vast community of welcomed saints Immune from death ’ s mortality restraints Cushioned in floral wealth n Reposed serenely in the sun y air ,

Praising the gracious Lord in rapture there . HUMAN SAINTS

Where ’ er observing eyes inquiring rove t h Throughout e precincts of that fruitful grove , In groups dispersed they dwell ; of In sylvan arbours formed growing leaves ,

In rural chambers walled with grassy sheaves , In glade and river dell ; Their throngs about the wood recline in ease

Before paternal Gods who all their ills appease .

The spacious grove to all afforded home e With ample room to lie , and spac to roam e of In pristine mod life , They ll ve as lived the patriarchs on earth ; As insolent Adam in demesne of birth With Eve his rustic wife ; The loam their pavement and its herbs their

bed , Th e caste of God who eat His manna bread .

A s natal families they revel there , A s kin congenital , connubial pair ,

In formal state and place . A s s kindred race , and as cognate clans ,

They crowd the vast expanse in ordered plans ,

Arranged that all can trace . Their peaceful homes within the harbour maze

The ransomed host of Christ , choristers of

praise . 18 HUMAN SAINT S

’ From earth ascending death s resurgent stairs , Transported t o C elest i um as heirs Of patrimonial rate ; Accepted by the Father of His best ; Established in His Paradise as blest Subjects in His state

Within a wonder world they dwell encharmed ,

Amidst whose miracles they live unharmed .

Come , the inviting c”all His pupils read , Ascend in love to me , His Herald said , A n d I will give you rest

Ye are my brethren who obey my Lord , ’ Ye are my sisters in my Father s word ;

His bounties ye have blest .

Where in Elysium I am , ye shall be ; of The Church Sovereign Christ , mine

victory .

a They came upsoaring from carn l spheres , of on From persons dust discarded biers ,

Souls homing to their God . They came as sons to greet their heavenly Sire They came as daughters to His fond desire As children to His nod ; be To a congregation near His throne ,

Saints redeemed of Christ His hallowed own .


Sublime quint essence shed from Sire God ’ s

heart ,

Become within the heir a normal part , A perso n born within

Imbuing consciousness with holy fire , Beaconing its yearning love to higher Relation with its kin ; h Attending the ward t rough an earthly roam ,

And bearing the ransomed comrade home .

In godly souls His nucleus ens became Developed t o existence in the frame And sense of innate man ; An angel spirit from a G o d divine ; Deit ic being in a carnal shrine ; Whose superhuman scan

Through human credence Heaven perceives ,

And divinity from its Lord receive s .

e Men tested in satanic hate r torts , Who walked in godliness through Satan ’ s courts And satanism spurned ;

Dames rudely tempted in a world unchaste , ’ d -em oni sm s Were not by cult abased , Nor by its vices burned e Despising demonists who had rebell d , Their prudence diabolic guile repelled HUMAN SAINTS 21

Sterling saints of godly pedigree

Superior dames of gross humanity , A re lords and ladies prized , A s saintly brethren i n the holy pale ’ ir As v tuous sisters within Heaven s veil , Who social sins despised Permitted in Elysium to resort ;

Admitted with the angels to consort .

Who manumitted from the toil travail On patriarch Adam levied as ab ail Of penal servitu de e Can live in leisure whos delicious ease ,

Shall not engender indolent disease ,

Nor want of nurture food , e Ben volence parental rest concedes ,


And nature cat ers all appetence needs .

a Aural recesses their p vilions form ,

‘ t s o Within an a mo phere exempt from st rm , Or devastating gales ; Weather constituents endu ed with sense Entreat their tenants wit h b en efi cence As guests within their rails Afl or din g shelter in transparent tents ,

All ventilated with salubrious scents . 22 HUMAN SAINTS

Beneficiarie s felicitous in peace repose Attended lovingly unseen by those Dear spirit servitors Soaring unknown within the fanning breeze ; Tilling concealed within the orchard trees Fairy benefactors In every element a spectre basks

Guided by angels in congenial tasks .

Located wisely on the wide expanse ’ of Within the radius their monarch s glance , A myriad people dwell ; In nations , races , tribes , and troops ;

In types , in empires , homogeneous groups , Estrangement to di spel ; All in affinities of type are classed

Distributed throughout an empire vast .

Assemblage countless in immense abode All regulated by one moral code

Of righteousness divine . Peace i s a solemn philosophy taught Fraternally to diverse migrants brought Together to combine In a supernal of friends s Who Sovereign God as pat ron su pert end . HUMAN SAINTS 23

r Heterogeneous types from orbs dive se ,

Alien in species , unlike in converse ,

Heavenly kingdoms fill . Spiritual progeny with their king Whose preordained transition legion s bring l Obeisant to His wi l , Crouchin g submissive t o His sponsor sway

Whose potence heals them with elixir ray .

Hi s su erv1s1on ce p sustenan secures ,

' And solicitude felicity assures s To po terity homed . Hi s efflu en ce i s o s mind g verning sen e , Scintilla reflecting omniscience T o o m intelligence gl a ed . Illuming His purpose eternally writ In progressional course infallibly fit .

Friends naturalized in the state of a friend , Citizen folks of a world without end A s populace installed Pastors from subject worlds withdrawn ; PrO het s p returned to ancestral lawn , From stellar lands recalled

Elysian visitants lodged to stay ,

Welcome with filial love to repay . 24 HUMAN SAINTS

A crystal firm am en t of azure blue Bejewelled with a sunny cloud of dew ’ O er d om ed a spre ading plain ; Where mossy grass a floor o f verdure spread

As parterre to the gaze , as carpet to the tread ; Begemming a terrain low W ith arboreal orchard shrubs arrayed ,

ff . Producing savoury fruits , a ording balmy shade

A fruitful forest having mind endued ,

Redundant fruits in season yields as food ,

Ripe , nourishing , and sweet A fostering atmosphere at His command Creates and scatt ers with a plenteous hand

Bread manna at their feet .

Luscious and vegetal the bounteous feast ,

G o d e . To all conferred of , the b st and least

Brooks gently ripple o ’ er the garden plain

Duly replenished by a showering rain ,

Dripping from fountain clouds . Here sparkling water gives the thirsty drink There bathers gather on the grassy brink

Lavations cleanly crowds , Arcadians wanton in each flowin g stream

Ablutions using where pure waters gleam . HUMAN SAINT S 25

Throughout the joyous region angels soar Dispensing treasure from the Father ’ s store To any who re quire of of Of life , of love , of bliss , spouse , child ; o f Of honour to the good , favour to the mild “

To children from a , Sire . ’ see The Father s gracious face they always ,

Those tested saints of Christ , elite of piety .

e ffi o Ang lic o cers His w rds fulfil , Exerting everywhere His sovereign will With firm fraternal hands

' A s st rin gen t marshal waging stern control ; As gentle pastor to puerile soul ’ Performin g God s commands Which oft in clarion chl mes resound afar l n Hi Where s Universe His peoples are .

III ELYSIAN PARADISE SPHERE where exuberant existence attains Beatitude immune from pam ; f Excellence absolved rom stain . Holiness anthems devotion m strains Of ovation which homage contain ; ’ Ex t olling t he deities reign . 26 ELYSIAN PARADISE

N of o brutish aliment carneous meat , Nor o f flesh slaughtered beast may any eat , Nor o of blo d creature slain .

e The docile quadrupeds in fostered h rds ,

With petted animals , and singing birds , Are all exempt from pain ;

With human kind in amity they feed ,

On herbage , foliage , fruits , and mealy seed .

A and Sabbath Day is sanctified blest , w And reverently known ith pious zest , of And sense moral charm .

A saintly host the deities acclaim , And gratefully extol each godly name

In solemn prayer and psalm . Deit i c e essence warms th m as a sun , n Beaming life divine in blessings honour wo .

With harmony their ecstasy is crowned When o ’ er their auditorium hymns resound In pious roars of song ;

Above in thunder boom , away in anthem chimes Peals their stentorian praise in tuneful rhymes

The aisles of Heaven along . The homage of a host in worship sung Acclaiming Sovereign Christ with venerating

tongue .


We worship ou r heavenly Sire afl ect i on With praises inspire , In an anthem singing desire O o r T honour u King .

Thy benevolence , Father , we bless ,

To thy altar our passion profess ,

Our love to thy person confess ,

And joyously sing .

Blessing thy name evermore , b en eficen t Thy will we adore , Thy mu n ificen t grace we implore O spiritual Sire ou r o In thy presence c mfort exists , In thy bounty our pleasure con sists ; Our marvelling vision persists

Thy works to admire .

We plead at thy sanctified shrine our e Dear Jesus Saviour b nign ,

Glorified in thy kingdom divine , O Deity Man

Thy empyrean blessings we prize , With counsel propounded in wise Exhortation to souls to arise

To the angelic plan . PS S 29 ALM OF SAINT 3

Good Jehovah , thy statut es endure , Commanding morality pure To mankind as law to ensure Salvation reward Thy parental welcome to ' thie of Immortal haven bliss , o 1s Where thy fav ur felicity ,

0 tutelary Lord .

u m Glorious Gods in planet s bli e , E ndued with a nurturing clime , e Untramm lled by fettering time , Where happiness charms ; o Angels with c urteous assent , ' i Saints with Obe sant consent , Creatures with humi lity meant

To solace alarms .

Blest deities re1gu 1ng supreme In cele st ial empire régime Thy potencies frailties redeem With magnificent might ; In Elysium thy home we abide ; Thy children elated with pri de ; With subsistence lu x u rl ou s supplied

In thy fostering sight . 30 PSALM OF SAINTS

on Love thy consciousness beam , s Prai e to thy holiness stream , Prayers to thy charity teem Sire Sacro - Sublime ; ou r Benignly comply with plea , Blessing ou r spirit that we Worthy as scions may be

Obeisance to chime .

Though all revere supernal etiquette ,

But few the incidents Of earth forget , Nor mortal friends ignore . Mothers their absent progeny awa1t ’ for Fathers are anxious their scions fate ,

As sires who came before . f Sins a flict with shame , virtues smiles obtain ; P arents pray to Christ , children to regain .

’ In Heaven saints from Terres sphere redeemed e Whose virtuous loyalty graciously steemed , Has habitations gained ;

Posterity in vision views perceive , And pray in eager yearning to retrieve Kindred who remained ; Speaking down to miraged sires and meres t Calling fondly in solici ude to heirs . PSALM OF SAINTS

o Away thr ugh distance ln translucent lights ,

Afar beyond the groves , exploring sights

A peopled realm discern . The garden widens to an empire where Uncounted nations are existent ; there l t o e Empyrea arts l arn , The sinless culture of a deathless clime e Where gov rns Father God , where reigns

eternal time .

D eath has no function in that universe , Time has no measured dial to rehearse Where reigns eternity ; e Th re human history in living scroll , Is writ by Adam as the ages roll n I his posterity . In sequent generati on‘ s they exist m Before Creator God ; not one 1s 1ssed .

Ancestors of mankind before the flood

When loyal sons of God , Satan withstood

Giants of celestial seed , With ancient patriarchs in bliss remain ’ Where champions Of Christ s Crusade attain

Honours Gods concede . There martyred heroes of the cross enjoy The o b unty of their Lord ; without alloy . 32 P SALM OF SAINTS

The heavenly kingdom is immune from sin NO outlawed devil may intrude therein

Its statutes to subvert .

Satanic rebels shun its guarded gates , Recoiling where a fiery sword awaits

False Lucifers pervert . The guilt of satanism is unknown

To holy congregations within the sacred zone .

’ of The sinful blight Hell , sedition s guile May not invade their Eden to defile The faithful in His pale ; Nor bestial lusts of Hades penetrate r Within His Paradise to desec ate ,

Behind its virgin veil , The sinless citizens its bounds immure ;

His people virtuous , temperate , and pure .

The innocents regard with pious fear Infernal demons in their penal sphere As criminals in doom ; Disdaining d em om st s as felon caste

t o s Condemned econd death , remorse harassed , In Limbo prison tomb They hear the judgments of supernal law

Condemning guilty souls , with shuddering awe . PSALM OF SAINT S 33

Rebellious mania of satanic minds Infecting by con t ag1on human kinds ’ With Satan s mental curse .

Demoniac madness , diabolic rage , Inhuman frenzy law cannot assuage ; n w Obstruction re ders .orse ’ W hat e er such leper taint of si n vin t ru des

The God of w1sdom from His state excludes .


WITH ovation all Deity Angels acclaim ; Their grandeur and goodness loudl y exclaim ; o Their prowess and majesty pr udly proclaim ,

Whose greatness astounds . Monarchs prepotent Of planets aligne d Transcendent Lords of being undefined ;

’ i n ex 1st ence n Gods eternal e shrined ,

Whose glory confounds .

t he Beside garden wood , about the field

Were mansions stately in design revealed , Built by a hand divine A s royal homes for Lords o f Paradise ; A s dedicated hall of council wise ; A s consecrated shrine 34 S OVEREIGN DEITIES

Where heavenly Gods in filial love admire

- With holiest oblations the sacro sacred Sire .

Apart , secluded from the public pale ’

Stand royal homes in isolation s veil , f As palaces o kings . Each mansion dwelling is a regal manse Wherein profane marauder may not glance ; No sinner discord brings . Hallowed by love is each connubial nest

Where monarch deities repose in rest .

Life spirit there the sovereign Gods consume ;

- There war worn deities their strength resume , n Predesti ed strife to wage , of l n With wilting blasts death , with ightni g

swords , Destructive conflict on satanic hordes

Whom jealousies enrage .

There godly warriors replenish ire ,

And from their vigils angel guards retire .

Palatial halls where seraph maidens sing ; Where cherub boys disport on aerial wing A s children Gods inborn , The sacred offspring of d eific line ; The scions of human Christ and bride divine ;

Stars of Hi s glory morn .


e Empyrean angels in lineage nrolled ,

A legion combined in intent single souled . d it i c e e . Kings , queens design d Omnipotent chiefs of predominant caste ; e Sup rlative dames Of grace unsurpassed ,

And elegance refined . en crown ed Heavenly Principals glory ,

Venerated in worlds as Go ds renowned .

Governing earth as subsidiary state , Terre strial dominion of the great

Planetary globes . Populated land in Urania placed ; Orb of magnitude glowingly graced

With incandescent robes .

A gala star in a radiant zone ,

A s astral beacon t o visitants known .

Its human denizens strictly surveilled As seditious kindred whose piety failed In diabolic stress ;

Whose humanity by egoism unmanned , Their divinity rendered unfit to withstand

The satanist caress ,

Their godly charter designed to purloin ,

And their loss compensate with infernal coin . S OVEREIGN DEITIES 37

A correlated species soul allied , Whose leg1slat ive errant march t h ey‘ rg uid e

Fraternally aright . d Supernal guardians who as friends in eed , Purblind religioni sts benignly lead To homely heavenly light Redeeming whom their sage behests obey ;

Denouncing d emonists who God gainsay .

Savants who purvey superhuman lore To moral students who desire to pore On sapience revealed ; Divine instruction ancient man abused ; Scientific knowledge by mankind disused ;

In Oblivion se aled . Utile inventions to this age restored B a ; y tutel r angels , or from antique hoard

Lore beyond the ScOpe of mundanereach Celestial sage s from C elest i um teach In discourse erudite , Knowledge imparted in sublimer thought Angelic visitants from Heaven brought

To supersede the trite ,

ni c s Lear ng instructed in sublunar s hool ,

e s To simpl scientists by sat anic fool . 38 S OVEREIGN DEITIES

Wise visitors from noblest worlds apprise Human questioners of science t oo wise For explorers unlearned ; Instructing intellect with lessons strange Of weird astronomy outside the range Of astronomers interned Of moral culture astral fanes profess ;

Of social systems stellar folks possess .

Their present visitation has enhanced The radius of acumen genius glanced From superhuman brains ; Enlarging understanding in intent Brightening comprehension with light lent s To disclo e mental chains , Infernal subtleties had subtly wrought

On supine consciousness t o fetter thought .

Humanity advancing slowly strode To civilization on an unknown road With ignorance obscured ; Extending dubiously each groping stride

In timid enterprise adventure tied , Torpidity inured ; Till dawning in this age a heavenly ray

With orient glow illumed a skilful day . S OVEREIGN DEITIES 39

o T homely eyes by angel tutelage brushed , Science flashing from its dayspring rushe d

With revelative glare . Perception the inertia realized ; n Inventio from its lethargy surprised , Hastened to repal r ’ P i n u e e r sti e tiliti s to N ed s appeals , “ ’ - And f or Progressl on s Ca rs forge motor wheels .

Deit ic cognisance of Terres knew

' All lands an d nationsit cont ained with true Score of place and sum overt hron ed e Ordered the g to migrate , s And enter in the empty i land gate ,

Wide opened in welcome . Colon l es founding in t h en 1n digen ce

Commonwealths building in their opulence .

Lord G od is heavenly arbiter of law ; ’ Justice administeri ng where er a fl aw i A deal of honour blurs . Where ’ er within Creation ’ s vast abode A conscious creature lives , His moral code a As vit l rule occurs . A scourge Of admonition in His hands h u C astens every so l who Good misunderstands . 40 SOVEREIGN DEITIES

The circuit Of His j urisdiction trends , ’ Where er a g uilty citizen offends His principle Of right ; Beyond the limits of C elest i u m to The utmost region of existence due

The jurisprudent light . The wisdom of His stat utes progress guides ;

His judgment in all apprehension bides .

e Hi s Distanc cannot debar legal range , Nor time His formal sentences derange

When justly decreed . Lord God is heavenly Father of the Just

Who honour His judicial sway with trust , And reverently plead ;

Soliciting His rigour to relent ,

Submission to His merciful judgment .

Blest Holy Spirit is His jurist source ; His verdicts all Jehovah ’ s laws endorse As immutable mandates ; Established rules in sinless Paradise ; On Terres promulgated as a wise Religion which dictates To good humanity a virtuous etiquett e ro li l To all disbursement of p fi a debt . S OVEREIGN DEITIES 41

His Terres R egisters all souls include v1rt u es t o i s Whose faults or H view obtrude ,

With base or noble note . Our deeds se”lf- photographed to Him are flashed ” Our profanations uttered unabashed

To His attention float . Mundane life scenes to Heaven refle ct ;

All human lives beneath His gaze collect .

- A truthful record to each name pertains , Automatic archive whose report con t am s e In tru continuous list ,

con sc1ou s All sentiments , all active deeds , t n In e ts of piety , religious creeds , Sinful or sinless gist ; Ennobling the history each hero writes

Marring the chronicle each rogue indit e s .

r Our witness annals on esurgence wait ,

Wh o f ou r a ose facts evidence control f te , Awarding moral f meed ; The sordid vices used in life career

’ Our secret prayers t o Father God appear

Remorse we sadly plead . Indelibly within our doom scroll glare

- t e Accusing statements self indited h re . 42 S OVEREIGN DEITIES

Ii or d ffi Another His regnal o ce shares , ’ A s afi ai r s puisne arbiter in law ,

And coadjutor king . e A Sovereign God in strenuous governm nt , Whose ordinances to outer worlds are sent

‘ Aloud on vocal wing ; Asserting through His empire regnant sway

In stern commanding edicts all obey .

His site of function i s the forum Court Where visitants from Terres first resort As formal judgment pla ce ; Calmly receivin g persons who approach h Condemning sternly sinners who encroac , f With sentence o disgrace . When any culprit in defence d emur e ; f T O a register o life the Judge refers .

b Abhorring demonists y vice debased , His fond esteem is to the true an d chaste Saints Of human race

Who honoured Father God with love respect , Refu sed enlistment in satanic sect

Where heresies abase . Who piously the godly strife endured

Are of Hi s gracious welcome home assured .


As militant monarch , heavenly magistrate , The Hadean dungeons oft reverberate His imperious dictates Enforcing rebel plotters to subside ; Assigning devils wh o His sway defied ’ Within Gehenna s gates . ’ o All tting human ghouls to Tophet s cave ,

n o Within whose furnace vault plea can save .

Celestial sovereign at Hi s regnal throne A l of l lieges the Universe are prone ,

Submissive and supine .

The astral giant , and terrestrial worm , Are creatures who unconsciously conform

To His divine design .

Laws which supernal conclaves legislate ,

Hi s words t o all Creation promulgate .

Upo n the forum plain together stand Three mighty d eities whose full command

All life and space subserve .

Imperial Arbiter and Sovereign God combine ,

With Holy Spirit from His holiest shrine ,

All Goodness to pre serve .

Unrighteousness beneath them is repressed .

Their triple sceptre be for ever blessed . SOVEREIGN DEITIES 45

In Ce lestial Paradise the saints reside Assembled in the Christian place of prl d e ; f Principality o Christ . With cult t o Father God of filial love ; o for With venerati n the emblem dove ,

Inestimably priced . With confraternal mutual e steem

Royal religion ' credal code supreme .

In history emblazoned as d eit i c man ; God on Earth whose superhuman scan To innate conscience crept Dislodged t h e devils lodged in sinful breasts ; ’ Translated t rue Jehovah s law behe sts Where comprehension slept o d Ennobled g o mankind as heavenly peers , OS el Ordained through future ages G p seers .

The princely residence of Christ our Lord ; of l Palace our Ce estial king adored ,

Appeared in its domain . ’ There Ju dah s kingly lion dwells enthroned ; The human G od of Christendom enzoned who am With saintly hosts g , of Within the peaceful realm His reign , h r Grace blissfully umane ; immunity f om pain . 46 SOVEREIGN DEITIES

With royal bride , and cherished heirs blest The Saviour of the world exists i n rest of Loved His Father God . Monarch Of godly kingdom honour crowned ; His saints in multitudes assembled round ; o ro d H nour His sceptred .

On Terres Christian nations bless His name ,

And to mankind His righteous Word proclaim .

In Elysium with His ransomed glorified , Who with Hi s mentor parables complied ; e His guerdon bl ssings share , A proven host of fond disciple rate

Love Him as prototype immaculate ,

Magnanimous confrere . Pious souls His godly suasions bind n Are in His cure fraternally assig ed .

The Sovereign Pastor Of that holy fold

s Who e blessed precincts only Christly hold , Lovers Of their prince ;

Of heavenly diocese the deity priest , Supernal pontiff to each Christian deist d Welcoming wor s convince , Whi ch in Hi s sa cred kingdom all allow s Who to Hi s loved pre entment truly bow . SOVEREIGN DEITIE S 47

Power wields prepotence in D1v1n e Empire ; Empyrean genius all its laws 1n sp1re ;

In godly councils planned . ’ Love o er the vast estate b en 1gn ly rel gn s ; Peace yields bene ficen ce in its domains ; Truth san ct ifies the land Enthroned in maj esty none may asperse

Rules G od Imperial in that universe .


To Heaven with p1ous worship pray ; H t omage o Holy Spirit pay . G od Bless Father , , creative Lord ; ’ Obey Jehovah s godly word .

The vision vividly disclosed in space The judgment forum of that heavenly place ;

A lawn of verdant sward , Where arbit er deitie s worlds review of In witness their fealty , false or true ,

Their sedition or accord ,

ce o Their fond allegian to paternal L rd , ’ r u O trust in L cifer s seditious word . 48 SUPERNAL SENATE

Beside the scene an edifice facade With stately front a hall of council made A Of house sculptured stone ,

Erected by an architect divine ,

Constructed square in symmetry and line ,

It elegantly shone ,

Wit h ornate door and elevated wall .

The capitol of Heaven appeared a regal hall .

Within it s chamber on e momentous day The Royal Deities in staid array Assembled to debate t e In solemn conclave , with in ntion stern ; Imperial episodes of grave concern f To welfare o their State . Disloyal seed vile Lucifer had sown

Had in a carnal world sedition grown .

Good Holy Spirit , the sublimest God , e of The holi st beings , there empowered trod ,

His potency to add , of With words wisdom advocating right ,

With powers invincible in mortal fight , To subjugate the mad

Antagonist who , in his sense impaired ,

u . To rival Jove aspired , to conq er Terres dared SUPERNAL SENATE 49

t Blest Fa her God , Creator Sire , s Who e hand creation holds , denounced ire ’ o His f e s rebellious art , The emulative mania which aspired

To subvert His dominion , and conspired In treason to impart ~

— To outcast demons and ungodly men

His evil principles , and govern then .

e f Rever d Jehovah , Deity o Law , e a saw Whos throne the mon rch Moses , n Whose wisdom guides ma kind , in Majestic presentment , stern in mien , Disclosed a dungeon t omb with mummy lean Whose limbs His fetters bind ; w In coma death , in chains Jehovah ound ,

Lay Satan ln millennium stupor bound .

o f . Lord God , the arbiter human souls The Judge supreme whose austere Word con trols

P - ost mortem destinies , Whose judgments on t he hosts o f men who die H i s And upward homing to forum fly ,

Bids hellish vices cease . The honest ones eternal life acquire

Dishonest ones in penal Hell expire . 50 SUPERNAL SENATE

Just sovereign G od the univer sal King Whose mandates O er terrestrial nations ring Imperious in behests Whose sense discerns ini quities at birth ; ’ o er Whose vision ranges the mundane Earth ,

Exposing devil nests ,

Denouncing violence when committing crime ,

Expelling demonists to hellish clime .

of h u - The Sun C ristendom , the Savio r Christ ,

The human deity they slew and priced , e S on The Godh ad ,

Who fought the devil dragon unto death ,

Renewed the fight with resurrected breath , And nobly won

t o An empire widening bounds Of Earth , t o And consecrated His godly birth .

The man divine , deified , benevolent , Who shed upon mankind a sentiment o Of racial brotherh od ,

Benignly pleaded at the council place , flat A Of compassion to His race ,

Misunderstood , e Beguil d from Gospel truthful light ,

To err in demonism night .


Supreme convention , Senate paramount , Whose legislators from empyrean fount

Intelligence inspired , The universe before their vision spread ; The tome o f timeless history they read ; Eternity respired Orati ons eloquent in cause enlarge d

Disloyal Terres with sedition charged .

for Creator God men prepared the world , And while the human ages slow unfurled

Maintained them as a race .

They dwelt and flourished in His fostering care , To nations multiplying everywhere

In His paternal grace . h Earth is t eir habitat , and God their Sire h s His image moulds t eir form , His sen e their l sou s inspire .

In long processions of receding years ’ The march of their progression e er appe ars

To err from His design . e r An adverse influenc has ba red the way , And bent their intellectual trend astray

From His predestined line . M ankind ignore the homely Heaven skies ,

An d worship gods of dross with sordid eyes . SATAN


G OD v n amed A of evil , devil Satan , Molests their multitudes with ‘ hate untamed Toward their Father ~ G od s Unable to de troy their countless host , He haunts their generations as a ghost Wie lding a malign ro d ;

A branded rebel , adder minus sting , ’ Beneath the Sceptre of creation s King .

n e I ert in torpor lies the s rpent prone , n e Within a dungeo tomb immured alon , In subterranean Hell A rocky cavity within a cave

' Combines his gloomy pri son an d his grave ;

A chain his clanking knell . of The gory ghoul death , and pain , and tears

Lies chained in lethargy a thousand years .

His malign genius has distemper sown

In fiendish havoc during ages flown , c Sin e Jove his fraud disowned . Epoch al h i st ories his rage reveal ;

The past , the present , and the future feel n Hi s vices unato ed . 54 SATAN Through human destiny his hate abused ff ff Mars the a ection Father G od di used .

From dawn of time his fal se ambitious trend

e t o Strid s vainly downward predestined end , On sufferance endured G o d By Almighty , in whose leash he strains T O win an ignis fatuus throne his brains

In mania has conjured .

Intransigent in purpose , fierce in ire ,

His demoniacal writhings never tire .

Among millenniums lap sed he wanders to and

fro ,

Up and down in astral spheres , an envy irate foe

’ Of Jehovah s vast r egim e ; of Prince a demon horde , a retinue Of slaves , t o His confederates in treason , whom he madly rave s Of his ambitious dream , T o wage perpetual war against the heavenly host ;

To devastate their realm is his vindictive boast .

Where ’ er in stellar kingdoms his emissaries

reach , To unsuspecting peoples his mercenaries preach

Untruths Of Father G od . SATAN 55

1n h Fluent specious speec , wise in delusive

' wile , They glamour S l mple people w1t h sly s atanic

guile , no To win assenting d . ’ By subtle sophistries and treason s price ,

Apostate s to rebellion they entice .

Audacious demons with dissension sought

In Paradise for partisans , and taught Saints their nefariou s tale And Heaven ’ s holy cit izens beguiled fil T O d e e d . infidelity , their truth W it hl n the hallowed pale The uc natal angels were from faith sed ed , o in And t collusion with their s induced .

s Their subtle sophi ms like virus spread ,

And in disloyal intellects sedition bred , Inimical in sense t he 1 K n Toward rule of the r paternal i g , ban t o e Whose them becam a banal thing , f A statute of Of ence . of t His right government heir vote denied , c Suprema y renounced , His potency defied . 56 SATAN

He As Father , desired them to abide As monarch He condemned their evil pride e o And sternly bade th m g , Pronouncing on their heads His judgment bans

e Dearth in their liv s , distemper in their plans ,

In Hades mortal woe . With rude expulsion Hi s derided might On their angelic souls impressed decadent

blight .

His final sentence from their being withdr ew The immortality their lives endue With elements divine

Hi s od - ni g like essence which rea mates , Hi s vital spirit which rejuvenates

Life in His design , E ternally in hearts existent burns , off Until His mystic hand the flame turns .

i s When scions H controlling love discard ,

When peoples His dominion disregard ,

When worlds His laws decry , His will extinguishes the spirit glow

Whose rays for ever in their Being fl ow . v a De it lized , they die ,

A s m d t he dise bodie in primal death ,

Defunct for ever in a second lethe . SATAN 57

A horde o f renegades became recruit s To man hi s astral army as the fruits

O-f demonism taught Insidiously to disaffected minds ; Its legions reinforced by baser kinds

His briberie s had bought . They clung to him m life a s rel gni n g head s d They follow him to death now he 1 dea .

Of G od for infidelity condemned ;

in su rre ct ive v e For iolence cont mned , Demoralized and damned ; m En asse undisciplined , becoming worse ,

Invading planet nations as a curse , On sordid Terres crammed By warrior angels slain the1r rabble swell i A crowd of dev ls sunk in penal Hell .

When in t he infancy Of Conscious Soul Our Sire God and Hi s angels formed the whole

Created populace , Celestial people in their inscience glad In pristine innocency lived unclad

In virtuous naked grace , G od m h Till , i parting knowledge to en ance ’ e a His children s comfort , appar lled their d

vance . 58 SATAN

In Time ’ s antiquity their race was bred Prehuman e pochs saw their species tread

On populated stars , ’ o As loyal angels in their king s c hort , ’ t he As courtiers honoured in Sire God s Court , Whose fame n o stigma mars ; Before an envious taint their love alloyed t o And filial faith jealous hate decoyed .

of old Scions whom Lucifer begot , lot Base relics Of his ignominious , To infamy preserved Plutonic progeny Of ages past ’ s Primeval ages , e er their sins were clas ed In penalties deserved For disaffection and seditious war G od e Against prepotent , their sov reign

ern or .

Imbruted devils Of satanic stock , Whose savage aspect moral manners shock As ominously seen ;

In every frame a massive hulk unfolds , Whose burly limbs designed in stalwart moulds Make formidable mien ;

Betrayed in motions wild , in gesture rude

Exposed uncouthly in their bodies nude .


Within its sun - sin ged wild and ga sping waste

n s Furtive men by raveni g brute are chased .

w Ember lurid star ith radiance weird , n Glari g redly with comet lustre feared ,

In Urania glowing near . Planet of mystery gleamin g on sight of With ominous glimmer furtive light ,

Aglow in a murky sphere .

Orb of menace emitting sullen sheen . in Seldom emerg g from its mystic screen .

of d e World estitution , despair , remors ’ Demonism s condemned rebellious source ; ’ Atheism s tomb ’ Expiation s scene of atonement for guilt Region where demonists sadden and wilt ; Desert Of doom ; Sin sphere where Satan with evil colludes ;

Hell wherein Death inexorably broods .

t o A globe anathematized woeful doom , n Brutes , Sauria s , Satyrs , fill its arid room

With fierce inhuman beasts .

Diabolic in their mental cunning , they With hunger on the human convicts prey

In brutish vengeful feasts . of A land desolation , dearth and blight ,

fi r Where deadly perils dubious lives a ight . HELL - FIE NDS 61

A dreary surface in wide fissures rent Affords a covert to the rejects sent

To its punitory vale . It s thirsty soil accords subsistence bare To human demonists imprisoned there

In habitat and gaol . p

Of comfort , luxury and peace deprived ,

But few the horrid ordeal have survived .

In land whose fruitfulness by drought is sealed Fields crudely tilled a famine harvest yield ;

T hey eat of fungoid food . Where cavern moisture drips in stagnant pools Drink is provided for the thirsty ghouls

s Who e palate taste is crude . a mo Their sentiment is h te , their od is fear ’ d Of Jove s impen ing sword suspended near .

Their pena l planet they as prison share With human refugees transported there

, From Heaven in disgrace .

Though arrogantly prone to domineer , m They welco e sinners to their meagre cheer ,

And grant them right of place . All who the sovereign law of G od offend Hi s Must to judgment rod abjectly bend . 62 HELL - FIENDS In condemnation felon devils share With their terrestrial victims any lair

Its hovel roofs supply . With them they dwell where mortal microbe s teem ;

With them they drink the tepid , stagnant stream ;

In their perdition lie .

The Sire God they in mutual guilt deny , di And by His common law together e .

s Unholy souls excarnate in demi e , of G od Condemned , debarred from Paradise , ’ o or T Hades b assigned . u Dishono red in humanity by sin , of A godless rabble all human kin ,

e Of lineage undefin d ,

Seditious canaille , spectrally outcast ,

Anarchist concourse in disorder massed .

Their civil order is inane turmoil , Their squalid habitation is the soil ’ O er grown with forest trees ; Or low in sunken chasms rubble - scored

With rocky walls by gloomy caverns bored ,

As prison cells Of ease ,

Lolling in famine , indolence and vice ,

ea . Weaned from rthly dainties , fatuously nice HELL - FIENDS 63 Plutonium where exists no homely grange d eni zen s i n Contains men scattered range ,

Convenience only bounds . In sunken chasms in confusion massed

e Promiscuously in nature , cr ed and caste ,

Outcast on common grounds , o They dwell as trogl dytes in caves unclean ,

And meagre sustenan ce from nature glean .

Some in exclusive humour separate As élite to consort in social state

' From vulgar crowds apart . W s ith imple skill they cultivate the soil , T O eke existence by labor1ou s toil

Aided by pristine art . n e Thus easi g str ss Of famine , they contrive

t o surv1ve . The hungry dearth Of Limbo ,

More wander from t he peopled regions ou t And through the dismal wilderness about l Near gaping water ines , Where stagnant pools affording quenching drink E t o e nable them s ttle on a brink , W hi ch farm , and home combines n Where tillage yields esse tial grain and roots , v And hovels harbour them from ra enous brutes . 64 HELL - FIENDS

Reclusive men desert t he crowded cr u sh To roam at leisure thr ough a roomy bu sh

In sylvan solitude . n Aliment gleani g among herbage weeds ,

Forest foliage , and succulent seeds ,

Nutritious as food . e Dr ading ferocious creatures prowling nigh , n f They live o su ferance and waning die .

Dem on i u m in spacious wastes concedes Refuge haven to all human breeds ;

Death to its land transfers .

Mankind in variegated tints and hues , an d t o c s Racial types colours onfu e ,

Rude savagery confers . Wild humanity ferociou sly crude

Range its wooded wastes , bestially nude .

l As alien blacks repe led by cultured class ,

for Imbruted folk expelled manners crass ,

Humanities gone wrong , In isolated wilds they congregate

As human savages in brutish state ,

Ravaging in throngs . or Unable law order to devise , A s Simian men they rove beneath t h e skies HELL - FIENDS 65

A stringent rule of public conduct checks In convict populace abuse of sex

Feminine and male . In sexual isolation females sit

Within the confines of a harem pit , A guarded abyss gaol

Helld am o - r Where , pseud queen of Hell , p e

sides ,

And in her palace dungeon cave abides .

ha s Mother of odious fiends and syren g , q At whom her uncrowned head in semblance

wags ,

‘ Of the ir sat anl c s1re a are Her adder d ughters a harlot brood , H i d e ravm o aunt ng the Earth , p g w manhood With devilish desire Their sexual mama seen in sensual shame Mars in spirit many a sensuous dame

ret ermu n d ane Malevolent harpy , p witch v1n di ct ive i When actuated by tch , She furt ively ascends

To Terres , where her emissaries fight Of t o A war demonism , incite

Demoniac female friends , e Committing satanism to p rsist , ’ s e whoe er And mudg with lechery resist . 5 66 HELL - FIENDS

Satan ’ s ancient conspirators endure In Sheol as a banishment secure ’ From Jove s imperious frown , Derelict rebels who in want survive A s of wrecks racial ruin still alive ,

With census dwindling down . of A ruck of satanists all estates , f By vice deprived o all angelic traits .

As vulgar ruffian s still pretent ious bold Of Their prestige tradition to uphold ,

They mimic rank and style . e In mansions burrowed in an arthly mound , i On honour da s of the dusty ground ,

Existence they beguile ,

The fatuous past reviewing with regret , t The fateful future with ambition whe .

s At Heaven with adver e jealousy they scowl , And bay its sovereign ho sts with sullen howl e In nvious , covert hate , As Paradis e to their admission barred ; A s Lords despising them in disregard , Who satanists negate ; Whose haughty Justice has their caste di s owned ’ A s rebel citizens from rank dethroned.


Though vested with ambiguous oversight , Accorded them as ancient feudal right

Of title Suzerain , Their tenure Of existence is as frail As other culprits in that squalid gaol

Of dearth and pain . ’ ’ t o er Jehovah s penal ies impend all ,

Ever threatening in death to fall .

e Adjacent to their habitat , asid The abyss of a crater opens wide

It s deep Perdition Pit . a All astr l adversaries Obdurate ,

Demonic enemies inveterate ,

Are hustled into it . Its gaping chasm is an entrance way e To Gehennas subterran an , barred from

Creation ’ s doom pit in whose igneous deep

Seditious demons Of all planets weep ,

In gnashing woe and wail , All stellar rebels slain on Terres sink

In death unconsciousness beneath its brink , it s To waken in gaol ,

Where sinking downward to eternity , a They fall engulfed int o a flaming se . HELL - FIENDS 69

To human worlds they often upward soar Upon an aerial highway passing o ’ er

Unseen ethereal roads . d a A s devil marau ers invading E rth , A s sinners fleeing to scenes of birth ch ast i zin From harsh g goads , ’ Of r of fa As ghosts horro o er an te , ’ They fly from Hades into Terres g at e .

o a Intruders causing up n E rth disquiet , s e As hellish avages ngendering fright , Gho uls Of a race unknown

Huge naked beings with an aspect fierce ,

‘ wel rdl ce Whose inky peering glances y pier . w Malevolently thro n , Clairvoyantly into t h e shrinking sense n t l t t Of mundane 1 e lec s wi hout defence .

o in Envel ped transparent spirit haze ,

They pose as spectres to the carnal gaze . w Observing them with a e . e Rude devils s arching with ferocious glare , A diabolic hard magnetic stare

For souls with sinful flaw , Their aid as mercenaries to engage

’ G o d Against our Father for Satan s wage . 70 HELL - FIENDS

e With them as missary friends enrolled , Confederates enlisted in their bold Invasion of the sphere G o d allocated the Adamic race , n His human scions as a atal place , Whose person nel appear Native s of astral regions who have strayed

From heavenly merit to a baser grade .

Unfaithful angels to sedition brought By sinful sophistries the fiends had taught

Complicity to win , Disclosing in their mien supernal gloss Veneer of culture overlaying dross Tarnishe d with venal sin ; An elegance acquired in nobler state

Ennobles yet their manner and their gait .

Adorned in rich apparel choice in styles ,

e e Their fac s beaming with alluring smil s , n And la guage erudite ,

Ingratiating friends with courtly speech ,

u sacrile i on Their tong es unholy g teach , Where words dissension light Whose arguments of specious logic surge ’ O er inscient intelligence , and satanism urge . HELL - FIENDS 71

Of superhuman knowledge , they are wise Beyond the arts Of men in speaking lie s

To confidence inspire .

. t Instructed fully in the human pas , Their mental vi sion l n the future cast Discerns the moral mire Of vice infernal i h - the present age h Of science translated from a hellis page .

are Of supernatural vigour , they strong To fetter human champions with a thong

Contrived of wizard strands .

Reh i on - o g luring on its pulpit thr ne , Its Bible inspiration to disown For science writ on sands ;

‘ of enesm t o veil The holy book G ,

And substitute an evolution tale.

c t Inhuman in constru tion , they subver The legal jurisprudence to avert The penalties Of law

From their confederates in social crimes , m 1mmoral Their lustful wantons slimes ,

Ogres of stealthy paw . As astral visitants from force immune a c n They flaunt their l wless prin iples at oon . 72 HELL - FIEND S

As supramundane souls , their words decry Our G od Hi s glorious Sire and will belie ,

As published to mankind .

As traitors from His Paradise outcast ,

As devils in satanic treason classed ,

His blights their senses bind . u To Sheol as a harbo r they resort ,

And to infernal chieftains render court .

s Of celestial constitution , they po sess The faculties of motion which impress

Pathways in the air . Their movement of progression is to soar Through atmospheric corridors high o ’ er The level men may dare

Who walk like animals in dust below ,

To scan in impotence the solar glow .

t Divine in elemental structure , hey On oceans of ethereal fluids may buoyantly on tides Of spirit ether whose diffusion clears

Stagnation from Uranic atmospheres , Whose nature coincides In buoyancy with persons who can fly

Like birds in a congenial sky . HELL - FIEND S 73

hi s d The angel devil who God despise , m m To alienate ankind had sche es devised , Conceived in vengeful rage To slink into t he Eden world of men u l se of In simulated g friends , and then

Their amities engage,

‘ e A d mon Of duplicity and lies , ’ m Detection s cut est acu en defie s .

m t he They entered slyly world of man , As scouts advancing to a battle scan ’ Their enemy s array . Encroaching gently in their home retreats ; s Espying secretly their crowded treets ,

Their labour and their play , As astral visitants who curio usly

The human paradise desired to see .

c e Mankind a costed th m in mild alarm ,

As persons gifted with an occult charm ,

Guests of celestial race , Whose forms enveloped i n a hazy veil

Appeared enfolded in a spirit mail , of Environment grace . A personality approached how near Became a phantom in the atmosphere 74 HELL - FIENDS

The my stic visitors were plainly seen In friendly intercourse behind a screen Of clear transparent air The wall of ether interposed between Terrestrial folk and visitants unseen

Established everywhere , Between humanity immured in Earth of And nobler races supernal birth .

A subt le element within the air

Creates a spiritual kingdom there ,

Where spirit peoples dwell . T o gain admission to that élite sphere

Mankind must ride upon a burial bier ,

Bid earthly scenes farewell ,

And entrance to immortal regions win , h But none return therefrom w o enter in .

e While still a studious man Observed and f ared , a e The demon from his presence dis pp ared , h Evam s ed from his gaze . As person witnessed through a window - pane Before a dark eclipsing curtain train

Spreads interposing haze , S o spread a screen Of ambient air between

Mundane denizens and ghosts obscene .


Acquaintance ripened to the vagrant friends Whose favours to the public made amends o F or incorp real mien . On partisans their faces grinn ed in smiles ; To supplicants they rendered gracious wiles m Co plaisant and serene , e Becoming friendly aids , and tir less helps ’ s To all who harboured them a Satan s whelps .

A s superhuman epicures they at e Off No earthly viands a mundane plate ,

Nor food of carnal dust . t Unfil ered waters forming muddy streams , e With wines , and ales and lact al creams ,

Were liquids of disgust . They imbibed ethereal fluids new

From fountains filled with ether dew .

of Being built spirit matter , they May not consume terre strial clay

As beverage or food . Of spirit plasma they may eat ;

May drink of essence spirit sweet ,

With life divine imbued . Earth ’ s aliments to them contained

Hard element s their vitals strained . HELL - FIEND S 77

Increasing numbers adding to their throng Rendered their influence in cities strong

A s accessories of g al n . P me articipants in progress , they beca Auxiliaries to opulence and fame

Their prestige spread amain , at rOn s u i Factotums personal , p s bl me ,

t o ros erl t m s m . Guides p p y , co rade crime

Still from t he atmospheric de sert some Adventurers from starry regions come To home among manki nd More knowledge giving to the witless crowds

Of populated globes above the clouds , Their mental thrall to bind ’ su wit hout offence On men s bservient minds , c nnm l Yet u g y to subjugate their sense .

Through unseen avenues of air they tread Of From land to land by lust conquest led , Prepotence to acquire Upon a supine human horde who y1eld

Alliance to a mental charm they wield , Or venally conspire To propagat e t heir principles and aid

Their settlement on Earth for wages paid . 78 HELL - FIENDS

Among the nations as their troops extend For favour of the people they contend Endowed with pliant tongue For of local language each varied race ,

With diction erudite , expressive grace

And timbre strongly sung , For perspl cacl t y Of mind they wrest u The g erdon in an intellectual test .

Acumen spurious , in truth unlearned , To whom Creator G od is undiscerne d Amidst the glorious glow Of Hi s magnificent creation cast

Throughout a universe in wonders massed , ’ o erflow Whose miracles ,

In genius , art , and in stupendous mass , And s comprehension of Hi foes surpass .

a Abnorm l consciousness , a malign germ With i nsane virus in thy brain infirm

Brews enmity to G od . Satanic minds distorted senses breed And yie ld infernal fruit from hellish seed

Sown in ungodly clod . Thus with the visitants whose words expressed

The impl ou s sentiments Of souls unblest . HELL - FIEND S 79

Acceptance in the human world assured And on its citizens their spell secu red ; Their sacrilegious mood ’ s Betrayed antipathies to Heaven Lords , s w s Profanely uttere d with blasphemou ord , And expletives of r ud e Antagonism to their will ' divine

A s to their holy law s hatred malign .

Exempt from penalties of legal codes ; v Immune from puniti e judicious goads , They promulgated loud ’ e Of D nunciations Jehovah s reign , r e ime Of Justice stringent , of g inane ,

Imperious and proud . Satanic spirit in their t ongues of shame ’ Snarled maledictions at the Saviour s name .

Among d emor ali zed man kin d their creed ’ e Of demonism spread with fi ry speed , A f s dogma o the age .

i Agog for d emon i st s deluded with

A fable Heaven , and a Hades myth , on at hei st l c Read page , A pseudo - doctrine consecrating this s u World a paradi e of l stful bliss . 80 HELL - FIENDS

s Good Father God from minion soul dethroned , The wily demons for their sins atoned n By voting Satan ki g . The peopled world became their banal fane od of To Mammon dedicated , g gain , n Whose largesse millions si g . On all humanity their evil spell

a of Impressed impiously thrall Hell .

VIII ANGEL WARRIORS WHEN in elation Of their sure success on ss Exulting squadrons in triumph pre , t o Resistance defeat ,

Then angel warriors from Heaven sent , e Marauding satanists to circumv nt , e t o Comp lled them retreat , Di scomfit ed in ignominious flight

From aerial fields of extirpating fight .

a m An r ament invincible , composed

Of dauntless guardian angels , interposed Before the infernal rout ’ eh ovah s The barrier of J deadly sword , Wreaking destruction on His foes abhorred In many a furious bout ANGEL WARRIORS 81

Of martial combat , which their march retards

In death inflicted by supernal guards .

Down from God ’ s arsenals at mandate word e Went forth a conqu ring army of the Lord ,

Invincible in war , A s garrison on Terres to frustrate Hostile incursions in that peopled state ; d omimon Guard His , or Satanic en em1es from outrage swerve ,

And loyal subjects from their rage pre serve .

’ The augu st Deity on Heaven s throne

This , ins urrection had of Old foreknown e l sode As p presaged . His h oroscop1c art with truth had shown

‘ To His omniscient w1sd om t reason thrown

Down in rebellion gaged , A s puerile st at agem of warlike crime fl

By outlawed Lucifer in future time .

Predestination can with p rescient eye Of e e All future happenings lif d scry , Their place and date indite c s In royal ar hive of His governments , Records prophetic of foreseen events Marked ominous to sight Which through the labyrinth of time r The past , the present , and ete nit y . 82 ANGEL WARRIORS Eternal in extent Duration goes To where futurity ’ s horizon shows ’ Obscurity s blank haze . Yet through its misty mazes to and fro ’ The Sire God s lightning glances searching Discerning in displays Epochs of future history filled of With throbs virile motion , life instilled .

Approaching eras are to human gaze

Unconscious periods wrapt in opaque haze ,

Where groping thought is blind .

G od a e Creator discerns each distant g , And reads the annals on its murky page

With omniscience Of mind .

He waited with foreknowledge , unalarmed

e . To ambuscade His foe ; forewarned , forearm d

They soared from Heaven down an aerial stair

To sentinel our planet everywhere ,

And hold the human fort . Where ’ er a hostile devil hid in air An angel soldier penetrated there hi s To storm last resort , And slay with skilful sword each godless wreck n Or break with mighty ha d his rebel neck .


The fiendish insurrection wa s announced To His attention and it s horde denounced

At their inceptive breach . Beneath His observation their array Paraded in a kinographic play

Its authors to impeach .

Its vast arena , shown in contour true , it s V With all personnel occurred to iew .

Thus at a sign of Hi s impeding hands Their swift incursive progress in the lands

His force potential stayed . Invincibly encountered they recoiled The conquering pressure Of invasion foiled ; Their storming van dismayed ; e e In battl worsted , in advanc opposed

By walls impregnable He interposed .

e r Foil d in the momentum of their ush , Unseen they backward drew within the hush Of their ethereal screen And other tactics of campaign evolved Which irksome problems of rebellion solved In plans abjectly mean e s Each devil hero would b come a mou e ,

And slink vindictively from house to house . ANGEL’ WAR RIORS 85

mob Their , defeated by angelic might , z e fi No further ha ard d a martial ght , c air Fought in translu ent ,

But wrapt invisibly in natal haze , ’ a Secluded slyly from detection s g ze ,

n , Slunk each to huma lair , n c s1 ht Therel enscon ed, concealed from g , t A lurking fiend , infernal parasi e .

an One scouting devil entered hotel , A stately mansion authorized to sell Strong alcoholic drinks s e Gins , brandie , whiski s , cordials , rums

wines , All gaily labelled with enticing s1gn s ; Nect ars , a toper thinks , e o Wh n coming craving fr m the sultry street , ff e He qua s with eager thirst a p tion sweet .

DEMONISTS ” T HE demon wizard is established there an In league with Boniface , congenial p ,

The public to despoil .

Ensconced invisibly above the bar , ‘ r Magician lurking where enchantments a e , On citizens of toil 86 DEMONISTS

He spins a magic thrall with spirit hands ; ’ web of A mesmerism s mental strands .

Its sense insidiously instils a stain

’ Of insane glamour on a boozer s brain

' That blurs his moral view ; n e Dispelli g prudenc from his cautious thought ,

Charming the grog intoxicant he bought , And sweetening his rue ; Appetency by craving thirst is bound f T O syren fountains o elixirs found .

’ e Expanding in his operation s rang , The demon sheds a current Of his strange on Influence the street , A gust of thought suggestion to remind The passing concourse they within can find Refreshments to surfeit ; Spirituous luxuries to suit each guest ’ Disbursing money in the Spieler s Nest .

sl In its saloon his y enchantments spread ,

Infusing lewdness in each witless head , Inspiring sensual lust ff Di used abstrusely in mesmeric spray , Which on emotions stimulated play Amours of vile disgust ; When groggy paramours ’ impassioned loves

With wanton lechery wed syren doves . DEMONISTS 87

The harpy b ag s of public folly who In inns of dissipation suitors woo

With mute lascivious hints , Within whose glowing orbs alluring pee r Voluptuous imps discerned in glances clear s Of bright magnetic glint , ’ Scanning their victims minds with rays ’ Kindled at lust s infernal blaze “

Designing imps whom social culture trams To k show enticing charms to drun en swains , Their favour to att ract Whose tempting arts employ satanic aid To gild the beauty of each lecherous maid

In an unholy pact , Where service rendered to an impure trade

Is by oblations to the demons paid .

The fiend increasin g in potential force s To wider range of action has recour e ,

With power intensified . Diffusing mental efflu en ce in a thrall Of occult fascination over all

Who in his radius glide , He urges t hem subservient to his will

l urs While spirit uous vapo stimulus inst il . 88 DEMONISTS

The ghoul of avarice named Boniface

Directs his juggleries with gracious face ,

Emolument to gain . ’ a His gaudy saloon is gamblers den , A b all o f chance contrived to swindle men

By hazards cast in vain . r an a There , avaricious ogues d harpy b wds

In guilt associate with artfu l frauds .

The devil in that social bedlam lurks , And with his emissary gamblers works Dishonestly to spoil Unsophisticated guests who hazard may In sportive venture on caprl cl ou s play

The wages of their toil , Unknowing that a - tricky demon tells

An adversary every card he spells .

hi s Now lord in the hotel , public shrine , He subtly operates to undermine ’ Morality s régime ; As oracle of superhuman cult Mammon ’ s votaries his lore consult

And wise his answers deem ,

As illustrating with plutonic light , T heir sinful escapades in godless night . DEMONIS T S 89

There demonists to su e a hell - god crowd A n d bold in groggy vigour call aloud

- About his bar room tower . A miner prays his aid to find a lode Enriched with mineral ore to pave hi s road and To opulence power , Entreating hi s clairvoyance t o ex plore A subterra nean rock in search of ore

To read with spirit sight sub strat um stone ce t he s And in its matter tra metal shown , Their quantity and kind ; To Open with hi s power concrete rock And penetrate within its Opaque block

Metallic wealth to find , Disclosing minerals in deposit which h nrl As smelted bul on prospectors e ch .

Who succour from satanic hand h as gleaned Is bound in conscience to the felon fiend hi And in s guilt involved .

’ ' Jeh ovah s law commands damnation to All human beings who a demon su e r For se vices evolved . They who m serV1ce to two masters nod re Betray their treason by nouncing G od . 90 DEMONISTS

Collusion with devils is guilt so grave NO sanctity ple a may demonists save

From judgment penalty . Sire G od from His Paradise all excludes

Who with a demon visitant colludes . Whatever the degree

Of sinful union , destruction impends on u Alike Satan and his h man friends .

Assured astral man could fortune confer , Mendicants hustled their wants t o refer

To his prodigal help . With avarice lusting squanderers pressed To his gaze with clamour loudly expressed ’ In mendacity s yelp . ffl t o We want , I want , more a uent be s I am a demonist ' Help u ; help me .

A chieftain in Satan ’ s lineage called ’ The fiend was o er a bar saloon installed ,

Invisibly arrayed .

e Him hail d a minion quite unashamed ,

A legal magnate , legislator named s Of mini terial grade , Exclaiming arrogantly demands that he ou e Could comprehend , I want y ; com

me .


A s Parliamentary prophet he foretells

Events his legislative seer excels ,

In national councils , When framing legislation he foresaw Which renders him an oracle o f law ’ For his electorate s ills ; Enabling him officially to gain

The best a politician can attain .

Phantom factotum , spectre ever dear To politicians wh o e lect i on s fear As casting adverse votes To urge with surreptitious force the trend t o hi s Of public favour crony friend , W ho on his finesse gloats Depending dearly on his imps success

— To mark his name on polling tablets Yes .

That man who merited a penal stripe , of Astute intriguer nefarious type , Presente d unabashed His visage of forbidding stamp ; ’ Hi s gaze aglare as Pluto s lamp ;

His lingua double lashed , His features saturnine revealed

The spirit mark of Satan sealed . DEMONIST S 93

A chum of Mammon sought the demon ’ s grace To learn the winner of a future race A s advertised to run

“ Aroun d a course for sterling prize . foreW 1se He sought intelligence to be ,

T O gather money won .

On wagered winner , hazarding that he h r e Infernal prop et could hi s name fo ese .

Perusing secretly with pre sc1en t look Events inscribed in hi s prophetic book e In months of coming dat , Or peering thro ugh the veil where time enfold s All incidents the mystic future holds That man ’ s advance await

‘ He reaches audience with another day ,

t s And hears the curren new informants say.

An agricultural supplicant entre at s Another o f hi s divination feat s Int elhgen ce to gain , Of service ona cultivated farm Where wilting crOps of grain enduring harm e Are p rishing for rain . To the diviner he abj ectly pleads s t o r a hi s s e For cloudy shower ir ig te e ds . 94 DEMONISTS

Another toper filled with spirituous gas Accosts the devil deity with crass

Requests for phantom wealth . Estate existent in a distant land ; Riches clutched within a kindred hand

Withheld from him by stealth , He sues the satyr a s his last resource h To wrest the fortune from i s foe by force .

To soar afar through void ethereal aisles To reach a foreign State two thousand miles Outside the Bedlam Inn ;

To seek and enter the contested farm , t he Slay usurper with avenging arm , And ring the suppliant i h Of m such the modest plea plaintive whine , ’ d evili st A presented at a devil s shrine .

The compliant juggler who condescends e Is wearied with petitions from his fri nds , f Clamouring or relief .

Through aerial telephones he hails abroad , t o e And summons his aid confr res outlawed , To grant him a repri ef

From onerous functions roguish suitors ply ,

In solicitations which his powers defy . DEMONISTS 95

Such base petitions on t he devils shower As pass the limits of their partial power ' n fi n To sham be e ce ce . Their false divinity t oo feeble is To grant each suppliant the bounty his Avarice immense Entreats abjectly at their pseudo-t hron e

Nor bread and fishes make from barren stone .

For sacrilege from godly fanes expelled , To them the bacchanals by greed impelle d

Impiously appeal . h G od Deriding Fat er ln wilful guilt ,

They congregate in hells by Satan built ,

And ruled for their unweal . A bjuring heavenly bread for hellish crust , i n They rest with demons infernal dust .

c of Loud in their presen e peals a man trade , Whose merchandi se no dividend has paid

De spite assiduous care .

He wants a devil to conduct his store ,

Abroad among his customers to soar , And urge them everywhere

' hi s b u sin ess bu 1n Toward with a y g will ,

And cash to liquidate the unpaid bill . 96 DEMONISTS

T o lurk within his shop an imp unseen Diffusing on his clients mesmeric sheen Alluring them to buy ; r Infusing friendly humou into sense ,

Inducing them to squander precious pence , Scarce comprehending why ;

But yielding to compulsion from a sprite ,

Charming their senses with mesmeric might .

To float invisibly above the street , ’ And every person s imagery greet In whispers of advice ; TO enter the emporium Of a friend To purchase bargain remnants and expend Cash at premium price ; e t o That buyers , yi lding the mental urge ,

Will to his counter in a concourse surge .

Abroad in widenin g circles soaring round Outside the haunted store on commerce bound

The tout explores , At homesteads isolate to advertise ’ The cheapness Of hi s patron s merchandise

Compared with other stores . No kindred friend within his scope is missed ll a . Responding to his claim , they assist DEMONISTS 97

Another courtier his Obeisance makes ’ To Mammon s satellites , and silence breaks With mendicant demand Soliciting their guidance to procure Some providential riches to ensure Ease t o hi s command Something or anything to aid him shirk , o The toilsome onus f laborious work .

a His dolescent years in frivol passed , l d His youthful manhood unsuccessfu classe ,

He falters in dismay . ’ a ff Life s bleak meridi n sti ens weary limbs , The glare of afternoon his vision dims

Toward horizon grey .

W t h e aster improvident , he dreads dearth hi Pervading squalidly s cheerless berth .

’ r he n s Est anged from Heaven s Lord , tur abased o f d To evil sponsors his soul debase ,

Entreat ing board and bed . Vague hope engendered to his hopeless view Of i m pending prospects w th dile ma due , By squandering habits bred n A superhuman ha d his wants may ease , hi s And aid miraculous greed appease . 98 DEMONISTS

o f d e Another beggar pro igate z st ,

o rest An ancient bachelor by glum pp ,

Companionship desires . of Saddened by dreary years solitude ,

Unblest by spousal consort loved and wooed ,

To friendship he aspires .

In yon voluptuous inn he seeks recourse , woo And es a satyr as his last resource .

A moral maxim by our Sire God writ On human consciousness bids who commit Fr1en d ship with a fiend Incur infernal mani a which d efiles Divinity inherent by the wiles

He speciously has screened . e Without ang lic unction to refine , m n To d e o ia diabolic they decline .

The bacchanal hotel becomes renowned , w An alcoholic shrine here joys abound ,

In festal days and nights .

They congregate in regular routine , Tho se habitués debaucheries demean For spirituous delights ,

s In at urnalias of demonic rites , m h and blas he afir i t s . Where sodom flaunts , p y g


i s In woman sensibility more refined , Diviner in her chaste maternal min d Than piety in man sex Until a sensual fiend her allures ,

s Then love debased her Father God abjure , sh e And becomes a ban ,

A prostitute in lust , a hag in vice , c A demonist in sentiment and pri e .

s Condemned with a plutonic imp posses ed , s Embodied in her soul an impish gue t ,

Satanic parasite , An alien spirit in her being wed A devil by her dissipations fed ;

Familiar female sprite , Whose evil sentiments inspire her own ;

Whose vile connection she cannot disown .

When potent is the entity within

Her being possessed , its elements begin

Her person to negate .

s It malign senses in her mind instil , Converting by embodiment her will To it s demoniac state ; elf Transforming personality , the

h r s a s s Makes e a diabolic it elf . DEMONISTS

Ob se ssment stronger in her brain

n m es I fla her with desire for gain ,

Insane plutonic greed . Rash envies kindle in her sight

Mad jealousies her reason fight . of e She raves fanci d need , on e t o Raging an envied emulate ,

Cursing a r1val with demented hate .

Intense cupidities her hopes possess . With covetous d es1re s her words”express A dirge , I want , I want . Her morbid egoism fever mad

Exclaims deliriously in ravings sad , ’ ’

I . A wail , can t , I can t Her spirit baptized in a hellish font

Wails the Shibboleth profane , I want .


Sullen moods her constitution fret , et Which contumacies proud of will beg , Defiance to generate

Her disposition is to disobey , t o s a Resistance render commanding w y , v Whoe er may dictate . Her selfish motives in rebellion halt At di d au sobe ience , a satanic f lt 102 DEMONIS T S

’ Subservient to a husband s will no more , ’ o er She courts a tutelar devil hovering ,

His creature to befriend .

e His welcome presence her inquiries s ek ,

To him her fostering friend entreaties speak ,

Her person to attend .

sin A sordid demonist depraved in , d G o of . Of rejected , Satan gathered in

Her sex , impassioned by infernal flame ,

Desires appeasement in of shame , Or revelling agog e Incited by the innate imp accurs d , Imbibes to quench their mutual thirst

Intoxicating grog , Disgracefully debasing womanhood

Until her person is deprived of good .

The ban on Mother Boniface appears Imprinted on the progeny she rears

In characters of shame . Debaucheries en acted when amassing pelf Are visite d not solely on herself

Her heirs incur a blame .

Parental in remembrance remains ,

While patron demons mesmerize their brains .


In tavern nurseries all children bred

With alcoholic essences are fed ,

Ergon t o stimulate . As vapours they inhale it s acrid steams ; Its Odour in their mental organ s seems t o Sense intoxicate .

Intemperate craving actuates them first ,

Then dipsomania adds its quenchless thirst .

t a Parental avarice heir scions pprise , Who watch their sleight of hand with studious

eyes ,

n s s Expe e to disburse .

They learn adroitly in financial need , of In emulation paternal greed , T o filch s a public pur e , ’ Dip expert fingers in a boozer s pouch , ’ Or near a lodger s pillow slyly crouch .

Full graduated in satanic arts , Z eal urges them to more momentou s part s e In criminal care rs ,

With toxic drugs their radius Opens wide , Including in its circle homicide

Attempted without fears , By human adders who devoid of fangs

Molest opponent s with envenomed pangs . DEMONISTS 105

An alcoholic fiend in that hotel o hi s ermcious e Br ods hauntingly with p sp ll , Whose influence accursed A fatal cult Of satanism print s On every godless soul in whom hi s hints mom m Has d e s nursed . In taverns everywhere t he demons reign

Except where guardian Angels have them slain .


MAN in semblance of ancestral km By presentment they engrained ; Fiend of sat an1c likeness in i s n A spirit 1mp h soul co t amed .

The astral rebels x bOrn e on buoyant Infest the human planet everywhere

To su bjp gat e mankind . The fiends incited by vindictive rage Possess as covert every human stage r Their p oselytes to find . In urban halls where potentates are foun d S atanic demons in disguise abound 106 DEMONIST CE SAR

of A scion Lucifer , a Hadean prince , Advent ured in a city to convince

Its monarch in his wrong . A youthful sovereign of imperial line W ho ae , vaunted C sar , ruled by right divine ,

With sceptre wielded strong , Whose sordid spirit was devoid of great V irtues needed in his regal state .

t e The demon , gree ing him as his confr re , Endowed his intellect with genius clear Of superhuman ray ; Hi s mind illumined with satanic light , Revealing plain t o his ambitious sight

Europa in display . 1m li ed These nations , he p , your realm will be

When an alliance you achieve with me .

e Ambition has no conscience , gre d no law , For affluence both extend a vulpine paw

Heedless of result . Plut o proffered C aesar world command ; ae C sar tendered Pluto friendly hand ,

Assenting to his cult . Their compact internecine warfare hurled

ae r at t . C sa Europa , Sa an at the world


t o Strong with armies banded resist , au n t led fi st He menaced Liberty with g ,

And Destiny acclaimed . Defiant by his ally ’ s promised word To aid his emprise with a Hadean horde

Of demons valour famed . on Dominion stablish a prestige sure , n d t h n A dynas y ent ro e on power secure .

His selfish temper with ambition fired

To wield a greater government aspired , Supreme in force and wealth ; ’ e Enlarge the area of his sceptre s scop ,

To paramount dominion was his hope ,

Evolved in furtive stealth .

His polity to magnify his land , n His poli cv to rule with stri gent hand .

The banal mottoes of his haughty reign

Were Force , Lust , Satanism , Gain ,

As Shibboleth of Hell , Whose callous egoism e dged his sword ;

ae Whose baleful gis formed his ward ,

Aggression to repel . Knowing outside his realm no sphere of r no of He fea ed Nemesis , being king this . DEMONIST CE SAR 109

Satanism as religion understood By worldly demonists in general would n Devise a Hell o Earth . A mundane paradise of gold construct ; t o d Lust , Vice and Rapine its shrines in uct ,

With alcoholic mirth .

Celestial Heaven be Utopian tale ,

And Sheol a prison cell where felons wail .

Who J om s with Satan from Sire God withdraws As outcast rebel from His moral laws And satanism vow s ul Exists as mortal outlaw , earthy so ed , i s Whose life sensuous , whose fetish gold , Who base to d evils bows A s o bribed acc mplice in their guilty raid , Leagued against Father God for wage s

ae a t he sat an1c C s r as potentate ,

n s a Vicegerent of Abaddo in that t te , demon i st i c And king , Drew to himself as spirit retinue w In mystic pageant an astral cre , aw f Who esome e fluents bring , hi s e as Haunting palac demoniac spies , Te t o his ea s hi s e es lephones rs , mirror to y . 110 DEMONIST CE SAR

The creeds o f progress b e aimed t o impart se Were nature super ded by factitious art ,

As rational doctrine , Discarding natural laws Creator- made For fads of pseudo- scien t ific grade t Tha mania may define , A culture in its incidence inclined To mar the systems Father God design ed

e Morality from virtuous life eras d ,

In public pudency its form abased ,

As antiquated bond ,

That sensualists in etiquette annul , A nd modern Socialists denounce as dull Constraint impeding fond

Communications between sexual friends ,

Whose rigid use against espousa l trends .

Temperance by vinous stimulation changed

Would elevate intelligence , by toil deranged

In perspicacity , To thoughts of practical utilities ;

Progress invigorate , subsistence ease ,

Augment prosperity , E mbellish literature with genius charm , a And physic stimulate at war larm .


Constrained ignobly in his royal tower , hi s Prestige augmented in martial power , He yearned t o be released ’ u From rival neighbours circumscribing bo nd ,

In war to march a conqueror renowned , ‘ of As emperor East . A domain by conquering arms to wrest

And empire institute to his behest .

’ The glory mirage on ambition s screen i Is tarn shed grimly with a gory sheen , s Blood tints his traver e stain . o f 18 A wraith carnage on its sheet shown , The spectral loom of slaughtered armies strewn

On a contested plain .

Fateful resolve within his eyes is framed ,

A great world conqueror to be named .

Writ on his sombre brow is savage frown ; His formidable gaze is poring down

A st rat agem t o learn .

Ambushed within incarnate demons fierce , Whose glaring features through hi s visage pierce In lineaments of stem ’ s Resolve in war to trike a rival s heart , ’ Eu ro e s c t And change the contour Of p har . DEMONIST CE S AR 113

Hi s entire po pulace for warfare armed As conscripts wrested from a folk alarmed

In disregard Of Right . Il ' ol l Portentous armament ln mailed , l u ed Before whose martial mil ions freedom q ail , His ideal of Might t e A nation disciplined o wag affray ,

A race instructed and equipped to slay .

Conscription is a horrid ancient bane Compelling peaceful citizens to train

And arm for brutish strife . s s Drag youthful son from aged parental side , w Enamoured husband from a wido ed bride , To whet a lethal knife And fight in fatuous war ’ s forlorn assault

As helpless victims sacrificed at fault .

Earth has no pestilence to pair with war , o r Where life is misery , death c nquero , Un ct i on ed with human gore ; Humanity l n civilization knows ’ NO poignant anguish in affli ct ion s throes ’ e o K en as c nscription s sore , Which wrests from robust manhood horror

fears , wrm From outraged womanhood gs terror t ears . 114 DEMONIST CE SAR

d u e Finesse infernal in mankind is , For fierce dissensions which their lives imbrue

With internecine gore . Satanic cunning is a mania wi se Expedients of compulsion to devise ’ To reinforce war s score . Among plutonic intrigues much the worst n Co scription is a stratagem accursed .

Imperious C aesar from hi s people drew As drafts such manhood as his census knew

In adolescent youth .

Each and every from a home was torn , Compelling citizens bereaved to mourn ;

Conscripted without ruth , To build an empire organized at will ’ T o n o flout Jehovah s law Thou shalt t kill .

Its multitude became his blat ant boast ; No rival State possessed such manly host

Assembled on parade . His idol of vainglorious con cel t His hope of winning an immortal seat

With conquerors arrayed . Hi s will t o its development b e bent

on s His revenues its equipment pent .


To arrogance his own inherent ire

His elf of evil added fuel to fire ,

Suggesting domineer , afflat u s Breathing to his wilful mind , Inspiring aspirations vague defined rOl To ape the e Of seer .

Empowered diviner with predictions sage , o High Priest predestined t instruct his age .

Imbibing from the superhuman fount Of o ccult kno wledge a utile amount

Of secular wisdom , He enjoine d politically his suite fien di sh Of councillors abroad to mete , Their learning garnered from Uranic peoples of excelsior lore

To his dull citizens desiring more .

Intellectually their noble paragon , on His social doctrines led his courtiers ,

Profaning holy ground . e They , honoured by his warriors as élit ,

Throughout his armies taught as loyal feat ,

C aesar divinely crowned . u Their monarch g ided by celestial light , d eit i c Governe d his empire in right . DEMONIST CE SAR

O ’ er all humanity within his span

’ The theory of hi s d est m ed mission ran

s A emperor supreme . Enlarge hi s country in its breadth and length Compatriots Of race augment in strength ; Rival nations disesteem His kindre d stablish on a royal plane ’ - And with hegemony o er Europe reign .

s To aid their mortal gerent in empri e , Still up from penal Sheol demons r1se

His prestige to enhance . Legions Of astral visitants concealed In abstru se armour spirit ism w1eld w With impish ord and glance , Their magic unction round his person wound ; Thel r champion knight by doughty Satan

crowned .

' When animated by 1mm ort al vi s Whose deathless energies augmented

i e Innate v taliti s , Inspirited by their sublimer sense e Acumen genius , gift of recompens e With mental subtl ties , Elation swelled his egotistic frame of With pride majesty , desire of fame . 118 DEMONIST CE SAR

’ n o er won Triumphing i ly a monarch , n n The raidi g demons still encroachi g run ,

Dominion to extend .

Insidiously throughout his realm they swarm , A horde Of stellar fugitives who storm

The kingdom Of a friend . ’ n To teach release from stern Jehovah s chai ,

And preach Of Satanism , Lust and Gain .

ae Endorsed by C sar as a modern creed , From orthodox beliefs his folks secede

T o demonism new . G od of Devotion changing from the hosts ,

e To r nder homage to plutonic ghosts , o In mood t both untrue . At public worship Father G o d address ;

In private intercourse the devil bless .

Adventured in commercial enterprise , They spread to foreign auditors less wi se e In culture than thems lves ,

Their creed Of demonism as religion new , Taught them by planetary migrants who e Were superhuman lves , Disseminating through the world a vague ril i n S ac eg o as an immoral plague .


d Army corps , ivisions hurriedly entrained , Transported t o the frontier barrier enchained

With batteries Of guns . Embattled fortres ses of masoned rock

Armoured to resist artillery shock ,

Whose walls invasion shuns .

Resistance formidable their forts supply , ’ The empire s boundaries they fortify .

Emergencies of war creat e furore As transport trains in long proces sion roar Toward the battle zone ; ’ With armaments , munitions horrid store , ’ in And troops entrained e er increscent score , Into the struggle thrown ; A s slaves compelled to slay in hardihood

Conscripted victims in a feud of blood .

ae The raging conflict Marshal C sar neared , c His soldiers to the furious combat heered , “

t . Fight s urdily , be brave ’ Marching through battle s den se sulphurous veil ’ Where thundered modern warfare s leaden hail ,

His armies found a grave . Tempestuous bullets on their onrush crashed

Whose deadly truculence their legions smashed . DEMONIST CE SAR

‘ 1n s 1rit His warriors to p in assault , ffi And O cers in strategy exalt ,

He bade the fiends asslst , ’ foemen s By scouting warily the lines , Disclosing timely subterranean mine s

s c t Who e blasts their mar h resis , Entrenchments sunken manned with hidden

- foes ,

Maze wire entanglements which charge oppose .

a Invisibly in their war arena ste l , e r l The placem nts of their monster guns evea , n Their howitzers i pits . of The number their soldiers ascertain , h o T eir disp sition in the wide campaign , Where their commandant sits ; Wherever pioneers can u n d ermm e

of t heir d f n sw The salient parts e e e line .

’ C aesar s loyalist st aff Of demons wage v At foreign de ils with malicious rage , in t erkin dr Fierce e d fights . Astrals allied with inimical men Are rated as enemy fiends by them ’

Opposing their gerent s rights . As minions of diverse nations they dare

e a n Batt r each other to death in the . 122 DEMONIST CE SAR An alert concourse with his troops abide W h o in complexities o f warfare guide His strategists so well That enemies before their force recede ; Their campaign strategies in art succeed t o Opponents repel . Infernal mercenaries with guile devise

What human valour in achievement tries .

As adversaries leagued with hostile throngs Their superhuman craft imposes wrongs ff Disastrous in e ect . Their astute genius aiding human skill

Satanic heresies in men instil ,

Abasing the elect .

Mankind perverting with plutonic rod , r im And ousting the eg e Of Father G od .

Satanic policy man oeuvred to Unite the forces of his Hadean crew

With a terrestrial race , Whose potency when rendered paramount Would help his aspirations to surmount Abase ment and displace ’ re ime The Sire God s phantasmal ancient g ,

And inst it ut e t he empire of his scheme .

124 DEMONIST CE SAR Plutonic enmities He augurs well Who cast celestial rebels into Hell

On sin to ruminate . of His scrutiny their throbs hate detects ,

His vigilance their mad attempts rejects , t To mitigate heir fate . a His leash confines them in restr ining thralls , e His pow r round Terres builds defending walls .

n A spirit rampart every world surrou ds , Guarding their precincts with ethereal bounds

As conscious vital fence .

Hostile encroachments rendering vain , Thus all intrusions on the human plane

Alarm His watchful sense . A sure announcement war alarms afford ’ Of fighting devils leading C aesar s horde .

o Discerning dangers to His righte us sect ,

By demons persecuting His elect ,

He laid aside His crown ,

Angelic glory , power and royal throne ,

e n Desc ndi g swiftly to the battle zone ,

On Terres planet down , t o Satanic rebel rioters suppress ,

- Wrongs Of imperilled justice to redress . DEMONIST CE SAR 125

’ The presence Of an angel hovering o er A plain of human warfare dripping gore

Excited glad surprise . a The just discerning on their cause His se l , a Invigorating gusts of cour ge feel , Which adverse fate defies The dying doubting in their anguish pain n Their hoping souls to homely Heaven strai .

They bowed with reverence to a Deity d el n ed V1sit i Who g to them in am ty , Him According respect , E u xc sing strife as sad necessity ,

His grace entreating unto victory ,

Desiring t o z effect e His intervention in their dir distress ,

Divine compassion that might travail bless .

of - A wonder the spectre world occurred , Provm that discord upon Terres stirred g m Souls in Hell im ured . ’ A Warrior Spectre who on Europe s stage Had rendered havoc in a previous age

By glory mirage lured . u n He lived to blast his fatuo s nation the , e hi In second lif he saved s countrymen . 126 DEMONIST CE SAR

of Weird attribute Spirit Being , he knew

All warfare plans with intuition true ,

That C aesar had devised . Weird trait in a human ghost to take Rights of command in war and make

Strategies revised .

The enemy is t oo strong t o offend .

Resort t o tactics of defence defend .

G od saw the world in union there allied , ’ ae C sar s warrior hordes in war deride , ’ With battle s deadly throes , ’ e The mercenary demons cunning l ads ,

Imparting crafty plans to doughty deeds ,

To subjugate their foes . f Incen sed He blamed the wickednes s o man . n And uttered o the demon ruck a ban .

of He bade the armament Right be strong , The armies Of the union to prolong

Conflict to conquest .

Wielding invincibly His Force , He struck Condign destruction on infernal ruck Opposing His behest ; Appointed guardian angels to direct ’ o ff The world s defenders t desired e ect .


Warrior Spectre whose prescient law ’ The enemy s thrust at his rampart foresaw ,

Contrived a buttress defence , Impassable block Of army reserve As fortified po st his line t o preserve Disposed with militant sense ; Defenders arrayed in invincible block

Opposed and resisted the terrible shock .

Satan the rebel by vanity lured His conquest of Terres had fondly matured ; e As fr edom a felon cheers ,

Augured the hazard in strife to be dared , Encroached into future ; the conflict prepared

In previous plotting years ,

Urging his allies with vigour Of Hell ,

Union impeding with hindering spell .

TO cheer in affrays confederates distrest ’ He hovered in person above ocean s crest ,

Discerned by all the world . e Be strong unto me , pealed his messag

aloud , e Charging to fealty his d monist crowd , Fighting with flags unfurled Then submerging he sank through Atlantica ’ s wave u e Downward to Hades his d ng on and grave . DEMONIST CE SAR 129

By superhuman energies propelled ’ Charged C aesar s legions as a fire impelle d Before a driving storm

From their momentum adversaries yield , Di sor an l zed e g , retreating from the fi ld ,

Unable to reform . Their culminating charge of deadly force Repelled opponents from their con quering

course .

Then from impending Heaven downward shed , Of e A storm vital spirit dull d their head ,

Their raging ardour checked , t a Impeded subtly their impe uous d sh , a Obstructed fat lly their conquering clash , c Their dreadful onset wre ked . Their tidal wave of valour surged in vain

Then ebbed defeated from a wrack of slam .

Over the battle line p0 1sed in mid air

Lord of the Union was hovering there , n t c Shieldi g a righ eous ause ,

s His soldier inspiriting , foes to withstand , Hi s n Directing a gels the troops to command ,

Repairing strategic flaws , n of Commandi g in front the battle then , “ e ' m n e e e . Whil warriors astound d said , are 9 130 DEMONIST CE SAR

Emerging from shade , immerging in light , Heavenly guardians advanced in the fight A s of champions the just . Warrior Spectre who augured the end Marshalled his army to death to defend That grave Of enemy lust ;

Angelically succoured , spectrally cheered ,

As heroes they rescued their country endeared .

By angels commanded in likeness Of men Celestial officers guiding them when

Skirmishes perilous loomed , ffi Unionist o cers learned to defy , And trusty soldiers to vanquish or die ; Knowing their enemies doomed

By judgment divine to ignoble defeat , o Their C a sar in penalty ban t unseat .

Hosts Of defenders con sisting Of all a Union armaments ranged as a w ll , ff Rugged and sti .

The final assault Opposed , withstood ,

Repelled in a surge Of dripping blood , Back from the battle cliff of In clamour anguish , rage and dismay , o mi Th e veteran s of C aesar f r ar stice pray .



SATAN the evil angel blame ;

Abjure his sin , eschew his shame

Ward from satanic foes implore ,

And devil intercourse abhor .

Foreknown omnisciently as an event Of future pregnant with divine intent

Toward humanity . A visitation of satanic bands

Invading Terres from celestial lands ,

Shamming urbanity . Eluding penal Hades ’ squalid dearth T O win a sumptuous kingdom upon Earth .

Creator promulgated His behest T O make the raid a Destiny of Test Concerning human love

Toward His person as Sire G od adored .

To His dominion as Supernal Lord ,

Reigning in Heaven above , ’ t h e fi rmament al A planet o er dome ,

His Royal Paradise and celestial home . DESTINY MAN 133 a Ordained a paragon as hum n test , A man selected from among the best

Scions Of His spirit seed , e n Endued him with divinely temper d mi d , i Imbued his soul with p ety refined , Taught him the Christian creed me Blessed him fraternally , Faithful be to ” h And in my holy Heaven I will honour t ee .

Jacob L ordlove thus commissioned went

His placid course of life , a soul content ’ ‘ With Sire G od s sacred trust

me W e Be faithful unto hen fi nds maltreat , Worship me with faith when rogues entreat

My honour to distrust . The measure of your love in trut h to me

I will reward with bliss eternally .

The charge emphatic in its moral t ext The problem Of subsistence much complex t Among the demonists Throngin g i nn u m erably the world throughout As godless satanists whose sordid rout Filled ’ rebel list 'Satan s Of whom the demons in triumph malign

“ ' Proclaimed in exultation They are mine . 134 DESTINY MAN

Amidst the multitude Of evildoers Existent in the world as demon wooers

He dwelt without a peer . In scorn considered a religious wraith Adhering vainly t o an ancient faith

Of rites outworn and queer .

u - - A heretic to p to date belief , n That God is impote t , and Satan chief .

Discerning Jacob as a foe unmailed Marauding devils furiously assailed u Him in malicio s hate . i Phantoms harrying his couch at n ght ,

Disturbing slumber with malicious spite .

Ghostly crazy prate .

Uttered by spectral men in whispered speech ,

Foul simian burglars outside his reach .

n Spirit visitants lurki g by his bed , In fern al en emies molest his head ,

Outside an ether veil . P hantasmal creatures simulating men , Spectre s impalpable to feeling when Their spectral hands assail A victim prostrate in insomnia doze

Enduring torment he cannot oppose .


’ Whenever J acob s moral soul engaged In any enterprise their spleen enraged

hi s They mesmerized brain .

Mesmeric ether to his sense applied ,

Whose thrall conceptiveness defied , ff And rendered e ort vain . n ot Mentality could ideas conceive , Nor v mind articulated thoughts enwea e .

When enervated by their abstruse blight His intellect emitted murky light

Of feeble mental ray . The oratory o f a trammelled tongue Whose eloquen ce i s occult fetter strung

Cannot a sermon say . Wisdom is wisest which is left unsaid ’ When lurks a devil in a speaker s head .

His Hadean adversaries used a ruse , Illuminating with a light abstruse

All work he undertook ,

Disclosing functions Of domestic life , Exposing secrets of commercial strife

To public banal look . e Clairvoyant vision penetrat d walls , e n Rev aling incidents in i most halls . DESTINY MAN 137

of Celestial attribute wondrous beams , Whose television radiance brightly gleams ; Illuminating scenes Occurring in remote obscurities

In subterranean deep securities ,

Beneath pelagic screens . Throughout the universe Creator’ s eye

All spheres , and deeds , and beings can descry .

Creative elements m an transfused Divine in gredients through ether loosed

In preterhuman modes . A spirit v1s1on flashes 1nto sight Disclosing vividly m darkest night

Occurrent episodes . Unnatural hands Offlift the natural veil ; ‘ f f The blank Opacities o darkness ail .

An imp from Hades lurking m a house Attracts Observance t o his queer carouse ' o By l oming upon sight . A visual element around him shows

V1s1on - In spectral as a glow worm glows ,

Or fireflies kindle light ,

Portraying darkly scenes in darkness seen ,

c Exposing chambers with electri sheen . 138 DESTINY MAN

It s sly appearance in a festive hall

Oft indicates a silent signal call , s A plain assembly ign . A spectral mirage advertising far

To urban denizens where pleasures are , r Banal o benign . w ’ ’ Ho e er the merriment , whate er the place n A devil patro s it in every case .

That visuality celestial lies

Translucent only to celestial eyes ,

Innate in ambient air . By Sovereign God its meteor flash Is lit as warning glare t o lash

Sin in a hidden lair . on Glowing crimes , its flash portrays

Scenes , persons , deeds in lightning rays .

The fiends molesting Jacob abused

Its use by divulging the lore he perused ,

And themes where of he wrote . The studious thoughts of his mind were read

Words that his tongue in frivolity said ,

Published by foes remote ,

Enabled opponents his words to subvert ,

And rivals his mission to controvert .


n Emergi g from Hell an insidious blast , ’ Demoni a s c st weird madness the world over a , Obscuring from human mind Our paradise home in heavenly skie s ’ Our Sire God s throne from spiritual eyes

In demonism blind , Where demented souls can no longer trace t ’ On Creation impressed the Crea or s face .

The Sovereign Gods in Elysium prized

Are guardian angels on Earth despised ,

By humanity estranged . The holiest Lord 1s mentor defied All visiting angels rudely decried

By mundane souls deranged . Mankind in sin become so demonized

That Deities shun Terres , ostracized .

n e Satanic treaso nticed every soul , Infernal virus infected the whole

Adamic posterity . Though some with its toxin madly imbued

Evinced in demonism rancorous mood ,

Demoniac asperity . Human demonists are tempered as bad

n n ~ As native devils m alig a t ly mad . DESTINY ~MAN 141

Whose innate elves snarl hatefully on The moralists justly commenting upon

Their VIC eS with moral shrugs . n Possessed with imp adders devoid of fa gs , Demonist homicide s menacing pangs Of d eath with poison drugs , Of efflu enci n Their spirits evil g out ,

And diffu smg awesome sensations about .

A Hadean attendant accompanies each ,

As guardian satyr convenient to reach ,

For purposes of defence . A familiar factotum exempt from price A personal crony with crafty a d v1ce Of profitable sense

Subservient friend ever lurking nigh , o Pet courier alert on errands t fly .

Accomplice endowed with magical paw ,

1s 1mmu n e u ni shl n Whose thrall from p g law , Whose person its grasp eludes ; Whose spectre officials of justice defies ; Who whispers to felons their feasible lies Which crime of g u l lt denudes ;

V 1mm oral Who champions lce ln fights , u st l ce s And hampers J defending Right . 142 DESTINY MAN

Who the protégée serves with tricky guile

Ensnares a victim whom his lusts defile ,

Decoyed within a snare . erfidi ou s Servitor p committing ill , ’ Gratifying an evil client s will , Doing deeds he feared to dare ; Stamping stigma o f guilt upon a pet ; ’ u A sullied soul luring in r in s net .

e Committing collusion with hellish s ers , The average demoni st frequently cheers ’ Apostasy s transient pain , By using his patron ’ s personal aid As bounty su m on enlistment paid In services Of gain

Financial gist reimbursed to the mill ,

In any coin that a purse will fill .

Infernal beings their passions reflect To subject minds m a mirror effect

Which evil moods impress , of i Imprinting ideas life mpure , e e L cherous lusts that cannot ndure ,

Vices without redress , t Intempera e habits Of ruinous waste ,

Impassioned yearnings of love unchaste .


Where Sat an governs in a rega l grade His mentor demons are perforce obeyed In demonism rites ; Where self is loved instead of fellow - man

Gain earthly riches is the public plan , o T revel in delights .

Love , Heaven , Truth and Piety forget

Grasp all as treasure found inside your net .

Satanists prefer a spacious road . The Holy Bible is t oo stern a code F or a demonist career . ’ Lusters covet much each other s wives ; on Public robbers prey social lives , od no Nor G r Justice fear . Who enters first acquires the sumptuous berth

With Might as Right in any hell on Earth .

’ W hoe er a rival has beyond his eye s Enjoins his satyr friend to act as py , s r l His plans t o a ce t a n . Within hi s ether spirit cloak unse en He soars l n silence through the mural screen

Into the homely fane . s Thinking inquiries to unconscious mind , t He learns their houghts and every secret finds . DE S TINY MAN

A burglar gang m 1mpecu n io u s need

Employs a robber spectre , thief indeed ,

Treasure to locate . He glides 1nV1sibly through walls of stone e s w Into the armour d vault where wealth is to n , w Je els , gold and plate ;

Photographs in spirit vision lock and key , u Then t o his pals revea ls it s plan in s rety .

A demonist desiring t o invest His funds in spe culation to the best ro P fit in a mart , His fiend co mmissioner in secret S ends To ascertain in stealth from bu sm ess friends C ute in commerc1al art ; T o find financial ledgers and unseal‘ of n d Their lists dividends a shares to steal .

A lit erary pirate plotting t o learn The cast of an author sends to d iscern

A fiend to steal his scheme . Con cealed in his mant le ’ of haze the sprite

T ran scribés from a manuscript copy ' a right t Draf of the written theme , And portrays the b ook on a spectral pr1n t A s n t as a n ea golden com ln mi t . 146 DESTINY MAN

In demonology as understood for Devils are never employed good , Nor Wrong to Right inspire . Their nature to goodness is averse

Their greed to honesty is reverse , As water is t o fire ; Their minds spontaneously breed lies

Their speech Obscenities disgusting cries .

Their services are greatly in demand

As spectral touts who canvas underhand ,

Pecuniary concern . Where thronged communities to gaieties

They hover up and down and to and fro ,

Life frivolities to learn , Phantom citizens traversing the air

Touting amusements everywhere .

In theatres gorgeo u s with electric rays

Infernal apparitions haunt the plays , Difi u sin g magic charms ; Englamou ri n g the multitudes who sit

Entranced in gallery , stall and pit , Auguring no harm While syren satyrs contrive a snare

Of prodigalities to lure them there .


Boozers they cater to groggy hotels

By hovering over saloon lintels , e Unseen nticing touts ,

o f t Haunting the centres common resor ,

or r Devoted to commerce , crime , spo t , As superhuman scouts ;

’ Publishing first their confederates weal ;

Promoting then their satanic deal .

ff Obtruding rudely in mundane a airs ,

s They contrive progression in social pair ,

A person and an elf , Two alien beings in fraternity A demon manoeuvring for victory ;

A sordid rogue for pelf . The demonist opulence will amass ;

The demon bridle a human ass .

A s gamblers plotting for self behoof

They lurk under every friendly roof , ff r A ording harbou free , t beneficent Entering firs as pimps ,

Rioting then as dissolute imps ,

Loose on a ravishing spree . Their lust has t arnished both beau and belle n In the sullied home with a tai t o f Hell . DESTINY MAN 149

e t In public they idly loiter on str e s , as Using the footpath kerbing seats ,

Lounging quite at ease . A s astral aliens abiding in town

They promenade pathways up and down , e When and where they pleas , Accosting familiarly people w h o pass l 1 In vulgar speech and al u s on s crass .

t o s1t Phan ms in person on kerbs they , At passengers firing the1r obscure wit

In human vocal speech , Jocun dly expressed as a free comment Or e ejaculat d with vile intent , Lechery to teach In language plain and accents clear

Words comprehended by all who hear .

n mi en a s m en In man er and they appear , Who vanish from view when approached near a i r Behind obscuring , Within their natal u ram c maze n Retruding i to their natural haze , Diffusing everywhere n Infernal impressions , lesso s in lust , ce Profanity hellish on inno nce thrust . 150 ANGELIC VISITANTS

' II


N G LI C d a s a A E guar i n friend dore , Their godlike pre sence honour more ;

All heavenly persons cherish dear , n And a gel visitants revere .

The warrior angels who warfare waged

Opposing insurgent demons engaged , ’ e Disputing Jehovah s r ign ,

Benignly rendered to Jacob defence ,

s ff n Guarding his dwelling from ho tile o e ce , Warding himself from pain ; Heavenly guarding a man

Fulfilling existence in Destiny pl an .

u s When worshipping Jacob la dations aid , In homage t o Father G od wh o had fed

And fostered him as waif , Whose guardian angels hovered n igh

b en eficen ce Parental to supply , His person shielding safe From spectral strokes of plutonic wand s

And malice wielded by human hands .


Thy scion an gels of good aspect

Reign in Elysium as kings elect ,

s Filial tars in thy crown . n On Terres warri g thy sway to uphold , They vanquish the min ions of Satan by n Prowess , beati g down d All rebel opponents in fatal ismay , n Disturbi g thy empire in warlike array .

Princes supernal , majestic in mien ,

Evincing inherently glory serene , Sheen of lineage divin e ; Deportments disclosing celestial gra ce

of efi a ce Hauteur bearing age cannot , of Forms souls superfine ,

Animated with spirit immortal in ray ,

i s n for . Whose youth eter al , existence aye

Celestial potentates , stately of form , Whose manners ennobled by Culture conform ’ it h Vv regal etiquette , t n a Their royal y Signet glowi g on f ce ,

of a ce With feature refinement expressive r ,

Deities only beget .

A radiance of glory complexion displays ,

And black lustre eyes mirror heavenly rays . ANGELIC VISITANTS 153

n Royal angels of sovereig estate ,

Cultured in language to erudite rate ,

Eloquent in address , of Apparelled in raiment human style ,

Garments prepared in sartorial wile , of Elegant dress , u Superb in comportment , in cond ct sedate ,

Lordly magnat es of superhuman state .

The Moral Gods of a Heaven within sin Whose sacred realm exists no , e Unchastity or vic , Their yearnings with te mperate motives flow t e Their passions wi h t mpered fervour glow , N0 humour can entice e B ing habituated to heavenly modes , Resembling Jehovah ’ s spiritual codes

of u Lords Elysi m , their delicate taste

o b u Is never p lluted y fluids nchaste ,

Cordials which appal .

Sedate in their sober appetencies , Disdaining adventitious thirst to appea se

With toxic alcohol ,

t n a Their depor me t divinest virtues dorn , While in t his bedlam on Earth they 154 ANGELIC VISITANTS

Benevolent Pa stor s who se love condescend s With mankind t o min gle a s an gelic friends u Without pretentio s pride , Men in t he precepts of Christ t o in struct ; Women in womanhood cult t o induct ; P u erile souls to guide ; T o innoce nts teachin g the heaven ly Sire o T demonists preaching a penalty fire .

’ s Moral amidst immorality s lu t , of t In a demonist babel roguery , jus o G ds serene and calm , Importuning a legislation to clo se s Taverns where alcohol lavishly flow ,

The modern social balm . A false generation to reinstate ;

Christendom drunk to regenerate .

’ o f Cherubs charity , Elysium s best ,

Visiting Earth in an age unblest , Gazing with saddened eye of On human sedition sad regret , who As children parental love forget ,

Baser patrons to try . Guardian an gels who hope to redress

Demonism in man , and demons suppress .


n With godly glory crow ed . n With godly glory crow ed .

- o - o dl od - o - od l With god y , g y ,

With godly glory crowned .

Whose holy spirit wields

s Whose holy spirit wield ,

ho - o- ol ho~ o - ol Whose y , y ,

Holy spirit wields ,

Divine defensive shields ,

Divine defensive shields ,

- i - - i - Divine ine divine ine , Divine defensive shields

m of With ar s dauntless might , of With arms dauntless might ,

- a - - a - With arms arms , arms arms , A of d rms auntless might ,

t he To guard us in fight ,

To guard us in the fight ,

- a - - a - To gua ard , gua ard , Guard us in the fight ;

Who guide our souls aright , d ou r Who gui e souls aright ,

- i - - i - id e Who guide ide , guide , Guide our souls aright ANGEL GUARDIANS 15 7

E ’ In arth s unholy night , ’ In Earth s unholy night , ’ ’ - e- - e- t In Earth earth s , Earth ear h s , ’ Earth s unholy night ,

’ a To Heaven s elysi n light , ’ el s1an To Heaven s y light , ’ ’ Heav- cv- B eav- cv- s To Heaven s , Heaven , ’ To Heaven s elysian light .

blessing greet their ward , r blessing greet thei ward ,

- es- essm - es- bless g , bless essing ,

blessing greet their ward ,

be e And love their r ward , be And love their reward ,

- - ve- ove - ove And love ove ove , lo Love be their reward

ou r Dear angels of Lord , s Dear angel of our Lord ,

- - - l- l el e e s . Dear ange els , dear ange d Dear angel s of ou r Lor . , 158 ANGEL GUARD S


T HE angel guards on Terres occupied Victoriously combating the insurgent tide ’ Flooding man s domain , ’ w Maintaining the Sovereign Deity s s ay , t Chris endom cult , and the Sabbath day , ’ Frustrating Satan s reign ; n Shattered the devils with punitive pa gs ,

Scattered their legions in fugitive gangs .

In fli ct i n g in conflicts destructive defeats ,

s In vengeance pursuing their rabble retreat , e Driving th m into Hell ,

a The invasion bec me a disorganized rout , A ruck of insurgents hurrying ou t From veto land pell - mell ; o A desperate multitude savage in mo d ,

Retreating from vengeance with fury imbued .

of t d In press incursion , hough boldly restraine , of on A concourse vagrants Terres remained , Harboured by partisans Concealed in dwellings as tutelar sprites ;

s Lurking with sinners as rogue para ites , Covertly brooding plans ’ T o elude the angels avenging pursuit While maliciously plotting the folk t o imbrute


Fools who fondle a co n tagious pest ;

s Rogues who harbour a devil as gue t , A leper in the home Whose distemper virus will never cea se To engender its demonist disea se

Wherever he may roam , Whose evil effluen ce oft re spired n Contaminate s a zealot i spired .

By fellowship pa rtisans must contract

His demonist mania by contact ,

And demonists become ,

Voting Satan in demoniac stress , Simulating devils in wickedness ; As blasphemers succumb

e t s At deiti s rave wi h abuse evere , h r While greeting fiends wit h fr iendly c ee .

P t o lotting at a holy hearth live , A d emon will suavely favour give

As bribery device . Who in dishonest and honest rift

c e a a - t Re eiv s from criminal h nd gif ,

Accepts it at his price . A wage of complicity paid as rent o i s n A s bribe f connivance duly mea t . ANGEL GUARDS

m s Concealed fro pur uit and allowed to lurk , They widen their radius o f active work To propagate wit h zest Irreligious contempt of re li gl ou s shrines ; Z ealous oblations at alcohol signs ; Genital incest ; c Surrendering ethi s to ravening greed ,

Worshipping Satan m challenge and deed .

In crescent l a s y daring fortune allows , c They incite in communities riminal rows , Disturbing public peace ; Profligaci es doing of moral disgrace ; ’ Criminalities fl au nt i n g in Justice s face ; Defying the police

' S oc1et y corrupting in every class ; And depraving the popula ce en masse'

The guardian angels then intervene ,

° Maintaining by might the godly régime , As law of Christendom ; d l G od The emonists que ling who decry , Confuting their mad rebellious lie Blasphemy striking dumb Destroying the Hadean ruck who strive Confusion to wreak in t he human hive 162 ANGEL GUARDS

Releasing the righteous mentally bound From infernal fetters adversely wound Upon conceptiveness ; Obst ructing work in the sphere of thought With themes of moral goodness fraught Humanity to bless ;

Exposing satanic aliens to scorn , Denouncing their raid a s a hope forlorn

Religion defending from sceptic attack ,

Guarding its fanes amidst demonist wrack , It s pulpit pastors sure ;

Warding its sanctified spiritual home , ’ Its Holy Bible , Jehovah s tome , Its Saviour sanctum pure of G od s As temple Father cares ed ,

Where loyal souls are spirit blessed .

Beside a primitive gospel church Where faithful Christians meet to search of u The Christian code Tr th , Wisdom ou r venerated Lord revealed ; Wonders His prescient words unsealed

In mysteries of sooth . u nct ioned On Sabbaths to sit by His feet ,

Hearing a choir Hi s hymnal praise repeat .


Sire God Creator omnipotent in sway ,

Whose mandate shout all planet worlds obey , Obeisant to His voice Sovereign Saviour Chri st whose Love and Peace In future throned shall hate and strife surcease , And universe rejoice

Prepotent Holy Spirit , Lord paramount , of Whose element Life all principles surmount .


AIL H , Holy Spirit , God enthroned

In Royal Heaven , light enzoned ; Thy sceptred arm with victor might

P . Guards Justice , iety and Right

e Bl ss , Holy Spirit , God sublime ; an d Thy kingdom limits Space Time , Thy wondrous mind sheds words intense

Of godly will to human sense .

G od Praise , Holy Spirit , of Mind Thy genius is creation shrined

To teach the worlds thy moral plan ,

Thy wisdom , might and love to man . HOLY SPIRIT PSALM 165

t G o d of Live , Holy Spiri , Life ;

e Being in thy deathless h art is rife ,

Through universe its torrents flow ,

Within mankind its passions glow .

‘ of S oul Love , Holy Spirit , God Thy angel guards the saints -e nrol e e s Who loyal lov to th e di close ,

And wh o abhor satanic foes .

Dread , Holy Spirit , God of Death ; Thy power annuls existent breath

Hell withers where its blight is cast ,

And devils perish in it s blast .


V ND C i A RE ERE pastor , hr stian gospel priest , Ministeri ng t o his Church a sacred feast Of godly intercourse s To them from Holy Bible mandate read , Counse l to them that Christ ou r Saviour said Truths from empyrean source ; Peace which our Christian God in grace ao cords ; n r Existence Holy Spirit in benefice ce affo ds . 166 GUARDIAN ANGELS Christians assembled in a Sabbath night

In church illuminated by candescent light , of Beings carnal Earth , on Adoring a God His regal star , Spiritual Sire in His sphere afar f Land o their spirit birth . Human scions n ow who Father G od accost who Angel scions then unto Him have crosse d .

Melodious worship of devotion choice In cadence sweetly sung with chorused voice Songful saintly praise ; of Impassioned sentiments loyal souls , Whose hymns devout a congregation trolls As fascinating lays ;

Obeisant anthems human genius sings ,

As Soul laudations to Celestial Kings .

Benignly gratified the angel throngs Enraptured heard their adoration songs ’ Sung in salvation s cause . Their honest Christian ritual of praise ’ e Embellished in the minist r s essays ,

They honoured with applause . Benediction on their piety addressed ; Their modest chapel of religion blessed


Exhorting the parishioners to woo Their Father G od with veneration true

Submission to His will .

Paragon Saviour Christ to emulate ,

Their worth exalting in His estimate ,

Insuring souls from ill . Worship in chapel with spirit and truth ;

In the world live honest and chaste forsooth .

Admonishing with stringent reprimand ’ Some covert proselyte s of Satan s band

As demons in disguise . Demonists acting duplicity lurch ;

Hypocrites slinking into the church ,

Worshipping G o d with lies . Deists in chapel they sing and pray ;

In t he world are satanists gone astray .

n Disesteemed menace , admonition vai . Rogues who dissemble the1r d emons retain

As oracles of stealth .

Aloud they consecrate the Christian cross . ’ Inly they covet sinful Mammon s dross .

Dishonourable wealth ,

Pawning in pledges to gain earthly prize ,

Honour , virtue , love , and holy Paradise . GUARDIAN ANGEL S

All persons existent l n Christendom pale Are numbered and named in a census tale ’ Inscribed in God s archives . On the registered date of their natal day The prescient gleam of a visual ray Shines upon their lives ;

a t a Discerning their souls with re ding look ,

Inscribing their thoughts an d deeds m a boo k .

and r Their love conceptions mar iage desires , What mot ive or passion emotions inspires

Are in t he record shown . of o f es The love mothers , and fervour Sir , Parental affection that ever re spires ’ Prayer to Father s throne ; Entreating His blessing on girl or boy

n . Baptized in faith , and christened i joy

The sanctity of sexual love when wed

Is honoured in law of Heaven , they said And solemnly esteemed; Apart from vows the celebrants indite Connubial union as a nuptial rite

Is nature marriage deemed ,

ve a e Where soul lo s soul in a pregnant c r ss , of Born their essence babe s comfort and bless . 170 GUARDIAN ANGELS

N u pt i al love is an emotion sown Where sexual consciousness sen se i s shown

In beings divinely formed . In mankind the spiritual élite deem The spousal compact a troth supreme T o heavenly gage conformed ; S uein g the Father children to gain ,

‘ t o Wooing the Spirit love obtain .

Who woos a woman as conjugal mate , n Uniting with her i the wedded state , ’ F u lfils Jehovah s plan .

A love maid wedding as honoured bride ,

A troth wife naming in manly pride , ’ Is nature s honest man . His meet companion in a Christian life

Afforded defence and affection as wife .

Woman an d man connubially one Journey together in amity on

A matrimonial course . Two sentient lovers in sexual blend ; A bridegroom mated with bridal friend ’ T o life s immortal source . of Electing themselves as Love elect ,

Society accords them social respect .


u s d In isolation midst the br ti h earth , G od glorified humanity on Earth

With godlike mental gaze , Terrestrial worlds to scan with lightning gleam See universe with an aurora beam r In everent amaze .

Yet alcoholic drowse obscures its rays , i t s t And dims in elle ctual solar blaze .

A vital tenet of their moral cult Which they propounded t o desired result As a principle of health

s Was abstinence from alcoholic drink , rofli at e As toxic fluids in p g sinks , Injuring by stealth ; ’ Liquors intoxicating boozers brains .

s Mental daze unknown when man abstain .

Paternal God acknowledging His heirs Ascending from the human world declares

Welcome to the pure , Excluding from His kingdom as unclean Gross souls who their divinity demean In drunkenness impure ; f c Accepting righteous o fspring virtue gra ed ,

Rejecting prodigals by alcohol debased . GUARDIAN ANGELS 173

omn i sment Venerating the will of Lord , Visiting angels with mutual accord t he Honour Sabbath Day , At Creation ordained as memorial ble st ; A sanctified time of devotional rest o From s rdid toil and play , e When labour exhausted reposes at ase , s f And Soul worship God His a fection to please .

Instituted law in empyrean clime In calendar printed of primeva l time f s As law o anctity . a G od s Cre tor ordained in Paradi e , And honoured by His angels as a wise

Intransigent decree , A Sabbath festival of holiness

t hem r in s ma Enjoyed by o l blessedness .

An ordination hallowed in their eyes , As universal statute it applies

To every peopled star . Reverence for t he mandate is preserved And seventh day as Sabbath is observed Wherever angels are t o Hi s bow They duly heavenly temple , o vow And filial honour to His pers n . 174 GUARDIAN ANGELS

’ Jehovah throned on mystic Sinai s mount Transported from its astral primal fount

A Sabbath Day to men . When legislating for his nation led

Within the Midian desert , manna fed , He wrote with spirit pen Six days ’ exertion is thy labour week

e . On the seventh r st , and Holy Heaven seek

Eternally a s folds diurnal time That order shall remain a count sublime

A seventh day divine .

By Jehovah to humanity addressed , s or In peace , contention , enterpri e rest

The Sabbath Day 1s Mine . Who desecrates its sanctity in guilt f A mortal ban o penalty shall wilt .

of Lords regnant their natal habitat , Endowed with genius reason to combat

Infernal heresy , Humane mentors of the carnal brutes ; o f Cultured tillers botanic mutes ,

Who Heaven truly see . Men should our Sire G od worship and obey

By hallowing His sacred Sabbath Day .


’ Who clothed Earth s rocky globe with a shy mould ' Enriched its lava with metallic gold ' ’

God s omnipotence .

Who tilled its loamy field with fruitful woods , Providing pristine folk with luscious foods '

Creative providence ,

ou r Whose virile energies lives imbue , G od e To Almighty rend r tribute due .

XIII CREATOR GOD A O CRE T R God from glory star ,

His regal kingdom throned afar , O ’ er astral empire deigns With arm omnipotent to guide On a uranic ether tide ’ The peopled planets ceaseless glide ,

Obedient t o His rems .

Whose power dense nebulae amassed While slow constructive epochs passed And atoms welding flames void al Forged , moulded in the dearth , u of Stupendo s globes rock and earth , ’ Which Heaven - born ergons latent birth

Whirl round in orbit frames . CREATOR GOD 177

r Truth lauds thy name , Creative Lo d , Whose fiat spoke a pregnant word Through vast Urania hurled ; Commandin g elements asleep o T wake with cosmic sense , and leap Enlivened from the torpid deep

To build our natal world .

Conformed in Hi s celest l al mould t or Terres rial b for man , it rolled

Within its desti ned ring . In fire its molten matter seethed Till loam its cooling metals sheathed ; Then on it Lord in spirit breathed f rm Breath o supernal Sp g .

As G od omnipotent He sways At will the errant solar rays ;

To lead their lightning fli ght .

Emergent from far radio source ,

Swift hurled on an , unmeas ured course s In fiery spirit , to disbur e

s ' On Terre heat and light .

‘ W hen swaymg in momentum swing

Earth wanders from its annual ring ,

His power restore s t he line . 178 CREATOR GOD When belched from planetary rock A massive mount erupted block s Flings earthward to impending hock ,

His vigil fends the mine .

G od firmam en t al walks the seas , And bids the pluvial tempests cease

When storm rains inundate , Till waters o ’ er their cloud banks rise In flooding streams through drippin g skies

Beneath His rod the deluge dries ,

And pouring gales abate .

When solar fires have ravage sent T firm am en t hroughout the arid ,

sk And dried the rainless y , His skill updra ws the ocean dew

Aerial fountains to renew , Where d en si ng air mists waters brew

To shed in showers from high .

The atmosphere at His behests Forms upon frigid mountain crests Cloud reservoirs of rains ;

Whence swirling rivers gurgling stream ,

With thunder roar and lightning gleam , Through thousand leagues of air to teem

In torrents upon plains .


Groves sown by Him on Terres rise

s Of plants and fruits from other skie ,

With creature types from Paradise ,

Existent in His might .

Then nature His botanic queen Enwrapped the land in floral green

By His established plan .

e on The holy mountain tow red height , His Eden garden of delight

Where pines and cedars gladden sight , f The home o primal man .

In time propitious Father G od

A garden vale in Terres trod ,

Adamic Eden named . A rippling brook the valley grooved Where through arboreal bowers He moved By flocks and herds whose fawning proved

Them minions He had tamed .

No e feudal king His presence n ared , No queen angelic there appeared

To proffer Him a throne . The realm by solar lustre fired e Dominion of a prince requir d ,

A Scion with His sense inspired , n And likene ss to Hi s ow . CREATOR G OD 181

With artist hand He swept the ground To form a slender body mound

Of arid senseless earth . e s Then , urged by procreativ lu t , u Transmitting essence to the d st ,

‘ Begot a living spirit bust ,

A being of godly birth .

Beneath His animating gaze e The imag creature life displays ,

Whose sen ses motion give . His nature in the matter grown own Absorbed the dust within His ,

And formed a human being prone ,

d ' Ordered of G o to live .

Inspired with intellect divine Immortal in his soul design The earthly angel m an;

oo A deity in flesh and bl d , d Conceived m Love , esigned ln Before his Father Adam stood

o Majestic t His scan .

Angelic hosts , His glories hymn , The astral nations worship Him t S As procrea ive ire . 182 CREATOR GOD

But men His parentage deny ,

Hi s s wi e creative scheme decry ,

His law and sovereign will defy , t o With Satan conspire .

G od r Blest Father , creative Si e , Love prayers my filial psalm inspire t Of blessing o thy throne .

Blest be thy heavenly person , Lord ; Blest in enlightenment thy word ;

Blest in command thy sceptre sword , ’ Throughout creation s zone .


UA DIAN o f G R Angels as champions Good , Aggressive fiends invincibly withstood About the temple ports Sanctuaries where Holy Spirit spoke ’ To loyal minds disdaining Satan s yoke ; Religion ’ s strong resorts ;

Sanctums impregnable without a sword ,

De fended by the Bible and the Lord .

Through Christendom with populace immense ,

In modern peopled cities crowded dense ,

Cathedral temples reared .


Believed the sordid sophistries of gain ; Discarded spiritual theories a s vain

Philosophies in need ,

i s Whose mortal goal sensual appetite ,

Vulgar revellers without supernal sight .

a Secession to deter , a w rning power , Promulgated from each temple tower

To humanity untrue , On demonism as their modern sin A penalty pronounced of ruin in

Hell as onus due .

Who fealty due to Father God abjures ,

Exclusion from Hi s Paradise ensures .

Disloyal nations who in treason scorned Jehovah ’ s government are duly warned

Of penalty incurred , Mandate of enlightenment repealed ’ Heaven s withdrawal of defensive shield n m1 Or e e es upstirred . Whatever peoples with the fiends unite

Abandoned are to their pernicious blight .

’ of In Heaven s parliament Deities , Affirmed in Council Hall as firm decree s s s s t s Against editiou ta e , GUARDIAN ANGELS 185

Withdrawal of divine angelic guard ; Abandonment to the plutonic ward ; Declension that disrates G od Nations whose legislators forsake ,

And alien devil s as their mentors take .

“ Hi s r A Deity descended from towe , Avenging Angel who the Lords empower Warfare to incite ; To instigate an alien empire rude m To organize its hordes in warlike ood , Disciplined to fight

A military armament to forge ,

Ordained to conquer , and ravage as a scourge .

Pronounced “against a newly peopled land Whose demonists decline to understand The government of G od Their personal subjection t o His wand ; Their nurture a s a nation by His hand P rotection by His rod .

Folk irreligious in prosperity ,

Licentious in freedom , sedition free .

Vanquished as savages He dispossessed Who off the land withered at Hi s behest ffet As an e ed race . 186 GUARDIAN ANGELS

Conquered from north by a scourging onslaught , Whose invincible prowess victory fraught

s The ou ted will displace , n a Submitti g defeated to ch steners brought .

Ye will render Jehovah tribute , He sought .

t o Ere being expelled their seditious nest , The demons harry Terres as a test

Of human loyalty . ’ W hoe er co ncurrent hears their satyr bark In soul are sealed with their satanic mark

Of sinful destiny . Evil and Good have n ot a mutual trend

Who Satan joins shall in Perdition end .

From Hades up and down to Terres go Deputed Couriers authorized to know Terrestrial current news ; Divine progression among mundane folk Satanic wiles dissension t o provoke Who demonism choose Inviting doubtful deists to secede

Impeding honest saints who piously proceed .

Out from Hell ’ s dungeons felons sent away t o On Terres saintly victims betray , ’ F or judgment s aftermath .


t he G od o f n Be good , Heaven will defe d ;

G od e Be true to Father , pat rnal friend ,

Speaks an angelic tongue . Blessin g in a godly home pronounced ; f Dens o evil are with wrath denounced .

Angelic guardians came and multiplied ,

e Dauntlessly opposing the insurg nt tide , Stemming its inward flow ; ’ u Detecting astral rog es howe er astute , n Destroying vagrant demo s by pursuit , ’ o Where er the maniacs g ,

Dislodging them from every covert haunt , n Renderi g Terres a precarious vaunt .

of n Their insane scheme conquest rendered vai , on Without a fort the terrestrial plane ,

They linger in despair . Perverse rebels in loyal universe

of s Compelled in stress peril to disper e ,

They madly beat the air . Outlawed astrals regarded with disdain ;

Pariahs lurking where they fought t o reign .

Diffused through populations as result

In fli ct ed of by the venom their cult ,

Was tendency to crimes . GUARDIAN ANGELS 189

L a w detestation among them became Lawlessness committed without shame d em on i st ic By mimes .

All the misdeeds social laws condemn ,

Vicious demonists committed them .

1n t en sel Mendacity y magnified , h oml cl d e Society aghast at ,

. Sodomy , a sport car s o Profanity all in h rror stung , t Obscenity pollu ed every tongue ,

Blasphemy in sort .

Lechery substituted pudency , Ra m e 1n st i at ed p g treachery .

Those elements of human evil stormed At Jacob Destiny to law conformed

With menacing intent . Drug poison hidden in provision bread And thrown maliciously on water shed F or imbibition meant . Deadly weapon s at his person aimed u Were disregarded by his so l untamed .

Divine defenders pitying his fate

Assembled in defence his peril to abate , And render him good cheer 190 GUARDIAN ANGELS

Heaven ’ s lordly angels suffering hard Vicissitudes of life affording guard

T o a person they endear . Guardians used in weariness to crouch

Beside the helpless man on slumber couch .

Within a tiny orchard garden filled

With luxuriant fruitage trees by Jacob tilled , ’ O ergrowi n g a grassy glade Bushy with glossy citron foliage in sheen Sylvan with blooming prune leaves growing

green , Affording scented shade ; Arboured with trellised grape - vines clustered

dense , ’ e And walled with l afy ivy s rustic fence ,

Domestic Eden , rural home retreat , Secluded from the busy village street d e s1red In solitude , On sunny Sabbath Days in rest secured ;

By tinted blossoms , gaudy flowers allured , The toil - tired man retired , t o Hymnal to rehearse , Bible peruse , 1e Or with botan fairies to amuse .

Within the verdured garden grove appeared

As heavenly visitant the Christ endeared , F or brief observant term .


The worshipped G od of Christian Sentiment ;

The Saviour living in His presentment , In carnal world again The human Deity of blest Bethany ; of The godlike martyr base Calvary ,

u r o Within o sphere f pain . e Our pi ty His blessed being endeared ,

Whose presence there miraculous appeared .

His stately mien enwrapped in pendant gown ;

His jetty tresses formed a hirsute crown ,

Surmounting youthful face . Hi s Fair as in infancy countenance , Which black eye s glistening lustrously en

hance ,

In robust manhood grace . His speech was uttered in resonant tone

Candescent in Hi s visage kindness shone .

i P His holy be ng emitted gentle eace ,

Compelling discord at His word to - cease ; t From anger o abstain .

His strength irradiated a defence , And comfort Him environed as a sense Inhibitive to pain His ambient element of force was Love ;

About Him was a presence from above . SAVIOUR GOD

Truth flashed a s sunlight i n Hi s placid gaze , Whose spirit Vl sl on penetrated every haze Human minds obscured Deit i c potency was in Hi s word

Incutting conscience as . a vocal sword

Who righteousness abjured . Strong devils feared His stringent reprimand

i t m . Retreat ng from His manda e , I com and

His natal potency of God conferred S overel n Is still inherent in His g Word , Governing consciousness Satanic nature at Hi s ban i s numb e n i s Inf rnal Spirit ordered dow dumb ,

Or meekly answers ' es . Plutonic princes by Hi s wrath u nmann”ed mHi s m Depart ignobly fro I com and .

The sensibilities of flesh obey His voice commanding agony away

From humanity diseased . un The bowels , l gs , the brain , the heart , Deit i c spirit in the i nward part e At h aling order eased .

Body , soul and spirit life instil , l a t And live rep enished His vital W 111. 194 SAVIOUR GOD

Jac ob hailed Him a s a godly guest Whose favour all i n firmit ies redressed ; o All adversities c ndoned .

Blessed Him as angelic royal friend , Whose pregnant benediction can amend

Functions unatoned ,

And in soul hallowed by His patron charm ,

In adoration sang a homage psalm .

a Love Sovereign Christ , Saviour dored ; Hi s Esteem blessing , gift implored ; His filial orison repeat ;

Home in His Paradise entreat .


OF G o d Christian Jesus loyally sing , o ou r To honour in w rship heavenly King ,

Blessing His spirit with reverent word ,

Extolling His sway as our glorified Lord .

horu s C .

In gratitude blessing , His mercy caressing , Penitence pleads to His arbiter grace

In homage confessing , contrition redressing , su e Hi s Faith , Hope , and Love cherishing face .


C horus .

Hi s In gratitude blessing , mercy caressing , Penitence pleads t o His arbit er grace ;

In homage confessing , contrition redressing , i su e H s . Faith , Hope , and Love cherishing face


L ORD JE S U S departing opened a door Into the maze of His personal tour

In Christendom diocese . i His v rtuous example cheering the pure ,

Enjoining the faithful to trust and endure , Until Millennium Peace ;

Prophesying in blessing , I will come , ’ of su m Bliss His Kingdom , beatitude s .

of The protective ward His Saviour gone , Out of the labyrmt h swarm ed ' upon Man Jacob as a prey o f A rabble devils frenziedly mad ,

Raving in blasphemous utterance bad ,

Such as demons say .

Inhuman enemies rending the vail ,

Enfolding th e victim like spectral mail . GUARDIAN DEITIES 197

T o shield the man in emergency need , Angelic defenders hastene d with speed

Into his humble home .

Kings of kingdoms in elysian skies , s Gentles whose mansions are in Paradi e , Under his homely dome of Gods from empyrean worlds bliss ,

Dwelling with human subjects m this .

Divine censors of immorality ; Deities crowned of immortality Beside hi s mortal span ; Lords of emp1re 1mmeasurably vast Potentates m creation unsurpassed He but a feeble man ; Kindly monarchs of star s who conde scend ’

O er worthy saints compassionate t o bend .

Their superhuman presence gendered light

In vicinage discerned by spiritual sight ,

To moral view disclosed . et Crimes perp rated by demoniac rogues ,

Lecheries acted in horrific vogues ,

To lawful knowledge closed .

- Local life events , spirit vision shown To n e e the a gelic c nsors w re foreknown . 198 G UARDIAN DEITIES

Over a spacious radius of expanse The spirit searchlight of their peering glance Every fiend perceived ; o t Their purposes , their c ver s , and their acts ,

Their demonist accomplices , and pacts ,

However deftly weaved . t o Avengers swiftly the rebels flew ,

And rendered to their quarry vengeance due .

o f n Scenes infirmity where infants pi ed , on Anguished in fever , couches reclined ,

Urgently revealed . A mother in her sl ckn ess prostrate prayed ; An injured father low in weakness laid

These the angels healed . Where mortal elements distempered fail

They ordered carnal consciousness , Be hale .

The angel guardians in their watch received Spirit visitants whom death relieved

Of bodies in decay . of Souls disembodied by ordeal death ,

Immortalized in life , inspiring breath

Released from carnal clay . or Angels demons , those women and men

In the spiritual arena existed then .


The gracious visitants of Heaven knew Intuitively the conscience false or true e Of ev ry errant ghost . A s people disembodied from their earth , n ow of Graded with scions astral birth ,

With the supernal host , Receiving them in grace as human kin i n s . Ransomed by virtue , or condemned by

n ot Decarnate sinners decease had purged ,

To harass humanity , viciously urged ,

By envy mortified , Molested in slumber their victims harassed ffl With a ghostly , frigid , e uent blast h T at feeling horrified .

At Jacob the phantoms raged in fight ,

Confounding hi s manhood in ghastly fright .

e To aid him friendly angels rush d , Whose prowess the lawless canaille pushed Into Perdition pit

Who , responsive to his entreaty call , P ressed through the supernatural wall ,

Within hi s home t o sit . Angelic guests beneath a human roo f ’ Lodging a s inmates for the host s behoof . GUARDIAN DEITIES 201

Guardian Lord a royal angel deigned With vi s to inspirit the toiler waned A s servitor outworn , Whose faculties used were becoming aged In faithful conflict persistently waged Since infant martyr born ; o And benignly c mmending duty done ,

Lovingly fostered him as a son .

r m an Pate nal in humour , He cherished the , Concerned when h1s v1sage ex hibited wan

Evidence of wane .

' Hi s labour surveilled w1t h parental v1ew Warding hi s person from outrage undue ; n u rrit u r His e from bane . s Hi s 1m art De iring essence of life to p , Hi s Transmitted nature into his heart .

Unto Him as warden from infancy year

~ To senility age in a V1rile career n r rl s Of manly e t e p e .

A s i sOn heavenly fr end of a fostered , Predestined a foreseen course to run

In spiritual emprise . A e patron ang l within his abode ,

To Him he inscribed a filial ode . 202 GUARDIAN LORD


A O G od e CRE T R a time announc d , And fiat of Destiny pronounce d c To rebel Satan doom denoun ed , As universal loyal test

Insurgent fiends with hostile zest ,

Defying His sublime behest ,

In hordes the astral worlds infest .

From penal Hell with plan abhorred To Terres legioned devils soared ’ To wrest its crown from Heaven s Lord ,

A n d subjugate mankind .

Invading Earth in warfare lined ,

Seducing men with guile refined ,

The sway of G od they undermined .

T heir plaint the human nations heard , Till sordid greed collusion stirred

In godless souls , who sin preferred

To Honour , Piety and God n od A saintly legion scorned their ,

And lives of honest virtue trod , ’ With Holy Spirit s guiding rod .


Thine hands repel the ghouls away , And shield me in the weird affray ;

To thee I reverent homage pay .

O God benign , whose angel form Endured the drenching winter storm The watchman ’ s function to perform

In black tempestuous nights . Awake amid the lightning ’ s lights

Awatch amid the tempest fights .

My love thy sacrifice requ l t es .

Defender Deity , thy spell e Oft on the fi ry cartridge fell , And quenched the murderous blast that

At my existence aimed . Thy blight the adversary maimed ;

Thy will his hostile frenzy tamed . o My s ul is thine ; thy ward reclaime d .

t o O Champion Friend , interpose Where clamant threats a foe disclose Whose menace words or lethal blows

Demoniac vice imply . Thy witness quells the perjured lie Thy gaze obscures the evil eye ;

Thy breast my enemies defy . GUARDIAN LORD 205

O Foster Sire , thy parent care Betrayed the lusciou s beverage ere The subtle poison hidden there n I thirstily co sumed . In inscience oft my life was doomed Had not thy sense the bait illumed

That foes within my food inh umed .

a os O W rden Angel , who discl ed Drugs hellish enemies supposed As toxin in my bread enclosed Would blunt a moral pen ; Thine eye discerns the venom when

Concea le d within the fangs of men .

Thine heel can scotch the viper t hen .

t O Warrior Guard , in deser waste

Where savage men my journey traced , Whose vengeful ire the p ilgrim chased Outside their wild domain ; Thy shielding presence rendered vain

Their night raid on the lonely plain ,

Their ambush in the river drain .

a O Pastor Pure , in oce n isle ’ Where sensual pass1on s luring smile And syren revelries beguile ; 206 GUARDIAN LORD Thy mentor words engraved Within my reverent reason saved

My life from habitudes depraved ,

Whose thrall ignobler minds enslaved .

P O atron Prince , who blessing fed Thy feeble ward with essence shed

As spousal gift in nuptial bed , Quintes se nce of thy godly heart ce of When virile streams vigour dart ,

And holier aspirations start ,

To mine diviner springs impart .

O Arbiter , my soul adores The pleader my defeat deplores ; The judgment my success implores ; And honours thy decree The prisoner of fate to free r n F om adverse bo ds of Destiny ,

A herald of the Lord to be .

O Victor King , the measure run , Repo se shall hallow labour done ;

Conquest shall honour conflict won ,

In elysian Paradise .

Thy natal realm behind the skies , n t h O Monarch crow ed , y sceptre wise All evil elements defies cos SUPERNAL QUEENS

Beautiful bodies of elegant style

Cultured in virtues no vices defile , Nor usages mar . Celestial women of queenly address Revealing in gesture the royal impress ’ Of Elysium s star , Diffusing womanhood ’ s halo around n fi n n In angelic comportment be e ce ce crow ed .

Women in semblance of civilize d dress ; Each womanly head wears a coronet tress P endent and dense . Fair in complexion each lustrous face IS charmed with a mouth of benevolent grace

Breathing incense . v Timbre of feminine cadence in oice ,

In laughter resounds when senses rejoice .

Delicate consorts with leonine Lords Whose love to their lordhood rapture affords of sex In communion ,

When union connubial lineage prolongs , s s With bliss impassioned by infantile ong , A s parental reflex ;

Nurtured in chastity , lovingly wed ,

Sanctity hallows their marital bed . S UPERNAL QUEENS 209

e s A Sire and m re in espou al combined , e fili ll B side them a scion is a y twined ,

Angelica' boy . Deiess wed and Deity conjugally , Between them a seraph offsprmg 1s led

In maidenhood joy , Effusing parental efflu en ce expressed

In j oyous care sses of intercourse b lest .

Heavenly ladies descended to see By personal vision customs that we

Conventional name , Revealing to mankind divmit y queens Existent in Heaven in spiritual scene s h a We oly cclaim , e s an Wh re womanhood , manhood , hu band d

dame ,

J o s e . Life , Love and y , are in likeness the am

B en eficent a of angels , m idens Good Transported from Heaven excellent food

Their kin to regale . From Eden i n ' Paradi se luscious fruit s 1n ' Manna bread , manna , dainties suits

Cordial nectar ale . al e Served ln fresco , eaten and p rais d ,

By guests who gratefully heavenward gazed . SUPERNAL QUEENS

e t o Touring the plan ts , Terres they roam , Lodging a s friends in the sanctified home

Of Destiny Jacob blest , In peaceful diurnal watchful repose ;

In restful nocturnal vigilant doze , Warding his nightly rest ; Affording present affliction release ;

e f According futur a promise o peace .

’ To Jacob s apartment a s rendezvous place

A spiritual visitant , Seraphic Grace , of Inscient gesture amiss , Came from Elysium discarding her pride ; Crouched in compassion the hermit beside ; Caressed him with scented kiss ; Cheered him as tribute to piety due

s Then home to her heavenly man ion flew .

An gel hi s spousal consort had been t When love anima ed emotions serene ,

Impassioned in youth . A nuptial mentor within his soul Urging him up to her heavenly goal

In rectitude and truth . His mood imprinting with feminine se al That unknown to sense hi s nature could


On maidenhood face love ’ s sunniest flush

lovebeam s u Black womanly eyes , sunny g sh ;

Dark tresses balmy dear . Her rosy features gladly smiling beam Enjoyment chaste of her connubial dream ;

Her voice rings sweetly clear . ’ A love song murmuring to lover s tone ; i s it h H s homage hymn ; s e it s theme alone .


A who DE R Angel , Sweet woman dwells as With my soul a consort of love , In my person thy womanhood wells r A s a bliss from ou Father above .

Gracious i s His goodness who sheds Such cherishing love in His plan ; Bounteous is His bounty who weds

His heavenly seraph to man .

' Thy nature , Dear Ange , sublimes e My being with emotions divin , Which anthem our passion in chimes

Pealing praise to His arbiter shrine . DEAR ANGEL 213

Thy spirit angelic exalt s To Hi s kingdom of Heaven my sense ; Faith cheered by thy Piety vaults

Unto God with devotion intense .

Holy Goddess of Destiny , blest IS my life in thy feminine charm

Brooding inly , a dove in her nest ,

Instilling thy sexual balm .

ff In a ection we joyously meet , Lords in our nuptial caress Chastely in virtue we greet

Gods in espousal with Yes .

Creator when timed ex 1st en ce , began ’ Measured duration s expansion by span ,

To mark each progress phase . ’ Adam s posterity by Deism were led Jehovah the nations of Abraham fed ; i s Christ H Christendom sways .

a e Next in advancement Millennium Pe c , - ffl Era of life when a iction shall cease .

Terres i s Still a tumultuous stage Where angels and fiends continue to wag e Implacable Strife ; 214 DEAR ANGEL

Where godly heroes do wondrous emprise ’ F or humanity s soul as triumphal prize , Won to immorta l life ; Where Sire G od maintains Hi s morality ’ And Satan imposes depravity s school .

e Satanists , knowing their pred stined fate , Endeavour the purpose of God to frustrate ;

Their doom to avert . Grudging t o man as a species elect An age o f holy existence select ; They strive t o divert Human Obeisance from deities souled f o . To sensuous bodies , and idols gold


CREATOR from royal Heaven descends Creation t o visit with might that defends Terres from devils whose violence offends r im Peoples who love His eg e . A S celestial man of angelic degree

Ranging the nations in plain liberty , The morals and manners of mankind t o see ; r Their state to condemn o redeem .


Whose stately contours mankind emulat e In persons conformed symmetric and straight

Of bodily profile . of Whose intellects the minds men excel , Though sage d eit i c genius both impel

To their Supernal Isle .

Preferring the career piety prefers ,

Disd aining the route impiety deters .

Lords of a noble supramundane type , Whose metaphysical degrees of wisdom gripe Universal rule Colossal grasp from its promethean grip No planet of the universe may slip

To counteract the pool . All creatures living in a myriad su m or Within their influence flourish succumb .

Their clear angelic vision permeates

All atmospheric clouds , and penetrates

Through dim nocturnal shades . To see the human actors grouped behind ’ The sightless blank of nature s darkest blind

Engaged in guilty trades . of Evading lawful principles right ,

Abetting devils in nefariou s fight . DEITIC SURVEILLANCE 217

Themselves unseen within the ether veil A s to and fro upon its streams they sail ’ Earth s citizens between . All modern city episodes occur To their researching sight without a blur

To palliate a scene . T ran smeat in g scrutiny detects amid

Each worldly throng a plotting demon hid .

Space does not circumscribe the scope of sight To eye s with television rays alight 1r1s Angelic lens , Endued with preterhuman visual view To range through distance with perspective

true ,

And focal glance intense . Remote obscurities do n ot debar a Discernment photogr phing scenes afar .

Their mental retina not only sees Distant citizens and towns with ease However the expanse ;

But reads their intellectual print , Their innate spirit conscience glint

With comprehensive glance .

Descrying sentiments with magic look ,

Perusing thoughts as in a psychic book . 218 DEITIC SURVEILLANCE

‘ n ot of Seclusion does dumb the tone Sound , Nor muffle echo in duplex rebound ’ n r To Sire God s li steni g ea .

u Resonant clangs to Him the preaching tong e , or The worship murmured , laudation sung ,

r However far o near . Blasphemous words of demonists are heard

Expressed in ribald temper undeterred .

Concrete opacity does n ot obstruct Clairvoyant gleams of vision which conduct

Sight to events Opaque . Translu cence glowing in angelic eyes

Through distance , time , and matter flies

With perception wide awake . Himself invisibly secreted He in rin ci ia Can basic atoms p p see .

s 1r1t u al Good Lord in p mantle wrapped , ’ With sightless ether folds o erlapped Is present undiscerned ; Though isolated in an aura m a ze Cognisance of each human phase

Of life His sense has learned . Moving among humanity unknown

Their constitution to His view is shown .


Godly champion whose presence signifies That He i s Lord of Terres and defies Demonists renegade

Sordid apostates from His cult withdrawn , With blatant satanists whose souls in pawn Blasphemously parade

Their collusion with the plutonic clowns .

s To them His countenance in menace frown .

Ignoble gamblers in pursuit of gain Salvation heirdoms hazard in profane

Commercial deals of greed . Elysium despising as home estate Sheol winning where noisome fiends await

Adherents of their creed .

A world of horror where each demon ghoul ,

Abuses i n servitude a human fool .

Art fu ls who their natal powers disdain , A s intellectual faculties too plain fflu n A e ce to achieve . d em on i u m Extrinsic devils from use , Whose evil spirits in their minds infuse Doctrin es which deceive Their human friends on opulence intent n for With cogent reaso s their devilment . THE SATANISTS 221


S CION S of Satan t o vice predisposed N at ively wanton 1n Si n ;

To angelic mentors rudely opposed ,

They consort with demons a s kin .

Spiritual law of retribution wills ’ W hoe er s collusion with Satan fulfil , Hi e s godless spirit fe ds . e Enliven d in their essences it grows , A S satanism in their senses flows ,

- u And in their nat re breeds . Semen sensibilities contam the taint Sensuous natures hatch without constraint

The e lement s satanic which infest of sOu ls ossest The psychic principles p ,

And make temperament . Can be transmitted with t he vital gore To constitute in progeny a core Of hellish sediment

Inspirited by diabolic ire , r The morbid temper of a Hadean S i e . 222 THE ' SATANISTS

Sinner progeny of infernal lust Inspiriting with vice their carneous dust To pred eli ct i on s vile Afli nit ies to malefactors urge Their profane humour in a sinful surge

To every obscene wile . Deserving Hades as a tomb they dare

Declaim at Heaven with malicious stare .

Malicious human demons Satan souled With vicious disposition tempered bold

Religion t o insult . G od Theomachists to Father averse , Fanatic partisans of a perverse Diabolic cult ;

To worship Christian Saviour disinclined .

In psychic meditations , wrong opined .

In religion d evili st s profanely hedged With fiendish imps to whom their troth i s pledged In fatuous truth

Their sponsor patrons , gods and phantom

friends ,

Whose aid enriches , and whose craft defends

With spurious ruth , h Immoral waifs t ey feignedly adopt ,

And feed with atheism pollution sopped .


Seceding from Jehovah they denounce Hi s t laws as antiqua ed , and renounce

His fanes in discontent . Eschewing domestic worship as rite Of inane usage resembling the trite

Eucharist sacrament .

s Satanic spirits their gross ouls obsess , ‘ od And veneration for Sire G suppress .

Hi s a s Sabbaths are holy days ignored , And desecrated with disdain deplored

e By ang l guards and saints ,

Gay , ribald throngs released from labour

drudge , of An hour homage to their Saviour grudge ,

Apart from sport constraints . Aversion dominates their minds within of in Whose ravished wombs are entities s .

Accosting Sabbath morns with sportive zest Not dedicated unto t emporal rest Nor spiritual discourse ; for s But flushed with eagerness godless port , flirt ive At cricket lawn , or tennis court ,

In social intercourse .

They burn in fervidness for inane play ,

Who have not leisure in a church to pray . THE SATANISTS 225

W ho on the wage of labour greedy gloat

Will not a sacred day to rest devote ,

Soul , body to sustain . Profess no adoration for Lord G od Whose daily arena is the dusty clod a Whose ide l bliss is gain .

' A noon of worsh l p 1s a profit l ost

Regardless of the dead sea to be crossed .

To irreligious folk all days are par When hurrying sportful on motor - car

Aglow with sensuous lust . Alcoholic taverns are sumptuo u s fane s Where average Sabbath traveller d ral n s

Liquid wash for dust . Spirituous spirits which brams posse s s

C s onjuring to langour delusive redres .

Time i s n ot too urgent for man t o spare and r Each seventh day m restfulness praye ,

Our liege God to address . d eit l es ou r Heavenly ovations hear , ’ And o er our mortal turmoil hover near Relieving pa inful stress For those who at their temple altars say In t S e o t . ruth and spirit , ir thee we pray 226 THE SATANISTS

Pseudo - deist s who Lord G od disclaim ; Parsimonious patron prone to blame

F or inhospitable mood .

e Bounties of life , and h alth and love deride , t o And turning the Fiend dissatisfied , As demonists collude In base connection with infern al mates

Whose corruptive bread their appetence sates .

Worldly sensualists whose notions treat All wealth of their environment as meat

Appetency to glut . Earth is their Paradise their god its gold

For whom humanity is grossly sold , And conscience shut ; Excluding nobler deities t o disesteem ;

Precluding also mentors who redeem .

Terrestrial flotsam of plutonic wreck All urban streets o f modern cities fleck m i t i With d e on s c strays . A rabble of mankind demoralized And from their parent God apostatized ’ In demonism s craze .

’ Portentous incidence of publi c t rend i o In rel gi us anarchy disposed to end .


Inimically they scan the Heaven sky A s Paradise of gladness hung t oo high

Beyond their vulgar reach . n Its entrance gage aloof o merit stands . T oo strenuous abstinence from vice demands

Admission to beseech .

To angelic welcome Come , they answer Nay

The revelry of pleasure is too gay .

Estranged from virtue they disport in vice , Whose usage clamps their senses in a vice

Constrained to venal crime . Abetted by their fiends who instigate ’ s whoe er t Pals to per ecute they ha e ,

‘ r And smudge with hellish g ime . Misdeeds with which the devils cannot cope ’ Are oft comprised within the fellow s Scope .

Devili st s W 1t h Hadean sprites so full They wend where ’ er their innate satyrs pull

In submissiveness docile . Their eyes with starry elf- light scintillate

- Their clanging tongues elf tones reverberate . Their minds satanic guile Mendaciously incit e to mean refuge

In false untruths , and artful subterfuge . THE SATANISTS 229

Human beings infernal spirit filled , Evil in their souls i s natally inst illed u n A s psychic effl e ce .

Two blended entities with sole intent , m1 ht Their latent forces into g augment , And mental influence

' The devil wields his victim as decoy ;

The dupe accepts his patronage with joy .

Such is the mundane bedlam Sire God knows ; Such the profligat e canaille who oppose re im of His g e mankind . a Hi s Disc rded from blessing they deprave , And stray unconsecrated through the grave s To Sheol death as igned .

God is omnipotent enthroned on high ,

The atom who Opposes Him must die .

On Earth His mood is passively disposed Toward transgressors to rewew disclosed As antagonists deranged By infernal influences unloosed In mesmeric gusts of Sin difl u sed Into a world estranged Ment ali c faculties obscurant to S e e Temperaments to ov reign Lord untru . 230 THE PURITANS


GODL' in principle they are good ; T o Christ dedicated in brotherhood . Righteous in religion they desire G od Salvation to , their heavenly Sire .

Discerning nobles in the plebeian crowd Who have not t o the gods of Satan bowed a d l t iv With u a e Smirk . ff Good souls amidst the indi erent throng ,

Honouring the right , eschewing the wrong , Revering God and kirk ; Who virt uous in their religion hold

Virtue more sanctified than gold .

Who proudly in their consciousness retain Their sacred godly germs immune from stain Of profanity impure Whose minds are consecrated temples where Their pious spirits worship G od in prayer

Salvation to insure . ’ Saints self - contained in dissipation s rout

Whose godliness satanic tempters flout .


Who reach lon gevity with steps discreet ’ ’ a Which ne er from virtue s narrow path retre t ,

Salacious mire to wade . Who cling to Father God with loving fear Lest obscene slime their innocence might smear

To an unearthly grade . Who homage altars in their minds maintain

Whose sanctity preserve s their reason sane . Whose homes are tabernacles sanctified Where Christ their Saviour Lord is glorified

' And fervently revered ; A s deity who se Gospel is obeyed A S sovereign whose portraiture is displayed

And humanly endeared .

Whose presence is perceived with spirit tread ,

Honoured in a home as Heavenly Head .


HOME is an arbour where Dignity pride s A s o s priest of a sanctum where H nour preside , ’ And Satan s banal intrusion derides . i o Christ s head f this house .

Dear Saviour God in its chamber enshrined , Whose spiritual prese nce i s blessin g defined A s P P an d s n iety , eace holine s twi ed . C s e o s hrist i h ad f this hou e . HOME PSALM 233

Love chastely broods in the homely retreat Her bevy of holy graces who greet

The inmates with cheer they kindly repeat .

Christ is head of this house .

Peace in it s sober harbour attains A tranquil measure of calmness which reIgn s

Serene in godly domicile fanes .

Christ is head of this house .

Home is any industrial rooftree e s Where proud independ nce labour with glee ,

an . Healthy , wealthy , d happy to be

Christ is head of this house .

Humanly honoured with life liberty '

A hovel home is ennobled when free , i And piously wound with a sanct fied key . s Christ i head of this house .

Palace saloons are auspicious retreats ; Mansion halls are family seats ;

Huts are bowers ; where the emblem greets .

Christ is head of this house .

Any nook in the world is home benl gn e Consecrated to God as domestic shrin , s it s l n d n When the motto emblazon i tel ivi e . s Christ i head of this house . 234 THE PIETIST


A A G ON a s P R man inspired moral Sign ,

Elementally human ; spiritually divine .

As man his probity proudly maintained , A S Christian his virtue holy retained .

Among mankind in this progressing age The man of probity patrolled a stage

Of life in destined fate .

In intellect sagacity endued , of Ordered by principles rectitude ,

In right determinate . No ethic of rehg1on was impugned

In his religious soul to good attune d .

In public gaze a man of modest self Provided amply with essential pelf ffl To live with a uence ,

Himself comporting in a moral style , Shunning immoralities which defile

With ignoble sequence .

- A simple man in living rules self willed .

Who civic laws punctiliously fulfilled .


Critical scrutiny could n ot detect In his comportment errors of defe ct

From decency diverse . In righteous habitudes his life excelled of From utterance blasphemy withheld ,

Or profaneness perverse . A sober citizen temptation proof for Who honest ly toile d his own behoof .

His normal routine of career pursued

To health , and wealth , and happiness accrued ,

In simplicity enjoyed . Prosperity fatigue of labour eased ;

Health energy blossomed with viands pleased . By savouries decoyed To ingest luscious fruits whose saps enhance

of . Blooms visage , and its visual glance

Pietist with devoutness fortified ,

He championed filial godliness with pride , As religion verified

By spiritual communion with the blest , Revealed responsively to prayers addressed To Sire God glorified ; Celest i u m Who from Heaven oft descends , ’ r And saintly souls on Terres o b befriends . THE PIETIST 237

a s v Heaven erity belief assured , Desire its haven to attain allured Him as a fervent hope ; It s vision to his living soul became

A mirage brightened in religious flame , Within ‘ his spirit scope hi s A sacred world pious prayers hailed ,

The spe ctrum image of a planet veiled .

From frivolous society he held aloof Regardi ng di ss1pat i on with reproof From criterion sedate ; A s social routs where leisure 1s 1n d u ced

To squander idle periods , and seduced

Worth to dissipat e . t t r In sapien li eratu e at ease he pored ,

And found in symphony enjoyment stored .

Temperate with sobriety unfeigned From alcoholic spirits he abstained With cautious fortitude ; Appra1s1ng t he talents of intellect A S t oo reasoning faculties select ,

When sanity endued , To debase with spirituous grog averse

To noblest functions of thought and converse . 238 THE PIETIST

Contained within himself he straightly e Alone in his community , a p rson laced To principles austere ° Ideals o f conduct unpopular with most

Social gamblers in the civil host ,

A S morals too severe . own Ignoring customs he preferred his , h And dwelt among t e demonists alone .

His vital motive with ennobling aim In serious purpose was a solemn claim On divine patronage

Entreating guidance in the spectral light , Imploring ward in the infernal fight ; i i De t c tutelage . Exemption from polluting social Slimes

Pardon for secular ambitious crimes .

Elements of faith in conception germed By biblical perusal were confirmed In credence as the fact Verifying visional transient gleams Appearing to his mental gaze as dreams

Vaguely uncompact . Animated incidents of alien spheres

Whence visioned life in dreamy Show appears .


Hi s mind enlightened by supernal grace To Heaven directed his admiring face n With venerati g peer . With mental visual clairvoyance through The ether vacuum penetrating t o

The omniscient seer . In thought articulation telephoning the re

Reverently to Him a spirit prayer .

A whispered blessing from his conscience In filial salute to Sire G od meant Worship to express ; Communion with the deity assert Collusion with satanic fiends avert ;

Appeal in peril stress . Hi s of Shibboleth conflict in discord , Resisting devilish tempters ; Blessing

Aspiring zealously to win a grade Of virt uous wort h he willingly obeyed t The Gospel et u et e . His progress by its Christly compas s ste ered To holy Sabbath ordinance adhered ;

Which populace forget . Esteeming it a hallowed holiday

Enjoying in peace its sanative relay . THE PIETIST

Retired from banal drudgery t o rest e a s Released from sordid problems , lov c res ed

In connubial retreat . Soothed in the shadow o f hi s rooftree C ommu nmg ideally in Bible t ome With spirit paraclete Uttering oracles of truth in terse s Sentences propounded In hvmg ver e .

Frequent intercourse with heavenly mmd s Addressed in thoughtful utteran ce which finds

Conduction waves , Connecting earthly saints with godly grace By psychic spiritism pervading space An ether tide which laves Celestial planets with supernal fire 111 1t s aur More sonant al line than wire .

Inst ructed him conversant with designs Sire God to our humanity assigns A S re ri ef functions of p , From onerous penalties sequently b orne In retribution t o the mortal b ourne t r Beyond mundane re ief . The vice of irreligion surging in ’ s n The fatal cur e of demonism s si . 242 THE PIETIST

Cognisant of their personnel he knew The aspect and intentions of the crew

Raiding Earth from Hell . With pen and print he undertook to warn

Compeers the wicked visitants to scorn ,

Encroachments to repel . Disdaining their ingratiating smiles

He religiously e schewed blasphemous wiles .

Their tirades against Heaven plied in vain of Upon the reason his pious brain , Of its goodness informed ; Their crass profanities madly declaimed Which angelic sovereign kings defamed n In ravi gs rancour stormed . of The prate irate devils envy , stirred

As crazy bluster to his sense occurred .

Molesting him in a phantasmal fight With weird weapons of mesmeric might

His sanctity to quench . s Fiends rent the pirit ether armature , Admittance to his person t o procure

With frequent hostile wrench , S narling anathemas like rabid hounds ,

In every b an word blasphemy propounds .


for Trustful prayer aid expressed in thought , hi s t A guardian angel to succour brough .

Parental deities his faith had pleased , The filial yearning of his soul appease d

With their supernal charm . Emerging closely from their obscure haze The loyal man in sympathy to raise

From fiendish alarm , The woe ful suffering of sad despair

To the kind solatium of angelic care .

Pleased with a human champion truly tried , Whose mood of martyrdom much gratified

Their sponsor trust . The heavenly judges impressed their seal Of sanctity which grants beyond repeal

Salvation to the just . on Whose Signet printed devoted minds ,

To their personage love sentiments binds .

By heavenly afflat u s rendered wise Salvation formed his acme of emprise ’ Life s private role . r for Though toiling ea nestly carnal bread , Supernal arbours visioned in his head

Became his favoured goal . Posthumous Paradise which as he neared

Brighter and better to hi s view appeared . THE PIETIST 245

It s sure efi ulgen ce on perception beamed A s kind efflu en ce on a soul redeemed ’ By God s parental grace .

Angelic visitants their guard conferred , Cheering hi s pilgrimage as man preferred ;

Scion of loyal race , Whose personal sp1r1t absolved from S 1n s s W a greeted with regard a moral kin .

Dear Angel cherished as supernal spouse

Became the matron angel of his house ,

Monitrix and friend , Vigour shedding from her ce lestial life Solatium bliss in an empyrean wife Conceded a’ s amend lo Heavenly seraph embodied in ve , an o Conducting her man to Eden ab ve .

’ Charmed with presence i nefl ably dear ' her To human affection as nuptial cheer

In temporal sojourn .

' With song of entreaty favour he sued From his queenly consort lovingly wooed ;

To exact her concern . Their union to wed in Paradise home ’ e e s a Wh n resurg nt he leaves mortality glo m . 246 PARADISE HOME

PARADISE HOME T o dwell with the blest of In His Heaven rest , Esteemed of o ur fostering Sire ; At thy womanly breast f o In a fecti n caressed ,

of t o Incense thy love inspire ,

Dear Angel is bliss I aspire .

In an Eden t o be Spousal seraph with thee Wed in ou r Paradise home In intercourse free Of communion that we

Avail in a clime without gloam ,

Shining from the empyrean dome .

of In a garden flowers , And arboreal bowers Yielding luscious fruits to regale ; n Duri g indolent hours , e o Where no toil ov rp wers , Nor age blights our vigour assa il ’ Waning life in eternity s vale .

248 PARADIS E HOME And to langour averse Our persons immerse In a stream the vicinity finds

s Where ablution our energie binds .

With angelic friends Our rapture transcends of The celestial measure glee .

Our worship ascends , And piously blends In anthems of homage that we t Obla e to sublime deity .

Of Father G od crowned s With His ble sing renowned , Filial guests in Hi s heavenly ga t e Where pleasures abound And plenties surround Blest happiness spirits elate ;

Who live in a glorified state .

Imperial planet of the astral chain Where God omnipotent exerts His reign Invulnerable is Immune in isolation from approach

Of subject worlds aspiring to encroach . Ini mical to His Supreme dominion in the uni verse s a Who e endless Sway no lien can reverse . PARADISE HOME 249

Animation by His Spirit is defined Hi s genius lightens universal mind ; s Sublime matrix of sen e . p Godhead immaculate whose moral code Afi ord s to all humanity a mode

Of holy innocence . Arbiter whose decr ees of judgment fate

A s or t . bliss , dread , life death on all awai

Rebellion allied with an astral horde Shall not withstand Hi s omnipotent sword a

But perish by its stroke . Sedition ra mpant in depraved mankind ai n e Ag nst divi ity advers ly lined , S hall by His wrath be broke , Who woos His favour shall in Heaven lie Hi s e n Who sues nmity shall wa e and die .

All human creatures His Sire Spirit hold By Hi s immortal parentage are souled Hi d And live by s esire . His live vis animates each virile heart Til' soul from body shall at death depart And unto God aspire ; Escaping from a mortal earthy thrall ; ’ e at a h s c ll Homing to H aven the F t er a , 250 REQUIEM


A H G OD t h O F T ER , y sage decree f Sounds kindly rom thy throne to me ,

Home to my Heaven come . Numbering years on your life page of Record the human span age ,

When wayworn men succumb ,

To wilted body , wearied Soul ,

And spirit homing from its goal .

G od s O Father , thy Paradi e Oft visions in my spirit eyes of Dreams elysian bliss . My labours holy angels 1bleS S ° My ills thy seraphim care ss

With cheerful word and kiss . of With sister pledge balmy love ,

And brother cheer with thee above .

' G od O Father , awaiting there Dwell honoured sire and cherished With kindred gone before ; Their dreamy voices echo near In words of loving praise to cheer The lost on e the y deplore Obey the blessed Saviour ’ s word

And come In honour to the Lord .