The Automatic Tool Co. The Automatic Tool Co. of South Norwalk, Conn., of South Norwalk, Conn., mUk-botU- Is prsparsd to fursiah inilk-boti- la eaps, plaia, Kaanfaetaraa a cappiag ma eh i a: ( waxsd or prim tad, at low sricss aai in quaatitiaa oliaa aaglaaa aad motors; develop, aad rt4nM to suit purchaser. apaeial maaJtuaarj. Factory Opposite Hast Norwalk R. R. Station. wtown Bee.. Factory Opposite East Norwalk R. R. Statics. VOLUME XXX., NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 11,. 1907. TEN PAGES. NUMBER 2. HOME NEWS. Ths-MeTBouni- e Cancer AT LIBRARY CORNER. A Ba.iK Cure Co CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH NOTES. Special R.conv 64 Bank St. , Derby, Ct., THE ANNUAI1 MEETING. Combination. Cure Cancer at their Sanatarlum and guar- Reductions in Suit Prices This Week. The annual meeting of the Congre- 1 a-r- t. i"orcelaln Lined Bath Tub (decorated antee a cure. also treat mild gational church, iThursday evening, positive They was well attended the Incle- wuive uunsiocoompieie wun all nlckle work) cases sores 21-In- and old at your home if desired despite 1 ch can ment weather. Tables were set and Porcelain Lavatory with and send you a blood medicine that wll Mid-Wint- er all nickle work to (complete cure Internal growth of all kinds. Corres- Annual Sale. presented an jnviting appearance, - floor.) - d $53- solicited. References given-Establishe- decorated with potted plants and par- 1 Low Down pondence gladly lor After the Rev R. Syphon Action Wa&b Down $53- for eight years. lamps. supper Just note the reductions in our suit prices They are E. Danforth, the pastor, called for the wood.) I annual reports. Arthur J. Smith, genuine reductions. You can take your pick from a splen- In substance This Combination ia a the - clerk, reported Special Offer. Our G u&rantee did stock that includes for this sea as follows: Twelve members back big everything right were to stands of the goods. Cut Flowers and son oi the ;, - .' added the roil the past year, year. four by confession and eight by letter. Write us for particulars. Funeral Designs. Yon can save money on everything you buy. Four have been dismissed or taken from the ranks by death. This makes , This sale includes both siDgle and double breasted 159. THE H. W. s JOHN RECK & SON, de- the total membership The pastor HOYTCO., 162 Oak St., 985 Main St., Bridgeport. suits. There are grays and fancy mixtures of every has performed two marriages, Richard Sanitary Plumbers. from or double breasted C. Harris and Emily Howes on April MesUoj Engineers, scription. Pick either single 18, and E. D. Briscoe and Mrs George V styles in short use your own judgment in selecting, at O. Banks on November 1. Death has 'Phone 253. DANBURY, COXN. 26 1 Main St reduced thiuk will be one claimed two of the members of the Professional Cards. prices, just the garment you you church, Mrs Abigail H. Wood and Mrs will best. ' Ross. has D. N. Clark, the hardware man of like Mary The pastor attended Shelton, has decided to close out h! windi.nq up the Pair. now : the funerals of five other persons not VV. J. The following special suit prices prevail members of the church. crockery depart meut and will sell the Beecher, naiance or his dinner and tea sets FAIR GROUNDS PROPERTY TO B K OFF SK- k ttobkkt-at-La- w, The treasurer of the benevolent sod 5 odd pieces at cost and less. is a IED T PtTBt-i- n AUCTION. Booms 25 and 28. Sanford 10.00 and 12.50 Suits now 7 98 funds reported as follows: This Bldg, Bridgeport. v good opportunity to get some big bar- Office In Newtown open on Saturdays from 9 15.00 Suits now 9 98 gains in this line of goods. Do not a. m. to 3.30 p. m kkcbipts:. misS the Kale. At. meeting of the directors or the 18.50 Suits now 13 98 Balance on Irand Jan. 1, 1906. $188 45 Newtown Fair Received from collections from W. Agricultural Oa., it A.LBKBT M. D. 20 00 Suits now 1498 327 05 John Behn and daughter, Mis wss voted to offer the Pair grounds L. SoHtlYLuKR, church, Lottie Behn.spent In at auction on March PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 25.00, 27.00 Suits now 18 Received from Y. P. S C. E., 106.90 Sunday Winsted. property public 50 Received tbe guests of Edward M. Piatt. 30, and a committee was appointed, Office over Newtown Savings Bank. 30 00. 35 00 Suits now from Sunday consisting of C G. Peck, Henry G. Hours: 810 a. m., 12.30 p. m. 23 50 school, 25 00 Curtis and O. B. Office phone No. 10. m - .Arthur Hawley of Bridgeport has Taylor to attend to 29-- 5. been House phone (Sandy Hook) $647.40 spending his vacation with bis the necessary advertising and conduct Hours at house. 5 7.30 p. m. Total, 9 parents, Mr and Mrs Hobart Hawley. the sale. Each of tbe 15 directors was DISBU RSEMEKTS: f In Hawleyvllle. assessed $14 35 to clean up the unpaid bills. F. J. Gajub, M. 1906 D., Miss-Biona- ry Judge of Probate William J. Beecher Jaa. 31, For American waa Office in the David Beers Residence, BRIDGEPORT. CONN Ass'n, $ 15.00 in Waterbury, Friday. Newtown Street. Cong'l Church Build- Mr and Mrs Edgar H. Beers and son 15 00 Miss Clara Webster of Shelton has of Brook field were tbe recent guests of Office 8 to 0 a. 1 8 and 7 to 8 m ing Society, n. Hours: m., to p been several with Mrs ber Mrs John tn Dodg-ingtow- Cong'l Educational Sarah spendingB. days mother, Ferry, Society, 15 00 Maynard. Db Walter H. Keksnan, The American Board 25 00 Mis- Physician akd Surqkon, Cong'l Home Strswit, Hook, Conn. sionary Society,; 25.00 The CONN. Sandy National Coun . briTpoIct. oil Louis C. Dentists, H. 8-- 7-- Albany OiUb-st- Office Hours: B a. m. j 1 to 2.30 and 8 p. m. rrr Rumsey, Tiumian - Ministerial Relief 18-- 3. 5.00 Crown Telephone: COTTON WOOL Fund, Representative to th Legislature ftom the Town of Redding. and Bridge Work. A Specialty. Feb. 5, Gen'L Conference of DRS CmjESTE A. Bknudiot, M. D. Cong'l Churches of RECTOR UHLB, PwftWwi. 4.90 Physician and Surgeon, ! Connecticut. ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY. 26 State Street, Conn Feb. 10, Pledge Cards, 1.50 FIRST Bridgeport, BLANKETS San Francisco Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. May 23, Cong'l ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS. After the Fair sold waaUtsr. This Office hours from 10 a n. to 13 m.. 2 to 4 p. m churches, 32.15 Suggests Jun. 11, Cong'l S. S. & Pub. The annual meeting of the First 69c to $10. society, Children's Ecclesiastical society was held on Mon- Dr Frank E. Judson, Dav. 6 41 day Dea Henry M. Smith was Horse Bli3.rvkets. As the says begin to laagthaa tha cola bagina to stresgthen. 18, 30.00 night. Dentist. bad stock 69c a July Hampton Institute, chosen moderator. Levi C. Morris, the See Us whsa is towm. Ton will stsss tottsr. 57 Center St., ; Bethel, Ooss. Our blanket is stroag ta warmth. Starting at Sept. 3, American Missionary an excel- ou ft4 for cotton blankets ia whits aad colors it goes bv sasy staps S. C. capable treasurer, presented Opposite M. E. Church. pair pries Ass'n. ( Y. P. lent report, showing total receipts of Office 8.30 12 and 1 to 8. to $10 for the fiaast California wool blankets ever shows ia this city. 33 25 27 hours: to At we've blaaksts E..) $1545 and a balance of $12.98. The (EL TlLIPHOKK, S21-- 5. $3.50 espacially worthy that Sept. 24, American Board, 15.00 officers elected were: w. W. STEVENS CO.. will last a dseads. os 287.00 -- (j pel Wagons, John J. 16 Ccam. Every blanket sold for what it is oottoa, three-quarte- rs eo Clerk, Northrop. Whits 5L, Dr F. A. just " Levi C. Morris. Scott, ona-quart- er Treasurer, ton, half cottoa, eattoa, or all wool. Total, $510 21 Society's Committee, C. B. Taylor, Dentist: Jan. 1, on $137.19 A. T. W. M. Lewis Block, Woodbury, Coaa. 1907, Balance hand, Nettleton, Reynolds.. Local For the Ladies' Aid society Mrs W. Auditor, Allison P. Smith. Telephone. M. Reynolds reported $182.56 raised, A committee of solicitors were ap- McLEAN BROS witl) a balance In the treasury of pointed consisting of L. C. Morris, H. A. O. .. M. J. McGown, Q., 221 Main 157. $32 55. Mrs Arthur J. Smith reported Smith, L. C. Nicholson and Dr F. OPTICIAN, St., Danbury. Telephone for the Ladies' Missionary society, J. Gale. George R. Wilson and L. O. The National Nicholson were elected members of Men City101-103-1- 05 Wall Bank, South Conn. H .Dt US m $105 94 raised For Street, Britain, J JM Jf, 3 JM JM an jm an j l J showing during the year, Eyes tested and glasses fitted at patrons j and an balance or $0.05. the society. The salary of the organ- - - - - CONN. Will unexpended - was from $75 to $100. BRIDGEPORT, home without extra charge. respond For the Sunday school Allison- -- Kx ist raised promptly to 'phone or postal card. the Smith, superintendent, reported Jfon ancrWomen. the amount of the collections for the a loaoca with wood got S DR. E. as $164.57. and of miredaturday night, the This mark identifies the Don't think that because yoa may live Isome distance from S.
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