Magazine Ibiza/2020

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Magazine Ibiza/2020 MAGAZINE IBIZA/2020 Our Team Our Story Market Study Island Guide Buyer’s Journey Experts Interviews Calendar Equipo Historia Estudio de Mercado Guía El Viaje del Comprador Entrevistas Expertos Calendario 1 Dear readers, ¡Queridos lectores! Welcome to our 2020 Prestige Properties Magazine! ¡Bienvenidos a nuestra revista Prestige Properties 2020! In light of the ever increasing need to move towards a more sustai- En vista de la creciente necesidad de avanzar hacia una forma de nable way of working, we have decided to limit our publications to trabajo más sostenible, hemos decidido limitar nuestras publica- only once a year to minimise paper waste and lessen the CO2 pro- ciones a solo una vez al año para minimizar el desperdicio de papel duced in every edition. Instead, we have decided to maximise this y disminuir la producción de CO2. En cambio, hemos decidido opportunity and to add some really fresh, interesting and relevant maximizar esta oportunidad y agregar contenido fresco, interesante content that you can always refer back to throughout the year. y relevante que podrá consultar durante todo el año. In other news, at the end of 2019 we published our brand-new website, which is clean, user friendly and offers optimal search and Como novedades, a finales de 2019 publicamos nuestra nueva pagi- navigation options. We hope it will make your experience easier na web: limpia, sencilla, ofreciendo opciones óptimas de búsqueda and more comfortable. y navegación. Esperamos que haga que tu experiencia sea más fácil Our rentals department has also seen a tremendous investment y cómoda. and expansion of luxury holiday villas available. So, if you are loo- king for a villa for your perfect Ibiza holiday; with over 200 proper- Nuestro departamento de alquileres también ha visto una tremen- ties in our portfolio, we are sure one of them will be right for you. da inversión y expansión de villas de vacaciones disponibles. Así que si estás buscando una villa para tus vacaciones perfectas; con Additionally, our eco-office-warriors have set out to improve and más de 200 propiedades en nuestra cartera, estamos seguros de maintain a sustainable working environment even further. From so- que una de ellas será adecuada para ti. mething as small as quitting our coffee capsule addiction, to opting for recycled paper also for our business cards, all the way to some Además, nuestros compañeros más concienciados con el medioam- of our staff moving onto Co2 reducing hybrid cars. biente se han propuesto mejorar y mantener un entorno de trabajo aún más sostenible. Desde algo tan pequeño como dejar nuestra With almost 40 years in passing, we are honoured to be Ibiza’s lea- adicción a las capsulas de café, hasta optar por papel reciclado ding real estate agents, not only in property selection and industry también para nuestras tarjetas de visita, hasta parte de nuestro expertise, but also in finding new and creative solutions to the personal que se muda a automóviles híbridos que reducen el CO2. ever-changing local and global challenges we all face. Con casi 40 años de experiencia, tenemos el honor de ser la agen- Our team of multilingual, experienced professionals is set apart cia inmobiliaria líder en el mercado de lujo en Ibiza, no solo en se- by their honesty, respect and a genuine love for our island. We are lección de propiedades y experiencia en la industria, sino también ever so proud of them, and, together, we look forward to leading en la búsqueda de soluciones nuevas y creativas para los desafíos Prestige Properties into the new decade of 2020. locales y globales en constante cambio que todos enfrentamos. Nuestro equipo de profesionales multilingües y experimentados se distinguen por su honestidad, respeto y un amor genuino por nuestra isla. Estamos muy orgullosos de ellos y, juntos, esperamos Pascale Dufournier Victor van Den Driessche llevar a Prestige Properties a la nueva década de 2020. (Founder and Director) (Sales Director & Partner) 2 3 PRESTIGE PROPERTIES OUR TEAM - NUESTRO EQUIPO Pascale Dufournier Victor Van den Driessche Marie Dufournier Sophie Thillier Founder and Director Partners and Sales Rental Agent Rental Agent Fundadora y Directora Director. Socio y Agente de Alquiler Agente de Alquiler Director de Ventas "Prestige Properties es "I love the spirit of our "Si quieres confianza, dilo amor, pasión y profesio- “I try to adapt to how team and the energy como es y no lo endulces" nalidad" the client feels, we are all between the generations" different...” Juliette Derville Nina Negru Aida Matei Sales Advisor Sales Advisor Photographer & Rental Agent. Asesora de Ventas Asesora de Ventas Ftógrafa y Agente de Alquiler "¡Para mí, ibiza es el "Be a team with your "Buying a home is a decision paraíso de Europa!" client: working together is taken with the heart" the road to success" Pieter Vlassenbroeck Anna Böttcher Alexandra Ostergaard Sales Advisor Product & Marketing Ma- Administration Manager Asesor de Ventas nager. Responsable de and P.A. Responsable de Producto y Markting Administración y P.A. "Trata a la gente con res- peto, sé genuino y disfruta "La sensación de estar "I feel proud be a part of de la vida" exactamente donde debes such a fantastic group of estar, no tiene precio" people " Lola Domínguez Inge Van Knippenberg Federica Horak Sales Advisor Sales Advisor Office Assistant Asesora de Ventas Asesora de Ventas Asistente de Oficina "In ibiza you never stop "El respeto, la honestidad y "La empatía es la clave discovering new places" la igualdad son los valores del éxito en nuestra que me impulsan" industria" 4 5 Ibiza Property Market Report and Forecast Typical Properties This property market report has been researched and Nationalities in the Area M2 Average Price Type provided by Prestige Properties Ibiza summarising trends over the Ibiza Property Market 2019 past 15 years, utilising statistics and impressions from both external and internal sources. The island of Ibiza has an exceptionally diverse culture attracting San Jose 300 2.200.000 € Villa many communities predominantly from across Europe as residents, The analysis draws upon data and figures of property sales and businesses, tourists and investors. International visitors accounted Ibiza Town 100 500.000 € - 1.000.000 € Apartment pricing received between 2004 and 2019, and covers house pricing for almost 80% of the total guests in Ibiza during 2019. monitored over the course of 2019. The continuation of international visitors and buyers is the driving demand in Ibiza real estate, proving to raise property values overti- Santa Eulalia 250 1.700.000 € Villa Property Market Price Curve me and inevitably improve the overall infrastructure and stability of the property market both in Ibiza and Spain. The real estate market in Ibiza has demonstrated a durable San Antonio 150 660.000 € Town House and stable rhythm in both consumers and house prices over the Although statistics for exact nationalities in the Ibiza Property past 10 years. Following the 2008 financial crisis, Ibiza Market are hard to assess, inevitably the British, French and German by comparison to anywhere else in Spain and much of Europe, are incredibly strong, with a marked increase in Belgium and Dutch North 500 2.900.000 € Country Home has exhibited an impressive recovery and a steady increase of both nationals investing more in property over the past 10 years. sales and prices. However, over the past two years, Ibiza has observed a slight decli- Prestige Properties Market 2019 ne in sales. This decline is reflective of recent developments within Ibiza is distinguished by many exclusive and high-end properties. In Conclusion the newly established planning permission laws here on the island. 2019 the Ibiza Property Market with Prestige Properties Ibiza calcu- and forecast lated an average price per sqm of 6.665 €. Regulations are now set to ensure all new properties are built under 320sqm in non-urban areas with new The housing market between each municipality naturally varies build licenses often proving quite hard to obtain and processes depending on the style and size of the property, the facilities, The observed international interest on the island has Recent studies have predicted a potential drop in being lengthy. Previously built properties on the market can often surrounding land, panoramic views and the cultural environment of resulted in an occurrence of a low ‘supply versus the Spanish Real Estate market between 5 and 10%. present legal issues and similar restrictions. While these develop- the area. high demand’, rendering the Ibiza property market Some areas in the Spanish property market will inevi- ments are very positive for the preservation and beauty of incredibly safe with extremely attractive values on a tably be strongly affected by the current crisis. Ibiza, it generally leaves a lack of available products. With the The area of San Jose demonstrates the highest demand with a global scale. strengthening demand for properties, we inevitably find an occu- multitude of modern, contemporary and luxurious villas which However, exclusive locations like Ibiza, are least rance of a low supply versus a high demand. fulfils many property requirements from international buyers with Following the recent international outbreak of likely to be moved and we expect to see a year with COVID-19, global markets may adopt a ‘wait and see’ increased opportunities and some swift sales, yet an average house price of 2.200.000 €. Opposed to any real estate crisis emerging, the Ibiza approach in the short term. However, although it is stable prices for the market in general. Property Market is seeing the value of existing luxury homes stam- Eivissa and San Antonio attracts buyers looking for apartments difficult to make predictions for the future at this ped as a rare product and even with early stage, demand has remained stable during this During the Covid-19 period, we have noticed an and terrace style housing which can range between 500.000 € - a dip in sales, the unwavering price curve continues to rise.

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