
TX 715 .C59

MODERN · COOKERY BOOK ODERN method s of cooking are far in advance of tho se used in M our forefath ers' tim e, or even 20 years ago. One of th e greatest advances of all is the introducti on of P YREX TR ANS PARENT OVEN WARE . No household is complete without it and the more modern and up-to-dat e it is th e more piece s of *PYREX will be found in it. And w hy ? Because it bas been pro ved that all food s actually bake better in PYREX . Many of th e m ost popula r everyday recipes for home ba king have been tested in the differe nt wares women most frequ en tly use. Prepare d with the same skill, baked at the same time und er identical conditions, th e va rious dishes were then examined and jud ge d on the basis of appearance, text ure and flavour. J n the se tests the PYREX-baked foods outrank ed all others. For there is so mething in the way PYREX utili ses heat that actually bakes food better. Scient ists give a ve ry learned explanation of why it is so ; but, put simpl y, it means that heat acts th ro ugh PYREX O VEN WARE more effectively than through metal ut ensils. This more effective heat, distrib utin g itself th ro ugh every part of the food, bakes bottom, sides and centre as even ly and perfectly as the top. Foo d may not on ly be coo ked in PYREX, but served in it as well. A ny hou sewife will appreciate what a saving of labour this means. o dishi ng up, only one set of uten sils to be cleaned afterwards, and the food lo okin g exqui site ly appetizing in the tran sparent glass. Numberless kitch ens already po ssess many pieces of PYREX , so me possess on ly a few. The object of this book is to show how there is one for almost every use, and also to be of help to the housewife. One shape could not be snit able for all things; but being made in every variety and size, a whole kitchen may be almo st entire ly equipp ed with PYREX an

I ~ ODERN methc M our forefather : advances of all OVEN WARE. No modern and up-to-date it is the more pieces of *PYREX will be found in it. And why ? Because it has been proved that all foods actually bake better in PYREX. Many of the most popular everyday recipes for home baking have been tested in the different wares women most frequently use. Prepared with the same skill, baked at the same time under identical conditions, the various dishes were then examined and judged on the basis of appearance, texture and flavour. ln these tests the PYREX-baked foods outranked all others. For there is something in the way PYREX utilises heat that actually bake s food bett er. Scientists give a very learned explanation of why it is so; but, put simpl y, it means that heat acts through PYREX OVEN WARE more effectively than through metal utensils. Thi s more effective heat, distributin g itself through every part of the food, bakes bottom, sides and centre as evenly and perfectly as the top. Food may not on ly be cooked in PYREX, but served in it as well. Any housewife will apprec iate what a saving of lab our this means. No dishing up, only one set of utensil s to be cleaned afterwards, and the food looking exquisite ly appetizin g in the transparent glass. Numberless kitchens already possess many pieces of PYREX, some posse ss on ly a few. The object of thi s book is to show how there is one for almost every use, and also to be of help to the housewife. One shape could not be suitab le for all things; but bein g made in every variety and size, a whole kitchen may be almost entirely equipp ed with PYREX an

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ve all 'been s1r, th 1S 'book ha. 1 Tbe :rec 1.pes n a suppl i ed 1n eomo oas o ed aJld tested QJ\4 thU College. prepa T Tee.cheTe 1n t>y the o,.?f':rt cookery pYRil. d.1sha B bav o been ln eve ry c:iee 1.sf actorY · . ve p-rove d cnt 1r£l1Y se.i .

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Recipes prepared by E . GLADYS CLARKE, Principal, ationa l School of Cookery, London.

Licensees and Sole Manufact urers for Great Britain and Ireland, Austra lia, New Zealand, South Africa, India and Egypt. PYREX DEPT. James A. Jobling & Co., Limited WEA R FLI NT GLASS WORKS SUNDERLAN D, ENG LAN D

PRINTED IN ENGLAND. COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL SPECIMEN OF COMPLETE MEAL COOKED IN PYREX Menu MACARONI Soup HAM AND PoTATO HoT-PoT BRAI SED CELERY WINTER FRUIT PUDDING SAVOURY CU STARD COFFEE HI S is only one of the many complete meals that may be cooked in PYREX-meals which will please the most critica l guest, not only in Tthe eating, but in the appearance on the table. There is no washing up of two sets of pot s and dishes afterwar ds, just those which have appeared-the same as the meal was cooked in, and that is all. By careful planning menus may be so arra nged that all the dishes may be put in the oven at once and baked in the same temperature together. This is especia lly easy where there is a gas or electric oven, so that the heat can be definite ly regulated. Dinner is the time when PYREX may be regarded as most useful-and not merely a few " set " dinner s may be cooked in it, but hundreds of different ones ; enough to give every possible variety. Breakfa sts and lunches are just as easily cooked and served in it. For breakfast bacon and eggs, mu sh­ rooms or tomatoes, sausage s, etc ., all gain in flavour by it s use and remain hot for the late arrival. Scraps and odds and ends may be used up for luncheons and delici ously served up in PYREX.

2 SOUPS Artichoke Soup Cabba,ge Soup Ingredients : Ingredients : 2 lbs. Jeru salem 1 quart white stoc k 1 cabbage Salt and pepper artichokes Yz pint cream 3 oz. rice Crusts of bread 2 oz. butter Pepper and salt 1 oz. butt er 1 onion 2 oz. gra ted cheese 6 pint s wa ter or stock Method: Method: Was h, peel and slice the vegetab les in lemon juice and water. Melt the butter in a stew­ Wash the cabbage in severa l wa ters. Shred pan, put in the veg etable s, and cook carefu lly very finely. Boi l the vegeta ble stock, or for abo ut five minute s, bein g careful the water, and put in the cabbage and onion cut vege table s do not br ow n. Add the stock, sma ll, salt, pepp er and butter. Wash th e rice and boil until the artichoke s are tender , then and add to other ingredient s. Cook gently rub them throu g h a hair sieve. Return the fo r about o/.it o 1 hour . Put in tureen a few soup to the saucepan, wa rm it up , add the pieces of crust of bread and pour over soup. cream, and it is ready to serve. Sprinkle th e gra ted cheese over the top. Macaroni Soup Milk Soup Ingredients : Ingredients : 4 oz . mac aro ni 2 oz . butter or 2 lbs. potatoes 1 Yz tabl espoo nful s 2 oz . grated cheese margarine ? leek s o r onions crus hed tapioca 3 pints water Salt 2 oz. butter 1 stick of celery, or Yz I pint milk teaspoonful celery Method: 2 quarts boi ling seed Break macaroni into small pieces and put on water Seasonin g to cook wi th fat and water. Cook till much over-coo ked and rather thick . Remo ve from ll'fethod: heat, coo l slightly, st ir in gra ted cheese, and Scrub, peel and slice the potatoes. Cut the serve at once. onions or leeks into slices. l\lelt the butter and fry the vegeta bles in it for five minutes, Sum1J1erLentil Soup then add the water and a little salt. Cook till Ingredients: the potatoes are in a mash, then rub th ro ugh a hair sieve. Add the milk, re-heat, season pint cooked gree n I sma ll carrot and to taste, sprinkle in the tap ioca. Cook till peas small turnip the tapi oca is clear, stir constan tly. Yz pint Egyp tian quart cold wate r lentil s 1 oz. butt er 1 sma ll onion Salt and pepper Tomato Soup M ethod: I'' Ingredients : uu LILI 2 lb. tin of tomatoes Seasoning v (use liquor and 1 oz. butter v tomatoes) Yz pint stock 1 carr ot, o nion and Yz oz. cornflour stick of celery 1 lum p of suga r Bunch of herbs N.B.-If fresh tomatoes are used, add 1 pint of stock to every pound of tomatoes, and a few dr ops of vinegar. l'vlethod: Slice the vegeta bles, cook them in the butter for 10 minutes, then add the liqu or, herbs, pepper , salt and sugar. Cook all until tender, Pass throu g h a hair sieve and thicken wit h the cornfl our, which should be mixed to a smooth cream wi th . a littl e cold water befor e adding. Sttr until it boils. Cook 10 minutes and serve.

3 OVAL CASSEROLE (Deep) No. 292-293-297-294-290. OVAL CASSEROLE (Shallow) No. 283-284-285 . ROU N D CASSEROLE (Shallow) No . 112- 113. Rou N D CASSEROLE No. 264-266-267-268-269-270. S QUARE CASSEROLE No. 800.

CASSEROLES HESE dishes are from tw o to thre e inch es deep with cover s. They are especially suit able for one dish meal s-mea ls for which it is desired T to cook meat or fish with vegeta bles, to gether with a made from their ow n juice. The covers are of great adva ntage in retaining all the flavo ur and should be kept on all the time the food is cooking, unle ss the top is reguired to be browned. In this case, the cover should be removed for a few minutes befor e the food is guite cooked, and when sufficient brownm g ha s been obtained, replace to keep th e food hot until it is served. If desired, a dish may be half or three-guarter cooked in the mornin g and then left to be finished off just before it is need ed for the meal. In thi s way th e housewife need neve r feel " tied," as she will know that a few minut es will be all that is reguired to prepare the meal on he r return. Fresh or cooked meat may be used in these cassero les, and fresh or tinned vegetables . Th e latter may be put in at once, or left till a few minute s before servin,g time . Stews used to be unp op ular- the y were rega rded as the coo king up of unappeti zing scrap s which had to be eaten. But cassero le cookery has turned the once unpopul ar stew into one of the most fav oured dishe s, and even th e cheapest cuts can be mad e deliciously tend er. The following are a few dishes espe cially suitabl e for PYREX Casseroles:- Po rk cho ps, macaroni and onions en casserole. Scalloped eggs and potatoes. Cassero le of beef, potato balls, carro ts and Old fow ls wit h vegetab les. peas. . Breast of guinea-fow l with York ham. Cassero le of chicken and tin y onions . B . d fill f b f Beefsteak en cassero le with mu shro o ms and Cra rse dedt. 0 ee · asparagus tips. ~eese. pu mg. Fish and potatoe s, onions or peas with Fish pre. tomato sauce. Scalloped ham and potatoes. Meat pie. Ham co oked with app le jelly and crumbs. And for puddin gs :- Baked custa rd. Baked tapi oca and app les. Rice puddin g. To name 011/ya je,v of the simpler variety. Ham and Potato Hot-Pot Celery Hot-Pot

ROUND OR Ov AL CASSEROL E ROUND OR OV AL CASSEROLE Ingredients : Ingredients : Y2lb. cooked ham % pint tomato or I sma ll onion I oz. butter I lb. cooked potatoes brown gravy. I head celery Salt Seasoning to taste 3 tomatoes Pepper Method: I tin corn Remove fat and cut ham into large dice. Method: Put in PYREX casserole. Season and pour Melt butter in saucepan. Chop onion finely over the sauce. Cover with thinly-sliced and fry without browning. Put in a PYREX potatoe s. Cover and bake slowly. casserole. Add corn, tomatoes skinne d and cut into sq uares, and celery was hed and cut up. Season well. Cover and bake in Spinach and Tomatoes a moderate oven. ROUND OR OVAL CASSEROLE Ingredients : 3 lbs. spinac h 2 tablespoonfuls of Casserole of Oxtail 2 tomatoes (peeled) buttered crumbs LARGE ROUND OR OVAL CASSEROLE Salt, pepper Method: Ingredients : oxtail I teaspoonful mixeJ Wash and pick the spinac h leaves, and cook 2 sma ll onions herbs in the usual way. Season the cooked I carrot I qt. thin brown sauce spinach and put in a greased PYREX dish. Cover with thick slices of tomato. Season Sauce: and sprinkle with crumbs and bake 20 4 oz. flour I quart stock minutes. Serve with horseradish sauce. 4 oz. butter Method: Wash and cut the tail into joints. Put into A Si111pleHorseradish Sattce cold water and bring up to the boil. Wipe and Ingredients : trim away fat. Put into a PYREX casserole. 2 oz. butter I dessertspoonful Sprinkle lightl y with salt, add the brown I oz. flour lemon juice sauce. Cover and allow to simmer 74pint milk 2 tablespoonfuls grated in a slow oven for 3 hours. To I yolk of an egg horseradish make the sauce, melt the butter, Salt, pepper, cayenne brown the flour, add stock and stir till Method: boiling. Add season ­ Blend flour with I oz. of melted butter. ing. Replenish with Add seasoning and milk and bring to boil. sauce as required. Cool, and stir in yolk and butter gradua lly, lem on juice and horseradish.

Braised Celery SHALLOW OvAL CASSEROLE i'vlethod: Wash, separate and cut up I head of celery. Blanch 3 minutes in boiling salted water and drain. Place in casserole with finely-sliced onion. Season and pour over I pint of boiling stock. Cover and bake I hour. Pour off stock, reduce to half quantity and coat over the celery. 5 O VAL CASSEROLE (De,p) No . 292-293 -297-294-290 . Rou ND CASSEROLE No . 264-266-267-268-269-270. CovERED ENTREE D1SH No. I IO. OVAL CASSEROLE (Sbalioiv) No . 283-284-285.

CASSEROLES AND COVERED VEGETABLE DISHES HE doub le vegetable dish copied from the expen sive silver dish with T two division s, so often seen, is both tastefu l in design and extremely useful-infinitel y more useful than the silver variety, as it can be used for both cooking and serv ing, and is easily cleaned. The se casserole s, for keeping vege table s hot or finishing them off, will soo n prove thei r value. l\fost store s now stock E .P.N.S. holders or silver frame s for PYREX casseroles and the y make mo st delightful gifts for weddings or birthda ys. For vegetables the following are a few examples of what may be cooked in them:- Baked onions. Jeru salem artic hoke. Mashed potato. Asparag us and olives au g ratin . Po tatoes au grat in. French or kidne y beans. Braised celery . CauliAowe r and cheese.

Needle ss to say they also lend them selves admirably to puddings : Apple pie wi th wh ipped cream. Cab inet pudding . App le tapioca. Scalloped app les. Rice and tapioca. Barones s puddin g. Bread puddin g . Being deeper than the casseroles on page 4 th ey may be used for the same dishes, when th e shallower cassero le doe s not hold sufficient for the fami ly. Or for furth er varieties the following sugges tions will prove useful :- Boiled chicken. Veal and ham pie. Lyonna ise tripe. Mock sweetb reads. Cassero le of veal and ham . Cottage pie. Chicken, stewed. Chicken pie . Cassero le of rice and lamb. Pigeo n pie. 6 Baked Vegetable lvlarroiv Chicken and Spinach au Cratin


PYRE X No. 11O Ingredients : Cut marrow in small pieces. Remove peel 4 oz. sliced chicken \12 pint milk and seed s. Blanch in bo iling water thr ee I lb. coo ked spinach Y2 pint cream o r un- minu tes. Season, and lay in a butt ered i oz. fat swe etened milk PYREX d ish, alternat ely with four rasher s I oz. Ao ur Y2 oz. breadcrumb s of bacon cut in small squares, and cov er. Y pint chic ken stock Seasoning Bake in a moderate ov en till tender. Remov e 4 lid and crisp the baco n . Method: Melt fat, add Aour. Stir in all th e liquid Vegetables in P)' rex except cream . Boil fo r five minut es, then add cream. Place altern ate layers of spinach, OV AL OR R OUN D C ASSE RO LE chicken , sauce and seaso n ing in a PYREX dish. Sprink le ove r with crumb s and Ingredients : bake till brow n. 1 lb. sprou ts Salt, pepp er Y2 oz. butt er Chopped par sley 1Hethod: Beef en Casserole Prepare and bo il sp routs till tend er in boiling salted water. Drain and put in cassero le RO UND OR O VAL CASSE RO LE o r coco tte dishes, wit h butt er, pepper and salt. Place in oven very h t, and sprinkl e Ingredients : with par sley. Other suitab le vege tables I lb. beef pieces Po tato balls are small carr ots, turnip s, onions, beans, 1 large carr ot Y2 pint stock cuc umber s, beets, tomat oes . l onion Salt, pepper l stick celery 2 oz . fat Y2 p int tinned 2 oz. flo ur Baked Potatoes or Potatoes to matoes Yzlb . French bean s in Jackets Method :

PYR EX No. 110 Put in P YREX casse ro le, beef and carro ts cut in dice, onion and celery chopp ed, l11gred1en/s : tomat oes, seaso nin g and stock . Cover and 1 lb. potatoes Salt bake one ho ur. !\lake I oz. butter Pepper brow n roux of fat and Aour, stir into casse role. Method : Add potatoes cut in balls Wash potat oes. Prick with a fork and or cubes, and coo ked place on PYREX dish. Bake in a moderate beans. Co ver and bake till oven till soft . Cut across each potato and pu t potatoes are tender (abo ut in a piece of butt er, salt and pepper. Return 30 minut es). co ov en fo r a te w minute s, then serve at once.


PYR EX CASSE ROLE Ingredients : Yzpint meat stock 2 oz. beans (coo ked) 6 oz. chick en, veal 1 dessertspoo nful flo ur or cooked meat Seaso nin g l carrot, turnip, onion aod leek (coo ked) Method: Cut meat and coo ked veg etab les int o small pieces. Re- heat with stock and seaso nin g. Thicken with flour mixed with Y4pint of stock . Serve in PYREX dish with sipp ers of toa st.

7 P UDDINGD1 SH No. 463-464 -465-466-467. PUDDINGDISH ROUND (ShalloJ11)No. 132-155. P uDDING D1sH WITH H ANDLES No. 450 . PUDDING D1sH SQUARE No. 800.

OPEN PUDDING DISHES HESE are similar in size and shape to the casserole s, but have no covers. TThey are most suitable, therefore, for foods which require browning, and which need a certain amount of moi sture to evaporate them to the right con­ sistency. They have this big advantage over the ordinary cooking utens ils­ it is pos sible to see through their side s how the cooking is progressing, and one is not apt to be led astray by the early browning of the top. They are excellent for all scalloped dishes, small roasts, custards, puddings and souffies. It will be found that the flavour is greatly enhanced from being cooked in glass. The following are a few suggestions for their use :- Macaroni and chee se, w ith white sauce and Scalloped chicken and spinach . buttered crumbs. Custard souffie. Rice with white sauce and cheese. Cheese fondu. Scalloped oyste rs. Prune souffie. Scalloped cabba ge . Cheese souffie. Scalloped onions. Chocolate souffie. Cauliflower au gra tin. Fruit souffie. Potato and celery scallop. The se open puddin g dishes are also mo st useful and decorative for servi ng fruit shapes, mo ulds and cold pudding s of all descriptions. Fru it stewed in PYREX retain their natural colours. Moreover, especially in the case of fruit shapes, it is possib le tastefu lly to garnish the bottom and sides of the dish, as the PYREX is transparent. There are innumerable variations of such dishes, as :­ Boiled custard on baked apples . Pine ap ple cream. Bo iled chocolate custar d on nut meringue. Lemon jelly. Boiled custard on stale cake or sponge Choco late Charlotte russe. fingers. Charlotte russe with cherries. Caramel custard w ith nuts. Oran ge jelly. Coffee custard with whipped crea m. Pineapple jelly. Blancman ge. J\facaroni cream. Rice custard w ith merin g ue. Savarin trifle. Tapi oca custa rd with mar shmallow s on top, Claret jelly. toasted until br ow n and puffed . Gin ger cream s. 8 Cauliflower au Crat in Hot Cabinet Pudding

PYREX No. SOOs Puoor NG DI SH No . 465 OR 450 Ingredients : Ingredients : l cauliflower I heaped teaspoo nful 6 oz. stale spon ge I pint milk % pint white coatin g gra ted cheese cake 2 eggs sauce 2 oz. breadcrumb s 2 oz. cherries o r I teaspoo nfu l van illa teaspoonfu l of I oz. melted butter o ther fruit essence mustard Seasonin g to taste 1 oz . sugar M ethod: Lllethod : Butt er a I quart P YRE X pudding dish . Cook cauliflower in bo iling salted water Fill with alternate layers of cake cut into until almost tender. Drain , put in PYR EX small dice, and fruit. Beat up the eggs, dish and coat with white sauce. Sprinkle add milk and suga r, and vani lla essence. wit h butt ered crumbs and cheese. Bake till Strain ove r the cake and bake in a moderate brown. ove n about % to I hour unti l firm. Serve hot with jam sauce. Bread and Butter Pudding ] a/Jl Saztce PYREX No . 450 OR 465 Ingredients : Ingredients : 1 oz. castor suga r I tablespoonfu l jam 3 slices of bread 4 oz. sugar % pint water Y2 teaspoonfu l lemon and butt er 2 oz . currants juice I egg 1 % pints of milk Method: Put the sugar and water int o a P YREX Method: No. 450 and sti r till the sugar is melted; Grease a PYREX pie-di sh . Put in alternate boil and reduce to syrup , stir in the ram, layers of bread and butter and currants. and, when well mixed, stir in the lemon juice: Beat together egg, sugar and milk, and po ur let it boil up . ove r. Bake in a slow oven fo r 30 minut es. Mashed Potato 1J)ith Cheese

Scalloped Fis/; PYREX No. SOOs

PYREX No. 450 or 465 i\lethod: l,,gredie11/s : Pile mashed potato in a PYREX cassero le I tin fish, or y2 lb. I ha rd-boiled egg, cooked fish sliced dish. Sprinkle I oz. butt er 3 sticks choppe d celery wit h grated Par ­ I oz. flour 1 teaspoonful white mesan cheese . % pint milk cru mb s Put pieces of % pint fish stock Seasoning butt er on top I slice finely chopped onion and bake until brow n. Method: Melt butter and cook on ion and celery in it without brow nin g. Add the flour, then stock , milk , and season ing, boil well. Arra nge alternate layers of fish, egg and sauce in a P YREX dish. Sprinkle with fresh crum bs and melted butte r. Bake in a hot ove n unti l bro wn.

9 BAKI N G 01SH ROUND (Shallow) No. 1~5. Ov.'IL Prn D1sH No. 400-402-403-404-405-406-407. OBLONG PIE OrSH No. 145-146-147.


HESE dishes are from one to two inches deep ; they are therefore T especially desirable for foods that have been cooked and need only to be quickly heated and browned on top. Left-over mashed potato and other vegetab les or bits of meat and fish with white sauce or gravy are given an entirely different character if they are baked in one of these dishes for a few minutes. A crisp, crusty top of buttered crumbs or grated cheese or mashed potato over a tasty creamed mixture can easily be secured, for example:-

Scalloped 6sh with pimento and white Tomatoes stuffed with crumbs. sauce. Tomatoes stuffed with ham or ot her meat. Meat croquettes. Tomatoes stuffed w ith bacon, olives and Egg croquettes with mashed potat o border. crumbs. Mashed potato with whipped cream and Baked stuffed potatoes. grated cheese. Cheese balls. Fish croquettes with tomato sauce. Toasted cheese. Lamb chops and potatoe s. Bananas baked with lemon juice or currant Pork chops and baked app les. jelly. Baked tomatoes, plain or with white sauce. Baked apples. For croquettes there is none of the unplea sant smell and labour of deep fat frying, and a beautiful crisp covering of go lden brown is easily obtained.

Chops and vegetables can be baked together in the oven, turning them over once or twice. For many kinds of cheese dishe s they are unsurpassed. For example : cheese pie, macaroni and cheese, rice and cheese. All th ese dishes are easily served as they have only to be taken straight from the ove n to the table.

I O .Stujfed Onions Shepherd's or Cottage Pie

PIE DISH PYREX OvAL PIE D r sH Ingredients : Ingredients : 5 onions 2 oz. breadcrumbs Yzlb. cooked meat Salt and pepper 2 oz. cooked chicken i\li lk or sauce to mix I lb . cooked potatoes Gravy or stock veal or minced Brown crumbs cooked meat Brown sauce Method: Method: Mince the meat, mix with pepper and salt Peel the onions and boil for lO minute s. and moisten with gravy or stock ; put into Carefu lly remove centre from the root end a PYREX baking dish. Mash the potato of onion. Chop the chicken, mix with and moisten with a little milk and season. breadcrumbs, pepper and salt, and bind Pile on to the meat. Brush over with fat with a little sauce. Fill the centres of the or egg and bake in a hot oven until hot and oni :ms with the mixture. Place on a brown on the top. About half-an-hour. greased PYREX dish and bake in a moderate oven till tender. (About 1 hour). Serve with the sauce round. Apple Pie Winter Fruit Pudding PYREX OVAL PIE DISH

PYREX OBLONG PIE DISH Ingredients: Cold water Ingredients : Yz lb. flour 4 oz. margar ine and I lb. apples I Yzoz. sugar I oz. peel lard 3 oz . sugar 2 oz. cake crumbs 2 Yzoz. figs, dates or Pinch of salt Pinch of nutmeg % teaspoonful baking raisins powder 2 eggs Aletbod: Method: l\fake short crust pastry . Line PYREX Mix the sugar, crumbs, bakin g powder and plate with pastry. Fill plate with alter­ fruit, cut into small piece s. Add the yolks nate layers of apple and sugar. Cover with of eggs and fold in the whites beaten stiffly. strip s of pastry laid on criss-cross. Wet Bake in a greased shallow baker in a slow edges of pie and cover oven for about 30 minutes. Serve with with strips of pastr y. whipped cream, if liked. Bake 30-40 minutes in moderate oven. Fish au G'ratin

PYREX OVAL PIE DISH Ingredients : 6 whitings I oz. butter Lemon juice 1 oz. flour · Milk-browned % pint fish stock breadcrumbs I teaspoonful lemon teaspoonful juice , or essence Method: Cut, fillet or truss the fish, brush with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Let it stand 10 minutes. Dip in milk and roll in bread­ crumbs . Place in buttered PYREX au gratin dish. Bake 10 minutes according to size. Make a sauce of butter, flour and stock. Add , lemon juice, salt and pepper. Pour round the fish and serve.

II Au GRATIN D1sH FRENCH P ATTERN No. 331-332. 1\u CRATIN D1 s H SMALL StZE No. 330. Ro uND DrsH WIT H H ANDLES No. 30 1-302.


H ESE dj shes are less than two inches deep and are especially useful for T serv ing, as the ears are both artistic and convenient to handle. They are admirably adapted for cooking eggs, or small fish with sauce, and crumbs spr inkled on top. lf desired, mashed potatoe s may be used in stead of the crumbs.

Au gratin dishe s are usuall y serve d with w hite sauce, sprinkled with bread crumbs (buttered) till brown. The sauce can be made with milk, or part milk and part chicken stock, and then gra ted cheese may be mixed with the sauce or buttered crumbs, or sprinkled on each layer.

Di shes of trus character are especially attractive cooked ill PYREX.

Potatoes au grat in. Chicken and mu shroom s with mashed Potatoes with cheese and pimento. potatoes ; o r cooked veal or roast pork Jerusa lem artich okes au gratin. instead of the chicken. Scalloped spinach and tomatoes. Fillets of flounder with cheese sauce. Smelts au gratin. Eggs cooked with oysters . Eggs in bread sauce . Macaroni with white sauce seaso ned with table sauce. Shirr ed eggs in crumbs. Eggs on toast. Shirred eggs in white sauce . Plovers' eggs on toast with potato cakes. Shirred eggs in tomato sauce. Mashed potato nests with eggs. Shirred eggs w ith chicken livers . Corned beef hash with eggs. Tinned salmon and potatoes.

Eggs with bacon or ham, or in omelette s baked and served, untorn and perfect, in a PYREX eared di sh, look more appetizing-are more delicate and delici ous than ever before.

I2 White Sattce Chicken and Mushroo/1/Potato Pie

Ingredie11/s : OV AL OR RO UND EARED DI SHES 1 oz . butter Y2 pint milk 1 oz. Aour Salt, pepper lngredie11/s: ,Hethod : 10 oz. cooked 1 tablespoonful Melt butter, add Aour and seaso ning. \'v'hen chicken chopped par ley smooth add milk, slow ly stirrin g until it 1\ little chopped ~2 pint w hite sauce boils . Cook 3 to 5 minute s after boiling mushroom, ham, Pepper and salt point . or hard-bo iled 1 lb. mashed potatoes egg Scalloped Rice and Sal1J1on ,1/etbod : Cut chicken into dice. f\lix chicken, mush­ O VAL EARED DI SH rooms, etc., sauce and season ing. Place in Ingredients : P YREX a·J gratin dish. Spread with three ­ 4 oz. rice 2 tablespoonfuls quarters of the mashed potatoes. Pipe I tin salmon butt ered crumb s remainder of potatoes round the edge with \ 2 pint milk Salt and pepper rose fo rcer. Brn sh wit h egg and bake until Lem on juice, nutmeg brown. ,\Iethod: Blanch and parb oil 4 ounces of rice. Drain Attbergine a11 Cratin and cook in milk until liqu id is absorbed. Stir in Aaked salmon and seasoni ngs. Turn Ov .1L EARED DISH int o grease d PYREX dish, CO\'er with Ingredients : crumbs, and bake until brown. I aubergine or 2 eggs beaten marrow, or % teaspoonfu l salt Savottr_J' Custard cucumber Pinch of cayen ne 2 oz. butter Few drops onion juice O vAL OR ROU N D EARED DI SHE S 2 oz. breadcrumbs Ingredients : i'vlethod : 2 oz . macaroni 1 2 teaspoonful salt 1 3 oz. cooked ham I teaspoonfu l mu sta rd Peel aubergine; cut across in slices .1 in.

3 1 pint milk Pepper thick. Blanche and boil in salt wate r till 3 eggs tender, 20 to 30 minutes. Strain and rub Method: through sic,c. dd all ing redient s. Place in Boil the macaroni in salted water and put PYREX au gratin at the bottom of a PYR EX dish, cover with dish. Sprink le finely chopped ham. Beat up the eggs, add with breadcrumbs milk. Sprinkle the seaso ning over the ham, and pats of butter. stra in the custard over and bake in a moderate Bake till brown. oven unt il firm.

Vegetables att Grati11 PYREX No. 331-332 I11gredie11ls: Yzlb. cooked I hard-boi led egg vegetab le II:!pint wh ite sauce 4 olives, stoned and 2 tab lespoonfuls grated sliced cheese Method: Half fill a small greased dish wit h any cooked or tinned vegetab les. Sprink le with o lives, seasoni ng and hard-boi led egg . Cover with sauce and spr inkle with grated cheese. Bake until brown. r 3 PYRLX Platter PYR tX Oval Eared Dtsh Baked Fillers of Fish Bacon and Eggs

PYRE X Roun d assero le Beef L:n Cassero le

PY REX Squa re Pu dding D ish PYREX Bean Pot Caul iflowe r Polonaise Baked Beans

PYRl. X Pie Di sh PYR EX' Cake D ish .t\ pplc Pie Choco late Layer Cake

PYREX Covered I ntrcc Di sh Baked Vegerabic i\larro\\' \\'ith PY REX Ramekins and Tray Bacon Shrimps \u Crat in

PYREX Utility D ish P\'R I ·.X Biscuit Pan Baked Ham Cheese Pudding BR EA D P AN No. 213-2 12-2 14. UTILITY DI SH No. 23 1-232. BISCUIT P AN No. 234-235 .

BREAD, BISCUIT AND UTILITY PANS H E RE is not hing more delicious than home-made br ead and cakes ; T th ese PYRE X dishes have been especially desig ned for th ose who are accu stomed to do th eir ow n baking . Fo r th ose wh o ha ve not previo usly done so, a tri al will convince th em that no cook in g can equ al th eir own . Biscuit s also are exqui site when coo ked in P YREX. Br ead and rolls become a go lden brow n, and as th e cru st can be seen throu gh the sides of th e glass before remova l, th ere is no dange r of not sufficientl y cook ing them. W hite bread. Nut bread. Raisin bread. Rolls. Muffins. Rye brea d. W hole meal bread. are all wi thin the scope of those who ow n these bread pans. Th e P YRE X bread pan is also suitable for meat loaf or any kind of cold moulded m eat, and on acco unt of its tra nspar ency is very easy to decorate ro und th e sides. Small joint s may be roas ted in th e Utilit y dish. T he fo llowin g are a few exa mples :- Roas t lo in of lamb. Soused herr ings, mackerel an d hadd ock Roas t lo in of po rk. (sma ll). Roas t fillet of beef. i\!ou lded salmon salad. Mou lded chicken. Hamburg loaf. Bake d halibut. Veal loaf. Roas t ch icken. Beef and pimento loaf. Mea t pie. Nu t loaf. Baked app les and oth er fruit s, th e jui ce of w hich sho uld not come in contact with meta l, may be cooked in the Ut ility dish and ga rnished as desired, without los ing their shape. Th e biscu it and Utility pans are suit able for any of the following: - Hot gingerbread with whippe d cream. Cottage pud dings (wbich may be cut into Hot gin gerbread with bananas . squares on the dish) with straw berry, 1\pp le dump lings. orange or choco late sauce. App le snowba lls. Cottage puddings wit h whippe d crea m . 16 Cheese Pudding Bread PYREX BISCUIT PAN PYR EX No. 212 Ingredients : Ingredients : 2 oz. breadcrumbs I slice bread and butter 1% lbs. flour I teaspoonful sugar 3 tab lespoonful s 1 egg Yzoz. yeast I 'Yipint s water grated cheese Cayenne, salt and Yz 2 teaspoo nfu ls salt % pint milk teaspoonfu l musta rd ivfethod: M ethod: Cream the yeast and sugar until liquid. Add the tepid water. Put the flour and salt Pour egg and milk on to crumbs. Add into a large basin. lVlake a well in the season ing and half the cheese. Pour into centre and stra in in the yeast and water. buttered PYREX dish. Lay slice of bread Work in a little flour and set to sponge for and butter on the top. Sprinkle ove r 20 minute s. Work in all the Aour and knead the remainder of cheese. Bake till set and well. Cover with clean warm cloth and brown. set to rise for 2 hours. Knead wel I on Fig Buns a Aoured board . Half fill a warm greased B1s cu 1T P A , PYREX No. 235 PYREX bread pan with dough and allow to rise till double the size. Bake in hot Ingredients : ove n for 50 minute s. 10 oz. Aour 2 oz. lard o r melted Pinch salt fat 1 teaspoo nful of 2 oz. casto r sugar ChocolateBiscuits cream of tartar I egg PYR EX B1s cu 1T P AN % teaspoonfu l % pint milk 1ugredients : bi-carbonate I teaspoonful fig 6 oz. flour I egg of soda filling 3 oz. butter I teaspoo nful of i'vlethod: 2 oz. suga r vanilla Butter a bakin g dish . Pass the flour thr ough 4 oz. grated I dessertsp oo nful milk a sieve with the salt and cream of tart ar and chocolate bi-carbonate of soda. Rub in the butter , Method: lard , or dripping . Add the fruit and sugar. Rub butter into flour; add sugar. Dissolve Beat up the eggs and add the milk. Add gra ted chocolate in milk . Mix disso lved the eggs and milk to the dr y ingredients. chocolate, egg and vanilla essence . Add Mix all lightl y but thoro ughly. Turn on liquid to butt er and flour and mix into a stiff to a floured boa rd ; divide into equal-sized dough . Stamp out into biscuits, if liked , pieces ; make into shapes, handling as littl e leave to sta nd fo r an hour or two. Bake in as possible . Put a small quantity of fig a slow ove n until crisp. filling on each piece and fold it in . Put on to a PYREX baking plate and bake in Stuffed Tomatoes a quick oven for 20 minute s. UTrLITY Dr s H 1ugredients : Fig Filling 6 large firm Salt, pepper Ingredients: tomatoes I oz. melted butter 2 oz. breadcrumb s Yz oz. cooke d ham ~ lb.fig s 3 table spoon fuls water 3 tablespoonfuls % tablespoonful Method: suga r lemon juice Remove thin slice from stem end of tomatoes. Method: Scoop out seeds and pulp and d rain. l\!easure Chop figs and put ingre dient s into saucepan . pulp and add eq ual quantity of breadcrumbs, Boil for two minut es, stirrin g all the time. also finely-chopped ham . Season with salt and pepper. Refill toma toes, place in PYRE X bakin g dish. Baking Poivder Scones Sprinkle with mixture UTILITY Dr sH OR B1 scu rT PA N of raspings and (PYREX No. 232 OR 235). butter. Bake in 1ugredients : modera te oven % lb. flour 2 oz. mar gari ne till tender. I Yztable spoo nfuls Y-i,to % pint milk baking powder I oz. currant s Yzteasp oo nful salt Method: Sieve flour, baking po wder and salt. Rub in the fat, then mix with milk to a soft dough. Add currant s. Roll out Yzin . thick and cut scones wit h cutter. Place on grease d pan and bake 12 minute s in a hot ove n. I N DIVIDU AL BAKI NG DISH ES CusTARD CuPS No. 42 1-422-423. CUSTARD Cups (Tall) No. 452-453-455. I DIVIDUA L CASSEROLE No. 424. RAMEKI NS No. 432-442. No. 264. No. 426 .

CUSTARD CUPS , RAMEKINS AND SMALL BAKERS USTAR D S are always popular for the puddin g course, whether to be eaten by them selves or with fruit; and PYREX custard cups are C excellent for these. Plain custards may be cooked in them, and if desired, fruit may be moulded in them, forming separate dainty dishes for each person. They may also be used for small pudding s and meat dishes, such as: - Ginger Charlotte. Caramel Cha rlot te. Chicken ru sse. Butte rscotc h Bavarian cream. Coffee sponge. Snow pudding. Chocolate mould. as well as different flavoured junkets, with or without whipped cream. Ramek ins are frequentl y used for serving a special course -ea ch member of the party being served with one. The y are invaluable for a famil y who se members require meal s at different time s ; or, if tastes differ, one ramekin may hold one food and one another kind. Yet, all may be mad e to look alike by the use of sauce and bread crumbs. And should there be an invalid, a rameki n is just the thing for sending up to the sick room. The food arrives hot and succulent instead of-as is so often the case-being cold and unpalatable. The following are a few of the dishes especia lly suitab le for ramekins :- Creamed crab . Chopped egg. Creamed lobster. Cream chicken. Asparagu s tip s au gr atin . Chopped lamb in gravy . . Sweetbreads, creamed, with or with out Macaroni cheese. mushrooms. As with other PYREX dishes, the food may be made read y and partly cooked in the mornin g, leaving only the heatin g up to be done in the evening. The small baker s may be used where lar ger helpings are required than is po ssible in the ramekin s. For instance, if it is only a one or tw o-course meal, the ramekin wou ld hardly be lar ge enough and the small baker may be called into use. 18 Stuffed Lobster au Cratin Bak ed Batt er Pudding PYREX RAMEKINS PYREX CUSTARD CUPS Ingredients : Ingredients : I lobster 1 de6sert spoo nfu l 2 oz. flour 1 teaspoo nful melted 1 tablespoonful chopped par sley pint milk butt er white sauce 1 table spoo nful Yz Y4te aspoo nful salt 1 egg 2 shallots chopped tarrago n 1 oz . raisin s I oz. butter 1 tab lespo onful cream M ethod: Fried parsley M ethod : Sift flour and salt int o bow l. Add milk Chop the fish coarsely and mix it with the slow ly, beatin g till smoo th . Add butt er other ingredient s. Fr y the shall ot in butter and well-be aten egg. Add fruit. Beat until it is a g olden-brown colour , th en add mixture fo r 2 minut e , turn int o well­ it to the mixture. When quite hot put it g reased PYRE X custard cup s, and bak e in into PYREX dishe s, sprinkle w ith brow ned a hot ove n 15 minut es until well risen, crumbs and butter. Re-he at it in the ove n , then lowe r tempera tu re until firm at centre. or may be served on shells whi ch should Ser ve with go lden syrup , if liked . be washed and g reased with butter . Serve on folded paper and garnish with plenty Buttered Cru!llbs of fried pars ley. PYREX RA~IEKINS Baked Eggs M ethod: Melt Yzoz. bu tter in a pan and stir in PYREX RAMEKINS 2 tablespoo nfu ls breadcrumb s until coated M ethod : w ith butter. Butter PYREX ramekin di shes . Break o ne egg into each, season and add Yzt ablespoo n­ ful milk o r cream. Cov er with sof t bread­ Shrilllps a11 Cratin crumb s mixed with quart er as mu ch melted PYREX No . 432-442 butter and g rated cheese. Bake in a modera te oven till whites are firm and crumb s are b row n. Ingredients : % pint white sauce Yzpin t picked shrimp s Dressed Crab I tablespoo nful 4 whole shrimp s H arvey sauce 2 tab lespoo nfuls dr y PYREX RAMEKINS Yzte aspoo nful very crumb s Ingredients : finely chopp ed Yzoz. marga rine I crab onion Chopped par sley Fo r Deco ratin g : P :nch celery salt Cayenne pepper 1 Yzoz. co ral bu tter I Y2 oz. g reen herb I Yzoz . butt er butt er Method: Fo r Dress ing : Heat sauce, add to it the Harvey sauce, onion, 2 tablespoo nful s o il Y tablespoo nful celery, salt, pepper and shrim ps. Turn into 2 4 butt ere d ramek in d ishes, sprin kle wi th Y2 tablespoo nful Ta rrag on vinegar vinegar Yzt easpoo nful made butt ered crum bs, and bake 15 minute s in a Yztabl espoo nful mu sta rd hot ove n. Put one wh ole Chilli vinega r Salt and pep per. shrimp in the cent re of each and a Method: bor der of parsley Mix the ils, vinega rs and seaso nin g. Break ro und the edge. off the legs and claws o f the cra b and remove the flesh with a skewer. Und erneath the crab, all around , will be fo und a dar k mar k in the shell ; kn ock well on the inside of thi s and the piece will break away . Remove the flesh, bein g careful not to use that which is greeni sh-loo king and mixed with curious coar se hairs. Keep some nice white shred s for garni sh and mix the remainder of the flesh w ith the dr essing . Serve in indi vidual portions in PYR EX ramekins . Sprinkle that kept for garnish on tops and pipe a ro w of bri ght red co ral butter around the edge. N ext put a row of green butter, and then one of plain white butter. 19 HEXAGONAL PJE PLATE No. 1203. Prn PLATES No. 205-206-207-208-209-2 10. CAKE DISH (Shal/01v) No. 220. TART DrsH No. 202. CAKE DtsH (Round) No . 221.

PIE PLATES AND CAKE DISHES IE plate s and cake pans of PYREX insure a good bake on the bottom Pand opportunity to see, before the food is taken from the oven, whether it is sufficientl y baked or not. As a rule, pies are cut and served at the table, and how much nicer they lo ok when baked in PYREX ! Cakes, alth ough not often served in the pans in which they are baked, come out with a beautifully browned bottom when baked in PYREX. And how man y other things these dishes can be used for, the cook never knows until she finds herself selectin g them for baked sandwiche s, and biscuits, puff paste patties and French pastries, as well as for :-

App le tart. Cherry tart. Rhubarb tart. Cranberry tart. Banana tart. Ban bury tart. Date pie. or: - Mince pies. Choco late pie with w hipp ed Open sq uash pie. Lemon merin g ue pie. cream. Open custard p ie.

Delici ous ly light layer cakes may easily be made in the deep or sha llow cake dishes, and for .filling any of the following ma y be used :-

Jams of all sorts. Pineapple, fresh or tinned. Strawberries. Stewed app les. Oranges. Prunes and dried apricots cooked together. Peaches, fresh or tinned. Cream. Apr icots, fresh or tinn ed.

They may be garnished with whipped cream or dredged with sugar.

20 Apple Flan Chocolate lvleringue Icing PYR EX P m PLAT E. Ingredients : Ingredients : 2 oz. butter 4 oz. choco late 2 oz. icing sugar 6 oz. icing suga r Cold water Yi lb . flour 4 w hites of eggs Yi teaspoonful vanilla 4 oz. mar gar ine 1 lb . appl es and lard 3 oz. sugar Method: Pinch of salt Pinch nutm eg Cream th e butter and 2 ozs. of icin g sugar together. Melt the choco late over Method: hot water and beat the w hites very stiffly, Make short crust pastry. Lin e P YREX then beat in the 6 ozs. of icing sugar. plate with pastry. Fill plate w ith alternate Comb ine the mixtures and add vanilla . layers of apple and sugar. Cover with Pu t between the layers of cake and spread strip s of pastr y laid on criss-cross. Wet on top. Decorate to taste. edges of pie and cove r with str ips of past ry. Bru sh with beaten egg or milk. Bake 30 to 40 minute s in moderate ove n. Chocolate Tart PYR EX No. 202 Method: Spice Cake Lin e a PYREX tart dish wi th short cru st PYRE X CAKE DI SH pastry. Place over pastry a piece of grease d paper, and half fill the plate with rice to Ingredients : keep the pastry from rising ou t of shape . 3 oz. butter or Yi cupful milk Bake in a hot oven . When cool fill w ith margarine 6 oz. stoned muscatels choco late filling. May be decorate d with Yi lb . sugar 10 oz. flour w hippe d cream, if desire d . 2 eggs 1 level teaspoonful bi- Yi teaspoonful salt carbonate of soda Filling for Chocolate Tart )4 teaspoo nful mace } or 1 teaspoonfu l Y2tea spoo nful cmnamon of mixed sp ice Ingredients : teaspoonfu l cloves Yi 11zpint milk )4 oz. gelatine Method: 2 oz. chocolate Vani lla Cream butt er and suga r, add the eggs one '!4 oz. cornflour 2 eggs at a tim e, beatin g well. Mix fruit wi th Method: the flour sifted wit h salt, cinnamon, mace and Melt the choco late wit h % of the milk in clo ves. Add to the cake mixture wit h the a saucepan. Pour over milk and soda. Bake in two g reased P YRE X th e co rnflour and sugar cake dishes for 30 minutes in a moderate mixed wit h the remaining ove n. Put together with almond icing milk. Stir in the two between and on top . Dec orate wit h almonds yolks. Return to sauce- blanched and shredded, and brown in the pan and cook 2 minutes, oven. stirring all the time. Coo l, add vani lla and ge lat ine dissolved in a little water. Stir in Chocolate Lt91er Cake the two w hites stiffly PY REX No. 221 beaten. Pour into the crust. Ingredients : )4 lb. flour )4 teaspoonful baking Vt lb . butt er powder Yi lb. sugar teaspoonful vani lla 1 )4 oz. g rated essence chocolate tablespoonful milk 2 eggs M ethod: Cream th e butter and sugar together until the y are w hite. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Sift the flour, grated chocolate and bakin g powder together, and fold them lig htl y in. Add vani lla essence. Pu t into greased PYREX cake dishes and bake about 45 minut es in a moderate oven.

2I i\!usHROOM DI SHES No. 642-645. BEAN PoT No. 502-504-506 . D1v10ED D1sH No. 130. L'ID IVIDUAL Soup PoT No . 500 . SPECIAL DISHES HESE are designed for when dishes different from the usua l household T routine of menus may be required; or for when there is a particular dish especi ally popular with the family, and for which one of these specia l dishes may be more adaptable than any of tho se previously mentioned. The use of tinned foods is steadily on the increase, since it means such a saving of time and energy, and in the two compartment dish above, two sorts of vegetab les may be heated up together, or one meat or fish dish and one vegetab le. Heated with butter or covered with white sauce or bread crumbs, these dishes take on a new significance . Vegetables, plain, mashed or stuffed become increa singl y popular. The following are a few examples:- Green peas and shredded carrots. Meat hash and scalloped tomato. Scalloped to matoes and creamed spinach . Cheese and baked potatoes . Baked eggs and bacon and creamed potato. Scalloped oysters and creamed asparagus. Eggs with tomato sauce and mashed potato. The g lass marmite s are mo st attractive for serving individual portion s of soup to each guest, or for keeping extra portions hot in the oven ; and they are just the things for the invalid tray . The French are famed for their cookery, and no hou sehold in France is complete without its " petite marmite." PYREX marmite s are a great advance on the old earthenware ones, both in appearance and in the flavour the y impart to the food. Soups of all sorts may be used in them and many other dishes, such as apple sauce or pears baked until a deep red in colour. Mushrooms are delicious, but no one who ha not tasted them cooked in glass und er a glass cover has known the foll perfection of their flavour. The cover should, under no circumstances be removed unti l / laced upon the table, and then only by the person for whom it is intende . Then the delightful aroma adds perfection to the dish. Mushroom may be serve d by themselves, or between the toast there may be half a swee tbread, or the breast of a bo iled hen with or without ham. PYREX bean pot s are imm ensely popu lar for baked beans and tomato sauce or for serving green peas. They have also been found ideal for serving jugge d hare. Duchess Potatoes J..lushrooms under Glass

PY REX UTILITY Dr s H P YREX M USHROOM DI SH AN D COV ER I11gredie11ts: Method : 2 lbs. potat oes 1 table spoo nfu l cream T oas t a slice of bread on both sides, place 3 yolks o f eggs Pepp er, alt and on PY REX mu shroo m dish and butt er on 2 oz. melted butt er nutm eg th e to p side. Pile the peeled and cleaned M ethod : mu shroo ms up on the toas t, spri nkle with salt, peppe r and lemo n juice, and put small Nice mealy pot at oes are requ ired fo r thi s pieces of but te r on th e top. Cove r w ith dish . Wa sh, peel and boi l th e potatoes, · PYREX cove r and bak e fo r abo ut 20 drai n off th e water and dr y them in the m inut es in a moderate ov en . oven, then rub them qui ckly thro ug h a wire sieve. Whil e th ey are warm mix them w ith the yo lks o f eggs, bu tter and cream. Seaso n with pepp er, salt and gra ted Haricot Beans ivith V egetables nutme g . W hen we ll mi xed, Jay th is on a Aoured board and di vide int o twelve P YREX B EAN P OT pieces of equa l size ; shape eac h piece into lngrediwts : a square, mark with a kni fe, put th em in % pint beans Pin ch bi-carbonat e a buttered PYREX uti lity dish, egg over Y2 teaspoo nfu l salt soda the surface, bak e in a quick ove n and serve. % teas poo nfu l % lb. salt fat bacon pepper I onion I oz . butt er I small carr ot

Beef T ea Method: P YREX No . 502 Soak the beans ov ern ight in boiling water l11gredients : with pin ch bi -carbonate of soda. Wa sh and Ji:!l b. g ravy beef % pint wa ter d rain and p ut into a glass po t, sprink le with salt and pepp er. Cut th e baco n int o small Method : pieces, put in to fr ying pan and fry unti l the Take the beef and cut it up very finely, fat is d raw n . Take out baco n and put int o remov ing all the skin and fat, then put it the bean pot w ith beans. F ry the onion into a PYREX po t w ith half-a-pint of sliced and car rot cut int o dice until br ow n. water. Stand the pot in a saucepan of Add to the beans w ith bu tter in small pieces ; boiling water for 3 hours, o r in the oven mix gent ly wit h a fo rk . Pour on enough for I Y2 hour s. Stra in, seaso n, and serve cold water to nearly cover the bean s, and in the indi vidu al No. 500 soup pot. cook m a slow ove n unt il the beans are soft ( 4 to 5 ho urs). 1\dd more Beans and Potatoes wate r if it boils awa y. Serve from P YREX B EAN P OT the bean pot. Ingredie11ts: Ji:!pint haricot beans I desserts poo nful Yi pint tomato pur ee tr eacle % lb. salt po rk Salt I qu art bo iling Peppe r wa ter I teaspoon ful bi-ca rbo nate soda Method: Soak bean s ove rnig ht in bo iling wate r with soda. Wash we ll and put int o a bean pot. Slice p::>rk and add ro beans wi th seaso ning. Coo k in a mo dera te ove n 2 hour s. Add tomat o pur ee and coo k half-hour. PLATTER O. 3 13. TILE o. 706. TRAY No. 708.

PLATTERS AND TRAYS F you have ever tried to lift a large baked fish from pan to serving dish I without breaking the fish, you will, without hesitation, welcome the platter which makes the tran sfer unnece ssary . The platter is un surpa ssed for cooking fish, chops, stea ks, etc. PYREX not only cooks them more thoro ughl y and tenderly, but keep s them hot during the entire meal. The platt er looks delightful when the meat or fish is garn ished with a border of vege tabl es or potatoes.

Baked stuffed haddock. Lemon sole. Baked mackerel wit h milk or cream. Codfis h puff. Baked Finnan haddock. Baked soft mackere l. Baked fish w ith oyster stuffing . Spinach w ith fillets of sole. Halibut. Baked Finnan hadd ock with white sauce and small potatoes. are a few suggest ions for which the platter may be used.

The PYRE X trays are excellent for baking small cakes of all descriptions, and turn overs.

The y may also be used as cake or sandwich tray s at tea, or take the place of mat s und er the cassero les and puddin g dishes. They look very ornamental and pre ve nt the table being spoilt by the heat. Again, they may be used as teapot stand s, and match perfectly the PYREX teapot s.

Don't scour any more bak;ng tins I Do aivqy for ever JVith that hand-roughening drudgery I Use the baking ware that never dents, discolours, wears through or leak s, and in which acid foods can stand indefinitely and never take the taste of the pan . Use PYR EX ove nwa re for all your cooking ! Fi/Jets of Salmon Date Rock Cakes PYR EX No. 313 PYREX BrscurT PAN OR TRAY Ingredients : Ingredients : 1 lb. or tin of Yzlemon 8 oz. flour salmon Chopped parsley I grate of nutmeg 2 to 4 oz. chopped 2 oz. flour 2 tablespoonful s 3 oz. melted dripping dat es 2 oz. butter I egg buttered crumbs 4 oz. sugar )4 onion or Seasonin g I tablespoonful milk Yz I teaspoo nful baking small shallot I oz. candied peel powder lvfethod: Method: Grease PYREX platter. Arrange fillets of Sieve flour, baking powder and nutmeg. fish. Sprinkle onion finely chopped and Rub in fat with finger-tips . Stir in sugar, seasoning. Spread with flour and butter chopped peel and dates. Beat the egg and creamed together. Bake_ in a. moderate milk, add to dr y ingredients, and mix to oven for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with buttered stiff paste. Put rough heaps on greased crumbs. Bake till brown. Garnish wit h biscuit pan and bake in hot oven 15 minutes. slices of lemon, cucumber and chopped parsley.

Ginger Biscuits Nut and Raisin Cookies PYREX AN BrsCUIT p PYREX BrsCUIT PA N OR TRAY Ingredients : Ingredients : 2 oz. lard 2 teaspoonfuls groun d 5 oz. flour 2 oz. sugar g inger I oz. castor sugar Salt I egg 10 oz. flour I teaspoonful I teaspoonful baking I oz. raisins stoned and 2 oz. treacle cinnamon powder chopped ~ to pint boiling \4 \4 teaspoonfu I cloves I oz. butter water I oz. chopped wain u ts \4 teaspoonful I tablespoonful milk 1 teaspoonful salt bi-carbonate soda Method: Method: Melt fat in boiling water. Add sugar and Rub the butter into the flour, add all dr y treacle. Sift flour, soda, salt and sp ice, and ingredients. Beat up egg and _mix with the stir in. When cool, roll out thinly and cut milk. Add to the dry rngred1ents, rmxing into fancy shape s. Bake in moderate oven lig htl y. Put in heap s on till firm (20 minutes). a grease d PYREX tray. Bake in a quick ove n for about 20 minutes. Fish and Tomato Sattce

PYREX No. 313 Ingredients : 2 small bream, I wineglass of wine, if gurnet or fresh desired hadd ock I oz. butter I small onion 6 tomatoes Yz pint tomato Pepper and salt sauce Choppe d parsley Pepperc orns Method: Scale wash and dry the fish. Sprinkle with pcpp~r and salt. Place it '?n a large buttered PYREX dish. Chop onions and parsley, and wine if used, and put on the top of the fish with a few sma ll pieces of butter. . Bake in a moderate oven for about 20 minutes. Pour the tomato sauce over the fish. Remov_e the stem and top of the tomatoes, or if large, cut in half and arrange round the fish. Return to the oven for a further 20 minutes. 25 AFTERNOON TEA P YREX teapots and hot water jugs are made of tbe same transparent material as the wonderfu l PYREX ovenware.

See the tea brewing-know when it is just the right strength. The crystal, clear transparency of PYREX permits you to see right into the pot . Tea is always clear and fragrant at exactly tbe desired strength. A PYREX teapot also saves embarrassment. You always see how much is left in the pot.

It is not only tbe usefulness of PYREX teapots that mak es them so desirable. Their transparency and their beautifully designed shapes add charm to any table, harmonising with all other appointments.

PYREX teapots will stand the hottest water witbout breaking. Their spouts are made to pour freely and clean easily, and the handles are shaped t~ fit the hand. Tea is kept hot for a long time, but the handle always stays cool.

PYREX tumbl ers can be obtaine d in half-pint sizes, with or witho ut bandles and with straight or flanged top. Useful for hot milk or water.

No. 22 -24-26 . 26 SANDWICHES o have sandwich es in eerfection the bread should not be more than one day old. Butter, 1f beaten to a cream, will spread more easily. TSandwiches can be cut into various shape s-s quare, oblong, round, and sho uld be se_rved on folded napkin s. The best way to keep sandwiches fresh and moist IS to cover them with a damp napkin until req uired . Chicken and Ham Sand1JJiches Sa/ad Sandwiches 1 oz. butter 2 oz. cooked chicken Slices of brown Egg sandwich mixture Yz oz. cooked ham Salt and pepper bread and butter or ma yonnaise I tablespoonful w hit e Slices of thin bread bask et of cress Salt and pepper sauce and butter I lettuce l'VIethod : Method: Pound the chicken, butter, white sauce and ham in a mortar, season we ll and rub throu gh Thorough ly wash the cres s and lettuc e and a wire sieve. Spread some of this mixture dr y we ll. Shred lettuce . Cut thin slices on a slice of bread and butter, cover with of bread and butter. Spread with sand wich anot her slice, and cut into fancy shapes . mixture, sprinkle wit h cress, etc. Season well and cover with a seco nd slice. Cut in fancy shapes. If using , mix Salmon Sandwiches with salad befo re spreadin g. tablespoonful lax Anc hovy essence (smoke d salmon) Seasoning 2 hard-boiled eggs Bread and butter Tolllato Sand1JJiches I oz. butter Method: 2 tomatoes Salt, pepper and uga r Put the lax, , yo lks of eggs , butter Thin slices of bread (op tional) and seaso nin g into a mortar, pound until and butt er Lemo n juice o r vinegar smooth, then rub through a hair sieve . Method: Egg Sandwiches Skin the tomatoes, cut in thin slices. Season and put between slices of bread and butter . 2 hard-boiled eggs Salt, pepper and These sandwiches sho uld be prepared fresh ly oz. butter cayenne when required. M ethod: Chop eggs finely, pound w i h butter and seaso nin g, and rub throu gh a sieve. Cheese S and2JJiches Anchovy and Egg Sandwiches oz. gra ted cheese Yzteaspoonfu l made mustard 2 hard-boi led eggs Salt, pepper and oz. butter teaspoonful vinegar I oz. butter cayenne hard -boi led yolk Yz Thin slices of brown teaspoonful Bread and butter, or of egg Yz bread and butter anchovy essence butt ere d sandwich Salt, pepper and Yz teaspoonful rolls cayenne anchovy paste M ethod: Method: Pound all ingredients in Pound the eggs, anchovies, a mortar and rub through butter , anchovy essence and a wire sieve. Spread seasoning in a mortar, then thinly on bread and rub throu g h a hair sieve. butter.

No. 2 No. 4.

No . 42-44-46. No. 12-14-16. No . 32-34-36. 27 THE CARE OF PYREX, P YREX ovenware is guaranteed for use in the oven o y, and no responsibility can be accepted if used in any other "' ,1·

It should not be used on top of a gas ring or in dir ect con, ,ct with a flame. The sbelf in a gas oven should be so adjusted tl at there is no possibility of the gas flames coming into actual con ::c<·, with the ware.

\'X/ithelectric cookers, *PYREX sbould not be used for cooki, ·. on top of the boilin g plate. PYREX will not break from o, -~ , heat, and given ordinary care will give long and satisfact~, · service. Never pour cold water into a hot dish.

In taking a hot PYREX dish from the oven it sbould not , . set on a cold marble slab or similar cold object. Damp clci.... should never be used in handlin g hot dishes.

Use PYREX as you do any other ovenware , greasing well bef, , _ putting food mixtures in for cookin g. If foods bake on to r:-e edges of the dishes they can be quickl y removed with cleansi : ·; powder used on the dish-cl oth. They can then be washed ~l:, : dried in the usual way and will become sparklin g and clc" . 1. Another and even easier way is to fill the dish with cold w: ,::: to which a little washing powder has been added and heat in : i ,.: oven, or immer se it in a pan of cold water on top of the st, ,y ;:: and heat until boilin g. * Registered Trade l\lark.

PYREX GUARANTEE PYREX dishes, or parts which are defecti ve, or which break in actual use in an oven within six months of their purchase, will be exchanged by your dealer for a new dish or part FREE.


PAG E PAGE .-,,1L f'lan...... 2 I O xtai l, Cassero le of...... 5 fie I I On ion s, Stuffed ...... II .Jbet ;ine au Gratin ...... 13 ! Po tat o Pie, Chicken and Mu shro om . . r 3 n :.n• Haric ot, with Vegetables .. 23 Potat oes, Baked ...... 7 1 n, 1 Pota toes ..... 23 Duchess ...... 23 l~, •( ! 1 Cas erole 7 in Jack ets ... . . 7 vt r 2a ...... 23 M ashed, with Cheese . . . 9 Puddin g, Baked Batte r ...... , ...... 19 : :;, : , rs, Chocolate. 17 Br ead and Butt er ; .1ger 25 9 Cheese ...... 17 Dr:,, ...... 17 H ot Cabinet 9 Winter Fruit .. II C'a, Chocolate Layer . . 2I ) 1' ~ 11 Rice and Salmon, Scalloped . . 13 .•, Date Rock . . .. Salmon, Fillets of...... 25 ;.i ;)\ver au Gratin 9 Sauce, Fish and Tomato...... 25 • ". Brai sed .. . 5 H orsera di sh ...... 5 ~t-Pot ...... 5 J am...... 9 . ,·., Puddin g .. . r7 \'('hire . . 13 :i, . 1 r·n and Mu sh roo m Potato Pie 13 Sandwiches, A nch ovy and Egg ...... 27 , J Spinach au G ratin .. 7 Chicken and Ham...... 27 Ci- , date Merin gue Icin g .. 2 1 Cheese ...... 27 r::gg...... 27 (' , , il!s, Nut and Raisin .... Salad 27 Cr ,· ge Pie ...... n s~lmon 27 ·, Dre ssed ... . 19 T oma ro 27 (.,, ,bs, Butter ed r 9 Savoury Cus tard ...... 13 Scones, Baki ng Pow de r. 17 Bak ed .... 19 Shepherd's Pie ... II Shrimps au Gratin .. I ·,.· au Gratin ...... II r9 ' i·,:ets of Salmon ...... Soup, Artichoke ...... 3 ~ · .1lloped...... 9 Cabbage ...... 3 :\.(acaro ni ...... ;~ 1 Buns .. . . 3 , -lling ... . i\filk ...... 3 Summer Lenti l . . 3 ) ,a : · and Pora to Hot-Pot ...... 5 Tomato .. 3 Spinach and Tomatoes ... 7 5

Tart, Choco late ...... 21 .~· ,oco late j\feringuc ...... 11 Fi lling for Choco late ...... 21 auce ...... 9 Tomatoes, Stuffed ...... 17

.oter, Stuffed au Cratin ...... r9 Yegetab les au Gratin...... 13 in Pyrex ...... 7 ' ., ·irooms under Glass ...... 23 \ ' egetable Marrow, Baked, wit h Bacon.. 7

Oj, FOAMJI' °' SONS, NOTTINGHAM RA~,~1~iimm1111nr 1000147684



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